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Pradakso Hadiwidjojo
Abstrak :
Laju pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia yang lebih dari 7% pada tahun 1989 dan 1990 merupakan indikator ekonomi yang menggembirakan, apalagi dengan menyimak pernyataan-pernyataan pemerintah yang menginginkan pertumbuhan ekonoini yang konstan sekitar 5?7% per tahun dengan tirigkat inflasi dipertahankan pada satu digit. Pertumbuhari ekonomi yang konstan dan stabil lebih mudah diikuti dilandingkan dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi yang melonjak-lonjak menakjubkan tetapi bersifat sementara. Dengan semakin berkembangnya kegiatan bisnis, peranan bank sebagai financial institution juga semakin besar. Bank sangat besar peranannya dalam menyediakan jasa-jasa keuangan bagi dunia usaha. Kebijaksanaan uang ketat (TMP = tight money policy) yang dilakukan pemerintah untuk mendinginkan mesin ekonomi yang overheated sedikit banyak mempengaruhi kemampuan bank untuk menyediakan dana bagi dunia usaha. Pasar Keuangan dunia juga masih mengalami overcrowding karena besarnya biaya transformasi dan liberalisasi sosial di negara-negara komunis. Untuk memperoleh pinjaman juga semakin sulit dengan adanya credit Crunch, yaitu keadaan dimana bank-bank semakin berhati-hati dalam memberikan kredit dan sernakin selektif dalam memilih nasabah. Hal tersebut juga disebabkan karena dunia perbankan harus memenuhi Capital adequacy ratio (CAR), yaitu perbandingan antara modal dengan asset sebesar 8%, yang disyaratkan oleh Bank of International Settlements. Di Indonesia, CAR perbankan harus mencapai 5% pada Maret 1992, 7% pada Maret 1993 dan 8% pada Desember 1993. Ketetapan agar Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR) tidak melebihi batas tertentu juga membuat pihak perbankan bersikap konservatif dan melakukan strategi konsolidasi. Tingkat kemacetan kredit yang tinggi telah mendorong banyak bank untuk menyalurkan dana yang mahal tersebut ke sektor?sektor yang relatif kecil resikonya. Bahkan ada kecenderungan bahwa bank-bank di Indonesia lebih suka membeli SBI yang tidak beresiko dari pada menyalurkan dananya untuk kegiatan bisnis dan investasi yang mempunyai resiko. Akibatnya pengendoran TNP yang dilakukan pemerintah tidak terasa efeknya bagi dunia usaha. Hal tersebut rnenyebabkan banyak perusahaan-perusahaan tidak mendapatkan cukup dana untuk melakukan ekspansi usaha ataupun sekedar mempertahankan operation activities mereka sehari-hari. Dengan semakin banyaknya transaksi bisnis yang menggunakan mekanisme kredit untuk pembayaran jasa atau produk yang telah dijual, fund shortage akan semakin terasa dan semakin besar efeknya terhadap kegiatan operasional perusahaan sehari-hari. Mengingat keterbatasan bank dalam pendanaan dunia usaha, kegiatan ANJAK PIUTANG (FACTORING) merupakan alternatif yang sangat menggembirakan bagi para pengusaha. Meningkatnya volume kredit yang berskala besar dengan kegiatan penagihannya yang dirasakan semakin rumit dan menyita waktu serta perhatian yang lebih intensif telah menyebabkan factoring mendapat tempat dan mendapatkan porsi bisnis yang semakin besar. Karya akhir ini dibuat untuk membahas peranan factoring dalam perekonomian Indonesia sebagai instrumen perangsang bagi dunia bisnis dan investasì, termasuk pemanfaatan factoring dalam meningkatkan kegiatan ekspor non-migas.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 1992
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
SJ Arifin
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini membahas tentang perkembangan oligarki di Provinsi Banten. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui latar belakang, penyebab, tahap-tahap, dan bentuk oligarki di Provinsi Banten. Penelitian ini berupaya memaparkan kaitan antara kondisi sosial, ekonomi, dan budaya Banten dengan kemunculan oligarki di Banten. Lebih dalam lagi, penelitian ini akan memaparkan bentuk, struktur, dan sifat oligarki di Provinsi Banten. Pertanyaan pokok dalam penelitian ini adalah, bagaimana proses terbentuknya oligarki di provinsi Banten? Dengan sub-sub pertanyaan, pertama, apa latar belakang dan penyebab terbentuknya oligarki di Provinsi Banten? Kedua, bagaimana fase-fase atau tahapan terbentuknya oligarki di Provinsi Banten? Ketiga, bagaimana bentuk oligarki di Provinsi Banten? Teori utama yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori "Oligarki", dengan teori pendukung yaitu teori "Modal Sosial", teori "Elite Tradisional-Patrimonial", teori "Hubungan Negara dan Masyarakat", dan teori "Rent Seeking Economy". Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif analitis untuk menganalisis data-data yang diperoleh. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui studi pustaka, observasi, dan wawancara mendalam dengan 19 informan; aktifis, pelaku usaha, tokoh jawara, dan akademisi. Temuan penelitian ini adalah semakin kuatnya oligarki sultanistik di Provinsi Banten dengan Tb. Chasan Sochib (kemudian digantikan putranya, Tb. Chaeri Wardana) sebagai oligark tertinggi. Beberapa oligark baru yang kuat telah muncul namun masih dalam kendali Tb. Chaeri Wardana. Implikasi teoritis dari penelitian ini mendukung dan menguatkan teori oligarki yang dikemukakan oleh Jeffrey Winters, terutama mengenai bentuk dan sifat-sifat oligarki sultanistik. Faktor utama penyebab terbentuknya oligarki di Banten menguatkan teori hubungan negara dan masyarakat. Dinamika internal oligarki mendukung teori-teori modal sosial dan elite tradisionalpatrimonial. Sedangkan aktivitas utama oligarki di Banten menguatkan teori rent-seeking. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa demokrasi elektoral pasca Orde Baru di Banten telah didominasi oleh oligark. Oligark terkuat di Banten adalah Tb. Chasan Sochib yang dominasi oligarkisnya berkembang dalam 3 fase, yaitu, pertama, Fase Jawara-Kontraktor (1967- 2001), kedua, Fase Konsolidasi Oligarki (2001-2006), ketiga, Fase Keluarga (2006 hingga sekarang). Bentuk oligarki di Banten saat ini adalah oligarki sultanistik dimana Tb. Chaeri Wardana menjadi figur utama. Oligark-oligark lain tunduk dan dilindungi oleh Tb. Chaeri Wardana. Pertahanan kekayaan dikelola oleh Tb. Chaeri Wardana untuk para oligark. Aktivitas utama oligarki sultanistik di Banten adalah rent seeking terhadap proyek-proyek APBD. ...... The research focuses on the development of oligarchy in the Province of Banten. The objectives of the research are identifying background, cause, steps and forms of oligarchy in the Province of Banten. The research attempts to expose the relations between social, economical, and cultural aspects of the Province of Banten and the emergence of oligarchy. Furthermore, it exposes form, structure, and characteristic of oligarchy in the Province of Banten. The fundamental question of this research is: how was the oligarchy in the Province of Banten established? The fundamental question can be divided into three sub questions: first, what was the background and causes for the establishment of the oligarchy? Second, what was the step of the establishment of the oligarchy? Third, what is the form of the oligarchy? The research uses theory of oligarchy as its main theory, supported by 4 other theories i.e. the theory of social capital, the theory on patrimonial-traditional elite, the theory of state-society relationship, and the theory on rent-seeking economy. The research uses qualitative approach with analytical descriptive method. Data were collected through literature, observations, and in depth interview with 19 informants; activists, businessmen, jawaras, and academicians. The findings of this research is the more powerful of Sultanistic Oligarchy in Banten Province with Tb. Chasan Sochib (later replaced by his son, Tb. Chaeri Wardana) as the supreme oligarch. Some powerful new oligarch have emerged but still under Tb. Chaeri Wardana's control. Theoretical implications of this research have supported and strengthened the theory of oligarchy proposed by Jeffrey Winters, especially on the forms and characteristics of Sultanistic Oligarchy. The main factors causing formation of oligarchy in Banten have strengthened the theory of statesociety relationship. Internal dynamics of the oligarchy have supported the theories of social capital and patrimonial-traditional elite. While the main activity of oligarchy in Banten has strengthened the theory on rent-seeking economy. The Result shows that the post-New Order's electoral democracy in the Province of Banten has been dominated by oligarchs. Tb. Chasan Sochib is the strongest oligarch dominating oligarchs in three phase of development: first, jawara-contractor phase (1967-2001), second, oligarchy consolidation phase (2001-2006), and third, family phase (2006 until present).The present form of oligarchy in Banten is Sultanistic Oligarchy where Tb. Chaeri Wardana becomes the main figure. Other oligarchs follow to and are protected by Tb. Chaeri Wardana. Wealth defense is managed by Tb. Chaeri Wardana for other oligarchs. The main activities of sultanistic oligarchy in the Province of Banten is rent-seeking of state budgeted projects.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Brahmani Hanum Meutiasari
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas mengenai hubungan bisnis dan politik dalam kebijakan pengelolaan sumber daya air. Dengan kasus pemanfaatansumber air Sigedang Kabupaten Klaten oleh PT. Tirta Investama-Danone. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan relasi bisnis dan politik penguasa dengan pengusaha di tingkat Kabupaten Klaten yang mempengaruhi pengelolaan sumber air Sigedang. Penelitian ini akan menjelaskan sebab akibat bekerjanya hubungan bisnis dan politik penguasa dengan pengusaha sebagai dasar dari keputusan penyerahan aset Sigedang kepada PT. Tirta Investama-Danone. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pengaruh terbesar dari proses pengalihan aset sumber air Sigedang kepada PT.Tirta Investama-Danone adalah hubungan bisnis dan politik antara perusahaan dengan elit politik di Kabupaten Klaten pada tingkat eksekutif, legislatif, dan pemerintahan desa. Gerakan penolakan dilakukan oleh petani melalui Koalisi Rakyat Klaten Untuk Keadilan yang mendapat dukungan kelompok birokrat reformis, namun gerakan tersebut tetap masih belum mampu mencapai tujuannya yaitu kajian ulang terhadap keputusan pengalihan aset sumber air Sigedang. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian maka implikasi teori memperlihatkan bekerjanya hubungan bisnis dan politik antara perusahaan dengan penguasa didasarkan pada pencapaian kepentingan pribadi dari kedua belah pihak. Hubungan bisnis dan politik yang berpusat pada Bupati dan perusahaan akhirnya ?menyandera? pemerintah yang tidak dapat bersikap tegas atas masalah ini. Hal ini sesuai dengan tujuan kelompok bisnis yang berupaya ?menyandera? birokrasi dalam bekerjanya pihak swasta pada sebuah kebijakan pemerintah.
