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Musyafar Kudri Zain
Abstrak :
Suatu model persebaran litofasies sangat penting dalam proses karakterisasi reservoar. Dengan adanya model kita dapat memperhitungkan nilai keekonomian dari reservoar tersebut termasuk menyusun program pengembangan reservoar selanjutnya, serta dapat pula menjadi masukan sebagai model statik dalam proses simulasi resevoar. Dua metode geostatistik dalam memodelkan fasies telah dilakukan dalam penelitian ini yaitu, sequential indicator simulation dan truncated gaussian simulation. Kedua metode tersebut menggunakan analisa model variogram, namun truncated gaussian simulation memperhitungkan konsep model pengendapan litofasies sementara sequential indicator simulation tidak memperhitungkan konsep tersebut. Untuk memodelkan porositas zona reservoar digunakan metode sequential gaussian simulation. Atribut impedansi akustik digunakan sebagai konstrain dalam setiap pemodelan. Dari hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa apabila data sumur yang tersedia terbatas dan pemodelan dikonstrain oleh atribut impedansi akustik, metode truncated gaussian simulation lebih baik dalam memetakan persebaran litofasies dibandingkan dengan metode sequential indicator simulation.
A model of lithofasies distribution is very important in the process of reservoar characterization. By using this model, we can calculate the economic value of the reservoar. It also can be used as an input static model for reservoar simulation. Two methods of geostatistics stochastic in facies modeling have been done in this research, sequential indicator simulation and truncated gaussian simulation. Both of methods use the variogram model analysis, however truncated gaussian simulation consider the concept of depositional models of lithofasies while sequential indicator simulation not. Sequential gaussian simulation method has been used to model the reservoar porosity zone. Every modelling process use acoustic impedance attribute as litofasies constrain. The study concluded that if the well data is sparse and acoustic impedance has been used as constrain, truncated gaussian method will produced a better model than sequential indicator method.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nur Najmiah Tullailah
Abstrak :
Area X, Cekungan Sumatera Utara merupakan target eksplorasi hidrokarbon dengan mengejar target lapisan dalam sebagai prospek baru. Metode seismik telah dilakukan namun hasilnya masih memiliki ambuigitas dalam menggambarkan bentuk bawah permukaan khususnya lapisan dalam di antaranya keberadaan basement sebagai dasar dari lapisan sedimen di atasnya yang menjadi target eksplorasi. Metode Gaya Berat dan Magnetotellurik dilakukan untuk mengkonfirmasi keberadaan basement yang menjadi dasar intrepretasi pada seismic. Metode Magnetotellurik dilakukan untuk menunjukkan distribusi nilai resistivitas litologi di bawah permukaan, dalam hal ini nilai resistivitas antara basement dan formasi lain di sekitarnya. Berdasarkan hasil inversi 2D dan 3D MT pada lintasan 4 dan 6 menunjukkan adanya kontras resistivitas yaitu zona resistivitas tinggi (Rho=102 - 103 ohm.m) pada bagian SW dari lintasan dan pada kedalaman 6000 meter kebawah yang mengindikasikan lapisan formasi yang lebih tua dan dalam hal ini juga diindikasikan sebagai basement , sedangkan di sebelah NE dari lintasan tersebut tampak litologi yang lebih konduktif (Rho= 1-101 ohm.m) dan berada bagian atas dari lintasan yang menunjukkan lapisan formasi yang lebih mudah diindikasikan sebagai lapisan sedimen. Metode Gaya Berat akan menunjukkan distribusi nilai densitas yang diperoleh dari hasil gravity forward modelling. Hasil dari metode gaya berat menunjukkan adanya kontras densitas di bagian sisi kiri dan kanan dari lapangan, dimana berdasarkan peta regional terdapat anomali nilai rendah berkisar 26-42 mGal dan anomaly tinggi berkisar 48-66 mGal. Hasil pemodelan gravity 2D pada lintasan 4 dan 6 menunjukkan keberadaan basement pra-tersier berada pada kedalaman 6000 m kebawah dengan beberapa formasi diatasnya yang terdiri dari formasi pratersier dan formasi yang terbentuk pada tersier. Formasi pada lapisan dalam yang berpotensi sebagai reservoar yang baik adalah Formasi Tampur yang merupakan batu gamping serta Formasi Parapat yang merupakan batu pasir.
