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Ditemukan 10 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Marlisa Elpira
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas tentang akad yang digunakan dalam transaksi repurchase Agreement (repo) SBSN berdasarkan ketentuan yang terdapat dalam peraturan SEBI No. 14/32/DPM 7 November 2012 perihal Tata Cara Transaksi Repurchase Agreement (Repo) Surat berharga Syariah Negara (SBSN) dengan Bank Indonesia Dalam Rangka Operasi Pasar Terbuka Syariah. Repo adalah transaksi keuangan yang biasanya dilakukan oleh para pelaku pasar keuangan untuk mendapatkan pinjaman dana dengan menjaminkan surat berharga miliknya dalam bentuk jual beli, baik di pasar modal maupun di pasar uang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis jenis akad jual beli yang terdapat dalam peraturan tersebut apakah sesuai atau justru bertentangan dengan Hukum Islam, baik dari sifat janji (wa‟d) jual beli SBSN maupun mekanisme penyelesaian transaksi repo SBSN. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif yang menggunakan data sekunder yang dianalisis secara kualitatif. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan maqashid syariah, fiqh prioritas dan istihsan, penulis menyimpulkan bahwa sifat wa‟d yang terdapat dalam peraturan tersebut tidak mengikat secara hukum selama bank syariah yang bersangkutan belum melakukan penjualan SBSN pada saat BI membuka waktu lelang repo SBSN. Sehingga kedudukan wa‟d dalam transaksi repo SBSN adalah sebagai syarat untuk melakukan repo SBSN dengan BI. Transaksi repo SBSN tidak bisa dikatakan sebagai transaksi jual beli menurut hukum Islam, karena akad jual beli yang terdapat dalam transaksi ini hanyalah terminasi yang digunakan untuk mendapatkan pinjaman dengan agunan surat berharga yang umumnya dipraktekkan oleh perbankan konvensional, di mana penentuan besaran accrued repo dan marjin repo SBSN yang ditentukan dalam peraturan ini masih mengacu kepada sistem bunga yang menjadikan satuan waktu sebagai komponen perhitungan harga. ...... This thesis discusses the contract used in SBSN repurchase agreement (repo SBSN) based on the provisions contained in SEBI No. 14/32/DPM set on November 17, 2012 concerning the Procedures for Syariah Government Securities Repurchase Agreement (Repo SBSN) with Bank Indonesia in the framework of Syariah Open Market Operations. Repo is a financial transaction that is usually practiced by financial market participants to obtain load by pledging securities owned in the form af buying and selling, either in the capital market and money market. The purpose of this study is to analyse the type of purchase contract contained in the regulation is appropriate or even contrary to Islamic law, both from the nature of the promise (wa‟d) in SBSN purchase and settlement mechanism of repo SBSN transaction. This study uses the normative legal research using secondary data were analyzed qualitatively. By using maqashid syariah, fiqh priority, and istihsan approachs, the researcher conclude that the nature of the promise (wa‟d) contained in this regulation is not legally binding as long as Islamic banks in question have not been selling SBSN during opening times for repo SBSN auction. So that the position of wa‟d in repo SBSN transaction is as a requirement to undertake repo SBSN with BI. Repo SBSN transaction can not be regarded as sale and purchase transactions according to Islamic law, because the sale and purchase agreement contained in this transaction only a termination used to present a load with collateral securities that is usually practiced in conventional banking, where the determination of the amount of accrued repo and repo margin determined in this regulation still refers to the concept of interest that include the time as a component unit in calculating the price.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Afiati Budiarsih
Abstrak :
Setiap bank syariah mempunyai produk pembiayaan berdasarkan akad murabahah, yaitu akad pembiayaan suatu barang dengan menegaskan harga belinya kepada pembeli dan pembeli membayarnya dengan harga yang lebih sebagai keuntungan yang disepakati. Dalam prakteknya, tidak semua pembiayaan berdasarkan akad murabahah berjalan sesuai kesepakatan antara bank syariah dan nasabah debitur. Untuk keterlambatan pembayaran angsuran murabahah, pada umumnya bank syariah menjatuhkan sanksi berupa denda sejumlah uang yang besarnya disetujui oleh nasabah. Peraturan mengenai pengenaan denda terdapat dalam fatwa Dewan Syariah Nasional No.17/DSN-MUI/IX/2000 mengenai sanksi bagi nasabah mampu yang menunda-nunda pembayaran. Dalam penelitian ini, bentuk penelitian yang digunakan adalah yuridis normatif, dimana sumber hukum dalam agama Islam yaitu dari Al-Quran dan hadis Rasulullah shallallahu’alaihi wa sallam, fatwa-fatwa DSN, buku-buku mengenai jual beli dalam Islam, peraturan-peraturan mengenai bank syariah, hukum riba dan akad-akad murabahah secara Notariil ditelaah, diteliti dan dievaluasi untuk menuliskan klausul denda yang sesuai dengan ketentuan fatwa DSN dan memenuhi prinsip syariah sebagaimana ditentukan oleh Bank Indonesia. Selain menggunakan jenis data sekunder, penelitian ini juga menggali data dari karyawan di 3 (tiga) bank syariah yang berbeda. Hasil dari penelitian ini diharapkan berguna bagi kaum muslimin agar memahami bahwa akad yang telah ditandatangani harus dipenuhi tepat waktu dengan itikad baik sehingga tidak terkena sanksi berupa denda akibat keterlambatan pembayaran kewajiban pada bank syariah.