This thesis discusses the relations of business and politics in water resources management policy in the case of Water Source Utilization in Klaten by PT. Tirta Investama-Danone. The purpose of this study is to explain political relations of rulers with business people in Klaten which influenced the management of Sigedang water source in Klaten. This study describes the causes and effects of the relations between rulers and businesspeople in making decision to hand the assets of Sigedang to PT. Tirta Investama-Danone. The result of the study shows that the process of transferring the assets of Sigedang water source to PT.Tirta Investama-Danone was strongly affected by the relations between business people and political elites in Klaten at executive, legislative, and village government levels. The protest by farmers through Coalition of People of Klaten for Justice (KRAKED) received a lot of support from reformist bureaucracy group, but it was still unsuccesful to review the decision to transfer the assets of Sigedang water source. Based on theanalysis, this study also theoretically implied that business and political relations between the company and rulers worked based on fulfillment of personal interests of both parties. Business and political relations which centered on the Regent and the company eventuallykeeps the government unable to make decision on this issue. This is consistent with business goal tokeeps the bureaucracy in the work of private parties in a government policy;This thesis discusses the relations of business and politics in water resources management policy in the case of Water Source Utilization in Klaten by PT. Tirta Investama-Danone. The purpose of this study is to explain political relations of rulers with business people in Klaten which influenced the management of Sigedang water source in Klaten. This study describes the causes and effects of the relations between rulers and businesspeople in making decision to hand the assets of Sigedang to PT. Tirta Investama-Danone. The result of the study shows that the process of transferring the assets of Sigedang water source to PT.Tirta Investama-Danone was strongly affected by the relations between business people and political elites in Klaten at executive, legislative, and village government levels. The protest by farmers through Coalition of People of Klaten for Justice (KRAKED) received a lot of support from reformist bureaucracy group, but it was still unsuccesful to review the decision to transfer the assets of Sigedang water source. Based on theanalysis, this study also theoretically implied that business and political relations between the company and rulers worked based on fulfillment of personal interests of both parties. Business and political relations which centered on the Regent and the company eventuallykeeps the government unable to make decision on this issue. This is consistent with business goal tokeeps the bureaucracy in the work of private parties in a government policy, This thesis discusses the relations of business and politics in water resources management policy in the case of Water Source Utilization in Klaten by PT. Tirta Investama-Danone. The purpose of this study is to explain political relations of rulers with business people in Klaten which influenced the management of Sigedang water source in Klaten. This study describes the causes and effects of the relations between rulers and businesspeople in making decision to hand the assets of Sigedang to PT. Tirta Investama-Danone. The result of the study shows that the process of transferring the assets of Sigedang water source to PT.Tirta Investama-Danone was strongly affected by the relations between business people and political elites in Klaten at executive, legislative, and village government levels. The protest by farmers through Coalition of People of Klaten for Justice (KRAKED) received a lot of support from reformist bureaucracy group, but it was still unsuccesful to review the decision to transfer the assets of Sigedang water source. Based on theanalysis, this study also theoretically implied that business and political relations between the company and rulers worked based on fulfillment of personal interests of both parties. Business and political relations which centered on the Regent and the company eventuallykeeps the government unable to make decision on this issue. This is consistent with business goal tokeeps the bureaucracy in the work of private parties in a government policy]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anggia Fardhani Mahesa
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas tentang calon perseorangan dalam Pemilukada Kota Padang Tahun 2013. Jalur perseorangan adalah cara untuk mewujudkan pinsip kesetaraaan dalam politik. Calon perseorangan hadir sebagai solusi dari tuntutan masyarakat akan kecilnya akses politik bagi orang yang tidak memiliki afiliasi dengan partai politik. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa calon perseorangan dalam Pemilukada Kota Padang cenderung memanfaatkan jalur perseorangan untuk mendapatkan kekuasaan. Calon perseorangan juga tak memaknai jalur perseorangan sebagai media represetasi politik yang menghubungan mereka dengan rakyatnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori demokrasi, khususnya yang menjabarkan fenomena defisit demokrasi. Selain teori demokrasi, dalam tesis ini juga dijelaskan konsep rerkutmen politik dan representasi politik.Dalam prinsip demokrasi elektoral, pemilu adalah instrumen utama dalam demokrasi sehingga kehadirannya perlu dipertahankan.Calon perseorangan hadir untuk melengkapi instrumen demokrasi itu.Teori rekrutmen politik yang menyatakan bahwa rekrutmen calon kepala daerah ditentukan oleh faktor popularitas calon dan kekuatan finansial calon.Teori representasi politik digunakan untuk melihat bagaimana para calon memanfaatkan isu politik sebagai alat untuk meraih dukungan
