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Brian Mendel
Pendahuluan: Penilaian klinis preoperatif atau radiologis yang tidak tepat pada nodi lymphoidei axillares dapat berujung pada perburukan kondisi keganasan payudara karena penanganan yang tidak adekuat. Untuk melakukan tindakan pembedahan, seorang ahli bedah harus mengetahui topografi dan ukuran normal nodi lymphoidei axillares, sehingga pengangkatan nodi dilakukan pada nodi dengan ukuran di atas normal sebagai tanda penyebaran keganasan. Pengetahuan tersebut dapat dicapai salah satunya dengan metode pembelajaran diseksi anatomis kadaverik. Namun, karena literatur mengenai diseksi anatomis dan ukuran nodi lymphoidei axillares belum ada, maka dilakukan sebuah studi kadaverik untuk mendapatkan pengetahuan tersebut. Metode: Dilakukan sebuah penelitian deskriptif observasional pada empat buah kadaver (dua kadaver pria dan dua kadaver wanita) di Laboratorium Anatomi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, di Gedung Rumpun Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas
Indonesia. Langkah-langkah diseksi anatomis disusun dan diimplementasikan untuk menemukan lokasi dan jumlah nodi lymphoidei axillares. Pengukuran panjang nodi dilakukan dengan menggunakan jangka sorong. Hasil dirata-rata dan disajikan dalam
tabel mean, standar deviasi, dan error bar. Hasil: Studi ini berhasil menyusun prosedur diseksi anatomis untuk mengidentifikasi nodi ly seluruh kelompok mengkonfirmasi ukuran nodi kurang dari 5 mm, kecuali nodi centrales yang memiliki ukuran rata-rata lebih besar, yaitu 12,08 mm. Kesimpulan: Prosedur diseksi anatomis yang disusun pada studi ini dapat digunakan untuk mempelajari topografi nodi lymphoidei axillares. Ukuran panjang rata-rata nodi lymphoidei axillares adalah kurang dari 5 mm, kecuali nodi centrales.

Introduction: Inadequate preoperative or radiological clinical assessment of lymphoidei axillares can lead to worsening of breast malignancy conditions due to inadequate treatment. To perform surgery, a surgeon must know the topography and normal size of lymph node lymphoidei axillares, so that the removal of nodules is done on nodies of above normal size as a sign of spreading malignancy. This knowledge can be achieved, one of them by cadaveric anatomical dissection learning methods. However, because there is no literature on anatomical dissection and lymph node size of axillares, a cadaveric study was carried out to obtain this knowledge. Method: An observational descriptive study was conducted on four cadavers (two male and two female cadavers) at the Anatomy Laboratory of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, at the University Health Sciences Building Indonesia. Anatomical dissection steps are arranged and implemented to find the location and number of lymph node lymphillide. Nodi length measurement is done by using calipers. Results are averaged and presented in Mean tables, standard deviations, and error bars. Results: This study succeeded in developing an anatomical dissection procedure to identify nodi ly throughout the group confirming that the size of the nodi was less than 5 mm, except for the central nodi which had an average size of greater than 12.08 mm. Conclusion: The anatomical dissection procedure compiled in this study can be used to study the topography of lymphoid lymphocide. The average length of the lymphoidei axillary nodi is less than 5 mm, except for the centrales nodi.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arif Wicaksono
"Latar Belakang. Data mengenai segmen plantar pada populasi belum banyak diteliti. Data ini penting sebagai penunjang epidemiologi dan dapat digunakan sebagai dasar penelitian lebih lanjut atau terapi jika terdapat kelainan segmen plantar.Tujuan. Tesis ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui profil plantar berupa lengkung kaki, perbedaan tekanan plantar kanan dan kiri dan tempat tekanan tertinggi di kaki.
Metode. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analitik observasional dengan instrumen penelitian berupa alat pemindai plantar yaitu MatScan.
Hasil. Sebanyak 100 subjek sehat(50 laki-laki, 50 perempuan)ikut serta dalam penelitian ini dan didapatkan hasil: (1) proporsi lengkung kaki normal 89%, lengkung tinggi 7% dan lengkung rendah 4%;(2) uji Mann-Whitney dengan asumsi adanya perbedaan tekanan plantar kanan dan kiri memperlihatkan hasil p=0,954 (3) terdapat 5 tempat tekanan tertinggi pada plantar yang berpotensi menjadi ulkus.
Kesimpulan. (1) proporsi lengkung kaki normal 89%, lengkung tinggi 7% dan lengkung rendah 4%;(2) tidak terdapat perbedaan tekanan yang bermakna pada kaki kanan da kaki kiri; dan (3) tempat titik tekanan tertinggi pada plantar terdapat di tumit, metatarsal II, metatarsal I, hallux dan basis os metatarsal V.

Background. There was not many research concerning plantar segment in the population an. This data is important to be epidemiological and data base for further reserach and therapy.
Aims. This thesis was aimed to describe plantar profile : the foot arch, plantar difference of right and left foot and the peak of plantar ressure.
