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Ditemukan 4 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Rahman Hakim
Abstrak :
Kesulitan keuangan telah diidentifikasi sebagai salah satu kendala utama dalam pengembangan usaha mikro dan kecil. Keterbatasan dalam memperoleh sumber modal eksternal, untuk membiayai kegiatan usahanya, membuat mereka sulit berkembang. Jika dilihat dari struktur permodalan, sebagian besar perusahaan menggunakan sumber modal secara internal, dan sebagian kecil menggunakan pembiayaan eksternal. Menggunakan regresi OLS dan Tobit pada data industri mikro dan kecil Indonesia yang disurvei pada tahun 2015 menemukan bahwa skala industri, jenis industri, status hukum perusahaan, jenis kelamin dan pendidikan pemilik, subsidi pinjaman, kesulitan utama, keuntungan, penjualan, jumlah hari kerja, rasio pekerja laki-laki yang dibayar, dan rasio bunga terhadap pendapatan, merupakan faktor penting yang mempengaruhi perusahaan dalam mengambil sumber modal eksternal. Berdasarkan temuan ini dapat disarankan dalam menyusun kebijakan pengembangan industri mikro dan kecil ke depan dapat dilakukan dalam dua tahap berturut-turut, dimulai dari pengembangan kapasitas dan kapabilitas, kemudian hingga fasilitasi keuangan. ......Financial difficulties have been identified as one of the main obstacles in the development of micro and small enterprises. Limitations in obtaining external capital sources, to finance their business activities, make it difficult for them to develop. When viewed from the capital structure, most companies use sources of capital internally, and a small portion uses external finance. Using OLS and Tobit regressions on Indonesian micro and small industry data surveyed in 2015 found that industry scale, industry type, corporate legal status, owners gender and education, loan subsidies, main difficulties, profits, sales, number of working days, ratio of male paid workers, and the ratio of interest to earnings, are essential factors that influence companies in taking external sources of capital. Based on these findings it can be suggested that in developing future micro and small industry development policies, it can be done in two consecutive stages, starting from capacity and capability development, then to financial facilitation.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwika Yuni
Abstrak :
[Penelitian ini meneliti faktor-faktor penentu kinerja perpajakan di Indonesia. Mengingat penerimaan pajak sangat penting untuk membiayai pembangunan di Indonesia, kinerja perpajakan yang baik dari setiap propinsi diperlukan dalam rangka mencapai jumlah penerimaan pajak yang diinginkan. Dengan meneliti data dari seluruh propinsi pada tahun 2009-2011 menggunakan model Fixed effect, ditemukan bahwa pendapatan per kapita, kepadatan penduduk, PDRB sektor pertanian, sektor pertambangan, sektor industri pengolahan, sektor perdagangan, hotel, dan restoran, dan sektor jasa, serta rasio jumlah petugas pajak terhadap jumlah angkatan kerja adalah faktor-faktor penting yang mempengaruhi kinerja perpajakan, khususnya KPP Pratama yang menghimpun pajak dari wajib pajak dengan level jumlah pembayaran pajak relatif rendah dan wajib pajak baru, di Indonesia.;This study investigates the determinant of tax performances in Indonesia. Since tax revenue is very important to finance development in Indonesia, a good tax performance contributed by provinces are necessary to achieve the required amount of tax revenue. In terms of small taxpayers offices which collects taxes from small and new taxpayers in Indonesia, by investigating data across provinces in 2009-2011 using Fixed effect model, this study finds that income per capita, population density, the share of agriculture, the share of mining, the share of manufacture, the share of trade, hotel, and restaurant, the share of services in GRDP, and the ratio of the number of tax officials to labor force are the important factors affecting tax performance in Indonesia., This study investigates the determinant of tax performances in Indonesia. Since tax revenue is very important to finance development in Indonesia, a good tax performance contributed by provinces are necessary to achieve the required amount of tax revenue. In terms of small taxpayers offices which collects taxes from small and new taxpayers in Indonesia, by investigating data across provinces in 2009- 2011 using Fixed effect model, this study finds that income per capita, population density, the share of agriculture, the share of mining, the share of manufacture, the share of trade, hotel, and restaurant, the share of services in GRDP, and the ratio of the number of tax officials to labor force are the important factors affecting tax performance in Indonesia]
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dhina Mahariana Ningsih
Abstrak :
