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Siregar, Juke Roosjati
Abstrak :
Perjalanan waktu kehidupan sampai dengan milenium III telah melahirkan sejumlah perubahan sosial, ekonomi, polilik serta perkembanan pengetahuan dan teknologi yang menciptakan kehidupan sosial tertentu di masyarakat. Kehidupan paradoks dan globalisasi sebagai karakter dan perkembangan kehidupan sosial di abad 21 lelah menyajikan situasi kehidupan sosial yang penuh dengan tantangan dan pilihan untuk dijawab oleh individu secara cepat. Agar mampu menghadapi situasi tersebut, terdapat dua faktor yang memegang peranan penting untuk diperhatikan oleh individu, yaitu diri pribadi dan penyesuaian diri. Diri pribadi sebagai variabel independen mencakup komponen konsep diri, harga diri, percaya diri, regulasi dlri yang ditampilkan me!alui domain fisik, relasi sosial, akademik, olahraga dan organisasi. Penyesuaian diri sebagai variabel dependen, berkaitan dengan besar usaha yang dilakukan mahasiswa menghadapi kehidupan sosial di abad 21 yang mencakup aspek gaya hidup, dunia kerja. perkembangan dunia, perkembangan teknologi-informasi-komunikasi. Fokus utama penelitian adalah diri pribadi yang dikaji dalam dua hal yailu struktur internal diri pribadi sebagai konstruk yang menununjukan integrasi komponen konsep diri, harga diri, pcrcaya diri. regulasi diri, serla meliputi model mekanisme pengaruh anlar komponen tersebut. Disamping penelitian diri pribadi juga dilakukan pengkajian konstruk penyesuaian diri yang memiliki aspek gaya hidup, dunia kerja, perkembangan dunia. perkembangan teknologi - informasi - komunikasi Serta model pengaruh diri prihadi terhadap penyesuaian diri dalam kehidupan sosial di abad 21. Subyek penelitian adalah mahasiswa Universitas Padjadjaran program S-1 yang berusia sekitar 17 sampai dengan 22 tahun (N= 3041). Rancangan penelitian adalah expianarory research. Alat ukur yang digunakan adalah kuesioner tertutup yang bertujuan mengukur diri pribadi dan penyesuaian diri. Pengujian validitas dan realibilitas konstruk dalam alat ukur, digunakan analisis faktor konfirmatorik dalam LISREL versi 8.5. Pengujian hipotesis yang berkaitan dengan pengujian konstruk diri pribadi dan konstruk penyesuaian diri, digunakan analisis konfirmatorik satu tingkat dan dua tingkat. Pengujian hipotesis yang berkaitan dengan model mekanisme pengaruh antar komponen diri pribadi dan pengaruh diri pribadi terhadap penyesuaian diri, dilakukan melalui pengujian SEM (Structural Equation Modelling) pada program LISREL. Untuk memperoleh profil diri pribadi mahasiswa UNPAD yang mencakup empat komponennya digunakan perhitungan statistik deskriptif dalam bentuk nilai rata-rata dan nilai persentil ke25 dan ke-75. Hasil penelitian menggambarkan diri pribadi merupakan integrasi komponen konsep diri, harga diri, percaya diri dan regulasi diri dan memiliki mekanisme pengaruh antar komponen-komponen tersebut. Komponen percaya diri merupakan indikator paling kuat dalam tampilan diri pribadi. Hasil penelitian juga menggambadcan bahwa diri pribadi mahasiswa berpengamh terhadap penyesuaian dirinya di kehidupan sosial abad 21. Masalah yang ditemukan pada perkembangan diri pribadi mahasiswa UNPAD berkaitan dengan percaya diri dan regulasi diri.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lie Tjun Tjie
Abstrak :
Munculnya isu penelitian ini diawali dengan adanya tingkat kesenjangan yang signifikan di bidang studi perancangan arsitektur, yaitu antara konsep verbal yang diinginkan oleh seorang perancang dengan konsep figural yang dihasilkan. Hasil pengamatan banyak menunjukan pola hubungan yang tidak signifikan atau tidak sejalan. Peneliti merasa tertarik untuk meneliti lebih jauh terhadap fenomena tersebut.

Melalui kajian bidang psikologi khususnya psikologi pendidikan, peneliti menganalisis beberapa teori yang relevan seperti; teori kreativitas khususnya pada proses berpikir kreatif teori perancangan arsitektur, dasar-dasar teori neurologi, dan teori belajar. Hasil analisis beberapa teori tersebut disintesakan oleh peneliti dalam bentuk model pembelajaran yaitu ?model pembelajaran transfomasi kreatif dalam proses berpikir?.

Tujuan penelitian adalah ingin membuktikan pengaruh model pembelajaran transformasi kreatif dalam proses berpikir terhadap prestasi belajar di bidang perancangan arsitektur (bangunan). Sedangkan masalah utama penelitian ini adalah ?apakah ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara prestasi belajar pada matakuliah perancangan arsitektur yang disebabkan oleh model pembelajaran transformasi kreatif dalam proses berpikir dan model pernbelajaran konvensional (analisis tugas)?.

