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Putri Tresnasari
Abstrak :
Perilaku keselamatan kerja pada pekerja Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) khususnya pengolahan kayu di Indonesia masih kurang baik, ditandai dengan masih tingginya angka disabilitas akibat kecelakaan kerja. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah diketahui dan diperolehnya faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perilaku keselamatan kerja pada pekerja UMKM pengolahan kayu. Studi kualitatif menggunakan wawancara mendalam dan kelompok diskusi terfokus dengan pedoman wawancara semi-struktur pendekatan teori Green di 2 perusahaan informal pengolahan kayu. Wawancara mendalam dilakukan pada 2 orang bagian manajemen, 2 orang mandor, 4 orang pekerja. Kelompok diskusi terfokus dilakukan pada 2 kelompok dengan 5 orang pekerja di setiap kelompok. Pekerja pengolahan kayu memiliki persepsi yang cukup baik mengenai perilaku keselamatan kerja hal ini dikarenakan memiliki pengalaman bekerja cukup lama meskipun berlatar belakang pendidikan rendah. Sikap dan perilaku yang belum mencerminkan perilaku keselamatan kerja dipengaruhi motivasi, minat, role model, kesiapan, kebijakan dan pengawasan yang masih kurang. Mandor masih kurang ketat bertindak sebagai role model dan melakukan pengawasan terhadap pekerja di lapangan. Manajemen perusahaan sudah melakukan penyediaan sarana dan prasarana sesuai standar tetapi tidak diikuti oleh adanya kebijakan, peraturan, pelatihan serta reward dan punishment. Persepsi baik berperilaku keselamatan kerja pada pekerja pengolahan kayu dalam mencegah kecelakaan kerja dipengaruhi oleh pengetahuan, pengalaman dan sarana prasarana standar yang cukup baik. Tetapi kurangnya motivasi, minat, contoh teladan, kesiapan dan pengawasan mempengaruhi sikap dan perilaku keselamatan kerja yang kurang baik. Manajemen dan mandor yang kurang menerapkan kebijakan, peraturan, pelatihan, reward dan punishment juga mempengaruhi perilaku keselamatan kerja bagi para pekerja pengolahan kayu.ABSTRACT
Workers in MSME lack good safety behavior specially carpenters in Indonesia, marked by a high incidence of disability caused by occupational accidents. The aim of this study is to identify influencing factors to workers?s safety behavior of carpenter in the micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME). A Qualitative study was conducted using in-depth interviews and focus group discussion with semi-structured guidelines from Green theory, conducted in 2 MSME carpenter industry. Indepth interviews involving 2 management staffs, 2 supervisors and 4 carpenters. Focus group discussion was conducted with 2 groups, each consisting of 5 carpenters in . Adequacy of good safety behavior perceptions was found, due to carpenter?s long experience, although they have low educational level. Carpenter?s attitude and behavior did not comply with safe behavior, influenced by lack of motivation, interest, role model, readiness, policy and supervision. Supervisors were not regarded as role models and are weak in supervision. Management already provides standar infrastructure and facilities, but lack of policy, regulation, training also reward and punishment system. The micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) carpenter?s good perceptions to occupational accident prevention influenced by knowledge, experience and standard infrastructure and facilities, but Carpenters?s lack of motivation, interest, role model, readiness and supervision influenced low attitude and lack of safety behavior.Management and supervisor?s also fail to support carpenter?s safety behavior by not implementing policy, regulation, training, reward and punishment system.;Workers in MSME lack good safety behavior specially carpenters in Indonesia, marked by a high incidence of disability caused by occupational accidents. The aim of this study is to identify influencing factors to workers?s safety behavior of carpenter in the micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME). A Qualitative study was conducted using in-depth interviews and focus group discussion with semi-structured guidelines from Green theory, conducted in 2 MSME carpenter industry. Indepth interviews involving 2 management staffs, 2 supervisors and 4 carpenters. Focus group discussion was conducted with 2 groups, each consisting of 5 carpenters in . Adequacy of good safety behavior perceptions was found, due to carpenter?s long experience, although they have low educational level. Carpenter?s attitude and behavior did not comply with safe behavior, influenced by lack of motivation, interest, role model, readiness, policy and supervision. Supervisors were not regarded as role models and are weak in supervision. Management already provides standar infrastructure and facilities, but lack of policy, regulation, training also reward and punishment system. The micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) carpenter?s good perceptions to occupational accident prevention influenced by knowledge, experience and standard infrastructure and facilities, but Carpenters?s lack of motivation, interest, role model, readiness and supervision influenced low attitude and lack of safety behavior.Management and supervisor?s also fail to support carpenter?s safety behavior by not implementing policy, regulation, training, reward and punishment system.;Workers in MSME lack good safety behavior specially carpenters in Indonesia, marked by a high incidence of disability caused by occupational accidents. The aim of this study is to identify influencing factors to workers?s safety behavior of carpenter in the micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME). A Qualitative study was conducted using in-depth interviews and focus group discussion with semi-structured guidelines from Green theory, conducted in 2 MSME carpenter industry. Indepth interviews involving 2 management staffs, 2 supervisors and 4 carpenters. Focus group discussion was conducted with 2 groups, each consisting of 5 carpenters in . Adequacy of good safety behavior perceptions was found, due to carpenter?s long experience, although they have low educational level. Carpenter?s attitude and behavior did not comply with safe behavior, influenced by lack of motivation, interest, role model, readiness, policy and supervision. Supervisors were not regarded as role models and are weak in supervision. Management already provides standar infrastructure and facilities, but lack of policy, regulation, training also reward and punishment system. The micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) carpenter?s good perceptions to occupational accident prevention influenced by knowledge, experience and standard infrastructure and facilities, but Carpenters?s lack of motivation, interest, role model, readiness and supervision influenced low attitude and lack of safety behavior.Management and supervisor?s also fail to support carpenter?s safety behavior by not implementing policy, regulation, training, reward and punishment system.
