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Rina Yunita
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang : Penyakit demam dengue dan demam berdarah dengue yang disebabkan oleh virus dengue masih menjadi masalah kesehatan di dunia. Hingga saat ini pengobatan spesifik serta vaksin untuk infeksi dengue belum tersedia, dan berbagai strategi pembuatan vaksin sedang dikembangkan oleh berbagai pihak. Sebagai salah satu negara endemis infeksi dengue, Indonesia juga perlu melakukan pengembangan vaksin dengue dengan menggunakan strain virus yang berasal dari Indonesia. Pada penelitian ini akan dikembangkan kandidat vaksin DNA rekombinan dengan gen insersi Premembran dan Envelope virus dengue tipe 2 sebagai bagian dari pengembangan vaksin dengue tetravalen di Indonesia. Metode : Plasmid DNA rekombinan dirancang mengandung gen premembran dan envelope dari virus dengue tipe 2 isolat Indonesia. Fragmen DNA diinsersi ke dalam vektor plasmid pUMVC4a serta ditransformasi ke dalam sel E.coli DH5-α. Klon plasmid yang didapat dikonfirmasi dengan metode PCR, enzim restriksi dan sekuensing. Ekspresi protein dari plasmid diuji melalui metode transfeksi pada sel Vero. Selanjutnya plasmid disuntikkan pada mencit jenis Balb/C sebanyak 3 kali dengan interval 3 minggu pada daerah intramuskular. Penyuntikan menggunakan 2 metode : suntikan intramuskular dengan jarum (IM) dan suntikan dengan menggunakan alat needle-free injector (NFI) dengan menggunakan 2 macam dosis plasmid, yaitu 25 μg dan 100 μg DNA. Pemeriksaan antibodi dilakukan dengan metode ELISA dan PRNT. Setelah fase imunisasi selesai, dilakukan uji tantang dengan menyuntikkan 2,5 x 105 PFU/ml DENV-2 secara intraperitoneal pada beberapa kelompok mencit untuk melihat pembentukan sel B memori. Data antibodi yang diperoleh dianalisis secara deskriptif dan analitik. Hasil : Plasmid rekombinan pUMD2 telah berhasil diperoleh. Transfeksi pada sel Vero menunjukkan adanya ekspresi protein intra dan ekstraselular melalui pemeriksaan imunostaining dan ELISA. Melalui pemeriksaan ELISA, antibodi terdeteksi hanya pada kelompok penyuntikan NFI (p<0,005). Titer antibodi tertinggi dijumpai pada kelompok penyuntikan dengan NFI dosis 100 μg , kemudian NFI 25 μg dengan perbedaan yang tidak bermakna (p>0,005) antara kedua kelompok tersebut. Melalui PRNT 70% ditemukan bahwa antibodi netralisasi terhadap DENV-2 terbentuk pada mencit yang diberi imunisasi dengan metode NFI, sedangkan pada kelompok IM titernya tidak terdeteksi (<1/10). Titer antibodi terbaik diperoleh pada kelompok penyuntikan NFI dosis 100 ug yaitu 1/80-1/160. Titer hari ke-4 dan 8 setelah penyuntikan 2,5 x 105 PFU/ml virus pada kelompok yang diimunisasi secara IM dan NFI mengalami peningkatan. Sebaliknya, pada kelompok yang tidak diberi virus tidak terdapat peningkatan titer netralisasi. Hal ini menunjukkan adanya pembentukan sel B memori dari imunisasi yang diberikan. Kesimpulan : Pembuatan plasmid rekombinan dengan gen insersi pre-M dan E DENV2 strain DS18/09 telah berhasil dilakukan. Terdapat respon antibodi netralisasi dan anamnestik dari mencit yang diberi imunisasi secara NFI, namun imunisasi secara IM hanya menunjukkan respon antibodi anamnestik dari sel memori. Plasmid DNA rekombinan ini memiliki potensi sebagai kandidat vaksin DNA terhadap virus dengue tipe 2. Perlu dilakukan penelitian selanjutnya berupa rancangan vaksin tetravalen dalam upaya pengembangan vaksin dengue secara menyeluruh.