Prosedur penelitian meliputi: sampel berasal dari mahasiswa arsitektur, metode yang digunakan untuk interpretasi hasil penelitian menggunakan rancangan eksperimen, alat analisis datanya menggunakan Uji-U, dan koefisien jalur atau path analysis.

Dari hasil analisis atau olah data, diperoleh hasil yang menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan terhadap prestasi belajar antara kelompok yang diberi model pembelajaran transformasi kreatif dalam proses berpikir dan model pembelajaran konvensional (analisis tugas), disamping itu terdapat juga peningkatan yang signifikan pada kemampuan berpikir transformasi kreatif pada kelompok yang diberi model pembelajaran transformasi kreatif dalam proses berpikir serta mampu menghasilkan karya-karya kreatif dan inovatif.

Model pembelajaran transformasi kreatif dalam proses berpikir ini merupakan inovasi terkini (2005) dalam ilmu psikologi khususnya bidang kreativitas dan perancangan arsitektur.
The emergence of the research topic was initiated by the significant discrepancies found in the field of architectural designs, particularly between the verbal concept, which is desired by a designer and the figural concept, which results in. The results of the observation have indicated that the relationship is not significant or inconsistent. The researcher is interested to explore such phenomena further.

Based on the analysis in the psychological Held, particularly the educational psychology, the researcher attempted to analyze some relevant theories, such as: creativity theory - particularly the creative thinking process, theory of architectural designs, basic theory of neurology, and theory of learning. The results of the analysis on the theories are synthesized by the researcher in the form of a learning model, which is ?the creative transformational learning model of the thinking process".

The objective of the research is to prove the influence of the creative transformational learning model of the thinking processes on the academic achievements in the areas of architectural designs. Whereas the main problem of this research is whether there is a significant difference between the academic achievements in the architectural design class, caused by the creative transformational learning model of the thinking process and the conventional learning model (based on the assignment analysis)

The research procedure includes the following aspects: samples taken from the architect students. The research methods used to interpret the data were based on the experimental design. The data analysis tools used were the U-Test and path analysis.

Based on the data analysis, it is indicated that there is a significant difference towards die academic achievements between the groups where the creative transformational learning model was applied and the groups where the conventional learning model was applied. Some significant components, which have contributed to the academic achievements, are as follows: the improvement of the creative transformational abilities and the works produced are innovative and original.

The creative transformational learning model of the thinking process is the most recent innovation in Psychology, specifically in the areas of creativity and architectural designs.
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
A. M. Heru Basuki
Abstrak :
Latar belakang penelitian disertasi ini adalah banyaknya keluhan masyarakat tentang rendahnya mutu pendidikan di Indonesia termasuk lulusan SMU. Keluhan tersebut sesuai dengan hasil penelitian Programme for lnternartional Student Assesment (PISA), yang menunjukkan prestasi siswa Indonesia rata-rata berada pada peringkat bawah. Sebenarnya pemerintah telah melakukan berbagai upaya untuk meningkatkan mutu lulusan secara terus menerus dengan berbagai cara, namun tampaknya belum memberi hasil yang memuaskan.

Praksis pendidikan di Indonesia dalam tiga dasa warsa terakhir ini ternyata lebih berorientasi pada paradigma yang menyatakan peserta didik perlu dibekali dengan pengetahuan yang sebanyak-banyaknya. Praksis pendidikan yang demikian tidak kontekstual sehingga tidak menarik bagi siswa atau tidak sesuai kebutuhan siswa sehingga tidak bermakna bagi siswa. Kondisi ini diperparah adanya tradisi sekolah untuk meluluskan siswa 100%, dampaknya siswa tidak memiliki motivasi belajar yang tinggi, karena tanpa belajarpun mereka akan lulus. Kondisi Iain menunjukkan adanya kecenderungan sekolah, terutama tingkat SMU, berusaha agar lulusannya lolos saringan ujian masuk perguruan tinggi negeri (PTN). Kecenderungan ini menyebabkan banyak guru yang memberikan latihan menjawab soal-soal ujian sebanyak mungkin. Dampak yang sangat mendasar dari praksis pendidikan seperti ini adalah rendahnya mutu lulusan. Akibat lain adalah lulusan SMU belum memiliki kemandirian dalam belajar atau self-regulated learning.

Dipilihnya belajar yang bermakna sebagai fokus penelitian disertasi ini berdasarkan pemikiran yang mengacu pandangan ?constructivism? yang menyatakan siswa menginterpretasikan stimulus berdasarkan pengetahuan yang telah mereka miliki dan membangun pengertian secara masuk akal. Belajar yang demikian disebut belajar yang berrnakna (Ausubel, 1978 dalam Entwistle, 1987: 135).

