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Entis Sutisna
Abstrak :
Service Quality of Public Medical Center Sub District of Cakung, East JakartaThe existence of Public Medical Center (Puskesmas) as the task force of performing the foremost medical service assigned by Local Government by its mission to give medical service required by public (community) soundly, rapidly and cheaply, as well as to the extent which service quality what had been given refer to as wished by large public. In other words, that service quality should always be oriented to public satisfaction as customers. Hence, in order that Public Medical Center at Sub District of Cakung, East Jakarta giving service quality to large public, then, necessary it should be analyzed by perception and wishing aspects of medical service users (public). Based on background above, the objective of this research is to explain service quality provided by Public Medical Center at Sub District of Cakung, East Jakarta. The used research is survey method in quantitative nature, while applying the main data collector tool such as questioner. Results of survey is directed to support research analysis descriptively, for revealing the current problems. To measure quality on perception and users wish of Public Medical Center at Sub District of Cakung, East Jakarta. Of 116 non-probability sample respondents randomly, it had been conducted using sample collection technique accidentally. Theoretical approach as conceptual reference using SERVQUAL model as revealed by Zeithaml-Parasuraman-Berry consist of tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy dimensions. Subsequently, those dimensions is divided into 22 question variable indicators as had been asked by questioner. Based on research results had been found that service quality of Public Medical Center at Sub District of Cakung, East Jakarta satisfactorily, it had not been achieves as wished by users in which upon finding out mean-calculate for all dimensions it had been showed that total scores for both perception is 3.45 and wishing is 4.32 on average, so, there is a difference of -0.87. Whereas for satisfaction rate of customer the score value is 0.80 (80%) on average. It is indicated that service quality had not satisfied customer yet. However, it is necessary steps and efforts for increasing a better service in order to produce service quality suitable with needs. From those research results may be considered some recommendations so as to increase service quality in which all staffs and employees of Public Medical Center at Sub District of Cakung, East Jakarta should increase discipline by timely.practice schedule, increasing knowledge and expertise, sensitive to complaint or patients needs, more professional, augmenting medical practices or physicians, examination rooms/laboratory and equipment in order to treat patients more rapidly. Registration locket should be computerized, informational sending using understandable language along with direct socialization to large public. In order to build a better management system at Public Medical Center at Sub District of Cakung, East Jakarta. Because by improved quality management the program may be applied both effectively and efficiently.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Efrimal Yoesdi
Abstrak :
Keberhasilan penyelenggaraan pemerintahan, pelaksanaan pembangunan, dan pelayanan kepada masyarakat sangat ditentukan oleh kemampuan, kesungguhan dan semangat kerja dari aparaturnya. Aparatur negara (daerah) mempunyai peran dan kedudukan yang penting di dalam pelaksanaan tugas-tugas umum pemerintahan, pembangunan dari kemasyarakatan. Oleh karena itu, peningkatan kualitas pelayanan dipengaruhi oleh adanya kinerja pelayanan yang diberikan oleh aparat dalam arti adanya pemberdayaan potensi aparatur yang harus dilakukan secara bertahap dan simultan guna memperoleh pelaksanaan tugas-tugasnya secara efektif dan efisien. Kajian penelitian difokuskan pada pelayanan perizinan penanaman modal PMA dan PMDN untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan perizinan penanaman modal yang berkaitan dengan prosedur internal dalam proses pelayanan perizinan penanaman modal. Penelitian dilakukan di Badan Penanaman Modal dan Pendayagunaan Kekayaan dan Usaha Daerah (BPM & PKUD) Provinsi DKI Jakarta. Peningkatan kualitas pelayanan sebagai langkah-langkah dalam mengurangi keluhan-keluhan atau ketidakpuasan para investor akan proses penyelesaian perizinan penanaman modal. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap 98 responden dengan menggunakan teknik sampling Aksidental dan metode pengumpulan data yaitu observasi, kuesioner, pedoman wawancara dan studi kepustakaan. Kuesioner ditujukan untuk mengukur tingkat kepuasan pelanggan (investor), yaitu dengan membandingkan persepsi pelanggan dan harapan yang menjadi keinginan pelanggan, dengan menggunakan indikator 5 (lima) dimensi yang menentukan kualitas pelayanan berdasarkan pendapat Zeithaml, Parasuraman dan Berry (1990 : 175), yaitu Tangibles (Tampilan Fisik), Reliability (Kehandalan), Responsiveness (Daya Tanggap), Assurance (Jaminan), dan Empathy (Kemudahan). Hasil analisis penelitian menunjukkan tingkat kepuasan pelanggan menurut Dimensi Tangibles sebesar 105 %, Reliability sebesar 99 Responsiveness sebesar 103 %, Assurance sebesar 101 °/o dan Empathy sebesar 99 %. Dari skor-skor tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa tingkat kepuasan tertinggi terdapat pada Dimensi Tangibles (105 %) dan terendah terdapat pada Dimensi Reliability dan Empathy (masing-masing 99 °/°). Secara keseluruhan diperoleh tingkat kepuasan pelanggan (investor) atas pelayanan perizinan penanaman modal sebesar 101 % dari harapan pelanggan. Atas dasar kesimpulan di atas, diberikan beberapa saran seperti : perlu ada perbaikan pada faktor-faktor yang berkaitan dengan penampilan fisik yaitu kelengkapan peralatan kantor, sarana administrasi dan komputerisasi, perlu ada peningkatan kemampuan pegawai dalam ketepatan waktu penyelesaian administrasi perizinan penanaman modal sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku dan meningkatkan daya tanggap pegawai / petugas layanan akan kebutuhan investor dan perlu membuka saluran / kotak saran bagi investor dalam menyampaikan dalam keluhan, saran atau pendapat alas pelayanan yang masih kurang dirasakan terhadap pelayanan yang diberikan BPM & PKUD Provinsi DKI Jakarta. Secara keseluruhan bahwa kinerja pelayanan yang diberikan oleh petugas pelaksana ditujukan untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan kepada investor adalah sangat bergantung pada pengembangan kualitas dan kapabilitas sumber daya manusia di sektor publik. Hal ini berkembang dengan semakin dituntutnya eksistensi kualitas aparat BPM & PKUD Provinsi DKI Jakarta yang bersih dan berwibawa, handal, bermental baik, profesional, efektif dan efisien dalam memberikan pelayanan perizinan penanaman modal di daerah Provinsi DKI Jakarta.
The success of the holding of the government, development implementation, and services to the society is heavily determined by the ability, commitment and work spirit of its apparatus. The state (local) apparatus plays important role and position in implementing general tasks of government, of development and of society. Therefore, to achieve an increase in the service quality it is influenced by the presence of service performance provided by the apparatus meaning that there is an empowerment of the apparatus potentials that is conducted gradually and simultaneously in order to enable them to implement their tasks effectively and efficiently. The research focuses on the service of licensing investment of foreign multinational enterprises and domestic multinational enterprises to increase the service quality of licensing investment related with internal procedures in the process of service provision of licensing investment. The research is conducted in the Investment Board and the Empowerment of Wealth and Local Enterprises. the Special Territory of the Capital City of Jakarta. The increase in the service quality is steps 1o minimize complaints or unsatisfaction of the investors in the settlement process of licensing investments. This research employs 98 respondents with accidental sampling techniques and data collection method. that is, observation, questionnaires, interview guide and library research. The questionnaires are intended to measure the customers' (investors') satisfactory level, that is. by comparing between the customers' perceptions and expectations of what the customers want, by employing 5 dimension indicators which determine the service quality based on