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Muhammad Deryl Ivansyah
Abstrak :
Introduksi Spondilitis tuberculosis (TB) merupakan kasus infeksi tulang belakang tersering terutama di negara berkembang. Tiga hingga 5% kasus Spondilitis TB berkembang menjadi deformitas kifosis >60 derajat. Deformitas kifosis dapat mengakibatkan paraplegia dan gangguan fungsi lainnya, sehingga harus ditatalaksana dan dicegah dengan koreksi operatif. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui luaran klinis dan radiologis pada deformitas kifosis pasca koreksi operatif dan hubungannya dengan faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi deformitas kifosis. Metode Penelitian ini menggunakan desain potong lintang terhadap pasien Spondilitis TB dengan deformitas kifosis yang dilakukan tindakan koreksi operatif selama tahun 2014-2018 di RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo. Dilakukan penilaian luaran klinis ODI (Oswestry Disability Index) dan ASIA Impairment Scale, serta penilaian radiologis berupa persentase derajat koreksi dan loss of correction. Penilaian tersebut dilakukan pada saat pra-operasi, pasca-operasi, 6 dan 12 bulan pasca operasi, serta saat kontrol terakhir. Hasil Dari 78 pasien yang diikut sertakan dalam penelitian ini, rata-rata berusia 31,4 tahun dan mayoritas perempuan. Gejala awal tersering adalah backpain. Median jumlah keterlibatan vertebra adalah 2 dengan lokasi tersering pada level torakal. Durasi kontrol adalah 6 hingga 54 bulan. Pemilihan teknik operasi posterior lebih sering digunakan dibanding kombinasi dan tidak terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna pada pemilihan teknik operasi dengan luaran klinis maupun radiologis (p>0,05). Terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna secara statistik pada perbandingan nilai klinis, dan radiologis pre dengan pasca operasi (p<0,001). Perbaikan neurologis ASIA scale tampak mulai signifikan sejak 6 bulan pasca operasi (p<0,001). Sudut kifosis awal memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap semua kategori luaran (p<0,001). Terdapat komplikasi berupa pseudoarthrosis pada 2 pasien dan defisit neurologis yang menetap pada 1 pasien. Kesimpulan Tatalaksana operasi korektif pada pasien spondilitis TB dengan deformitas kifosis menunjukkan perbaikan luaran klinis, laboratorium dan radiologis. Sudut awal kifosis mempengaruhi luaran klinis dan radiologis.
Introduction Spondylitis tuberculosis (TB) is the most common case of spinal infection, especially in developing countries. Three to 5 % of Spondylitis TB cases will develop into more than 60o of kyphotic deformity. Kyphotic deformity can cause late paraplegia and other functional disturbances, therefore a kyphotic correction should be performed to prevent and treat the complications. The purpose of the study is to analyze the clinical and radiological outcome of kyphotic deformity in Spondylitis TB patients post kyphotic correction and to analyze the factors influencing the kyphotic deformity Method This study used cross-sectional design on Spondylitis TB patients who underwent corrective surgery as one of the treatment during 2014-2018 at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital. Evaluation of delta ODI (Oswestry Disability Index) and ASIA impairment scale were used to assess the clinical outcome. For radiological outcome, we assessed the percentage of correction and loss of correction. The data was collected from the medical record and also the patient; pre-surgery, post-surgery, 6 and 12 months post-surgery, also the current condition Result Out of the 78 patients included in this study, the average age was 31.4 years and for the majority of women. The majority of initial symptoms was complaint of backpain. The median number of vertebral involvement was 2, the majority of the location of the vertebrae involved were at the thoracic level. The choice of posterior surgery techniques is more often used than combination (posterior-anterior), however no significant differences was found when we compared the technique used with the clinical and radiological outcome (p>0,005) There were significant differences between pre and post-operative clinical and radiological value (p<0,001). Neurological improvement (ASIA scale) appears to be significant since 6 months postoperatively (p <0.001). Pre-operative kyphotic angle was found to be an influential factor in all outcome categories (p<0,001). There was pseudoarthrosis in 2 patients and refracter neurological deficit in 1 patient.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Radi Muharris Mulyana
Abstrak :
Operasi Total knee replacement (TKR) adalah prosedur pilihan pada penanganan osteoartritis berat. Terdapat dua jenis prostesis yang umum digunakan, yaitu cruciate retaining (CR) dan cruciate substituting (CS). Belum ada kesepakatan ahli mengenai mana prostesis yang lebih baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan luaran fungsional pasien yang menjalani TKR menggunakan dua jenis prostesis tersebut. Penelitian ini merupakan uji klinis acak tersamar ganda. Pasien dengan osteoartritis berat dibagi 2 kelompok dan dinilai luaran fungsional 3 bulan dan 6 bulan pasca-TKR. Hasilnya sudut fleksi lutut kelompok CS lebih baik 13,1 derajat setelah 3 bulan dan 12,9 derajat setelah 6 bulan. Penilaian subjektif menggunakan skor IKDC tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara kedua kelompok.