Each shari'ah bank has a financing product based on a murabaha contract, namely a financing agreement of goods by affirming the purchase price to the client and the client pays them at a cost plus, as an agreed profit. In practice, it is not all of the financing based on murabaha contract goes according to the agreement between the shari'ah banks and its debtors. For the murabaha installment payment delays, the shari'ah banks are generally impose sanction in the form of a late charge of a sum of money in the amount approved by the client. The regulations regarding the late charge imposition is contained in the National Shari'ah Board fatwa No.17/DSN-MUI/IX /2000 on the sanctions for the capable clients who delay payments. In this study, the research uses a normative juridical, where the source of law in Islam namely the Al-Quran and the Hadith of Prophet Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam, the DSN fatwas, the books on buying and selling in Islam, the rules regarding shari’ah banks, the usury laws and the murabaha-contracts is studied, researched and evaluated from the notary standpoint to write the late charge clause in accordance with the provisions of DSN fatwa and meet the shari’ah principles as determined by Bank Indonesia. In addition using the secondary data, this study also explores the data from the employees in three (3) different shari'ah banks. Results from this study are expected to be useful for the Muslims to comprehend that the contract that has been signed must be met on time in good faith so it is not exposed to a late charge due to late payment obligations to the shari'ah banksShari’ah Bank, Murabaha Contract, Late Charge, Fatwa of the National Shari’ah Board;Each shari'ah bank has a financing product based on a murabaha contract, namely a financing agreement of goods by affirming the purchase price to the client and the client pays them at a cost plus, as an agreed profit. In practice, it is not all of the financing based on murabaha contract goes according to the agreement between the shari'ah banks and its debtors. For the murabaha installment payment delays, the shari'ah banks are generally impose sanction in the form of a late charge of a sum of money in the amount approved by the client. The regulations regarding the late charge imposition is contained in the National Shari'ah Board fatwa No.17/DSN-MUI/IX /2000 on the sanctions for the capable clients who delay payments. In this study, the research uses a normative juridical, where the source of law in Islam namely the Al-Quran and the Hadith of Prophet Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam, the DSN fatwas, the books on buying and selling in Islam, the rules regarding shari’ah banks, the usury laws and the murabaha-contracts is studied, researched and evaluated from the notary standpoint to write the late charge clause in accordance with the provisions of DSN fatwa and meet the shari’ah principles as determined by Bank Indonesia. In addition using the secondary data, this study also explores the data from the employees in three (3) different shari'ah banks. Results from this study are expected to be useful for the Muslims to comprehend that the contract that has been signed must be met on time in good faith so it is not exposed to a late charge due to late payment obligations to the shari'ah banksShari’ah Bank, Murabaha Contract, Late Charge, Fatwa of the National Shari’ah Board, Each shari'ah bank has a financing product based on a murabaha contract, namely a financing agreement of goods by affirming the purchase price to the client and the client pays them at a cost plus, as an agreed profit. In practice, it is not all of the financing based on murabaha contract goes according to the agreement between the shari'ah banks and its debtors. For the murabaha installment payment delays, the shari'ah banks are generally impose sanction in the form of a late charge of a sum of money in the amount approved by the client. The regulations regarding the late charge imposition is contained in the National Shari'ah Board fatwa No.17/DSN-MUI/IX /2000 on the sanctions for the capable clients who delay payments. In this study, the research uses a normative juridical, where the source of law in Islam namely the Al-Quran and the Hadith of Prophet Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam, the DSN fatwas, the books on buying and selling in Islam, the rules regarding shari’ah banks, the usury laws and the murabaha-contracts is studied, researched and evaluated from the notary standpoint to write the late charge clause in accordance with the provisions of DSN fatwa and meet the shari’ah principles as determined by Bank Indonesia. In addition using the secondary data, this study also explores the data from the employees in three (3) different shari'ah banks. Results from this study are expected to be useful for the Muslims to comprehend that the contract that has been signed must be met on time in good faith so it is not exposed to a late charge due to late payment obligations to the shari'ah banksShari’ah Bank, Murabaha Contract, Late Charge, Fatwa of the National Shari’ah Board]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mohammad Indra Hadi