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: Dalam beberapa dekade terakhir, dunia kerja industri transportasi telah mengalami perubahan luar biasa seperti halnya bidang pekerjaan lain. Tuntutan operasional transportasi 24 jam kerja dalam sehari dan 7 hari kerja dalam seminggu menciptakan risiko keselamatan dan kesehatan yang berkaitan dengan rasa kantuk, yaitu suatu kondisi yang diketahui mengganggu kinerja saat mengemudi dan merupakan salah satu penyebab timbulnya kecelakaan dan kematian saat berlalu lintas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi risiko mengantuk pada pengemudi bus jarak jauh dan faktor-faktor yang berhubungan. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain studi potong lintang. Dua ratus satu pengemudi yang bekerja di hari libur panjang nasional diikutsertakan dalam penelitian. Data sekunder didapatkan dari kuesioner dan hasil pemeriksaan medis pengemudi bus pada liburan akhir tahun 2018 oleh Dinas Kesehatan Pemerintah Provinsi Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta. Hasil: Proporsi kantuk pada pengemudi bus jarak jauh adalah 9,5%. Mengemudi lebih dari 1.001 km dalam satu kali perjalanan dengan ORs=7.927 (CI 95%=2.184-28.769; p=0.002) dan kondisi kelelahan dengan ORs=3.824 (CI 95%=1.393-10.499; p=0.009) merupakan faktor determinan utama penyebab rasa kantuk pada pengemudi bus jarak jauh. Jumlah trayek selama sebulan dan faktor individu seperti usia, riwayat hipertensi, dan riwayat diabetes melitus tidak memiliki hubungan yang signifikan secara statistik dengan kejadian kantuk (p>0.05). Kesimpulan: Sebanyak 9,5% pengemudi bus jarak jauh mengalami kecenderungan mengantuk. Faktor jarak perjalanan dan kelelahan merupakan faktor yang terkait dengan timbulnya risiko kantuk pada pengemudi bus jarak jauh (R2=0.235). ......Background: As is the case with many other occupations, the work organization of transport operators has undergone tremendous changes over the past several decades. Transportation’s 24 hours in a day an 7 days in a week operational demands create safety and health risks related to sleepiness, a condition that is known to impair driving performance and causes of motor vehicle crashes and fatalities. This study aims to identify the risk of sleepiness in long distance commuter bus drivers and its associated factors. Method: This study used a cross sectional study design. Two hundred and one drivers who are working in long national holidays were involved in this study. The secondary data was gathered from questionnaires and medical examination of bus driver in year-end holidays 2018 by Jakarta Provincial Health Office. Result: The proportion of sleepiness in long distance commuter bus drivers 9.5%. Driving more than 1,001 km in a single commute trip with ORad=7.927 (95%CI=2.184-28.769; p=0.002) and fatigue condition with ORad=3.824 (95%CI=1.393-10.499; p=0.009) are dominant determinants of sleepiness in long distance commuter bus drivers. Monthly number of trip and individual factors such as age, history of hypertension, and history of diabetes mellitus do not have a statistically significant relationship with the incidence of drowsiness (p>0.05). Conclusion: Nine point five percent of long distance commuter bus drivers is experiencing sleepiness. Trip distance and fatigue are associated factors with the risk of sleepiness in long distance commuter bus drivers (R2=0.235).
