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Fifijanti Santoso
A total of 40 households with pre-scholars belonging to East Jakarta District were surveyed for their intra household food distribution practices using food weighing and 24 h recall method for three consecutive days. It generally aimed to examine the contribution of intra-household food distribution practices to the nutritional status of the households' members.
Two groups of 20 households represented the study households, one group with low household income (less than Rp 37,500 or US $ 17/capita/month), the other with higher household income (more or equal to Rp 66,000 or US $ 301capitalmoth).
Results revealed that fathers and children of higher income group were better nourished than fathers and children of low-income group, but no difference between the mothers. The energy distributions were more or less equal in both low and higher income group. In low-income group the parents got more protein adequacy (the mothers got 108.7 % and the fathers got 108.4 %) than the children (83.9%). In higher income group, all household members got adequate protein (the fathers got 131.4%; the mothers got 110.4 % and the children got 124.8%). Low-income households assured themselves of sufficient intake of rice; oil; sugar and snacks whereas the higher income households consumed higher intake of milk; meat; egg; fruits & vegetables. Findings seemed to indicate that there were differences in the food distribution patterns between low and higher income group and these patterns closely associated with the nutritional status of household members.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Syafiq
Childhood living conditions have long been recognized to have a long term impact on nutritional and health status (Truswell, 1976, Shannon and Chen, 1988, Lundberg, 1993). The pattern of the urban nutrition condition is probably different compared to the nutrition condition in rural areas. Family income, environment (water supply, sewerage facilities, health services etc) besides cultural background and education could limit growth of the children (Solomons and Gross, 1987, Gross and Monteiro, 1989).
Nutritional problems among schoolchildren will negatively affect their learning skills which is very important in succeeding formal educational processes in school (Pollit, 1990, Lopez et al., 1993). Gross (1989) proposed schoolchildren as one of non-traditional nutritional risk groups which seem to exist in the urban area.
It is noted that one of the important changes in Indonesia is a structural change in the future population structure whereby the number of school-age-children
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The urban population of Indonesia has doubled in the last three decades, and it is estimated that by the year of 2010 almost 40-45% of the population will be living in urban areas. Jakarta as the capital city is the most rapid growing city among others in Indonesia. This, for the most part, was influenced by rapid growing of industrial factories, enlargement of the administration areas of the city, as well as high population growth rate. As the consequence, many aspects of human life including housing, food stock and food production, health and environmental condition, educational situation, economical improvement, social and cultural life, political stability, and national resistance have been changed. However, the changes could be positive or negative.
Urbanization was associated with important changes in food consumption pattern. The urban diet may be more varied and may include higher levels of animal proteins and fats while being lower in calories (Pagaspas 1994, Santoso 1995). Fresh foods such as vegetables, meat, poultry, milk and other dairy products were consumed more by urban than by rural people. Another change that had occurred in urban food habit was an increase in the amount of food eaten outside the household (FAO 1984). These foods tend to be eaten by the consumer at the roadside and were relatively cheap. Ease of preparation, time saving and money, taste, identification with an urban lifestyle, and inaccessibility to cooking facilities in crowded urban slums were among the reasons for the shifts in food consumption patterns. The value of women's time was an important factor affecting household expenditure on food. A greater variety of foods were also available in urban areas, leading to more diversified diets. Information from a slum in Brazil, indicated the lower income class tended to meet a smaller amount of its energy and nutrient requirements than did the higher income class (Von Braun et al 1993).
Study carried out by SEAMEO - UI participants from 1985-1989 in five slum areas in Jakarta showed that the prevalence of nutritional deficiency in terms of moderate and severe PEM was still very high (31.9%) in East Jakarta (Von Braun et al 1993). Besides, study carried out by Susilowati (1997) revealed that mothers suffered from undenutrition (27%) and ovenutrition (30%). Mothers had higher calorie and protein intake as compared to underfive children (Pagaspas 1994, Santoso 1995). Compared to Jakarta's prevalence of PEM among underfive children (25.8%), the figures of East Jakarta was higher. Nationally, prevalence of PEM among underfive children was 28.6% (Indonesian Health Profile 1997).
As one main determinant of malnutrition, food consumption was greatly influenced by purchasing power. On average, calories correlates with income in urban area. Marginal intake of calories decreases with increasing income levels. As prices or incomes change, there was a greater tendency among urban consumers to diversify their diet and substitute more readily (Von Braun et at 1993). Study about undernutrition in low income households in West Jakarta found that at least more than 30% of food expenditure was spent on street foods.