Abstrak :
[Studi dalam penelitian ini mengenai Janin sebagai objek perjanjian asuransi ditinjau menurut perspektif hukum Islam. Masalah yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini adalah : (1) Bagaimana pelaksanaan asuransi janin di Pt. xxx menurut Peraturan perundang-undangan yang mengatur asuransi di Indonesia. (2) Bagaimana hukum asuransi janin dalam kandungan menurut hukum Islam. (3) Bagaimana perlindungan konsumen Muslim pada produk Asuransi Janin di Indonesia. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan analisis destriktif kualitatif. Analisis ini digunakan untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan asuransi janin di Pt. xxx menurut peraturan Perundang-undangan yang mengatur asuransi di Indonesia. Mengetahui hukum asuransi janin dalam kandungan bagi kaum muslim. Mengetahui perlindungan konsumen Muslim pada produk Asuransi Janin di Indonesia. Hasil analisis deskriptif ini bahwa, dalam perundang-undangan di Indonesia tidak mengatur tentang asuransi janin. Akan tetapi, pembahasan tentang janin, objek perjanjian dan asuransi diatur dalam Undang-undang maupun Peraturan lainnya. Menurut hukum Islam dalam jual beli yang di dalamnya ada unsur gharar maka akan berakibat batalnya transaksi tersebut. Sehingga tujuan dari terciptanya kemaslahatan bagi umat manusia atau maqashidu syariah yang dicita-citakan tidak tercapai. Produk asuransi yang telah beredar sejak 2012 ini juga memiliki nasabah yang beragama Islam, oleh karena itu kaitannya dengan perlindungan konsumen muslim yang memakai jasa produk asuransi janin ini cukup erat, akan tetapi belum juga ada peraturan yang mengatur tentang hal ini.;Point in this research about the fetus as an object of the Insurance agreement is reviewed from the prespective of Islamic law, the issues in this research were : (1) How is the implementation of a fetus in PT. xxx according to the legislation governing insurance in Indonesia? (2) How is the law of fetus insurance, according to Islamic law? (3) How muslim consumer protection at fetus insurance products in Indonesia? In this research, using qualitative analysis destriktif. This analysis is used to determine fetus insurance implementation in PT. xxx according to the rule of legislation governing in Indonesia, Knowing fetus insurance laws for muslim. Knowing the muslim consumer protection at fetus insurance products in Indonesia. Result of descriptive analysis is, in Indonesia legistation doesn’t regulate fetus insurance, but discussions about fetus, object of agreement and insurance is set in statute as well as rules else. According to Islamic law in the commerce, that be found in “Gharar” inside, it will be cancellation of the transaction, so the purpose benefit of the creation to mankid or “sharia maqashidu” will be unless. Insurance products that have been since 2012 and have muslim customer also, therefore to do with muslim customer protection who use the service of an insurance product is quite closely fetus., Point in this research about the fetus as an object of the Insurance agreement is reviewed from the prespective of Islamic law, the issues in this research were : (1) How is the implementation of a fetus in PT. xxx according to the legislation governing insurance in Indonesia? (2) How is the law of fetus insurance, according to Islamic law? (3) How muslim consumer protection at fetus insurance products in Indonesia? In this research, using qualitative analysis destriktif. This analysis is used to determine fetus insurance implementation in PT. xxx according to the rule of legislation governing in Indonesia, Knowing fetus insurance laws for muslim. Knowing the muslim consumer protection at fetus insurance products in Indonesia. Result of descriptive analysis is, in Indonesia legistation doesn’t regulate fetus insurance, but discussions about fetus, object of agreement and insurance is set in statute as well as rules else. According to Islamic law in the commerce, that be found in “Gharar” inside, it will be cancellation of the transaction, so the purpose benefit of the creation to mankid or “sharia maqashidu” will be unless. Insurance products that have been since 2012 and have muslim customer also, therefore to do with muslim customer protection who use the service of an insurance product is quite closely fetus.]
Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amwalyna Maisya
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini membahas tentang pembatalan perkawinan akibat perkawinan yang dilangsungkan tanpa wali nikah. Pokok permasalahan dari skripsi ini adalah bagaimana kedudukan wali nikah menurut hukum Islam dan peraturan perundangundangan, bagaimana akibat hukum pembatalan perkawinan akibat perkawinan tanpa wali nikah menurut hukum Islam dan peraturan perundang-undangan, dan apakah pertimbangan hakim dalam Putusan Mahkamah Syar’iyah Nomor 113/Pdt.G/2012/MS-Bna sudah tepat. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian kepustakaan dan metode penelitian lapangan. Sedangkan tipe penelitian yang digunakan dalam skripsi ini merupakan penelitian yang bersifat deskriptifanalitis. Salah satu rukun perkawinan yaitu adanya wali nikah dari calon mempelai perempuan. Tidak adanya wali nikah dalam sebuah perkawinan menimbulkan akibat hukum tertentu. Menurut hukum Islam, tidak adanya wali nikah dalam sebuah perkawinan mengakibatkan perkawinan tersebut menjadi batal demi hukum. Sedangkan menurut Kompilasi Hukum Islam dan Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 Tentang Perkawinan, tidak adanya wali nikah dalam perkawinan mengakibatkan perkawinan tersebut menjadi dapat dibatalkan. Dalam kasus pembatalan perkawinan ini, kedua mempelai melaksanakan perkawinan tanpa adanya wali nikah, yang berakibat perkawinan tersebut dibatalkan oleh hakim.
This thesis talk about annulment of marriage as a consequent of a marriage without a presence of the marriage guardian. Subject matter of this thesis is how the position of guardian marriage according to Islamic law and regulations, legal annulment of marriage due to how the consequences of marriage without a guardian of marriage according to Islamic law and regulations, and whether the consideration of judges in a court is Number 113/Pdt.G/2012/MS-Bna is just right. Research methods used in the research library and field research methods. While the type of research used in this thesis is a descripstive research-analytical. One of the pillars of a marriage is existence of marriage guardian from prospective bride. Absences of a marriage guardian raises some legal consequences. According to Islamic law, the absences of a marriage guardian in a marriage, resulting marriage become void by law. Meanwhile, according to The Law Number 1 Year 1974 Regarding Marriage Law, absences of guardian in a marriage, resulting in marriage can be annulled. In this annulment of marriage case, the bride and groom married without the existence of guardian, which the consequences was annulled by judge.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Prama Dwi Putra
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini membahas tentang sebuah analisis perjanjian produk asuransi jiwa bernama Prulink Assurance Account Syariah, sebuah produk asuransi jiwa yang menyatukan tabungan masa depan dan proteksi jiwa. Rumusan masalah diangkat adalah membahas tentang hubungan hukum apa saja yang terjalin dalam perjanjian asuransi jiwa Prulink Assurance Account Syariah dan apakah Perjanjian Prulink Aasurance Account Syariah tersebut sesuai dengan hukum perikatan Islam. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif berdasarkan studi kepustakaan serta wawancara dengan Analisis kualitatif. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh adalah terdapat dua hubungan hukum dalam perjanjian Prulink Assurance Account Syariah ini, pertama antar sesama peserta dengan akad tabarru’ dan hubungan peserta dengan PT Prudential Indonesia dengan akad wakalah bil ujrah. Kesimpulan terakhir yang penulis dapat adalah perjanjian ini sesuai dengan Hukum Perikatan Islam. ...... This thesis discusses an agreement analysis of life insurance product called PRUlink Assurance Account Sharia, a life insurance product that brings together future savings and life protection. Formulation of the problem is discussed about the author adopted the legal relationship that exists between the insurer and the fellow participants among the participants with the insurance company. The next problem formulation is a discussion of the terms of the insurance agreement Engagement Law is a normative Islam.Metode taken based kepustakaan.Analisis study used qualitative analysis. The conclusion is that the author can occur in two legal relationships Assurance Account Sharia PRUlink agreement, the first between fellow participants with tabarru contract 'and participant relationships with companies such as PT Prudential Indonesia with wakalah bil last ujrah. The conclusion from author is this agreement in accordance with Islamic Contract Law.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Evan Ferdian Basri
