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Marlynda Happy Nurmalita Sari
Abstrak :
Kecamatan Sukamakmur termasuk wilayah Kabupaten Bogor yang masih rendah pertolongan persalinan oleh tenaga kesehatan yaitu 55,2% pada tahun 2014. Tujuan penelitian mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan penolong persalinan di Kecamatan Sukamakmur. Desain penelitian cross sectional, sampel 146 menggunakan probability proportionate to size sampling. Hasil penelitian ibu bersalin di tenaga kesehatan 52,1% dan non tenaga kesehatan 47,9%. Terdapat hubungan variabel pendidikan ibu, pendidikan suami, pendapatan keluarga, kunjungan antenatal care, akses pelayanan kesehatan dan kepercayaan terhadap tenaga kesehatan, dengan penolong persalinan. Variabel kepercayaan terhadap tenaga kesehatan (pvalue= <0,001) merupakan faktor paling dominan (OR 4,55 95% CI 2,11-9,83.
Sukamakmur District is one of the areas in Bogor Regency with a low rate of delivery assisted by health care professionals, i.e. 55,2% in 2014. This research aimed to determine the factors associated with the choice of birth attendants in Sukamakmur District. This study used a cross sectional design, collected data from 146 respondents using probability proportionalto size sampling method. The study results show 52,1% of birthwas assisted by health professionals and 47,9% by non-health personnel. It also identified relationship between mother's education, husband's education, family income, antenatal care visits, access to health services, and confidence in health personnel with birth attendant. Confidence in health professionals (p-value= <0,001) was the most dominant factor (OR 4,55 95% CI 2,11-9,83). Key words : birth attendants, health.;Sukamakmur District is one of the areas in Bogor Regency with a low rate of delivery assisted by health care professionals, i.e. 55,2% in 2014. This research aimed to determine the factors associated with the choice of birth attendants in Sukamakmur District. This study used a cross sectional design, collected data from 146 respondents using probability proportionalto size sampling method. The study results show 52,1% of birthwas assisted by health professionals and 47,9% by non-health personnel. It also identified relationship between mother?s education, husband?s education, family income, antenatal care visits, access to health services, and confidence in health personnel with birth attendant. Confidence in health professionals (p-value= <0,001) was the most dominant factor (OR 4,55 95% CI 2,11-9,83). Key words : birth attendants, health, Sukamakmur District is one of the areas in Bogor Regency with a low rate of delivery assisted by health care professionals, i.e. 55,2% in 2014. This research aimed to determine the factors associated with the choice of birth attendants in Sukamakmur District. This study used a cross sectional design, collected data from 146 respondents using probability proportionalto size sampling method. The study results show 52,1% of birthwas assisted by health professionals and 47,9% by non-health personnel. It also identified relationship between mother’s education, husband’s education, family income, antenatal care visits, access to health services, and confidence in health personnel with birth attendant. Confidence in health professionals (p-value= <0,001) was the most dominant factor (OR 4,55 95% CI 2,11-9,83). Key words : birth attendants, health]
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Dewi
Abstrak :
Obesitas memberikan dampak yang serius pada kesehatan, termasuk kesehatan reproduksi perempuan. Nilai-nilai dan budaya Minangkabau mempengaruhi gaya hidup perempuan obese pada periode prakonsepsi. Penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan intervensi keperawatan prakonsepsi berbasis mobile health untuk meningkat efikasi diri dan perilaku kesehatan reproduksi perempuan obese Minangkabau. Desain penelitian ini adalah Research and Development (R&D) yang terdiri dari tiga tahap, 1) mengidentifikasi masalah dan kebutuhan edukasi perempuan obese, 2) mengembangkan model intervensi keperawatan prakonsepsi My Plan yang diintegrasikan ke dalam aplikasi android, dan 3) menguji pengaruh model intervensi menggunakan desain quasi experiment pre-post test with control group. Sebanyak 195 perempuan obese usia 18-40 tahun sebagai responden, terdiri dari kelompok intervensi (98 orang) dan kelompok kontrol (97 orang). Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa intervensi keperawatan prakonsepsi My Plan efektif meningkatkan efikasi diri (p=0.001), dan perilaku kesehatan reproduksi (p=0.013) setelah dikontrol oleh variabel lingkungan sosial. Aplikasi My Plan dapat digunakan oleh pemerintah, tokoh masyarakat, dan petugas kesehatan untuk meningkatkan efikasi diri dan perilaku kesehatan reproduksi perempuan obese. ......Obesity has a serious impact on health, including women's reproductive health. Unhealthy living behaviors and lack of confidence in obesity treatment are important problems for women in the preconception period. This study aims to produce a mobile health-based preconception nursing intervention to increase self-efficacy and reproductive health behavior of obese women. This study used a research and development (R&D) design consisting of three stages, 1) descriptive qualitative research to identify problems and educational needs of obese women, 2) development of a nursing intervention model integrated into the application, and 3) testing the effect of the intervention model using a quasi experiment pre-post test design with control group. A total of 195 obese women aged 18-40 years as respondents, consisting of an intervention group (98 people) and a control group (97 people). This study found that My Plan preconception nursing intervention was effective in improving self-efficacy (p=0.001), and reproductive health behavior (p=0.013) after controlling for social environment variables. The recommendation of this study is that the My Plan application can be used by the government, community leaders, health cadres and health workers to increase self-efficacy to change lifestyles and reproductive health behaviors of obese women.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Diare merupakan penyebab kematian terbanyak kedua pada balita di Negara berkembang. Penyebab diare adalah buruknya perilaku hidup sehat masyarakat. Diperlukan inovasi untuk meningkatkan perilaku sehat khususnya anak prasekolah. Penanaman konsep perilaku yang baik pada periode ini akan menghasilkan perilaku yang baik di kemudian hari. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh game edukasi yang efektif meningkatkan perilaku sehat cegah diare pada anak usia prasekolah. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian dan pengembangan yang melibatkan 120 anak prasekolah yang kemudian dibagi secara acak random allocation menjadi 60 anak pada kelompok intervensi dan kontrol. Kelompok intervensi diberikan permainan selama 25 menit, dua kali seminggu, selama lima minggu berturut-turut. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner dan lembar observasi pada minggu pertama, ke-6, ke-8 dan ke-10. Data dianalisis dengan uji General linier model repeated measured. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa aplikasi permainan berbasis android cegah diare Arbicare efektif dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan p.
Diarrhea is the second cause of death in children under five in developing countries. The causes of diarrhea are the lack of people healthy behavior. Innovation is needed to improve healthy behavior especially in preschoolers. Good concept during this period will form a good behavior in the future. This study aimed to obtain educational game that effectively increases healthy behavior to prevent diarrhea in children of preschool age. This study used research and development design involving 120 preschool children who were divided randomly to 60 children in the intervention and control groups. The intervention group received the educational game for 25 minutes, twice a week, for five consecutive weeks. Data were collected with questionnaires and observation sheet in the first, sixth, eight and tenth week. Data were analyzed by general linear model of repeated measured. Research showed that android based game application of diarrhea prevention Arbicare were effective to improve knowledge p.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Laode Saltar
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Kontrol glikemik yang buruk merupakan kontributor utama terjadinya neuropati perifer diabetes (NPD), dan berkaitan dengan efikasi diri klien DM tipe 2. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas model intervensi holistik terintegrasi cempaka terhadap efikasi diri, kontrol glikemik dan perbaikan NPD klien DM tipe 2. Metode: Disain penelitian ini menggunakan mix method dengan strategi pendekatan eksploratoris sekuensial yang dilakukan dalam dua tahap. Penelitian tahap satu menguraikan pengembangan model dan modul intervensi keperawatan. Penelitian tahap dua adalah uji efektivitas model dengan menggunakan desain quasi-experimental dengan pendekatan pretest-posttest kontrol group design melibatkan 92 responden. Uji efektivitas menggunakan Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE). Hasil: Hasil penelitian tahap satu menghasilkan model intervensi yang holistik terintegrasi dengan intervensi coching kesehatan, latihan mindfulness dan partisipasi keluarga. Hasil uji efektivitas menunjukan model intervensi cempaka efektif meningkatkan efikasi diri pada bulan ke-3 sebesar 9,89 dan bulan ke-6 sebesar 11,52; menurunkan nilai HbA1c pada bulan ke-6 sebesar 0,9%; dan meningkatkan perbaikan neuropati perifer pada bulan ke-3 sebesar 23,98 dan bulan ke-6 sebesar 24,25. Kesimpulan: Model intervensi Cempaka terbukti meningkatkan efikasi diri, kontrol glikemik, dan perbaikan neuropati perifer, sehingga model ini layak direkomendasikan untuk diterapkan secara luas pada populasi klien DM tipe 2 dengan NPD usia dewasa di Indonesia. ......Background: Poor glycemic control is a major contributor to diabetic peripheral neuropathy (NPD) and is related to the self-efficacy of type 2 DM clients. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the Cempaka integrated holistic intervention model in improving self-efficacy, glycemic control, and peripheral neuropathy conditions in clients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Methods: The design of this study used a mixed method with a sequential exploratory approach strategy carried out in two stages. Phase one study describes the development of nursing intervention models and modules, literature studies, preliminary studies, expert tests, and readability tests. The second phase of the study was to test the effectiveness of the model using a quasi-experimental design with a pretest-posttest control group design approach involving 92 respondents. Test effectiveness using Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE). Results: The first phase of the study resulted in a holistic intervention model integrated with health coaching interventions, mindfulness exercises and family participation. The results of the effectiveness test showed that the Cempaka intervention model was effective in increasing self-efficacy in the 3rd month by 9.89 and 11.52 in the 6th month; lowered the HbA1c value in the 6th month by 0.9%; and increased the improvement of peripheral neuropathy at the 3rd month of 23.98 and the 6th month of 24.25. Conclusion: The Cempaka intervention model has been proven to increase self-efficacy, and glycemic control, and improve peripheral neuropathy, so this model is worthy of being recommended for wide application in the adult population of type 2 DM clients with NPD in Indonesia.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan BIsnis Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Iwan Wahyudi
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Pelayanan keperawatan di Puskesmas saat ini belum sepenuhnya menampilkan kemandirian profesi keperawatan sehingga kinerja dan kepuasan kerja perawat terkait pemberian asuhan keperawatan menjadi tidak optimal. Model Tata Kelola Klinis Pelayanan Keperawatan INPRO merupakan upaya penataan kegiatan pelayanan keperawatan dalam gedung puskesmas untuk meningkatkan kinerja dan kepuasan kerja perawat puskesmas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji efektifitas model tata kelola klinis pelayanan keperawatan INPRO terhadap peningkatan kinerja dan kepuasan perawat di Puskesmas. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian operasional dengan tiga tahap penelitian. Tahap pertama yakni penelitian eksplorasi melalui studi kuantitatif dan kualitatif dengan jumlah responden studi kuantitatif sebanyak 96 responden dan 18 partisipan untuk studi kualiatif. Tahap kedua, proses pengembangan model melibatkan 3 pakar dan 7 responden untuk uji keterbacaan .Tahap ketiga merupakan uji efektivitas model dengan disain kuantitatif kuasi eksperimen pre-post test with control group, dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 56 responden yang terbagi dalam dua kelompok. Hasil: Penelitian tahap 1 teridentifikasi 6 temuan yang menunjukkan bahwa perlu upaya penataan pelayanan keperawatan didalam gedung puskesmas. Tahap 2 dihasilkannya model tata kelola pelayanan keperawatan INPRO dalam gedung Puskesmas yang berlandaskan pada otonomi profesi, kepemimpinan dan hubungan profesional. Tahap 3 diperoleh hasil terdapat perbedaan signifikan peningkatan rerata kepuasan kerja (p<0,05) dan kinerja perawat (p<0,05) sebelum dan sesudah intervensi pada kelompok intervensi. Kesimpulan: Model tata kelola klinis pelayanan keperawatan Inpro efektif dapat meningkatkan kepuasan dan kinerja perawat. Saran: Model ini dapat digunakan pada pelayanan keperawatan dalam gedung puskesmas untuk meningkatkan kepuasan dan kinerja perawat. ......Background: Nursing services at Community Health Centers (Puskesmas) currently do not fully display the independence of the nursing profession so that Nurse performance and job satisfaction regarding to providing the nursing care was not optimal. The INPRO Nursing Service Clinical Governance Model is an effort to manage nursing service activities for increasing the satisfaction and performance of nurses. This study aims to examine the effectiveness of the INPRO nursing service clinical governance model for increasing nurse satisfaction and performance at community health center. Methods: This study used an operational research with three stages of research. The first stage is exploratory research through quantitative and qualitative studies with 96 respondents and 18 participants for qualitative studies. The second stage is the model development process involved 3 experts and 7 respondent to test readability.. The third stage is a test of the effectiveness of the model with a quasi experiment pre-post test with control group design, with a total of 56 respondents divided into two groups. Results: Stage 1 research identified 6 findings that showed that efforts were needed to manage nursing services. stage 2 produced a clinical governance model of INPRO nursing services at Puskesmas based on professional autonomy, leadership and professional relationships. Stage 3 obtained the results that there was a significant difference in the average increase in job satisfaction (p<0.05) and nurse performance (p<0.05) before and after the intervention for the intervention group. Conclusion: The clinical governance model of Inpro nursing services can effectively improve nurse satisfaction and performance. Suggestion: This model can be used for nursing services at puskesmas to improve nurse satisfaction and performance.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dayan Hisni