Method. This research was used observational analytic method and Matscan plantar scanner as main instrument.
Results. A hundred healthy subjects (50 males, 50 females) were participated in this study and the results were as follows: (1) the proportion of normal foot arch is 89% followed by high arch 7% and low arch 4%; (2) Mann-Whitney test was used in assumption that there is a difference between right and left plantar pressure shows p=0.954; (3) there is five peak area of plantar pressure that can lead to ulceration.
Conclusion.(1) the proportion of normal foot arch in this research is 89% followed by high arch 7% and low arch 4%; (2) there is no plantar pressure difference between right and left foot; (3)the peak pressure area can be found in heel, bone of metatarsal II, bone of metatarsal I, thumb dan the base of metatarsal V."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wahyuningsih Djaali
Latar belakang: Sebagian besar studi yang meneliti tentang kaki mengklasifikasikan lengkung kaki berdasarkan arcus longitudinal medialnya menjadi tiga tipe normal, datar dan tinggi . Struktur lengkung kaki yang bervariasi ini beberapa di antaranya menyebabkan bentuk alignment yang tidak normal, yang menyebabkan kaki membutuhkan usaha yang lebih besar dalam melakukan fungsinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan melihat perbedaan pemakaian energi selama berjalan pada ketiga tipe lengkung kaki, yang pemakaian energinya dihitung melalui pengukuran jumlah konsumsi oksigen dan nilai PCI.Metode: Subjek penelitian terdiri dari 24 orang, yang terbagi menjadi tiga kelompok lengkung kaki normal, rendah dan tinggi masing-masing 8 orang. Tipe lengkung kaki ditentukan berdasarkan nilai footprint angle dan footprint ratio index. Tiap subjek berjalan selama 6 menit di atas treadmill yang terhubung dengan alat FitmatePRO Cosmed , kemudian dihitung jumlah konsumsi oksigen dan nilai PCI-nya. Kecepatan berjalan yang digunakan adalah kecepatan berjalan yang paling nyaman yang dipilih sendiri oleh subjek. Hasil: Pada tipe lengkung kaki rendah mempunyai kecenderungan berat badan, tinggi badan dan indeks massa tubuh yang paling besar, dibandingkan dengan kedua tipe lengkung kaki lainnya. Analisis data jumlah konsumsi oksigen selama berjalan pada ketiga tipe lengkung kaki menunjukkan perbedaan yang bermakna p=0,000 . Jumlah konsumsi oksigen paling kecil adalah pada tipe lengkung kaki normal, kemudian lengkung kaki tinggi, dan yang paling besar adalah pada lengkung kaki rendah. Sedangkan pada analisis data nilai PCI selama berjalan pada ketiga tipe lengkung kaki, tidak menunjukkan perbedaan yang bermakna p=0,791 , dan juga tidak didapatkan hubungan antara jumlah konsumsi oksigen dengan nilai PCI. Nilai indeks lengkung kaki dengan pemakaian energi yang paling kecil adalah footprint angle pada sudut 39,5 dan 36 , dan footprint ratio index sebesar 0,54 dan 0,48.Kesimpulan: Tipe lengkung kaki berpengaruh pada pemakaian energi selama berjalan yang diukur melalui jumlah konsumsi oksigen. Pemakaian energi yang paling kecil adalah pada tipe lengkung kaki normal, dan pemakaian energi yang paling besar adalah pada tipe lengkung kaki rendah.Kata kunci: lengkung kaki, arcus longitudinal medial, energi, berjalan.

Background Most of the studies about foot, classified the foot arches based on the medial longitudinal arch into three types normal, low arched and high arched . This varied foot arch structure, which some of leads to an abnormal alignment, causes the foot requires greater energy in performing its function. This study aims to see the difference in energy cost during walking on the three types of foot arch, which energy cost is calculated by measuring the oxygen consumption and PCI value. Methods The subjects consisted of 24 people, divided into three groups of foot arch normal, low and high of 8 people each. The foot arch type is determined based on the lsquo footprint angle rsquo and the lsquo footprint ratio index rsquo. Each subject walks without footwear for 6 minutes on a treadmill connected to the FitmatePRO Cosmed device, then the oxygen consumption and PCI value were calculated. The walking speed used was the most comfortable speed chosen by the subject.Results In low arched foot group has the highest tendency of body weight, height and body mass index, compared with the two other groups. Analysis of the oxygen consumption during walking on the three types of foot arch shows a significant difference p 0.000 . The smallest oxygen consumption is the normal foot, then followed by the high arched foot, and the greatest is the low arched foot. While the analysis of PCI value during walking on the three type of foot arch showed no significant difference p 0,791 , and also did not get relation between amount of oxygen consumption and PCI value. The value of the foot arch index with the least energy cost is the footprint angle at 39.5 and 36 , and the footprint ratio index of 0.54 and 0.48.Conclusions The foot arch type affects the energy cost during walking which measured by oxygen consumption. The smallest energy cost is in the normal foot type, and the greatest energy cost is in the low arched foot type."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Def Primal