Abstrak :
[Penelitian ini membahas dua pokok permasalahan: Pertama, bagaimana kelengkapan pengaturan mengenai pengawasan Shariah compliance pada pengelolaan Reksa Dana Syariah di Indonesia. Kedua, bagaimana penerapan pengawasan Shariah compliance pada pengelolaan Reksa Dana Danareksa Syariah Saham. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah yuridis normatif. Pembahasan dimulai dari urgensi dari pengawasan shariah compliance di reksa dana syariah. Penerapan prinsip syariah harus dapat dijalankan dengan baik agar tujuan dari reksa dana syariah tersebut tercapai. Penerapan prinsip syariah tersebut diantaranya proses pemilihan instrumen yang tidak bertentangan dengan prinsip syariah (screening), proses pemisahan unsur haram dari penghasilan yang halal (proses cleansing, pengelolaan yang tidak bertentangan dengan prinsip syariah, serta dijalankan oleh Manajer Investasi dan bank Kustodian yang mengerti tindakan yang bertentangan dengan prinsip syariah. Pengawasan tersebut dilakukan secara bertingkat oleh Bank Kustodian dan Otoritas Jasa Kustodian, namun dengan kurangnya pengaturan lebih lanjut di tataran teknis, dibutuhkan opini dari dewan pengawas syariah yang hingga saat ini keberadaannya di manajer investasi reksa dana syariah belum di legitimasi oleh peraturan perundang-undangan. Pada pelaksanaannya, keberadaan DPS telah menajadi common practice bagi manajer investasi reksa dana syariah termasuk PT. Danareksa Investment Management. ...... This research analyzes, (1) How is the completeness of Shariah compliance Supervision Regulation in the Islamic Mutual Fund. (2) How is the Implementation of shariah compliance supervison to Danareksa Syariah Saham. This research employs the normative legal research method. Initially, this research analyzed the urgency of shariah compliance supervision on Islamic Mutual Fund. The Shariah principles should be able to applied well, in order to the purposed of the Islamic Mutual Fund is achieved. the Focus of Shariah compliance on Islamic Mutual Fund are the process of investment instrument screening, the process of cleansing, management of which is not contrary to the shariah principles, as well run by the investment manager and custodian bank who well understand about shariah compliance. The supervision is carried out- rise by the Custodian Bank and Financial Services Authority. but with the lack of the further reguation in the technical level, there should be an opinion of shariah supervisory board, which its presence in Islamic Mutual Fund is not on the legitimacy of the law. In practice, the presence of DPS has become common practice for Investment Manager of Islamic Mutual Fund, including PT. Danareksa Investment Managemen.;This research analyzes, (1) How is the completeness of Shariah compliance Supervision Regulation in the Islamic Mutual Fund. (2) How is the Implementation of shariah compliance supervison to Danareksa Syariah Saham. This research employs the normative legal research method. Initially, this research analyzed the urgency of shariah compliance supervision on Islamic Mutual Fund. The Shariah principles should be able to applied well, in order to the purposed of the Islamic Mutual Fund is achieved. the Focus of Shariah compliance on Islamic Mutual Fund are the process of investment instrument screening, the process of cleansing, management of which is not contrary to the shariah principles, as well run by the investment manager and custodian bank who well understand about shariah compliance. The supervision is carried out- rise by the Custodian Bank and Financial Services Authority. but with the lack of the further reguation in the technical level, there should be an opinion of shariah supervisory board, which its presence in Islamic Mutual Fund is not on the legitimacy of the law. In practice, the presence of DPS has become common practice for Investment Manager of Islamic Mutual Fund, including PT. Danareksa Investment Managemen. , This research analyzes, (1) How is the completeness of Shariah compliance Supervision Regulation in the Islamic Mutual Fund. (2) How is the Implementation of shariah