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Ditemukan 20 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Steffi Hartanto
"Interaksi dengan frekuensi dan intensitas tinggi antar anggota pasangan dalam hubungan romantis memungkinkan terjadinya Fenomena Michelangelo (FM). Di dalam FM anggota pasangan saling membentuk kepribadian mereka menuju diri ideal masing-masing. Pencapaian diri ideal merupakan bagian dari pemenuhan kebutuhan individu akan pertumbuhan personal, yang akan memberikan sumbangan terhadap kesejahteraan psikologis. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui apakah fenomena Michelangelo mempengaruhi kesejahteraan psikologis dan berapa besar sumbangan masing-masing komponen fenomena Michelangelo terhadap dimensi kesejahteraan psikologis. Dengan menggunakan alat ukur Partner Affirmation Scale, Movement Toward Ideal Scale, dan The Ryff’s Scale of Psychological Well Being penelitian ini mengidentifikasi FM dan kesejahteraan psikologis pada 145 partisipan berusia 18 sampai 25 tahun yang sedang menjalani hubungan pacaran selama minimal satu tahun. Hasilnya menunjukan FM signifikan memprediksi kesejahteraan psikologis (18.9%), yang berarti adanya FM berkontribusi terhadap 18.9% kesejahteraan psikologis individu, sementara 81.1% faktor yang berkontribusi pada kesejahteraan psikologis belum diketahui. Secara lebih rinci diketahui fenomena Michelangelo menunjukan hasil yang signifikan dalam memprediksi dimensi kesejahteraan psikologis individu, yaitu hubungan yang positif dengan orang lain, penguasaan lingkungan, tujuan dalam hidup, dan pertumbuhan personal. Penelitian selanjutnya dapat melihat bagaimana hubungan interpersonal lain yang dijalani emerging adult membantu mereka dalam mencapai diri idealnya, misalnya sahabat, peer, tokoh idola, ataupun orangtua.

Interaction with high-frequency and intensity among members of the couple in a romantic relationship allows the Michelangelo Phenomenon. Each members in Michelangelo phenomenon sculpt each other personality towards their ideal self. Achievement of the ideal self is part of the fulfillment of personal growth needs of the individual, which will contribute to psychological well-being. This study was conducted to determine whether the Michelangelo phenomenon affects the psychological well-being and how great the contribution of each component of the Michelangelo phenomenon to dimensions of psychological well-being. By using Partner Affirmation Scale, Movement Toward Ideal Scale, and The Ryff's Psychological Well Being Scale, the study identified FM and psychological wellbeing in 145 participants aged 18 to 25 years who were undergoing dating relationship for at least one year. The result showed that FM significantly predict psychological well-being (18.9%), which mean Michelangelo phenomenon contributed 18.9% of psychological well-being of individuals, while 81.1% of factors that contribute to the psychological well-being is not known yet. In more detail Michelangelo phenomenon showed significant results in predicting dimensions of psychological well-being, namely positive relationships with others, environmental mastery, purpose in life, and personal growth. Future studies could look at how other interpersonal relationships emerging adult engaged in could assist them in achieving their ideal self, for example bestfriend, peer, idol, or parents."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
M Ramadhana Reksoprodjo
"Post traumatic growth merupakan salah satu istilah untuk menggambarkan perubahan positif akibat hasil perjuangan dengan trauma yang menekankan pada potensi transformasi pengalaman seseorang setelah mengalami peristiwa traumatik (Meyerson, Grant, Carter, dan Kilmer. 2011). Tedeschi dan Calhoun (2004) menekankan pentingnya kejadian yang memiliki efek 'seismik' hingga menimbulkan krisis psikologis karena hancurnya asumsi dasar atau keyakinan inti (core beliefs) seseorang untuk terjadi post traumatic growth. Penelitian ini mengidentifikasi dan mengetahui post traumatic growth yang terjadi pada anak usia sekolah di Indonesia yang mengalami kejadian buruk di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif yang melibatkan 120 partisipan dari SD di daerah Jakarta dan Depok. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa post traumatic growth yang terjadi pada anak-anak yang mengalami kejadian buruk. Peningkatan core beliefs, rumination, dan dukungan sosial menguatkan post traumatic growth pada anak-anak usia sekolah yang mengalami kejadian buruk.

