ABSTRAKDi Indonesia angka kematian bayi (AKB) cukup tinggi bahkan paling tinggi di Asia Tenggara. Angka kematian bayi merupakan salah satu indikator yang penting untuk menilai tingkat kesejahteraan suatu bangsa.
Kematian bayi neonatal (0-30 hari) di Indonesia memberikan proporsi terbesar dibanding dengan proporsi segmen kematian bayi lain dalam angka kematian bayi 0-1 tahun. Secara nasional proporsinya ± 40% (Depkes RI, 1991). Di Kabupaten lndramayu 1990 proporsi kematian bayi neonatal itu ± 47% dari kematian bayi 0-1 tahun.
Salah satu kemungkinan penyebab yang berhubungan dengan kematian neonatal adalah anemia ibu hamil.
Masalah anemia pada ibu hamil sudah menjadi masalah nasional dan prevalensi anemia ibu hamil di Indonesia antara 50 - 70% (SKRT,I992).
Penelitian ini bertujuan ingin mendapatkan gambaran tentang seberapa besar hubungan anemia ibu hamil dengan kematian bayi neonatal di Kecamatan Sliyeg dan Gabus Wotan, Kabupaten Indramayu, Jawa Barat.
Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan disain kohort retrospektif dengan data sekunder yang diambil dari data hasil penelitian Study Prospektif KB-Kes oleh PUSKA III di Kecamatan Sliyeg dan Gabus Wotan, Kabupaten lndramayu, Jawa Barat tahun 1991-1992.
Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa bayi yang dilahirkan oleh :
- Ibu hamil dengan anemia berat mempunyai resiko kematian bayi neonatal lebih tinggi 3,36 kali dibanding dengan bayi yang dilahirkan oleh ibu hamil dengan anemia ringan. Hubungan ini bermakna secara statistik dengan p=0,O2.
- Ibu hamil dengan anemia berat mempunyai resiko kematian bayi neonatal lebiih tinggi 1,88 kali dibanding dengan bayi yang dilahirkan oleh ibu hamil tidak anemia.
Dari hasil analisis stratifikasi didapatkan bahwa terdapat faktor-faktor lain yang merupakan faktor resiko dan dapat mempengaruhi hubungan ibu hamil dengan anemia berat dan ibu hamil tidak anemia yaitu antara lain : jarak kelahiran, berat bayi lahir, pelayanan antenatal , umur ibu.
ABSTRACTInfant mortality is still high in Indonesia and even the highest in Southeast Asia. Infant mortality rate constitute one of significance factors to find out a prosperous rank of a nation.Proportion of neonatal mortality (0-30 days) in Indonesia is the highest among other mortality within the first year of life. The proportional is 40% at national wide (Department of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, 1991). Meanwhile, by 1990, neonatal mortality proportion at district Indramayu was 47% of the infant mortality. One factor that is contributory to neonatal mortality is anemia in pregnant mother. The anemia of pregnant mother is a national problem with prevalence between 50% - 70% (SKRT, 1992).The objective of this research is to find out relationship between pregnant mother with anemia and neonatal death at both sub-district Sliyeg and Gabus Wetan, District of Indramayu - West Java.This research is conducted through a cohort retrospective design with secondary data taken from the result of Study Prospective of Family Planning and Health conducted by PUSKA UI at the two sub-districts in 1991-1992.Research findings are babies delivered by:- Pregnant mother who is suffering severe anemia has neonatal death risk about 3,36 times higher than those born by mother suffering from mild-anemia, and this correlation is statistically significant with p=0,02.- Pregnant mother who is suffering severe anemia has neonatal death risk about 1,88 times higher then those born by mother without suffering from anemia.Other factors which are considered as other risk factors and influencing the correlation of pregnant mother with severe anemia and those without anemia and neonatal mortality are: birth distance period, weight of delivery baby, antenatal care, mothers age of delivery.;Infant mortality is still high in Indonesia and even the highest in Southeast Asia. Infant mortality rate constitute one of significance factors to find out a prosperous rank of a nation.Proportion of neonatal mortality (0-30 days) in Indonesia is the highest among other mortality within the first year of life. The proportional is 40% at national wide (Department of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, 1991). Meanwhile, by 1990, neonatal mortality proportion at district Indramayu was 47% of the infant mortality. One factor that is contributory to neonatal mortality is anemia in pregnant mother. The anemia of pregnant mother is a national problem with prevalence between 50% - 70% (SKRT, 1992).The objective of this research is to find out relationship between pregnant mother with anemia and neonatal death at both sub-district Sliyeg and Gabus Wetan, District of Indramayu - West Java.This research is conducted through a cohort retrospective design with secondary data taken from the result of Study Prospective of Family Planning and Health conducted by PUSKA UI at the two sub-districts in 1991-1992.Research findings are babies delivered by:- Pregnant mother who is suffering severe anemia has neonatal death risk about 3,36 times higher than those born by mother suffering from mild-anemia, and this correlation is statistically significant with p=0,02. - Pregnant mother who is suffering severe anemia has neonatal death risk about1,88 times higher then those born by mother without suffering from anemia.Other factors which are considered as other risk factors and influencing the correlation of pregnant mother with severe anemia and those without anemia and neonatal mortality are: birth distance period, weight of delivery baby, antenatal care, mothers age of delivery."