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Ahastari Nataliza
Abstrak :
Peristiwa ditinggalkan oleh orang yang dicintai terkategori ke dalam pengalaman traumatis karena peristiwa tersebut terjadi tanpa kesanggupan seseorang untuk mengendalikan yang diikuti dengan perasaan tak berdaya. Individu berusia dewasa muda yang mengalami kematian salah satu orangtuanya menjadi partisipan dalam penelitian ini; dimana berbagai tugas perkembangan dalam masa ini harus dijalankan agar tercapainya kemantapan dalam fase kehidupan dewasa berikutnya. Terapi Posttraumatic Growth Path (PTGP) dipilih menjadi salah satu metode intervensi untuk membantu individu mencapai pertumbuhan pasca trauma dengan pemaknaan yang lebih positif. Terapi dilakukan secara individual yang terdiri dari 4 sesi (deal, feel, heal, dan seal) dan berlangsung selama 5 minggu. Desain penelitian adalah pretest posttest dengan pemilihan partisipan menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Partisipan adalah tiga individu dewasa muda (19-25 tahun) yang mengalami kematian salah satu orangtuanya dan mengeluhkan beberapa simtom gangguan stres pasca trauma serta kesulitannya untuk mengatasi perasaan berdukanya. Untuk mengukur efektivitas terapi, partisipan diwawancarai dan mengisi kuesioner Posttraumatic Growth Inventory (PTGI). Setelah intervensi dilakukan, ketiga partisipan menunjukkan adanya penurunan simtom pada stres pasca trauma yang dirasakan dan kesiapan untuk melangkah maju melanjutkan kehidupannya. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa PTGP dapat membantu meningkatkan pertumbuhan pasca trauma dan mengurangi simtom-simtom psikologis yang dialami individu. Penelitian selanjutnya dapat difokuskan untuk menyediakan intervensi psikologis pada individu yang mengalami kematian anggota keluarga lainnya atau pasangan hidup pada masa perkembangan lainnya. ......The event of death of the loved one is categorized as a traumatic event because the person who experienced does not have the control to prevent followed by a feeling of helplessness. Young adults who experienced grieving caused by the death one of the parents participated in this study. The developmental task during young adults has to be on its course for them to be able to establish firmly in the next adult developmental phase. The Posttraumatic Growth Path (PTGP) model therapy was chosen to be one of the intervention methods to help those individual to experienced posttraumatic growth and to have better and positive understanding of the event. This therapy was conducted individually which consist of four session (deal, feel, heal and seal) in five weeks. This study design is pre test post test with purposive sampling method in selecting the participants. The participants are three young adults who experienced the death one of the parents and reported symptoms of posttraumatic stress and also difficulties in overcoming the grieving reactions. To determine the effectivity of the therapy, participants was interviewed and filling in the questionnaire Posttraumatic Growth Inventory (PTGI). After the intervention, all of the three participants reported reduction of the symptoms; more adaptive to the changes occurred after the death, and readiness to step forward to continue living. This result shows that Posttraumatic Growth Path (PTGP) was proved to be able to enhance posttraumatic growth. Future research must focus on the intervention to individual who experienced the death of other family member or spousal death in other developmental period.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sagita Sun Servanda
Abstrak :
Memasuki kehidupan perkawinan tidak semudah yang dibayangkan. Setiap pasangan membutuhkan kesiapan dan keterampilan yang dibutuhkan untuk dapat saling menyesuaikan diri dengan pasangan dan kehidupan perkawinan agar dapat mempertahankan hubungan yang mereka miliki. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji efektivitas program persiapan pra-perkawinan yang mengadaptasi program PREPARE (Premarital Preparation and Relationship Enhancement) yang dikembangkan oleh David H. Olson, bagi pasangan yang berencana menikah. Terdapat tiga pasangan yang berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini. Setiap pasangan menjalani empat kali sesi yang masing-masing dilaksanakan satu kali dalam seminggu. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa secara kuantitatif tidak ditemukan perubahan skor. Akan tetapi, secara kualitatif ketiganya menunjukkan perubahan yang positif. Seluruh partisipan berhasil menerapkan teknik mendengar aktif dan menyampaikan pesan dengan teknik I message, mengekspresikan harapan dalam perkawinan kepada pasangannya, mendiskusikan persamaan dan perbedaan yang ada antar pasangan, menyusun aktivitas bersama, dan menerapkan 10 langkah penyelesaian konflik.