Apabila pembelajaran bersifat kontekstual menyebabkan proses belajar sesuai kebutuhan siswa, sehingga menjadi bermakna bagi siswa dan menyebabkan terjadi kinerja puncak (peak performance) (Clark, 1988; 27 dan Franken 2002: 115). Dampaknya seluruh aspek mental siswa dapat diberdayakan secara optimal, berarti kemampuan berpikir kreatif dapat diberdayakan pula. Dengan teraktualisasikannya kemampuan berpikir kreatif, siswa akan mampu menghasilkan ide-ide baru dan berbagai alternatif strategi belajar. Ini diperlukan untuk menentukan strategi belajar yang tepat, atau memperbaiki penggunaan strategi yang kurang tepat saat siswa menggunakan self-regulated learning (SRL). Ini berarti, apabila kreativitas dapat diberdayakan, maka SRLpun dapat diaktualisasikan (Brown, Branford, Campione & Ferrara, 1983; Como, 1986; Zimmerman, Pons, 1986, 1988 dalam Pintrich & de Groot, 1990: 33).

Dari konsepsi teoritis tersebut disusun suatu model kontribusi belajar yang bermakna pada kreativitas, SRL dan prestasi akademik siswa Sekolah Menengah Umum Negeri di Jakarta. Model ini disebut model utama. Bahwa kreativitas teraktualisasikan mungkin tidak hanya karena dukungan dari belajar yang bermakna. Untuk itu disusun model altematif dimana kreativitas tidak merupakan variabel laten endogen yang diberdayakan oleh belajar yang bermakna, tetapi merupakan variabel laten eksogen sejajar dengan variabe! belajar yang bermakna.

Untuk mendapatkan model yang memilikj goodness ofjil atau sesuai dengan data mal-ca dilakulcan suatu penelitian ex-posgfacto di SMU Negeri Jakarta peringkat Atas, Menengah dan Bawah, masing-masing dua kelas. Jumlah sampel 485 siswa kelas II. Pemilihan siswa kelas II dilakukan berdasar purposive sampling, sedang pemilihan kelas sebagai sampel berdasar teknik cluster random sampling. Setelah dilakukan pengujian persamaan stmktural dengan Program LISREL ternyata model yang sesuai dengan data adalah model utama, sedang model altematif tidak sesuai dengan data.

Dari pengujian model tersebut dihasilkan temuan penelitian yang sangat penting yaitu kreativitas hanya dapat diberdayakan apabila didukung oleh belajar yang bermakna.

Setelah dilakukan pengujian ulang temyata model utama tersebut dapat diterapkan untuk model SMU Negeri peringkat Atas, Menengah dan Bawah, dan dapat pula diterapkan untuk model bidang studi matematika, fisika, biologi, bahasa Inggris, ekonomi & akutansi. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa model utama berlaku umum. Ini berani pula bahwa belajar yang bermakna, kreativitas dan SRL sangat penting dalam pembelajaran dalam rangka meningkatkan prestasi akademik maupun mutu pendidikan.
The background of the research is the complaints from the stakeholders concerning the low quality of the education in Indonesia including that of graduates of senior high schools. Based on the result of the research from ?Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), it is stated that the average of the students 'achievement in Indonesia is low. As a matter of fact, various programmes have been implemented by the government to improve the quality of school graduates. However, the programmes implemented, seemingly, do not work yet.

In the last three decades, the paradigm underlining the educational practice in Indonesia is that learners should be equipped with the knowledge as much as posible, resulting in uncontextual and unattractive learning. Besides, such learning does not fulfill the learners ' needs, as this is not meaningful to them. This condition seems getting worse and worse because of the school tradition to have 100% students' passing final examinations. The tradition causes the learners not to have motivation to study hard for they know that they get a guarantee to graduate from school. Another condition shows that there is a tendency of schools, especially senior high schools to make their students successjitl in Higher Education Entrance Test (UMPTN). To achieve this goal, teachers drill their students with a lot of exercises. Such practice in the education will produce the unqualnied graduates having no sense of autonomous learning or self-regulated learning.

The meaningful learning is chosen to be the focus of the research for this dissertation. This is based on the concept of "constructivisrn " which states that students will interpret the stimulus based on the knowledge they possesed and constructed definitions rationally. Such learning is refered to meaningful learning (Ausubel, 1978 in Entwistle, 1987:135).

The contextualized learning process will cater to the .students 'neeals, so that it would be meaningjitl to the students and result in peak performance (( Tiark, /988: 27 and Franken 2002: 115). The impact of contextual learning causes the whole aspects of students 'mental to be optimally empowered This means that creative thinking is optimized as well. Actualizing the creative thinking of the students will result in the new ideas and various alternative strategies of learning. This is necessary to determine an appropriate strategy of learning or to replace the strategy which is inappropriate to the students using self-regulated learning (SRL). Consequently, the empowerment of creativity may result in the actualization ofSRL (Brown, Branforf, Campione & Ferrara; Corno, 1986; Zimmerman, Pons, 1986, 1988 in Pintrich & de Groot, 1990; 33).

