"Rumah sakit pada masa pandemi berperan penting dalam pencatatan dan pelaporan kasus Covid-19. RSMY, RSHD, dan RS Bhayangkara Bengkulu menjadi rumah sakit rujukan Covid-19 di kota Bengkulu. Kemenkes mengimbau menggunakan aplikasi All Record TC-19 dan RS Online Versi-2 dalam pendataan kasus Covid-19 di rumah sakit. Sistem yang
interoperable dibutuhkan dalam percepatan penanganan dan surveilans. Tujuan penelitian, yaitu menilai sistem pencatatan dan pelaporan data Covid-19 guna terciptanya i
nteroperable di RS rujukan kota Bengkulu. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan menggunakan data primer dari wawancara mendalam, observasi, kuesioner, dan telaah dokumen. Terdapat 26 informan dari ketiga rumah sakit dan
expert judgement. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan masalah yang terjadi dalam pencatatan dan pelaporan data Covid-19, yaitu penginputan tidak
real time dan duplikasi data. Berdasarkan teori RCA, didapatkan keterbatasan SDM, anggaran, infrastruktur, tidak memiliki alur pada sistem pencatatan dan pelaporan, dan belum terinterintegrasi antar aplikasi sehingga menghambat sistem pencatatan dan pelaporan data ini. Pengembangan sistem yang interoperabel pada RS Rujukan Covid-19 di kota Bengkulu belum dapat diterapkan. Solusi dalam sistem ini, yaitu membuat sistem yang terintegrasi antara SIMRS, aplikasi All-Record TC-19, dan RS Online agar terciptanya sistem yang
interoperable sehingga mempermudah rumah sakit dalam sistem pencatatan dan pelaporan data Covid-19 di rumah sakit seluruh Indonesia. Pemerintah sangat perlu mengembangkan sistem ini guna peningkatan pelayanan kesehatan.
......During the pandemic hospitals an important role in reporting and recording Covid-19 cases. RSMY, RSHD and Bayangkara Bengkulu Hospital became Covid-19 referral hospitals in Bengkulu City. The Ministry of Health urges the use of the All Record TC-19 application and the Online Hospital version-2 in collecting data on Covid-19 cases in hospitals. An interoperable system is needed to accelerate handling and surveillance. The purpose of the study was to assess the Covid-19 data recording and reporting system in order to create interoperability at the Bengkulu City referral hospital. Qualitative method using primary data from in-depth interviews, observations, questionnaires and document review. There are 26 informants from the three hospitals and expert judgment. The results of the study show problems that occur in recording and reporting Covid-19 data, namely non-real time input and data duplication. Based on the RCA theory, it is found that there are limited human resources, budget, infrastructure, no flow in the recording and reporting system, and not yet integrated between applications, thus hampering this data recording and reporting system. The development of an interoperability system at the Covid-19 Referral Hospital in Bengkulu City has not yet been implemented. The solution in this system is to create an integrated system between SIMRS, the All-Record TC-19 application and RS Online in order to create an interoperable system that makes it easier for hospitals to record and report Covid-19 data in hospitals throughout Indonesia. The government really needs to develop this system, in order to improve health services."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2021