Introduction : Dengue fever and dengue haemorrhagic fever caused by dengue virus is still a major health problem. There are four types of Dengue virus which antigenically distinguished : DEN-1, DEN-2, DEN-3, DEN-4. Currently, no specific treatment for Dengue infection and no vaccine are available, and various strategies have been used to develop dengue vaccine. Indonesia as one of dengue-endemic country has to attempt dengue vaccine development particularly using Indonesian virus strain. In this study, recombinant DNA vaccine candidate using DENV-2 pre-membrane and envelope genes was constructed as a part of dengue tetravalent vaccine development in Indonesia. Methods : The recombinant plasmid consisting pre-membrane and envelope genes from DENV-2 Indonsia isolate was constructed. DNA fragment were inserted to pUMVC4a plasmid vector and then transformed to E. Coli DH5-α. The construction was confirmed using PCR, restriction enzyme and sequencing. Protein expressions of preM and E were determined by transfection into Vero cells. Group of Balb/C mice were injected with amount of plasmid via intra muscular route. The injection was conducted using 2 delivery methods : conventional syringe-needle (IM) and needle-free injector (NFI) device. Doses of plasmid that being compared are 25 μg and 100 μg. Mice were immunized with plasmid 3 times with 3 weeks interval. Antibody titre were determined by ELISA and PRNT. After immunization phase, part group of mice challanged with 2,5 x 105 PFU/ml DENV-2 intra peritoneally to confirm wether immunization induced memory cells. Antibody data were interpretated by descriptive and analytic methods Results : The recombinant plasmid pUMD2 has been constructed. Confirmation of gene secuence showed no mutation at the clone. Vero cells-81 transfected with pUMD2 expressed prM and E as determined by immunofluorescence staining as intracellular protein and by ELISA to detect extracellular protein. In ELISA results, antibody was detected only in NFI group (p<0,005). Highest antibody titre was found in NFI group with dose 100 μg followed by dose 25 μg. However, antibody titre by ELISA between NFI group dose 100 μg and 25 μg were not statistically significant (p>0,005). Neutralizing antibody by PRNT 70% showed concordant result compared to ELISA. Neutralizing titre to DENV-2 was developed in NFI group, but it was not detectable in IM group of mice (<1/10). The highest titre of neutralization achieved by 100 μg, NFI group whose titer 1/80-1/160. Immunized mice in all groups raised greater neutralizing antibody titers on days 4 and 8 after challange with 2,5 x 105 PFU/ml of DS 18/09 of dengue type 2 virus. Compared to immunized mice that were not challanged which developed no increasing neutralizing titre, it indicated that immunization could produced memory B cell responses. Conclusions : Recombinant plasmid as a candidate for dengue DNA vaccine has been constructed. The plasmid expressed premembrane and envelope proteins in Vero cells. Immunogenicity test from the plasmid DNA demonstrated neutralizing antibody responses and anamnestic responses in mice which immunized only by NFI method. IM injection method only showed anamnestic antibody responses. Overall, this DNA plasmid has a potency to be used as a candidate for DNA vacine against dengue virus type-2. Study for designing tetravalent vaccine model is necessary as a part in vaccine dengue development.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang. Virulensi methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) yang berasal dari komunitas terutama karena keberadaan toksin Panton Valentin Leukocidin (PVL) dan Phenol Soluble Modulin (PSM) yang tidak dimiliki oleh MRSA yang berasal dari rumah sakit. Kedua toksin tersebut diketahui menyebabkan lisis neutrofil yang kemudian menurunkan kadar neutrofil. Tujuan. Penelitian bertujuan menilai perbedaan nilai hitung neutrofil absolut antara infeksi MRSA yang didapat dari rumah sakit dengan yang dari komunitas. Metode. Penelitian in merupakan studi potong lintang yang melibatkan pasien terinfeksi MRSA yang dirawat di RSCM pada kurun waktu 2012-2017. Klasifikasi varian MRSA dilakukan berdasarkan pola kepekaan dan resistensi kuman terhadap antibiotik non beta laktam menjadi CA-MRSA (resisten ≤ 2 antibiotik non beta laktam) dan HA-MRSA (resisten ≥ 3 antibiotik non beta laktam). Hitung neutrofil absolut diambil pada 24 jam dilakukan kultur yang positif MRSA. Uji hipotesis yang dilakukan adalah uji T tidak berpasangan bila memenuhi syarat. Hasil. Dari penelitian ini didapatkan 62 subyek dengan infeksi MRSA dengan infeksi HA-MRSA (n=35) lebih banyak dibandingkan CA-MRSA (n=27). Median hitung neutrofil absolut CA-MRSA 7410.7 (1147.3-26560.2) dan HA-MRSA 16198.0 (3921.6-28794.1) dengan p < 0.001. Kesimpulan. Dari penelitian ini terdapat perbedaan nilai hitung neutrofil absolut antara infeksi MRSA yang berasal dari rumah sakit dengan yang dari komunitas. ......Background. The virulence factors from community acquired-methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA) mainly due to toxins like Panton Valentin Leukocidin (PVL) and Phenol Soluble Modulin (PSM). Both of toxins cause decrease of value through neutrophil lysis. Objective. The objective of this research is to identify different value of absolute neutrophil count between hospital and community acquired MRSA. Method. This is a cross sectional research which included subjects who were infected by MRSA and hospitalized during 2012-2017. Classification of MRSA were divided due to it's sensitivity and resistance to non-beta lactam antibiotics. Isolate that resistance to ≤ 2 antibiotics were classified as CA-MRSA. The others with resistance to ≥ 3 antibiotics were HA-MRSA. Absolute neutrophils count (ANC) were collected 24 hours from the positive MRSA culture. Hypothesis were analyzed by using independent T test. Result. We collected 62 subjects infected by MRSA which 35 subjects were HA-MRSA and 27 subjects were CA-MRSA. The median of ANC from CA-MRSA is 7410.7 (1147.3-26560.2) and HA-MRSA 16198.0 (3921.6-28794.1) with p < 0.001. Conclusion. There were a different value of absolute neutrophil count in infections due to community and hospital acquired MRSA.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fatih Anfasa
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: Demam berdarah dengue (DBD) merupakan salah satu penyakit infeksi terpenting di berbagai negara tropis dan subtropis. Kebocoran plasma merupakan salah satu penanda infeksi dengue berat. Namun, beberapa metode diagnostik kebocoran plasma yang direkomendasikan oleh WHO memiliki berbagai kekurangan untuk digunakan dalam praktik klinis sehari-hari. Endokan merupakan proteoglikan yang diproduksi oleh sel endotel yang teraktivasi. Studi pada pasien sepsis dan Coronavirus Disease-19 (COVID-19) memperlihatkan bahwa kadar protein ini dapat digunakan sebagai penanda disfungsi endotel dan faktor prognostik infeksi berat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi endokan sebagai penanda kebocoran plasma pada infeksi DBD. Metode: Penelitian ini dilakukan secara kohort retrospektif menggunakan data sekunder dari penelitian International Study on Biomarkers and Gene Expression Patterns in Patients with Dengue Virus Infection (INVEST) yang diambil pada tahun 2010-2011 di RS Cipto Mangunkusumo, Jakarta. Endokan diperiksa menggunakan teknik ELISA. Uji diagnostik kebocoran plasma dilakukan menggunakan ultrasonografi (USG) sebagai baku emas. Nilai titik potong endokan sebagai penanda kebocoran plasma dilakukan menggunakan kurva Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC). Uji korelasi dilakukan terhadap nilai hematokrit, delta hematokrit, dan albumin dengan endokan. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan GraphPad Prism versi 5.0 untuk Windows dan Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) versi 28. Hasil: Terdapat 64 pasien yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi dan terdiri atas 31 pasien demam dengue (DD) dan 33 pasien demam berdarah dengue (DBD). Terdapat perbedaan bermakna untuk parameter endokan, albumin, trombosit dan nilai delta hematokrit antara kelompok DD dan DBD. Didapatkan area under the curve (AUC) 0,83 (95% interval kepercayaan: 0,73-0,93). Endokan dengan nilai titik potong 1,63 ng/mL dapat digunakan sebagai penanda kebocoran plasma, dengan angka sensitivitas 66,7%, spesifisitas 90,3%, nilai prediksi positif (NPP) 88%, dan nilai prediksi negatif (NPN) 71,8%. Terdapat korelasi negatif antara nilai endokan dan albumin pada fase kritis infeksi dengue (r: -0,4; p: 0,001). Tidak terdapat korelasi antara kadar endokan fase kritis dengan hematokrit (r: 0,12; P=0,36) dan delta hematokrit (r: 0,16; P=0,21). Kesimpulan: Endokan dengan nilai titik potong 1,63 ng/mL memberikan angka sensitivitas 66,7%, spesifisitas 90,3%, NPP 88%, dan NPN 71,8 sebagai penanda kebocoran plasma. Terdapat korelasi negatif antara nilai endokan dan albumin pada fase kritis infeksi dengue. ......Background: Dengue is one of the most important infectious diseases in tropical and subtropical countries. This disease is caused by dengue virus (DENV). Plasma leakage is one of the most important clinical manifestations of severe dengue. However, there are shortcomings of various diagnostic methods that have been recommended