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Sri Astuti
Abstrak :
Studi Keankaragaman Hayati Di Situs Song Keplek Punung Pegunungan Sewu, Kabupaten Pacitan, Jawa Timur Pasca Sarjana Biologi-FMIPAUI,2000 Penelitian fosil polen dan spora di Danau Wuyang Warak dan Kerta Gebang Kawasan karst Pegunungan Sewu, Jawa Timur, dilakukan pada 3 periode, yaitu : 20 - 23 Desember 1997, 26 28 April 1998, dan tanggal 7 - 8 Maret 1999. Pengambilan contoh tanah dilakukan dengan teknik pengeboran sampai kedalaman ± 6 m. Di setiap lokasi diambil masing-masing dua contoh tanah. Pengamatan polen dan spora menggunakan mikroskop binokuler transmisi merek Leits dengan perbesaran 1.250 kali. Determinasi dilakukan pada foto polen menggunakan buku- buku acuan ; Erdtman (1943 & 1986), Hyde & Adams (1958), Kapp (1969), Huang (1972), Moore & Webb (1978), Morley (1977), Murillo & Bless (1978) dan foto-foto koleksi laboratorium eksploitasi LEMIGAS, Jakarta serta preparat dan slide yang telah teridentifikasi. Hasil identifikasi fosil polen dan spora mengindikasikan bahwa di daerah penelitian pernah menjadi habitat bagi tumbuhan mangrove, back mangrove, hutan rawa air tawar, hutan hujan pegunungan bawah, hutan hujan pegunungan atas dan bawah, serta riparian. Masyarakat di kawasan karst Kecamatan Punung Pegunungan Sewu mengupas lapisan kapur pada lahan yang datar dan setengah miring untuk dijadikan sawah dan kebun serta menanam jenis tanaman yang dianggap mempunyai nilai ekonomi tinggi tanpa mernperdulikan kemampuan medium tumbuh. Pola eksploitasi pertanian tradisional yang ada yaitu pola pertanian di Pulau Jawa yang intensif dan pola di luar Pulau Jawa dengan cara tebas bakar dan masa kosong. Pola pertanian di kawasan karst Pegunungan Sewu berkembang akibat adanya pertambahan penduduk, pemekaran pemukiman dan daerah pertanian yang menggunakan pola bertani intensif dengan memanfaatkan daerah-daerah marginal atau hutan lindung.
Situs Song Keplek is one of the pre-historic sites which is located at Kecamatan Punung apart the Sewu mountain limestone formation right in the border of Central and East Java provinces. The limestone formation of the Sewu mountain had undergone several physiographic transformations since the Pleistocene time or from two million years ago up to the present. This study is intended to describe past ecosystem Situs Song Keplek based on fossilized pollens and spores escavated from the sites and present floral composition of the situs. The research was carried (conducted) out in three different visits on December 20 - 23, 1997; April 26 - 28 1998, and March 7 - 8 1999. The fossil samples were taken from the bottom or the sediment of Wuyang Warak lake which is still watered up until today and Kerta Gebang lake which is only seasonally watered. The study identified 53 species of 29 families of plants. In Wuyang Warak lake, it was found 29 species of angiosperms and 9 species of pteridophytes with high frequency of Monoprites annulatus (83 pollens), followed by Cyatides sp. (50 spores), Blechnum fraxineum (46 spores), Lycopodium elavatum (28 spores), Podocarpus amaurus (28 pollens), and Lycopodium microphyllum (27 spores). In Kerta Gebang lake, there were 17 species of angiosperms and 18 species of pteridophytes with high frequency of Monoprites annulatus (210 pollens), followed by Podocarpus amaurus (163 pollens), Pteris ensiformis (17 spores), Selaginella sp. (11 spores), and Mimosa sp. (10 pollens). Sorensen similarity indeks reveals an index of 24% similarity of pollens and spores between two lakes.This figure indicates that the two locations were different in term of their floral compositions which were probably due to their different physiographic environment altitude during the past. Approximately about 10000 years ago, the sites probably composed of the mangrove back mangrove fresh water tropical rain forest and riparian ecosystems. The incontinuity of the vegetation pattern in the area could be related to the change of the climate as well as by the presence of human being in the environment since long time. The findings of Wuyang Warak and Kerta Gebang lakes show a similarity with those of Julianto (1994) who conducted a research in Nampol formation, Jaten formation, and Andjarwati (2000) who conducted a research in Situs Kali Banjar and Situs Gua Tabuhan. The pollen and spore fossils found in Jaten formation concisted of 53 species and 5 families of plants, while in Jaten formation concisted of 32 species and 5 families of plants, in Situs Kali Banjar, the pollen and spore fossils were from 21 familiesof plants and in Situs Gua Tabuhan were from 16 families of plants. Karst vegetation of the Sewu mountain is not various and mostly composed of wild bushes grows covering the slope of the hill. This is because the people replace the formely existing forest with vegetation of economic value. Our record on the Baduy practice of agriculture, indicates that traditional wisdom contribute to the conservation of the environment as well as the variety of the local plants and forest. The slash and burn practice of agriculture does not disturb the soil surface, hence proverigation of the soil is prevented.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwi Pangestu