First year of marriage can be stressful. A healthy marriage is maintained by building closeness, satisfaction, and stability in a marriage in which is not easy to achieve. It required couple readiness and skills in adjusting to new life. This study aimed to test the effectiveness of marriage preparation programs designed by adapting PREPARE (Premarital Preparation and Relationship Enhancement) Program for premarital couples by David H. Olson. There are three couples who participated in this study. Every couple underwent four sessions, each held once a week. Quantitatively, there is no major change within couple‟s scores. However, all three showed positive change, qualitatively. All participants successfully applied active listening and „I message‟ techniques, expressing their hope in marriage, discuss the similarities and differences between partners, arrange joint activities, and apply the 10 steps of conflict resolution.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Luh Putu Suta Haryanthi
Abstrak :
Peranan pasangan sangat penting dalam memberikan dukungan emosional kepada penderita kanker payudara agar dapat mereduksi gejala stres terkait kanker dengan coping yang lebih adaptif. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji efektivitas metode Couples Focused Group Intervention (CFGI) dalam meningkatkan kualitas coping, mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya dan bagaimana peran pasangan. Desain penelitian ini adalah one group design dengan membandingkan skor pada skala IDS dan skala CCQ sebelum (Pre-test) dan sesudah (Post-test) memperoleh perlakuan berupa metode CFGI. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode CFGI efektif dalam meningkatkan kualitas coping pada penderita kanker payudara pada partisipan penelitian. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi peningkatan kualitas coping pada partisipan adalah 1) faktor internal meliputi kemampuan mengekspresikan pikiran secara terbuka, motivasi dan komitmen yang kuat, penerimaan diri, pikiran yang positif dan rasional serta 2) faktor eksternal yaitu keterlibatan pasangan dalam pengelolaan kanker. Penderita kanker mencari dukungan emosional dari pasangannya dan lebih mampu membangun pola komunikasi pasangan yang efektif saat penderita mengungkapkan pikiran dan perasaannya.
The involvement of partner is very important to give emotional support for breast cancer patient, in reducing stress symptoms related cancer with more adaptive coping strategies. The objective of this present research is discovering the effectiveness of Couples Focused Group Intervention (CFGI) method to increase the quality of coping on breast cancer patients, the factors are involved and finding the contributions of partner on it. The research uses one group pretest posttest design. The result shows that CFGI method is effective to increase the quality of coping on breast cancer patients. The factors which involved to increase the quality of coping are 1) internal factors such as the ability to express thoughts openly, high level of internal motivation and commitment to personal growth, acceptance, positive and rationale thinking, and 2) external factor such as the involvement of partner in managing cancer. This research illustrated that patients look for emotional support from their partner and able to establish higher couple's communication effectively, when the patient express their thoughts and feelings.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tiara Puspita Ningrum
Abstrak :
Besarnya jumlah wanita bekerja di DKI Jakarta saat ini menunjukan bahwa para wanita saat ini memegang banyak peran dalam hidupnya. Semakin banyak peran yang dipegang meningkatkan resiko para wanita untuk mengalami role overload dan distres. Distres yang dialami seseorang diketahui memiliki dampak negatif pada diri dan lingkungannya. Wanita multiperan yang mengalami distres tidak hanya merugikan dirinya sendiri, tetapi juga berpotensi menimbulkan dampak negatif bagi perkembangan bayi, konflik dengan pasangan, keluarga, rekan kerja, hingga orangtua. Telah diketahui bahwa pemberian intervensi menggunakan teknik manajemen stres menjadi salah satu alternatif untuk membantu mengelola stres yang dialami oleh para wanita yang memiliki anak. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan memodifikasi teknik manajemen stres LivingSMART dan menggunakan bentuk intervensi kelompok. Tujuan dari pemberian intervensi ini adalah untuk memberikan teknik-teknik yang dapat membantu proses penyesuaian emosional dan menurunkan tingkat distres para wanita multiperan, khususnya pada ibu bekerja dalam periode postpartum. Program manajemen stres LivingSMART yang telah dimodifikasi kemudian dinamakan ?Stress Management Program for New Moms?. Program ini dilaksanakan selama lima sesi mingguan yang masing-masing berlangsung selama 90 menit. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa intervensi manajemen stres dapat memberikan dampak positif pada para partisipan, seperti meningkatkan kemampuan mengenali stresor dan mengenali reaksi stres yang dialami, menurunkan tingkat stres, serta meningkatkan kemampuan penggunaan teknik relaksasi, meditasi, dan visual imagery