Zeithmal, Parasuraman and Berry (1990:175), that is tangibles, reliability. responsiveness, assurance. and empathy. The analysis results of the research show that the level of the customers' satisfaction according to tangibles dimension is 105%. reliability is 99%, responsiveness is 103%. assurance is 101% and empathy is 99%. From those figures if can be concluded that the highest satisfactory level is in tangibles dimension (105%) and the lowest one is that of reability and empathy (99% respectively). As a whole from the customers' expectation it obtains 101% level of customers' satisfaction of the service of licensing investment. Based on the above conclusion, there ore several recommendations such as: there needs to be an improvement on factors that are related with physical performance, that is, the completion of office inventory, administration facility and computerization; there needs to be an increase in the personnel ability in terms: of punctuality of administrative settlement of licensing investment in accordance with the prevailing rules and regulation; and an increase in the personnel subtlety in servicing the investors' needs: and it is necessary to open a suggestion box for the investors in channeling their complaints, suggestions or opinions on the services provided by the Investment Board and on the Empowerment of Wealth and Local Enterprises, the Special Territory of the Capital City of Jakarta that are fell still lacking. All in all the service performance provided by the operational officers is intended to increase the service quality to the investors. This is heavily dependent on the development of the quality and capability of the human resources in the public sectors. This is developed in line with the increasing demands of the quality existence of the Investment Board and the Empowerment of Wealth and Local Enterprises, the Special Territory of the Capital City of Jakarta apparatus who are clean, dignified, reolible, mentally well, professional, effective and efficient in providing services of licensing investment in the Provincial government of the Special Territory of the Capital City of Jakarta.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Utami
Abstrak :
Upaya penanganan masalah kesejahteraan sosial merupakan tugas pokok dan fungsi Dinas Bintal dan Kesos Propinsi DKI Jakarta. Salah satu tugas pokoknya adalah menampung dan menyantuni warga yang berada di panti-panti sosial bagi warga yang tergolong terlantar dan tidak potensial. Seiring dengan bertambahnya jumlah penduduk, maka populasi PMKS di DKI Jakarta semakin meningkat. Hal ini menyebabkan panti-panti sosial kelebihan beban (over loaded), akibatnya mutu pelayanan belum seperti yang diharapkan. Jenis layanan yang dimaksud dalam penelitian ini adalah pelayanan pada Panti Sosial Bina Remaja Taruna Jaya Tebet. Permasalahan yang akan dianalisis dalam penelitian ini adalah: Bagaimana persepsi pengguna jasa (Klien) terhadap kualitas pelayanan Panti Sosial Bina Remaja Taruna Jaya Tebet ? Dengan mengacu kepada pokok permasalahan di atas disusunlah tujuan penelitian sebagai berikut : Menjelaskan persepsi pengguna jasa (klien) terhadap kualitas pelayanan PSBR Taruna Jaya Tebet. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh klien yang tinggal di dalam Panti Sosial Bina Remaja Taruna Jaya Tebet sejumlah 115 orang. Untuk mengukur sejauh mana kesenjangan (gap) antara persepsi dan harapan pengguna jasa, maka digunakan variabel sesuai dengan dimensi SERVQUAL yang dikemukakan oleh Zeithmal, Parasuraman dan Berry (1990) yaitu tangible, responsiveness, reliability, assurance dan empathy. Penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif dan evaluasi dengan hasil temuan sebagai berikut :
Hasil penjumlahan tingkat Persepsi dari keseluruhan dimensi adalah sebesar 5525 sedangkan hasil penjumlahan tingkat harapan adalah sebesar 7757. Dari angka tersebut maka kesenjangan antara persepsi dan harapan adalah -2232 yang artinya bahwa tingkat persepsi belum memuaskan seperti yang diharapkan. Hal tersebut disebabkan oleh faktor internal dan ekstemal. Faktor-faktor internal meliputi : rendahnya mutu sumber daya manusia, lemahnya manajemen, pengorganisasian dan kepemimpinan. Sedangkan faktor-faktor eksternal, diantaranya ; kebijakan pimpinan yang lebih banyak memberikan perhatian pada unsur staf, pemberian anggaran yang relatif terbatas, pembagian tugas dan tanggungjawab yang tumpang tindih dan tidak jelas, dan belum adanya tolok ukur baku untuk mengukur kinerja dinas, sehingga sulit diketahui tingkat efisiensi dan efektifitasnya. Berdasarkan temuan-temuan dan hasil-hasil yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini, penulis menyarankan agar lebih memperhatikan dan memahami keinginan pelanggan yang membutuhkan layanan, dalam hal ini pelayanan di Panti Sosial Bina Remaja Taruna Jay a Tebet, Membangun kualitas layanan bukan hanya tugas individu, atau bagian tertentu dalam organisasi, tapi tugas semua individu dari organisasi yang pada gilirannya menuntut pembenahan organisasi. Kualitas merupakan sesuatu yang relatif, kompleks dan senantiasa berkembang, sehingga upaya-upaya untuk mengembangkan, mengimplementasikan dan mengendalikannya secara berhasil perlu dilakukan terus menerus, kontekstual, menyeluruh dan terpadu. ...... An effort to cope with social welfare issues has become the main tasks and functions of Service Office of Mental Guidance and Social Welfare, the special province of Jakarta. One of its main tasks is to accommodate and donate the residence of social center or those who are classified as homeless and impotence. Along with the increased population in the special province of Jakarta, their number has also increased. This has caused the available social centers overloaded resulting in poor service quality. The type of services referred to in this research is the services of Taruna Jaya youth social center, Tebet. The issues that are going to be analyzed in this research are: How are the perceptions of the customers towards the service quality of Taruna Jaya youth social center, Tebet? By referring to the above matters, the objective of this research is as follows: clarifying the customers' perceptions towards the service quality of Taruna Jaya youth social center, Tebet. The respondents in this research are all customers staying in Taruna Jaya youth social center, Tebet which amount to 115 people. To measure the gap between the perceptions and the expectations of the customers, the variable of SERVQUAL stated by Zeithmal, Parasuraman and Berry (1990), that is, tangible, responsiveness, reliability, assurance and empathy is used. The research uses descriptive and evaluative methods with the following results: The calculation result of the perception level from all dimensions amounts to 5525 as for the calculation of the result of expectation level amounts to 7757. From these figures the gap between perception and expectation is 2232, which means that the perception level is not yet satisfactory as expected. This is caused by internal and external factors. The former includes poor human resource quality, weak management, organization and leadership. As for the latter, among others, the management-policy-tends to pay more attention to the staff; the budget is relatively limited; there are overlapping and unclear tasks and responsibilities and the absence of standard parameter to measure service performance makes it difficult to identify the level of efficiency and effectiveness. Based on the findings and the results obtained in this research the writer suggests that it is necessary to pay more attention to and to understand what the customers wants in the service provision in Taruna Jaya youth social center, Tebet. To build service quality is not only the task of an individual or certain departments in an organization, but it is the task of all individuals in the organization, which, in turn, requires institutional development. The quality is something that is relative, complex and always developed in nature. Therefore, an effort to develop, implement and control in a successful manner needs to be continuously, contextually, wholly and integrated made.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
The research aims at examining the services of Koperasi Taxi Indonesia in the Special Province of the Capital City of Jakarta towards the customers and the conditions that influence the customers' satisfaction. The research involves 400 respondents but only 80 managed to fill in completely. The method of the research is snowball method where the writer delivered elaboration to the drivers as to how to fill in the questionnaires.

