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Agus Luthfi
"Permasalahan yang mendasari penelitian ini adalah bahwa secara simultan, pertambahan jumlah penduduk, peningkatan pendapatan dan aktivitas manusia telah mendorong terciptanya permintaan terhadap produk lingkungan, yakni adanya udara segar, sejuk, pemandangan yang indah dan alamiah serta jauh dari berbagai problema kehidupan. Dalam hal ini pengembangan pariwisata (taman rekreasi) merupakan suatu alternatif untuk dapat memenuhi permintaan tersebut.
Sumberdaya lingkungan, seperti taman rekreasi memberikan manfaat bagi para pemakainya, tetapi karena tidak ada pungutan atau pungutannya relatif kecil atau nilai kepuasannya yang diperoleh pemakai bersifat abstrak, maka pencerminan akan nilainya tidak terlihat. Ini bukan berarti bahwa sumberdaya lingkungan tanpa nilai atau hilangnya tak akan merupakan kehilangan bagi masyarakat. Analisis ekonomi merupakan suatu alternatif yang dapat membantu menilai manfaat tersebut.
Mengingat bahwa kawasan pantai wisata Watu Ulo tersebut milik Pemerintah, maka lebih bersifat public goods (barang publik) dibandingkan dengan aspek komersialnya (ekonomi). Di lain pihak, taman rekreasi tersebut memberikan kepuasan tersendiri bagi penduduk. Sebagai produk lingkungan, maka keberadaan taman rekreasi tersebut perlu dipertahankan karena mempunyai nilai.
Dari uraian tersebut timbul suatu permasalahan, khususnya berkaitan dengan nilai dari manfaat yang diperoleh masyarakat terhadap konsumsi produk lingkungan taman rekreasi, oleh karena itu perlu suatu penilaian untuk menunjukkan berapa besar manfaat dari produk tersebut (Kawasan pantai wisata Watu Ulo). Salah satu cara adalah dengan mengkuantifikasikan manfaat tersebut ke dalam nilai moneter.
Tujuan penelitian adalah : 1) untuk mengukur besarnya manfaat lingkungan yang diperoleh pengunjung; 2) untuk mengukur besarnya elastisitas kunjungan berdasarkan biaya perjalanan total; 3) untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi permintaan konsumen terhadap produk lingkungan (taman rekreasi); 4) untuk mengidentifikasi perilaku konsumen dalam pemeliharaan kualitas lingkungan dan persepsi konsumen terhadap kualitas lingkungan di kawasan pantai wisata Watu Ulo.
Jenis data yang diperlukan adalah: data primer dan data sekunder. Pengambilan data primer dilakukan dengan teknik nonrandom sampling. Data primer diperoleh pada orang/wisatawan yang dijumpai di lapangan, sehingga teknik pengambilan data ini disebut pula sebagai incidental sampling. Besarnya sampel diperkirakan sebesar 200 responden (pengunjung tempat rekreasi).
Untuk menentukan besarnya biaya perjalanan dan tingkat kunjungan, maka responden dikelompokkan menurut zona (asal). Penentuan zona asal responden penelitian adalah berdasarkan batasan administratif, yakni tingkat Kecamatan untuk Daerah Tingkat II Kabupaten Jember (terdapat 28 kecamatan) dan tingkat Kabupaten untuk daerah di luar Kabupaten Jember (terdapat 4 Kabupaten).
Data jumlah penduduk untuk menentukan tingkat kunjungan pada zona asal yang ada di lingkungan Kabupaten Jember (tingkat Kecamatan) diambil dari data registrasi penduduk masing-masing Kecamatan pada periode tahun 1993. Data penduduk untuk menentukan tingkat kunjungan pada zona asal di luar Kabupaten Jember (tingkat Kabupaten) diambil dari penduduk rata-rata, yakni jumlah total penduduk masing-masing Kabupaten dibagi dengan jumlah Kecamatan yang ada.