Latar Belakang : Pes planus plantaris flatfoot akan meningkatkan tekanan plantar karena tahanan berat tubuh selama melakukan aktivitas. Aktivitas dengan weight-bearing yang berlebih overuse beresiko terjadinya cedera pada ekstremitas bawah dan akan penurunan kelengkungan pada arcus plantaris. Atlet basket dengan aktivitas latihan weight-bearing secara terus menurus akan mempengaruhi kelengkungan pada plantar sehingga menimbulkan malformasi lengkung kaki menjadi lebih datar flatfoot . Kondisi ini dilaporkan dapat memengaruhi stabilitas postural selama beraktivitas. Atlet basket diharapkan memiliki kestabilan yang baik dalam berbagai kondisi untuk mempertahankan performa selama bertanding.Metode : Studi ini merupakan cross-sectional analitik kuantitatif dengan subjek mahasiswa olahraga basket FIK UNJ n=47 . Pemeriksaan meliputi anamnesa dan pemeriksaan fisik subjek, dilanjutkan pemeriksaan jenis lengkung kaki normal dan flatfoot subjek menggunakan footprint dari stamp pad dan kertas grafik. Pemeriksaan selajutnya menggunakan AMTI Accupower Force flatform posturography force plate dalam menentukan stabilitas postural subjek. Pemeriksaan tersebut dilakukan dalam tiga aktivitas statis, dinamis vertical jump, dan dinamis vertical jump loading respon untuk menentukan diameter postural sway CoP pada bidang tumpu dan besaran resultan gaya GRF terhadap bidang vertikal beban tubuh W .Hasil : Hasil pemeriksaan didapatkan 80,9 subjek pemeriksaan mengalami pes planus plantaris. Hasil footprint tersebut menunjukan tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan pes planus plantaris pada kedua jenis kelamin subjek, tetapi terdapat perbedaan yang jelas pada lama latihan. Atlet mahasiswa yang telah latihan lebih dari 4 tahun berpotensi mengalami pes planus plantaris dibandingkan subjek dengan lama kurang dari 4 tahun 40 . Nilai rata-rata diameter postural sway CoP dan besaran gaya GRF terhadap bidang vertikal W pada subjek pes planus plantaris memiliki hubungan yang bermakna terhadap stabilitas postural subjek.Kesimpulan : Pes planus plantaris dipengaruhi oleh lama latihan dan intensitas latihan yang dilakukan. Kondisi tersebut secara signifikan akan mempengaruhi stabilitas postural pada kondisi statis, dinamis gerak vertikal vertical jump , dan dinamis gerak vertikal dengan shooting position vertical jump loading respon .

Background Pes planus plantaris flatfoot incident will increase plantar pressure because of body weight resistance during activities. Overuse activity is at risk of injury to the lower limb and will decrease curvature in the plantar arch. Basketball athletes with continuous weight bearing exercise activity will affect the curvature of the plantar, causing the malformation of the foot arch to become flatter flatfoot . This condition is reported to affect postural stability during the move. Basketball athletes are expected to have good stability under various conditions to maintain good and stable performance during the game.Method This study is a quantitative cross sectional analytics with the subject of basketball students from Faculty of Sport Sciences Universitas Negeri Jakarta FIK UNJ with 47 subjects. Examination includes anamnesis and physical examination of the subject, followed by examination of the subject 39 s foot arch type using the footprint from the stamp pad and graph paper. Following examination using AMTI Accupower Force flatform posturography force plate in determining postural stability of the subject. The examination is performed in three activities static, dynamic vertical jump, and dynamic vertical jump loading response to determine the postural sway diameter of CoP on the base of support area and the resultant force of the GRF to the vertical plane of the body load W .Result The result revealed that 80,9 of subjects had flat plantar arch pes planus plantaris . The footprint results showed no significant differences in plantar planes in both sexes, but there was a clear difference in basketball practice period. Basketball athlete student have tendency to have pes planus after 4 years practice rather than the other with practicing less than 4 years 40 . The mean value of the postural sway diameter of CoP and the magnitude of the GRF force to the vertical plane W on the subject with pes planus plantaris have significant correlation on the postural stability.Conclusion Pes planus plantaris is affected by the length and the intensity of the exercise. This condition will significantly affect postural stability in static conditions, dynamic vertical motion vertical jump , and dynamic vertical motion with shooting position vertical jump loading response ."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nabila Maudy Salma
"Berdasarkan data dari WHO masih terdapatnya peningkatan angka disabilitas yang disebabkan karena cedera pada sistem saraf tepi. Setelah terjadinya cedera saraf tepi, maka akan terjadi serangkaian proses seluler maupun molekuler sebagai respon terhadap adanya cedera. Salah satu respon molekuler yang penting yaitu aktivasi jalur persinyalan balik, menyebabkan terinduksinya sintesis berbagai protein, salah satunya adalah HSP 70, berperan sebagai neuro proteksi dan mencegah terjadinya apoptosis neuron lebih lanjut. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk menilai pengaruh pemberian PRP terhadap proses regenerasi saraf tepi dengan melihat hubungan ekspresi HSP 70 terhadap fungsi berjalan (TFI & PFI). Penelitian ini menggunakan sampel bahan biologis tersimpan yaitu Medulla Spinalis tikus berjumlah 36, terbagi menjadi dua kelompok besar berdasarkan hari terminasi nya yaitu H-7 dan H-42. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa tidak terdapatnya hubungan (p>0,05) antara ekspresi HSP 70 terhadap fungsi berjalan melalui pemeriksaan TFI dan PFI pada kelompok skiatika yang diberi PRP maupun yang tidak diberi PRP, berarti bahwa tidak adanya hubungan secara langsung antara ekspresi HSP 70 dengan perbaikan fungsi motorik.