Total knee replacement (TKR) is a procedure of choice in the management of severe osteoarthritis. Currently two types of prosthesis are widely used, cruciate retaining (CR) and cruciate substituting (CS). Experts has not yet reached agreement regarding which one is better. This study aims to compare functional outcome between the two types of prosthesis. This study was a randomized double-blind clinical trial. Patients with severe osteoarthritis were divided into two groups, and evaluated in 3 and 6 months after operation. Result of this study were that flexion angle of CS group was 13,1 degrees better in 3 months and 12,9 degrees in 6 months. Subjective evaluation using IKDC score did not show significant differences between two groups.
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizki Notario Haryanto Putro
Abstrak :
Osteoarthritis (OA) adalah kelainan sendi lutut degeneratif tersering. Artroplasti distraksi adalah sebuah alternatif tata laksana OA. Penelitian dilakukan pada 32 lutut kambing diinduksi secara mekanis menjadi OA dengan menisektomi lateral. Dalam penelitian 6 kambing mati. Arthroplasti distraksi dilaksanakan pada 10 lutut selama 4 minggu, dan 10 lutut kontralateral dibiarkan, kemudian diperiksa anatomi dan histopatologinya. Terdapat perburukan anatomis dan histopatologis pada lutut yang diberikan perlakuan. Perbandingan anatomis menggunakan staging ICRS berbeda bermakna (p <0,002) dan histopatologis menggunakan scoring OARSI berbeda bermakna (p<0,002). Arthroplasti distraksi masih memerlukan penelitian lebih lanjut pada hewan coba sebelum dapat diterapkan ke uji klinis kepada manusia.
Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common knee degenerative disease. Distraction arthroplasty is a an alternatif for OA management. On this study 32 goat stiffle joints were mechanically induced to OA by lateral meniscectomy. During research 6 goats were deceased. Distraction arthroplasty was performed on 10 joints for 4 weeks, contralateral knees left untreated. Cartilage were anatomically and histopathologically examined. There was worsening on treated joints. The anatomical difference assessed using ICRS stage was significant (p<0,002) and the histopathological difference assessed using OARSI scoring was significant (p<0,002). Therefore distraction arthroplasty requires more animal research before human studies.
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Heka Priyamurti
Abstrak :
Penelitian osteoarthritis (OA) memerlukan model hewan karena progresifitas penyakit yang lambat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk membandingkan metode induksi injeksi papain 5% intraartikular dengan menisektomi pada lutut kambing kacang sebagai model OA. Sembilan kambing menjadi subjek, satu ekor sebagai kontrol, grup papain dan menisektomi masing-masing empat ekor. Evaluasi dengan penilaian radiologis, makroskopis dan histologis. Penilaian makroskopis menunjukkan hasil tidak bermakna secara statistik tetapi penilaian menisektomi menunjukkan kerusakan pada kartilago dengan derajat yang lebih tinggi baik makroskopis maupun histologis.