[Tesis ini membahas probabilitas dari dampak spatial spillover dari infrastruktur jalan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi di provinsi Jawa Barat menggunakan data panel kabupaten/kota pada tahun 2007-2010. Studi ini menggunakan data Produk Domestik Regional Bruto (PDRB) sebagai indikator pertumbuhan ekonomi. Jalan dengan kondisi baik dan kepadatan jalan digunakan untuk mewakili infrastruktur jalan. Selanjutnya, tenaga kerja dan stok kapital swasta digunakan sebagai variabel kontrol. Penelitian ini menguji hipotesis bahwa infrastruktur jalan yang memadai tidak hanya akan memberikan efek positif pada pembangunan ekonomi suatu wilayah, tetapi juga terhadap wilayah di sekelilingnya. Untuk mengetahui adanya korelasi spasial dilakukan uji dengan menggunakan Global’s Moran I index, hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa terdapat dependensi spasial antar kabupaten/kota di provinsi Jawa Barat. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa spatial spillover infrastruktur jalan memiliki dampak positif pada pertumbuhan ekonomi di tingkat regional.;This research examines the probability of spatial spillover effect of road infrastructure to regional economic growth in the West Java province by using data panel over 2007 to 2012 at regency’s level. This study uses Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) as indicator of economic growth. Good road condition and road density are utilized to explain road infrastructure. In addition, controlling variables use the labor force and private capital stock. This study tests the hypothesis that sufficient road infrastructure brings positive effect on economic development not only within region, but also on surrounding regions. The spatial correlation test by using Global’s Moran I index results on the existence of spatial dependence among regencies on the West Java Province. The main results conclude that the positive spillover of road infrastructure on regional economic growth occurs in these periods at regional level;This research examines the probability of spatial spillover effect of road infrastructure to regional economic growth in the West Java province by using data panel over 2007 to 2012 at regency’s level. This study uses Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) as indicator of economic growth. Good road condition and road density are utilized to explain road infrastructure. In addition, controlling variables use the labor force and private capital stock. This study tests the hypothesis that sufficient road infrastructure brings positive effect on economic development not only within region, but also on surrounding regions. The spatial correlation test by using Global’s Moran I index results on the existence of spatial dependence among regencies on the West Java Province. The main results conclude that the positive spillover of road infrastructure on regional economic growth occurs in these periods at regional level, This research examines the probability of spatial spillover effect of road infrastructure to regional economic growth in the West Java province by using data panel over 2007 to 2012 at regency’s level. This study uses Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) as indicator of economic growth. Good road condition and road density are utilized to explain road infrastructure. In addition, controlling variables use the labor force and private capital stock. This study tests the hypothesis that sufficient road infrastructure brings positive effect on economic development not only within region, but also on surrounding regions. The spatial correlation test by using Global’s Moran I index results on the existence of spatial dependence among regencies on the West Java Province. The main results conclude that the positive spillover of road infrastructure on regional economic growth occurs in these periods at regional level]
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwi Putro Notonegoro
Abstrak :
Pada tahun 2009, Kementerian Kehutanan mengeluarkan peraturan baru yang dikenal dengan nama Sertifikasi Verifikasi Legalitas Kayu SVLK . Salah satu tujuan dari peraturan ini adalah memastikan para pemangku kepentingan yang berkecimpung di bidang kehutanan dan juga industri kehutanan, menggunakan kayu legal sehingga dapat meningkatkan daya saing produk ekspor kehutanan Indonesia. Tesis ini meneliti pengaruh peraturan tersebut pada pasar ekspor kayu lapis, bukan hanya pada banyaknya jumlah kayu lapis yang diekspor tetapi juga penerimaan negara yang diterima dari ekspor produk ini. Dengan menggunakan data mulai tahun 2000 sampai dengan tahun 2014 dan melibatkan 58 negara sebagai mitra perdagangan ekspor kayu lapis Indonesia, pengaruh perturan tersebut akan dihitung menggunakan model gravity yang telah digunakan oleh Rose 2004 dalam penelitian sebelumnya. Dari beberapa pendekatan yang dilakukan untuk menghitung pengaruh peraturan tersebut, tesis ini membuktikan terdapat indikasi bahwa jumlah kayu lapis yang dieskpor maupun penerimaan negara dari ekspor kayu lapis menurun setelah diterapkannya SVLK.
In 2009, Ministry of Forestry issued new regulation which is known as Timber Legality Verification System SVLK . One of the regulation rsquo s objectives is to ensure the forestry stakeholders and industries use only legal wood and therefore increases the competitiveness of Indonesian forest products. In this thesis, I will estimate how this regulation affects the plywood export market, not only on the quantity exported but also on the revenue earned from this product. Using panel data of this market from 2000 to 2014, involving 58 countries as trading partner, I adapt gravity model which has been used by Rose 2004 . Employing several approaches, this study finds an indication that quantity exported and revenue earned after the implementation of the regulation is less than before.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library