Area X, North Sumatra Basin is a target for hydrocarbon exploration by pursuing the inner layer target as a new prospect. Seismic methods have been carried out but the results still have ambiguity in describing subsurface forms, especially the inner layers, including the presence of basements as the base of the sediment layer above which is the target of exploration. The Gravity and Magnetotelluric methods are carried out to confirm the existence of the basement which is the basis of the interpretation of seismic. The Magnetotelluric method is performed to show the distribution of lithological resistivity values below the surface, in this case the resistivity value between the basement and other formations around it. Based on the results of 2 D and 3D MT inversion on tracks 4 and 6, the contrast resistivity is high resistivity zone (Rho =Rho=102 - 103 ohm.m) on the SW portion of the track and at a depth of 6000 meters down which indicates the older formation layer and in this case also it is indicated as a basement, while in the NE from the track it appears more conductive lithology (Rho= 1-101 ohm.m) and is located at the top of the track which shows the formation layer which is more easily indicated as a sediment layer. The gravity method will show the distribution of density values obtained from the gravity forward modeling. The results of the gravity method show that there is contrast density on the left and right sides of the field, where based on regional maps there are low value anomalies ranging from 26-42 mGal and high anomalies ranging from 48-66 mGal. The gravity 2D modeling results on tracks 4 and 6 show the existence of a pre-tertiary basement at a depth of 6000 m below with some formations above which consists of pre-tertiary formations and tertiary formation. Formations in the inner layer which have the potential as a good reservoir are the Tampur Formation which are limestone and Parapat Formation.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Afzalurrahman Assalam
Abstrak :
Prospek play reservoar dengan konsep sub thrust fault merupakan hal baru di cekungan Kutai. Cekungan Kutai merupakan cekungan sedimen tersier terluas dan terdalam di Indonesia. Cekungan ini masih memiliki banyak potensi reservoar hydrocarbon yang belum ditemukan dan harus terus dieksplorasi. Evaluasi prospek merupakan salah satu tahapan penting dalam eksplorasi hydrocarbon. Analisis sekat patahan dilakukan untuk menguji integritas jebakan pada prospek. Pemetaan geometri persebaran reservoar prospek menggunakan metode analisis spectral decomposisi. Tujuan tesis ini adalah untuk menyelidiki sebaran reservoar beserta keutuhan jebakan dengan menggunakan analisis Spektral Dekomposisi dan dengan menganalisis throw, transmsibility, dan juxtaposisi. Analisis patahan menentukan area leaking dan sealing pada bidang patahan. Dalam penelitian ini juga dilakukan analisis zona frekuensi rendah dimana anomali amplitudo diamati pada frekuensi rendah dan dibandingkan dengan amplitudo pada frekuensi pertengahan dan frekuensi tinggi. Analisis amplitude digunakan untuk membedakan kemungkinan lithologi dan fluida pengisinya. Anomali amplitudo terlihat pada frekuensi rendah dan menghilang pada frekuensi tinggi. Metode dekomposisi spektral yang digunakan adalah Continous Wavelet Transform (CWT) dengan menggunakan wavelet Morlet, Short Term Fourier Transform (STFT) dan Generelized Spectral Decomp (GSD). Hasil proses dekomposisi spektral pada frekuensi rendah (10 Hz) menunjukkan potensi area reservoar baru di kedalaman 1500-2500 ms. Hasil analisis sekat patahan juga memperlihatkan potensial jebakan di bawah sub thrust Patahan 2. Peta dari berbagai proses tersebut kemudian di-overlay untuk melihat peta resiko prospek eksplorasi di daerah penelitian.
