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Nancy Thelma Rehatta
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji kehidupan kaum lanjut usia dalam proses membangun strategi agar tidak dilihat sebagai “liyan”[1], serta memperoleh posisi dan relasi yang menguntungkan secara kultural, sosial, ekonomi, politik. Hal ini menjadi penting karena dalam kesehariannya kaum lanjut usia berhadapan dengan stereotipe, prasangka, diskriminasi dan stigma sehingga identik dengan kondisi fisik yang lemah, secara intelektual menurun, tidak berpenghasilan, cenderung miskin, sulit membangun relasi sosial dengan sekitarnya, cenderung menutup diri, kondisi emosional tidak stabil dan sebentar lagi menuju kematian. Di sisi lain kaum lanjut usia harus berhadapan dengan perubahan-perubahan dalam kesejarahan hidupnya. Kaum lanjut usia juga harus mengatasi relasi dan interaksi dengan struktur-struktur yang muncul, yang mengabaikan potensi-potensi berharga yang dimiliki kaum lanjut usia. Untuk mengetahui strategi dan siasat yang dipakai, maka penelusuran dan analisis atas proses geliat dan manuver kaum lanjut usia ini menjadi hal yang menarik. Bahwa sesungguhnya kaum lanjut usia tidak menyerah dan tidak ingin menjadi the passive victim, ketika mengalami dominasi dan eksklusifikasi. Bahwa kaum lanjut usia sebenarnya melakukan perlawanan, dimana opresi maupun agresi serta penyudutan pada diri mereka, justru dimanfaatkan sebagai peluang dan kendaraan untuk membangun negosiasi dan melakukan manuver, mengubah posisi dari obyek menjadi subyek yang juga memiliki hak menentukan pilihan hidup bahkan berperan aktif. Guna mendapatkan hasil yang diharapkan maka jendela intip yang dipakai untuk melihat proses ini adalah institusi religius dalam hal ini gereja. Mengapa institusi religius? Sebab institusi ini merupakan tempat “berlindung” bagi kaum lanjut usia, ketika mereka merasa dunia di sekitar mereka menolak dan tidak menghargai. Melalui institusi religius kaum lanjut usia berharap dapat melanjutkan aktivitas dan potensi mereka dalam penerimaan yang positif melebihi dunia di luar mereka Kelompok kategori Persekutuan Kaum Lanjut Usia (PKLU) gerejawi, menjadi “ruang” sosial baru yang menampung aspirasi sekaligus menjadi arena berkarya, melayani dan membangun komunikasi dengan sesama lanjut usia, non lanjut usia serta unsur pelayanan lain yang lebih luas. Dalam wadah ini kaum lanjut usia membangun kultur untuk menunjukkan bahwa mereka terdiri dari beragam individu yang mampu mengembangkan potensi dan kapasitas dalam segala “keunikan”nya. Ruang ini yang disebut Bhabha sebagai ruang ketiga, yang tidak hanya berfungsi sebagai ruang penemuan identitas baru, tetapi dimanfaatkan sebagai ruang imajinatif untuk berbicara, membangun dan menghadirkan kehidupan sehingga kaum lanjut usia bukanlah kaum pasif yang hanya menanti datangnya kematian. ......This research aims to review the lives of the elderly in their process of building a strategy so as not to be seen as "the Other”, as well as to obtain favorable position and relationships in cultural, social, economic and political. This is important because the elderly in their daily, always dealing with stereotypes, prejudice, discrimination and stigma that is identical to their weak physical condition, intellectual decline, not income, tend to be poor, it is difficult to build social relations with the surroundings, tend to be considered self-closing, the condition emotionally unstable and soon towards death. On the other hand the elderly have to deal with historical changes in their life. Older people also have to address the relationship and interaction with structures that appear to confirms the rule, which ignores the potential value they have. To know the strategies and tactics used, then the search and analysis of the process of stretching and maneuvering of the elderly is an interesting thing. Behold, the elderly do not give up and do not want to be the passive victim, when subjected to domination and exclusive. That older people actually take the fight, where oppression and aggression and cornered on them, just used it as an opportunity and vehicle to build negotiations and maneuvering, change the position of an object into a subject that also has the right to make choices even live an active role. In order to get the desired results then the viewing window