Dalam pendekatan biaya perjalanan, model dasar yang dipakai adalah menggambarkan kunjungan tiap 1000 penduduk sebagai faktor yang akan dianalisis dalam fungsi permintaan. Fungsi permintaan telah disederhanakan untuk dapat menggambarkan kurva permintaan, di mana faktor-faktor lain selain biaya perjalanan dianggap tetap (citeris paribus), sehingga dapat ditentukan besarnya surplus konsumen sebagai nilai manfaat dari produk lingkungan pantai wisata Watu Ulo. Dari fungsi ini dapat dihitung besarnya elastisitas, koeffisien korelasi dan koeffisien determinasi. Sedangkan untuk mengetahui preferensi, persepsi dan perilaku pengunjung dianalisis dengan metode deskriptif menggunakan pendekatan persentase.
Kesimpulan umum hasil penelitian ini adalah bahwa kawasan pantai wisata Watu Ulo merupakan sumberdaya lingkungan yang potensial dan berharga serta memberikan manfaat yang cukup besar bagi masyarakat. Manfaat ini akan semakin besar jika diikuti oleh menurunnya biaya perjalanan dan meningkatnya kepedulian pengunjung terhadap lingkungan serta cukup tersedianya fasilitas peinbuangan limbah (sampah).
Secara parsial dapat disimpulkan pertama, bahwa manfaat lingkungan taman rekreasi kawasan pantai wisata Watu Ulo sebesar Rp.767.688,38 per seribu penduduk dan Rp.1.637.399.489,82 untuk total penduduk; kedua, pengaruh perubahan variabel babas (biaya perjalanan) terhadap variabel terikat (tingkat kunjungan) bersifat elastis (e=-1,39), apabila terdapat kenaikan biaya perjalanan sebesar 1,00% akan berakibat menurunnya tingkat kunjungan sebesar 1,39%; ketiga, faktor utama yang menentukan preferensi pengunjung terhadap kawasan pantai wisata Watu Ulo adalah faktor pemandangan indah (59,50%), menunjukkan bahwa unsur kualitas lingkungan berperan dalam menarik pengunjung, dan memberikan kepuasan pada pengunjung; keempat, sebagian besar pengunjung menilai bahwa kawasan pantai wisata Watu Ulo cukup bersih, yakni sebesar 44,50%, sedangkan yang berpendapat kotor adalah sebesar 30,00%, sisanya menilai dengan bersih 11,00% dan kurang bersih 12,00%. Sedangkan untuk pemeliharaan fasilitas yang ada, sebagian besar pengunjung menilai cukup bersih, sebesar 43,50%, kurang bersih 21,00%, kotor 21,00% serta bersih senilai 14,50%; dan kelima, sebagian besar perilaku pengunjung pada kawasan wisata tersebut mempunyai kepedulian terhadap lingkungan yang "relatif rendah", hal ini terbukti bahwa terdapat sebanyak 75,50% pengunjung yang membuang sampah di sembarang tempat, hanya terdapat 15,00 % yang membuang sampah pada tempat sampah yang disediakan, sisanya dengan cara lain.
Saran yang dapat disampaikan, yakni : Mengingat bahwa manfaat yang dinikmati masyarakat (pengunjung) cukup besar, maka seyogyanyalah : 1) Pemerintah sebagai pemilik dan pengelola lebih memberikan perhatian untuk menjaga kualitas lingkungan dan bila perlu meningkatkannya, serta berusaha mengembangkan seoptimal mungkin potensi yang ada, sehingga memberikan manfaat yang lebih besar bagi pengunjung, penduduk dan Pemerintah itu sendiri; 2) Pemerintah hendaknya lebih banyak menempatkan tong-tong sampah, dimaksudkan agar kualitas lingkungan dapat terpelihara, dengan limbah yang sedikit dan tidak menggangu keindahan pemandangan alam. Perilaku pengunjung yang sebagian besar membuang sampah sembarangan tidak terlepas dari fasilitas pembuangan sampah yang kurang.

The problems which provided the basis for this research is that the growth in population, income and human activities have simultaneously increase the demand towards the environmental product, that is, the existence of fresh, cool air and beautiful natural scenery, which is far away from all kinds of life problems. In this case the developments of tourism (recreation park) becomes an alternative to be able to meet such demand.
Environmental resource such as recreation park gives the benefit to the visitors, but since there is no. fee or the fee is relatively low, or the value of satisfaction which the visitors get is abstract, so they could not see the real value. It doesn't mean that environmental resource has no value or the absence of it means nothing for the society. The economical analysis will be an alternative that could help evaluating the benefit.