by WHO to be used in daily clinical practice. Endocan is a proteoglycan produced by activated endothelial cells. Studies in patients with sepsis and Coronavirus Disease-19 (COVID-19) showed that endocan levels can be used as a marker of endothelial cell dysfunction and prognostic factors for severe disease. This study aims to evaluate endocan as a marker of plasma leakage in dengue infection. Methods: The design of this study was retrospective cohort. Secondary data from the International Study on Biomarkers and Gene Expression Patterns in Patients with Dengue Virus Infection (INVEST) that was performed from 2010-2011 at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta were used. Endocan levels were determined with ELISA test. Plasma leakage diagnosis was performed with ultrasonography (USG) as the gold standard. Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve was performed to determine endocan cut-off level to detect plasma leakage. Correlation tests were performed on hematocrit, delta hematocrit, and albumin levels with endocan. Data analyses were performed with GraphPad Prism versi 5.0 for Windows and SPSS version 28. Results: 64 patients fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria. There were 31 patients with dengue fever (DF) and 33 patients with dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF). We observed significant differences of endocan, thrombocyte, hematocrit, delta hematocrit, and albumin levels between DF and DHF patients. The area under the curve (AUC) was 0.83 ((95% confidence interval (CI): 0.73-0.93). Endocan with a cut off value of 1.63 ng/mL can be used as a marker for plasma leakage with a sensitivity of 66.7%, a specificity of 90.3%, a positive predictive value (PPV) of 88%, and a negative predictive value (NPV) of 71.8%. There was a negative correlation between endocan and albumin levels in the critical phase of dengue (r: -0,4; p: 0,001). There was no significant correlation (r: 0.12; P=0.36) between the endocan and hematocrit values in the critical phase of dengue infection and the critical phase values of endocan with delta hematocrit (r: 0.16; P=0.21). Conclusion: Endocan with a cut point value of 1.63 ng/mL can be used as a marker for plasma leakage with a sensitivity value of 66.7%, a specificity of 90.3%, a PPV of 88%, and a NPV of 71.8%. There was a negative correlation between endocan and albumin values in the critical phase of dengue infection.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siregar, Masra Lena
Abstrak :
Latar belakang. Bakteremia yang disebabkan oleh kuman resisten antibiotik Escherichia coli (E. coli) penghasil Extended-Spectrum Beta-Lactamase (ESBL) dipengaruhi beberapa faktor risiko. Kondisi ini dapat berlanjut menjadi sepsis yang dapat meningkatkan tingginya morbiditas dan mortalitas. Prevalensi bakteremia yang disebabkan E. coli penghasil ESBL cukup tinggi mencapai 57,7%. Pentingnya melakukan penelitian untuk mengevaluasi faktor risiko pada terjadinya bakteremia E. coli penghasil ESBL yang dapat menyebabkan tingginya biaya perawatan dan penggunaan antibiotik yang tidak sesuai di awal sebagai antisipasi terhadap kejadian mortalitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi faktor risiko bakteremia E. coli penghasil ESBL dan menentukan faktor risiko terhadap mortalitas. Metode. Penelitian kohort retrospektif menggunakan data rekam medis pasien kultur darah positif E. coli yang di rawat pada dua Rumah Sakit Rujukan di Jakarta yaitu Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Nasional (RSUPN) Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo dan Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat (RSUP) Persahabatan periode Januari sampai Desember 2019. Faktor risiko terjadinya ESBL yang dicari sesuai dengan kepustakaan adalah usia, komorbiditas berdasarkan indeks Charlson, pemakaian alat medis, riwayat terapi antibiotik dan riwayat perawatan sebelumnya serta faktor risiko terhadap mortalitas. Uji bivariat perbedaan dua kelompok kategorik (Chi-square atau Fisher) dan uji regresi logistik multivariat dilakukan untuk menentukan faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap bakteremia ESBL dan mortalitas. Hasil. Total 116 subjek dalam kurun waktu penelitian dengan usia ≥18 tahun sebanyak 81% subjek, didominasi 52,6% berjenis kelamin laki-laki. Sumber lokasi infeksi terbanyak berasal dari saluran cerna dan intra abdomen yang ditemukan pada 43 subjek (37,1%) dan sebanyak 54 subjek (46,6%) memiliki komorbiditas keganasan. Faktor risiko yang bermakna secara statistik pada seluruh subjek adalah riwayat terapi antibiotik (adjusted OR 2,78; IK95% 1,20–6,45; p=0,017) dan