The large number of working women in Jakarta nowadays shows that women currently hold many roles in their life. It increases the risk of women to experience role overload and distress. Distress experienced by an individual known to have some negative impacts on themselves and their environment. Multiple role women experiencing distress not only hurt themselves, but also potentially harm the development of the baby, causing conflicts with their partner, family, co-workers, and also their parents and in-laws. It is known that the administration of the intervention using stress management techniques became one of the alternatives to help manage stress experienced by women who have children. This thesis was carried out by modifying the LivingSMART stress management techniques and was using group intervention. The purpose of this intervention is to provide techniques that can help the process of emotional adjustment and to reduce the distress levels of multiple role women, in particular on working mothers in the postpartum period. LivingSMART stress management program that has been modified, then called "Stress Management Program for New Moms". The program is implemented for five weekly sessions, each lasting 90 minutes. These results indicate that stress management interventions have some positive impacts on the participants, such as improving the ability to identify and recognize the stressors experienced stress reactions, reducing stress levels, and improving the ability to use relaxation techniques, meditation, and visual imagery.;The large number of working women in Jakarta nowadays shows that women currently hold many roles in their life. It increases the risk of women to experience role overload and distress. Distress experienced by an individual known to have some negative impacts on themselves and their environment. Multiple role women experiencing distress not only hurt themselves, but also potentially harm the development of the baby, causing conflicts with their partner, family, co-workers, and also their parents and in-laws. It is known that the administration of the intervention using stress management techniques became one of the alternatives to help manage stress experienced by women who have children. This thesis was carried out by modifying the LivingSMART stress management techniques and was using group intervention. The purpose of this intervention is to provide techniques that can help the process of emotional adjustment and to reduce the distress levels of multiple role women, in particular on working mothers in the postpartum period. LivingSMART stress management program that has been modified, then called "Stress Management Program for New Moms". The program is implemented for five weekly sessions, each lasting 90 minutes. These results indicate that stress management interventions have some positive impacts on the participants, such as improving the ability to identify and recognize the stressors experienced stress reactions, reducing stress levels, and improving the ability to use relaxation techniques, meditation, and visual imagery., The large number of working women in Jakarta nowadays shows that women currently hold many roles in their life. It increases the risk of women to experience role overload and distress. Distress experienced by an individual known to have some negative impacts on themselves and their environment. Multiple role women experiencing distress not only hurt themselves, but also potentially harm the development of the baby, causing conflicts with their partner, family, co-workers, and also their parents and in-laws. It is known that the administration of the intervention using stress management techniques became one of the alternatives to help manage stress experienced by women who have children. This thesis was carried out by modifying the LivingSMART stress management techniques and was using group intervention. The purpose of this intervention is to provide techniques that can help the process of emotional adjustment and to reduce the distress levels of multiple role women, in particular on working mothers in the postpartum period. LivingSMART stress management program that has been modified, then called "Stress Management Program for New Moms". The program is implemented for five weekly sessions, each lasting 90 minutes. These results indicate that stress management interventions have some positive impacts on the participants, such as improving the ability to identify and recognize the stressors experienced stress reactions, reducing stress levels, and improving the ability to use relaxation techniques, meditation, and visual imagery.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arindina Meisitta Widhikora
Abstrak :
