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Sri Setianingsih Suwardi
Abstrak :
Disertasi ini mencoba untuk mempelajari masalah Aspek Hukum Panjanjian Pinjaman Antara Republik Indonesia (RI) dan Bank Dunia (BD) Serta Penarapannya Dalam Hukum Nasional Indonesia. Perjanjian Pinjaman antara RI dan BD merupakan perjanjian internasional yang tunduk pada hukum internasional (pasal 10.01 G.C. IBRD/IDA). Perjanjian pinjaman itu mengatur masalah tentang pinjaman uang maka ketentuan- ketentuan yang terdapat dalam perjanjian itu mirip dengan perjanjian pinjaman kumersial. Perbedaannya dangan perjanjian komersial biasa adalah adanya ketentuan-ketentuan yang terdapat dalam perjanjian pinjaman antara RI dan BD yang tidak terdapat dalam perjanjian kmmersial biasa, yaitu menyangkut masalah-masalah pelaksanaan proyek yang diatur oleh hukum administrasi negara. Oleh karena itu dalam melakukan pendekatan atas perjanjian pinjaman antara RI dan BD dilakukan secara transnasiunal. Bank Dunia dalam memberikan pinjaman berkepentingan agar pinjamannya dipergunakan seefektif mungkin. Guna mencapai tujuan tersebut maka Bank Dunia membuat peraturan-peraturan yang dijadikan padoman dalam memberikan pinjaman. Peraturan-peraturan standar tadi misalkan General Condition (B.C.), y-,. Pedoman Prokuremen (G.P.) dan lain-lain. Ketentuan standar tadi marupakan ketentuan yang diperlakukan dalam perjanjian pinjaman, namun masih dapat dirundingkan untuk disesuaikan dengan sifat proyek yang dibiayai oleh pinjaman Bank Dunia. Adanya ketentuan- ketentuan dalam G.C. dan G.P, yang terdapat dalam perjanjian pinjaman ditambah adanya sistem Iifh cycle, maka BD dimungkinkan dapat campur tangan dalam pelaksanaan proyek. Hal ini tidak hanya manyangkut masalah teknis dan ekonomi, tetapi juga menyangkut masalah hukum. Perjanjian pinjaman antara RI dan BD merupakan perjanjian internasional yang langsung dapat berlaku setelah penandatanganan tanpa memerlukan ratifikasi oleh DPR. Hasil penelitian penulis menunjukkan bahwa perjanjian pinjaman RI dan BD didahulukan dari ketentuan perundang-undangan nasional (primat hukum internasional). Perjanjian pinjaman antara RI dan BD dalam suasana nasional masih diikuti oleh perjanjian lainnya, misalkan perjanjian penerusan dan perjanjian proyek. Masalah yang dihadapi dari penerapan perjanjian pinjaman antara RI dan BD adalah belum-adanya kemantapan dalam pengaturan nasional. Pengaturan pelaksanaan pinjaman luar negeri pengaturannya belum sesuai déngan rumitnya masalah yang dihadapi. Personil pelaksanaan proyek di lapangan banyak yang kurang memahami aturan-aturan yang harus dilaksanakan sesuai dengan perjanjian pinjaman. ......This dissertation is trying to study the problem on the legal aspects of the loan agreement between the Republic of Indonesia and the world Bank and its implementation within the Indonesian National Law. The loan Agreement between the Republic of Indonesia and the World Bank constitutes an international agreement (article 10.10 G.C. IBRD/IDA). The loan agreement regulates problems concerning the loan, therefore the provisions reflected in the agreement are similar to those in commercial loan agreement. The differences with the normal commercial loan agreement are that in the loan agreement between the Republic of Indonesia and the World Bank there are some regulations which do not appear in the normal commercial agreement, such as the regulations about the implementation of the project which are regulated by administration law. Therefore, the approach to study the loan agreement between the Republic of Indonesia and the world Bank should be done through transnational approach. The World Bank in providing the loan has the interest that the loan should be used effectively. To achieve the said objectives, the world Bank made some provisions as a guidelines in providing loan. Those standard provisions are among others the General Condition (GC), Guidelines for Procurement (GP) etcetera. Those standard provisions have become the regulations applied in the loan agreement. However, it is negotiable in line with the nature of the project which are financed by the loan from the World Bank. The existence of those standard Drovisions (GC, GP) which appear in the loan agreement together with the life cycle system made possible for the world Bank to intervene in the execution of the financed projects. This was not only effecting the technical and economic matters but also involving legal matters. The loan agreement between the Republic of Indonesia and the World Bank is an international agreement which shall be directly come into force after signing, without ratification by the parliament. The result of my research shows that loan agreement between the Republic of Indonesia and the World Bank is given high priority vis a vis the national law (primate of international law). The application of the loan agreement between the Republic of Indonesia and the World Bank in our national law is still followed by other agreements, such a subsidiary loan agreement and project agreement. The problems exist from the implementation of the loan agreement between the Republic of Indonesia and the World Bank have shown that there is no stability in the national regulations. The regulation of the execution of the foreign loan is not yet in line with the complexity of the problems faced. The executors at almost all fields mostly are not familiar with the regulations which have been done according to the provisions of the loan agreement.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 1995
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wiratni Ahmadi
Abstrak :
pajak yang reguleren kurang diperhatikan. Padahal apabila kedua fungsi pajak tersebut dilaksanakan secara sinkron (selaras), maka tidak saja pemerintah mendapat dana yang diharapkan tetapi tujuan Iain dan pengenaan pajak, misalnya dalam bidang pertananan dapat tercapai.