According to WHO data, the number of disabilities brought on by damage to the peripheral nervous system is continually rising. Following a peripheral nerve damage, a number of cellular and molecular reactions will take place. One significant biological reaction is the activation of the reverse signaling pathway, which triggers the creation of several proteins, including HSP 70, which serves as neuroprotection and stops more neuronal apoptosis. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of PRP administration on the process of peripheral nerve regeneration by examined the correlation between HSP 70 expression with the motoric function (TFI & PFI). This research used samples of stored biological material, namely 36 rat spinal cords, divided into two large groups based on termination day, namely H-7 and H-42. The results of this study showed that there was no correlation (p>0.05) between HSP 70 expression and walking function through TFI and PFI examinations in the sciatica group who were given PRP and those who were not given PRP, indicating that there is no direct correlation between HSP 70 expression with motor function improvement."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"ABSTRAK Bising merupakan dampak yang timbul mengikuti kemajuan industri yang dapat dirasakan termasuk oleh ibu hamil. Pajanan bising saat kehamilan diketahui dapat mengganggu pertumbuhan dan perkembangan janin. Sebaliknya musik dapat memberikan efek positif dalam berbagai reaksi fisiologis, yaitu kognisi, emosi, dan imunitas. Akan tetapi, belum diketahui dampak gabungan pajanan keduanya saat prenatal, serta pengaruhnya terhadap fungsi otak, khususnya hippocampus yang berperan dalam kognisi dan memori spasial. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah pajanan suara gabungan (musik dan bising) dapat mengkompensasi dampak negatif bising pada perkembangan hippocampus. Penelitian dilakukan dengan membandingkan pengaruh pajanan suara musik, bising dan kombinasinya selama perkembangan prenatal terhadap fungsi hippocampus neonatus Gallus gallus domesticus. Telur yang telah difertilisasi diinkubasi dalam mesin tetas yang dilengkapi pengeras suara untuk tiga jenis suara, yaitu musik, bising dan gabungan, serta sebuah kelompok kontrol. Pajanan suara diberikan sejak embrio berusia 10 hari sampai menetas. Selanjutnya dilakukan penilaian memori spasial menggunakan labirin T, penimbangan berat otak, penghitungan jumlah neuron dengan pewarnaan Hematoxylin eosin, serta penilaian ekspresi protein BDNF pada hippocampus dengan pewarnaan imunohistokimia. Hasil menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan bermakna berat otak pada masing-masing kelompok. Selain itu, pajanan musik dapat memfasilitasi pembentukkan memori spasial didukung dengan peningkatan jumlah neuron dan ekspresi protein BDNF pada hippocampus; sebaliknya pajanan bising menginhibisi konsolidasi memori spasial, menurunkan jumlah neuron dan ekspresi BDNF di hippocampus. Pajanan gabungan memberikan hasil yang tidak berbeda dengan kelompok kontrol pada tiap parameter. Disimpulkan bahwa pajanan gabungan dapat mengkompensasi

Noise has become a critical issue following industrial evolution, especially pregnant women. Noise exposure during prenatal period may disrupt fetal growth and development. Otherwise, music gives various positive physiological responses to the development of cognition, emotion, and immunity. However, the effect of combination of both sound during prenatal to brain, especially hippocampus that manage cognition and spatial memory has never been studied. This research aimed to know whether combination of music and noise exposures can compensate negative effect of noise in hippocampus development. Research conducted by comparing the effect of music, noise and combination of both exposures during prenatal development to the function of Gallus gallus domesticus neonate hippocampus. Fertilized eggs were incubated in hatchery machine equipped with a loud speaker for three exposures groups, i.e. music, noise and combination, and a control group; given from E10 until hatching. Data collected for evaluation were spatial memory assessment that was done using T-maze, brain weight, total hippocampus neuron number and BDNF expression in hippocampus. As result, there was no significant difference in brain weight among these groups. Furthermore, prenatal music stimulus enhanced spatial memory formation supported by the increasing number of total neuron and BDNF expression in hippocampus. Besides, prenatal noise stimulus elicited spatial memory inhibition, decreased of total neuron number and BDNF expression in hippocampus. Combination group showed no significant result compare to control group in each measurements. In conclusion, combination of both music and noise stimulus during prenatal period could compensate the negative effect of prenatal noise exposure.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lucky Brilliantina
Dasar (Riset Kesehatan Dasar / Riskesdas) yang dilakukan oleh Departemen Kesehatan Indonesia tahun 2010 melaporkan bahwa 17,9 persen (17,9%) dari anak-anak di Indonesia dengan usia di bawah 5 tahun memiliki masalah gizi buruk dan 14 persen ( 14%) di antara mereka memiliki masalah obesitas. Makanan sehari-hari diduga menjadi penyebab masalah gizi ini terutama penggunaan Monosodium L-glutamat (MSG) yang banyak digunakan sebagai aditif makanan dan zat untuk merangsang nafsu makan. Muncul beberapa pertanyaan tentang hubungan antara konsumsi MSG dan kenaikan berat badan dan hubungan antara efek neurotoksisitas MSG dengan kerusakan sel-sel saraf di otak. Dan apakah kerusakan sel-sel saraf di otak ini mengalami regenerasi atau menjadi persisten?Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menentukan dampak dari MSG dalam berat badan dan perkembangan otak pada anak tikus dengan usia 7 dan 14 hari di mana ibu mereka diberi MSG selama hamil. Semua anak tikus juga diamati untuk perilaku mereka.