Undernutrition among underfive children mainly due to eating snacks and street food. It was caused by social pressure from neighbor, clever promotion strategy of street vendor, especially on its convenience (located at strategic places, going house to house), tasty, snacking (child refused to eat main meals but will eat snacks) had made eating out a general habit and difficult to be modified. In another word, dietary inadequacy was not primarily due to low purchasing power but rather to habit of buying snacks outside home (Pujilestari et al 1995).
Moreover, the habitual diet of family consists of rice, soybean products (tofu, tempe), fresh fish and dark green leafy vegetables. Noodles often replaced a rice meal. Their food composition was quite simple and less varied. A rough estimate of energy intake for consumption unit (CU) was made from the amount of calories major sources bought, i.e. rice, noodles, cooking oil. The average daily energy intake from these sources covered 63% of RDA (Pujilestari et al 1995).
The study about food habits among mothers and their children 2-5 aged in urban areas in Indonesia is rare. The study was usually implemented in rural area at provincial level. It was related to the application of nutritional anthropology with agriculture science, for example study on "Social and Cultural Influences on Food Habits and Food Consumption Patterns of Staple Food in the Family with Preschool Children". The study was undertaken by Ministry of Health in collaboration with The National Development Planning Board in 1986. The study revealed that the family in areas with other staple food than rice, eating rice is not considered as to provide strength for working in the field or in the forest."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Since July 1997. there was a monetary crisis in Indonesia. This condition influences health and nutritional status of the communitv. There was a decrease of purchasing power. due to lack job opportunities. This condition lead to decreasing in quality and quantity of food intake of children under-five in the community.
Four cross-sectional surveys were carried out in East Jakarta in September 1993, April 1998, December 1998, and March 1999. There were totally 1859 under five children and 1622 household assessed within the four surveys. Multi stage random sampling was used in the first survey (September 1993) by Susilowati Regardless there were under fives or not the study covered all subdristricts select households having children under the age 60 months from 16 village units of 10 sub-districts. And the next three surveys used the same study area as the first study data on socio-economic, food consumption. environmental situation and nutrition status were collected using pre-coded questionaire and anthropometric measurements. The percentage of fathers without occupation increased in 1999 (7 .3 ~o) as compare to 1993 (2%). The anthropometric status of under-five children in September 1993. April 1998, December 1998 and March 1999 show the prevalence of stunting are as following 22.7%, 16.1%, 25 .4% and 22% (p value < 0.05, Chi Square). While the prevalence of wasting are as following 15%, 17.90/o, 11 .5% and 14.1 % (p value < 0.05, Chi Square). There were no significant difference in nutritional status between boys and girls within the four surveys. During the monetary crisis there were significant difference in prevalence of underweight (April'98 survey) in children from lower strata/percentile of per capitafood expenditure and upper level of strata percentile of per capita food expenditure (p < 0.05, Chi Square). Anthropometric indicators were calculated using growth reference data of the National Center for health Statistics ( 1977 )
The prevalence of stunting and wasting were also significantly higher inthcgroup receiving food aid compared to those without food aid. There is no significant difference in prevalence of malnourished mother by using cut-off point BMJ< 18.5. The prevalence of malnourished mother found in September 1993 was 14.7%. in April 1998 was 13.1%': in December 1998 was 16.2%, and in March 1999 was 13%. The same situation also describe ·n BM1>25 which has no changes from 1993 to 1999. The prevalence of overweight (BMI > 25) mother found in September 1993 was 24.2%, April 1998 was 21.3%, December 1998 19.1%, and March 1999 24.6%. It seems that the crisis has no impact on nutritional status of non pregnant mother.