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Izati Rahmi
Abstrak :
Latar belakang. Depresi merupakan salah satu gangguan psikiatri yang sering terjadi pada pasien epilepsi. Prevalensinya adalah 20-80%. Depresi bukan merupakan suatu pemeriksaan yang rutin dilakukan di poliklinik neurologi karena membutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama, sehingga banyak pasien yang tidak terdiagnosis dan akhirnya tidak terobati, untuk itu diperlukan pemeriksaan yang singkat. The Neurological Disorders Depression Inventory for-Epilepsi (NDDI-E) merupakan pemeriksaan skrining depresi yang terdiri dari 6-aitem. Tujuan. Menentukan akurasi dan titik potong NDDI-E versi Indonesia sebagai skrining depresi pada pasien epilepsi dewasa. Metode. Penelitian uji diagnostik yang dilakukan di poliklinik epilepsi RSCM. Pemeriksaan dilakukan pada semua pasien epilepsi yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Pasien mengisi sendiri formulir NDDI-E tanpa bantuan orang lain. Kemudian dilakukan pemeriksaan the International Neuropsychiatric Interview Mini ICD-10 (MINI-ICD10) sebagai standar baku. Hasil. Dari 105 orang subyek penelitian terdapat 23 orang mengalami gangguan depresi mayor berdasarkan MINI-ICD 10. Didapatkan kurva Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) yang mendekati 100%, titik potong 11, dengan Sensitifitas 91,3% Spesifisitas 89% PPV 70% dan NPV 97,3%. Secara statistik NDDI-E versi Indonesia masuk dalam klasifikasi yang kuat, karena nilai Area Under the Curve (AUC) 97,5% dengan interval kepercayaan (95%CI 95%-99%). Kesimpulan. NDDI-E versi Indonesia memiliki nilai akurasi yang tinggi untuk menentukan gangguan depresi mayor pada pasien epilepsi dewasa pada titik potong 11. ...... Background. Depression is a common psychiatric disorder in epilepsy. The prevalence is 20-80%. The depression is not a routinely assessed in neurology clinics, because the assestment takes a long time. So, many patients are under diagnosed and untreated. The Neurological Disorders Depression Inventory for-Epilepsy (NDDI-E) is a depression screening examination consist of only 6-aitem. Purpose. To determine the accuracy and cut-off point of NDDI-E Indonesian version as a screening depression examination for adult epilepsy patients. Method. Diagnostic test study was conducted at epilepsy clinic on RSCM. All the epilepsy patient who met the inclusion criteria was examined. The patient took the NDDI-E Indonesian version as a self assesment. Then there were assest with used the International Neuropsychiatric Interview Mini ICD-10 (MINI-ICD10) as a gold standar. Results. From the 105 subjects, there were 23 people suffered from major depression by MINI-ICD10. Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve obtained which is close to 100%, cut-off point at 11, with Sensitivity 91.3% Specificity 89% PPV 70% and NPV of 97.3%. It was statistically classified as strong because the value of Area Under the Curve (AUC) is 97.5% with a confidence interval (95% CI 95% -99%). Conclusion. NDDI-E Indonesian version has a high accuracy to determine major depressive disorder in adult epilepsy patients with the cut-off point at 11.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tria Rosemiarti
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: Kopi merupakan minuman yang populer di kalangan masyarakat dan dijadikan  bagian dari gaya hidup. Kafein dalam kopi merupakan salah sat zat aktif dan seringkali dianggap sebagai psikostimulan yang bekerja sebagai stimulan di sistem saraf pusat, sehingga dapat membantu meningkatkan fungsi kognitif, daya konsentrasi, dan alertness. Kebiasan minum kopi di kalangan pekerja serta manfaatnya merupakan hal yang perlu ditinjau lebih lanjut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengamati konsumsi kopi harian dan hubungannya dengan alertness dan kinerja harian di PT.X Jakarta. Metode: Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah cross-sectional dengan jumlah sampel minimal 114 orang karyawan di PT X. Alertness dinilai melalui pengukuran waktu reaksi dengan alat lakassidaya dan konsumsi kopi dinilai dengan 7-days fluid record dimana responden mencatat konsumsi minuman selama 7 hari berturut-turut, sedangkan kinerja harian menggunakan kuesioner yang dicatat oleh responden secara mandiri. Hasil: Terdapat 121 responden yang melengkapi seluruh data dan dianalisis dalam penelitian ini dari sejumlah 135 responden yang direkrut pada awal penelitian. Sebanyak 57 orang (47,1%) adalah responden yang konsumsi kopi. Konsumsi kopi harian pada kelompok yang konsumsi kopi adalah sebesar 247 ml dengan asupan kafein sebanyak 72 mg/hari. Tidak terdapat hubungan antara konsumsi kopi dengan alertness (OR (IK 95%) = 0,650 (0,288 – 1,467); p-value = 0,403) dan kinerja harian (OR (IK 95%) = 0,637 (0,263 – 1,546); p-value = 0,403). Kesimpulan: Tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara konsumsi kopi dengan alertness dan kinerja harian, ......Background: Coffee is a popular beverage among people and is part of their lifestyle. Caffeine in coffee is one of the active substances and is often considered a psychostimulant that works as a stimulant in the central nervous system, so it can help improve cognitive function, concentration, and alertness. The habit of drinking coffee among workers and its benefits are things that need to be reviewed further. The purpose of this study was to observe daily coffee consumption and its relationship with alertness and daily performance at PT.X Jakarta. Methods: The method used in this study was cross-sectional with a minimum sample size of 114 employees at PT X. Alertness was assessed through the measurement of reaction time with a lakassidaya tool and coffee consumption was assessed with a 7-days fluid record where respondents recorded beverage consumption for 7 consecutive days, while daily performance used a questionnaire recorded by respondents independently. Results: There were 121 respondents who completed all data and were analyzed in this study from a total of 135 respondents recruited at the beginning of the study. A total of 57 people (47.1%) were coffee-consuming respondents. Daily coffee consumption in the coffee consumption group was 247 ml with a caffeine intake of 72 mg/day. There was no association between coffee consumption and alertness (OR (95% CI) = 0.650 (0.288 - 1.467); p-value = 0.403) and daily performance (OR (95% CI) = 0.637 (0.263 - 1.546); p-value = 0.403). Conclusion: There is no significant relationship between coffee consumption and alertness and daily performance.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ismi Adhanisa Hamdani