pemakaian alat medis (adjusted OR 3,21; IK95% 1,10–9,34; p=0,033), sementara pada pasien ≥18 tahun (94 subjek) hanya faktor riwayat terapi antibiotik yang bermakna (adjusted OR 2,77; IK95% 1,13 – 6,81; p= 0,027). Tidak terdapat perbedaan mortalitas antara bakteremia E.coli penghasil ESBL dan non-ESBL (p=0,059). Proporsi mortalitas bakteremia E. coli penghasil ESBL adalah 55,7% dan faktor risiko mortalitas yang bermakna adalah usia (adjusted OR 15,0; IK95% 1,54–146,0; p=0,020) dan sepsis (adjusted OR 6,5; IK95% 1,91–22,16; p=0,003). Simpulan. Faktor risiko terjadinya bakteremia E. coli penghasil ESBL adalah riwayat terapi antibiotik dan pemakaian alat medis. Lebih dari separuh pasien mengalami mortalitas dan faktor risiko yang berhubungan adalah usia dan sepsis. ......Background. Bacteremia caused by the Extended-Spectrum Beta-Lactamase (ESBL)-producing Escherichia coli (E. coli) causing septicaemia and lead to high morbidity and mortality. Factors to ESBL bacteremia are important to recognize soon as patient admitted to hospital since the prevalence of ESBL bacteremia is as high as 57,7% among admitted patient to hospital. The understanding of the risk factors ESBL-producing E. coli bacteremia give the opportunity to provide costs effective treatment costs and antibiotics use to save the lives. This study aims to identify and analyze the risk factor in bacteremia patients with ESBL producing E. coli and its mortality. Methods. A retrospective cohort study based on medical record data on all patients with a confirmed positive E. coli blood culture examinations were collected from January to December 2019 at two referral hospital in Jakarta, Cipto Mangunkusumo National Hospital and Persahabatan Hospital. Identified risk factors for ESBL-producing E. coli bacteremia were age, comorbidities based on the Charlson index, medical devices, history of hospitalization and history of antibiotics therapy including risk factors on mortality. Bivariate analysis of categorical group differences (Chi-square or Fisher test) and multivariate analysis with logistic regression tests were performed to identify the correlation of these factors to ESBL bacteremia and mortality. Results. A total of 116 subjects E. coli bacteremia were included, eighty one percent of subjects ≥18 years old and 52.6% was male. The common site of infection was gastrointestinal tract 37.1% (43 subjects) and 54 subjects (46.6%) had malignancy comorbidity. History of antibiotic therapy (adjusted OR 2.78; 95%CI 1.20–6.45; p=0.017) and medical devices (adjusted OR 3.21; 95%CI 1.10–9.34; p=0.033) were associated with ESBL bacteremia. Among patients ≥18 years old (94 subjects) marely the history of antibiotics (adjusted OR 2.77; 95% CI 1.13 – 6.81; p= 0.027) was associated with ESBL-producing E. coli bacteremia. Mortality among bacteremia ESBL and non-ESBL-producing E. coli were not significantly different (p=0.059). Mortality was found 55,7% among ESBL-producing E. coli bacteremia and associated independent risk factors were age (adjusted OR 15.0; 95%CI 1.54–146.0; p=0.020) and sepsis (adjusted OR 6.5; 95%CI 1.91–22.16; p=0.003). Conclusion. The risk factors for ESBL-producing E. coli bacteremia patients were a history of antibiotic therapy and medical devices. High mortality was found in patient with ESBL-producing E.coli bacteremia and the risk factors was associated with mortality were age and sepsis.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rio Zakaria
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Insiden dan case fatality rate pasien terinfeksi dengue di Indonesia masih tinggi. Penyebab kematian utama pada infeksi dengue adalah renjatan yang disebabkan oleh kebocoran plasma. Kejadian hiponatremia dan hipokalemia sering ditemukan pada pasien yang mengalami infeksi dengue, namun keduanya tidak termasuk penanda kebocoran plasma dalam kriteria DBD oleh WHO. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui rerata penurunan kadar natrium dan kalium serum pada pasien terinfeksi dengue dengan atau tanpa kebocoran plasma, dan mengonfirmasi penelitian sebelumnya apakah kadar natrium dan kalium bisa dipakai sebagai penanda kebocoran plasma. Metode: Studi kohort prospektif dilaksanakan pada pasien terinfeksi dengue ≥ 16 tahun dengan demam mendadak ≤ 3 hari yang dirawat di ruang rawat inap Penyakit Dalam RS Cipto Mangunkusumo dan RS Persahabatan Jakarta pada pada Agustus 2013-Juni 2014. Dilakukan pemeriksaan natrium serum, kalium serum, albumin, dan ultrasonografi untuk melihat adanya penebalan kandung empedu, asites dan efusi pleura pada pasien terinfeksi dengue pada hari pertama masuk perawatan dan hari kelima demam. Untuk mendapatkan