The prospect of a play reservoir with the concept of sub thrust fault is new in the Kutai basin. The Kutai Basin is the widest and deepest tertiary sedimentary basin in Indonesia. This basin still has many hydrocarbon reservoir potentials that have not yet been discovered and must be explored. Prospect evaluation is one of the important stages in hydrocarbon exploration. Analysis of fault seal is done to test the unity of the trap to the prospect. Geometry mapping of prospect reservoir distribution is defined by using spectral decomposition analysis method. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the distribution of reservoirs and trap integrity by using Spectral Decomposition analysis and by analyzing the throw, transmissibility, and juxtaposition. Fault analysis determines the area of leaking and sealing in the fault plane. In this study also carried out low frequency zone analysis where amplitude anomalies is able to be observed at low frequencies and compared with amplitude at mid frequency and high frequency. Amplitude analysis is used to distinguish lithological possibilities and fill fluid. Amplitude anomalies are seen at low frequencies and disappear at high frequencies. The spectral decomposition method used is Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) using Morlet wavelets, Short Term Fourier Transform (STFT) and Generelized Spectral Decomp (GSD). The results of the spectral decomposition process at low frequencies (10 Hz) show the potential of the new reservoir area at a depth of 1500-2500 ms. The results of fault seal analysis also show potential trap under sub thrust Fault 2. Maps of the various processes are then overlaid to see the risk map of exploration prospects in the research area.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mochammad Bimo Irfani Usman
Abstrak :
Cekungan Jawa Barat Utara terbukti merupakan penghasil hidrokarbon yang cukup besar di Indonesia. Reservoir target merupakan resevoir karbonat formasi baturaja yang diendapkan pada kala Miosen.Pada reservoar karbonat perlu dilakukan karakterisasi untuk mengetahui jenis Fasies,lingkungan pengendapan, kualitas petrofisika dan penyebaran Impedansi Akustik dan penyebaran Porositas dengan parameter berupa analisa thin section dan data core, analisa wireline log, interpretasi seismik dan analisa inversi untuk mengetahui proses Diagenesa porositas, penyebaran porositas zona hidrocarbon dan ketebalan reservoar tersebut untuk mendapatkan informasi reservoar.Data penelitian terdiri dari 412 inline dan 2160 xline seismik tiga dimensi (3D) serta data log sumuran (UI-1,UI-2 dan UI-3). Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah pada lapangan Bimo ditemukan 3 fasies yatu Mudstone,Wackestone dan Packedstone berdasarkan klasifikasi dari dunham, didapatkan pula diagenesa nya adalah dolomitisasi, sementasi, mikritisasi dan disolusi. Sementara lingkungan pengendapannya dalah Lagoon dan Back reef dengan lingkungan diagenesa nya adalah freatik dan pencampuran.Dari klasifikasi Dunham fasies dan lingkungan pengendapan yang ditemukan mengindikasikan lingkungan laut dangkal. Pada analisa petrofisika didapat porositas pada sumur UI-1,UI-2, dan UI-3 yaitu 0.16,0.22 dan 0.2 dengan ketebalan reservoar 3.5, 2 dan 37 ft menunjukan pada sumur UI-3 yang memiliki reservoar yang tebal. Sementara pada nilai AI yaitu 16250-24000  ft/s*gr/cc pada sumur UI-1,18750-23475 ft/s*gr/cc pada sumur UI-2 dan juga 16175 dan 18175 ft/s*gr/CC pada sumur UI-3.Hasil tersebut menunjukan pada litologi karbonat memiliki nilai Impedansi Akustik yang lebih besar daripada litologi shale. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa zona reservoar dipengaruhi oleh diagenesa dari batuan Karbonat dan juga penyebaran nilai Impedansi Akustik dimana saat Impedansi Akustik kecil porositas besar dikarenakan semakin besar Impedansi Akustik maka nilai densitas batuan semakin besar. ......The North West Java Basin is proven to be a large hydrocarbon producer in Indonesia. With reservoar Carbonate which is a hydrocarbon producer of 60% in the world it is necessary to characterize it to determine the quality of the reservoar. This basin is deposited in baturaja formations in the miocene age. Carbonate reservoars need to be analyzed by analyzing thin section and core data, wireline log