Abstrak :
Tujuan: Menentukan prevalensi excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) pada pasien dengan epilepsi dan faktor-faktor yang berhubungan di Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM). Metode: Studi potong lintang deskriptif ini menggunakan kuesioner Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) pada pasien epilepsi yang diambil secara konsekutif di poliklinik neurologi RSCM, pada bulan Oktober-November 2015. Faktor-faktor yang dianalisis meliputi usia, jenis kelamin, jenis bangkitan, sindrom epilepsi, etiologi epilepsi, frekuensi bangkitan, bangkitan nokturnal, risiko Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), depresi mayor, gangguan cemas menyeluruh, obat anti epilepsi, dan potensial resistensi obat. EDS ditentukan jika skor ESS > 10. Risiko OSA ditetapkan dengan kuesioner STOP-Bang; depresi mayor ditentukan dengan kuesioner Neurological Disorders Depression Inventory for Epilepsy (NDDI-E) versi Indonesia; gangguan cemas menyeluruh ditentukan dengan kuesioner Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for International Classification of Diseases-10 (MINI ICD-10). Hasil: Diantara 93 pasien epilepsi, prevalensi EDS adalah sebanyak 32.3%; wanita lebih banyak dari pria. Faktor-faktor yang berhubungan secara signifikan dengan EDS adalah usia kurang dari 35 tahun, frekuensi bangkitan dalam 1 tahun lebih dari sama dengan 8 kali, depresi mayor, dan potensial resisten obat. Dari analisis multivariat, terdapat 2 faktor independen yang berhubungan dengan EDS yaitu depresi mayor dan potensial resisten obat. Kesimpulan: EDS umum dijumpai pada pasien epilepsi dengan prevalensi 32.3%. Depresi mayor dan potensial resistensi obat merupakan faktor yang berhubungan dengan EDS pada pasien epilepsi ABSTRACT
Purpose: To determine the prevalence of excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) in epilepsy patients and its related factors at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta, Indonesia. Materials and Method: This cross-sectional descriptive study using Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) questionnaire to identify EDS in epilepsy patients visited our neurology clinic during October-November 2015 consecutively. Related factors that had been analyzed were age, sex, seizure type, epilepsy syndrome, etiology, seizure frequency, nocturnal seizures, risk of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), major depression, general anxiety disorder, anti epileptic drug, and potentially drug resistant epilepsy (DRE). EDS was determined if ESS score > 10. Risk of OSA was assessed by STOP-Bang questionnaire; major depression was assessed by Neurological Disorders Depression Inventory for Epilepsy (NDDI-E) Indonesian version; general anxiety disorder was assessed by Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for International Classification of Diseases-10 (MINI ICD-10). Data analysis was done using SPSS 17.0. Results: Among 93 subjects, prevalence of EDS was 32.3%; female was more common than male. Related factors that significantly influenced to EDS were age < 35 years old, seizure frequency within 1 year >8 times, major depression and potentially DRE. From multivariate analysis, there were 2 independent factors that related to EDS that were major depression and potentially DRE. Conclusions: EDS is common in epilepsy patients (32.3%). Major depression and potentially DRE were related factors of EDS in epilepsy patients. ;Purpose: To determine the prevalence of excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) in epilepsy patients and its related factors at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta, Indonesia. Materials and Method: This cross-sectional descriptive study using Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) questionnaire to identify EDS in epilepsy patients visited our neurology clinic during October-November 2015 consecutively. Related factors that had been analyzed were age, sex, seizure type, epilepsy syndrome, etiology, seizure frequency, nocturnal seizures, risk of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), major depression, general anxiety disorder, anti epileptic drug, and potentially drug resistant epilepsy (DRE). EDS was determined if ESS score > 10. Risk of OSA was assessed by STOP-Bang questionnaire; major depression was assessed by Neurological Disorders Depression Inventory for Epilepsy (NDDI-E) Indonesian version; general anxiety disorder was assessed by Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for International Classification of Diseases-10 (MINI ICD-10). Data analysis was done using SPSS 17.0. Results: Among 93 subjects, prevalence of EDS was 32.3%; female was more common than male. Related factors that significantly influenced to EDS were age < 35 years old, seizure frequency within 1 year >8 times, major depression and potentially DRE. From multivariate analysis, there were 2 independent factors that related to EDS that were major depression and potentially DRE. Conclusions: EDS is common in epilepsy patients (32.3%). Major depression and potentially DRE were related factors of EDS in epilepsy patients.