rerata penurunan natrium dan kalium serum antara pasien terinfeksi dengue yang mengalami kebocoran plasma dan yang tidak, digunakan uji komparatif t-test tidak berpasangan. Hasil: Terdapat 35 orang subjek penelitian pasien terinfeksi dengue yang diambil secara konsekutif. Rerata kadar natrium serum pada pasien Demam Dengue (DD) pada saat masuk 134,66 ± 4,00 mEq/L dan pada hari kelima demam 130,95 ± 4,80 mEq/L. Sementara pada pasien Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) didapatkan kadar natrium pada saat masuk 132,469 ± 3,45 mEq/L dan pada saat hari kelima 129,35 ± 2,67 mEq/L. Perbedaan rerata penurunan kadar natrium antara pasien DBD dengan DD sebesar 0,43 mEq/L, IK 95% [-2,56; 3,42], p = 0,386. Rerata kadar kalium serum pada pasien DD pada saat masuk 3,48 ± 0,44 mEq/L dan pada hari kelima demam 3,39 ± 0,38 mEq/L. Sementara pada pasien DBD didapatkan rerata kadar kalium pada saat masuk 3,32 ± 0,25 mEq/L dan pada hari kelima demam 3,11 ± 0,30 mEq/L. Perbedaan rerata penurunan kadar kalium pasien DBD dengan DD sebesar 0,12 mEq/L, IK 95% [-0,34; 0,10], p = 0,145. Simpulan: Tidak didapatkan perbedaan rerata penurunan kadar natrium dan kalium serum pada pasien terinfeksi dengue dengan kebocoran plasma dibandingkan dengan tanpa kebocoran plasma.
Background: Incidence and case fatality rate of dengue-infected patients in Indonesia is still high. The main causes of death in dengue infection is shock caused by plasma leakage. The incidence of hyponatremia and hypokalemia often found in patients with dengue infection, but they do not include markers of plasma leakage in DHF criteria by WHO. This study aims to determine the average decrease of serum sodium and potassium levels in patients infected with dengue with or without plasma leakage, and confirm previous studies whether the levels of sodium and potassium can be used as a marker of plasma leakage. Method: A prospective cohort study conducted in patients infected with dengue ≥ 16 years old with sudden fever ≤ 3 days treated in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital and Persahabatan Hospital in Jakarta between August 2013 to June 2014. Checking serum sodium, potassium, albumin, and ultrasound to see the thickening of the gall bladder, ascites and pleural effusion in patients infected with dengue on the first day of treatment and the fifth day of fever. We used comparative unpaired t-test to obtain an average decrease in serum levels of sodium and potassium between dengue infected patients who undergo plasma leakage and are not. Results: There were 35 research subjects infected with dengue taken consecutively. The average of serum sodium levels in patients with Dengue Fever (DF) at the time of entry was 134,66 ± 4,00 mEq/L and on the fifth day of fever was 130,95 ± 4,80 mEq/L. While in patients with Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) obtained sodium levels at the time of entry was 132,469 ± 3,45 mEq/L and on the fifth day of fever was 129,35 ± 2,67 mEq/L. The difference of the average of decreased level of sodium between DHF and DF patients was 0,43 mEq/L, CI 95% [-2,56; 3,42], p = 0,386. The average of serum potassium levels in patients with DF at the time of entry was 3,48 ± 0,44 mEq/L and on the fifth day of fever was 3,39 ± 0,38 mEq/L. While in patients with DHF, obtained potassium levels at the time of entry was 3,32 ± 0,25 mEq/L and on the fifth day of fever was 3,11 ± 0,30 mEq/L. The difference of the average of decreased level of potassium between DHF and DF patients was 0,12 mEq/L, CI 95% [-0,34; 0,10], p = 0,145. Conclusion: There were no differences in average of decreased level of serum sodium and potassium in dengue-infected patients with plasma leakage compared to without plasma leakage;Background: Incidence and case fatality rate of dengue-infected patients in Indonesia is still high. The main causes of death in dengue infection is shock caused by plasma leakage. The incidence of hyponatremia and hypokalemia often found in patients with dengue infection, but they do not include markers of plasma leakage in DHF criteria by WHO. This study aims to determine the average decrease of serum sodium and potassium levels in patients infected with dengue with or without plasma leakage, and confirm previous studies whether the levels of sodium and potassium can be used as a marker of plasma leakage. Method: A prospective cohort study conducted in patients infected with dengue ≥ 16 years old with sudden fever ≤ 3 days treated in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital and Persahabatan Hospital in Jakarta between August 2013 to June 2014. Checking serum sodium, potassium, albumin, and