Based on the theoretical concepts above, two contribution models of learning are constructed The first model is meaningful learning contribute to creativity, SRL and academic achievements of the State Senior High Students in Jakarta. This model is called major model. An alternative model is set up creativity not as an endogen latent variable, but as an exogen latent variable which is in the same position as meaning;6il learning variable.

Data collected from high-rank, middle-rank, low-rank State Senior High School (SMUN) in Jakarta. The number of samples are 485 students from second grade. Cluster random sampling is used to determine the second grade students as the samples. After conducting a test of structural equation using LISREL, it is found that the model appropriate to the data is the major model. The alternative model is not appropriate to the data.

From the result of testing the model, a very important finding is obtained. lt is revealed that creativity will be empowered if it is supported by meaningful learning.

After re-testing the model, it is found that the major model can be applied to high-rank, middle-rank and low-rank State Senior High School (SMUN). This model can also be implemented for mathematics, physics, biology, English, economics and accounting. From the results of the research, it can be concluded that the major model can be implemented for any subjects. In sum, meaninghil learning, creativity and SRL are very signyicant in improving the academic achievements and the quality of the education.
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wahyu Indianti
Abstrak :
Latar belakang penelitian ini berawal dari masalah yang sering muncul dalam perkembangan karir pada remaja terutama dalam hal memilih, meningkatkan, dan mempertahankan konsistensi dalam memilih karir seperti pilihan pendidikan. Kemampuan itu disebut adaptabilitas karir. Penelitian ini mempertanyakan faktor apa yang mempengaruhi peningkatan adaptabilitas karir. Asumsi yang ditegakkan adalah ketika individu berhasil menerapkan regulasi diri dalam belajar, yang pembentukannya dipengaruhi oleh dukungan sosial, maka perencanaan, pemilihan dan pengembangan karir akan lebih mudah dilakukan. Untuk membuktikan asumsi tersebut, penelitian ini melihat keterakaitan antara dukungan sosial sebagai sumber yang membantu pembentukan keterampilan regulasi diri dalam belajar dengan pembangunan adaptabilitas karir sebagai sikap dan kesiapan dalam menghadapi tantangan perkembangan karir. Penelitian ini menguji kesesuaian model yang melihat peranan dukungan sosial dalam internalisasi regulasi diri dalam belajar sehingga dapat meningkatkan pembangunan adaptabilitas karir yang tinggi. Penelitian ini mengukur tiga variabel yaitu dukungan sosial sebagai variabel independen, regulasi diri dalam belajar sebagai variabel mediator dan adaptabilitas karir sebagai variabel dependen. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 1012 mahasiswa baru dari semua fakultas yang ada di UI dengan pengolahan data menggunakan structural equation model dari Lisrel 8.80, teknik regresi berganda untuk menguji hipotesis yang ditegakkan dan menggunakan anovar untuk memperkaya hasil penelitian. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan model yang diajukan sesuai dengan data di lapangan dan membuktikan bahwa variabel regulasi diri dalam belajar adalah mediator penuh antara variabel dukungan sosial dengan variabel adaptabilitas karir. Artinya dukungan sosial hanya akan bermakna dalam pembangunan adaptabilitas karir apabila dimediasi oleh regulasi diri dalam belajar. Perlunya peningkatan peranan dukungan sosial untuk membantu remaja dalam internalisasi regulasi diri dalam belajar agar mereka dapat membangun adaptabilitas karir yang kuat.;
The background of this study come from problems that often arise in career developmental skill, especially in terms of choosing a career, improve, and maintain consistency in choosing a career (e.g. education). That ability is called career adaptability. This study questioned what factors influence the increase career adaptability. The assumption made is when an individual successfully implementing self-regulation in learning, that its formation is influenced by social support, the planning, selection and career development will be easier to do. To prove these assumptions, this study will look at a relationship between social support as an agent of the formation of self-regulation skills in the development of career adaptability as attitude and readiness to face the challenges of career development task and the situational changes. This study examined the suitability of the model that saw the role of social support in the internalization of self-regulated learning to improve the development of strong and high career adaptability. This study measured three variables: social support as an independent variable, self-regulated learning as mediator variables and career adaptability as the dependent variable. Participants in this study amounted to 1012 new students of all faculties at the UI. For processing the data, this study using structural equation model of Lisrel 8.80, and using multiple regression techniques to test the hypothesis. Anovar was used to rich the rusult. The results of this study indicate that the model proposed in accordance with the data in the field and prove that the variables of self-regulated learning is a full mediator between social support and career adaptability. The implication from this study is, social support such as parents, teachers and peers, had a strategic influence in building regulated learning skill in order to strengthen career adaptability in young people;The background of this study come from problems that often arise