Abstrak :
Palm Kernel Meal is solid waste from Palm Oil extraction (Ng, 2003). Akubuo & Eje (2002) reported that mechanical extraction produced Palm Kernel Oil (PKO) dan Palm Kernel Meal (PKM). Perez (1997) mentioned that Palm Kernel Meal contains rich arginin, leusin, and sistein matters. Hem et al., (2008), utilizing Palm Kernel Meal pass through bioconversion process for developing larvae Hermetia illucens L. as alternative natural feedstuff in aquaculture industry. Macromolecule composition of Palm Kernel Meal like cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin can be degrade to be simply compound and can be used by another organism like larvae Hermetia illucens L. in bioconversion process. Bioconversion Palm Kernel Meal for feedstuff nutrition consist with microorganism assistance. Suharyanto et al., (2006) define bioconversion as a certain biological process which involving microorganism or enzyme that can change organic matters. Slime molds have great play role in process reduction macromolecule composition of Palm Kernel Meal. Molds have enzyme which can reduce cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin become more simple compound. Study about fermentation fungi already been done through isolation, identification, and fungi screening. However, only a few study about fungi related consist in process bioconversion Palm Kernel Meal reported in Indonesia. This study consist of two part. First part describes the isolation, identification, and growth screening fungi from bioconversion Palm Kernel Meal. Second part of this study describes the fermentation Palm Kernel Meal by selected indigenous fungi. The selected indigenous fungi obtained from result of the first part. The fermentation result included ash matters, crude fiber, crude protein and dry matters experiment. The study was carried out at the Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement (IRD) Laboratory, Depok and the Laboratory of Microbiology, Departement of Biology, UI, Depok during April?Oktober 2009. The isolation of fungi was conducted with spread methods on Potato Dectrose Agar (PDA). Identification of the isolates was carried out on Potato Dectrose Agar (PDA), Czapeck Dox Agar (CDA), and Malt Extract Agar (MEA) based on macroscopic and microscopic morphological observation of the colonies. The Mimura agar (MA) was used for growth fungi screening. The isolation resulted in 15 representative isolates consisting of 4 group of fungi (Aspergillus, Mucor, Penicillium, and Geotrichum). Based on 7 days periods of fermentation processing, Mucor groups had the highest frequency distribution and Geotrichum had the highest quantity. After the growth fungi screening, 4 isolates (P3, P4, P10, P15) was selected for futher study in part II. Microscopic identification showed P3 (Penicillium chrysogenum), P4 (Mucor racemosus), P10 (Aspergillus flavus), and P15 (Geotrichum candidum). Mucor racemosus was the most wide diameter colony on Mimura agar?MA (9 cm) comparing to other isolates. These selected fungi was used for fermentation of Palm Kernel Meal as inoculant. After process bioconversion which fermented was done, proximate analysis were carried out to examine crude protein, crude fiber, ash matters, and dry matters. Ng (2003) methods was used for this Palm Kernel Meal fermentation and Hart & Fisher (1971) was used for proximate analysis. The results after 7 days fermentation showed that the increased nutrition of crude protein composition of Palm Kernel Meal fermented by fungus Aspergillus flavus (1,33%), Geotrichum candidum (5,90%), Mucor racemosus (0,29%), and Penicillium chrysogenum (12,09%). The increased crude fiber contains fermented by Aspergillus flavus (3,03%), Geotrichum candidum (1,93%), Mucor racemosus (4,32%), and Penicillium chrysogenum (14,11%). Chemical cellulose structure and fungi species influence the difference percentage of crude protein and crude fiber. Chemical cellulose structure which amorf shape was more easy to degrade better than crystal shape. Fungi species have difference complexity enzymes (cellulose, hemicellulose, ligninase) and optimum growth level. High oil that can blocked the optimum growth of fungi and raising temperature matter that have involved in aeration and water activity alteration were another influence factor that have made difference percentage of crude protein and crude fiber.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Devintha Anggraeni
Abstrak :