Post traumatic growth is one of those term for positive change experienced as a result of the struggle with trauma which emphasize in transformation (Meyerson, Grant, Carter, dan Kilmer. 2011). Tedeschi and Calhoun (2004) also emphasize seismic event which caused psychological crisis because of the disruption of core beliefs so that post traumatic growth could happen. The following research is to identified post traumatic growth that happen in school age children with horrible experience. This study uses a quantitative approach involving 120 respondents from elementary schools in Jakarta and Depok. Results showed that there is post traumatic growth in school-age children with horrible experience. Increased core beliefs, rumination, and social support strengthen post traumatic growth in school-age children with horrible experience."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alifah Indalika Mulyadi Razak
Perilaku prososial merupakan modal penting untuk berhasil beradaptasi dalam kehidupan sosial (Berns, 2010). Keikutsertaan dalam kegiatan taman kanak-kanak memperluas mikrosistem anak dan menuntut pengembangan perilaku sosial sesuai dengan situasi sosial yang berbeda dan lebih luas. Upaya sistematik perlu dilakukan di tingkat prasekolah untuk memastikan bahwa perilaku prososial berkembang sesuai dengan harapan. Upaya menumbuhkembangkan tingkah laku prososial pernah dilakukan dengan menerapkan berbagai metode, antara lain, bermain peran, bermain konstruktif, pembacaan cerita dan metode bercerita shared reading. Metode shared reading dengan komponen membacakan cerita (C), berdiskusi (D) mengenai isi cerita serta mempraktekkan langsung informasi yang terdapat dalam isi cerita (K) akan diterapkan dalam Program Cerita Prososial Aktif rancangan peneliti. Efektivitas program cerita prososial aktif yang secara konseptual merupakan implementasi dari metode shared reading, akan diuji melalui penelitian eksperimental yang berdesain before-and-after . Partisipan berjumlah 20 murid taman kanak-kanak berusia antara 4-5 tahun. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap 1 kelompok eksperimen (CDK) yang diintervensi dengan metode shared reading dan 3 kelompok kontrol berturut-turut: kelompok CD, C dan CG. Kelompok CD diintervensi dengan cerita dan diskusi, kelompok C dibacakan cerita oleh peneliti dan CG dibacakan cerita oleh guru murid-murid tersebut. Dilakukan intervensi selama 15 sesi. Perilaku prososial diukur melalui observasi terhadap 15 item senarai tingkah laku prososial. Program Cerita Prososial Aktif yang menggunakan metode shared reading ternyata efektif meningkatkan tingkah laku prososial anak prasekolah secara signifikan (Z=-2.032) setelah dilakukan 5 sesi intervensi dan tingkahlaku prososial secara konsisten terus meningkat frekuensinya sampai penelitian berakhir. Metode bercerita tanpa diskusi dan kegiatan efektivitasnya paling rendah.

Adaptation to social interactions in a larger social environment is determined by individual?s prosocial behavior (Berns, 2010). With their expanding microsystem prosocial behavior of preschool children need to be develop accordingly, to establish and enhance the repertoire learned in their home environment. Various methods had been implemented in the enterprises of developing prosocial behavior of preschool children i.e.. role play, constructive play, story reading and shared reading. Cerita Prososial Aktif (CPA) that implements shared reading method presumably more effectively increases prosocial behavior considering that the prosocial story reading (C) is complemented with discussion (D) and relevant activities (K) for the children to apply prosocial behavior. With the before and after experimental design, this study aims at comparing the effectiveness of shared reading (CDK) method against active story telling (CD) and story telling without discussion(C). Prosocial behavior was measured by observation using prosocial behavior checklist consisits of 15 items. After 5 sessions the experimental gourp (CDK) showed significantly higher increase of prosocial behavior, while the other 3 control groups: treated with story and discussion (CD), C (story telling by investigator) and story telling by teacher (CG) showed no significant increases. After 15 sessions CDK group showed highest increase compared to CD, C or CG groups. Significant increase of prosocial behavior was achieved after 15 sessions of listening to prosocial story without discussiion and relevant activities, with the lowest size compared to CDK and CD groups.;Adaptation to social interactions in a larger social environment is determined by individual?s prosocial behavior (Berns, 2010). With their expanding microsystem prosocial behavior of preschool children need to be develop accordingly, to establish and enhance the repertoire learned in their home environment. Various methods had been implemented in the enterprises of developing prosocial behavior of preschool children i.e.. role play, constructive play, story reading and shared reading. Cerita