Researches on osteoarthritis need animal model because slow progression of the disease. The aim of this study is to compare induction methods of papain 5% intraarticular injection and meniscectomy in Javanesse goat’s stiffle joints as animal model. Nine goats were involved in this study, one goat as control, four goats in papain and meniscectomy group each. Evaluation using radiologic, macroscopic and histologic scoring. Macroscopic scoring showed unsignificant finding statistically, but meniscectomy showed higher score of cartilage damage clinically and statistically.
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Much Sofwan
Abstrak :
Sebagian besar peneliti menyatakan pasien dengan clubfoot idiopatik yang ditatalaksana dengan metode Ponseti memberikan hasil baik. Kekurangan metode Ponseti adalah angka rekurensi yang relatif tinggi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kohort retrospektif yang dilakukan di Poliklinik Orthopaedi Rumah Sakit Ciptomangunkusumo pada tahun 2007 - 2010. Studi ini menunjukkan hanya variabel wilayah tempat tinggal yang mempengaruhi luaran skor Pirani dengan nilai OR 21,60 (95% IK 2,39 – 195,29). Jarak yang jauh dari tempat penyedia fasilitas kesehatan, membuat orang tua pasien mengalami keberatan untuk kontrol rutin. Hal tersebut menyebabkan penatalaksanaan yang tidak optimal sehingga menyebabkan hasil akhir yang kurang baik. Jarak tempat tinggal terhadap tempat layanan kesehatan, berpengaruh terhadap luaran penatalaksanaan Ponseti pada kasus clubfoot di RSCM.
Most of the researchers said that patients with idiopathic clubfoot treated by the Ponseti method give good results. However, this method has the disadvantage which is a relatively high recurrence rate which influenced by cultural factors. The study design is retrospective cohort study conducted at the outpatient setting in Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital from 2007 to 2010. This study showed that only the residential distance to the health facility that influence the value of Pirani score outcome OR 21.60 (95% CI 2.39 to 195.29). Patients living far from health facility, tend to miss routine control. This leads to sub-optimal management causing unfavorable outcome. The residential distance to the health service, influence the outcome of the Ponseti treatment of clubfoot cases in the hospital.
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yanuar Tirtajaya Sastranegara
Abstrak :
Pada clubfoot idiopatik, skor pirani mempunyai nilai prediksi terhadap beberapa aspek. Skor pirani dapat berhubungan dengan besar koreksi ekuinus pasca tenotomi tendon achilles perkutaneus teknik Ponseti.Didapatkan 16 pasien dengan 23 kaki clubfoot yang dapat dievaluasi. Dilakukan pengambilan data skor pirani awal serta besar koreksi ekuinus pasca tenotomi tendon Achilles perkutaneus yang didapatkan. Dilakukan uji korelasi. Ekspektasi nilai r adalah 0,5. Hasilnya tidak didapatkan hubungan yang bermakna secara klinis antara skor Pirani awal dengan besar koreksi ekuinus pasca tenotomi Achilles (p 0,04; r -0,36).
Idiopathic clubfoot is common musculosceletal disorder in children. The Ponseti technique will avoid extensive surgery and give a good result. Pirani score is a simple scoring system to use that can have a predictive value of the prognosis of clubfoot. We evaluate 16 patient with 23 clubfeet at the clinic. We collect the Pirani score and the degree of correction of equinus post percutaneus achilles tenotomy. Correlation test was performed with the relationship expectation r 0,5. The result we founded that no clinical relationship between the initial pirani score with the amount of correction post percutaneus achilles tenotomy (p 0,04; r -0,36).