analysis, seismic interpretation and inversion analysis to determine the porosity formation process, the spread of hydrocarbon zone porosity and the thickness of the reservoar.The research data consisted of 412 inline and 2160 xline three-dimensional seismic (3D) and well log data (UI-1, UI-2 and UI-3). The results of this study were found in field Bimo 3 facies of Mudstone, Wackestone and Packestone based on the classification of dunham. Then the diagenesis was obtained as dolomitization, cementation, micritization and dissolution. While the depositional environment is Lagoon and Back Reef with its diagenetic environment is Phreatic and mixing. In petrophysical analysis obtained porosity in wells UI-1, UI-2, and UI-3 namely and 0.2 with reservoar thickness 3.5, 2 and 37 ft while at AI value is 16250-24000 Ft / s * gr / cc at well UI-1,18750-23475 ft / s * gr / cc in wells UI-2 and also 16175 and 18175 Ft / s * gr / CC in well UI-3. This study concludes that the reservoar zone is influenced by the diagenesis of carbonate rocks and also the spread of AI values where when large AI is a large porosity due to large AI feeds, the value of the rock descent is greater.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ifan Irfiandi
Abstrak :
Kabupaten Sidoarjo tersusun oleh batuan sedimen, klastik, epiklastik, piroklastik, dan aluvium. Alluvium adalah fitur geologis yang rentan terhadap efek gempa bumi. Untuk meminimalkan dampak bencana, desain bangunan harus sesuai dengan kondisi tanah yang dinamis dan lokal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempertimbangkan kecepatan gelombang geser rata-rata hingga kedalaman 30 m (Vs30) di Sidoarjo menggunakan inversi HVSR. Data Mikrotermor pada 40 titik dianalisis menggunakan metode HVSR. Hasil analisis HVSR kemudian dilakukan dengan inversi dengan prinsip pemodelan ke depan untuk mendapatkan Vs30 dari setiap titik pengukuran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 100-480 m/s. Daerah dengan Vs30 lebih rendah dan tebal dominan berada di letusan porong Lumpur Sidoarjo (LUSI) dan di candi. Ketebalan lapisan dengan Vs30 rendah semakin menipis ke arah selatan dan barat daya.
Sidoarjo district is composed by sedimentary clastic, epiclastic, pyroclastic and alluvium rocks. Alluvium is a geological feature that is susceptible to earthquake effects. In order to minimize the disaster impact, design of the building should has to the dynamic and local soil condition. This study aimed to consider shear wave velocity at the average down to 30 m depth (Vs30) in Sidoarjo using HVSR inversion. Microtermor data at 40 points were analyzed using the HVSR method. The result of HVSR analysis is then carried out by inversion with the forward modeling principle to obtain Vs30 of each measurement point. The study results show 100-480 m/s. Areas with lower Vs30 and dominant thick were in the eruption of Lumpur Sidoarjos (LUSI) porong and in candi. The thickness of the layer with low Vs30 increasingly thinning towards the south and south west.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andi Fadly
Abstrak :
Aplikasi atribut seismik 3D dan sifat fisik batuan telah dapat memodelkan reservoar A Formasi Ledok Lapangan X Blok Cepu. Beberapa atribut seismik yang sesuai untuk mengidentifikasi penyebaran reservoar dilapangan ini adalah root mean square (rms), sweetness, dan impedansi akustik relatif. Dimana ketiga atribut seismik tersebut memperlihatkan suatu anomali amplitudo berupa bright spot yang diidentifikasi sebagai reservoar A dan memperlihatkan pola penyebaran berarah selatan-utara. Fasies reservoar A yang merupakan batugamping pasiran adalah reservoar yang sangat baik dalam menyimpan hidrokarbon gas dengan porositas 19% dan saturasi air sebesar 40%. Adanya faktor ketidakpastian dalam penentuan batas penyebaran reservoar A dari atribut seismik, model reservoar A di bagi menjadi tiga bagian yaitu perkiraan optimis (P90), perkiraan sedang (P50) dan perkiraan pesimis (P10). Keberadaan hidrokarbon gas di Lapangan X dikontrol oleh suatu perangkap stratigrafi bukan perangkap struktur hal ini terlihat dari tidak adanya tutupan (klosur). Berdasarkan sebaran reservoar melalui integrasi atribut seismik, properti batuan dan model reservoar diusulkan 4 (empat) sumur pemboran untuk mengembangkan lapangan gas X.