in career developmental skill, especially in terms of choosing a career, improve, and maintain consistency in choosing a career (e.g. education). That ability is called career adaptability. This study questioned what factors influence the increase career adaptability. The assumption made is when an individual successfully implementing self-regulation in learning, that its formation is influenced by social support, the planning, selection and career development will be easier to do. To prove these assumptions, this study will look at a relationship between social support as an agent of the formation of self-regulation skills in the development of career adaptability as attitude and readiness to face the challenges of career development task and the situational changes. This study examined the suitability of the model that saw the role of social support in the internalization of self-regulated learning to improve the development of strong and high career adaptability. This study measured three variables: social support as an independent variable, self-regulated learning as mediator variables and career adaptability as the dependent variable. Participants in this study amounted to 1012 new students of all faculties at the UI. For processing the data, this study using structural equation model of Lisrel 8.80, and using multiple regression techniques to test the hypothesis. Anovar was used to rich the rusult. The results of this study indicate that the model proposed in accordance with the data in the field and prove that the variables of self-regulated learning is a full mediator between social support and career adaptability. The implication from this study is, social support such as parents, teachers and peers, had a strategic influence in building regulated learning skill in order to strengthen career adaptability in young people;The background of this study come from problems that often arise in career developmental skill, especially in terms of choosing a career, improve, and maintain consistency in choosing a career (e.g. education). That ability is called career adaptability. This study questioned what factors influence the increase career adaptability. The assumption made is when an individual successfully implementing self-regulation in learning, that its formation is influenced by social support, the planning, selection and career development will be easier to do. To prove these assumptions, this study will look at a relationship between social support as an agent of the formation of self-regulation skills in the development of career adaptability as attitude and readiness to face the challenges of career development task and the situational changes. This study examined the suitability of the model that saw the role of social support in the internalization of self-regulated learning to improve the development of strong and high career adaptability. This study measured three variables: social support as an independent variable, self-regulated learning as mediator variables and career adaptability as the dependent variable. Participants in this study amounted to 1012 new students of all faculties at the UI. For processing the data, this study using structural equation model of Lisrel 8.80, and using multiple regression techniques to test the hypothesis. Anovar was used to rich the rusult. The results of this study indicate that the model proposed in accordance with the data in the field and prove that the variables of self-regulated learning is a full mediator between social support and career adaptability. The implication from this study is, social support such as parents, teachers and peers, had a strategic influence in building regulated learning skill in order to strengthen career adaptability in young people, The background of this study come from problems that often arise in career developmental skill, especially in terms of choosing a career, improve, and maintain consistency in choosing a career (e.g. education). That ability is called career adaptability. This study questioned what factors influence the increase career adaptability. The assumption made is when an individual successfully implementing self-regulation in learning, that its formation is influenced by social support, the planning, selection and career development will be easier to do. To prove these assumptions, this study will look at a relationship between social support as an agent of the formation of self-regulation skills in the development of career adaptability as attitude and readiness to face the challenges of career development task and the situational changes. This study examined the suitability of the model that saw the role of social support in the internalization of self-regulated learning to improve the development of strong and high career adaptability. This study measured three variables: social support as an independent variable, self-regulated learning as mediator variables and career adaptability as the dependent variable. Participants in this study amounted to 1012 new students of all faculties at the UI. For processing the data, this study using structural equation model of Lisrel 8.80, and using multiple regression techniques to test the hypothesis. Anovar was used to rich the rusult. The results of this study indicate that the model proposed in accordance with the data in the field and prove that the variables of self-regulated learning is a full mediator between social support and career adaptability. The implication from this study is, social support such as parents, teachers and peers, had a strategic influence in building regulated learning skill in order to strengthen career adaptability in young people]
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Daulima, Novy Helena Catharina
