"Bahaya psikososial merupakan stresor di tempat kerja yang dilihat dari aspek context of work dan content of work dan berpotensi untuk menimbulkan stres kerja. Aspek dari context of work yang dianggap sebagai suatu bahaya yang dapat menyebabkan stres kerja mencakup budaya dan fungsi oganisasi, peran dalam organisasi, pengembangan karir, kontrol/pengambilan keputusan, hubungan interpersonal serta hubungan rumah-pekerjaan. Sedangkan, aspek content of work mencakup lingkungan dan peralatan kerja, desain tugas, beban kerja serta jadwal kerja.
Dalam skripsi ini, penulis membahas persepsi bahaya psikososial pada karyawan Departemen Assembling Line PT NGK Busi Indonesia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini, yaitu penelitian survei yang bersifat deskriptif dengan pendekatan semi kuantitatif.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan persepsi terhadap bahaya psikososial lebih dominan ke arah persepsi karyawan yang melihat pekerjaannya sehari-hari tidak membuatnya merasa terbebani, baik itu dari aspek context of work maupun content of work. Walaupun demikian, karyawan menganggap aspek content of work lebih membebani daripada context of work.
Salah satu content of work yang menjadi stresor bagi karyawan, yaitu lingkungan dan peralatan kerja di mana karyawan merasa perlu diperbaikinya lingkungan kerja terutama suhu panas di pabrik. Oleh karena itu, perlu adanya perbaikan lingkungan kerja dan meningkatkan training terutama yang berkaitan dengan heat stress maupun tentang manajemen stres dan waktu untuk meningkatkan keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja karyawan.
Psychosocial hazard is stressor in the workplace that viewed from work context and work content aspect and potentially stressfull work. The aspect from context of work that is considered to be a hazard that can lead to stress work includes cultural and organizational function, the role of organization, career development, control/decision making, interpersonal relationships and the relationship of home-work. Whereas, the aspect from content of work includes environment and work equipment, task design, work load and work schedule.
In this thesis, the author discusses the perceptions of psychosocial hazards on employees Department of Assembly Line PT NGK Busi Indonesia. Research methods used in this research, namely the descriptive survey research that used quantitative approach.
The results showed perceptions of psychosocial hazards are more dominant over the perception of employees who see their work in everyday doesn't make it feel burdened, be it from the aspect of the context of work and the content of work. However, the employee considers aspects of the content of work is more burdensome than the context of work.
One of the content of work that become stressors for employees, the environment and equipment in the workplace where employees feel need to be repaired, especially the working environment in the factory hot temperatures. Therefore, the need for improvement of the working environment and improve training, especially with regard to heat stress and on stress management and time to improve the safety and health of employees."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2014