To analyze the respondents' responses the writer used such statistics descriptive analysis as mean, deviation, standard, distribution frequency of each answer given towards service quality dimension which comprises of expectation indicators which include tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy. The Linked- method is used for the performance indicators related with the responses from the customers towards services which consist of 7 demand scales. To see the extent of the relationship or the correlation between service quality and customers' expectations based on the respective dimension, Spearman method is used to analyze the correlation.

The results of the correlation analysis between service quality and expectation reveal the following: tangible dimension shows that the correlation score between them is r = 0.52 and the significant level at 0.05. This means that service quality has a significant relationship with the customers' expectation perceived from the tangible aspect at 0.37. Reliability dimension shows that the correlation score between them is r = 0.50 and the significant level at 0.05. This indicates that service qualify has significant relationship with the customers perception from responsiveness at 0.40. Assurance dimension shows that the correlation dimension shows that correlation score between them is r = 0.49 and the significant level at 0.05.

This means that service quality has a significant relationship with the customers' expectations viewed from the responsive aspect at 0.40. Assurance dimension shows that correlation score between them is r = 0.71 and the significant level at 0.05. It means that the service qualify has a significant relationship with the customers' expectations viewed from assurance aspect at 0.52. Empathy dimension shows that the correlation score between them is at 0.47 and the significant level at 0.05. It means that the service quality has significant relationship with the customers' satisfaction view ed from the empathy aspect at 0.37.

From the results of the survey it can be concluded that: (I) the customers satisfaction towards the service quality of Koperasi Taxi Indonesia in aspects such as tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy are not of satisfactory level; (2) the performance of Koperasi Taxi Indonesia shows unsatisfactory results which means it does not have the required characteristics in the customers' views; (3) there is q relationship between the service quality provided by the Koperasi Taxi Indonesia and the customers' satisfaction, that is, if the driver feels satisfied with his jobs and is happy to carry out his duty, of course. it will affect the driver's empathic altitude.