ultrasound to see the thickening of the gall bladder, ascites and pleural effusion in patients infected with dengue on the first day of treatment and the fifth day of fever. We used comparative unpaired t-test to obtain an average decrease in serum levels of sodium and potassium between dengue infected patients who undergo plasma leakage and are not. Results: There were 35 research subjects infected with dengue taken consecutively. The average of serum sodium levels in patients with Dengue Fever (DF) at the time of entry was 134,66 ± 4,00 mEq/L and on the fifth day of fever was 130,95 ± 4,80 mEq/L. While in patients with Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) obtained sodium levels at the time of entry was 132,469 ± 3,45 mEq/L and on the fifth day of fever was 129,35 ± 2,67 mEq/L. The difference of the average of decreased level of sodium between DHF and DF patients was 0,43 mEq/L, CI 95% [-2,56; 3,42], p = 0,386. The average of serum potassium levels in patients with DF at the time of entry was 3,48 ± 0,44 mEq/L and on the fifth day of fever was 3,39 ± 0,38 mEq/L. While in patients with DHF, obtained potassium levels at the time of entry was 3,32 ± 0,25 mEq/L and on the fifth day of fever was 3,11 ± 0,30 mEq/L. The difference of the average of decreased level of potassium between DHF and DF patients was 0,12 mEq/L, CI 95% [-0,34; 0,10], p = 0,145. Conclusion: There were no differences in average of decreased level of serum sodium and potassium in dengue-infected patients with plasma leakage compared to without plasma leakage, Background: Incidence and case fatality rate of dengue-infected patients in Indonesia is still high. The main causes of death in dengue infection is shock caused by plasma leakage. The incidence of hyponatremia and hypokalemia often found in patients with dengue infection, but they do not include markers of plasma leakage in DHF criteria by WHO. This study aims to determine the average decrease of serum sodium and potassium levels in patients infected with dengue with or without plasma leakage, and confirm previous studies whether the levels of sodium and potassium can be used as a marker of plasma leakage. Method: A prospective cohort study conducted in patients infected with dengue ≥ 16 years old with sudden fever ≤ 3 days treated in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital and Persahabatan Hospital in Jakarta between August 2013 to June 2014. Checking serum sodium, potassium, albumin, and ultrasound to see the thickening of the gall bladder, ascites and pleural effusion in patients infected with dengue on the first day of treatment and the fifth day of fever. We used comparative unpaired t-test to obtain an average decrease in serum levels of sodium and potassium between dengue infected patients who undergo plasma leakage and are not. Results: There were 35 research subjects infected with dengue taken consecutively. The average of serum sodium levels in patients with Dengue Fever (DF) at the time of entry was 134,66 ± 4,00 mEq/L and on the fifth day of fever was 130,95 ± 4,80 mEq/L. While in patients with Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) obtained sodium levels at the time of entry was 132,469 ± 3,45 mEq/L and on the fifth day of fever was 129,35 ± 2,67 mEq/L. The difference of the average of decreased level of sodium between DHF and DF patients was 0,43 mEq/L, CI 95% [-2,56; 3,42], p = 0,386. The average of serum potassium levels in patients with DF at the time of entry was 3,48 ± 0,44 mEq/L and on the fifth day of fever was 3,39 ± 0,38 mEq/L. While in patients with DHF, obtained potassium levels at the time of entry was 3,32 ± 0,25 mEq/L and on the fifth day of fever was 3,11 ± 0,30 mEq/L. The difference of the average of decreased level of potassium between DHF and DF patients was 0,12 mEq/L, CI 95% [-0,34; 0,10], p = 0,145. Conclusion: There were no differences in average of decreased level of serum sodium and potassium in dengue-infected patients with plasma leakage compared to without plasma leakage]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Santy Pudjianto
Abstrak :