Metode: Rancangan eksperimental in vivo dengan random sampling. Subyek adalah 25 tikus betina (Rattus novergicus) galur Sprague Dawley yang dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok (kelompok kontrol, grup pelarut dan 3 kelompok perlakuan MSG selama kehamilan dengan dosis 1200mg, 2400mg dan 4800mg/kg/day). Ketika tikus hamil melahirkan anaknya diamati sampai usia 7 dan 14 hari. Dua ekor anak tikus diambil secara acak dari tiap induk tikus lalu ditimbang berat badannya. Otak dari anak tikus diisolasi, ditimbang dan diwarnai dengan hematoxylin-eosin (HE) pewarnaan. Photomicrographs dari slide histologis diamati oleh optilab dan dianalisis dengan program Optic Raster. Parameter yang dianalisis dalam penelitian ini adalah penurunan berat badan, kerusakan sel-sel saraf dalam nukleus arkuata dan daerah paraventrikular dari hipotalamus dan perilaku anak tikus pada usia 7 dan 14 hari.
Hasil: MSG dapat menembus blood plansental barrier dan blood brain barrier anak tikus pada usia 7 dan 14 hari ketika ibu mereka diberikan MSG selama hamil. Berat badan anak tikus usia 7 hari lebih rendah pada kelompok MSG dengan dosis 4800mg jika dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol dan kelompok pelarut 1200 mg dan 2400 mg. Namun peningkatan berat badan dengan pemberian MSG 4800 mg lebih tinggi jika dibandingkan dengan kelompok MSG dosis 1200mg dan 2400mg. Pada anak tikus usia 14 hari, ditemukan kenaikan berat badan lebih tinggi secara signifikan pada kelompok MSG dengan dosis 4800mg dibandingkan dengan 1200mg dan 2400mg. Berat otak sedikit lebih rendah pada usia 7 dan 14 hari pada kelompok MSG 4800mg . Kerusakan sel saraf dalam nukleus arkuata dan di daerah paraventrikular dari hipotalamus secara signifikan lebih tinggi pada kelompok MSG 4800mg . Perubahan perilaku yang diamati pada anak tikus dengan kelompok MSG 4800mg pada usia 7 dan 14 hari terlihat jelas dibandingkan kelompok kontrol dan MSG 1200 mg dan 2400 mg.
Kesimpulan: Asupan MSG selama kehamilan menyebabkan perubahan berat badan, berat otak dan kerusakan sel-sel saraf di daerah arkuata dan hipotalamus paraventrikular pada anak tikus dengan usia 7 dan 14.

Background: Good Nutrition intake is the most important factor that determines the health status of our next generation. However the Basic Health Research (Riset Kesehatan Dasar / Riskesdas) conducted by the Indonesian Ministry of Health in 2010 reported that 17.9 percent (17.9%) of the children in Indonesia with the age under 5 years old had the problem of malnutrition and 14 percent (14%) among them had the problem of obesity. Daily food was suggested to become a cause of malnutrition problem especially the use of Monosodium L-glutamate (MSG) which is widely used as food additive and a substance to stimulate the appetite. There are some questions about the correlation of MSG consumption and weight gain and the correlation of neurotoxicity effect of MSG with the damage of neuronal cells in the brain. Another question is whether the damage of neuronal cells in the brain is persistent or not. This study was conducted to determine the effects of MSG in the weight gain and in the development of the brain in the rat pups with age of 7 and 14 days in which their mother were given the MSG during pregnancy. The rat pups were also observed for their behavior.