Abstrak :
Disertasi ini bertujuan untuk merumuskan model proses pengambilan keputusan pasung oleh keluarga, kuesioner keputusan pasung Daulima serta mengetahui pengaruh terapi keputusan perawatan tanpa pasung dan algoritma keputusan perawatan Daulima terhadap tingkat keputusan pasung. Desain penelitian menggunakan mixed methods dengan desain exploratory dengan jumlah sampel 22 orang partisipan dan 82 orang responden. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ditemukan adanya tahapan pada proses pengambilan keputusan pasung oleh keluarga, kuesioner keputusan pasung Daulima yang valid dan reliabel serta pengaruh terapi keputusan perawatan tanpa pasung dan algoritma keputusan perawatan Daulima terhadap penurunan tingkat keputusan pasung secara bermakna. Model proses pengambilan keputusan pasung oleh keluarga direkomendasikan sebagai landasan asuhan keperawatan keluarga klien gangguan jiwa yang dipasung. Kuesioner keputusan pasung Daulima direkomendasikan sebagai alat untuk mengukur keputusan pasung pada keluarga klien. Terapi keputusan perawatan tanpa pasung dan algoritma keputusan perawatan Daulima direkomendasikan sebagai intervensi bagi keluarga yang memiliki tingkat keputusan pasung yang tinggi.
This dissertation aimed to formulate a model of family decision making proces for pasung, Daulima pasung decision questionnaire and to identity an impact of therapy of nursing care decision without pasung and Daulima nursing care decision algorithm toward pasung decision level. This study used a mixed method with exploratory design using 22 participants and 82 respondents. This study invented stages of family decision making proces for pasung, a valid and reliable Daulima pasung decision questionnaire and impact of therapy on nursing care decision without pasung and Daulima nursing care decision algorithm toward a significant declining of pasung decision level. Model of family decision making proces for pasung was recommended as a nursing care platform for a family who is performing or going to perform pasung for mentally ill patient. Daulima pasung decision questionnaire was advised as a measuring instrument for pasung decision level on family of mentally ill patient. Moreover, therapy of nursing care decision without pasung and Daulima nursing care decision algorithm was suggested as an intervention for a family with a high level decision for pasung.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yati Sri Hayati
Abstrak :
Nama : Yati Sri HayatiProgram Studi : Program Doktor Keperawatan, Fakultas Ilmu KeperawatanUniversitas IndonesiaJudul : Pengembangan Instrumen untuk Mengukur KemandirianKeluarga dalam Merawat Lanjut UsiaKemandirian keluarga dalam merawat lansia menjadi salah satu tujuan pemberianasuhan keperawatan keluarga, namun alat ukur yang ada belum teruji secarastatistik. Tujuan penelitian yaitu memperoleh instrumen yang valid dan reliabeluntuk mengukur kemandirian keluarga dalam merawat lansia. Penelitian dilakukanmulai dari penyusunan item berdasarkan teori serta studi literatur dilanjutkandengan analisis validitas isi sampai dengan konstruk. Jumlah sampel padapenelitian ini sebanyak 295 pelaku rawat lansia dalam keluarga. Hasil penelitiandiperoleh bahwa instrumen akhir terdiri atas 28 item, yaitu tugas kesehatan 16 item,komunikasi efektif 8 item, dan strategi koping 4 item. Hasil penelitian jugaditemukan bahwa tugas kesehatan merupakan faktor yang paling berhubungandengan kemandirian keluarga dalam merawat lansia. Kesimpulan, instrumen yangdikembangkan reliabel dan valid untuk mengukur kemandirian keluarga dalammerawat lansia. Peneliti merekomendasikan untuk menggunakan instrumen ditatanan pelayanan keperawatan keluarga serta dilakukan penelitian selanjutnyamengenai model asuhan keperawatan keluarga dengan lansia.Kata kunci: kemandirian keluarga, tugas kesehatan, komunikasi efektif, strategikoping
Name : Yati Sri HayatiStudy Program : Doctorate Program of Nursing Faculty, University ofIndonesiaTitle : Instrument Development to Measure Family Independencein Caring for ElderlyFamily independence in caring for elderly becomes one of goals in family nursingcare, but the existing measuring tool has not been tested statistically. This researchwas aimed to develop a valid and reliable instrument to measure familyindependence in caring for elderly. Research began with item development whichwas constructed based on theories and literature study, followed by content validityanalysis and construct validity. As many as 295 elderly caregiver in the family wereinvolved in this research. The results showed that the instrument consisted of 28items with 16 items for health task, 8 items for effective communication and 4 itemsfor coping strategies. It was also revealed that health task was the factor whichrelated most to the family independence in caring for elderly. Assessing the abilityof families in caring for the elderly is necessary to identify the needs of familiesabout elderly care independently. The resulting instrument needs to be replicated inother areas with more and varied respondents.Key words: family independence, health task, effective communication, copingstrategies
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dyah Triarini Indirasari
Abstrak :