Prososial Aktif (CPA) that implements shared reading method presumably more effectively increases prosocial behavior considering that the prosocial story reading (C) is complemented with discussion (D) and relevant activities (K) for the children to apply prosocial behavior. With the before and after experimental design, this study aims at comparing the effectiveness of shared reading (CDK) method against active story telling (CD) and story telling without discussion(C). Prosocial behavior was measured by observation using prosocial behavior checklist consisits of 15 items. After 5 sessions the experimental gourp (CDK) showed significantly higher increase of prosocial behavior, while the other 3 control groups: treated with story and discussion (CD), C (story telling by investigator) and story telling by teacher (CG) showed no significant increases. After 15 sessions CDK group showed highest increase compared to CD, C or CG groups. Significant increase of prosocial behavior was achieved after 15 sessions of listening to prosocial story without discussiion and relevant activities, with the lowest size compared to CDK and CD groups.;Adaptation to social interactions in a larger social environment is determined by individual?s prosocial behavior (Berns, 2010). With their expanding microsystem prosocial behavior of preschool children need to be develop accordingly, to establish and enhance the repertoire learned in their home environment. Various methods had been implemented in the enterprises of developing prosocial behavior of preschool children i.e.. role play, constructive play, story reading and shared reading. Cerita Prososial Aktif (CPA) that implements shared reading method presumably more effectively increases prosocial behavior considering that the prosocial story reading (C) is complemented with discussion (D) and relevant activities (K) for the children to apply prosocial behavior. With the before and after experimental design, this study aims at comparing the effectiveness of shared reading (CDK) method against active story telling (CD) and story telling without discussion(C). Prosocial behavior was measured by observation using prosocial behavior checklist consisits of 15 items. After 5 sessions the experimental gourp (CDK) showed significantly higher increase of prosocial behavior, while the other 3 control groups: treated with story and discussion (CD), C (story telling by investigator) and story telling by teacher (CG) showed no significant increases. After 15 sessions CDK group showed highest increase compared to CD, C or CG groups. Significant increase of prosocial behavior was achieved after 15 sessions of listening to prosocial story without discussiion and relevant activities, with the lowest size compared to CDK and CD groups., Adaptation to social interactions in a larger social environment is determined by individual’s prosocial behavior (Berns, 2010). With their expanding microsystem prosocial behavior of preschool children need to be develop accordingly, to establish and enhance the repertoire learned in their home environment. Various methods had been implemented in the enterprises of developing prosocial behavior of preschool children i.e.. role play, constructive play, story reading and shared reading. Cerita Prososial Aktif (CPA) that implements shared reading method presumably more effectively increases prosocial behavior considering that the prosocial story reading (C) is complemented with discussion (D) and relevant activities (K) for the children to apply prosocial behavior. With the before and after experimental design, this study aims at comparing the effectiveness of shared reading (CDK) method against active story telling (CD) and story telling without discussion(C). Prosocial behavior was measured by observation using prosocial behavior checklist consisits of 15 items. After 5 sessions the experimental gourp (CDK) showed significantly higher increase of prosocial behavior, while the other 3 control groups: treated with story and discussion (CD), C (story telling by investigator) and story telling by teacher (CG) showed no significant increases. After 15 sessions CDK group showed highest increase compared to CD, C or CG groups. Significant increase of prosocial behavior was achieved after 15 sessions of listening to prosocial story without discussiion and relevant activities, with the lowest size compared to CDK and CD groups.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Citra Amelda
"Emosi moral (malu dan bersalah) berperan penting dalam mengarahkan tingkah laku agar sesuai dengan norma moral. Kepribadian terdiri dari seperangkat trait, yaitu kecenderungan tingkah laku, pola pikir, dan perasaan yang menetap, serta dapat membedakan individu dengan individu lain. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara lima trait kepribadian menurut Five-Factor Model dan emosi moral (malu dan bersalah) pada orang Jawa, khususnya mahasiswa (N=165). Emosi malu dan bersalah diukur dengan menggunakan GASP (Cohen dkk, 2011).
Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa openess to experience dan conscientiousness hanya berkorelasi dengan emosi bersalah, neuroticism hanya berkorelasi dengan emosi malu, agreeableness dan extraversion berkorelasi dengan kedua emosi moral (malu dan bersalah). Lebih lanjut, isin dipahami sebagai rasa malu dan bersalah pada orang Jawa. Ketika merasa malu atau bersalah, respon yang ditunjukkan oleh orang Jawa adalah perilaku reparatif, evaluasi perilaku negatif, evaluasi diri negatif, dan perilaku menarik diri.

Moral emotions (shame and guilt) plays an important role in driving behavior to conform to moral norms. Personality consists of a set of trait, a pattern of relatively permanent behavior tendency, thought, and feelings, and could distinguish individuals with other individuals. This study aims to investigate the relationship between the trait personality according to the Five-Factor Model and moral emotions (shame and guilt) in Javanese students (N = 165). Shame and guilt proneness were measured using GASP (Cohen et al, 2011).
The results show that the openess to experience and conscientiousness merely correlated with emotions of guilt, neuroticism only correlated with emotion shame, whereas agreeableness and extraversion correlated with both moral emotions (shame and guilt). Furthermore, isin understood as shame and guilt in Javanese. When feeling shame or guilt, the response shown by the Javanese is reparative behavior, evaluation of negative behavior, negative self-evaluation, and withdrawn behavior.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Karina Istifarisny
Self-esteem merupakan evaluasi diri yang penting bagi anak-anak dan orang dewasa. Self-esteem yang tinggi menyebabkan seseorang merasa bangga dan nyaman menjadi dirinya sendiri sehingga menimbulkan efek yang positif. Sementara itu, self-esteem yang rendah berhubungan dengan beragam gangguan psikologis. Resource Development and Installation (RDI) merupakan salah satu teknik yang awalnya digunakan untuk stabilisasi emosi. Dalam prosesnya terjadi penguatan pikiran positif mengenai diri yang merupakan komponen kognitif dari self-esteem. Penguatan ini dinilai mampu meningkatkan self-esteem. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat efektifitas RDI untuk meningkatkan self-esteem anak, khususnya anak sekolah dasar kelas empat. Penelitian dirancang secara eksperimen pada 54 orang anak kelas empat sekolah dasar. Pengukuran dilakukan menggunakan Self-Perception Profile for Childer (SPPC). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak terjadi peningkatan self-esteem yang signifikan setelah pelaksanaan RDI.

Self-esteem is an important self evaluation for children and adult. Person with high self-esteem shows high self-worth, proud of themselves, and high subjective well-being that gives such advantages into their live. In the other hand, low self-esteem correlated with many psychological symptoms. Resource Development and Installation (RDI) used to be a technique for emotion stabilization. In the procedure, positive cognition of self was being strenghtened. Positive cognition of self is a cognitive compoent of self-esteem. Therefore, by strenghtening the positive cognitions, the self esteem will increase as well. This study aim to evaluate the effectiveness of RDI to increase self-esteem. An experimental study conducted among 54 fourth grade elementary school children. The measurement used in this study is Self-Perception Profile for Children (SPPC). The result shows there are no significant increase of self-esteem among elementary children grade fourth after RDI sessions, Self-esteem is an important self evaluation for children and adult. Person with high self-esteem shows high self-worth, proud of themselves, and high subjective well-being that gives such advantages into their live. In the other hand, low self-esteem correlated with many psychological symptoms. Resource Development and Installation (RDI) used to be a technique for emotion stabilization. In the procedure, positive cognition of self was being strenghtened. Positive cognition of self is a cognitive compoent of self-esteem. Therefore, by strenghtening the positive cognitions, the self esteem will increase as well. This study aim to evaluate the effectiveness of RDI to increase self-esteem. An experimental study conducted among 54 fourth grade elementary school children. The measurement used in this study is Self-Perception Profile for Children (SPPC). The result shows there are no significant increase of self-esteem among elementary children grade fourth after RDI sessions]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maya Eka Sari Prawiro
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji peran penalaran moral prososial dan persepsi gaya pengasuhan sebagai prediktor tingkah laku prososial. Penelitian ini melibatkan 307 orang remaja (219 remaja putri, 88 remaja putra) dengan rata- rata usia 17,63 tahun (rentang usia 13-24 tahun). Tingkah laku prososial diukur dengan Prosocial Tendencies Measures-Revised (Carlo & Randall, 2003) yang mencakup kategori altruism, anonymous, compliant, dire, emotional dan public Penalaran Moral Prososial diukur dengan Prosocial Reasoning Objective Measures (Eisenberg, Carlo & Knight, 1992) yang mengidentifikasi orientasi penalaran hedonistic, approval, needs, stereotyped dan internalized. Persepsi gaya pengasuhan diukur dengan Parental Authority Questionnaire (Trinkner, 2012) yang memilah gaya otoritatif, otoritarian dan permisif. Ketiga instrumen tersebut memiliki nilai reliabilitas yang tinggi dengan nilai r berturut-turut r = 0,78, r = 0,71 dan r = 0,72.