This thesis discusses about the independent candidate in Local Election of Padang 2013. Independent candidate is one way, among others, to achieve, equality in the politics. It solves of the people's demands of political access for people who have no affiliation to any political party. The result of this study shows that in practice independent candidates utilizes the prosedure to gain popular support in the case of Padang. Independent candidates also do not perceive the procedure as a medium of political representation which links them with the people. The case of independent candidate participation in Local Election in Padang 2013 represent the case of democratic deficit. In the principles of electoral democracy, election is the main instrument of democracy so that its presence should be maintained. Independent candidate participation was meant to improve the quality of democracy, especially in terms of equal chance for participation or recruitment. Political recruitment theory states that the recruitment of candidate for the head of district is determined by the popularity of the candidate and the candidate's financial strength. The theory of political representation is used to see how the candidates utilize the political issue as a media to gain support. ;This thesis discusses about the independent candidate in Local Election of Padang 2013. Independent candidate is one way, among others, to achieve, equality in the politics. It solves of the people's demands of political access for people who have no affiliation to any political party. The result of this study shows that in practice independent candidates utilizes the prosedure to gain popular support in the case of Padang. Independent candidates also do not perceive the procedure as a medium of political representation which links them with the people. The case of independent candidate participation in Local Election in Padang 2013 represent the case of democratic deficit. In the principles of electoral democracy, election is the main instrument of democracy so that its presence should be maintained. Independent candidate participation was meant to improve the quality of democracy, especially in terms of equal chance for participation or recruitment. Political recruitment theory states that the recruitment of candidate for the head of district is determined by the popularity of the candidate and the candidate's financial strength. The theory of political representation is used to see how the candidates utilize the political issue as a media to gain support. , This thesis discusses about the independent candidate in Local Election of Padang 2013. Independent candidate is one way, among others, to achieve, equality in the politics. It solves of the people's demands of political access for people who have no affiliation to any political party. The result of this study shows that in practice independent candidates utilizes the prosedure to gain popular support in the case of Padang. Independent candidates also do not perceive the procedure as a medium of political representation which links them with the people. The case of independent candidate participation in Local Election in Padang 2013 represent the case of democratic deficit. In the principles of electoral democracy, election is the main instrument of democracy so that its presence should be maintained. Independent candidate participation was meant to improve the quality of democracy, especially in terms of equal chance for participation or recruitment. Political recruitment theory states that the recruitment of candidate for the head of district is determined by the popularity of the candidate and the candidate's financial strength. The theory of political representation is used to see how the candidates utilize the political issue as a media to gain support. ]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Winda Roselina Effendi
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini berupaya untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis dualisme kewenangan di Kota Batam yang melahirkan konflik kewenangan antara Badan pengusahaan Batam dan Pemerinta Kota Batam. Latar belakang dari dualisme kewenangan ini disebabkan oleh tumpang tindihnya regulasi yang mengatur Kota Batam dan tidak berjalannya reformasi hukum yang mengatur hubungan pusat dan daerah pasca reformasi. Tumpang tindih kewenangan di daerah pasca desentralisasi di Indonesia merupakan gejala umum yang memicu terjadinya konflik kepentingan di daerah. Dalam mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis dualisme kewenangan di Kota Batam digunakan teori konflik, desentralisasi dan pendekatan berbasis negara dalam ekonomi politik serta hubungan pusat dan daerah. Penelitian ini merupakan studi kasus yang dijabarkan berdasarkan metode penelitian kualitatif. Sehingga untuk mengumpulkan data dilakukan dengan cara wawancara mendalam dengan stakeholder dari Badan Pengusahaan Batam, Pemerintah Kota Batam, Pemerintah Provinsi Riau, DPRD, Kamar Dagang Indonesia Kota Batam dan Provinsi Riau. Disamping itu, dilakukan observasi langsung pada dua institusi serta didukung dengan data-data literatur berupa buku, peraturan perundang-undangan, jurnal dan website resmi BP Batam dan Pemko Batam. Untuk mencapai objektifitas penelitian, digunakan teknik triangulasi dengan mengklarifikasi pada Pemerintah Pusat, Akademisi, LSM, Pengusaha dan Masyarakat. Data yang dikumpulkan direduksi dan disajikan, maka diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa dualisme kewenangan antara Badan Pengusahaan Batam dan Pemerintah Kota Batam merupakan akibat dari ketidaktegasan regulasi yang mengatur hubungan antar instansi di daerah serta hubungan pusat dan daerah. Besarnya kepentingan ekonomi politik pusat di Kota Batam. Sehingga, desentralisasi sebagai amanat UUD 1945 tidak dapat berjalan dengan baik di Kota