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Jakarta: UI-Press, 2009
610.28 INF
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Romlah
Abstrak :
Nyamuk merupakan salah satu jenis serangga yang menyebabkan berbagai jenis penyakit pada manusia, seperti demam berdarah, malaria, cikumunya dan gatal (alergi) pada kulit. Salah satu metode sistem eradikasi nyamuk yang sedang berkembang yaitu dengan menggunakan laser. Pada penelitian ini, webcam sebagai sensor berbasis pengolahan citra. Webcam sebagai komponen untuk menangkap citra obyek. Pixel obyek akan difilter dengan color filtering dan grayscale. Setelah proses filtering, dilakukan proses blob counter untuk mendapatkan bentuk rectangular dari obyek. Hasil blobing akan dilanjutkan ke proses euclidean, perhitungan jarak. Koordinat obyek akan dikirimkan dari PC (Personal Computer) ke mikrokontroler. Mikrokontroler mengirimkan instruksi kepada servo controler untuk bergerak mengikuti obyek dan laser menembakkan sinar ke obyek. Controlling and Monitoring berbasis PC menggunakan sumber pengolahan perpustakaan terbuka AForge.NET dalam bahasa Visual C#. Matlab digunakan sebagai software untuk menganalisa data hasil pengujian. Pergerakan nilai pixel dari hasil setiap tahapan image processing terlihat jelas dengan menggunakan Matlab. Keakuratan pendeteksian alat eradikasi terhadap obyek mencapai ±90% dengan minimum ukuran obyek 2,91mm. Keakuratan penembakan sinar laser terhadap obyek dalam range ±70% dengan jarak maksimum 1,5mm. Besarnya nilai penyimpangan posisi obyek dan sinar laser dihitung dengan menggunakan rumus jarak antar dua vektor, tidak terdapat perbedaan hasil perhitungan manual maupun dengan menggunakan Matlab. ...... Mosquitoes are one of the insects that cause different types of diseases in humans, such as dengue fever, malaria, cikumunya and itching (allergy) of the skin. One method of mosquito eradication system that is being developed is by using a laser. In this study, the webcam as a sensor-based image processing. Webcam as a component to capture the image of the object. Object pixel will be filtered with color filtering and grayscale. After the filtering process, do the blob counter to get a rectangular shape of the object. Blobing results will continue to process euclidean, distance calculation. Coordinates of the object will be sent from the PC (Personal Computer) to the microcontroller. Microcontroller sends instructions to the servo controller to follow the object move and fired a laser beam to an object. Controlling and Monitoring using PC-based open-source processing AForge.NET library in Visual C # language. Matlab is used as software for data analysis of test results. Movement of the pixel values of the image processing results of each phase is clearly visible using Matlab. The accuracy of the detection tool eradication of the object to ± 90% with a minimum object size of 2.91 mm. The accuracy of the laser beam shooting towards the object in the range ± 70% with a maximum distance of 1.5 mm. The value of the object and the position deviation of the laser beam is calculated using the formula distance between two vectors, there is no difference in the calculation manually or by using Matlab.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mira Asmirajanti
Abstrak :


: Mira Asmirajanti

Program Studi

: Doktor Keperawatan, Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan UI


: Sistem Nursing Activity Based Costing Mira (N-ABC Mira)