used to look at this process is a religious institution, named church. Why do religious institutions? Because this is an institution where "shelter" for the elderly, when they feel the world around them resisted and did not appreciate them. Through the religious institution, the elderly hopes to resume activity and their potential in the positive reception to exceed beyond their world. The Church Eldery Group Category (PKLU – Persekutuan Kaum Lanjut Usia) became a "space" to accommodate their new social aspirations as well as a work arena, serving and establish communication with fellow elderly, non-elderly and other elements of the broader services. In this group the elderly build culture to show that they are composed of a diverse of individuals who are able to develop the potential and capacity in all its "uniqueness" of theirs. Bhabha called this space as a third space, which is then not only serve as a discovery area of a new identity, but used as an imaginative space to talk about life, build and bring life to the elderly is in fact not the only awaits the arrival of a passive mortality.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kumurur, Veronica Adelin
Abstrak :
Pembangunan perkotaan kota Jakarta telah belum berhasil meningkatkan kualitas hidup manusia seluruh masyarakatnya. Beban kemiskinan mawarakat akibat pembangunan kota, ternyata dihadapi dan dirasakan berbeda oleh Iaki-Iaki dan perempuan miskin. Di mana, beban kemiskinan Iebih berat di pikul olh kaum perempuan dan beban tersebut menjadi penghambat peran perempuan dalam keberlanjutan lingkungan hidup. Tujuan penelitian menemukan dan memahami pengaruh pembangunan kota terhadap kemiskinan perempuan di kota Jakarta. Juga, menemukan dan memahami kondisi dan pola-pola interaksi dalam kehidupan perempuan miskin di kota Jakarta. Metode pengumpulan data primer dilakukan dengan cara wawancara secara mendalam Serta pengamatan (observasi) langsung terhadap kondisi kehidupan para informan. Uji statistik yang adalah analisis koreiasi Pearson [Product Moment Pearson) serta analisis regresi sederhana. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh pembangunan ekonomi kota Jakarta, berpengaruh signitikan terhadap rendahnya jumlah perempuan miskin yang berpendidikan rendah, terhadap meningkatnya beban kerja yang Iebih berat bagi perempuan miskin, terhadap meningkatnya jumlah perempuan miskin yang tidak memiliki pekerjaan tetap. Pembangunan pendidikan di kota Jakarta berpengaruh signitikan terhadap rendahnya jumlah perempuan miskin yang berpendidlkan rendah, meningkatnya beban kerja yang Iebih berat bagi perempuan miskin, meningkatnya jumlah perempuan miskin yang tidak memiliki memiliki pekerjaan tetap. Pembangunan kesehatan ekonomi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap meningkatnya jumlah perempuan miskin yang berpendidikan rendah, meningkatnya jumiah perempuan miskin yang tidak memiliki pekerjaan tetap, meningkatnya beban kerja bagi perempuan miskin di kota Jakarta. Pembangunan Ketenagakerjaan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap meningkatnya jumlah perempuan miskin yang berpendidikan rendah, meningkatnya perempuan miskin yang tidak memiliki pekerjaan tetap, meningkatnya beban kerja perempuan miskin. Kondisi kemiskinan perempuan telah mengakibatkan perempuan-perempuan miskin kota yang memilih pekerjaan sebagai pramuwisma, pelayan pub & bar, pekerja seks dan pekerja kaki lima memikui beban kerja (double burden) yang Iebih berat dari Iaki-lakl miskin yang menjadi suami. Di dalam pekerjaan-pekeljaan pilihan perempuan miskin, yaitu sebagai pekerja seks, pelayan pub & bar, pramuwisma terdapat pola-pola interaksi yang mengakibatkan ancaman terhadap keberlanjutan Iingkungan sosial Serta keberlanjutan manusia secara umum. Kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembangunan kota yang berlangsung dalam ekosistem kota Jakarta merupakan hasil interaksi antara pembangunan ekonomi, pembangunan pendidikan, pembangunan kesehatan serta ketenagakerjaan yang memberikan pengaruh besar dan kuat terhadap kondisi kemiskinan perempuan. Di mana menjadi sumber pemerasan bagi oknum-oknum tertentu di dalam sistem kerja pekerjaan tersebut, tidak memiliki waktu luang untuk berpartisipasi di dalam kegiatan sosial, dan sebagai agen penularan IMS bagi keluarga perempuan miskin yang akan mengancam.