Batam. Untuk dapat mengatasi persoalan di Kota Batam, diperlukan ketegasan sikap politik pusat untuk mengakhiri konflik antar dua institusi ini dan melalui penelitian ini disarankan agar pemerintah pusat memberikan desentralisasi asimetris sebagai reorganisasi stuktur untuk mewujudkan Kota Industri Batam. Dengan demikian penelitian ini dapat menjadi acuan bagi pemerintah pusat dalam mengambil keputusan politik, dan menjadi referensi bagi penelitian-penelitian berikutnya, terutama dalam penelitian terkait desentralisasi dan konflik kepentingan antara pusat dan daerah. ......This research describes and analyze a dualism of authority in Batam that provoke a conflict of authority between BIFZA (Batam Indonesia Free Zone Authority) and Batam city government. This dualism of authority caused by overlap regulation that organize Batam city and legal reform, which control centralization & decentralization in Soeharto era, is not working. This conflict of authority in decentralization area in Indonesia is a general symptoms that trigger conflict of interest in a district. Describing and analyzing dualism of authority in Batam city is using theory of conflict, decentralization, and state-based approach in politic economy and the relation between the capital & district. This research is a study case using qualitative research method. Thereby in collecting the data need to do a deep interview with a stakeholder from BIFZA, Batam city government, Riau Province government, DPRD, Chamber of Commerce in Batam & Riau Province. Direct observation to these two institutions which is supported by literature such as books, legislation, journal & official website of BIFZA & Batam city government. To obtain the objectives of this research, researcher use triangulation techniques that clarifying information from capital government, academics, NGO, enterpreneur, and society. The collected data is reducted and presented. The conclusion is, dualism authority between BIFZA & Batam city government happens from indecision regulation; that control the relation between institutions in a district, the relation between capital and district, and how much politic economy central interest in Batam city. Thereby, decentralization as a mandate from UUD 1945 (State constitution of 1945) cannot work properly in Batam city. To overcome the conflict in Batam city, politic assertiveness from the capital is needed. From this research conclude a reccomendation that capital government give asymmetry decentralization as structur reorganization to gain Batam industry city. Thereby, this research can be a reference for the next research, especially in research about decentralization and conflict of interest between capital government and district.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Keselamatan pasien harus dipenuhi oleh semua Rumah Sakit di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh komunikasi SBAR dalam timbang terima terhadap penerapan keselamatan pasien yang dipersepsikan oleh perawat pelaksana di RSU Bunda Jakarta dan RSU Bunda Margonda. Penelitian ini berupa quasi eksperimen pre & post test nonequivalent control group desain. Teknik sampel adalah purposive sampling dengan total sampel sebanyak 84 perawat pelaksana. Kelompok intervensi mendapatkan pelatihan komunikasi SBAR, pendampingan, dan observasi. Keselamatan pasien diukur dengan kuisioner valid. Data dianalisis menggunakan t dependen test. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan peningkatan penerapan keselamatan pasien yang dipersepsikan oleh perawat pelaksana pada RSU Bunda Jakarta sebesar 8% setelah diterapkan komunikasi SBAR dalam timbang terima (α= 0.05; CI 95% 156.27-163.44). RS perlu membuat kebijakan berupa standar komunikasi SBAR sebagai komunikasi dalam kegiatan timbang terima sehingga dapat meningkatkan keselamatan pasien. ...... Patient safety is a standard for hospitals in Indonesia. Majority of patient safety incidents are caused by communication. This study aimed to determine the effect of SBAR communication during handover on patient safety in Bunda Jakarta Hospital and Bunda Margonda Hospital. This research was a quasi experiment with pre and post-test nonequivalent control group design. Purposive sampling technique was used to reqruit 84 nurses. SBAR training communication, internship, and observation were provided to the intervention group. Patient safety was measured using a validated quistionare. Dependent t test was used to analyze the data collected. It was found that after SBAR communication applied in Bunda Jakarta Hospital, nurses perception about patient safety increased by 8% (p= 0.001; α< 0.05; CI 95% 156.27-163.44). Hospital needs to establish policies to standardize the SBAR communication to improve patient safety.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Novin Yetiani
Abstrak :
Model bimbingan preceptorship dapat memaksimalkan pendidikan klinik keperawatan untuk menambah pengetahuan, keterampilan, kepercayaan diri dan hubungan profesional. Motivasi dianggap sebagai faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap perilaku pegawai untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kinerja. Salah satu cara meningkatkan kinerja organisasi adalah dengan meningkatkan pengetahuan perawat melalui proses bimbingan yang optimal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan implementasi preceptorship dengan motivasi dan kinerja perawat pelaksana di Rumah Sakit. Desain penelitian cross sectional dengan 56 responden diambil secara total sampling. Uji statistik menggunakan Spearman Test menunjukkan adanya hubungan bermakna antara implementasi preceptorship dengan motivasi (r= 0,540, p= 0,001,). Uji statistik Pearson Test menunjukkan ada hubungan antara implementasi preceptorship dengan kinerja (r= 0,184, p= 0,164). Rumah sakit diharapkan mempertahankan metode bimbingan yang ada dan terus melakukan evaluasi.