Methods: The experimental design was in vivo studies with randomized sampling. Subjects were 25 female rats (Rattus novergicus)of Sprague-Dawley strain which are divided into 5 groups (control group, solvent group and 3 MSG treatment groups during gestation given MSG in the dose of 1200mg/kgbw/day, 2400mg/kgbw/day and 4800mg/kgbw/day). Upon giving birth the pups were observed until the ages of 7 and 14 days. Two pups from each mother rat were taken randomly. The brain of the rat pups were isolated and stained with hematoxylin-eosin (HE) staining. Photomicrographs of the histological slides were taken by optilab and were analyzed with Image Raster program. The parameters that were analyzed in this experiment were weight body loss, the damage of neuronal cells in the arcuate nucleus and paraventricular area of hypothalamus and the behavior of the pups at age of 7 and 14 days.
Results: High dose MSG penetrate the placental blood barrier and the blood brain barrier in the brain of rat pups with the age of 7 14 days when their mothers were administered with MSG during their pregnant. The body weights of pups with age of 7 days were lower in the MSG treated group with the dose of 4800mg than that in the control and solvent groups. However body weigh were higher in the MSG treated groups of 1200mg/kgbw/day and 2400mg/kgbw/day than those in the control and solvent groups. In the 14 days pups, the body weight were higher significantly in the MSG treated groups with the dose of 4800mg/kgbw/day compared to the 1200mg/kgbw/day and 2400mg/kgbw/day. The weight of the brain was slightly lower at the age of 7 and 14 days in the 4800mg MSG treated group. The neuronal cell damage in the arcuate nucleus and in the paraventricular area of hypothalamus was significantly higher in the 4800mg MSG treated group. The behavior changes were observed in the pups with the 4800mg MSG treated group at the age of 7 and 14 days.
Conclusion: Intake of MSG during gestation causes changes in body weight, brain weight and damage of neuronal cells in the arcuate and paraventricular area of hypothalamus in rat pups of the age of 7 and 14.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lucky Prasetiowati
Pendahuluan. Masalah gizi pada anak tidak hanya gizi kurang tetapi juga gizi lebih, termasuk berat badan berlebih dan obesitas. Status gizi anak dapat dinilai menggunakan indeks massa tubuh (IMT). Perbedaan IMT dapat mengakibatkan perubahan anatomik akibat adanya peningkatan beban tubuh sehingga mempengaruhi performa motorik termasuk keseimbangan postur, kekuatan otot dan lokomosi. Tujuan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menjelaskan pengaruh IMT terhadap keseimbangan postur dan kekuatan otot tungkai atas serta mengetahui adanya korelasi antara keseimbangan postur dengan kekuatan otot tungkai atas pada anak 8 – 10 tahun. Metode. 63 anak usia 8 – 10 tahun terbagi dalam 3 kelompok IMT normal, IMT berat badan berlebih dan IMT obesitas. Pengukuran keseimbangan dengan single leg balance test pada MatScan dan didapatkan hasil area centre of pressure (COP). Kekuatan otot isometrik dari ektensor panggul dan ektensor lutut diukur menggunakan hand-held dynamometer. Hasil. Area COP pada anak obesitas lebih besar signifikan dibandingkan anak berat badan berlebih (p = 0.004) dan anak normal (p = 0.000). Tidak ada perbedaan signifikan antara kekuatan ekstensor panggul anak dengan IMT obesitas daripada IMT berat badan berlebih dan IMT normal yang tidak signifikan (p = 0,527). Kekuatan ekstensor lutut anak obesitas lebih besar secara signifikan dibandingkan anak berat badan berlebih (p = 0.038) dan anak normal (p = 0.001). Namun tidak ada hubungan signifikan antara area COP dengan kekuatan otot ekstensor panggul dan ekstensor lutut. Kesimpulan. Anak obesitas memperlihatkan penurunan keseimbangan postur dan peningkatan kekuatan otot ekstensor lutut dibandingkan dengan anak berat badan berlebih dan berat badan normal. Tidak ada korelasi signifikan antara keseimbangan dan kekuatan otot.