In connection with the results of the research, it is recommended that Koperasi Taxi Indonesia: (1) increase better service to the customers in terms of meeting their needs: (2) the increase in service quality is fully supported by the availability of the quality and the satisfaction as well as the attitude of the driver/worker. Thus the efforts to create service satisfaction need to be done well through human resources development as well as competence base, working atmosphere, compensation, career development and etc: (3) based on the results of the interview, there are several suggestions proposed by the customers of Koperasi Taxi Indonesia among others are the drivers' attitudes and behaviors which need to be paid attention to.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agus Lukman Hakim
Abstrak :
In Zakat (tithe), Infak and Shadaqah that organize by non-government organization, mainly matter of focus on studies is effectiveness of Zakat, lnfaq and Shadaqah (ZIS) management by Amil (who collect tithe) because more and more effective the distribution of ZIS by him I her then higher society trust (Muzakki) to Amil. Therefore, author try to explore the effectiveness of Zakat management organization issues on distribution of Zakat, lnfaq and Shadaqah (ZIS) in Rumah Zakat Indonesia (House of Zakat) DSUQ - Branch of Jakarta. This research purpose describe to effectiveness in this organization on ZIS distribution. In work of this research, author used quantitative approach. One of requirement on quantitative approach is becoming theory to main base in analyze research variable. Main theory used is that suggest by Andre Jones and John May (1945:43) that define factors which effectiveness impact to service organizations or non-government organization, consist of 6 factors, are; service of technology, working procedures, staff competency, organization resources, staff compensation, responsibilities mechanism. Based on these variables above, author make a questioner and distribute it by census method, outcome 13 respondents from employees and 12 volunteers, also stand up depth interviews with people who mustahik ZIS are 5 persons, then the data analyze by frequency table. Based on research result, gain concludes that respondents regard it positively on effectiveness of Rumah Zakat Indonesia organization DSUQ Branch of Jakarta. It is shown that Rumah Zakat Indonesia can categorize as effective organization. Other indicator obtain from open-interview with mustahi zcikai (peoples), respondents also said their positive valuation on Zakat, Infaq and Shadaqah (ZIS) distribution program in social service form as foster child management, corpse car, economic health clinic. Meanwhile from result of analyze based on theory and research invention, there are matters proper as author's recommendation on Board of Rumah Zakat Indonesia DSUQ Branch of Jakarta, such as; socialization and cooperation action with society in Zakat distribution, Infak and Shadaqah (ZIS), cooperation with professional organization in poor society founding in order fund distribution more effective and productive toward prosperous society, to build mechanism and fund ordering management as productively become people in cultivation as muslahik to be muzzakki with economic empowerment division.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ratno Oedianto
Abstrak :
The quality of Public services provided by government apparatuses to the community as the realization of the functions of state apparatuses as state servants and public servants needs to be continuously improved to keep abreast with the dynamics and progress of the national development. The demand of the society and business community for improved quality of public service rendering is viewed to be of great importance in entering the on-going globalisation and information era as of today. Accordingly, government apparatuses should be more serious in preparing themselves for anticipating the challenges looming ahead so that they will be well able to optimally implement the government and development-related tasks, particularly in providing quality services to the public at large. It is for this reason and in compliance with the spirit and demand of the reform era nowadays that the City Administration of Tangerang has proudly established the City's Office of Investment and License by virtue of the Decree of the Mayor of Tangerang Number 19 of 2001 , on January 2, 2001, on the Organization and Work Procedures of the Investment and License Office. The main objective of the establishment is to provide easy and convenient procedures in rendering services to the public for processing various permits and licenses in a bid to create conducive business climate for enhancing more promising economic development in the City of Tangerang. To analyse the quality of the license-issuing services at the Investment and Licence-Publishing Office in the City of Tangerang, the researcher has engaged himself in analyzing the quality of license service-rendering on the basis of the Decree of the Minister of State's Apparatuses Empowerment Number KEP125/M.PAN/2/2004 on the Broad Guidelines for Constructing Public Satisfaction Index of the Service Units of the Goventment Agencies. The aforementioned decree is used as one of the instruments to measure the quality of services offered by various work units/public service offices at both Central and Regional Administrations and tested based on the dimensions like the ones developed by Zeitham et. all, namely : Tangible Dimensions, Responsiveness, Reliability, Assurance, and Emphaty. From the result of the analysis of license-service rendering at the Investment and Licence Office in the City of Tangerang in terms of how far the quality of license service-rendering offered by Investment and License Office in the City of Tangerang is objectively evaluated by the residents of the City of Tangerang, who have had certain licenses processed and are having such licenses processed ( 150 respondents), it can be concluded that the converted lndeks Kepuasan Masyarakat /Public Satisfaction Index (PSI) index Value x Basic Value = 2,74 x 25 = 68,50, signifying that the Service Quality is Good (equivalent to B), and the Performance of the Work Unit is Good (B). The establishment of the Investment and License Office in Tangerang, which, in license service-rendering, has adopted integrated patterns of public service, has been able to give birth to prime quality of license-service rendering so that the community at large can satisfactorily enjoy: 1. reasonable, highly-reliable, much better and easier license- procuring process provided by the City Administration Apparatuses. 2. avoidance of high cost economy since they obtain a wide array of services from one-roofed services agency. 3. highly motivated economic activity, particularly among business players due to easier and more convenient process to license procurement. 4. change and improvement in the behavior and attitude of apparatuses of Tangerang City Administration, who give first-scale priority of improved service-rendering to the public. The Tangerang-based Investment and License Office is expected to be able to disseminate more transparent system and procedure of license-issuing service to the community at large, which among others, include mechanism, system and procedures, license-procuring requirements, and costs as well as time needed to have the license properly processed. With this transparency upheld, it is expected that the community will have more trustworthy and better understanding of matters pertaining to the license-procuring processes offered by the Tangerang-based Investment and Licence Office.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Edwin Fatmanto
Abstrak :
Dewasa ini belum tersusun standar kualitas pelayanan minimal (yang Baku) di Dinas-divas Pemerintahan Daerah. Kenyataan ini memacu penelaahan peningkatan kinerja pelayanan instansi Pemerintah Daerah. Sampai dengan saat ini UPT Pusat Perkayuan dalam kegiatan pembinaan dan pelayanan kepada masyarakat belum dikombinasikan dengan mutu teknologi yang tepat, kesederhanaan birokrasi, kerapihan dokumentasi dan tenaga ahii yang terampil, sehinga dapat beroperasi secara optimal. Agar UPT Pusat Perkayuan dapat berhasil dalam mengemban tugas pokoknya dalam pembinaan dan pelayanan terhadap masyarakat, maka perlu diketahui persepsi pelanggan tentang kualitas pelayanan pada UPT Pusat Perkayuan Dinas Pertanian dan Kehutanan Propinsi DKI Jakarta yang diharapkan dapat mangantisipasi permasalahan-permasalahan dan aspek lainnya yang sesuai dengan perkembangan saat ini dan kondisi usaha perkayuan pada masa yang akan datang. Untuk mengukur kualitas pelayanan digunakan metode servqual (Zeithaml, 1990:175) berupa 22 pernyataan yang terdiri dari variabel-variabel : tangibility (wujud penampilan), reliability (kehandalan), responsiveness (daya tanggap), Assurance (keyakinan alas pelayanan), empathy (kepedulian). Pelayanan prima atau pelayanan berkualitas identik dengan service quality. Service quality dapat diketahui dengan cara membandingkan persepsi para pelanggan atas pelayanan yang nyata-nyata diterimaldiperoleh (perceived service) dengan pelayanan yang diharapkan (expected service). Dalam penelitian ini penghitungan tingkat kepuasan dilakukan dengan dua cara, yaitu Penghitungan tingkat kepuasan dengan menggunakan analisis gap dan Penghitungan tingkat kepuasan menggunakan persentase (%). Kesenjangan antara harapan dengan kenyataan, yang paling tinggi terdapat pada dimensi Assurance terutama pada pengetahuan (Knowledge) petugas layanan dan yang paling rendah adalah pada dimensi Tangible didukung oleh tingginya tingkat kepuasan antara fasilitas fisik dengan jenis layanan yang disampaikan. Agar tujuan UPT Pusat Perkayuan dapat tercapai, maka manajemen UPT Pusat Perkayuan disarankan agar segera meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia secara terencana, bertahap dan berkesinambungan, pembenahan sumber daya manusia agar menghasilkan SDM yang berkualitas dan berdisiplin tinggi. Disarankan pula agar memperhatikan perkembangan teknologi terbaru, serta dilakukan perbaikan dan peremajaan mesin yang sudah tua/rusak dan disusun program pemeliharaan dan perawatan mesin secara berkala dan sistematis.