Considering that the tourism coast Watu Ulo is the Government's property so it has the quality more indicates as public goods compared with its commercial aspect. On the other hand, the recreation park gives the specific satisfaction for the residents. As a product of the environment, then the existence of recreation park ought to be maintained because of its value.
This analysis caused some problems, mainly concerning the value and benefit obtained by the society towards the consumption of environmental product of the recreation park, therefore it needs evaluation to indicate how many benefit of the product (coastal tourism area Watu Ulo). One of those ways is to quantify the benefit in the monetary value.
The aims of the research are : 1) to measure the size of the environmental benefit is obtained by the visitors; 2) to measure the size of the visit elasticity based on the total traveling cost; 3) to know the factors influenced by the consumer's demand toward the environment product (recreation park); 4) to identify the attitude of the consumers in the care of environmental quality and the consumer's perception toward the quality of environment in the coastal tourism area Watu Ulo.
The data type needed among others are primary and secondary datas. The primary data is obtained through nonrandom sampling technique. The primary data is obtained from the tourists met in the location so that the sampling technique is called the incidental sampling. The number of samples are estimated 200 respondents (the visitors of recreation park).
To determine the amount of traveling cost and visiting degree, the respondents are grouped according to the original zone. The determination of the research .respondent's zone is based on the administrative area, namely : Kecamatan level for the second level region of Jember regency (there are 28 Kecamatan) and regency-level for districts outside Jember regency (there are 4 regencies).
The total population to determine the visiting degree on the original zone in Jember regency (Kecamatan level) is taken from the data of population registration in each kecamatanin the period of 1993. The population's data to determine the visiting degree in the original zone outside Jember regency (regency level) taken from the the population average, is that the total amount of population of each regency divided with the amount of the kecamatan.
Within the travelling cost approach, the basic model which is used describes the visit of every 1000 population as the factor that will be analyzed in the function of demand. This demand's function has been simplified to describe the demand curve where the other factors besides the traveling cost are assumed constantly (citeris paribus), so that we can determine the amount of the consumer's surplus as the value of environmental benefit of the tourism cost Watu Ulo. From this function, elasticity's coefficient , correlation's coefficient and determination's coefficient can be calculated. Where as to know the preferency, the perception and the attitude of the visitors they're analyzed by the descriptive method by means of the percentage approach.
-The general conclusion of this research is that the area of coastal tourism Watu Ulo is potential and valuable environmental resources and gives a great sufficient benefit for the society. This benefit becomes bigger if it will be followed up by the decrease of traveling
cost and the increase of visitor's care toward the environment, and with available sufficient facilities for wasted disposal.
Partially the conclusion are firstly, that the environment benefit of the recreation park of coastal tourism area Watu Ulo is Rp.767.688,38 per 1000 inhabitants and Rp.l.627.399.489,82 for total population; secondly, the effect of change of independent variable (visiting degree) toward's the traveling cost are elastic (e=-1,39) when there is an increase of traveling cost is 1,00%, it will caused a decrease of the visiting degree of 1,39%; third, the main factor that determines the visitor's preference toward the coastal tourism area Watu Ulo is the beautiful scenery (59,50%), this indicates that the factor of environment quality play an important role to attract the visitors and gives satisfaction to the visitors.; fourth, the great part of visitors evaluates that the tourism coastal area Watu Ulo is 'fairly clean, viz around 44,50%, meanwhile those who evaluate it dirty is 30,00% the rest evaluates less clean, and clean 11,00% and less clean 12,00%. While for the care of facilities, most of visitors evaluate clean enough, 43,50%, less clean.21,00%, dirty on is 21,00% and clean 14,50%; and fifth, the most of visitors attitude in tourism area have a relatively low attention in the environment. This proves that there are 75,50% of the visitors who throw the waste in every place, only 15,00% of those who throw the garbage in the prepared places, the rest use an other way.
