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M. Taufiq Dardjat
Percobaan dimaksudkan untuk mendeteksi dini kelainan glaukoma. Citra berwarna dari hasil pemotretan fundus okuler penderita glaukoma yang merupakan penyebab kebutaan dan menunjukan kelainan gambaran pada dijadikan sample. Selanjutnya dengan memanfaatan teknologi pengolahan citra berupa proyeksi radial dilakukan analisis citra tersebut. Metoda ini tergantung pada fakta bahwa area defek mempunyai refleksi yang lebih rendah pada panjang gelombang hijau dan biru dibanding area normal.
Metoda ini terdiri dari sampling dan sumasi(penjumlahan data) sepanjang garis radial antara dua lingkaran yang berpusat pada cup. Citra yang dipergunakan pada penelitian ini berupa foto fundus okuler berwarna yang didijitalisasi. Dari eksperimen ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa metoda ini dapat mendeteksi kelainan fundus yang relatif kecil dan dini yang biasanya hanya dapat ditemukan oleh ahli mata yang berpengalaman baik.
Metoda ini juga dapat dikatakan lebih baik dan praktis dan pada teknik enhansmen karena tidak membutuhkan iluminasi kompensasi, juga karena dapat mendeteksi cup secara otomatis.
Penelitian perlu dilanjutkan ke tahap aplikasi langsung tersebut sehingga penelitian ini semakin dekat pada pemanfaatan teknologi canggih ini untuk bidang kesehatan mata khususnya kelainan pada retina seperti glaukoma.

Early stage glaucoma can be diagnosed by finding retinal nerve fiber defect using color image processing. This method base on the refluctance of defect part has low value in green and blue wavelength. But the difference between defect part and their normal part is very little
Here, new method is proposed to detect that the small difference. This method consists of sampling and summation along the radial lines drawn between two circles whose centers are same and located at the center of the eye. Through experiments, it is found that the small difference of defect part that can be detected only by doctors with experience is detected by this method.
It is considered that this method is better than the color enhancement. And also, the detection of cup and blood vessel has been shown as the method to assist the automatic processing.
It is necessary to apply this method to many patients to check the usefulness of the method and will be continued to make full automatic processing system in the future."
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 1993
UI - Laporan Penelitian  Universitas Indonesia Library
M. Djamil Ibrahim
Studi pergeseran kountur dengan metode proyeksi grating adalah merupakan metoda "straightforward" dengan menentukan 3 harga koordinat yang dipilih pada suatu tes obyek yang dibentuk oleh proyeksi jala (grating).
Dalam teknik ini, grating yang disebut "shadow projection type" moire topografi diganti dengan suatu bentuk grating mempunyai jala 2-3 cm. Tehnik ini, dapat diambil tiga koordinat dari titik penampang grating dengan menggunakan formula yang sama dalam teknik moire topografi. Dengan memperoleh tiga koordinat untuk setiap titik pada penampang, maka dapat ditentukan konkap dan konvek tanpa mengacu pada suatu "apriori konowledge". Dengan dikembangkan teknik ini dapat digunakan dalam orthopedik, khususnya mempelajari kontur tubuh.

The study grating countur shape method is a straightforward method which determines the three coordinate values of points selected on a test object to form a square mesh. In this technique, the grating of the so-called shadow projection type moire topography is replaced by a grating forming 2-3 cm square mesh. By this technique , we can obtain the three coordinates of the intersection point of the grating, using almost the same formula of moire topography. Because we can obtain three coordinates for each intersection point, we can determined the convexity and the concavity without referring to apriori knowledge. Based this technique, we applied in orthopedic especially to study a body contours."
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 1994
UI - Laporan Penelitian  Universitas Indonesia Library
Akhiruddin Maddu
"Telah dikaji pengaruh kelembaban terhadap sifat optik film gelatin yang dibuat dengan teknik casting melalui proses sol-gel. Film gelatin dikaji sifat optiknya terhadap perlakuan variasi kondisi kelembaban. Respon optik yang diamati berupa transmisi dan absorpsi optik pada spektrum cahaya tampak yang diperoleh dari spektrofotometer UV-Vis (Ultraviolet ? Visible). Hasil pengukuran transmisi dan perhitungan absorpsi optik memperlihatkan bahwa respon optik film gelatin berada pada pita cahaya tampak yang lebar dalam rentang 530 ? 680 nm, dengan respon cukup nyata pada pita spektrum 580 ? 650 nm. Perlakuan kelembaban berbeda memberikan perubahan karakteristik optik yang signifikan, yaitu spektrum transmitansi dan absorbansi optik film gelatin berubah terhadap perubahan kelembaban. Intensitas transmitansi optik film gelatin naik terhadap kenaikan kelembaban pada selang 580 ? 650 nm, sebaliknya spektrum absorbansi optiknya turun terhadap kenaikan kelembaban pada selang tersebut. Kurva intensitas transmisi dan absorpsi optik terhadap variasi kelembaban dari 37%RH hingga 99%RH pada 610 nm memperlihatkan lineritas yang cukup baik. Dua sampel film gelatin yang diuji memperlihatkan karakteristik yang sama.