compliance supervison to Danareksa Syariah Saham. This research employs the normative legal research method. Initially, this research analyzed the urgency of shariah compliance supervision on Islamic Mutual Fund. The Shariah principles should be able to applied well, in order to the purposed of the Islamic Mutual Fund is achieved. the Focus of Shariah compliance on Islamic Mutual Fund are the process of investment instrument screening, the process of cleansing, management of which is not contrary to the shariah principles, as well run by the investment manager and custodian bank who well understand about shariah compliance. The supervision is carried out- rise by the Custodian Bank and Financial Services Authority. but with the lack of the further reguation in the technical level, there should be an opinion of shariah supervisory board, which its presence in Islamic Mutual Fund is not on the legitimacy of the law. In practice, the presence of DPS has become common practice for Investment Manager of Islamic Mutual Fund, including PT. Danareksa Investment Managemen. ]
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lubna Maulida Herianto
Abstrak :
[Dalam menjalankan kegiatan usahanya, bank syariah harus memperhatikan prinsip kehati-hatian. Salah satu bentuk prinsip kehati-hatian tersebut adalah dengan melakukan analisis kelayakan pemberian pembiayaan kepada nasabah berdasarkan Prinsip 5C sesuai dengan ketentuan Undang-Undang Nomor 21 Tahun 2008 tentang Perbankan Syariah. Penerapan Prinsip 5C dilakukan untuk memberikan perlindungan hukum kepada bank, terutama bagi pembiayaan Mudharabah, dimana bank menyediakan seluruh modal dan nasabah menjadi pengelola, yang memiliki banyak risiko. Skripsi ini membahas mengenai kesesuaian penerapan Prinsip 5C dalam pembiayaan Mudharabah antara Bank Syariah X dengan Undang-Undang Perbankan Syariah dan perlindungan hukum bagi Bank Syariah X dengan penerapan Prinsip 5C. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yuridis-normatif melalui Undang-Undang, wawancara, dan analisis akad. Hasil penelitian kemudian menyimpulkan bahwa Bank Syariah X telah menerapakan Prinsip 5C yang telah sesuai berdasarkan Undang-Undang dan sudah dapat memberikan perlindungan hukum bagi Bank Syariah X. ...... In conducting its business activities sharia bank must pay attention to the prudential principles. One of the prudential principles is analyzing the feasibility to provide financing based on the 5C’s Principles, as stipulated in the Law Number 21 of 2008 on Sharia Banking. The implementation of 5C’s principles are conducted to provide legal protection for the bank, especially for Mudharabah financing, because the bank provides the whole capital and the applicants will manage it, therefore there are a lot of risks on it. This research discuss about the suitability of the implementation of the 5C’s Principles in Mudharabah financing between Bank Syariah X and the Sharia Banking Law and the legal protection for Bank Syariah X with the application of the 5C’s Principles. This research is a normative-qualitative research based on the Laws, interviews, and the analysis of the agreement. Afterwards, the reseracher found the conclusions that Bank Syariah X has applies the 5C’s Principles that are in line with the Law and have been able to provide legal protection for Bank Syariah X., In conducting its business activities sharia bank must pay attention to the prudential principles. One of the prudential principles is analyzing the feasibility to provide financing based on the 5C’s Principles, as stipulated in the Law Number 21 of 2008 on Sharia Banking. The implementation of 5C’s principles are conducted to provide legal protection for the bank, especially for Mudharabah financing, because the bank provides the whole capital and the applicants will manage it, therefore there are a lot of risks on it. This research discuss about the suitability of the implementation of the 5C’s Principles in Mudharabah financing between Bank Syariah X and the Sharia Banking Law and the legal protection for Bank Syariah X with the application of the 5C’s Principles. This research is a normative-qualitative research based on the Laws, interviews, and the analysis of the agreement. Afterwards, the reseracher found the conclusions that Bank Syariah X has applies the 5C’s Principles that are in line with the Law and have been able to provide legal protection for Bank Syariah X.]
