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Josua Leo Petra
"Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan pendekatan analisis daya dukung kawasan dalam rangka pengembangan pengelolaan pariwisata hutan mangrove di Pulau Untung Jawa. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa terdapat empat jenis mangrove yang ditemukan yaitu Rhizopora apiculata, Rhizopora mucronata, Rhizopora stylossa, dan Bruguiera gymnorhiza. Indeks Kesesuaian Wisata IKW di kawasan hutan mangrove Pulau Untung Jawa termasuk pada kategori sesuai yaitu 53,84. Daya dukung kawasan untuk obyek wisata hutan mangrove di Pulau Untung Jawa yaitu 62 pengunjung/hari. Daya dukung sosial dari perhitungan menggunakan Indeks Kepuasan Pengunjung IKP adalah 29,60 dan termasuk kedalam kriteria tidak puas saat berwisata. Selain itu, daya dukung ekonomi dari persepsi kepala keluarga 82,45 menyatakan bahwa kegiatan pariwisata mulai meningkatkan ekonomi masyarakat dan 87,20 menyatakan bahwa kegiatan pariwisata tidak mengganggu kegiatan perekonomian masyarakat di Pulau Untung Jawa. Pengembangan kawasan ekowisata hutan mangrove yang berkelanjutan harus memperhatikan nilai daya dukung kawasan, daya dukung sosial, dan daya dukung ekonomi, sebagai dasar keputusan untuk menentukan arah pengembangan wisata di kawasan ekowisata hutan mangrove Pulau Untung Jawa.

This research was conducted using carrying capacity analysis method on management of mangrove forest tourism development in Untung Jawa Island. The result showed that there is four mangrove species were found is Rhizopora apiculata, Rhizopora mucronata, Rhizopora stylossa, dan Bruguiera gymnorhiza. Suitability Index of mangrove forest in Untung Jawa Island categorized as suitable of 53,84 . The carrying capacity for mangrove forest as tourism object in Untung Jawa Island were 62 tourists day. Based on social aspect of the calculation using Customer Satisfaction Index CSI is 29,60 and is included in the criteria were not satisfied during tourist in the tourism object. In economic carrying capacity, tourism activities increase local peoples rsquo income 82,45 and 87,20 didn rsquo t interfere the economy activities of people in Untung Jawa Island. Developing sustainable of mangrove forest ecotourism should notice the score of carrying capacity, social carrying capacity, and economic carrying capacity, as basis decision making to determine the direction of tourism development in the ecotourism of mangrove forest of Untung Jawa Island."
Jakarta: Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"I would like to point out through this dissertation that the network established among the institutions have a significant contribution in the firmation and integration occurs through a series of cooperation and competition among actors in the use of scarce resource based on the 'surplus' possessed by each party. The foundation of cooperation and competition is built through patterns of relationship that is developed by three categories of Aceh Besar fisherman economic main actor; i.e. lake boat, pawang, and toke bangku (actors of the base-structure). The relationship system of cooperation and competition that runs parallel to the symmetrical relationship paterns succeed to avoid the symptom of 'patronage' as often in every fisherman community in other parts of Indonesia.
I would like to point out the symptom of the above integration by observing the behavior of actors in the fish catching system of Aceh Besar, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Province like toke boat, pawang, and toke bangku, and other actors related to them in the frame of economic purposed such as margee, pengrajin ikan asin (salted-fish maker), aneuk pukat, and becak laut, or others i called as periphery actors. Each of the mentioned actors acts as key actor in the expansion of cooperation networking and competition among fisherman. Outside of the above two actor categories: there are auxiliaries that o called as environmental components such as aoutside capital provider, panglima laot lhok, panglima laot provinsi, and the clement from the government. Such environmental componen possess the functions to facilitate, suppress, limit, and control the actions of actors especially the actions of actors in the 'base structure'. The effect of environment pressure has caused Aceh fisherman to get stuck in the middle of the two main powers. The first is the power came from the land in the form of coastal resource exploitation that significantly affect the traditional fisherman's way of life. Th second is the power came from the sea that the development of global capitalist in the sector of marine resource exploitation has produced large capitalized fish catchers that over exploit marine resource which make the traditional fisherman' yield significantly decrease. Such a power is the result of the cooperatio. between the government's policy and the capitalist. In the mean time, th institution of Lembaga Adat Laor/Pan lima Laot of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalar. Province gives strong pressure to panglima laot lhok, so that the panglima lac llwk then lost his autonomy.