Tesis ini meneliti mengenai peran traits kepribadian terhadap gaya pengambilan keputusan pada mahasiswa. Teori traits yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Five-Factor Model of Personality (McCrae & Costa (1990), dengan lima buah faktor yaitu neuroticism, extraversion, openness to experience, agreeableness, dan conscientiousness. Gaya pengambilan keputusan adalah kecenderungan yang dimiliki seseorang dalam proses pengambilan keputusan dalam berbagai situasi (Scott & Bruce, 1995), dan terdiri dari gaya rasional, dependen, intuitif, avoidant dan spontaneous. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain noneksperimental dan cross-sectional. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat korelasi yang signifikan antara traits kepribadian dan gaya pengambilan keputusan. Traits kepribadian juga memberikan kontribusi sebesar 10% hingga 23.3% terhadap munculnya gaya pengambilan keputusan. ...... The focus of this thesis is to study the role of personality traits in decision makingstyles in undergraduate students. The trait theory used in this study is the Five-Factor Model of Personality (McCrae & Costa, 1990), which consists of neuroticism, extraversion, openness to experience, agreeableness and conscientiousness. Decision making-style is defined as an individual's tendency to behave when faced with decision making process (Scott & Bruce, 1995), and consists of rational, intuitive, dependent, avoidant and spontaneous styles. This study is a quantitative research with a non-experimental and cross-sectional design. This study shows that there are significant correlations between personality traits and decision making-styles. Furthermore, personality traits also contribute, between 10% to 23.3%, to the emergence of decision making-styles.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agnes Aan
Abstrak :
Merawat penderita stroke kerap memunculkan stres dan pengalaman emosional negatif yang menjadi beban psikologis bagi anggota keluarga yang menjadi caregiver. Pemahaman yang kurang mengenai penyakit seringkali memunculkan asumsi keliru terhadap situasi yang dihadapi oleh caregiver selama merawat yang kemudian berkontribusi dalam peningkatan stres caregiver. Jika tidak ditangani, beban caregiver dapat menurunkan kualitas hidup caregiver sekaligus mempengaruhi kualitas perawatan yang diterima penderita stroke. Psikoedukasi merupakan program yang bertujuan untuk mengembangkan pengetahuan dan membangun keterampilan yang dibutuhkan caregiver dalam menjalankan tugas perawatan. Penelitian ini menggunakan one group before after pretest - posttest design, dengan memberikan psikoedukasi kepada 3 orang anggota keluarga penderita stroke yang menjadi caregiver sebagai partisipan. Analisis dilakukan dengan membandingkan hasil pengukuran pretest dan posttest. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa psikoedukasi berhasil membantu mengurangi beban caregiver pada 2 partisipan yang ditunjukkan oleh penurunan skor ZBI dan GHQ dan perubahan positif yang dirasakan caregiver. ......Caring for patients with stroke often has stress and negative emotional experiences as its consequences and become a psychological burden for family members who become caregivers. Knowledge deficits often contribute to false assumptions which inadvertently exacerbate stress levels in caregivers If left untreated, caregiver burden will decrease caregiver 39 s quality of life as well affects the quality of care received by stroke patients. Psychoeducation is a program aimed to improve knowledge and build the skills needed by caregiver in caregiving tasks. This study used a one group before after pretest posttest design, by providing psychoeducation to 3 family caregivers who became participants. The analysis was done by comparing the measurement results of pretest and posttest. The results showed that psychoeducation helped reducing caregiver burden of 2 participants, indicated by the decrease in ZBI and GHQ scores and perceived positive changes by the caregivers.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Desri Alina
Abstrak :
Wanita yang menjadi istri anggota TNI dihadapkan pada perubahan status dan peran yang kompleks. Peran ini mencakup sebagai ibu, istri, pekerja dan anggota organisasi PIA Ardhya Garini. Seiring bertambahnya peran maka telah menciptakan sumber stres bagi istri. Tujuan dari pemberian intervensi ini adalah untuk menurunkan tingkat stres terkait multi peran dengan cara meningkatkan keterampilan manajemen stres yang dapat membantu istri mengelola stresnya. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mengacu kepada Pelatihan Manajemen Stres Dengan Model Terintegrasi oleh Saul Neves de Jesus et al 2014 yang menggunakan bentuk intervensi kelompok dan telah disesuaikan bagi partisipan penelitian. Intervensi dilaksanakan enam sesi yang masing-masing berlangsung 90 menit. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian kuasi eksperimental, before-after study design terhadap 4 partisipan yang mengalami stres terkait multi peran. Partisipan mengalami stres terkait multi peran yang berdampak pada fisik, emosional, dan perilakunya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa intervensi manajemen stres efektif menurunkan tingkat stres partisipan. Namun manajemen stres belum secara efektif menurunkan tingkat stres pada partisipan N. Secara umum partisipan berhasil mengidentifikasi sumber stres terkait multi perannya, dampak stres dan kemampuan pemilihan coping yang tepat mengatasi stres melalui ketrampilan relaksasi, restrukturisasi kognitif, dan menentukan skala prioritas untuk mengatasi stresnya.