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ageng Antaseno
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini membahas tentang penyangkalan anak yang dilakukan oleh ayah yang meyakini bahwa anak tersebut merupakan hasil hubungan antara istrinya dengan lelaki lain. Penulis meneliti dalam keadaan apa saja seseorang dapat melakukan penyangkalan anak menurut Undang-Undang Perkawinan dan Kompilasi Hukum Islam. Selain itu diteliti juga akibat hukum apa saja yang terjadi kepada anak tersebut. Skripsi ini menganalisis putusan Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia Nomor: 163 K/AG/2011. Penulis menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah penyangkalan anak dapat terjadi apabila terdapat perzinahan yang dilakukan oleh istri dengan lelaki lain dan apabila penyangkalan anak terjadi maka anak tersebut hanya mempunyai hubungan hukum dengan keluarga ibunya saja. ......This thesis discusses the denial of a child by his father who believed that the child is the result of a relationship between his wife with another man . The author would like to investigate in any circumstances one can do a denial of children according to the Marriage Act and Islamic Law Compilation . Besides it also studied the legal consequences of what happens to the child . Thesis will analyze the decision of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia Number : 163 K / AG / 2011 . In order to obtain good results , the authors use the normative juridical research method . The result is a denial of children can occur in case of adultery committed by the wife with another man and when denial of children occurs , the child only has a legal relationship with her family alone
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Annida Addiniaty
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini membahas mengenai anak hasil incest terkait status dan kedudukannya dalam penerimaan harta warisan ditinjau menurut hukum Islam. Pokok permasalahannya adalah bagaimanakah status hukum anak hasil incest dan kedudukannya dalam penerimaan harta warisan ditinjau menurut hukum Islam. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kepustakaan yang bersifat yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan kualitatif untuk menghasilkan data deskriptif analitis. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat anak hasil incest yang dilakukan secara legal dimana anak tersebut berstatus sebagai anak sah sehingga dapat dinasabkan dan berhak mewaris dari ayah dan ibunya. Dan juga terdapat anak hasil incest yang dilakukan secara illegal dimana anak tersebut berstatus sebagai anak zina sehingga hanya dapat dinasabkan dan berhak mewaris dari ibunya saja. Namun, tetap dapat memperoleh sebagian harta yang dimiliki oleh ayahnya melalui mekanisme hibah, wasiat, atau wasiat wajibah. ...... The focus of this thesis is about the child of incest relating to status and position in the admission of inheritance according to Islamic law. The problems are how the legal status of the child of incest and its position in the admission of inheritance according to Islamic law. This research use literature research method in the form of normative juridical with qualitative approach in order to provide analytical descriptive data. The conclusion of this thesis is that there are existing children from a legal incest relationship, where they have the status as legitimate children, so they can be “dinasabkan” to their father and mother and entitled to inherit from their father and mother. There also exist children of illegal incest and have the status as adultery child, so they only can be“dinasabkan” to their mother and therefor, only entitled to inherit from their mother. However, they can obtain some properties owned by their father through gift, testament, or obligatory bequest mechanism.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fandhy Achmed Belkaoui Thesia
Abstrak :
Pada skripsi ini terdapat pembahasan untuk mengetahui bagaimana penerapan kesesuaian syariah dalam produk iB Hasanah Card agar sesuai dengan aturan dawabith wa hudud serta bagaimana konsekuensi yang diberikan apabila terjadi penggunaan iB Hasanah Card yang tidak sesuai dengan aturan yang berlaku. Dengan metode yuridis normatif skripsi ini menjelaskan hubungan antara aturan dawabith wa hudud yang terdapat pada Fatwa DSN No.54/DSN-MUI/X/2006 dengan kesesuaian produk iB Hasanah Card yang menjadikan iB Hasanah Card memilik sistem reject otomatis untuk menjaga kesesuaian syariah guna mematuhi aturan dawabith wa hudud. Pembahasan ini berkesimpulan bahwa iB Hasanah Card BNI Syariah yang merupakan produk yang berasaskan syariah telah berusaha menyesuaikan produknya dengan aturan syariah melalui jenis akad, mekanisme produk, pagu yang dimiliki hingga fitur yang ditawarkannya. ...... There are discussion in this thesis to see how the application of sharia compliance in the product iB Hasanah Card according to rule dawabith wa hudud and how given the use of consequences if there is any iB Hasanah Card is not in accordance with the prevailing regulations .With the methods of juridical normative this thesis define the connection between dawabith wa hudud rules which is found in National Sharia Board Rules No.54 DSN / DSN-MUI /X / 2006 with the compliance of iB Hasanah Card who made this card has a system to keep reject automatic due to the compliance towards dawabith wa hudud rules. This discussion concludes that iB Hasanah Card BNI Syariah which is a product that is based on sharia has tried to adapt its products to the rule of sharia by type of contract , the mechanism of the product , the ceiling of which is owned by the features it offers.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library