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Magdalena Wartono
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Pekerja mebel di Kelurahan Pondok Bambu adalah pekerja informal yang dalam pekerjaannya terpajan dengan pelarut organik seperti toluen. Telah terbukti adanya pengaruh pajanan toluen terhadap kejadian gangguan penghidu. Belum ditemukan prevalensi gangguan penghidu akibat pajanan kimia di tempat kerja di Indonesia. Gangguan penghidu ini sering kali tidak dikeluhkan oleh penderita. Menurunnya fungsi penghidu dapat mempengaruhi kesehatan dan keselamatan pekerja karena akan terus menginhalasi zat kimia berbahaya. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain potong lintang. Subjek adalah pekerja mebel di RW 01, Kelurahan Pondok Bambu yang berjumlah 44 orang. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara, pemeriksaan fisik, pemeriksaan fungsi penghidu dengan Sniffin Sticks dan pemeriksaan kadar lingkungan toluen dengan personal sampling. Hasil: Dari 44 subjek, 37 (84,1%) dari mereka mengalami gangguan penghidu, yang termasuk kategori risiko pajanan tinggi adalah 14 (31,8%) orang dan yang berisiko pajanan rendah 30 (68,2%) orang. Sebanyak 13 (92,9%) subjek yang berisiko tinggi mengalami gangguan penghidu, sedangkan yang berisiko rendah 24 (80%). Tidak didapatkan perbedaan yang bermakna antara kedua kelompok dengan terjadinya gangguan penghidu. Median Kadar toluen rata-rata adalah 0,48 ppm (0,002 – 7,72). Didapatkan hubungan yang bermakna antara kebiasaan merokok dengan gangguan penghidu, p = 0,02, OR = 26,4 ( IK 95% 1,59 - 453,77). Variabel lain seperti kebiasaan minum alkohol, gejala rinitis kronik dan riwayat atopi tidak ada yang secara signifikan berhubungan dengan gangguan penghidu. Kesimpulan: Kejadian gangguan penghidu pada subjek penelitian ini tidak berhubungan dengan besar risiko pajanan toluen di tempat kerjanya tetapi berhubungan dengan kebiasaan merokok. ...... Background: Workers at the furniture industry of Pondok Bambu village are informal workers who may be occupationally exposed to organic solvents such as toluene. The influence of toluene exposure on smell disorders has been proven. The prevalence of smell disorders due to chemical exposure in the workplace in Indonesia is not yet been found. Occupational- related smell disorder is rarely complained by the patient. Decreasing of smelling function can affect the health and safety of workers as he will continue to inhale harmful chemicals. Methods: This study used a cross-sectional design. 44 subjects recruited from the furniture industry in RW 01, Pondok Bambu village were studied. Data were collected through interviews, physical examination, quantitative smell function test with Sniffin Sticks and personal sampling airborne toluene levels measurement. Results: Among the fourty-four studied subjects, 37 (84.1%) subjects had smell disorder. Fourteen (31.8%) of them were categorized as high-risk exposure group and 30 (68.2%) as low-risk exposure group. Thirteen (92.9%) subjects from the high-risk exposure group had smell disorder, whereas from the low-risk group were 24 (80%) subjects. Exposure risk status was not statistically significant with smell disorder. The median score of airborne toluene levels is 0.48 ppm (range from 0.002 to 7.72). Smoking habit was the only variable that statistically significant with smell disorder, p = 0.02, OR = 26.4, (95% CI 1.59 to 453.77). Other variables such as alcohol consumption, chronic rhinitis symptoms and atopic history were not statistically significant. Conclusion: The smell disorders on the studied subjects is not associated with the exposure risk to toluene in the workplace but related to smoking habit.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Noor Diah Erlinawati
Abstrak :
Latar belakang. Individu dewasa di masyarakat menunjukkan perubahan pola makan dan kurang aktivitas sehingga berisiko untuk menderita hiperkolesterolemia dan obesitas. Hiperkolesterolemia dapat diatasi dengan terapi nutrisi. Minyak bekatul mengandung zat aktif yang bekerja secara sinergis dan telah terbukti dari penelitian sebelumnya berperan dalam pengendalian lipid yaitu gamma-oryzanol, fitosterol, dan derivat vitamin E (tokotrienol dan tokoferol). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai perbaikan profil lipid pada pemberian minyak bekatul dengan jumlah yang berbeda tanpa merubah pola makan subyek. Metode. Uji klinis, desain paralel, alokasi acak selama 4 minggu pada laki-laki usia 19-55 tahun, kolesterol total 200-300 mg/dl, dan IMT 20-30 kg/m2. Subyek diambil secara konsekutif dan dibagi menjadi kelompok 45 ml/hari dan kelompok 15 ml/hari minyak bekatul. Sebelum perlakuan dilakukan wawancara data demografi, aktifitas fisik dan pemeriksaan antropometri. Asupan makan dinilai sebelum dan setelah perlakuan. Pemeriksaan laboratorium profil lipid dilakukan sebelum dan setelah perlakuan 4 minggu. Hasil. Dari total 20 subyek (10 subyek kelompok 45 ml/hari dan 10 subyek kelompok 15 ml/hari) didapatkan karakteristik yang setara antara kedua kelompok menurut usia, tingkat pendidikan, status gizi, aktivitas fisik, kebiasaan merokok, riwayat hiperkolesterolemia keluarga, antropometri dan profil lipid. Asupan makanan meliputi asupan energi, karbohidrat, protein, lemak dan serat sebelum perlakuan tidak berbeda bermakna antara kelompok. Asupan lemak setelah perlakuan berbeda bermakna antara kedua kelompok dikarenakan perbedaan pemberian jumlah minyak. Setelah perlakuan selama 4 minggu, didapatkan penurunan kolesterol total secara statistik berbeda bermakna antara kedua kelompok (p=0,049). Pada kelompok 45 ml/hari kadar kolesterol total turun sebanyak 14% dan pada kelompok 15 ml/hari terjadi penurunan kadar kolesterol total 7,8%. Penurunan LDL dan trigliserida serta peningkatan HDL secara statistik tidak berbeda bermakna antara dua kelompok (p >0,05). Pada penelitian ini tidak terjadi perubahan berat badan yang bermakna pada kedua kelompok. Kesimpulan. Konsumsi minyak bekatul 45 ml/hari menyebabkan perbaikan profil lipid yang lebih baik dibandingkan konsumsi minyak bekatul 15 ml.hari.