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: Prevalensi komplikasi DM semakin meningkat termasuk di Indonesia. Untuk mencegah komplikasi DM diperlukan perubahan perilaku. Setiap pasien DM memiliki kebutuhan dan tujuan kesehatan yang bervariasi, maka person-centered approach perlu diberikan sebagai strategi yang menjanjikan untuk mengubah perilaku dalam mencegah komplikasi DM. Salah satu strateginya adalah dengan coaching. Melalui coaching, diharapkan dapat meningkatkan efikasi diri dan penerimaan diri sebagai mediator dalam mengubah perilaku dalam mencegah komplikasi DM. Tujuan: dikembangkannya model coaching keperawatan berdasarkan analisis eksploratori tentang pengalaman perilaku pencegahan komplikasi dan efektivitasnya terhadap efikasi diri, penerimaan diri, perilaku pencegahan komplikasi dan metabolik markers pada pasien DM tipe 2. Metodologi: Penelitian ini menggunakan mixed-method dengan desain eksploratori sekuensial melalui tiga tahap. Purposive sampling digunakan untuk pengambilan sampel. Tahap pertama melibatkan lima belas pasien DM tipe 2 sebagai partisipan, tahap kedua melibatkan tiga orang sebagai pakar, dan tahap ketiga melibatkan 70 pasien DM tipe 2 sebagai responden. Hasil: Teridentifikasi empat tema yang menjadi dasar pengembangan model. Tersusun empat modul sebagai penjelasan model dan pedoman implementasi model coaching keperawatan. Hasil menunjukkan adanya efektivitas intervensi model coaching keperawatan terhadap efikasi diri, penerimaan diri, perilaku pencegahan komplikasi DM, dan tekanan darah sistol (p < 0,001), serta GDP (p = 0,014), namun tidak efektif terhadap HbA1c, kolesterol total, dan tekanan darah diastol (p > 0,05). Analisis lebih lanjut menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada efek variabel perancu terhadap efikasi diri, penerimaan diri, perilaku pencegahan komplikasi DM, GDP dan tekanan darah sistol (p > 0,05), namun ada efek usia terhadap perilaku pencegahan komplikasi DM (p = 0,011), dan ada efek jenis kelamin terhadap tekanan darah sistol (p = 0,018). Simpulan: Setelah mengontrol variabel perancu, intervensi model coaching keperawatan mampu meningkatkan skor rerata efikasi diri, memperbaiki penerimaan diri, meningkatkan perilaku pencegahan komplikasi DM, menurunkan skor rerata GDP, dan tekanan darah sistol. Saran: Intervensi model coaching keperawatan dapat diadopsi sebagai salah satu intervensi keperawatan dalam mencegah komplikasi DM tipe 2. ......Background: The prevalence of DM complications is increasing, including in Indonesia. To prevent DM complications, behavior change is needed. Each DM patient has varied health needs and goals, so a person-centered approach needs to be provided as a promising strategy to change behavior in preventing DM complications. One of the strategies is coaching. By implementing coaching, it is expected to increase self-efficacy and self-acceptance as mediators in changing behavior in preventing DM complications. Aim: to identify the effectiveness of nursing coaching model intervention on self-efficacy, self-acceptance, prevention DM complications behaviors and the impact on metabolic markers in patients with type 2 DM. Methods: A mixed-method approach with exploratory sequential steps was conducted. Purposive sampling was used to approach the participants. The first step involved fifeteen participants with type 2 DM; the second step involved three experts, and the third step involved 70 participants with type 2 DM. Results: The results showed there were four themes as a basis for developing a model. There were four modules as part of the nurse coaching model. There was an effect of nursing coaching model intervention on self-efficacy, self-acceptance, prevention DM complications behaviors, and systolic blood pressure (p < 0,001), as well as fasting blood glucose (p = 0,014); however, there was no effect of nursing coaching model intervention on HbA1c, total cholesterol, and diastolic blood pressure (p > 0,05). Furthermore, there was no effect of confounding variables on self-efficacy, self-acceptance, prevention DM complications behaviors, fasting blood glucose, and systolic blood pressure (p > 0,05). Conclusion: After controlling confounding variables, a nursing coaching model intervention improves the mean score of self-efficacy self-acceptance, prevention DM complications behaviors, and decreasing the mean score of FBG and systolic. Suggestion: A nursing coaching model intervention can be adopted as one of the nursing interventions to prevent DM complications, especially at the Public Health Center.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library