In confronting the environmental pressure that occurs in the fish catching sector, the economic actor of Aceh Besar traditional fishermen try to empower the 'surplus' they have and by using the institution and the existing inter-institution network; such as familial network, cooperation network by complementing 'surplus' - toke boat. pawang , and toke bangku, panglima laot institution and state institution; although the las institution is applid limited to only certain actors."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kinseng, Rilus A.
The objectives of this study are to investigate class structure, class consciousness,
class formation, and class struggle of fishers in Balilcpapan as well as factors affecting
these phenomena. Basically, this is a qualitative study.
The study found that class stnxcture of the fishers in Balikpapan has not been
simplified to become two great hostile classes, namely bourgeoisie and proletariat. On
the contrary, class structure of iishers in Balikpapan has developed to become more
complex. Now, there are four classes of fishers in Balikpapan, namely the capitalist, the
labour, the small fishers (petty bourgeoisie), and the intermediate/medium fishers. Class
relation between labour and owner of the means of production here is quite unique.
Unlike in industries in general, relation between labour and owner here contains two
dimensions, namely the exploitative dominative and the patron-client. This ?two
dimensions? pattem of class relation is also found between the tishers (especially the
small and the intermediate classes fishers) and the merchants.
Class consciousness and class formation of the labour have not been developed
yet. In other -words, so far, labour class exists only as a class in itself, not class for itself
Factors affecting labour class consciousness and class formation are iiagmentation of
labour, high class permeability, labour?s dependent on the owner, lack of leader, lack of
common problem, and the share-system (not wage). On the other hand, small and
intermediate classes fishers have already developed class consciousness as well as class
formation. The most important factors contribute to this fact are the present of ?big?
common problems over and over again, as well as the present of active and vocal leaders
among them. The capitalist class of Fishers has not developed class consciousness and
class formation.
In line with the lack of class consciousness and class formation of the labour,
class conflict between labour and owner has never occurred. Conflicts between labour
and owner only take place individually, not as a class. Form of individual labour struggle
are grievance, questioning, ?protest", and quit. On the other hand, small and intermediate
class fishers often carry out a class struggle fiom dialog with the opponent as well as
govemment and legislators (DPRD), huge and rather violent demonstration, up to
hijacking big ships and burning down big fishing vessel of their opponent.
In class conflict, whether between small and intermediate classes fishers with
mining firms or with ?big capitalist? fishers class, there is again a peculiar character
which is uncommon or even unknown to the industrial world. In fishery class conflict,
there is a strong alliance between the owner class and the labour class. Furthermore,
when class conflict is taking place between the lower and the higher class fishers such as
between the ?peja1a" (intermediate class) and the purse seine fishers (big capitalist class)
early 2006 in Balikpapan, a strong alliance between owner and labour in each class was still hold. It means, capitalist fishers plus labour agains intermediate fishers plus labour. Something that probably never imagined by Marx!
In the class conflict between the "pejala" (intermediate class) and the purse seine fishers (big capitalist class) in Balik papan, the main issue or the cause of the conlict was not exploitation but domination in the process of "production". In this case, the intermediete class was dominated by the big capitalist class. More over, even though the issue was a "realistic issue", but because it was about source of livelihood, the level of violence of the class conflict was very high. In the case, fishing vessel was burned down and the vice-skipper was hit near his eye. Thus, the violence of a class conflict is not only determined by realistic vs non-realistic issue, but whether it is about main source of livelihood or not.
In conclution, this study plays a remarkable and significant contribution to the theory of fishery class conflict in particular, and even for the theory of class and class conflict in general."
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library