Background. Adult individuals in Indonesian society showed changes in diet pattern and lack of physical activity that increasing risk for hypercholesterolemia and obesity. Hypercholesterolemia would be treated with nutritional therapy. Rice bran oil contains active substances (gamma-oryzanol, phytosterols, and derivatives of vitamin E (tocotrienols and tocopherols) that work in synergy and have been proven on previous research controlling lipid profil. This study aimed to assess the lipid profile improvement in intake of rice bran oil with different amounts without changing the eating patterns of the subjects. Methods. It was parallel and randomized clinical trial for 4 weeks in male with 19-55 years of age, total cholesterol level 200-300 mg/dl, and BMI of 20−30 kg/m2. All subjects were recruited consecutively and classified into two groups that received 45 ml/day or 15 ml/day rice bran oil for 4 weeks. The demographic data interviews, physical activity and anthropometric examination were taken before intervention. Food intake were assessed before and after intervention. Laboratory test of lipid profile performed before and after 4 weeks of treatment. Results. A total of 20 subjects consisting of 10 subjects with 45 ml/day rice bran oil and 10 subjects with 15 ml/day had obtained similar characteristics in age, education level, nutritional status, physical activity, smoking, family history of hypercholesterolemia, BMI and lipid profiles. Food intake includes intake of energy, carbohydrate, protein, fat and fiber before treatment did not significantly difference between two groups. Fat intake after treatment was significantly different between the two groups due to differences in the amount of oil. After 4 weeks treatment, there was a decrease in total cholesterol significantly different between the two groups (p = 0,049). In the group that received 45 ml/ day of rice bran oil total cholesterol level decreased 14% and in the group of 15 ml/day total cholesterol level decreased 7,8%. The reduction of LDL and triglycerides and the increasing of HDL was not significantly different between the two groups (p >0,05). In this study, no changes in body weight were significant in both groups. Conclusion. Rice bran oil consumption 45 ml/day led to improvements in lipid profiles better than consumption 15 ml/day;Background. Adult individuals in Indonesian society showed changes in diet pattern and lack of physical activity that increasing risk for hypercholesterolemia and obesity. Hypercholesterolemia would be treated with nutritional therapy. Rice bran oil contains active substances (gamma-oryzanol, phytosterols, and derivatives of vitamin E (tocotrienols and tocopherols) that work in synergy and have been proven on previous research controlling lipid profil. This study aimed to assess the lipid profile improvement in intake of rice bran oil with different amounts without changing the eating patterns of the subjects. Methods. It was parallel and randomized clinical trial for 4 weeks in male with 19-55 years of age, total cholesterol level 200-300 mg/dl, and BMI of 20−30 kg/m2. All subjects were recruited consecutively and classified into two groups that received 45 ml/day or 15 ml/day rice bran oil for 4 weeks. The demographic data interviews, physical activity and anthropometric examination were taken before intervention. Food intake were assessed before and after intervention. Laboratory test of lipid profile performed before and after 4 weeks of treatment. Results. A total of 20 subjects consisting of 10 subjects with 45 ml/day rice bran oil and 10 subjects with 15 ml/day had obtained similar characteristics in age, education level, nutritional status, physical activity, smoking, family history of hypercholesterolemia, BMI and lipid profiles. Food intake includes intake of energy, carbohydrate, protein, fat and fiber before treatment did not significantly difference between two groups. Fat intake after treatment was significantly different between the two groups due to differences in the amount of oil. After 4 weeks treatment, there was a decrease in total cholesterol significantly different between the two groups (p = 0,049). In the group that received 45 ml/ day of rice bran oil total cholesterol level decreased 14% and in the group of 15 ml/day total cholesterol level decreased 7,8%. The reduction of LDL and triglycerides and the increasing of HDL was not significantly different between the two groups (p >0,05). In this study, no changes in body weight were significant in both groups. Conclusion. Rice bran oil consumption 45 ml/day led to improvements in lipid profiles better than consumption 15 ml/day, Background. Adult individuals in Indonesian society showed changes in diet pattern and lack of physical activity that increasing risk for hypercholesterolemia and obesity. Hypercholesterolemia would be treated with nutritional therapy. Rice bran oil contains active substances (gamma-oryzanol, phytosterols, and derivatives of vitamin E (tocotrienols and tocopherols) that work in synergy and have been proven on previous research controlling lipid profil. This study aimed to assess the lipid profile improvement in intake of rice bran oil with different amounts without changing the eating patterns of the subjects. Methods. It was parallel and randomized clinical trial for 4 weeks in male with 19-55 years of age, total cholesterol level 200-300 mg/dl, and BMI of 20−30 kg/m2. All subjects were recruited consecutively and classified into two groups that received 45 ml/day or 15 ml/day rice bran oil for 4 weeks. The demographic data interviews, physical activity and anthropometric examination were taken before intervention. Food intake were assessed before and after intervention. Laboratory test of lipid profile performed before and after 4 weeks of treatment. Results. A total of 20 subjects consisting of 10 subjects with 45 ml/day rice bran oil and 10 subjects with 15 ml/day had obtained similar characteristics in age, education level, nutritional status, physical activity, smoking, family history of hypercholesterolemia, BMI and lipid profiles. Food intake includes intake of energy, carbohydrate, protein, fat and fiber before treatment did not significantly difference between two groups. Fat intake after treatment was significantly different between the two groups due to differences in the amount of oil. After 4 weeks treatment, there was a decrease in total cholesterol significantly different between the two groups (p = 0,049). In the group that received 45 ml/ day of rice bran oil total cholesterol level decreased 14% and in the group of 15 ml/day total cholesterol level decreased 7,8%. The reduction of LDL and triglycerides and the increasing of HDL was not significantly different between the two groups (p >0,05). In this study, no changes in body weight were significant in both groups. Conclusion. Rice bran oil consumption 45 ml/day led to improvements in lipid profiles better than consumption 15 ml/day]