The development of the Jakarta city did not yet succeed in increasing the quality of the life of humankind of all of his community. The burden of poverty of the community resulting from the development of the city, evidently was deal with and felt to be different by the man and the poor woman. Where, the burden of poverty was more difhcult for women and became the obstacle to the role of the woman inthe continuity of the environment. The aim of this research is to identify a deep understanding of the influence of urban development on women poverty in Jakarta city. Furthermore, to identify a deep understanding and to analyze the some interaction of the life conditions of women poor are influence to Jakarta urban sustainability. The primary method of the data collection was carried out by means of the interview in depth as well as observation (observation) direct towards the condition for the life of the informants. The statistical test that was the analysis of the Pearson correlation (Product Moment Pearson) as well as the analysis of simple regrssion. Results of the research showed that the development of the Jakarta city, that consist of: (a) the development of education; (b) the development of the health; (c) the development of influential manpower signiticant towards the increase in the number of educated poor women low, the increase in the number of poor women that did not have had the work continue to, as well as the increase in the burden of the work for the poor woman in the Jakarta city. The condition of the woman poverty resulted in women lacking the city that chose the work as the servant, the pub attendant & the bar, the sex worker and the pavement worker bore the burden of the work (double burden) that was heavier than the poor man who became the husband. In works of the choice of the woman poor, that is as the sex worker, the pub attendant Br the bar, the servant was met patterns of the interaction that resulted in the threat to the spirit of poor women as well as the continuity of humankind generally. The conclusion of showing that the development of the Jakarta city did not yet give the allocation of space for the poor woman, to carry out the activity of the life as working, and resting. Evidently, the development of the City did not yet give the opportunity for the poor woman to choose the better work. Poor women tended to choose the work that made them the object of extortion by other humans in his work system, as well as the work that threatened the spirit and the quality of humankind continuously.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Disertasi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rina Artining Anggorodi
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Disertasi ini membahas persoalan kecacatan yang diakibatkan penyakit Charcot Marie Tooth; penyakit kelemahan otot yang bersifat genetik. Kaum disabled hampir selalu mengalami, antara lain stigma, isolasi, dan marginalisasi. Kecacatan merupakan sebuah hasil konstruksi sosial dari masyarakat yang beranggapan bahwa para difabel tidak mampu bekerja dan beraktivitas sebagaimana manusia normal lainnya karena memiliki ketidaksempurnaan pada anggota tubuhnya. Melalui metode autoetnografi, penelitian ini menganalisis pengalaman personal di dalam lingkungan sosialkultural, yaitu pada saat mendatangi pengobatan medis dan nonmedis, serta ketika menghadapi berbagai kondisi fasilitas dan sarana-prasarana yang tidak mendukung bagi kaum difabel. Permasalahan kecacatan ternyata tidak hanya berkutat dengan urusan kesehatan fisik dan mental saja, melainkan juga dihadapkan pada respons budaya dari lingkungan sosial dimana mereka tinggal dan beraktivitas.
ABSTRACT This research addresses disability caused by Charcot Marie Tooth; a genetically muscle weakness disease. Disable people are treated unequally; inter alia, stigmatized, isolated and marginalized. Disability is a social construction within society which presumes that difables difables are unable to play normal roles due to body inadequacy. This research has been performed with auto-ethnography method by analyzing personal experiences in many socialcultural circumstances, i.e., medical treatments and when facing various unfriendly infrastructures. The research reveals that for difables, the disability is not physical and mental problems per se, but also a complex of socialcultural responses from society which they have to struggle with.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bartoven Vivit Nurdin
Abstrak :
This dissertation is about nagari reconstruction in a Malalo community seen from contestation and power relation perspectives. Specifically, it is about the people of Malalo Singkarak, West Sumatra who perceive, interpret, and respond to reality in which they live, and their manifestations in the reconstruction of nagari in the momentum of regional autonomy policy. It focuses on the people strategies created and developed inwardly and outwardly their Malalo?s social organization in forms of accommodation as well as resistance, and involves various interests of the parts. Back to nagari means back to their imagined identity, adat and Islam. The adat and religious leaders considered that adat and Islam had been marginalized and ignored during village government era. In the era, they did not have power and authority to run local government and make decision along with the degradation of their charisma in the community. But, in nagari era they have had golden opportunity to get back their power, influence and authority in making local government policy. This dissertation has gotten significant influences from previous main researches such as Scott (1985), Abu-Lughod (1990), and Tsing (1999). I have been much influenced by Scott?s symbolic obedience and resistance, accommodation and resistance in the same time in temts of various interests. ?One is inside and outside the state in the same time", Tsing said. Abu-Lughod has influencd me in her resistance arena concept. l applied qualitative approach (Hammersley and Atkinson 1983) in this case study. Data collecting was conducted through in-depth interviews and participation- observations. This dissertation shows that reconstructing process involves contestation, negotiation, and compromises indicated through the local leaders? strategies - accommodating or resisting - in confronting with various situations among themselves as well as with State. The local elites are adat leaders, as well as religious or local government leaders at the same time. It was sometimes hard to make separate those three one to each other. The local elites are the linkage between local people and the State. On one hand they have developed political issues through manipulating adat and religious doctrines, but on the other hand they need state rhetoric to establish their authorities But, the elites are not solid, homogeneous groups without frictions or conflicts. Accommodation and resistance have occurred at the crossing area of the local elites themselves, and between them and the State. In this research nagarf is read as one that contested to, struggled for, debated on, and utilized with political interests. Some of the old features of the adat have been left away but some new things came up through negotiation process between the local people and the States interests. lt is therefore nagari is not a static, but dynamic construct in facing with concrete situations of interests. lt is the process of negotiation and bargaining, interpretation and re-interpretation, and giving meaning that is called contestation in this dissertation. My approach in this dissertation is close to Tsin (1999), Scott (1985), and Abu-Lughod (1990). lt is relevant with Scott?s symbolic obedience and resistance concepts. The different from Scott?s is that the...