Today, Indonesia has the largest palm oil plantation in the world. Palm area in Indonesia, in 2008, according Ditjenbun, Department of Agriculture, estimated to reach 7 million ha (Ditjenbun Deptan 2009). Palm fruit produced by palm oil trees collected in bunches, therefore, often called as Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFB). FFBs are then transported to the factory for further process to produce palm oil. The main product of oil mill is Crude Palm Oil (CPO) and Palm Kernel Oil (PKO). In 2008, about 90,5 ton FFB yielded 18,1 ton of CPO from the fruit (mesocarp) and 2,1 ton of PKO from the nut (palm kernel) (Naibaho 1998; Ditjenbun Deptan 2009; PPKS 2010). When the nut is processed, it yields PKO, Palm Kernel Meal (PKM), and shell. The PKM is the solid part remaining from palm kernel after the extraction of PKO by a mechanical screw pressing. From 90,5 ton of processed FFB can produce about 2,5 ton of PKM. The number of this by-product always be increased due to the growth of the oil palm industry in Indonesia. Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD) has done researches about the application of palm oil industry waste (PKM) as fish feed through bioconversion process using maggot. Maggot is Hermetia illucens L. larvae that has the ability to convert organic material (PKM) into it's biomass. Maggot biomass has then been used to feed fish (Hem et al 2008b). This bioconversion process of PKM using maggot produced waste, which is called Bioconversion Fertilizer Palm Kernel Meal (BFPKM). The aim of this study is to know the effect of BFPKM, as organic fertilizer, to Vigna unguiculata L. Walp (yardlong bean) var. mutiara. The study was held in Balai Riset Ikan Hias and IRD laboratorium Depok, on July until October 2008. This research is an experimental study using a randomized complete design. The parameters observed including the growth of stems, leaves, flowers, pods and roots, between the plants cultivated with BFPKM and without BFPKM. The result shows that BFPKM as organic fertilizer tend to gave a positive effect on the growth of stem, leaf, flower and pod. BFPKM also seem to stimulate the formulation of new branches and make earlier formation of flower. Inside underground, BFPKM tend to show indication to stimulate the growth of the root faster and more branching. Well root development could give more nutritions supply to whole of plant. It was showed by this study. BFPKM supplies nitrogen, phospor, and potassium for plant's growth. That nutriens are needed by plant to grow. So, this study shows that BFPKM can be applied as organic fertilizer that seem to give effect in the growth of yardlong bean.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Teguh Yudana Y.
Abstrak :
Keputusan mengalirkan Lumpur sidoardjo yang berasal dari sumur pengeboran milik PT. Lapindo ke Taut melalui Sungai Porong merupakan keputusan terbaik. Perbedaan karakter antara Lumpur Sidoardjo dengan lumpur yang telah ada di pesisir serta volume yang besar dari lumpur sidoardjo dikhawatirkan akan memengaruhi ekosistem yang ada di Muara Sungai Porong, terutama mangrove. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman spesies mangrove yang ada di Muara Sungai Porong, perbedaan karateristik media Iumpur sidoardjo dengan Iumpur pesisir, kelulushidupan dan pertumbuhan mangrove pada media tanam yang berasal dari Iumpur Sidoardjo (LUSI), Iumpur pesisir Sidoardjo (LUPES) dan penambahan kompos. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Nopember 2006 -. April 2007. Ada 4 spesies yang digunakan dalam penelitian, yaitu Rhizophora mucronata, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, Ceriops tagai dan Avicennia marina. Propagul keempat spesies tersebut ditanam pada 5 jenis media tanam yang berbeda dan terendarn secara alami oleh pasang aural harian. Tinggi dan jumlah mangrove yang masih hidup dicatat setiap minggu selama 18 minggu. Secara umum ada 14 spesies mangrove yang ditemukan di Muara Sungai Porong. Avicennia marina dan Rhizophora mucronata merupakan spesies yang mendominasi kawasan tersebut. Analisis pada media tanam memperlihatkan ukuran butir LUSI sedikit lebih besar daripada LUPES. Kandungan unsur C pada LUST (1,51%) lebih kecil dibandingkan LUPES (4,63%). Persentase hidup setiap spesies pada setiap media tanam berbeda-beda. Rhizophora mucronata mampu bertahan baik.di media LUPES (97%), Ceriops tagal pada media LUSI (100%), LUSI+K dan LUPES (90%) dan Avicennia marina mampu bertahan baik pada semua media dan Bruguiera gymnorrhiza tidak mampu bertahan pada semua media. Perbedaan media tanam tidak berpengaruh nyala terhadap pertumbuhan Rhizophora mucronata, Avicennia marina dan propagul Ceriops tagal, namun tidak pada Bruguiera gymnorrhiza. Kemampuan toleransi terhadap kondisi Iingkungan, kualitas dari propagul menjadi faktor utama selain karakter dari media tanam. Lokasi di area pasang surut dengan salinitas Tinggi diduga bukan habitat yang cocok untuk Bruguiera gymnorrhiza selain ketersediaan propagul yang terbatas untuk spesies tersebut.