Application of 3D seismic attributes and physical properties of reservoir rocks have been to model the formation Ledok A Field X Cepu Block. The seismic attributes, which can be used to identify distribution of the reservoir in this field were the root mean square (rms), sweetness, and relative acoustic impedance. The attributes of the seismic amplitude anomaly shows a bright spot in the form identified as reservoars A and show the pattern of northsouth trending deployment. A reservoir facies which is a sandy limestone reservoir was very good at keeping a hydrocarbon gas with 19% porosity and water saturation of 40%. The existence of uncertainty in the determination of reservoir distribution limit of seismic attributes. A reservoir model was divided into three parts, optimistic estimate (P90), moderate estimate (P50) and pesimistic estimate (P10). The existence of hydrocarbon gases in field X in was control by a stratigraphic traps compared to traps structure as seen from the absence of cover (closur). Based on integration of seismic attributes, rock properties and reservoar model proposed four (4) wells drilling to develop the gas field X.;Application of 3D seismic attributes and physical properties of reservoir rocks have been to model the formation Ledok A Field X Cepu Block. The seismic attributes, which can be used to identify distribution of the reservoir in this field were the root mean square (rms), sweetness, and relative acoustic impedance. The attributes of the seismic amplitude anomaly shows a bright spot in the form identified as reservoars A and show the pattern of northsouth trending deployment. A reservoir facies which is a sandy limestone reservoir was very good at keeping a hydrocarbon gas with 19% porosity and water saturation of 40%. The existence of uncertainty in the determination of reservoir distribution limit of seismic attributes. A reservoir model was divided into three parts, optimistic estimate (P90), moderate estimate (P50) and pesimistic estimate (P10). The existence of hydrocarbon gases in field X in was control by a stratigraphic traps compared to traps structure as seen from the absence of cover (closur). Based on integration of seismic attributes, rock properties and reservoar model proposed four (4) wells drilling to develop the gas field X.;Application of 3D seismic attributes and physical properties of reservoir rocks have been to model the formation Ledok A Field X Cepu Block. The seismic attributes, which can be used to identify distribution of the reservoir in this field were the root mean square (rms), sweetness, and relative acoustic impedance. The attributes of the seismic amplitude anomaly shows a bright spot in the form identified as reservoars A and show the pattern of northsouth trending deployment. A reservoir facies which is a sandy limestone reservoir was very good at keeping a hydrocarbon gas with 19% porosity and water saturation of 40%. The existence of uncertainty in the determination of reservoir distribution limit of seismic attributes. A reservoir model was divided into three parts, optimistic estimate (P90), moderate estimate (P50) and pesimistic estimate (P10). The existence of hydrocarbon gases in field X in was control by a stratigraphic traps compared to traps structure as seen from the absence of cover (closur). Based on integration of seismic attributes, rock properties and reservoar model proposed four (4) wells drilling to develop the gas field X., Application of 3D seismic attributes and physical properties of reservoir rocks have been to model the formation Ledok A Field X Cepu Block. The seismic attributes, which can be used to identify distribution of the reservoir in this field were the root mean square (rms), sweetness, and relative acoustic impedance. The attributes of the seismic amplitude anomaly shows a bright spot in the form identified as reservoars A and show the pattern of northsouth trending deployment. A reservoir facies which is a sandy limestone reservoir was very good at keeping a hydrocarbon gas with 19% porosity and water saturation of 40%. The existence of uncertainty in the determination of reservoir distribution limit of seismic attributes. A reservoir model was divided into three parts, optimistic estimate (P90), moderate estimate (P50) and pesimistic estimate (P10). The existence of hydrocarbon gases in field X in was control by a stratigraphic traps compared to traps structure as seen from the absence of cover (closur). Based on integration of seismic attributes, rock properties and reservoar model proposed four (4) wells drilling to develop the gas field X.]