Model guidance preceptorship can maximize nursing clinical education to increaseknowledge skills confidence and professional relationships. Motivation is considered asfactors that influence the behavior of employees to improve knowledge and performance. One way to improve the performance of the organization is to increase the knowledge ofnurses through the process of optimal guidance. This study aimed to determine therelationship of the implementation of preceptorship with motivation and performance ofnurses in the hospital. Cross sectional study design with 56 respondents taken by totalsampling Statistical test using Spearman test showed a significant relationship between theimplementation of preceptorship with motivation r 0 540 p 0 001. Pearson Test ofstatistical test showed no relationship between the implementation of preceptorship withperformance r 0 184 p 0 164. The hospital is expected to maintain the existing methodsof guidanc and continue to evaluate Keywords Performance motivation preceptorship.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Novinda Putri Utami
Abstrak :
[Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh banyaknya tindak kekerasan yang dialami para TKI sektor domestik ketika bekerja di luar negeri bahkan keadaan ini membawa dampak yang lebih buruk yaitu terdapat TKI yang terjerat hukuman mati terutama di Arab Saudi. Selama ini kebijakan penempatan TKI di luar negeri masih belum dapat melindungi para TKI dari jeratan hukuman mati tersebut, seperti UU No. 39 Tahun 2004 tentang PPTKILN. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mencari jawaban bagaimana implementasi kebijakan perlindungan Pemerintah Indonesia terhadap TKI melalui UU No. 39 Tahun 2004, dan penelitian ini juga ingin mengetahui peran Pemerintah Indonesia dalam memberikan perlindungan pada proses pembebasan TKI Darsem binti Dawud Tawar dan Satinah binti Jumadi Ahmad dari vonis hukuman mati yang diterima di Arab Saudi. Sebagai pijakan teoritis, penelitian ini menggunakan teori konflik dan konsensus dari Maswadi Rauf, teori feminisme sosial dari Irish M. Young dan Allison Jagger, dan perspektif perbudakan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif, sedangkan teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan data-data dan melakukan wawancara mendalam dengan berbagai pihak dari berbagai kementerian terkait seperti Kementerian Luar Negeri, Kementerian Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi, Kementerian Koordinator Politik, Hukum, dan Keamanan, BNP2TKI, dan beberapa orang TKI dari Kabupaten Indramayu yang pernah berangkat ke Arab Saudi. Temuan di lapangan menunjukkan bahwa dalam menyelamatkan Darsem dan Satinah, pemerintah telah melakukan koordinasi dengan berbagai pihak di dalam dan luar negeri serta negosiasi dengan keluarga ahli waris korban terkait besaran uang diyat. Namun, pemerintah tidak dapat hanya mengandalkan membayar uang diyat dalam menyelamatkan TKI terjerat hukuman mati, tetapi harus memperbaiki kebijakan penempatan yang lebih baik karena implementasi aturan hukum yang ada belum mampu mengurangi tindakan kekerasan dan vonis hukuman mati yang dialami TKI di Arab Saudi. Implikasi teoritis menunjukkan bahwa konsep perbudakan masih kuat dalam mindset orang Arab terutama dalam memandang dan memperlakukan para TKI sektor domestik, sehingga tindak kekerasan banyak dialami para TKI dan dalam rangka melindungi dirinya banyak para TKI melawan yang berujung pada pembunuhan dengan ancaman hukuman mati. Untuk menyelamatkan para TKI terjerat hukuman mati seperti Darsem dan Satinah, pemerintah berhasil melakukan konsensus dengan berbagai pihak seperti Pemerintahan Arab Saudi dan keluarga ahli waris korban sesuai dengan pendapat Maswadi Rauf;This research is motivated by the many acts of violence experienced by the domestic sector workers while working abroad and the fact is this situation brings worse impact that there are workers who ensnared the death penalty, especially in Saudi Arabia. During this placement policy workers abroad are still not able to protect the workers from the bondage of the death penalty, such as UU No. 39 of 2004 on PPTKILN. Therefore, this research was conducted to seek answers to how the implementation of the policy of the Indonesian government protection of migrant workers through UU No. 39 of 2004, and this research also wanted to know the role of the Indonesian government in providing protection to the acquisition process TKI Darsem binti Dawud Tawar and Satinah binti Ahmad Jumadi of received death sentences in Saudi Arabia. As a theoretical foundation, this research uses the theory of conflict and consensus of Maswadi Rauf, social feminist theory of Irish M. Young and Allison Jagger, and the perspective of slavery. This research used qualitative methods, while the technique of data collection is done by collecting data and conduct in-depth interviews with various stakeholders from various relevant ministries such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration, Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security, BNP2TKI, and some migrant workers from Indramayu district that went to Saudi Arabia. Field findings show that in rescuing Darsem and Satinah, the government has been coordinating with various parties inside and outside the country as well as negotiations with the heirs of the victim family related diyat amount of money. However, the government can not simply rely pay diyat in rescuing trapped TKI death penalty, but must fix better placement policy for the implementation of existing legal rules have not been able to reduce the violence and the death penalty suffered by migrant workers in Saudi Arabia. The theoretical implication shows that the concept of slavery is still strong in the Arab mindset, especially in view and treat the domestic sector workers, so that acts of violence were experienced by the workers and in order to protect itself against