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Simanjuntak, Lusiana
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Panas merupakan faktor fisik yang sering ditemui di dunia industri. Panas kerap membuat pekerja kehilangan cairan karena berkeringat. Pajanan pestisida dapat membuat seorang pekerja mengeluarkan cairan tubuh berlebih karena keringat. Kedua hal ini yaitu pajanan panas dan pestisida dapat mempengaruhi status hidrasi pekerja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pajanan panas dan pestisida terhadap status hidrasi pekerja di PT.X. Desain penelitian adalah cross sectional dengan jumlah sampel 75 orang. Pengumpulan data dilakukan sebanyak dua kali lewat pengisian kuesioner, pemeriksaan fisik, dan pemeriksaan urin. Status hidrasi dinilai berdasarkan pengukuran berat jenis urin sebelum dan sesudah bekerja. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak terdapat hubungan antara faktor demografi dan faktor pekerjaan dengan status hidrasi, kecuali faktor umur menunjukkan hubungan yang bermakna dengan status hidrasi (p=0,007) setelah bekerja. Tidak terdapat hubungan antara pajanan panas dan pestisida dengan status hidrasi (p>0,05). Responden yang dehidrasi sebelum bekerja ditemukan 69,3%. Tidak didapatkan hubungan antara faktor demografi dan faktor pekerjaan dengan status hidrasi pekerja, kecuali umur berhubungan secara bermakna dengan status hidrasi setelah bekerja. Tidak didapatkan hubungan pajanan panas dan pestisida dengan status hidrasi. Hal ini dikarenakan karakteristik dari karbamat yang non lipophilic dan cepat dimetabolisme dari tubuh sehingga tidak didapat akumulasi kronik. Sebelum bekerja responden telah mengalami dehidrasi sebesar 69,3%. Hal ini dikarenakan tidak cukupnya asupan air minum selama bekerja akibat terpajan panas (kriteria NIOSH). Pekerja disarankan untuk minum air sebanyak 200 ml setiap 20 menit untuk mencegah terjadinya dehidrasi, dan menggunakan APD selama bekerja.
ABSTRACT Heat stress is a physical hazard that is often to find in industry. It cause a worker loss their body fluid through sweating. Pesticide exposure make a worker produce more sweat. Both heat stress and pesticide exposure influence hydration status. This study is intended to know the association between heat stress and pesticide exposure with hydration status among workers in PT.X. Design of this study is cross sectional with a number of respondent are 75 worker. Data collection was done two times by completing questionnaire, physical examination and urine specific gravity test. Hydration status was determined by measuring urine specific gravity before and after working. The results showed that there is no association between heat stress and pesticide exposure with hydration status before and after working (p>0,05). There is no association between demography and working factor with hydration status, except age (p=0,007). Dehydration before working was found 69,3%. This study gets no association between demography and working factor with hydration status, except age. Heat stress and pesticide exposure did not show association with hydration status. Characteristic of carbamate which is fast metabolized and non lipophilic cause the body has no chronic accumulation. Respondent have had dehydrated before working as many 69,3%. Lack of water consumption is the main reason (NIOSH criteria). It is recommended to take 200 ml water in every 20 minutes to prevent dehydration, and to use PPE while working.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Olivia Charissa
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: Obesitas pada anak dikaitkan dengan peningkatan risiko berbagai masalah kesehatan. Rekomendasi kebutuhan anak yang digunakan saat ini adalah berdasarkan pedoman gizi seimbang Departemen Kesehatan Republik Indonesia. Konseling dan optimasi diet menggunakan linear programming (LP) merupakan salah satu cara yang baik untuk pengaturan kebutuhan anak karena dapat memperhitungkan ketersediaan makanan lokal dan kebutuhan nutrisi anak. Omega-3 memiliki banyak manfaat salah satunya sebagai antiinflamasi, akan tetapi strukturnya membuatnya rentan terhadap terjadinya peroksidasi. Vitamin e merupakan antioksidan penting dalam menangkal oksidasi asam lemak. Objektif : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh konseling optimasi asam lemak omega-3 dibandingkan dengan konseling standar sesuai rekomendasi DepkesRI terhadap kadar vitamin E serum pada anak prone obes. Metode : merupakan penelitian uji klinis dengan intervensi berupa edukasi nutrisi diet optimasi omega-3 pada anak usia 12-24bulan di kecamatan Pulogadung, Jakarta Timur, Indonesia. Kelompok intervensi (n=14) dibandingkan dengan kontrol (n=18). Edukasi nutrisi dengan bantuan flipchart dan menu optimasi disusun dengan LP, diberikan sekali seminggu dengan durasi 10 minggu. Hasil : Mayoritas asupan omega-3 dan vitamin E anak masih cukup, meskipun peranan susu pertumbuhan cukup tinggi. Terdapat peningkatan asupan omega-3 dan vitamin E serta penurunan konsumsi susu formula dengan pemberian LP, meskipun tidak berbeda bermakna. Tidak terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna dalam perubahan asupan nutrisi dan kadar vitamin E serum sebelum dan sesudah intervensi antar kedua kelompok (p = 0,52). Tidak terdapat perubahan perilaku pemberian makan antar dua kelompok (p>0,05), akan tetapi perilaku pemberian makan sebelum dan sesudah intervensi memiliki perbedaan yang bermakna. Kesimpulan : Konseling diet optimasi omega-3 dapat memenuhi dan mempertahankan kebutuhan anak, akan tetapi tidak berbeda bermakna dibandingkan konseling standar.