Introduction. Nutritional problems in children are not only malnutrition but also overnutrition, including overweight and obesity. It can be assessed using the body mass index (BMI). The BMI difference can leads anatomic changes due to an increased of body loading that might affect the motor performance, including changes in balance posture, muscle strength and locomotion. Purposes. to explain the influence of BMI on the balance posture and lower limb muscle strength and to assess a correlation between the balance posture and lower limb muscle strength in children aged 8-10 years. Methods. 63 children aged 8-10 years are divided in 3 groups of BMI-normal, BMI-overweight and BMI-obese. The postural balance was assessed by single leg balance test on MatScan and the centre of pressure (COP) area was recorded. Isometric muscle strength of hip extensor and knee extensor were measured using a hand-held dynamometer. Results. Obese children had larger COP area significantly than overweight (p = 0.004) and normal children (p = 0.000). There were no significant differences in hip extensor muscle strength between obese children with overweight and normal children (p = 0.527). The knee extensor muscle strength in obese group was significantly higher than the overweight groups (p = 0.038) and normal group (p = 0.001). However there was no significant correlation between the hip extensor and knee extensor muscles strength with COP area. Conclusion. Children with BMI obesity had decreased balance posture and increased knee extensor muscle strength when compared to overweight and normal children. There was no significant correlation between the postural balance and muscle strength.;Introduction. Nutritional problems in children are not only malnutrition but also overnutrition, including overweight and obesity. It can be assessed using the body mass index (BMI). The BMI difference can leads anatomic changes due to an increased of body loading that might affect the motor performance, including changes in balance posture, muscle strength and locomotion. Purposes. to explain the influence of BMI on the balance posture and lower limb muscle strength and to assess a correlation between the balance posture and lower limb muscle strength in children aged 8-10 years. Methods. 63 children aged 8-10 years are divided in 3 groups of BMI-normal, BMI-overweight and BMI-obese. The postural balance was assessed by single leg balance test on MatScan and the centre of pressure (COP) area was recorded. Isometric muscle strength of hip extensor and knee extensor were measured using a hand-held dynamometer. Results. Obese children had larger COP area significantly than overweight (p = 0.004) and normal children (p = 0.000). There were no significant differences in hip extensor muscle strength between obese children with overweight and normal children (p = 0.527). The knee extensor muscle strength in obese group was significantly higher than the overweight groups (p = 0.038) and normal group (p = 0.001). However there was no significant correlation between the hip extensor and knee extensor muscles strength with COP area. Conclusion. Children with BMI obesity had decreased balance posture and increased knee extensor muscle strength when compared to overweight and normal children. There was no significant correlation between the postural balance and muscle strength., Introduction. Nutritional problems in children are not only malnutrition but also overnutrition, including overweight and obesity. It can be assessed using the body mass index (BMI). The BMI difference can leads anatomic changes due to an increased of body loading that might affect the motor performance, including changes in balance posture, muscle strength and locomotion. Purposes. to explain the influence of BMI on the balance posture and lower limb muscle strength and to assess a correlation between the balance posture and lower limb muscle strength in children aged 8-10 years. Methods. 63 children aged 8-10 years are divided in 3 groups of BMI-normal, BMI-overweight and BMI-obese. The postural balance was assessed by single leg balance test on MatScan and the centre of pressure (COP) area was recorded. Isometric muscle strength of hip extensor and knee extensor were measured using a hand-held dynamometer. Results. Obese children had larger COP area significantly than overweight (p = 0.004) and normal children (p = 0.000). There were no significant differences in hip extensor muscle strength between obese children with overweight and normal children (p = 0.527). The knee extensor muscle strength in obese group was significantly higher than the overweight groups (p = 0.038) and normal group (p = 0.001). However there was no significant correlation between the hip extensor and knee extensor muscles strength with COP area. Conclusion. Children with BMI obesity had decreased balance posture and increased knee extensor muscle strength when compared to overweight and normal children. There was no significant correlation between the postural balance and muscle strength.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Weeke Budhyanti
Tujuan:Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui kinematika trunkus selama gerak melangkah normal pada kecepatan yang dipilih sendiri oleh subjek. Penelitian dilakukan setelah mendapatkan pernyataan lolos kaji etik dengan nomor 783/UN2.F1/ETIK/2015.Subjek: Subjek yang digunakan 44 orang, terdiri dari 5 orang batita(11-24 bulan), 6 orang balita (3-5 tahun), 20 orang remaja (9-13 tahun), dan 13 orang dewasa muda (19-24 tahun). Semua subjek sehat, telah memenuhi tahapan tumbuh kembang lengkap hingga kemampuan berjalan, tanpa deformitas maupun riwayat cedera yang berpotensi mengganggu pemeriksaan.Metode: Penelitian dilakukan dengan menganalisis rekaman pada bidang sagital, frontal dan transversal pada setiap fase dalam 1 siklus melangkah dengan menggunakan software Kinovea. Hasil:Didapatkan perbedaan signifikan pada bidang gerak frontal dan fase single leg support bidang transversal. Tidak ada perbedaan pada