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ratih Ariningrum
Abstrak :
Pencatatan data kematian di Bumiayu melebihi prediksi angka kematian diwilayahnya. Faktor-faktor penting yang mendukung tingginya pencatatan data kematian di Kecamatan Bumiayu telah diamati pada waktu prapenelitian. Terdapat indikasi tentang adanya keterkaitan antara sistem sosial dengan birokrasi pada kerja pengumpulan data yang menunjang kelancaran dan pencapaian cakupan kegiatan tersebut. Selain itu terdapat relasi hegemoni yang berkembang dalam hubungannya dengan kegiatan pencatatan data kematian pada masyarakat di Kecamatan Bumiayu.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis sistem sosial yang berkembang pada masyarakat Bumiayu jika ada kematian anggota keluarga dan peranan sistem tersebut dalam menunjang kelancaran kegiatan pencatatan data kematian di Kecamatan Bumiayu, menjelaskan proses terbentuknya keterpaduan sistem sosial dan birokrasi yang terdapat pada kerja pengumpulan data kematian dalam menjalankan kegiatan pencatatan data kematian di Kecamatan Bumiayu, dan menganalisis faktor-faktor penting yang berkembang dalam kerjasama sistem sosial dan sistem birokrasi pada kegiatan pencatatan data kematian.Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan teori dari Antonio Gramsci. Pendekatan kualitatif dengan strategi etnografi digunakan pada penelitian ini. Hasil-hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peranan dari nilai-nilai Islam yang mendukung keberhasilan pencapaian cakupan pencatatan data kematian di Kecamatan Bumiayu. Lebai sebagai intelektual organik pada sistem sosial masyarakat Bumiayu mengenai pengurusan jenazah dan petugas SRS sebagai intelektual organik pada birokrasi kerja pengumpulan data kematian. Keterpaduan antara sistem sosial dan sistem birokrasi pada kerja pengumpulan data kematian membuahkan hasil berupa kerjasama antara petugas yang tergabung dan tidak tergabung dalam tim. Hal tersebut menunjukkan hegemoni telah berjalan pada kerjasama tersebut. Anggota tim SRS telah dapat mengembangkan ide mengenai kegiatan Sistem Registrasi Sampel menjadi sebuah ideologi. Komitmen aktif yang diikuti dengan ketaatan spontan telah menandakan terjadinya equilibrium keseimbangan antara pihak yang memerintah dan yang diperintah. Situasi demikian memudahkan untuk berjalannya suatu kegiatan. Hegemoni yang telah terbentuk didukung unsur kolektifitas dan kedisiplinan. Teori hegemoni dari Gramsci dapat digunakan untuk menjelaskan proses berjalannya suatu kebijakan.Penelitian ini juga menyarankan agar pelaksanaan pencatatan data kematian perlu memperhatikan sistem sosial lokal yang dianggap bermanfaat menunjang pelaksanaan kegiatan. Konsep hegemoni dari Gramsci perlu diterapkan dalam pelaksanaan pencatatan data kematian, karena kegiatan tersebut dapat berjalan jika ada equilibrium antara pihak yang memerintah dan diperintah, kolektifitas, dan kedisiplinan. Perlunya prinsip kebersamaan dan konsensus terhadap tujuan dan keberhasilan program. Keadaan tersebut dapat tercipta dengan mengadakan suatu kegiatan yang mempertemukan pihak-pihak yang terlibat dalam kegiatan.