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Heru Widyawarman
Abstrak :
Pendahuluan Osteosarkoma adalah tumor ganas tulang paling sering ditemukan di RS Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM). Penatalaksanaan osteosarkoma dengan limb-salvage surgery (LSS) makin berkembang disamping tindakan amputasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbandingan luaran hasil LSS dan amputasi pada pasien osteosarkoma di RSCM. Metode Studi ini menggunakan desain kohort retrospektif pada pasien osteosarkoma periode tahun 1995-2014 di RSCM. Dilakukan evaluasi angka kesintasan, rekurensi lokal, metastasis, komplikasi, skor fungsional menurut Musculoskeletal Tumor Society Scoring system (MSTS) pada pasien yang dilakukan LSS dan amputasi. Metode Kaplan-Meier digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan kesintasan, sintasan bebas rekurensi lokal antara LSS dan amputasi. Hubungan karakteristik pasien dianalisis dengan uji log rank. Uji Kai kuadrat, Eksak Fischer dan Mann-Whitney U digunakan untuk menganalisis hubungan antara skor MSTS dan karakteristik pasien, angka rekurensi, metastasis serta komplikasi. Untuk melihat pengaruh katakteristik terhadap sintasan dilakukan analisis regresi Cox dan uji Wald serta analisis multivariat backward stepwise. Temuan Penelitian dan Diskusi Kesintasan 5 tahun pasien osteosarkoma 14,6%. Kesintasan 5 tahun LSS 34,8%, kesintasan 5 tahun amputasi 15,9%. Kesintasan bebas rekurensi lokal 5 tahun untuk LSS 96,2% dan untuk amputasi 86,5%. Kesintasan dipengaruhi metastasis, tipe operasi dan ukuran tumor. Metastasis merupakan faktor paling berpengaruh berdasarkan analisis multivariat. Metastasis terbanyak ditemukan di paru. Gejala awal dan staging Enneking mempengaruhi metastasis (p=0,02 dan 0,007). Infeksi adalah komplikasi tersering. Tipe biopsi FNAB memberi komplikasi yang paling sedikit. LSS memberi skor fungsional yang lebih tinggi (83,3%) daripada amputasi (61,7%). Pasien dengan rekurensi lokal cenderung mempunyai skor fungsional buruk (p=0,023). Kesimpulan Kesintasan paling tinggi pada pasien osteosarkoma RSCM yang dilakukan LSS. Luaran fungsional dengan skor MSTS baik (83,3%) didapatkan pada pasien yang dilakukan LSS dan bebas rekurensi lokal. Skor MSTS buruk dijumpai pada pasien amputasi dengan rekurensi lokal, komplikasi dan metastasis.
Introduction Osteosarcoma is the most common malignant bone tumor seen in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (CMH). Treatment for osteosarcoma includes limb-salvage surgery (LSS), and it is increasingly more frequently performed compared to amputation. This study aims to analyze the outcome of LSS compared to amputation for osteosarcoma patients in CMH. Methods This is a retrospective cohort study to review osteosarcoma patients during 1995-2014 period in CMH. Analysis was performed on survival rate, local recurrence, metastasis, complication, and functional score according to Musculoskeletal Tumor Scoring System (MSTS) for patients underwent LSS or amputation. Kaplan-Meier method was used to determine survival rate, and disease-free survival rate between LSS and amputation. Log-rank analysis was used to determine relationship between patients characteristic. Chi-Square, Exact-Fischer, and Mann-Whitney U tests were used to analyze the correlation between MSTS score and patient characteristics, rate of recurrence, metastasis, and complication. To determine the influence of patient characteristics to survival, Cox regression analysis, Wald Test and backward stepwise multivariate analysis were performed. Results and discussion 5-year survival rate osteosarcoma patients was 14.6%, 5-year survival rate for LSS was 34.8% compared to 15.9% for amputation. Disease-free survival for LSS was 96,2%, while amputation was 86,5%. Survival were influenced by metastasis, type of surgical intervention, and tumor size. According to multivariate analysis, survival was most influenced by metastasis. Metastasis were found predominantly in lungs. Initial symptoms and Enneking stage were correlated to metastasis (p=0.02 and 0.007, respectively). Infection was the most common complication. FNAB gave the least complication compared to other types of biopsy. LSS gave the highest functional score (83.3%) compared to amputation (61.7%). Patients with local recurrence tend to have poor functional score (p=0.023). Conclusion The highest survival rate for osteosarcoma patients in CMH was found on patients who underwent LSS. Good functional outcome according to MSTS score (83.3%) were found on patients who underwent