a lot of the workers that led to the murder death penalty. To save the workers trapped death penalty as Darsem and Satinah, the government managed to make consensus with various stakeholders such as the Government of Saudi Arabia and the victim's family heirs in accordance with the opinion of Maswadi Rauf. , This research is motivated by the many acts of violence experienced by the domestic sector workers while working abroad and the fact is this situation brings worse impact that there are workers who ensnared the death penalty, especially in Saudi Arabia. During this placement policy workers abroad are still not able to protect the workers from the bondage of the death penalty, such as UU No. 39 of 2004 on PPTKILN. Therefore, this research was conducted to seek answers to how the implementation of the policy of the Indonesian government protection of migrant workers through UU No. 39 of 2004, and this research also wanted to know the role of the Indonesian government in providing protection to the acquisition process TKI Darsem binti Dawud Tawar and Satinah binti Ahmad Jumadi of received death sentences in Saudi Arabia. As a theoretical foundation, this research uses the theory of conflict and consensus of Maswadi Rauf, social feminist theory of Irish M. Young and Allison Jagger, and the perspective of slavery. This research used qualitative methods, while the technique of data collection is done by collecting data and conduct in-depth interviews with various stakeholders from various relevant ministries such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration, Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security, BNP2TKI, and some migrant workers from Indramayu district that went to Saudi Arabia. Field findings show that in rescuing Darsem and Satinah, the government has been coordinating with various parties inside and outside the country as well as negotiations with the heirs of the victim family related diyat amount of money. However, the government can not simply rely pay diyat in rescuing trapped TKI death penalty, but must fix better placement policy for the implementation of existing legal rules have not been able to reduce the violence and the death penalty suffered by migrant workers in Saudi Arabia. The theoretical implication shows that the concept of slavery is still strong in the Arab mindset, especially in view and treat the domestic sector workers, so that acts of violence were experienced by the workers and in order to protect itself against a lot of the workers that led to the murder death penalty. To save the workers trapped death penalty as Darsem and Satinah, the government managed to make consensus with various stakeholders such as the Government of Saudi Arabia and the victim's family heirs in accordance with the opinion of Maswadi Rauf. ]
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sobalely, Jonas Ricardo F.
Abstrak :
Kemenangan Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan (PDI-P) Pada Pemilihan Umum Legislatif 2014 di Kota Depok Studi mengenai Kemenangan Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan (PDI-P) Pada Pemilihan Umum Legislatif 2014 di Kota Depok ini menjadi penting karena akan memberikan penjelasan tentang faktor-faktor yang berperan dalam kemenangan PDI-P pada Pemilu Legislatif 2014 di Kota Depok Penelitian ini difokuskan pada besarnya perolehan suara yang diraih Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan (PDI-P) dalam Pemilihan Umum Legislatif 2014 di Kota Depok dan faktor-faktor yang berperan terhadap kemenangan tersebut. Untuk menjawab permasalahan tersebut digunakan konsep-konsep dan teori-teori untuk menganalisanya. Konsep dan teori kampanye politik dari Patrick J. Sellers, Riswanda Imawan digunakan untuk melihat mobilisasi partai dengan isu populisme, konsep dan teori perilaku pemilih dari Seymour M. Lipset dan J. Kristiadi digunakan untuk melihat identifikasi partai, dan konsep dan teori ideologi politik dari Terence Ball & Richard Dagger untuk melihat bagaimana sentimen politik. Konsep dan teori kampanye politik dari Riswanda Imawan, serta konsep dan teori strategi politik dari Peter Schroder digunakan untuk melihat peran pengurus dan kader partai dalam memenangkan PDI-P serta strategi apa yang digunakan untuk itu. Dengan menggunakan teknik wawancara mendalam dan studi pustaka, dikumpulkan data-data yang kemudian dianalisa dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif. Kemenangan Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan (PDI-P) pada Pemilu Legislatif 2014 di Kota Depok diraih dengan perolehan suara sebesar 20,05 persen suara dan memperoleh 11 kursi di DPRD Kota Depok. Ada dua faktor yang berperan terhadap kemenangan PDI-P itu, yaitu faktor eksternal yang terdiri dari : (1) Mobilisasi Partai dengan isu populisme; (2) Identifikasi partai; (3) Sentimen politik. Dan faktor internal yang terdiri dari : (1) Peran pengurus dan kader partai; dan (2) Strategi partai. ......The Winning of PDI-P on Legislative Election 2014 in Depok City The background of this research is about the winning of PDI-P on Legislative Election 2014 in Depok City important because it would be showing explanation of the indicators on role play by the strategic of the PDI-P in the 2014 year to win Legislative Election in Depok City. This research focused on the amount of votes achieved by the PDI-P on Legislative Election 2014 in Depok City and also the indicators that contribute to the victory. To answer these problems used the concepts and theories to analyze on it. The concepts and theories of political campaign by Patrick J. Sellers, Riswanda Imawan used to analyze the mobilization of the party by the issue of populism; concepts and theories of voting behavior by Seymour M. Lipset and J. Kristiadi used to see party identification; and at least the concepts and theories of political ideology by Terence Richard Ball & Dagger to row how the political