Background: Children obesity is associated with the increased risk of various health problems. Recommendations for children which are used today are based on balanced nutrition guidelines Indonesian Ministry of Health. Counseling and diet optimization using linear programming (LP) is a good way of managing a child's dietary needs due to its ability to calculate the availability of local food and the nutritional needs of each child. Omega-3 has many benefits, for example as anti-inflammatory and antiobesity, however its structure makes it vulnerable to peroxidation. Vitamin E is an important antioxidant in counteracting the oxidation of fatty acids. Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the effect of dietary counseling on omega-3 fatty acids optimization towards the vitamin E serum level compared to standard counseling based on recommendations of Indonesian Ministry of Health on children who are prone to obese. Design: A clinical trial which involves a series of nutrition education sessions targeted to optimize omega-3 diet on children aged 12-24 months in the Pulogadung district, East Jakarta, Indonesia. The intervention group (n = 14) is compared to controls (n = 18). A set of optimized menu, prepared using the LP, was administered and flipcharts were used as demonstration tools during the weekly session, within the period of 10 weeks. Results: The majority of children show sufficient level of omega-3 and vitamin E intake despite the relatively high contribution of formula milk. There is an increased of omega-3 and vitamin E intakes, in addition to slight decrease in formula milk consumption as the result of the LP program. There were no significant differences in the change of nutrient intakes and the level of vitamin E in blood serum between the two groups, both before and after the intervention (p = 0.52). There is no change in child feeding behavior between the two groups (p> 0.05), whereas the behavior before and after the intervention had a significant difference. Conclusion: Optimized omega-3 diet counseling could maintain and fulfill children?s needs of nutrient, but there is no significant difference if compared to standard counseling.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hasto Harsono
Abstrak :
Stres kerja merupakan masalah kesehatan serius di abad ke-21 dikarenakan angka kejadiannya yang tinggi dan dampaknya yang besar. Perawat diketahui merupakan sebuah profesi yang memiliki risiko stres tinggi dan memiliki karakteristik khas dan karenanya membutuhkan instrumen penilaian stres kerja yang sesuai dengan kekhasannya. Expanded Nursing Stress Scale ENSS adalah instrumen penilaian stres kerja khusus perawat yang memiliki validitas dan reliabilitas tinggi ? Cronbach = 0,96 dan banyak dipergunakan secara luas di berbagai negara namun belum ada dalam versi Bahasa Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan ENSS versi Bahasa Indonesia dengan mengadaptasi ENSS dari versi aslinya yang berbahasa Inggris ke versi Bahasa Indonesia dengan metode 10 langkah dari ISPOR International Society of Pharmacoeconomics and Outcome Research diikuti dengan uji validitas butir serta uji reliabilitas. Pengujian dilakukan terhadap 104 perawat di Rumah Sakit X di Jakarta. Hasil dari penelitian ini didapatkan kuesioner ENSS versi Bahasa Indonesia yang terdiri atas 57 butir dan kesemuanya dinyatakan valid dengan nilai r 0,362 hingga 0,793 pada degree of freedom 102 n-2 . Nilai ? Cronbach ENSS versi Bahasa Indonesia adalah 0,956. Pada uji reliabilitas tes-retes didapatkan nilai Intra-Class Correlation 0,939 yang berarti ENSS versi Bahasa Indonesia memiliki stabilitas internal baik. Pada penelitian ini juga telah dilakukan uji validitas konvergensi dan divergensi masing-masing subskala dengan uji korelasi bivariat Spearman-Rho. ENSS versi Bahasa Indonesia terbukti memiliki validitas, reliabilitas dan stabilitas internal amat baik,.sebagai instrumen yang dapat dipergunakan untuk menilai stres kerja pada perawat di Indonesia. Kata kunci: ENSS; Indonesia; kuesioner; stres kerja; perawat.
Job stress has been declared as an important health problem in 21th century because of its high prevalence and serious impacts. Nurses are known to have stressful job with specific characteristics. Therefore, we need a specific instrument to measure job stress among nurses in Indonesia. Expanded Nursing Stress Scale ENSS is well known as a job stress assessment tool with excellent validity and reliability Cronbach 0,96 and widely used in various country. However, the Indonesian version of ENSS has not been available yet. This research aim to develop an Indonesian version of ENSS and assess its validity and reliability using the 10 steps of ISPOR International Society of Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research translation and cultural adaption guidelines , followed with validity and reliability test. There were 104 nurses at Hospital X, Jakarta recruited as subjects in this research. The 57 items of Indonesian version of ENSS were valid r 0,362 0,793, degree of freedom 102 with Cronbach was 0,956 excellent and tes retest reliability with Intra Class Correlation measured 0,939. The convergence and divergence within each subscales also had been tested. In this research, we obtained the Indonesian version of ENSS with excellent validity, reliability and internal stability to measure job stress among nurses in Indonesia. Key words. ENSS Indonesia questionnaire job stress nurse.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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