Dalam fungsinya yang budgeter, pungutan pajak tanah (PBB) sebagaimana diatur daIam Undang Undang Nomor 12 tahun 1986 dengan Sistem Informasi Obyek Pajaknya telah berhasil. Hal tersebut dapat diketahui dengan adanya kenaikan reailisasi penerimaan sebesar 23.8% per tahun dalam Repelita IV.

Untuk menentukan besar kecilnya pajak tanah yang terhutang, data dan Badan Pertanahan Nasional sangat membantu karena informasi yang diperoleh Iebin akurat, namun mengingat obyek tanah terdaftar balum mencapai kurang Iebih 20 % dari seluruh tanah yang ada di Indonesia yang seharusnya terdaftar, maka PBB untuk kepentingan pengenaan pajaknya telah menetapkan suatu sistem yang dirancang khusus untuk pendataan, penilaian, penetapan dan pemungutan pajak.

Untuk pemerataan pendapatan maka sebaiknya bea balik nama atas tanah dan/atau bangunan perlu dihidupkan kembali termasuk pengalihan hak atas harta warisan serta hibah yang berdasarkan Undang Undang Pajak Penghasilan telah dibebaskan pengenaannya, sehingga diharapkan penumpukan kekayaan yang berlebihan dapat dicegah.

Demikian pula pajak yang dikenakan atas kenaikan nilai tanah (capital gain) sebagaimana diatur dafam PP. Nomar 48/1994 perlu disempumakan, sehingga selain berguna bagi penerimaan negara hal tersebut akan berguna bagi ketertiban administrasi pertananan, perpajakan serta diharapkan dapat mencegah usaha manpulasi dan spekulasi tanah.

Suatu koordinasi yang baik antara instansi terkait yaitu Direktur Jenderal Pajak, dan Pertanahan Nasionai (BPN), Pemerintah Daerah dan Dinas Pekerjaan Umum sangat dibutunkan seningga tidak terdapat tumpang tindih dalam pengaturan dan penerapan serta efisiensi untuk dilaksanakan.
This dissertation analyzes the problem oi land taxation as an instrument of synchronizing land based tax policies and land policies in indonesia.
Considering the research of this dissertation provides that the law of the land and building tax as a property tax in indonesia, has just used to generate revenue for State?s Budget, but as a tool of redistribution of income and controlling the use of land to be uiilitized more optimally has not been implemented yet.

A historicall research of the development of land based tax policies in indonesia as well as comparison with another countries gives the possibility for the government of indonesia to form new policies in land taxation, so that the land policies which is political will of the govemment may be attained, that is the reorganization of land reform in indonesia which has the goal of utilitizing land in accordance with its potential, besides limiting the ownership or occupation of excess land for speculation purposes.

Based on the state?s souvereignity over land as enacted in article 33, paragraph 3 of the UUD 1945 juncto Article 2 UUPA (Basic Agrarian Law) and several guidance from GBHN and REPELITA (Five Years Development Planning) constitute the right of the govemment to organize the land use as well as levying taxes on land.

Meanwhile the government tries to increase the revenue of State's Budget from tax sector, because the govemment could not depend on oil and LNG anymore, due to that oil and LNG are non-renewable resources and the unpredictable influence ot fluctuation of the said prices from other countries.

Considering that, the capital demand for development is growing rapidly every year, the budgetaire function of tax is more occured, comparing with the other function ot tax, that is a regulate function. if the two functions of taxation are  implemented synchronize, the government will receive the revenue from land taxation as well as the goal of the land policy can also be achieved.

The budgetaire function of land and building tax (PBB) as enacted in Law No. 12/1986 with the information management system of tax object (Sistem lntormasi Objek Pajaic - SlSMlOP) has been succeeded, the effort can been seen by the increasing revenue with the persentage of 23,8% during REPELITA lV.

To determine the taxable value of land, the data collected from the Agrarian Oltice (BPN) will have the positive impact because the information from the land registration are more accurate, but in meantime the registered land is still 20% of supposed aggregate land in indonesia, so PBB for the purpose of levying the tax has stipulated a system especially designed for data collecting, evaluation assesrnent and tax collection.

To achieve a better redistribution of income the transfer tax of regristration of ownership of land and building as well as over inheritance and gilt, which that later matter are exempted from the levying tax according to income Tax in indonesia.

lt has mention above that the tax levied on increased land value as regulated in the govemtment regulation Number 48/1994 need to be revised, so that besides the tax used for governments budget, it is also useful for the law and order in land administration and preventing from land speculation and manipulation.

An inter-institutional coordination mechanism should be esttablished among related institutions e.g; Directorate General ot Tax, The Agrarian Ottice (BPM), The Departement of Public Works and the Local Govemment, so it is expected that there will be no overlapping between them and efficiency will be realized.
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bagir Manan
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library