Recommendation : considering that the benefit of tourism area which is enjoyed by the great part of visitors, it is suggested that : 1) the government as the owner and the manager ought to pay more attention to take care of the environment quality and if necessary to increase the appearance and develop as much as possible the existing potency, in order to give a bigger benefit to the visitors, population and government itself; 2) It"s better if the government places more waste disposals, so that the environment quality could be taken care of and cared from less waste disposal would not polute the beautiful scenery. The attitude of careless visitors is caused of less facility.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 1994
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Murni Soenarno
"Pendidikan lingkungan hidup mengandung materi konservasi alam. Penyampaian materi konservasi alam dapat dengan metode pengajaran karyawisata dan kawasan konservasi alam sebagai media pendidikan. Dalam pelajaran Biologi di SMA terdapat materi konservasi alam. Masalah di sini adalah SMA-SMA di Kabupaten Ciamis kurang memanfaatkan Taman Wisata Pananjung Pangandaran, Kabupaten Ciamis sebagai media pendidikan melalui metode karyawisata. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimanakah pelaksanaan metode pengajaran karyawisata dan pemanfaatan Taman Wisata Pananjung Pangandaran sebagai media pendidikan pada SMA di Kabupaten Ciamis, sehubungan dengan itu maka bagaimanakah sikap siswa SMA tersebut terhadap konservasi alam. Hipotesisnya adalah: (1) ada hubungan antara jurusan Al, A2 dan A3 di SMA dengan sikap siswa terhadap konservasi alam: (2) ada hubungan antara metode pengajaran karyawisata ke kawasan konservasi alam dengan sikap siswa terhadap konservasi alam: (3) ada hubungan antara asal SMA dengan sikap siswa terhadap konservasi alam.;
Disain penelitiannya adalah disain survei analitis dan studi kasus. Teknik pengambilan sampelnya adalah purposive sampling. Teknik pengambilan datanya menggunakan kuesioner, wawancara, pengamatan. SMA yang diteliti adalah SMAN 2 Ciamis dan SMAN Pangandaran. Pengolahan data statistiknya dengan program komputer SPSS/PC+. Pengujian hipotesis dengan uji Chi--square, diperkuat dengan nilai C Cramer dan nilai Lambda dari Goodman dan Kruskal.;
Pertanyaan penelitian pertama yaitu bagaimanakah pelaksanaan metode pengajaran karyawisata dan penggunaan Taman Wisata Pananjung Pangandaran sebagai media pendidikan pada SMA di Kabupaten Ciamis. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh adalah di SMAN Pangandaran dan SMAN 2 Ciamis dijumpai ada guru bidang studi yang berkelebihan jumlahnya dan ada guru yang tidak berkompeten untuk mengajar suatu bidang studi. keadaan ini ditambah dengan kurangnya sarana pendidikan membuat guru cenderung menggunakan metode pengajaran ceramah. Karyawisata umumnya dilakukan di kelas II atau III. Yang banyak memanfaatkan Taman Wisata Pananjung Pangandaran adalah guru dan siswa jurusan A2 atau Bjologi. Taman Wisata Pananjung Pangandaran sehenarnya dapat dimanfaatkan oleh semua jurusan di SMA (Al, A2. A3 dan A4).;
Pertanyaan penelitian kedua adalah bagaimanakah sikap siswa SMA tersebut terhadap konservasi alam. Kesimpulan yang ditarik adalah tidak terdapat hubungan antara sikap siswa terhadap konservasi alam dengan jurusan di SMA, dengan keikutsertaan siswa dalam karyawisata. dengan asal SMA siswa. Tidak adanya hubungan tersebut disebabkan oleh penerapan metode yang sama bagi materi yang sama. selain itu juga disebabkan faktor-faktor di luar pendidikan SMA. Faktor-faktor tersebut berupa keadaan ekonomi keluarga, perhatian keluarga kepada siswa. media Massa. Pengetahuan siswa tentang konservasi alam pada umumnya cukup baik. Umumnya siswa berpendapat bahwa pembangunan dan konservasi alam itu sama pentingnya, dan konservasi alam tidak dapat ditunda lagi, mereka mendukung pelaksanaan pembangunan berwawasan lingkungan.;
Daftar Kepustakaan: 43 (1967 - 1989);

Environmental education contains natural conservation material. Natural conservation material can be taught through a field-trip method and the natural conservation area as the educational media. Natural conservation material is also taught at SMA's (Senior High Schools). The subjects in this writing are Senior High Schools (SMA) at Kabupaten Ciamis. They rarely used Pananjung Pangandaran Recreational Park at Kabupaten Ciamis as educational media through a field-trip method. These research objectives were known how a field-trip method were done with Pananjung Pangandaran Recreational Park as educational media by the Senior High Schools (SMA) at Kabupaten Ciamis. and in connection with this, how SMA student's attitudes toward natural conservation were. The hypothesis were: (1) Al (Physics). A2 (Biology). A3 (Social).
programs at SMA have association with student's attitudes toward natural conservation: (2) a field-trip method has association with student's attitudes toward natural conservation: (3) origin schools (SMA) has association with student's attitudes toward natural conservation.