The (government) decision to discharge mud effluent into the sea was believed to be the best solution to overcome the mud volcano problem generated by PT Lapindo drilling well. However, its mud different character and volume suspected will be influence the surounding estuary ecosystem especially the mangrove. The study aimed to investigate mangrove diversity in Porong estuary where the mud is poured, characteristics of 'Sidoarjo's mud' and orignal coastal mud, and growth and viability of mangrove planted on 'Sidoarjo's mud' (LUSI) and original coastal mud (LUPES) and its combination with organic fertilizer. The study was conducted between Nopember 2006 - April 2007. There were four mangrove species employed for this experiment i.e.: Rhizophora mucronata, 8ruguiera gymnorrhiza, Ceriops tagal dan Avicennia marina. Propagule of those four species was planted on five different planting-medium combination and positioned in mangrove floor where they could naturally inundated by daily tide. The plant height and viability was then recorded weekly for 18 weeks period. In general there were 14 species of mangrove found in the area, and Avicennia marina and Rhizophora mucronafa were the most dominan species. The difference between LUSI and LUPES medium is mainly on its grain size where LUSI's mostly bigger than LUPES's. The nutrient content was also slightly different where carbon (C) in LUSi was 1,51% while LUPES 4,63%. Viability of each species on each planting-medium was vary Rhizophora mucronata growth very well (97%) in LUPES medium, while Ceriops tagal growth 100% in LUSI and LUSI+ compost medium and 90% in LUPES medium. Avicennia marina grew in all medium but in contrast, none of Bruguiera gymnorrhiza propagules could growl. The medium in fact was not significantly influenced the growth of propagule except for Bruguiera gymnorrhiza. High life tolerance to different environmental condition and propagule quality could be more dominant factors influencing propagle growth rather than planting medium. In the case of failure growth of Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, tide regime and water salinity probably were the most dominant cause.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pipit Marianingsih
Abstrak :
Telah dilakukan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk menginduksi respons pertahanan tanaman tembakau oleh lipopolisaakrida (LPS). LPS diekstraksi dari bakteri Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci (Pta) dan P. syringae pv. glycinea (Pgl). Respons pertahanan tanaman yang diamati adalah deposisi callose dan ekspresi gen terkait pertahanan (PAL, HIN 1 dan HSR 203J). Untuk pengamatan deposisi callose, daun tembakau diinfiltrasi dengan LPS Pta dan Pgl (400 µg/ml dan 800 µg/ml) serta diinkubasi selama 24 dan 48 jam. Selanjutnya, klorofil daun diluruhkan menggunakan larutan laktofenol dan diwarnai dengan aniline blue. Deposisi callose diamati dibawah mikroskop fluoresensi. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan LPS bakteri Pgl menginduksi deposisi callose lebih banyak dibandingkan LPS bakteri Pta. Pengamatan ekspresi gen-gen terkait pertahanan dilakukan pada daun tembakau yang diinfiltrasi dengan 400 µg/ml LPS bakteri Pta and Pgl, serta diinkubasi selama 6 jam. Hasil RT-PCR terhadap daun tembakau menunjukkan LPS bakteri Pta dan Pgl mampu menginduksi ekspsresi gen HIN 1, tetapi tidak mampu menginduksi ekspresi gen PAL dan HSR 203J. Gen HIN 1 terekspresi lebih kuat pada daun tembakau yang diinduksi oleh LPS bakteri Pgl daripada LPS Pta. Hasil penelitian mengindikasikan bahwa LPS bakteri Pgl menginduksi respons pertahanan daun tembakau lebih baik daripada LPS bakteri Pta.