Nowadays there is no standard of minimum service quality in the provincial government service offices. This fact accelerates study of service performance improvement in the provincial government institutions. Until now the Technical Implementation Unit of Logging Center in its extension programs and ifs service activities to the society have not yet combined with the accurate technological quality, simplicity of bureaucracy. well-documented tiles and skilled experts in order to be able to operate optimally. To succeed in implementing its main tasks, i.e. extension programs and public service provisions, the Technical Implementation Unit of Logging Center in Agriculture and Forestry Service Office in the Special Territory of the Capital City of Jakarta needs to know the customers' perceptions about its service quality. With this knowledge it is expected to be able to anticipate problems and other aspects in accordance with the progress and logging business conditions in the future. To measure the service quality the writer uses SERVQUAL method (Zeithmal, 1990:175) in a form of statements consisting of such variables as tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance. emphaty. The service quality is identical with service excellence. The service quality can be identified by way of comparing customers' perception over perceived service and expected service. In this research the calculation of satisfactory level is conducted in two ways. that is. the calculation of satisfactory level using gap analysis and the calculation of satisfactory level using percentage. The highest score of the gap between expectation and reality is in assurance dimension especially in the knowledge of the service provider officials and the lowest one is in tangible dimension supported by high rates of satisfactory level between physical facilities and the types of services provided in order to accomplish the objective of the Technical Implementation Unit of Logging Center, it is suggested that the management should improve the human resources quality in a planned, gradual and continuous manner. In other words, the human resources development can create qualified and disciplined human resources. It is also recommended to keep up with the advancement of technology by repairing damage machines and replacing the old ones and designing maintenance mechanism periodically and systematically.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bambang Purwanto
Abstrak :
Sesuai dengan kondisi sosial ekonomi masyarakat dan fisik wilayah, upaya pembangunan pertanian di Propinsi DKI Jakarta tidak difokuskan kepada suatu kebijakan yang bersifat on farm ( budidaya ) dalam aktivitas pembangunan pertanian. Namun, sejalan dengan strategi pelaksanaan pembangunan pertanian nasional, upaya pembangunan pertanian di Propinsi DKI Jakarta lebih difokuskan pada upaya terwujudnya ketahanan pangan dan peningkatan pengembangan agribisnis komoditas / produk hasil pertanian. Dengan demikian pelaksanaan program pembangunan pertanian di Propinsi DKI Jakarta sangat didominasi oleh kebijakan yang bersifat off farm sesuai dengan kondisi dan potensi yang dimiliki oleh Propinsi DKI Jakarta. Kebijakan ketahanan pangan di Propinsi DKI Jakarta dimaksudkan untuk memenuhi permintaan pangan yang diperlukan oleh masyarakat dalam jumlah yang cukup dan memenuhi kriteria / syarat gizi yang diperlukan. Sesuai dengan kondisi fisik dan sosial ekonomi masyarakat, program peningkatan ketahanan pangan di Propinsi DKI Jakarta sangat difokuskan pada upaya pemenuhan ketersediaan pangan dari berbagai daerah pemasok/ produsen pangan di Iuar Propinsi DKI Jakarta. Ketergantungan pangan tersebut merupakan suatu kondisi yang pertu untuk mendapat perhatian secara prioritas dalam upaya mewujudkan ketahanan pangan di Propinsi DKI Jakarta. Kondisi dan perubahan yang terjadi di daerah produsen akan sangat berdampak langsung terhadap kondisi distribusi dan ketersediaan pangan yang diperlukan di Propinsi DK| Jakarta. Oleh karena itu. untuk mengantisipasi permasalahan tersebut. Pemda Propinsi DKI Jakarta telah berupaya melakukan kerjasama dengan berbagai daerah salah satunya adalah melalui kerjasama Mitra Praja Utama yang merupakan pemasok pangan terbesar di Propinsi DKI Jakarta. Sehubungan dengan hal di atas dipandang perlu dilakukan penelitian terhadap pelaksanaan kerjasama. Tujuan dari pelaksanaan penelitian ini adalah melakukan pengkajian terhadap faktor internal dan eksternal kerjasama yang mendukung terwujudnya ketahanan pangan, pengkajian terhadap faktor kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang dan ancaman dari pelaksanaan kerjasama dan menformulasikan strategi kerjasama Propinsi DKI Jakarta dengan Propinsi MPU bidang pertnain yang efektif, efisien, sinergi dan saling menguntungkan. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan jumlah responden penelitian sebanyak 20 orang adalah responden yang memiliki kompetensi dalam pelaksanaan kerjasama bidang pertanian antara Propinsi DKI Jakarta dengan Propinsi Lingkup MPU. Pengumpulan data dilaksanakan dengan kuisioner, wawancara, observasi Iapangan dan studi pustaka. Pengolahan dan analisis data dilakukan dengan analisis SWOT dan Teknik AHP untuk menentukan strategi prioritas yang diperlukan dalam pelaksanaan kerjasama. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data diperoleh strategi prioritas pelaksanaan kerjasama secara berurut adalah peningkatan produksi. mutu/kualitas dan keamanan pangan, peningkatan kualitas sumberdaya manusia, pengembangan kemitraan. pengembangan kemitraan, peningkatan sarana dan prasarana pertanian, pengembangan / penguatan kelembagaan Berdasarkan evaluasi pelaksanaan kerjasama, kerjasama MPU masih perlu untuk ditanjutkan baik bagi Propinsi DKI Jakarta maupun bagi Propinsi Lingkup MPU dalam rangka mewujudkan pengembangan agribisnis dan peningkatan ketahanan pangan. Kerjasama yang dilaksanakan sudah berjalan sesuai dengan rencana dan jadual yang telah ditetapkan, namun, belum memberikan manfaat optimal dalam kerjasama. Hal tersebut disebabkan Program dan kegiatan kerjasama belum sepenuhnya mampu mengakomodir pada pemberdayaan potensi unggulan daerah sebagaimana yang diharapkan, kualitas sumberdaya manusia pertanian ( birokrasi, petani dan pelaku agribisnis ) belum sepenunya mendukung pelksanaan kerjasama. ego sektoral seringkali mewarnai pelaksanaan kegiatan kerjasama, persepsi yang berbeda antar instansi / lembaga mengakibatkan kegiatan kerjasama tidak berjalan optimal monitoring dan evaluasi belum dijadikan sebagai bagian penting dari pelaksanaan kerjasama. Untuk meningkatkan optimalisasi peiaksanaan kerjasama mutlak diperlukan adanya komitmen dan keseriusan dalam pelaksanaan kerjasama, peningkatan koordinasi antar instansi/lembaga terkait, pemberdayaan stakeholder secara aktif. Pelaksanaan monitoring dan evalusi secara rutin dengan memperhatikan aspek obyektifitas, transparan dan akuntabel.
In congruence with the current physical and social economic conditions of the society, an effort to develop agriculture in the special province of Jakarta is not focused towards an on farm policy in agriculture development acitivities, but it is more focused towards the effort of the manifestation of food resilience and an increase in the expansion of agribusiness commodity or agriculture product in line with the implementation strategy of national agriculture development. Therefore, the implementation of the agricultural program in the special province of Jakarta is heavily dominated by the off fami policy in line with the available conditions and potentials of the special province of Jakarta. The policy of food resilience of the special province of Jakarta is intended to meet the demands required by the community, that is. sufficient amount and fullfilling the nutrition criteria required. ln accordance with the physical and social economic conditions of the society, the program to increase food resilience in the special province of Jakarta is heavily focused on the fullfilment of food availability from various places of food suppliers outside Jakarta. Such food reliance becomes a priority condition that needs to be paid attention to in an effort to realize food resilience in the special province of Jakarta. This is because when there are changes occurred in the suppliers' areas, it will have direct impacts towards the conditions of food distribution and food availability needed by the special province of Jakarta. Therefore, to anticipate such problem the local govemment of the special province of Jakarta has made some efforts to establish cooperation with several regions, one of which is through cooperation with Mitra Praja Utama which is the biggest food supplier in the special province of Jakarta. In reference to the above mentioned it is deemed necessary to conduct research towards the implementation of cooperation. The purpose of this research is to do an evaluation towards intemal and extemal factors of cooperation that support the realization of food resilience, that is, the evaluation towards SWOT factors (Strengths, Weaknesess, Opportunity and Threats) of the cooperation implementation and fonnulating cooperation strategy of the special province of Jakarta with Mitra Praja Utama regions in agriculture in an effective, efficient, sinergy and mutually beneficial manner. The method of the research is descriptive with 20 respondents who have competency in the cooperation implementation in agriculture between the special province of Jakarta and the Mitra Praia Utama regions. The data gathering is done through distributing questionnaires. conducting an interview, field observation and library research. Data processing and data analysis conducted uses SWOT analysis and AHP techniques to determine priority strategy required in the implementation of cooperation. Based on the data analysis findings, priority strategy of cooperation implementation is obtained in an orderly manner, that is, an increase in production, quality and food security, an increase in human resource quality development partnership, and an improvement in agriculture infrastructures and facilities, and institutional development. Based on the evaluation of cooperation implementation, The cooperation with Mitra Praja Utama still needs to be continued both for the special province of Jakarta and the provinces around Mitra Praja Utama in the frame work of manifesting agribusiness development and food resilience improvement. The on-going cooperation has been run as planned, however, it has not yet given optimum benefit in the cooperation. This is because the programme and the cooperation activities are not yet able to fully
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Matondang, Fauzil Arsil
Abstrak :
Peranan tanah dalam kegiatan pembangunan makin banyak dibutuhkan, sehingga nilainya semakin meningkat. Pelaksanaan administrasi pertanahan dan manajemen pelayanan, temtama pengumsan sertiiikasi bidang tanah sering membawa permasalahan yang kompleks, antara lain praktek pelayanannya pada Kantor Pertanahan BPN yang masih dianggap kurang tertib dan kurang memuaskan bagi masyarakat.