LSS and free of local recurrence. Poor MSTS score were seen on patients undergone amputation, patients who had had local recurrence, complication and metastasis, Introduction Osteosarcoma is the most common malignant bone tumor seen in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (CMH). Treatment for osteosarcoma includes limb-salvage surgery (LSS), and it is increasingly more frequently performed compared to amputation. This study aims to analyze the outcome of LSS compared to amputation for osteosarcoma patients in CMH. Methods This is a retrospective cohort study to review osteosarcoma patients during 1995-2014 period in CMH. Analysis was performed on survival rate, local recurrence, metastasis, complication, and functional score according to Musculoskeletal Tumor Scoring System (MSTS) for patients underwent LSS or amputation. Kaplan-Meier method was used to determine survival rate, and disease-free survival rate between LSS and amputation. Log-rank analysis was used to determine relationship between patients characteristic. Chi-Square, Exact-Fischer, and Mann-Whitney U tests were used to analyze the correlation between MSTS score and patient characteristics, rate of recurrence, metastasis, and complication. To determine the influence of patient characteristics to survival, Cox regression analysis, Wald Test and backward stepwise multivariate analysis were performed. Results and discussion 5-year survival rate osteosarcoma patients was 14.6%, 5-year survival rate for LSS was 34.8% compared to 15.9% for amputation. Disease-free survival for LSS was 96,2%, while amputation was 86,5%. Survival were influenced by metastasis, type of surgical intervention, and tumor size. According to multivariate analysis, survival was most influenced by metastasis. Metastasis were found predominantly in lungs. Initial symptoms and Enneking stage were correlated to metastasis (p=0.02 and 0.007, respectively). Infection was the most common complication. FNAB gave the least complication compared to other types of biopsy. LSS gave the highest functional score (83.3%) compared to amputation (61.7%). Patients with local recurrence tend to have poor functional score (p=0.023). Conclusion The highest survival rate for osteosarcoma patients in CMH was found on patients who underwent LSS. Good functional outcome according to MSTS score (83.3%) were found on patients who underwent LSS and free of local recurrence. Poor MSTS score were seen on patients undergone amputation, patients who had had local recurrence, complication and metastasis]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Pendahuluan: Fusi interkorpus lumbal adalah pilihan dalam tatalaksana spondilosis degeneratif. Operasi minimal invasif menekankan pada kelebihan dalam mengurangi kerusakan jaringan lunak, jumlah perdarahan dan durasi rawat di Rumah Sakit sehingga dapat meningkatkan derajat pemulihan pasien, status fungsional dan nilai cost-effective. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi luaran pasien yang menjalani operasi terbuka dan minimal invasif. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan restrospektif kohort pada 70 pasien operasi terbuka n=35, minimal invasif n=35 . Evaluasi klinis dan radiologis mencakup nilai VAS, jumlah perdarahan intraoperatif, durasi operasi, paparan fluoroskopi, tingkat fusi pada bulan ke 12, skor ODI untuk penilaian fungsional pasien, serta total biaya. Pasien diobservasi sampai 12 bulan pascaoperasi. Temuan Penelitian: Kedua kelompok menunjukkan hasil luaran klinis pascaoperasi yang baik. VAS nyeri punggung 1 hari pascaoperasi lebih baik secara signifikan pada kelompok minimal invasif p 0,001 , sedangkan VAS nyeri tungkai tidak berbeda secara bermakna pada kedua kelompok. Operasi minimal invasif diasosiasikan dengan berkurangnya jumlah perdarahan, namun terdapat peningkatan paparan radiasi intraoperatif. Evaluasi fusi dalam 12 bulan pascaoperasi tidak berbeda secara bermakna. Kelompok minimal invasif menunjukkan nilai ODI yang lebih baik pada periode 6 dan 12 bulan pascaoperasi. Total biaya berbeda secara bermakna, dimana terdapat angka yang lebih tinggi pada kelompok minimal invasif. Diskusi: Perbandingan antara operasi terbuka dan minimal invasif menunjukkan luaran yang relatif sama. Pada operasi minimal invasif jumlah perdarahan lebih sedikit, namun paparan radiasi lebih tinggi. Nyeri pascaoperasi periode awal lebih pada kelompok minimal invasif. Metode operasi minimal invasif dapat meningkatkan cost-effectiveness dihubungkan dengan kecepatan pemulihan dan waktu untuk kembali bekerja.