Jakarta: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhamad Nanda Pradipta
Abstrak :
Studi pengembangan studi tentang reservoar hidrokarbon merupakan suatu kajian untuk mengetahui karakteristik reservoar, yang nantinya dapat digunakan untuk beberapa hal, salah satunya untuk memperhitungkan cadangan hidrokarbon dari suatu area penghasil migas. Berdasar pada informasi yang didapat, baik data geologi setempat, data survey seismik, data sumur pemboran, dan beberapa parameter lainnya yang kemudian dapat menjadi satu kesatuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik dari suatu reservoar. Pada studi telah dilakukan pemodelan litofasies yang di konstrain dengan hasil inversi impedansi akustik pada lapangan "X" Cekungan Kutai. Hasil analisis sensitivitas menunjukan batupasir memiliki nilai impedansi akustik 4500-6500 (m/s)*(g/cc). Pemodelan litofasies dilakukan dengan memasukan hasil inversi impedansi akustik didapatkan hasil persebaran batupasir pada arah barat-timur dari area penelitian.
Development study of hydrocarbon reservoar is study to understand the characteristic of reservoar, that will be used for several purposes. One of the aspects is to calculate the hydrocarbon reserve from oil and gas field. By Integrations among information from geological data, seismic survey, wellbore data and other parameter we can get the characteristic from reservoar. Lithofacies modeling constrained by seismic inversion has been done on "X" field, Kutai Basin. Sensitivity analysis shows that sandstone has acoustic impedance value 4500-6500 (m/s)*(g/cc). Lithofacies modeling constrained by seismic inversion shows sandstone distribution to the west-east.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alfaidhul Akbar
Abstrak :
Formasi Toolachee memiliki penyebaran yang sangat luas di Cekungan Cooper. Padahal ketebalan Formasi Toolachee tidaklah begitu tebal dengan rata-rata ketebalan berkisar hingga 300 m. Proses sedimentasi Fm. Toolachee secara regional berupa fluvial (meandering) dengan urutan batuan berupa batupasir, batulempung, batulanau, dan batubara. Batupasir Fm. Toolachee memiliki porositas yang sedang hingga bagus, sehingga dapat bertindak sebagai reservoir yang terbukti mengalirkan gas pada Sumur Meranji-1. Dengan asumsi bahwa penyebaran Fm. Toolachee luas dan terendapkan di semua daerah penelitian, seharusnya ditemukan juga kandungan hidrokarbon pada dua sumur lainnya, yaitu Cooba-1 dan Pelican-5. Kenyataannya, Cooba-1 dan Pelican-5 tidak ditemukan kehadiran hidrokarbon, sekalipun Fm. Toolachee masih terbentuk disana. Hipotesis yang diangkat adalah bahwa ada kontrol stratigrafi yang berpengaruh terhadap akumulasi hidrokarbon pada Fm. Toolachee. Dari hasil analisis sumur dan seismik yang dibantu dengan atribut seismik dan inversi seismik ditemukan adanya perubahan fasies pada zona reservoir di Meranji-1. Zona reservoir terlihat tidak memiliki kemenerusan antara Meranji-1, Cooba-1 dan Pelican-5. Penelitian ini menghasilkan penyebaran fasies secara lateral dan vertikal pada Fm. Toolachee. Oleh karena itu, sumur-sumur selanjutnya diharapkan mengikuti pola penyebaran fluvial dari batupasir zona target.