Penalaran moral prososial dan persepsi gaya pengasuhan dapat memprediksi tingkah laku prososial pada remaja. Persepsi remaja terhadap gaya pengasuhan orang tua berkontribusi lebih besar (11,4%) dibandingkan penalaran moral prososial (5,2%). Semakin kuat persepsi bahwa orang tua bergaya pengasuhan otoritatif, semakin kuat kecenderungan remaja untuk bertingkah laku altuistik. Semakin kuat persepsi bahwa orang tua bergaya pengasuhan permisif, semakin kuat kecenderungan remaja untuk bertingkah laku prososial emosional. Remaja putra lebih banyak menampilkan tingkah laku prososial dire, sementara remaja putri lebih banyak bertingkah laku altruistik

This research aimed at exploring prosocial moral reasoning and perceived parenting style as predictors of prosocial behavior. Involving 307 adolescents (219 female, 88 male, Mage = 17,6, range = 13-24), prosocial behavior was measured using Prosocial Tendencies Measure-Revised (Carlo & Randall, 2003) which identifies altruism, anonymous, compliant, dire, emotional and public. Prosocial moral reasoning was measured using Prosocial Reasoning Objective Measure (Eisenberg, Carlo & Knight, 1992) indicating hedonistic, approval, needs, stereotyped and internalized reasoning orientation. Perceived Parenting Style measured by PAQ (Parental Authority Questionnaire, Trinkner 2012) identifying authoritative, authoritarian and permissive parenting style. Those instruments have high reliability i.e, r = 0,78, r = 0,71, and r = 0,72 respectively.
Prosocial behavior was predicted by prosocial moral reasoning and perceived parenting style. Perceived parenting style contributed (11,4%) more than prosocial moral reasoning (5,2%). The stronger the adolescent?s perception that their parents used authoritative parenting style, the more they showed altruistic prosocial behavior. The stronger adolescent?s perception that their parents used permissive parenting style, the more they showed emotional prosocial behavior. Male adolescent showed more dire prosocial behavior while female adolescent more altruistic prosocial behavior"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anita Tresiana
"Penelitian ini bertujuan mengeksplorasi pengurangan gejala Posttraumatic Stress Disorder PTSD , berupa intrusion, avoidance dan hyperarousal, perubahan kognisi dan mood, serta keluhan somatis dan perilaku agresif pasca trauma yang dialami seorang anak perempuan berusia 7 tahun akibat tindak kekerasan seksual berulang. Gejala PTSD dikurangi dengan Resource Development and Installation RDI yang menumbuh-kembangkan sumber daya positif anak tanpa pemaparan pada traumanya, dan Integrated Group Treatment Protocol IGTP yang secara langsung memroses-ulang trauma. RDI dapat mengurangi gejala avoidance dan hyperarousal, sedangkan gejala intrusi perlu ditangani dengan IGTP yang memroses-ulang ingatan traumatik agar menjadi adaptif. Dilakukan tiga kali pengukuran gejala PTSD, keluhan soatis dan perilaku agresif: pra intervensi, pasca intervensi dan tiga minggu setelah intervensi terakhir, dengan menggunakan The Children's Impact of Event Scale-13 CRIES-13 yang mengukur gejala PTSD dan Child Behavior Checklist CBCL yang mengukur berbagai gangguan perilaku anak termasuk keluhan somatis dan perilaku agresif. Skor CRIES-13 pasca intervensi menurun pada gejala avoidance dan hyperarousal. Intrusi masih terjadi meski dalam frekuensi yang berkurang, namun mimpi buruk tidak lagi pernah terjadi. Perubahan negatif pada mood dan kognisi mengalami penurunan yang ditunjukkan oleh subskala anxiety/depression CBCL. Skor CBCL pasca intervensi juga menurun pada area masalah kecemasan, depresi, keluhan somatis dan perilaku agresif. Dampak intervensi masih menetap tiga minggu pasca intervensi, bahkan gejala intrusi semakin menurun. Intrusi ingatan traumatik dan mimpi buruk tidak lagi dialami anak, ia tidak lagi menghindari pembicaraan tentang tindak kekerasan seksual yang dialaminya, meski masih menghindari sosok yang mengingatkannya pada pelaku. Anak menjadi lebih mampu mengendalikan pikiran dan emosinya. Rasa harga dirinya mulai tumbuh dan perlu terus diperkuat agar dapat mengatasi masalah dalam interaksi sosial yang masih dialaminya.