These research designs were analytical survey and case study. The sampling technique was purposive sampling. The data have been collected by questionnaires, interview, and observation. The research object schools were SMAN Pangandaran and SMAN 2 Ciamis. The data were analyzed by SPSS/PC+. The hypothesis were tested by Chi-square test. and were supported by C Cramer's value and Lambda value from Goodman - Kruskal.
The first research question was how a field-trip method has been done with Pananjung Pangandaran Recreational Park as educational media by the SMA at Kabupaten Ciamis. At both schools. the amount of teachers who taught the same subject study exceed the needs. and some others weren't competent to teach certain subject studies. Both schools didn't have sufficient educational facilities. Both conditions made the teachers tend to use a lecture method. A field-trip method usually was done in the second and third grade. A2 (Biology) program utilized Pananjung Pangandaran Recreational Park for education more than other programs. The Pananjung Pangandaran Recreational Park can be used by Al (Physic). A2 (Biology), A3 (Social) and A4 (Languages) programs.
The second research question was how SMA student's attitudes toward natural conservation were. There were no association between student's attitudes toward natural conservation with Al (Physics). A2 (Biology), A3 (Social) programs at SMA, with a field-trip method. and with origin schools (SMA). This Condition was caused by the same methods application for the same materials, student's family economical condition. family attention toward students. and mass media. Student's natural conservation knowledge generally were good enough. Generally students thought the natural conservation as important as t development, and natural conservation can not be put off, and;they supported sustainable development realization.
References: 43 {1967 - 1989)
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 1990
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Qurrotu Aini Besila
"Jagakarsa is one of "the water catchment areas" in Jakarta that has green open space. The elements and design of the green open space are very important to be studied, in relation to the occurrence of the wild animal particularly birds in this area. The tittle of this study is "A study on biodiversity of green open space in Jagakarsa water catchment area". The report was divided into two sub tittles: "Vegetation structure and composition at the green open space of water catchment area in Jagakarsa", and "Bird inventory at the green open space of water catchment area in Jagakarsa". The objectives of this study are to examine the structure and composition of the vegetation related to the occurrence of birds in the green open space.
The study was conducted from July to December 1999 by compiling both primary and secondary data. The study area was divided into four categories; home garden, green belt along the river, cemetery area (modern and traditional), and urban forests.
The highest diversity of vegetation was found in home garden, which was consisted of fruits, and plants used as house fence. Over half of plant
species at home garden are ornamental plant. Beside that, heterogeneity plants at home garden showed higher than the other green open space in Jagakarsa, Also, home garden was managed better than the other green open space in Jagakarsa.
Generally, people around the river use green belt along the river as fruit garden. Plant species diversity in those belt are lower than home garden and less managed by people. However, at the green belt along Krukut river was found the regenerated of plants. The vegetation neither ornamental nor valuable cemetery plants with urban cemetery concept was dominated by ornamental plants with high esthetical value, which has maximum height less than one meter. In the traditional cemetery, Ptumeria alba, Codeaeum variegatum, Dracaena fragrans were found dominantly planted with irregularity in patterns.
There were 28 species of 18 families of birds found in this study. The highest number of species {15 species) was found at the green belt along Ciliwung River, and surrounding of Situ Babakan (14 species). Water birds were found at Ciliwung River, Kali Krukut, and Situ Babakan. Birds that living in high grasses and shrubs also found at these areas. Most of the birds found in the area are insectivore (42,86%).
Vegetation is very important for bird, not only as food resources but also as a resting, sleeping, and nesting place. Fruits and flowers as food resources of insect related to the occurrence of birds were discussed in this paper.
Habitat degadration and bird hunting are threats for the birds. Therefore, community awareness, selection of plant species, and design of vegetation pattern that fulfil the needs of bird are very important for bird conservation in urban city.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library