The aim of this study is to know the induction of tobacco defense responses by using lipopolysaccharides (LPS) which extracted from two phytopathogen, Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci (Pta) and P. syringae pv. glycinea (Pgl). The plant defense responses that observed are callose deposition and expression of defense-related genes (PAL, HIN 1 and HSR 203J). To detect callose deposition, tobacco leaves were infiltrated with 400 µg/ml and 800 µg/ml LPS Pta and Pgl, then incubated for 24 or 48 hr. Tobacco leaves were cleared in lactophenol solution, stained with aniline blue, then visualized by fluorescence microscopy. The result showed that LPS from Pgl induced more callose deposition than that from Pta in tobacco leaves. To investigate defense-related genes expression, tobacco leaves were infiltrated with 400 µg/ml LPS extracted from Pta and Pgl, then incubated for 6 hr. Analysis of defense-related genes expression were conducted by RT-PCR and visualized by electrophoresis on a 1.8% agarose gel. The result showed LPS Pta and Pgl can induce expression of HIN 1 gene in tobacco leaves, but can not induce the PAL and HSR 203J genes. The HIN 1 gene was highly expressed in tobacco leaves induced by LPS Pgl. The result indicates that tobacco could effectively recognize LPS of nonhost pathogen Pgl but not in host pathogen Pta.
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rika Prihatiningsih
Abstrak :
Telah dilakukan penelitian terhadap tiga variasi bentuk bunga Hibiscus rosa¬sinensis L. (single, crested dan double) di kampus UI depok. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ketiganya berbeda dalam jumlah petal, stamen dan pistillum. Bunga single memiliki 5 petal, stamen 46--101 (x=78,68). Bunga crested memiliki petal tambahan berupa staminodium petaloid (7--28, x=19,01), intermediet stamen-petal (1--21, x=9,2), dan stamen (0--44, x=12). Bunga double memiliki staminodium petaloid (5--36, x=18,6), intermediet stamen-petal (0--14, x=5,32), dan stamen (3--88, x= 38). Jumlah petal tambahan berkorelasi negatif dengan jumlah stamen. Bunga single memiliki ovarium normal, bunga crested dan double dapat memiliki ovarium yang tereduksi dan bermodifikasi menjadi sepalodi. Seluruh variasi bunga H. rosa-sinensis memiliki morfologi polen yang seragam yaitu polen soliter, berbentuk globose, prolat sferoidal hingga oblat sferoidal, apertur polypantoporate, ornamentasi eksin berupa ekinet dengan ujung tumpul, membulat, bercabang dua, dan berlekuk. Ukuran polen berbanding lurus dengan ukuran bunga. Bunga single kecil memiliki polen terkecil (dv= 152,156 µm, dh= 178,312 µm), dan single besar memiliki polen terbesar (dv=174,985 µm, dh=206,023 µm). Gen AGAMOUS terekspresi pada bunga single, crested, dan double. ......The single-, crested-, double-flowers type of Hibiscus rosa sinensis L. that grown at University of Indonesia, Depok have been studied. The three varieties of flower differ in terms of additional petal, stamen number, and pistillum. Single-flowers have 5 petals, 46--101 (x = 78,68) stamens. Crested-flowers have additional petal such as staminodium petaloid 7--28 (x = 19,01), and intermediate stamen-petal 1--21 (x = 9,2), and 0--44 (x = 12) stamens. Double-flowers have 5--36 (x = 6,18) staminodium petaloid, 0--14 (x=5,32) intermediate stamen-petal, and 3--88 (x = 38) stamens. Number of additional petal negatively correlated with the number of stamenS.Si.ngle-flowers have normal ovaries. Crested-and double-flowers can have a reduced ovaries and modified into sepalodi. All of the H. rosa sinensis varieties have similarity in pollen morphology, that is solitary, globose -, spheroid prolate-, dan spheroid oblate-shaped, with polypantoporate aperture, echinate (spine) with blunt, rounded, bifurcated, and grooved apex. Pollen size has positive correlation with the size of flowers. Small single-flowers have the smallest pollen (dv = 152,156 µm, dh = 178,312 µm), and large single-flowers have the largest pollen (dv = 174,985 µm, dh = 206,023 µm). AGAMOUS gene expressed in single-, crested-, and double-flowers.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agriana Ali
Abstrak :
Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui kualitas biji belimbing (Averrhoa carambola L.). Kadar air awal biji berdasarkan berat basah adalah 40% dan persentase perkecambahan awal adalah 92%. Biji dikeringkan hingga mencapai kadar air 32%, 25%, 18%, 11%, 4% dan disimpan dalam masing-masing suhu penyimpanan, yaitu, suhu ruang (27--30 °C), suhu dingin (5 °C), dan suhu beku (-15 °C) selama 4 minggu. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan biji masih dapat bertahan hingga kadar air 4% pada masing-masing suhu penyimpanan. Suhu penyimpanan biji yang paling baik terhadap viabilitas biji adalah pada suhu dingin (5 °C) dengan kadar air 40% dan suhu ruang (27--30 °C) dengan kadar air 25%.