Demikian pula halnya yang terdapat pada Kantor Pertanahan Kotamadya Jakarta Selalan, memprmyai wgas pelayanan bidang pertanahan pada cakupan wilayah kerja Kotamadya Jakarta Selatan. Dengan cakupan wilayah keja yang demikian Iuas dan kompleks tersebut, proses pemberian pelayanan yang dbalankan oleh unit-unit kerjanya sangat dituntut untuk dapat mcmberikan pelayanan berkualitas agar dapat memberikan kepuasan bagi rnasyarakat.

Atas dasar tersebut, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengukur persepsi masyarakat pengguna jasa mengenai kualitas dan kepuasan pelayanan yang diberikan oleh Kantor Pertanahan Kotamadya Jakarta Selatan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui telah sejauh mana kepuasan masyarakat pengguna terhadap kualitas pelayanan bidang pertanahan di Kantor Pertanahan Kotamadya Jakarta Selatan, dimana hasil pcnelitian diharapkan akan dapat dijadikan bahan masukan bagi para pengambil keputusan khususnya dalam bidang pelayanan publik.

Kerangka teori dalarn penelitian ini terdiri dari teori-teori mcngenai persepsi masyarakat, pemerintah sebagai penyedia pelayanan publik, kualilas pelayanan, dan teori kepuasan pelanggan Serta pengkuran terhadap kepuasan pelanggan.

Pengumpulan data yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatiti Dimana data yang dikumpulkan melalui instrumen kuisioner. Penyebaran kuisioner dilakukan melalui teknik accidental sampling dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 100 orang. Responden dipilih dari sejumlah masyarakat yang telah mengurus administrasi pertanahan di Kantor Pertanahan Kodya Jakarta Selatan. Teknik ini dipergunakan karena tidak adanya daftar sampel. Selanjutnya data kuantitatif disajikan dalam bentuk tabel dan prosentase, yang kemudian akan dianalisa secara deskriptif analisis.

Berdasarkan hasil penelitian terhadap kualitas pelayanan, didapatkan hasil bahwa masyarakat menilai pelayanan bidang pertanahan di Kantor Pertanahan Kodya Jakarta Selatan sudah cukup baik. Hampir sebagian besar indeks kinerja pelayanan menurut respnnden berada pada persentase 80%. Beberapa indikator yang dinilai cukup baik yakni: pertama, indikator aspek reliability tentang petugas yang memiliki keahlian dan pengetahuan yang dapat diandalkan dalam pelayanan (87%) Kedua, indikator tentang pelanggan selama ini tidak menemukan kasalahan dalam pelayanan (86%), Akan tetapi, diketahui masih terdapat keluhan antara harapan dan kenyataan yang dirasakan responden yang diukur melalui indikator-indikator dari kelima dimensi servqual. Dari kelima dimensi tersebut, indikator pada dimensi responsiveness yakni tentang kecepatan dan ketepatan waktu pemerosesan urusan layanan yang diminta masyarakat (78%). Kemudian indikator pada dimensi assurance yakni tentang oknum petugas yang masih mau meminta dan menerima uang suap atau tip dari pelanggan diluar dari tarif resmi (78%).

Kesimpulan dari analisis data menunjukkan bahwa menurut pendapat para responden, ternyata secara keseluruhan pelayanan yang diberikan kepada masyarakat pengguna telah cukup baik, sebagaimana yang diharapkan. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan pendapat responden yang memberikan tingkat penilaian atas kualitas pelayanan diatas 80% terhadap semua indikator dimensi servqual. Hanya ada beberapa penilaian yang masih perlu mendapat perhatian, salah satunya masalah pungutan diluar tarif resmi yang masih dilakukan oleh oknum petugas, walaupun hanya sebagian kecil responden yang mengalaminya. Kemudian dari segi sarana fisik pelayanan, Kantor Pertanahan Kodya Jakarta Selatan sudah cukup baik, karena bertempat dalam ruang pelayanan terpadu milik kantor Walikota Kodya Jakarta Selatan, sehingga dalam hal kordinasi antar instansi yang berkaitan juga lebih memudahkan pelayanan. Selanjutnya masalah sumber daya manusia (SDM) yang betugas baik yang berada di loket pelayanan (Front liner) maupun di ruang kantor (back office), menurut sebagian responden telah cukup memiliki kemampuan dan keahlian yang dapat menunjang dalam pemberian pelayanan yang lebih baik.

Agar dapat lebih meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan dan memberikan kepuasan kepada masyarakat pengguna jasa Kantor Pertanahan Kodya Jakarta Selatan, serta berdasarkan temuan dan masukan dari responden, penulis memberikan saran yakni: pertama, program pelayanan khusus yang diadakan Kantor Pertanahan Kodya Jakarta Selatan melalui kerjasama pemerintah Kotamadya Jakarta Selatan, seperti ; adjudikasi APBD dan swadaya, karena relatif murah dan cepat serta dilaksanakan di wilayah kelurahan domisili masyarakat setcmpat. Kedua, untuk lebih mempercepat proses penyelesaian berkas administmsi pertanahan, yang masih dikeluhkan responden karena lewat dari jangka waktu penyelesaian, maka yang dapat dilakukan adalah menyederhanakan hirarki proses administrasi. Ketiga, untuk menekan pungutan liar dilakukan 3 upaya yakni: (a) agar diberikan insentif yang memadai kepada pctugas pelayanan untuk menghindari oknum petugas melakukan pungutan liar. (b) diberikan sanksi yang tegas kepada oknum petugas apabila masih melakukan pungutan liar, baik berupa teguran lisan maupun tertulis, bila perlu dapat dimutasikan hingga dipecat. (c) prosedur dan tarif resmi yang dikenakan terhadap jenis layanan agar dapat diketahui masyarakat melalui media-media inforrnasi seperti: brosur, Ieaflet, spanduk dll.
The role of land in the development activities is increasingly needed, resulting in its increasing value. The application of land administration and service management, especially the handling of certification on a piece of land often brings with the a comples matters, among other things its service applications in BPN Land Office considered as not too orderly and not too satisfactory for the people at large.