Recording of data on mortality in Bumiayu exceeds the predicted mortality rate in the region, so it can be used as a case study to see the cause of the success of the activity. Important factors supporting the high recording of data on mortality in Bumiayu Subdistrict have been observed at the time of pre study. There is an indication of the linkage between the social system and the bureaucracy at work of collecting data on mortality that support smoothness and achievement of coverage. In addition, there is a hegemony relationship in the activity of recording data on mortality in Bumiayu community. This research aims to analyze the social system that developed in the Bumiayu community if there is a death in the family and the role of the system to support the fluent recording of data on mortality of in the Bumiayu Subdistrict, explains the integration of social system and bureaucratic system contained in the work of collecting of data on mortality in the course of recording of data on mortality in District of Bumiayu, and analyze important factors that develops in cooperation of social system and bureaucratic system in activity of recording of data on mortality. This research uses a theory from Antonio Gramsci. Qualitative approach with ethnographic strategy used in this study. The results research show that there is a role of Islamic values that support the successful achievement of coverage recording of data on mortality in Bumiayu Subdistrict. Lebai as organic intellectual in social system of Bumiayu society to take care the corpse and SRS officers as organic intellectuals in the work bureaucracy of collecting data on mortality. The integration between the social system and the bureaucratic system in the work of collecting data on mortality resulted in the form of cooperation between officers who joined and did not join the team. It shows hegemony has been running on the cooperation. SRS team members have been able to develop ideas about the activities of the Sample Registration System into an ideology. Active commitment followed by spontaneous obedience has signaled equilibrium between the governing and the governed. Such a situation makes it easy for an activity to run. The established hegemony is supported by the element of collectivity and discipline. The hegemonic theory of Gramsci can be used to explain the process of running a policy. This research also suggests that the implementation of recording data on mortality needs to take into consideration the local social system that is considered useful to support the implementation of the activities. The hegemony concept of Gramsci should be applied in the implementation of the recording data on mortality, because the activity can run if there is equilibrium between the governing and governing parties, collectivity, and discipline The necessity of the principle of togetherness and consensus on the goals and success of the program. The situation can be created by holding an activity that brings together the parties involved in the activity. Keywords social system, hegemony, organic intellectual.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ulfah Fajarini
Abstrak :
Disertasi ini menelaah mengenai ketaatan dan Coping Mechanism terhadap pembatasan gerak perempuan di rumah tangga. Para perempuan tersebut tergabung dalam Majelis Taklim Jam?iyyat al Nisa (MTJN). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif berupa pengamatan terlibat dan wawancara mendalam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan para perempuan ke MTJN untuk menghindar dari kehidupan rumah tangga yang menekan, bertemu dengan banyak teman yang senasib, dapat sharing, serta melakukan aktivitas yang ?menyenangkan? seperti ikut kampanye-kampanye parpol atau pilkada, mendapat baju muslim, piknik gratis serta bergosip yang terkadang menjatuhkan nama baik suami. Pergi ke MTJN tidak menyelesaikan masalah rumah tangga mereka, dan merekapun tidak ingin menggugat cerai, karena kondisi menjadi ?janda? mendapat stigma buruk atau cemoohan sosial di masyarakat Tangerang yang berbudaya patriarki. Sebagian besar jemaah menggunakan majelis taklim secara absah sebagai coping mechanism, pelepas penat dan stres yang diakibatkan oleh kehidupan rumah tangga budaya patriarki ? khususnya dalam hal hubungan suami-istri yang menekan.
This dissertation analyzes the obedience and coping mechanism under the restriction of women?s role in domestic sphere. These women are members of Jam?iyyat al-Nisa Assembly of Muslim (Majelis Taklim Jam?iyyat al-Nisa ? MTJN). This research is conducted using qualitative method, namely direct observation and in-depth interview. The result of the research shows that these women join MTJN to get away from their repressing domestic life, to meet friends with the same experience, to share their stories, and to do ?fun? activities like joining the campaign of political parties or local elections, getting Islamic clothing and free picnic, as well as gossiping which some times could lead to the embarrassment of their husband. Going to MTJN does not solve their problems, but they are not going to file for a divorce for afraid of the negative ?stigma? of becoming a widow or the social mockery which is common in the Tangerang patriarchal society. Most of Jam?iyyat al-Nisa members use the assembly of Muslim as their legitimate coping mechanism and stress release particularly in the subordinate husband-wife relationship.
Depok: 2012
UI - Disertasi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library