Toolachee Fm has widespread deposition which is formed widely in Cooper Basin. Although, Toolachee Fm is thin bed formation with thickness averaging 300-400m only. Sedimentation process in Toolachee Fm is controlled by fluvial system which is formed in meandering depositional environment with lithology consists of sandstone, shale, siltstone, and coal. Sandstone of Toolachee Fm has moderate to good porosity, therefor it can act as reservoir which is proven by flowing gas in Meranji-1 well. Based on assumption of widespread depositional of Toolachee Fm, hydrocarbon accumulation shall be found in two wells, Cooba-1 and Pelican-5. In fact, Cooba-1 and Pelican-5 do not encounter significant hydrocarbon in Toolachee Fm. Hypotehsis were made that stratigraphy has an important influence of hydrocarbon accumulation in Toolachee Fm. Study result, from integrated study well and seismic interpretation which is supported by seismic stratigraphy, attribute seismic and seismic inversion, show facies change in Toolachee resulting truncated sand body. This study produces a comprehensive facies distribution both laterally and vertically. Therefor, next well should be drilled along channel geometry, Toolachee Fm has widespread deposition which is formed widely in Cooper Basin. Although, Toolachee Fm is thin bed formation with thickness averaging 300-400m only. Sedimentation process in Toolachee Fm is controlled by fluvial system which is formed in meandering depositional environment with lithology consists of sandstone, shale, siltstone, and coal. Sandstone of Toolachee Fm has moderate to good porosity, therefor it can act as reservoir which is proven by flowing gas in Meranji-1 well. Based on assumption of widespread depositional of Toolachee Fm, hydrocarbon accumulation shall be found in two wells, Cooba-1 and Pelican-5. In fact, Cooba-1 and Pelican-5 do not encounter significant hydrocarbon in Toolachee Fm. Hypotehsis were made that stratigraphy has an important influence of hydrocarbon accumulation in Toolachee Fm. Study result, from integrated study well and seismic interpretation which is supported by seismic stratigraphy, attribute seismic and seismic inversion, show facies change in Toolachee resulting truncated sand body. This study produces a comprehensive facies distribution both laterally and vertically. Therefor, next well should be drilled along channel geometry]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lukman Denny Andika
Abstrak :
[Identifikasi hidrokarbon merupakan salah satu tujuan utama dalam eksplorasi lapangan minyak bumi, dan perkiraan nilai saturasi merupakan salah satu bagian penting dari identifikasi hidrokarbon. Dalam penentuan perkiraan saturasi tersebut, atribut seismik dapat digunakan baik secara numerik maupun analitik. Meskipun hubungan antara atribut seismik dengan karakteristik batuan reservoar tidak dapat didefinisikan secara explisit, namun penggunaan atribut seismik ini dapat membantu dalam proses karakterisasi reservoar. Proses prediksi nilai saturasi air pada Lapangan Shinta dilakukan dengan menggunakan transformasi log resistivitas berdasarkan persamaan Archi, dimana faktor sementasi diasumsikan sebesar 0.62, dengan eksponen sementasi yaitu - 2.15 serta faktor resistivitas air yaitu 0.04. Selanjutnya nilai saturasi air transform tersebut dijadikan sebagai target untuk penyebaran nilai saturasi fluida dengan menggunakan metode PNN (Probabilistic Neural Network). Metode ini dipilih karena memberikan korelasi yang lebih baik yaitu sebesar 68.8% dengan rata-rata error = 0.114, dibandingkan dengan Metode Multi-Layer Feed Forward (MLFN) yang memberikan nilai korelasi sebesar 50.9% serta multi-atribut sebesar 34.4%. Hasil dari penyebaran saturasi air tersebut selanjutnya diintegrasikan dengan data produksi dan dapat disimpulkan bahwa hasil penyebaran Sw telah mendekati kondisi aktual pada daerah disekitar sumur SNT-10 dan SNT-12. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan nilai saturasi air yang dihasilkan yaitu 45-85% memiliki kesesuaian dengan profil produksi dimana kurva Water Cut dengan GOR masing-masing sumur naik secara cepat yang mengindikasikan air dan gas semakin banyak terproduksi, dibandingkan dengan minyak;Hydrocarbon identification is one of the main objectives of the Oil and Gas exploration and the estimation of saturation level is one of the important parameter to identify the possibility of hydrocarbon. The estimation of saturation value either using the numeric or the analytical method, seismic attribute coud be used. Even the relationship between seismic attribute and reservoir characterization could not be defined explicitely, but the used of this seismic atribut could give more assistance during the characterization process. Water saturation prediction in Shinta Field started with the transformation of the resistivity log using the Archi Equation, with the cementation factor (α) is 0.6, cementation exponent (m) is -2.15 and resistivity formation water (Rw) is 0.04. Furhter, this transformation result is used as the target of the fluid saturation prediction using the Probabilistic Neural Network (PNN). This method has been done through Artificial Neural Network, either using PNN method gives the better correlation i.e. 68.8% with the RMS value 0.114 compare to MLFN method which gave the correlation of 50.9% and Multi atribut with correlation level is 34.4%. Lateron, the result