Humidity Dependence of Optical Properties of Gelatin Films. Humidity dependence of optical properties of gelatin films prepared by casting technique has been investigated. Gelatin films was investigated its optical properties to varied humidity condition. Optical responses investigated are optical transmission and absorption at visible light spectrum measured utilizing a UV-Vis (Ultraviolet ? Visible) spectrophotometer. The results of optical transmittance and absorbance obtained shows an optical response of gelatin films in widely visible light spectrum within range 530 ? 680 nm, with most clearly response in a spectrum band in 580 ? 650 nm. Different humidity treatment cause a significantly change of optical characteristics, that is the transmittance and absorbance change in to humidity. Transmittance of gelatin films increase with increasing humidity in a range 580 ? 650 nm, in contrast with absorbance that is decrease with increasing humidity. Plot of transmission and absorption intensity with varied humidity from 37%RH to 99%RH at 610 nm exhibited a good linearity. Two samples showed same characteristics."
Depok: Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Indonesia, 2006
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Akhiruddin Maddu
"Telah dikembangkan probe sensor kelembaban menggunakan serat optik dengan cladding gelatin. Pada probe sensor kelembaban ini, cladding asli serat optik diganti dengan lapisan gelatin sebagai cladding sensitif kelembaban. Untuk menguji respon sensor serat optik yang dibuat, dilakukan pengukuran intensitas cahaya yang ditransmisikan pada probe serat optik untuk setiap variasi perlakuan kelembaban berbeda. Respon probe sensor serat optik ini diukur dari kelembaban 42% hingga 99% RH, hasilnya memperlihatkan kurva transmisi optik berbavariasi terhadap nilai kelembaban relatif (RH). Transmisi optik di dalam probe serat optik meningkat terhadap kenaikan nilai RH pada suatu rentang panjang gelombang spesifik, yaitu pada spektrum pita hijau hingga merah (500 nm - 700 nm), dengan variasi signifikan pada rentang 600 nm sampai 650 nm atau dalam pita spektrum kuning hingga merah. Panjang gelombang dimana intensitas maksimum transmisi optik terjadi pada panjang gelombang 610 nm. Dengan demikian, probe sensor kelembaban serat optik ini dapat merespon kelembaban dari 42 %R hingga 99%H dengan respon terbaik pada rentang kelembaban 60%RH hingga 72%R yang memiliki linieritas dan sensitifitas yang cukup baik.

Development of Fiber-Optic Humidity Sensor Probe with Gelatin Cladding. Humidity sensor based on optical fiber with gelatin cladding has been developed. In this humidity sensor probe, the origin cladding of optical fiber is replaced by gelatin coating as humidity sensitive cladding. Testing of the optical fiber sensor probe was conducted by measuring of light intensity transmitted on the optical fiber probe for each variation of different humidity treatments. Response of the optical fiber sensor probe measured from 42%RH to 99%RH, the results show an optical transmission curve varied with relative humidity (RH). Optical transmission in the optical fiber probe increase with RH value at a specific wavelength range, that is from green to red spectrum bands (500 nm - 700 nm), where a significant variation from 600 nm to 650 nm in yellow to red spectrum bands. Wavelength where is a maximum intensity of optical transmission occurs at 610 nm. Therefore, the optical fiber humidity sensor probe could response humidity form 42%RH to 99%RH with the best response in humidity range of 60%RH to 72%RH that is have a good linearity and sensitivity."
Depok: Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Indonesia, 2006
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erni Hernawati Purwaningsih
"The studies of neuro-protection and neuro-therapy effects of Acalypha indica Linn. water extract ex vivo on Musculus gastrocnemius frog have already done at three Departments in Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia. The experimental studies were done on 2 groups of frog for neuro-protection and neuro-therapy effects. Each group of frog was divided into 7 subgroups of application, 4 samples each. There were 5 subgroups of doses: 5; 10; 15; 20; 25 mg and 2 subgroups as control. Pancuronium bromide 0.2%, 4 mg, was used for a positive control as muscle relaxant. Neuroprotection study was done as follow: ringer - extract - pancuronium bromide, and neuro-therapy study was ringer - pancuronium bromide - extract, respectively. The parameters measured in these studies were the electrical activities such as amount and duration (second) of re-polarization; depolarization, resting potential, and the height of spike after electrical stimulation at 5 mV. Neuro-protection effect of extract was determined by the ability of muscle to show the electrical response after incubating with pancuronium bromide for 10 minutes, and after incubating with extract for 10 minutes for neuro-therapy effect. In the dose of 15 mg and 20 mg/mL of A. indica Linn. extract showed better activities than the dose of 25 mg of extract, both as neuro-protection and neuro-therapy effects, but statistically its have not a significant difference. This study should be followed by an in vivo experiment on frog and it would be done in pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic studies on other animal models."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2008
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library