"Memberikan kepuasan kepada klien merupakan salah sate kiat untuk memenangkan kompetisi, selain untuk memberikan pelayanan yang bermutu dan merupakan kewajiban profesi. Salah sate cars untuk mengukur kepimsan klien sebagai pelanggan yaitu dengan metoda Importance-Performance Analysis atau analisis tingkat kepentingan dan kepuasan peianggan dan Manila dan lames (Supranto, 1997).
Manajemen Keperawatan di Rumah Sakit Immanuel (RSI) Bandung mempunyai kelemahan balk dalam somber daya manusia maupun metoda penugasannya (Dokumentasi RSI, 2000). Berdasarkan fakta tersebut, kemungkinan terjadi ketidakpuasan pads klien, maka dirumuskan masalah penelitian: Bagaimanakah kesesuaian tingkat kepentingan dan kepuasan Mien terhadap pelaksanaan asuhan keperawatan di Ruang Rawat snap Pusat Medik RSI Bandung. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis kesesuaian tingkat kepentingan dan kepuasan klien.
Penelitian non eksperimental dengan pendekatan deskriptif Variabel independen adalah karakteristik klien, dan variabel dependennya yaitu: tingkat kepentingan, tingkat kepuasan dan kesesuaian tingkat kepentingan dengan kepuasan. Sampel penelitian ini adalah seluruh Mien yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi berjumlah 109 Idien. Instrumen penelitian terdiri dua bagian. Bagian A tentang karakteristik klien terdiri dart delapan pertanyaan. Bagian B untuk mengukur tingkat kepentingan dan kepuasan klien dengan menggunakan skala Likert terdiri dart 41 pemyataan. Uji coba iinstrumen penelitian dilakukan di Rumah Sakit Kebonjati Bandung, terhadap 31 klien. Uji reliabilitas instrwnen dengan AriphaCronbach dan didapatkan nilai alpha 0.895. Analisis data mencakup analisis univariat, bivariat, dan multivariat.
Hasil penelitian: rata-rata tindakan keperawatan dinilai penting rata-rata tindakan keperawatan dinilai twang memuaskan ; ada perbedaan yang signifikan rata-rata tingkat kepuasan dengan rata-rata tingkat kepentingan (p - 0.0001); terdapat 17 tindakan keperawatan yang dianggap belum sesuai; terjadi hubungan negatif antara umur dengan kesesuaian namun tidak signifikan (rr- -0.177, p= 0.66); tidak ada perbedaan kesesuaian pada pria dan wanita (per.744); terdapat_ perbedaan rata: rata kesesuaian pads pendidikan dasar, menengah dan tinggi namun tidak signifikan (p.-.107); ada perbedaan yang signifikan rata-rata kesesuaian pads tiga kelompok pekerjaan (p= 0.414); terdapat hubungan negatif antara penghasilan dengan kesesuaian (p=-0.026, r= -0.211); rata-rata kesesuaian dikelas III lebih tinggi dibandingkan di kelas II dan kelas I walau tidak signifikan (p~.101); tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan rata-rata kesesuaian diantara lima kelompok keadaan penyakit (p-A:1.849); dan terdapat hubungan negatif antara lama rawat dengan kesesuaian namun tidak signifikan (p -0A2, r=-0.080). Penghasilan, pendidikan, pekerjaan, dan pilihan ruang rawat menjelaskan variasi sebesar 12.7% terhadap kesesuaian.
Berdasarkan basil penelitian di atas, maka disampaikan beberapa saran yaitu: perlu memperbaiki 17 tindakan keperawatan yang dianggap belum sesuai oleh klien, mensosialisasikan standar asuhan keperawatan , penetapan uraian tugas secara jelas untuk setiap jenjang tenaga keperawatan, peningkatan pendidikan formal dan non formal, perubahan sistem penugasan dari fungsional menjadi tim, memelihara meningkatkan budaya 5R, dan meningkatkan mutu secara terpadu. Perlu adanya penelitian lebih lanjut terhadap faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kepuasan klien.
Daftar Pustaka 61 (1983 - 2001)
Analysis on COompatibility of Patient's Interest and Satisfaction Rate on the Implementation of Nursing Care at In-House Treatment Room of Bandung Immanuel HospitalMeeting satisfaction for the clients constitutes is one of ways intended to win a competition, besides to provide a good quality service. It was also one of professional duties. One among several methods of measuring the satisfaction rate of clients as customers was by applying Importance-Performance Analysis or analysis of client's interest and satisfaction rate of Manila and James (Supranto, 1997)Bandung Immanuel Hospital (RSI) is one of private hospitals existing in West Java. Based on nursing analysis, nursing management has some weaknesses, either its human resources or assignment method (RSI Documentation, 2000). Owing to this fact, there was a possibility of client's dissatisfaction. It was therefore formulated the research problem : How was the compatibility of client's interest and satisfaction rate on the implementation of nursing care at in-house treatment room of Medical Center of Bandung Immanuel Hospital. The objective of this research was to identify: client's characteristics, interest rate, satisfaction rate, compatibility between interest and satisfaction rate, difference between average interest and satisfaction rate and the most dominant client's characteristics in relation to compatibility.The type of research was non-experimental by applying descriptive approach. The independent variable in this research was the client's characteristics, and the dependent variables are the interest rate, the satisfaction rate and the compatibility between interest and satisfaction. The sample of this research was all clients meeting the inclusive criteria totaling 109 clients. The research instrument comprises two pans. Part A related to client's characteristics consisting of eight questions, Part B was to measure the client's interest and satisfaction rate by applying Likert-scale consisting of 41 questions. Instrument experiment of this research was carried out on 31 clients at Bandung Kebonjati Hospital. Instrument reliability test applies Alpha Cron/melt and obtained the alpha value of 0,895. Data analysis comprises univariate, bivariate and multivariate analysis.The result of research revealed : average nursing care was considered significant, average nursing care was considered less satisfied, there was a significant difference between average satisfaction rate and average interest rate (p = 0.0001). There are 17 nursing care considered incompatible. Negative relation occurred between age and compatibility but not significant (r = -0.177, p = 0.66); there was no compatibility difference on male and female (p = 0,7444)); there was a compatibility average difference on elementary, high and higher education but not significant (p = 0.107); there was significant compatibility in average on the three occupation groups ( p --0.014); the average in the III class was higher than in the lI and I class although it was not significant (p = 0.101); there was no significant difference among the condition the five disease group(p = 0.849); and there was no negative between length of care and common compatibility but not significant ( p = -0.42, r_= -0.80) Income, education, occupation, and preference of nursing room revealed variation of 12.7 % to the compatibility of interest and satisfaction rate .Based on the above result of research, it was suggested that: There are some needs, a need to improve 17 nursing cares considered incompatible by the clients, and a need of socialization of nursing care standard in order that every nurse can clearly understand the definition of job description for each level of nurses, improvement of formal and non-formal education, change of assignment system from functional into team work, maintain and improve the "5R" culture. And improvement of integratedly total quality. It was also necessary to carry out a further research on the factors related to the client's satisfaction.Literature 61 (1983 - 2001)"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2001