bidang sagital dan fase double limb support bidang transversal. Sudut gerak trunkus pada batita pada bidang frontal sebesar 1,67o-4,20o, mencapai puncak pada fase foot flat; pada bidang sagital 3,25o-7,75o, mencapai puncak pada fase mid swing; dan pada bidang transversal 11,50o-17,20o, mencapai puncak pada fase foot flat.Sudut gerak trunkus pada balita pada bidang frontal sebesar 1,89o-3,50o, mencapai puncak pada fase deceleration; pada bidang sagital 3,19o-6,75o, mencapai puncak pada fase deceleration; dan pada bidang transversal 8,22o-13,75o, mencapai puncak pada fase midswing.Sudut gerak trunkus pada remaja pada bidang frontal sebesar 1,57o-2,49o, mencapai puncak pada fase deceleration; pada bidang sagital 3,53o-7,95o, mencapai puncak pada fase deceleration; dan pada bidang transversal 6,73o-9,56o, mencapai puncak pada fase heel off.Hasil pengukuran pada orang dewasa dalam penelitian ini sebesar 1,74o-2,77o pada bidang frontal, mencapai puncak pada fase midstance; 2,55o-4,74o pada bidang sagital, mencapai puncak pada fase deceleration; dan 4,23o-6,13o pada bidang transversal, mencapai puncak pada fase deceleration. Besaran sudut menurun seiring pertambahan usia, namun maturasi melangkah masih terjadi pada kelompok usia remaja

Aim: This study was conducted to find trunk kinematics during normal walking with self selected speed. Study held after get ethical approval 783/UN2.F1/ETIK/2015.Subjects: 44 subjects participated, consists of 5 toddlers (11-24 months), 6 preschoolers (3-5 yo), 20 teenagers (9-13 yo), and 13 young adults (19-24 yo). Each subjectwas healthy, with normal stages of development, without deformity or injury that may cause disorders.Method: Study held with analyzing video of sagittal, frontal, and transverse plane of each phase from single gait cycle using Kinoveasoftware. Result:Significant differences were found on frontal plane and single leg supportphase of transversal plane.No differences found on sagital planeanddouble limb supportof transversal plane. Trunk?s angle movement on toddlers 1,67o-4,20ofor frontal plane, peak on foot flat phase; 3,25o-7,75ofor sagital plane, peak onmid swing phase;and 11,50o-17,20ofor transversal plane, peak onfoot flat phase. Trunk?s angle movement on preschoolers 1,89o-3,50o for frontal plane, peak on deceleration; 3,19o-6,75ofor sagital plane, peak on deceleration; and 8,22o-13,75ofor transversal plane, peak on midswing. Trunk?s angle movement on teenagers 1,57o-2,49o for frontal plane, peak on deceleration; 3,53o-7,95ofor sagital plane, peak on deceleration; and 6,73o-9,56ofor transversal plane, peak on heel off. Trunk?s angle movement on young adults 1,74o-2,77ofor frontal plane, peak on midstance; 2,55o-4,74ofor sagital plane, peak on deceleration; and 4,23o-6,13ofor transversal plane, peak on deceleration. Angle of movement decreased with aging, and gait maturation still happens on teenagers."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Permasalahan. Penelitian tentang efek sepatu hak tinggi masih menuai kontroversi akibat beberapa faktor, salah satunya adalah dalam mempengaruhi kurvatura vertebrae lumbales, sehingga belum diketahui secara pasti mekanisme perubahan kurvatura lordosis vertebrae lumbales.
Tujuan. Mengetahui efek sepatu hak tinggi dalam mengubah parameter lumbosakropelvis, serta diketahuinya korelasi antar parameter lumbosakropelvis pada saat berdiri statis menggunakan sepatu hak tinggi.
Metode. Penelitian ini melibatkan total 35 peserta wanita. Setiap peserta diwawancara, dipisahkan menjadi kelompok tidak terbiasa menggunakan sepatu hak tinggi Grup NHT dan kelompok terbiasa menggunakan sepatu hak tinggi Grup HT ; dilakukan penandatanganan formulir informed consent dan pemeriksaan fisik, kemudian dilakukan pemeriksaan radiografi konvensional pada segmen lumbal dan pelvis pada kondisi tanpa alas kaki dan dengan menggunakan sepatu hak tinggi.
Hasil. Grup NHT menunjukan berkurangnya lordosis lumbal, berkurangnya sacral slope dan retroversi pelvis yang signifikan, namun pelvic incidence relatif tidak berubah. Grup HT menunjukan bertambahnya lordosis lumbal dan pelvic incidence yang signifikan, namun sacral slope dan pelvic tilt relatif tidak berubah. Pada grup NHT ditemukan korelasi antara sacral slope dan pelvic incidence, namun grup HT ditemukan korelasi antar parameter lumbosakropelvis, kecuali antara lordosis lumbal dengan pelvic incidence.
Kesimpulan. Sepatu hak tinggi memberikan efek yang berbeda pada parameter lumbosakropelvis dan menghilangkan sebagian korelasinya.

Problem. The research about shoes effects still give controversy results because of several factors, including the effect that influence the vertebrae lumbales curvature, so it hasn rsquo t known for certain about mechanisms that change the vertebrae lumbales lordosis curvature.
Purpose. To find out high heeled shoes effects that can change lumbosacroplevic parameter and also to discover the correlation between lumbosacroplevic parameter.
Method. This research involves a total of 35 women. Each subject must pass an interview session, separated into non high heeled user NHT grup and high heeled user HT grup with informed written consent and physical examination, then performed a conventional radiography examination on lumbal and pelvis while standing barefoot and wearing high heels shoes.
Result. NHT group shows a reducing lumbal lordosis, reducing sacral slope and pelvis retroversion significantly, but pelvic incidence angle insignificantly didn rsquo t chance. HT group shows an increasing lumbal lordosis and pelvic incindence significantly, but sacral and pelvic tilt insignificantly didn rsquo t chance. NHT group shows a correlation between sacral slope and pelvic incidence, but HT gorup has a correlation among the lumbosacropelvic parameters, except between lordosis lumbal and pelvic incidence.
Conclusion. High heels shoes have a diverse effect to change lumbosacropelvic parameters dan dismiss its correlation partially.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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