This study was conducted to explore decreases in the symptoms of intrusion, avoidance, negative alterations of cognition and mood, and hyperarousal of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder PTSD , somatic complaints and aggressive behavior showed by a seven years old girl, a survivor of repeated sexual molestation. The intervention involved Resource Development and Installation RDI that was originally designed to develop positive resources without trauma exposure and Integrated Group Treatment Protocol IGTP that directly reprocess the trauma. RDI was known to decrease the symptoms of avoidance and hyperarousal, whereas intrusion was needed to be dealt with IGTP that reprocesses traumatic memory become adaptive. Three times measurement of PTSD symptoms, somatic compalints and aggressive behavior were conducted pre intervention, post intervention and three weeks after post intervention measurement using The Children rsquo s Impact of Event Scale 13 CRIES 13 that measures PTSD symptoms and Child Behavior Checklist CBCL that measures various child problems including somatic complaints and aggressive behavior. Post intervention scores of CRIES 13 showed decrease in avoidance and hyperarousal. Eventhough intrusion was still experienced in lower frequency, nightmares have disappeared. The negative alterations of cognition and mood were decreased showed by the CBCL anxiety depression sub scale scores. There were also decreases in CBCL scores on the area of anxiety, depression, somatic complaints and aggressive behavior. Measurement at three week after intervention showed the maintenance of post intervention measures. Interestingly intrusion was apparently keep decreasing. Intrusive traumatic memories and nightmares ceased. The child showed no avoidance to talk about the sexual molestation she experienced, although she still avoids person that reminds her of the perpetrator. She had better ability to regulate her thoughts and emotions. Her self worth began to grow albeit needed reinforcement to better cope with difficulties in social peer interaction."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Belinda Agustya Pawidya Putri
"Berbagai penelitian telah menunjukkan bahwa perceraian orangtua mempengaruhi rendahnya self-esteem anak meskipun ditemukan adanya kontroversi hasil temuan bahwa anak yang orangtuanya bercerai memiliki selfesteem yang tinggi dan tidak berbeda dengan anak yang orangtuanya tidak bercerai. Penelitian dengan desain ex post facto field study ini, bertujuan untuk mengukur perbedaan self-esteem anak usia middle childhood yang orangtuanya bercerai dan yang tidak bercerai. 80 anak sekolah dasar berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini, 40 anak yang orangtuanya bercerai dan 40 anak yang orangtuanya tidak bercerai, Self-esteem anak diukur dengan Self-Esteem Inventory (SEI) dari Coopersmith (1967) yang telah divalidasi ulang oleh peneliti. Perbedaan selfkedua kelompok diukur dengan teknik statistik independent sample t-test. Self-esteem dapat diukur sebagai satu keseluruhan atau dianalisis berdasarkan aspeknya yaitu personal, akademis (sekolah), sosial (teman sebaya), dan keluarga (orangtua). Hasil analisis menunjukkan rendahnya self-esteem pada anak yang orangtuanya bercerai, baik secara menyeluruh atau pada tiap aspeknya Pada dua kelompok ditemukan bahwa anak perempuan memiliki self-esteem yang tinggi dibandingkan anak laki-laki. Self-esteem akademis pada kelompok orangtua bercerai tidak berbeda antara anak laki-laki dan perempuan.