This research is aimed to determine the quality of carambola seed (Averrhoa carambola L.). The initial moisture content of seed was 40% on fresh weigh basis with 92% initial germination. The seeds were dessicated to 32%, 25%, 18%, 11%, 4%, and stored at ambient (27--30 °C), cold (5 °C), and freezing temperature (-15 °C) for 4 weeks. The seeds were found to be tolerant to dessication up to 4% moisture content in any storage temperature. The favourable storage temperature was cold (5 °C) with 40% moisture content and ambient (27--30 °C) with 25% moisture content.
Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Seyla Fenina
Abstrak :
Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui kemampuan antagonisme enam khamir epifit filum Basidiomycota koleksi UICC yang diisolasi dari daun tanaman Saeh (Broussonetia papyrifera Vent.) asal Trowulan terhadap kapang Aspergillus spp. UICC. Keenam khamir tersebut, yaitu Cryptococcus flavescens UICC Y- 515, Cryptococcus flavescens UICC Y-525, Cryptococcus flavus UICC Y-534, Rhodotorula glutinis UICC Y-520, Rhodotorula mucilaginosa UICC Y-522, dan Rhodotorula mucilaginosa UICC Y-531. Pengujian dilakukan menggunakan metode co-culture pada medium PDB pH 5, selama empat hari inkubasi pada suhu 28°C. Keenam spesies khamir memiliki kemampuan antagonisme yang ditunjukkan melalui peningkatan jumlah sel khamir sebesar 26,91--98,76%, peningkatan ukuran sel vegetatif khamir (panjang sel rata-rata meningkat sebesar 1,11--19,59% dan lebar sel rata-rata sebesar 0,82--19,42%), penghambatan waktu sporulasi hingga inkubasi hari ke-3, reduksi lebar hifa kapang sebesar 7,84-- 20,26%, dan mortalitas kapang sebesar 100% pada inkubasi hari ke-4. ......A study has been conducted to determine the antagonism activity of six epiphytic yeast species from phylum Basidiomycota against Aspergillus spp. UICC. The yeasts were isolated from Saeh plants (Broussonetia papyrifera Vent.) from Trowulan. The yeasts were Cryptococcus flavescens UICC Y-515, Cryptococcus flavescens UICC Y-525, Cryptococcus flavus UICC Y-534, Rhodotorula glutinis UICC Y-520, Rhodotorula mucilaginosa UICC Y-522, and Rhodotorula mucilaginosa UICC Y-531. Antagonism test was carried out by co-culture in PDB pH 5 for four days at 28°C. Results showed that all yeast species were antagonists and indicated by an increase in the number of yeast cells by 26.91--98.76%, an increase in the size of vegetative yeast cells (average cell length by 1.11--19.59% and an increase of the average cell width by 0.82--19.42%), inhibition of sporulation by day 3 incubation, reduced width of the hyphal mold by 7.84--120.26%, and mortality of molds by 100% at day 4 incubation.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Savitry Pandu Wijaya
Abstrak :
Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui kemampuan antagonisme khamir Filum Ascomycota dari tanaman saeh (Broussonetia papyrifera Vent.) asal Bandung terhadap Aspergillus spp. UICC dari tanaman tomat terinfeksi menggunakan metode co-culture. Seluruh khamir yang diuji (Candida quercitrusa UICC Y-470, Debaryomyces nepalensis UICC Y-456, Pichia burtonii UICC Y-468, Saccharomycetales sp. UICC Y-462, Saccharomycetales sp. UICC Y-471, dan Wickerhamomyces anomalus UICC Y-455) bersifat antagonis terhadap Aspergillus spp. UICC. Saccharomycetales sp. UICC Y-462 merupakan khamir antagonis paling potensial karena memiliki kemampuan menghambat pertumbuhan kapang dan mereduksi lebar hifa kapang A. terreus UICC sebesar 56,90% hingga inkubasi hari ke-3. ......This research investigated the antagonism activity of Phylum Ascomycota yeasts of saeh plant (Broussonetia papyrifera Vent.) from Bandung against Aspergillus spp. UICC from infected tomato plant using co-culture method. All the yeasts (Candida quercitrusa UICC Y-470, Debaryomayces nepalensis UICC Y-456, Pichia burtonii UICC Y-468, Saccharomycetales sp. UICC Y-462, Saccharomycetales sp. UICC Y-471, and Wickerhamomyces anomalus UICC Y-455) are antagonists. Saccharomycetales sp. UICC Y-468 is the most potential antagonistic yeast by inhibiting the growth of hyphae and reducing hyphal length of Aspergillus terreus UICC up to 56.90% at day-3.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zebua, Lisye Iriana