Introduction Lumbar interbody fusion is one of the mainstay management in degenerative spondylosis. Minimal invasive surgery emphasize its potential advantages to reduce soft tissue injury, blood loss, length of hospital stay that result in improvement of recovery, functional outcome and cost effectiveness. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the outcomes of patients underwent MIS TLIF and open TLIF. Methods This is a prospective cohort study on total of 70 patients open TLIF n 35, MIS TLIF n 35 . We evaluate VAS for back pain and leg pain, ODI scores, intraoperative bleeding, operation duration, C arm shots, degrees of fusion, and total cost. We observed the patients until 1 year post operation. Results Post operation all the clinical parameter increased in both group compared to pre operative condition. VAS back pain was significantly lower in the MIS TLIF group p
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Anggawiyatna
Abstrak :
Pendahuluan: Berkurangnya kekuatan otot seiring usia sudah dianggap sebagai suatu penyakit degeneratif. Penyebab tersering adalah defisiensi vitamin D. Sebagian besar studi yang ada menunjukkan efek menguntungkan dari supplementasi vitamin D. Namun masih terdapat kontroversi. Tujuan studi ini adalah untuk meninjau secara sistematis tentang efek supplementasi vitamin D terhadap kekuatan otot, berdasarkan hasil dari studi terdahulu.Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan metaanalisis. Dilakukan penelusuran literatur melalui Pubmed, ScienceDirect, dan CENTRAL pada Desember 2017. Studi yang diambil adalah studi RCT, meneliti pengaruh pemberian suplementasi vitamin D dengan luaran klinis kekuatan otot, subjek usia di atas 65 tahun. Qualitas tiap studi dihitung dengan Jadad scale, risiko bias dihitung sesuai Cochrane guideline. Parameter HG, KE, CRT, TUG, dan SPPB diekstraksi dan dilakukan metaanalisis dengan menghitung beda rerata untuk menghitung besar efek.Hasil: 17 studi RCT diikutsertakan dalam penelitian. Qualitas tiap studi berkisar antara sedang-baik. Rentang usia 68,8-86,6 tahun. Lama follow up 3-12 bulan. Dosis vitamin D yang diberikan bervariasi 400-2000 IU/hari, atau 150.000 IU/3 bulan. Didapatkan hasil beda rerata 6.96 1.33, 12.60 untuk parameter KE p 0.02 , beda rerata -5.03 -25.04, 14.98 untuk parameter CRT p 0.62 , beda rerata -2.72 -6.90, 1.45 untuk parameter TUG 0.20 , beda rerata 0.11 -7.94, 8.17 untuk parameter SPPB p 0.98 , dan beda rerata 3.24 0.81, 5.66 untuk parameter HG p 0.009 .Pembahasan: Pemberian suplementasi vitamin D dapat meningkatkan kekuatan otot yang diukur dengan parameter KE dan parameter HG. Namun tidak ditemukan perbedaan bermakna pada penghitungan parameter CRT, TUG, dan SPPB.