Waktu merupakan konsep abstrak yang tidak bisa dilihat secara kasat mata sehingga manusia menggunakan analogi dari konsep lain yang lebih konkrit dalam menjelaskan konsep waktu. Analogi tersebut tercermin dalam bentuk metafora yang digunakan dalam berbahasa. Hasil-hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa metafora waktu bisa berbeda antar budaya. Dalam konteks budaya Barat yang menggunakan bahasa Inggris, terdapat dua metafora yang menggambarkan pergerakan waktu dari sudut pandang egoreference, yakni ego-moving dan time-moving (Lakoff & Johnson, 1980). Di Indonesia, penelitian tentang waktu masih terbatas. Hasil-hasil penelitian lintas budaya terkait waktu menunjukkan adanya sikap maupun penalaran temporal yang berbeda antara orang Indonesia dengan orang dari budaya lain (Boroditsky, Ham, & Ramscar, 2002; Levine & Norenzayan, 1999). Didasari oleh hasil-hasil penelitian tersebut dan pandangan Linguistic Relativity Hypothesis dari Benjamin L. Whorf (1956), peneliti berargumen bahwa metafora pergerakan waktu yang dimiliki dalam konteks budaya Indonesia berbeda dengan yang terkandung dalam bahasa Inggris. Tiga studi pada disertasi ini mencoba melihat secara lebih detil tentang metafora waktu yang terkandung dalam budaya Indonesia serta pengaruh metafora pergerakan waktu terhadap ketepatan seseorang mengestimasi durasi waktu. Penelitian eksploratif pada Studi 1 (N=50 orang) memperlihatkan bahwa metafora waktu dalam budaya Indonesia dianalogikan dalam konteks spasial, memiliki ciri fisik, dan pergerakan. Namun, metafora pergerakan waktu yang diperoleh belum mengkonfirmasi metafora pergerakan waktu dari sudut pandang diri (ego-reference point). Penelitian eksperimental pada Studi 2a (N= 139 orang), Studi 2b (N= 64 orang) dan Studi 3 (N=123 orang) menunjukkan bahwa metafora pergerakan waktu dalam konteks budaya Indonesia lebih cenderung pada metafora time-moving dibanding ego-moving. Lebih lanjut, hasil Studi 3 memperlihatkan bahwa priming menggunakan metafora pergerakan waktu (ego-moving vs. time-moving) tidak berpengaruh terhadap estimasi durasi waktu, namun durasi tugas (pendek vs. panjang) berpengaruh terhadap estimasi. Tiga studi yang dilakukan pada disertasi ini menggunakan mahasiswa sebagai partisipan penelitian. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: (1) metafora waktu dalam konteks budaya Indonesia berbeda dengan bahasa Inggris; (2) metafora pergerakan waktu dalam bahasa Indonesia lebih mencerminkan time-moving daripada ego-moving; dan (3) akurasi estimasi durasi waktu lebih dipengaruhi oleh durasi tugas dibanding metafora pergerakan waktu. Implikasi penelitian selanjutnya didiskusikan pada disertasi ini.
A concrete object, as an analogy or a metaphor, is often used to explain an abstract concept, such as time. People can use a metaphor in their language to better explain time movements. Previous research on time metaphor suggested that culture may influence how people perceived time movements. From the ego-reference point of view, two metaphors, namely ego-moving and time-moving, are often used to describe time movements in English in Western culture (Lakoff & Johnson, 1980). On the other hand, cross-cultural studies on time metaphor based on Linguistic Relativity Hypothesis theory showed that Indonesian had different time attitudes and temporal reasoning than other cultures (Boroditsky, Ham, & Ramscar, 2002; Levine & Norenzayan, 1999; Whorf, 1956). Research on time metaphors in Bahasa Indonesia is still lacking. Therefore, this dissertation aimed to investigate if Indonesian have a different perception of time movements than Western culture. Three studies on time metaphors were conducted to look in a more detailed the effect of time movement metaphors on the accuracy of time duration estimation. Participants of these studies were university students. An explorative study from Study 1 (N= 50 participants) showed that time metaphors in Indonesian culture were analogically described in spatial contexts, physical characteristics, and movement. However, in terms of time movement, Study 1 did not confirm the type of metaphors that reflects ego-reference point. Using experimental studies in Study 2a (N= 139 participants), Study 2b (N= 64 participants) and Study 3 (N=123 participants) found that time movement metaphor in the context of Indonesian culture was more likely to be a time-moving than an ego-moving metaphor. Furthermore, the results in Study 3 showed that priming using ego-moving vs. timemoving metaphor did not affect the estimated time duration, but task duration (short vs. long) affected the estimation. The results of these studies indicate that: (1) time metaphors in the context of Indonesian culture were different from English; (2) time movement metaphors in Indonesian reflected more time-moving than ego-moving metaphor; and (3) the accuracy of the estimated time duration was more influenced by the length of the task than the time movement metaphor. The implications of these studies were further discussed.
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Neneng Tati Sumiati
Abstrak :
Anak dengan Down Syndrome (DS) memiliki kemampuan delay of gratification yang rendah. Mereka mengalami kesulitan saat harus menunggu dan menunda kepuasan. Sementara kemampuan delay of gratification diperlukan agar dapat menyesuaikan dengan tuntutan lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menelaah tentang peran scaffolding dalam interaksi ibu-anak, kemampuan bahasa reseptif, atensi, working memory terhadap kemampuan delay of gratification anak dengan DS. Penelitian ini terdiri dari dua tahap penelitian dimana masing-masing tahap menggunakan rancangan penelitian explanatory sequential mixed methods. Penelitian kuantitatif tahap pertama bertujuan untuk membuktikan (1) korelasi waiting time saat anak menjalankan tugas delay dan kemampuan delay of gratification domain makanan, interaksi sosial, dan physical pleasure menurut persepsi ibu (2) hubungan dimensi dan tipe scaffolding dalam interaksi ibu-anak dan kemampuan delay of gratification. Penelitian kualitatif bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran kemampuan delay of gratification anak dari ibu dengan skor scaffolding tinggi dan rendah saat bermain lego. Analisis data kuantitatif menggunakan uji korelasi Spearman Rho. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat korelasi yang signifikan antara waiting time saat anak menjalankan tugas delay dengan kemampuan delay of gratification domain makanan, interaksi sosial dan physical pleasure yang dipersepsi ibu. Dimensi scaffolding yang berkorelasi dengan waiting time anak adalah direction maintenance dan frustration control. Tipe scaffolding yang berkorelasi dengan waiting time adalah speech disertai gesture. Hasil penelitian kualitatif terhadap tiga orang ibu dengan skor scaffolding tinggi dan empat ibu dengan skor scaffolding rendah saat bermain lego menggambarkan bahwa ibu dengan skor scaffolding tinggi memiliki anak dengan waiting time yang lebih lama saat menjalankan tugas delay dibandingkan anak dari ibu dengan skor scaffolding rendah. Penelitian tahap kedua bertujuan untuk membuktikan (1) perbedaan waiting time saat bersama ibu, bersama ibu dan orang asing, bersama orang asing dan ketika anak berada sendirian (2) hubungan dimensi scaffolding dengan kemampuan delay of gratification (3) kesesuaian antara model dinamika hubungan antar variabel scaffolding dalam interaksi ibu-anak, kemampuan bahasa reseptif, atensi, working memory dan kemampuan delay of gratification dengan data (model fit). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan waiting time secara signifikan antara saat bersama ibu, bersama ibu dan orang asing, bersama orang asing dan saat anak berada sendirian. Dimensi scaffolding yang berkorelasi dengan kemampuan delay of gratification adalah direction maintenance, reduction in degrees of freedom, demonstration. Tipe scaffolding speech disertai gesture berkorelasi positif dengan kemampuan delay of gratification. Model teoritis yang diusulkan fit dengan data. Penelitian kualitatif tahap kedua menggambarkan bahwa ibu dengan skor scaffolding tinggi saat menjalankan tugas delay memiliki anak dengan waiting time yang lebih lama dibandingkan anak dari ibu dengan skor scaffolding rendah. Implikasinya adalah ibu disarankan memberikan scaffolding berupa direction maintenance, reduction in degrees of freedom, demonstration dan frustration control, yang diberikan melalui speech disertai gesture. ......Children with Down Syndrome (DS) have a low delay of gratification ability. They have difficulty waiting and delaying gratification. Meanwhile, the delay of gratification capability is needed in order to adapt to environment demands. This study aims to examine the role of scaffolding in mother-child interactions, receptive language skills, attention, working memory and the delay of gratification ability of children with DS. This study consisted of two stages of research where each stage used an explanatory sequential mixed methods research design. The first stage of quantitative research aims to prove (1) the correlation of waiting time when children perform delay tasks and the ability of delay gratification in the food, social interaction, and physical pleasure domain according to mother's perception (2) the relationnship between dimensions and types of scaffolding in mother-child interactions and the delay of gratification ability. The qualitative research aims to get a description of the delay of gratification ability of children from mothers with high and low scaffolding scores when playing lego. Quantitative data analysis used the Spearman Rho correlation test. The results showed that there was no significant correlation between waiting time when the child performed a delay task with the delay of gratification ability in the food, social interactions and physical pleasure domain perceived by mothers. The scaffolding dimensions which correlate with children's waiting time are direction maintenance and frustration control. The type of scaffolding that correlates with waiting time is speech accompanied by gesture. The results of a qualitative study of three mothers with high scaffolding scores and four mothers with low scaffolding scores while playing lego illustrate that mothers with high scaffolding scores have children with a longer waiting time while carrying out delay tasks than mothers with low scaffolding scores. The second stage of research aims to prove (1) the difference in waiting time when with mother, with mother and strangers, with strangers and when the child is alone (2) the relationship between the scaffolding dimension and the delay of gratification ability (3) the suitability dynamic models of the relationship between scaffolding in mother-child interactions, receptive language skills, attention, working memory and delay of gratification ability with data (model fit). The results showed that there was a significant difference in waiting time between with the mother, with the mother and strangers, with strangers and when the child was alone. The dimensions of scaffolding that correlate with the delay of gratification ability are direction maintenance, reduction in degrees of freedom, demonstration. The type of scaffolding speech accompanied by gesture has a positive correlation with the ability to delay gratification. The proposed theoretical model is fit with the data. The second stage of qualitative research illustrates that mothers with high scaffolding scores while carrying out delay tasks have children with a longer waiting time than mothers with low scaffolding scores. The implication is that mothers are suggested to provide scaffolding in the form of direction maintenance, reduction in degrees of freedom, demonstration and frustration control, which is given through speech accompanied by gestures.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library