Aktivitas Perawat merupakan semua kegiatan pemberian asuhan keperawatan terhadap pasien yang dilakukan dan dicatat oleh perawat. Aktivitas perawat meliputi asesmen, penetapan diagnosis, pembuatan perencanaan, pelaksanaan tindakan dan evaluasi. Perawat, tenaga profesional di rumah sakit yang terus menerus bersama pasien, tetapi aktivitasnya belum dijadikan dasar dalam perhitungan poin penghargaan pada remunerasi. Pembiayaan aktivitas perawat dalam pemberian asuhan keperawatan masih menjadi permasalahan utama profesi keperawatan. Tujuan penelitian ini mengevaluasi sistem nursing activity based costing Mira (N-ABC Mira). Penelitian dilakukan di RSP Jakarta dan RSDK Semarang. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian operasional dengan tiga tahap penelitian. Tahap 1 mengidentifikasi aktivitas perawat berdasarkan dokumentasi asuhan keperawatan, kepuasan perawat dan faktor perancu melalui penelitian kuantitatif dengan studi cross-sectional dan penelitian kualitatif analisis dari fokus grup diskusi. Tahap 2 mengembangkan sistem nursing activity based costing Mira (N-ABC Mira). Tahap 3 evaluasi dan uji coba sistem N-ABC Mira menggunakan kuasi eksperimen dengan pendekatan pengukuran berulang sebelum implementasi, uji coba 1, uji coba 2 dan uji coba 3. Sampel penelitian kuantitatif sebanyak 226, 199, 161 dan 92 perawat pelaksana dengan masa kerja minimal 1 tahun yang diambil secara acak dan dokumentasi pasien dengan jumlah mengikuti sampel perawat pada tahun 2018 secara insidental dari bulan Juli - bulan Desember yang diambil dari 10 penyakit terbanyak. Data dikumpulkan dari dokumentasi hasil uji coba sistem N-ABC Mira dan kuesioner. Analisis data menggunakan  GLM RM, t-Test, Anova, Korelasi Pearson’s. Pada penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa sistem N-ABC Mira antara sebelum dan sesudah implementasi, aktivitas perawat berdasarkan dokumentasi asuhan keperawatan ada perbedaan yang bermakna (15.269, p=0.0001); ada perbedaan yang bermakna kepuasan perawat terhadap aktivitas perawat (6.657, p=0.0001); ada perbedaan yang bermakna kepuasan perawat terhadap pengambilan keputusan (2.999, p=0.0001) dan ada perbedaan yang bermakna kepuasan perawat terhadap poin penghargaan (6.585, p=0.0001). Sistem N-ABC Mira untuk Aktivitas perawat berdasarkan dokumentasi asuhan keperawatan dan kepuasan perawat terhadap aktivitas perawat; pengambilan keputusan serta poin penghargaan dipengaruhi oleh aspek perawat, dukungan manajemen dan dukungan tehnik. Kesimpulan dari implementasi sistem N-ABC Mira, yaitu terdapat perbedaan aktivitas perawat berdasarkan dokumentasi asuhan keperawatan dan kepuasan perawat terhadap aktivitas perawat, pengambilan keputusan serta poin penghargaan perawat sehingga dapat meningkatkan kepuasan perawat dan kepuasan pasien, sehingga merekomendasikan sistem N-ABC Mira untuk dapat digunakan di setiap rumah sakit.


: Mira Asmirajanti

Study Program

: Doctoral Nursing Doctoral, Faculty of Nursing Universitas Indonesia


: Nursing Activity Based Costing Mira (N-ABC Mira) System


Nursing activities are all activities of giving nursing care to patients performed and recorded by nurses. Nursing activities include assessment, determination of diagnosis, planning, implementation of actions and evaluation. Nurses are professionals in the hospital whose presence is continuously on the patient's side, but their activities have not been used as the basis for calculating reward points for remuneration. Financing nursing activities in nursing care is still a major problem in the nursing profession. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the nursing activity based costing Mira (M-N-ABC) system. The study was conducted at the Jakarta Pelabuhan Hospital and Semarang RSDK Hospital. This research was conducted using operational research design with three research stages. Stage 1 is identifying nurse activities based on nursing care documentation, nurse satisfaction and confounding factors through quantitative research with cross-sectional studies and qualitative research through analysis of focus group discussions. Stage 2 is to develop a nursing activity based costing Mira (M-N-ABC) system. Stage 3 is evaluating and testing the Mira N-ABC system using quasi-experiments with repeated measurement approaches before implementation, trial 1, trial 2 and trial 3. Quantitative research samples were 226, 199, 161 and 92 nurses with minimum of 1 year work experience period taken randomly. Incidental numbers of patient documentation were included based on participating nurses in 2018 from July to December by taking 10 most frequent diseases. Data were collected from results documentation of the N-ABC Mira system trial and questionnaire. Data analysis was done using RM GLM, t-Test, Anova, Pearson's Correlation. In this study it was found that between before and after the implementation of the Mira N-ABC system, there were significant differences in nursing activity based on care documentation (15,269, p = 0,0001); there was also a significant difference between nurses’ satisfaction with nursing activity (6,657, p = 0,0001); In addition, there was a significant difference between nurses’ satisfaction with decision making (2.999, p = 0.0001) and also between nurses’ satisfaction with award points (6,585, p = 0,0001). Mira N-ABC system for nursing activities is proposed based on nursing care documentation and nurses’ satisfaction on nursing activities; Decision-making variables and award points were influenced by aspects of nurses, management support and technical support. The conclusion of the Mira N-ABC system implementation is that there are differences between nurse activities based on nursing care documentation with nurses’ satisfaction on nursing activities, decision making and nurse award points. The Mira N-ABC system is recommended for everyday usage in hospital to improve nurses and patient satisfaction.

UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library