Introduction Decreased muscle strength with age is considered a degenerative disease. The most common causes is vitamin D deficiency. Most studies have shown beneficial effects of vitamin D supplementation. However, there are still controversies. This study was aimed to systematically review the effects of vitamin D on muscle strength, based on results from previous studies.Methods This is a metaanalysis study. Literature searches performed through Pubmed, ScienceDirect and CENTRAL in December 2017. Included in the studies were RCTs, which measured the effect of vitamin D supplementation with clinical outcomes of muscle strength, in subjects over 65 years of age. The quality of each study was calculated with Jadad scale, the risk of bias calculated according to Cochrane guideline. Parameters HG, KE, CRT, TUG, and SPPB were extracted and calculating the mean difference to analyse the effect.Result Seventeen RCTs were included. The quality ranged from moderate good. Age range 68.8 86.6 years. Length of follow up 3 12 months. The vitamin D dose varies from 400 2000 IU day, or 150,000 IU 3months. The mean difference was 6.96 1.33, 12.60 for KE p 0.02 5.03 25.04, 14.98 for CRT p 0.62 2.72 6.90, 1.45 for the TUG 0.20 0.11 7.94, 8.17 for the SPPB p 0.98 and 3.24 0.81, 5.66 for HG p 0.009 .Discussion Vitamin D supplementation can increase muscle strength measured by measuring KE and HG. However, there were no significant difference was found in CRT, TUG, and SPPB.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Psoriasis merupakan penyakit autoimun yang disebabkan kelainan genetik dan dipicu faktor lingkungan, penyakit ini menyerang kulit dan sistemik seperti sendi dan kuku. Sel punca mesenkim (SPM) asal tali pusat manusia memiliki kapasitas proliferasi yang tinggi, imunomodulator yang luas dan imunogenitas yang rendah. Penelitian ini menggunakan model tikus psoriasis yang diinduksi dengan krim imiquimod 5% selama 6 hari. Tikus dibagi menjadi kelompok 5 kelompok yang diberi SPM atau Phosphate Nuffer Saline (PBS) secara intradermal atau subkutan serta kontrol normal. Pemberian SPM dan PBS dilakukan sebelum pengolesan krim. Penilaian harian kulit tikus dilakukan dengan skoring modified Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (mPASI). Setelah pembedahan, kulit tikus dianalisa terhadap ekspresi relatif gen Interleukin (IL)-17 dan IL-10. Sebagian kulit difiksasi dengan formalin dan dilakukan pemeriksaan histologi dan imunohistokimia dengan antibodi Anti-CD11b. Analisa statistik memperlihatkan skor mPASI kelompok SPM mengalami penurunan bermakna dibanding kelompok PBS. Ekspresi relatif gen IL-17 menurun dan gen IL-10 meningkat pada kelompok SPM dibandingkan PBS. Pewarnaan Hematoksilin dan Eosin memperlihatkan rerata tebal epidermis dan jumlah kapiler mengalami penurunan pada kelompok SPM dibanding PBS. Rerata jumlah infiltrasi sel CD11b+ kelompok SPM menurun secara bermakna dibandingkan PBS. Penyuntikan SPM terutama intradermal mampu menyebabkan remisi pada lesi lokal kulit psoriasis pada model tikus Wistar. ......Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disease affecting mainly the skin and other parts such as nails and joints. Human umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells (hUC-MSCs) are highly proliferative immunomodulator cells with low immunogenicity. The Psoriasis rat model was induced with 5% imiquimod cream for 6 days. The rats were divided into 5 groups receiving intradermal or subcutaneous injections of hUC-MSCs or Phosphate Buffer Saline (PBS), and a normal control group. MSCs and PBS were administered before cream application. Daily skin assessments were performed using a modified Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (mPASI) scoring system. After harvest, rat skin was analyzed for relative expression of Interleukin (IL)-17 and IL-10 genes. Some skin samples were fixed with formalin for histological examination and immunohistochemistry with Anti-CD11b antibodies. Statistical analysis showed a significant reduction in mPASI scores in the hUC-MSCs group compared to the PBS group. Histology staining revealed a decrease in epidermal thickness and capillary in the hUC-MSCs group. The infiltration of CD11b+ cells significantly decreased in the hUC-MSCs group.  The relative gen expression of IL-17 decreased, while IL-10 gene increased in the hUC-MSCs group. Particularly, intradermal injection of hUC-MSCs induced remission of local psoriasis skin lesions in the rat model.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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