The same thing exists in Land Office of South Jakarta Municipality, having its duties in the field of land matters in the working scope of South Jakarta Municipality. With that large and complex working scope as such, the process in providing services being run by its working units is very much demanded to provided quality services in order to provide satisfaction to the people at large.

On that basis, this research is carried out to measure the perception of the people at large as service users concerning the quality and satisfactory services provided by Land Office of South Jakarta Municipality. The objective of this research is to find out how much the satisfaction of the people at large as users on service quality in the field of land in Land Office of South Jakarta Municipality, whereas the results on the research are expected to be used as inputs for decision makers, particularly in the field of public services.

The theoritical framework in this research consists of theories on the perception ofthe people at large, the goverment as provider of public services, service quality, and the theory of customer satisfaction as well as measurement on customer satisfaction.

The data collecting carried out in this research uses quantitative method, whereas the data collected through questionnaire instrument. The questionnaire distribution is done through accidental sampling technique with the total respondents 100 respondents- The respondents are selected from a number of people who have handled their land administration in Land Office of South Jakarta MUnicipality. This technique is used since there is no sample list. Further the quantative data is presented in the form of tables and percentages, and then to be analyzed by descriptive analysis. Based on the results of research on service qualities, they results in the finding that the people consider the services in the field of land at Land Office of South Jakarta Municipality have been sufticiently good Almost the majority on the index of service performance according to the respondents exist in 80% percentage. Several indicators considered as sufficiently good are: first, the indicator on reliability aspect on the oflioers in charge having the reliable expertise and knowledge in the services (87%) Second, indicator of customer aspect so far there has not been any mistake in their services (86%) However, it was still found out complaints between the expectations and realities felt by the respondents measured by indicators of those tive servqual dimentions. Of those five dimensions, the indicator on responsiveness dimersion that is on the speed and punctuality of the processing on the services requested by the people at large(78%). Then the indicator on assurance dimension that is on the officer personality still willing and asking for bribes or tips from the customers outside the official determined price (78%)

The conclusions from the data analysis show that in the opinions of respondents, it is found out that the services provided to the people as users have been sufficiently good, as expected. This is shown by respondents? opinion giving their rating valuation on service quality above 80% on all indicator of servqual dimension There are only some valuations that need to be considered, one of them is extra charges outside the official price still done by the officers as parties, even though only a small part of the customers experiencing them. Then from the aspect of phisical facilities on the services, the Land Office of South Jakarta Municipality is sufficiently good, since it is located under one roof? service office belong to the Mayor office of South Jakarta Municipality, thus inter-cordination among the related institutions also has made it easier on the services. Next is the problem of Human Resource (HR) on duty both existing in the service locket (front liner) as well inside the office building (back office), according to part of respondents they already have sufficient ability and expertise that can support in providing better services.