Research have found that parental affects low self-esteem of children. This research, an ex psot facto field study , examined the difference of self-esteem between middle chilhood children of divorced and not divorced parents. The sample comparised of 80 children from elementary schools, 40 children with divorced and non-divorced parents. Self-esteem is measured with self-esteem inventory of Coopersmith (1967) which has been revaliadated by the researcher. The diggerenceof self-esteem level from those two groups are measured by independent sample t-test. Selft esteem could be measured as an whole or analyzed based on the aspects which are personal, academisc, social (peers) and family (parents). The result found that children of divorced parents show lower self-esteem, as awhole as in each aspect. Regarding the differencebetween boys and girls, regardless of their parental marital status, ingeneral girls have higher srlf-esteem than boys. Nevertheless, there is no significance difference between academic self-esteem of girls and boy with divorce parents."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tika Dwi Ariyanti
Masa perpindahan dari SD ke SMP umumnya berkaitan dengan perubahan pada
lingkungan sekolah, aktifitas akademis, dan aktifitas sosial, perubahan-perubahan
tersebut dihadapi oleh siswa remaja awal bersamaan dengan perubahan yang
berasal dari dalam dirinya karena masa pubertas. Bagi kebanyakan siswa remaja
awal kondisi tersebut bisa menjadi pemicu munculnya stress (stressor). Dalam
menghadapi stress setiap siswa memiliki perbedaan karena disebabkan oleh
kemampuan coping yang dimilikinya dan dukungan sosial yang diterimanya.
Penelitian dilakukan pada partisipan sebanyak 106 orang yang berasal dari SMP N
2 Depok, dan memiliki karakteristik anak laki-laki maupun anak perempuan yang
sedang menjalani semester pertama sekolah. Seluruh partisipan diukur mengenai
pengalaman stress menggunakan Perceived Stress Scale (Cohen, Kamarck, &
Mermelstein, 1983), pengalaman stressor menggunakan lembar checklist,
penggunaan strategi coping menggunakan Cope Scale (Carver, Scheier, &
Weintraub, 1989), dan dukungan sosial menggunakan Social Support
Questionnaire for Children (Gordondise, 2011). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan
bahwa semua partisipan mengalami stress namun pada tingkat yang berbeda-beda,
situasi khawatir dengan hasil raport jelek merupakan salah satu situasi yang
banyak dialami siswa sekaligus dianggap sebagai stressor, strategi coping terpusat
emosi sering digunakan oleh paling banyak partisipan, dan dukungan sosial yang
sangat sesuai ialah dari orang tua baik dalam bentuk instrumental maupun
emotional. Dari hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat membantu seluruh pihak
yang terlibat dalam tumbuh kembang siswa remaja awal untuk bisa lebih
memahami pengalaman stress, stressor, strategi coping, serta dukungan sosial
pada siswa remaja awal di SMP.

The transition from elementary school to junior high school is generally
associated with changes in the school environment, academic activities, and social
activities, the changes faced by students in conjunction with the change that
comes from within him or her because of the onset of puberty. For most students
these conditions could trigger the emergence of stress (stressors). In the face of
stress every student has a different because their own capability of coping and
social support their received. Participants totaled 106 people from SMP N 2
Depok, and has the characteristics of boys and girls who are undergoing the first
semester of school. All participants were measured on experience of stress using
the Perceived Stress Scale (Cohen, Kamarck, & Mermelstein, 1983), the
experience of stressor using a checklist sheet, the use of coping strategies using
the Cope Scale (Carver, Scheier, & Weintraub, 1989), and social support using
Social Support Questionnaire for Children (Gordondise, 2011). The results
showed that all participants experienced stress but on a different level, the
situation concerned with the results of bad report cards is one of the situations
experienced by most students at once regarded as a stressor, coping strategies
centered emotions often used by most participants, and social support particularly
appropriate is from parents in the form of instrumental and emotional. From the
results of this research can help all parties involved in the development of early
adolescent students to better understand the experience of stress, stressors, coping
strategies, and social support on early adolescent students in junior high school."
Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
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