sentiment played. The concepts and theories of political campaign by Riswanda Imawan, as well as the concepts and theories of political strategy by Peter Schroder used to show the role of the board and the party cadres in the result of winning the PDI-P and what strategies are used to achieve it. By using the technique in depth interviews and literature study to collecting data then analyzed by using qualitative methods. The winning of PDI-P on Legislative Election 2014 in Depok City achieved by votes of 20.05 percent in result of the all votes and gained by 11 seats in Parliament of Depok City. There are two indicators that contribute to the victory of The PDI-P?s namely external factors consist of, (1) Mobilization party with the issue of populism; (2) Identification of the parties; (3) Political sentiment. And internal factors which consist of; (1) The role of the structure and the party cadres, and (2) Strategy party.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Iqbal Syafrudin
Abstrak :
Penelitian tesis ini dilatarbelakangi oleh fenomena keterpilihan A.M. Fatwa sebagai anggota DPD RI dalam dua periode berturut-turut sejak Pemilu tahun 2009. Keluarnya Keputusan Mahkamah Kontitusi terhadap judicial review Undang-Undang Nomor 10 Tahun 2008 tentang diperbolehkannya calon anggota DPD dari Partai Politik terutama pada Pasal (12) dan Pasal (67) mengenai syarat anggota DPD telah mengubah konstelasi politik pada Pemilu anggota DPD. A.M.Fatwa muncul sebagai tokoh partai politik yang mampu menggalang dukungan masyarakat sehingga terpilih menjadi anggota DPD pada dua gelaran Pemilu 2009 dan 2014 di daerah pemilihan DKI Jakarta. Modal sosial yang dimiliki dan strategi kampanye yang dijalankan A.M. Fatwa menjadi faktor berpengaruh atas kesuksesannya pada Pemilu tahun 2009 dan 2014. Tesis ini membahas lebih mendalam untuk menemukan jawaban dari pertanyaan penelitian yakni bagaimana modal sosial dan konsep strategi kampanye politik yang dijalankan dapat menentukan keterpilihan AM. Fatwa sebagai anggota DPD RI di daerah pemilihan DKI Jakarta pada Pemilu 2014. Penelitian ini menggunakan konsep modal sosial yang digagas Fukuyama, Robert Putnam, dan Nan Lin dalam menganalisa modal sosial yang dimiliki dan dimanfaatkan A.M.Fatwa sebagai faktor determinan pada Pemilu 2014. Sedangkan kajian pada aspek strategi kampanye, teori yang diungkap Riswandha Imawan tentang door to door campaign dan direct mass campaign, serta teori media kampanye dan komunikasi yamg ditulis Harsono Suardi menjadi teori yang relevan yang digunakan di dalam penelitian. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Jenis penelitian bersifat deskriptif analitis. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara mendalam (indepth interview) terhadap A.M.Fatwa sendiri dengan Khoirun Ketua Fatwa Center, sekaligus tim sukses, Lukman sebagai asisten A.M.Fatwa, Serta telaah dokumentasi juga dilakukan sebagai sumber data sekunder. Hasil temuan menunjukkan bahwa modal sosial dan strategi kampanye menjadi faktor yang berpengaruh besar terhadap keterpilihan A.M.Fatwa sebagai anggota DPD Periode 2014-2019. Penelitian ini mengkonfirmasi dan menegaskan teori yang di ungkapkan Fukuyama, Robert Putnam, dan Nan Lin tentang modal sosial. Penelitian ini juga telah membuktikan bahwa konsep srategi yang di ungkapkan Riswandha Imawan tentang door to door campaign dan direct mass campaign, serta teori media kampanye dan komunikasi yamg ditulis Harsono Suardi menjadi strategi efektif dalam meraih perolehan suara dalam pemilu. ......Based on the election of A.M.Fatwa as a member of DPD RI for two consecutive periods since the 2009 Election, this thesis shows that the decision of the Contitusional Court toward the judical review of Constution No.10 of 2008, mainyl on Article 12 and Article 67, regarding permitting members of political constellation of the DPD election. A.M.Fatwa emerged as a prominent political party figure. Having the abilities to weld support from the people, he is able to be elected twice in the Jakarta Capital Region. His social capital and campaign strategy is major during his DPD RI Election in 2009 and 2014. This thesis will discuss further on how A.M.Fatwa's social capital and political campaign strategy became a deciding factor in his being a member of DPD RI representing Jakarta Capital Region in the 2014 election. In analyzing the social capital owned and implemented by A.M.Fatwa as the determining factor in the 2014 Election, this research applies the social capitalconcept iniated by Fukuyama, Robert Putnam, and Nan Lin. In analyzing the campaign strategy, Riswandha Imawan's door to door compaign and direct mass campaign, as well as Harsono Suwardi's theory of campaign media and communication are used due to their relevance. This research is compassed using a qualitative approach, and is analytically descriptive. Furthermore, the information gathered on A.M. Fatwa are collected through in-depth interview with Khoirun, the head of Fatwa Center as well as a member of the team that brougth the election to its success, An in-depth interview with A.M.Fatwa's assitant, Lukman was held to gather information. In addition, a documentation was executed as a from of secondary data source. The principal findings of this study shows that the social capital and campaign strategy is a major influencing factor in A.M.Fatwa's DPD election during the 2009-2014 Period. This research confirmed and affired thoery which was relevaed by Fukuyama, Robert Putnam, and Nan Lin about social capital. This research also proved that the strategy concept revealed by Riswandha Imawan about door to door campaign and direct mass campagin, and the campaign media and communication theories written by Harsono Suardi became the effective strategy in gaining the A.M.Fatwa vote ini 2014 General Election.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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