The crisis was associated with a clear negative shift in household food
consumption. The intake of animal prolein sources significantly decreased (p value<
0.05.chi-square). as a coping mechanism the plant protein as well as green leafy begetables consumption increased makedly)
Based on strata/percentile of per capita food expenditure there were no
difference within the strata in all surveys in eggs consumption in the family but there were diference for poultry, meat, fish and milk (p< 0 05. Chi Square)
There was assoaciation between children nutritional starus and frequency of food intake of animal protein, milk, fruit and cooking oil (p value < 0.05 anova). There were also assoctation between nutritional status of under live children with food expenditure number of household member, mother nutrional status (BMI and MUAC). Duration of breast-feeding snack consumption, total expenditure and food and program
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Margaretha Sri Hastuti
"Penelitian tugas akhir Program Pasca Sarjana di Departemen Geografi Universitas Indonesia didominasi oleh penelitian terapan. Salah satu tema penelitian, yaitu Pengembangan Pendidikan SMA, rumusan masalah yang diteliti adalah karakteristik wilayah sebaran lokasi SMA berdasarkan parameter kualitas SMA dan Wilayah Pengembangan Pendidikan SMA di Kota Depok. Untuk mengetahui karakteristik wilayah sebaran lokasi SMA berdasarkan parameter kualitas SMA di Kota Depok dianalisis secara spasial dan uji statistik. Variabel yang digunakan adalah Nilai rata-rata Ujian Nasional sebagai parameter kualitas SMA, jumlah penduduk usia SMA, angka partisipasi sekolah, penggunaan tanah permukiman, rasio kelas dan siswa, rasio guru dan siswa, jumlah sarana penunjang dan tingkat kelulusan dari tiap-tiap SMA di Kota Depok. Kemudian dilakukan overlay peta kualitas SMA dengan peta dari variabel-variabel yang digunakan. Membuat analisis dengan tabel matriks antara kualitas SMA dengan variabel yang diteliti.
Uji statistik digunakan untuk mendukung analisis spasial. Untuk mengetahui wilayah pengembangan pendidikan SMA digunakan semua variabel dengan membuat wilayah prioritas berdasarkan : Jumlah Penduduk usia SMA yaitu usia 15 - 19 tahun tiap kecamatan, Angka Partisipasi Sekolah, Penggunaan tanah permukiman tiap kecamatan , prosentase peringkat A nilai rata-rata Ujian Nasional dari sekolah-sekolah di setiap Kecamatan, prosentase Rasio Kelas dan Siswa di bawah standar dari tiap Kecamatan, prosentase Rasio Guru dan Siswa di bawah standar dari tiap Kecamatan, prosentase kelengkapan ruang sarana penunjang dari tiap Kecamatan.
Berdasarkan hasil pembahasan dapat ditarik kesimpulan sebagai berikut : Karakteristik sebaran kualitas SMA tidak sepenuhnya mengikuti sebaran jumlah penduduk Usia sekolah (15-19 tahun), sekolah-sekolah yang berkualitas tinggi persebarannya berada pada wilayah dengan jumlah penduduk usia sekolah sedang, pada wilayah dengan angka partisipasi tinggi, pada wilayah dengan penggunaan tanah permukiman tinggi dan memiliki rasio kelas dan siswa dibawah standar, memiliki rasio guru dan siswa diatas standar, memiliki ruang sarana penunjang lengkap. Wilayah pengembangan pendidikan SMA prioritas utama adalah kecamatan Cimanggis dan kecamatan Sawangan, prioritas kedua adalah kecamatan Sukmajaya dan prioritas ketiga adalah kecamatan Pancoranmas, Beji dan Limo.

The research thesis of the Graduate Program in the Geography Department, University of Indonesia is dominated by applied research. One of the research themes is Educational Development of High Schools. The formulation of the problems examined are the characteristics of the distribution area of High School locations based on the high-quality parameters and Area Development of High School education in Depok. To analyze and find out the characteristics of the distribution area of High School locations based on the high-quality parameters of High School in Depok, spatial and statistical tests were used. The variables used in the research are average values of National Examination as a parameter of quality High School, the age of High School population, school enrollment, the use of residential land, class - student ratio, student - teacher ratio from each High School in Depok. Then we performed high quality overlay maps with maps of the variables used, made a chart analysis with matrix between the quality of high school with the research variables.
The statistical test was used to support spatial analysis. To know the development of high school education all the variables were used by making priority of the region by: Number of school age population, School Enrollment, the use of Residential Land, percentage of rating A for the average marks of the National Examination of the schools in each district (kecamatan), percentage of Class - Student Ratio under the standards of each district, and Student -Teacher Ratio percentage below the standard from each district, the percentage of completeness of spaces of supporting facilities of each district.
Based on the results of the discussion, it can be concluded that Characteristics of the distribution of school quality does not entirely follow the distribution of school age population. The high quality schools are spreading to areas with a population of medium school age category, in areas with a high participation rate category, in areas with high residential land use category and have a ratio below the standard class - student ratio, has a student-teacher ratio above the standard, and has a dequate or complete support facilities. The priority of high school education development area is the district of Cimanggis and Sawangan, the second priority is the district of Sukmajaya and the third priority is the district of Pancoranmas, Beji and Limo.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library