In order to better improve the service quality and providing satisfaction among the people at large as users of the services the Land Office of South Jakarta Municipality, and based on the inputs and Endings from the respondents, the writer provides the following suggestions: first, the special service program held by the Land Ofiice of South Jakarta Municipality through cooperation with the local govemment of South Jakarta Muncipality such as adjudication and self-sufficient, because it is cheaper and quicker. Second, in order to accelerate the land file resolving processes, still complained by the respondents for exceeding the expected date, then the thing to be done is to simplify the administrative processing hirarchy. Third, to supress illegal charges: (a) providing sufficient incentives to service officers to avoid illegal charges. (IJ) giving strict sanction when the officer in change still carrying out illegal charges, both orally and in writing, up to mutation and dischage. (c) the official procedures and pricing incurred to types of services should be known by the people at large through information medias such as brochures, leaflets, billboards, etc.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hartono Chandra
Abstrak :
Pokok permasalahan dari penelitian ini adalah (1) Bagaimana hubungan (positif atau negatif) kewajiban rnemiliki Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak terhadap penerimaan pajak di KPP Pademangan? (2) Sejauh mana efektifitas kewajiban memiliki Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak dalam mendirikan perusahaan terhadap penerimaan pajak di KPP Pademangan ? Pemilihan populasi adalah cluster sampling (sampling daerah) yaitu populasi penelitian ini adalah KPP Pademangan maka sampel dari penelitian ini adalah Wajib Pajak Badan yang ada di KPP Pademangan. Teknik pemilihan sampeI adalah menggunakan non-probability sampling dengan cara sampling kuota. Penelitian ini memakai metode kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif analisis yang meliputi analisis teoritis dan studi kepustakaan, Metode kuantitatif yaitu dengan menggunakan koefisien korelasi sederhana dan regresi linier sederhana. Teknik pengumpulan data primer adalah melalui kuisioner. Efektifitas adalah kemampuan melakukan sesualu yang tepat. Sasaran telah didefinisikan sebagai keadaan atau kondisi yang ingin dicapai oleh suatu apapun yang hendak melakukannya. Efektifitas organisasi dapat dinyatakan sebagai tingkat keberhasilan pelaksanaan kebijakan dalam usaha untuk mencapi tujuan atau sasarannya. Jadi, sebenarnya sasaran merupakan objek yang utama mengevaiuasi efektif atau tidak efektif suatu organisasi. Sasaran di sini diasumsikan mulai dari memperoleh sumber sampai kepada sasaran tujuan akhir yaitu interests. Pendekatan sasaran (goal approach) dalam pengukuran efektifitas memusatkan perhatian terhadap aspek ourpul, yaitu dengan mengukur keberhasilan organisasi dalam mencapai tingkatan output yang direncanakan. Diundangkannya seluruh undang-undang perpajakan dalam Lembaran Negara dan ketentuan peraturan perpajakan dalam Berita Negara mengandung arti bahvwa masyarakat (wajib pajak) hares sadar dan aktif untuk mencari tahu isi atau maksud dari ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan perpajakan tersebut. Apabila dikemudian hari terdapat kesalahan, baik yang bernilai kealpaan atau kesengajaan yang dilakukan wajib pajak maka tidak alasan bahwa wajib pajak tidak atau belum mengetahui pcraturannya. Tanggung jawab alas pelaksanaan pajak, sebagai pencerminan kewajiban di bidang perpajakan berada pada anggota masyarakat (Wajib Pajak) sendiri. Pemerintah dalam hal ini aparat perpajakan sesuai dengan fungsinya berkewajiban melakukan pembinaan, penelitian dan pengawasan terhadap pelaksanaan kewajiban perpajakan wajib pajak berdasarkan ketenruan yang digariskan dalam peraturan perundang-undangan perpajakan. Instrumen cara wajib pajak mengetahui kewajiban perpajakan, peinenuhan kewajiban, dan kepatuhan m :sing-masing mempunyai skor fase pencapaian kondisi ideal yang rendah yaitu 53,6%, 44,96%, 42,4%, Instrumen penyuluhan pajak dan instrumen pelayanan pajak mempunyai skor fase kondisi ideal yang diharapkan dari aparat pajak ternyata juga rendah yaitu 43,2% dan 59,33%. Skor fase kondisi ideal yang diharapkan dari intrumen wajib pajak dan aparat pajak masih rendah. Rendahnya kondisi ideal yang diharapkan maka kondisi instrumen ini tidak dapat diharapkan untuk memberikan signifikasi terhadap peningkatan penerimaan pajak. Hasil perhitungan korelasi wajib pajak terhadap penerimaan dengan rumus koefisien korelasi diperoleh (r) sebesar 0,928. Koefisien tersebut bernilai positif dan sangat mendekati angka 1, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa jumlah wajib pajak terhadap penerimaan pajak memiliki hubungan sangat kuat dan scarab, artinva peningkatan penerimaan terjadi bersama-sama dengan kenaikan jumlah wajib pajak, sebaliknya penurunan penerimaan terjadi bersama-sama dengan penurunan jumlah wajib pajak. Penghitungan t hitung variabeI wajib pajak pada hasil regresi yaitu sebesar 3,52 > t tabel pada tingkat kepercayaan 90% (a=0,1) yaitu sebesar 2,920. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa wajib pajak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap penerimaan pajak. Berdasarkan persamaan regresi dapat disimpulkan; (a) konstanta sebesar -1,099D+12 menyatakan bahwa jika tidak ada wajib pajak maka nilai penerimaan adalah -1.099D+12 (b) koefisien regresi X sebesar 194325728 menyatakan bahwa setiap penambahan 1 wajib pajak, wajib pajak akan meningkatkan nilai penerimaan sebesar 194325728 X atau Rp. 194.325.728. Persentase peningkatan penerimaan pajak basil estimasi perhitungan regresi program TSP dcngan persentase rata-rata peningkatan realisasi penerimaan pajak sebagaimana pada tabel 13, cukup jauh berbeda. Persentase basil estimasi perhitungan regresi adalah sebesar 28.46% dan persentase rata-rata realisasi penerimaan pajak adalah sebesar 34,61%, Akan tetapi, dari sisi jumlah realisasi penerimaan memiliki nilai lebih kecil dibanding nilai estimasi basil regeresi. Kinerja KPP Jakarta Pademangan tahun 2005 adalah kurang maksimal atau hanya sebesar 80,34% dari semua rencana. Akibatnya realisasi penerimaan pajak pada tahun 2005 juga adalah 80% dari total rencana penerimaan, Kewajiban mendaftarkan usaha untuk mendapatkan NPWP pada saat mendirikan usaha adalah sarana untuk intensifikasi dan ekstensifikasi perpajakan. Oleh karena itu, kesempatan ini agar dimanfaatkan sebaik-baiknya sebagai sarana peningkatan penerimaan pajak yang efektif.
Main Problems of the research are (I) How is correlation (Positive or negative) of obligation in possessing tax payer registered number against tax revenue in KPP Pademangan, Jakarta ? (2) How efectivity of obligation in possessing tax payer registered number in establishing the company against tax revenue in KPP Pademangan, Jakarta? Population choosing is cluster sampling because the research population is Pademangan Jakarta therefore, sample of the research are institution of tax payer that existing in KPP Pademangan Jakarta. Sample selection technique by non-probability sampling by away of quote sampling. The research uses qualitative and quantitative method. Qualitative method by analysis descriptive approach covering theory analysis and bibliography study quantitative method by using simple correlation coefficient and simple limier regression. Primary data collecting technique by questionnaire. Electivity is a capability of doing thing properly. Target has been defined as a situation and condition which is going to be achieved by something that eager to do it, effectively could be mentioned as a degree of successfulness of policy implementation in the way of achieving the target. So, target is actually the main object in evaluating effective or not effective. The target here is assumed starting from getting sources to final destination, it is interest. Goal approach in effectively measurement by focusing attention to output aspect, by measuring successful in achieving output degree which is planned. Declaring of all tax regulation in official document of nation implicitly that society ( tax payer) must realize and active to know how or find out what is content or meaning of the determining rule of the tax regulation. If a mistake happened someday, whether by neglecting or intentional done by tax payer then there is no reason of not knowing the rule and regulation. Responsibilities tax implementation, as a reflection of obligation in tax sector is in society member (tax payer) themselves. The government in is this case as tax officers according to their function will responsible in doing development, research and supervise application tax payer based on rules underlying in rule and regulation of taxation. Instrument to know tax obligation by fulfilling obligation, and obedience which has phase score of each in getting ideal condition is low of 53, 6%, 4, 96%, 42, 4%. Tax counseling instrument and tax service instrument should be at ideal condition phase that is hoped by tax officer, but actuality the score is also low of 43, 2%, and 59, 33%. This low ideal condition of expectation, make the condition instrument could not be used to give significance of increasing tax revenue. Calculation result of tax payer correlation against revenue by correlation coefficient formula is got (r) 0,928. The coefficient is positive and absolute approaching to number I, thus it is summarized that a number of tax payer to tax revenue has a strong relation and direction, meaning, revenue increasing is altogether happened with a number of tax payer. Counting of t counting tax payer variable to regression result is 3,52 > t table at confidence degree of 90% ( =0,1) is 2,920, It shows tax payer influence significantly to tax revenue. Based on equal regression is summarized: (a) constanta -1,099D + 12 is meant ,if there is no tax payer then revenue value is -1.099 + 12 (b) coefficient regression X 194325728 is meant, each addition of 1 tax payer will increase revenue value of 194325728 X or Rp, 194.325.728. Increasing percentage of tax revenue as result counting estimation of TSP regression program with average percentage of increasing tax revenue realization as shown at table 13 is quite far different. Percentage result estimation of regression counting is 28, 46%and average percentage of tax revenue realization is 34, 61%. But, from side of total of revenue realization own a smaller value than estimation value of regression result. Work performance KPP Jakarta Pademangan in 2005 is less maximum or only 80,34% from the target, And the result to tax revenue in 2005 is also 80% from total of revenue planning. Obligation to register business to get NPWP at the time of establishing, is a medium of tax intensification and extensification. Therefore, this opportunity should be benefited as a medium of increasing tax revenue in more effective.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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