Women who become wives of TNI members are faced with complex status and role changes. This role includes as a mother, wife, worker and member of the PIA Ardhya Garini organization. As the role increases it has created a source of stress for the wife. The purpose of this intervention is to reduce the level of stress associated with multi role by improving stress management skills that can help the wife manage her stress. The study was conducted with reference to the Stress Management Training Model Integrated by Saul Neves de Jesus et al 2014 using a group intervention form and was adapted for the study participants. Intervention held six sessions each lasting 90 minutes. This study used quasi experimental research design, before after study design on 4 participants who experienced stress related multi role. Participants experience stress related multi role that impact on physical, emotional, and behavior. The results showed that stress management interventions effectively decreased participants 39 stress levels. However, stress management has not been effective in reducing stress levels in N participants. In general, participants have identified the sources of stress related to their multiple roles, the impact of stress and coping skills that appropriately deal with stress through relaxation skills, cognitive restructuring, and determining priority scales to cope with stress.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nadia Ikayanti
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muthia Tsamara Rustiadi
Abstrak :
Mahasiswa yang merantau harus menghadapi lebih banyak penyesuaian dalam kehidupan perkuliahannya, terlebih setelah adanya perubahan global yang diakibatkan oleh pandemi COVID-19. Dalam situasi yang sulit tersebut, kedekatan dengan alam dan resiliensi dapat memiliki peran penting agar mahasiswa tidak mempersepsi situasi secara negatif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat peran resiliensi sebagai mediator pada hubungan kedekatan dengan alam dan persepsi stres mahasiswa perantau. Data diambil menggunakan survei daring pada mahasiswa perantau di seluruh Indonesia (N = 123). Pengukuran variabel pada penelitian ini menggunakan adaptasi 21-Item Nature Relatedness Scale (NR21), Resilience Scale (RS), dan Perceived Stress Scale (PSS). Data penelitian dianalisis dengan model mediasi pada perangkat PROCESS dari Hayes di SPSS. Penemuan yang didapatkan dari penelitian ini antara lain kedekatan dengan alam berpengaruh positif terhadap resiliensi, resiliensi berpengaruh negatif terhadap persepsi stres, dan terdapat indirect-only mediation dari resiliensi terhadap hubungan kedekatan dengan alam dan persepsi stres mahasiswa perantau. ......Sojourner college students have to face more adaptation in their college life, especially now after there are global changes all around the world because of COVID-19 pandemic. In this stressful situation, nature relatedness and resilience have an important role in reducing college students’ negative perception of the situation. This research’s objective is to see the role of resilience as mediator between nature relatedness and perceived stress. Data were taken using online survey from sojourner students all over Indonesia (N = 123). Variables were measured using the adaptations of 21-Item Nature Relatedness Scale (NR21), Resilience Scale (RS), and Perceived Stress Scale (PSS). The data that have already been collected were analyzed using mediation model on Hayes’ PROCESS tool on SPSS. Results from this research is nature relatedness can positively predict resilience, resilience can negatively predict perceived stress, and there is an indirect-only mediation from resilience to the relationship between nature relatedness and perceived stress of sojourner college students.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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