Abstrak :
A research on the desiccation sensitivity and cryopreservation ability of rambutan excised embryo have been conducted. Excised embryo was desiccated into target moisture content of 30%, 25%, 20%, 15%, 10%. It was found that the critical level for moisture content is 20% with 60% viability, 7.431 % per etmal growth rate and 929 µs electric conduction. The excised embryo with 20% moisture content was them soaked in 3 different protectant and stored in cryotube. The result showed that the temperature success storage was on - 10°C for 10 hours with 95.7%-100% viability. Storage at -20°C the same soaking time (10 hours) gave only 10% viability. It is concluded that excised embryo of rambutan seeds will not be successful in cryopreservation.Rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L) is a fruit native to the Malesian region. It has many botanical relatives including the "rambutan Irian or Matoa". Based on its storage characteristic the rambutan seeds are categorized into recalsitrant seed. This seed is unable to germinate when dried and stored at low temperature. However one of the best method known to store seeds is to put them in liquid nitrogen in a dry condition. This method is called cryopreservation and it is usually done after certain chemical have been added to the seeds as a tissue protectant. Based on this evidence a research on how rambutan seed could stand cryopreservation has been conducted. Two kinds of laboratory procedure were done. The first was to investigate on how rambutan excised embryo could withstand drying. Excised embryo were desiccated into target moisture content of 30%, 25%, 20%, 15%, and 10%_ The observation focus on parameter observed were the percentage of viability, growth rate and electric conductiveness, The result show, that excised embryo of rambutan seeds were still capable to germinate on 20% of water content with 60% viability, 7.431% per etmal growth rate and 929 Its value of electric conduction. The second procedure aim to know the best protectants to be used as well as the lowest temperature that the excised embryo could withstand. The excised embryo were given three kinds of protectants, Le. sucrose, glycerol and combination of sucrose and glycerol, for 2,5,10,15 and 18 hours soaking time respectively. This lot of excised embryo was then divided into groups and each group were stared in - 10°C and -20°C respectively. Statistical analysis shows that the interaction between type of protectan and soaking time and storage at -10°C is significant for the value of p < 0.05. It was found that 10 hours soaking time of gave the best percentage of viability (with the application 100% sucrose, 96.7% glycerol, 96.7% combination of the chemical) and low value of electric conductiveness (43.33 µs, 36.00 µs and 35.67µs respectively). However the soaking time of 5, 15, and 18 hours did not give a good result, When stored at -20°C and 10 hours soaking time of the viability went down to 6-10%. Other combination of soaking time gave 0% viability. It can be then concluded that rambutan excised embryo can only be dried down to 20% moisture content without significant damage. Subsequent storage at - 20oC gave a survival level of 6-10% viability. However, a future investigation on its cryopreservation method is proposed.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 1998
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