of Sw distribution has been integrated with production data which it can be concluded that the result has approach to the real condition of SNT-10 and SNT-12 well. It can be seen from the saturation value i.e. 45-85% which in line with the production figure, where the Water Cut and the GOR of each well has increased significantly, than oil. It can be assumed that the water and gas production are more produced compared to oil.;Hydrocarbon identification is one of the main objectives of the Oil and Gas exploration and the estimation of saturation level is one of the important parameter to identify the possibility of hydrocarbon. The estimation of saturation value either using the numeric or the analytical method, seismic attribute coud be used. Even the relationship between seismic attribute and reservoir characterization could not be defined explicitely, but the used of this seismic atribut could give more assistance during the characterization process. Water saturation prediction in Shinta Field started with the transformation of the resistivity log using the Archi Equation, with the cementation factor (α) is 0.6, cementation exponent (m) is -2.15 and resistivity formation water (Rw) is 0.04. Furhter, this transformation result is used as the target of the fluid saturation prediction using the Probabilistic Neural Network (PNN). This method has been done through Artificial Neural Network, either using PNN method gives the better correlation i.e. 68.8% with the RMS value 0.114 compare to MLFN method which gave the correlation of 50.9% and Multi atribut with correlation level is 34.4%. Lateron, the result of Sw distribution has been integrated with production data which it can be concluded that the result has approach to the real condition of SNT-10 and SNT-12 well. It can be seen from the saturation value i.e. 45-85% which in line with the production figure, where the Water Cut and the GOR of each well has increased significantly, than oil. It can be assumed that the water and gas production are more produced compared to oil.;Hydrocarbon identification is one of the main objectives of the Oil and Gas exploration and the estimation of saturation level is one of the important parameter to identify the possibility of hydrocarbon. The estimation of saturation value either using the numeric or the analytical method, seismic attribute coud be used. Even the relationship between seismic attribute and reservoir characterization could not be defined explicitely, but the used of this seismic atribut could give more assistance during the characterization process. Water saturation prediction in Shinta Field started with the transformation of the resistivity log using the Archi Equation, with the cementation factor (α) is 0.6, cementation exponent (m) is -2.15 and resistivity formation water (Rw) is 0.04. Furhter, this transformation result is used as the target of the fluid saturation prediction using the Probabilistic Neural Network (PNN). This method has been done through Artificial Neural Network, either using PNN method gives the better correlation i.e. 68.8% with the RMS value 0.114 compare to MLFN method which gave the correlation of 50.9% and Multi atribut with correlation level is 34.4%. Lateron, the result of Sw distribution has been integrated with production data which it can be concluded that the result has approach to the real condition of SNT-10 and SNT-12 well. It can be seen from the saturation value i.e. 45-85% which in line with the production figure, where the Water Cut and the GOR of each well has increased significantly, than oil. It can be assumed that the water and gas production are more produced compared to oil., Hydrocarbon identification is one of the main objectives of the Oil and Gas exploration and the estimation of saturation level is one of the important parameter to identify the possibility of hydrocarbon. The estimation of saturation value either using the numeric or the analytical method, seismic attribute coud be used. Even the relationship between seismic attribute and reservoir characterization could not be defined explicitely, but the used of this seismic atribut could give more assistance during the characterization process. Water saturation prediction in Shinta Field started with the transformation of the resistivity log using the Archi Equation, with the cementation factor (α) is 0.6, cementation exponent (m) is -2.15 and resistivity formation water (Rw) is 0.04. Furhter, this transformation result is used as the target of the fluid saturation prediction using the Probabilistic Neural Network (PNN). This method has been done through Artificial Neural Network, either using PNN method gives the better correlation i.e. 68.8% with the RMS value 0.114 compare to MLFN method which gave the correlation of 50.9% and Multi atribut with correlation level is 34.4%. Lateron, the result of Sw distribution has been integrated with production data which it can be concluded that the result has approach to the real condition of SNT-10 and SNT-12 well. It can be seen from the saturation value i.e. 45-85% which in line with the production figure, where the Water Cut and the GOR of each well has increased significantly, than oil. It can be assumed that the water and gas production are more produced compared to oil.]
Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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