Manifestasi klinis demam berdarah Dengue (DBD) adalah kebocoran plasma dan trombositopenia. Salah satu teori penyebab kedua hal tersebut adalah kadar trombin yang meningkat akibat aktivasi koagulasi. Kadar trombin dapat diwakili oleh kadar F1.2. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kadar F1.2 dengan kebocoran plasma dan trombositopenia pada infeksi Dengue. Desain penelitian ini adalah potong lintang, mengggunakan plasma EDTA dari pasien terinfeksi virus Dengue. Subyek penelitian adalah 10 subyek dengan kebocoran plasma dan 10 subyek tanpa kebocoran plasma pada infeksi Dengue, 6 sampel berpasangan untuk perbandingan fase kritis dan fase konvalesen, 26 sampel untuk uji korelasi antara kadar F1.2 dengan jumlah trombosit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kadar F1.2 pada pasien terinfeksi virus Dengue dengan kebocoran plasma (rerata ± 2SD) 147,4 ± 105,82 pg/mL lebih tinggi secara bermakna dibanding tanpa kebocoran plasma 51,3 ±39,92 pg/mL. Kadar F1.2 pada fase kritis dengan median 186,3 (108,6-223,2) pg/mL lebih tinggi secara bermakna dibanding fase konvalesen 46,5(27,4-51,9) pg/mL. Terdapat korelasi negatif yang bermakna dengan kekuatan sedang antara kadar F1.2 dengan jumlah trombosit, nilai r = - 0,609. Dari hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan aktivasi koagulasi yang ditunjukkan dengan peningkatan kadar F1.2 pada fase kritis, berkaitan dengan kebocoran plasma dan trombositopenia pada pasien terinfeksi virus Dengue. ......Clinical manifestations of Dengue haemorrhagic fever are plasma leakage and thrombocypenia. Both manifestations are thought to be caused by an increased thrombin level due to activation of coagulation. The aim of this study was to look for any association between F1.2 level and plasma leakage and also between F1.2 level and thrombocytopenia in Dengue infected patients. The study design was cross sectional. This study used EDTA plasma from patients infected with Dengue virus. The thrombin level was represented by the prothrombin fragment 1.2 (F1.2) level. Twenty subjects were enrolled in this study, consisted of 10 subjects with plasma leakage and 10 without plasma leakage, 6 pair samples in critical phase and convalescent phase, 26 samples for correlation test between F1.2 level and platelet count. In this study, it was found that the F1.2 level in patients with plasma leakage (mean ± 2 SD) 147.4 ± 105.82 pg/mL was significantly higher compared to patients without plasma leakage 51.3 ±39.92 pg/mL, and the F1.2 level in critical phase had a median of 186.3 (108.6-223.2) pg/mL which was significantly higher compared to convalescent phase 46.5(27.4-51.9) pg/mL. Also there was a significant negative correlation with moderate degree of relationship between F1.2 level and the thrombocyte count, r = - 0.609. The results of the study demonstrated that there was increased coagulation activation at critical phase in patients infected with Dengue virus, as shown by F1.2 as indicator, associated with plasma leakage and thrombocytopenia.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahmad Isnanta
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: Sindrom Koroner Akut (SKA) merupakan manifestasi penyakit jantung koroner yang dapat menyebabkan kematian mendadak. SKA kebanyakan terjadi pada usia di atas 45 tahun, Namun beberapa tahun terakhir ini angka kejadian infark miokard usia muda meningkat. Tujuan: Mengetahui perbedaan karakteristik angiografi koroner pada pasien SKA usia ≤45 tahun dengan pasien SKA usia > 45 tahun. Metode: Beratnya stenosis pembuluh darah diukur dengan Vessel Score (jumlah pembuluh darah koroner yang sakit dengan stenosis ≥ 70%) dan Stenosis Score. Hasil: Diteliti sebanyak 322 pasien SKA yang telah menjalani angiografi koroner di ICCU RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta mulai Januari 2008 sampai Desember 2012. Pasien dibagi kedalam dua kelompok. Kelompok satu adalah pasien usia ≤45 tahun dan kelompok kedua pasien usia>45 tahun. Ditemukan 322 pasien SKA (72 kasus ≤45 tahun dan 250 kasus >45tahun). Distribusi jumlah pembuluh darah yang sakit (vessel score) 1 VD (single vessel diseases) terbanyak pada usia ≤ 45 tahun (43.1 % vs 26.0 % ), sedangkan 3 VD (triple vessel diseases) terbanyak pada usia > 45 tahun (31.6 % vs 18,1 %). Hasil skor stenosis menunjukkan lebih rendah pada usia ≤ 45 tahun dibandingkan usia  45 tahun (median skor stenosis 4 vs 8) dengan perbedaan yang bermakna (p<0,001). Pembuluh darah yang mengalami aterosklerosis yang terbanyak adalah Left Anterior Descending baik kelompok usia ≤ 45 tahun dan usia  45 tahun (65.3% and 74.0%). Pembuluh darah Left Circumflex dan Right Coronary Artery lebih sedikit pada usia ≤ 45 tahun dan bermakna secara statistik (26,4% dan 31,9% vs 46,4% dan 57,2%, p=0,002 dan 0,001). Simpulan: Jumlah pembuluh darah koroner yang sakit (vessel score) dan skor stenosis lebih kecil pada usia ≤ 45 tahun dibanding usia > 45 tahun
Background: Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) is the manifestation of coronary heart disease which can cause sudden death. ACS mostly occurs at the age > 45 years, but recently the incidence of myocardial infarction increases in yong ages. Objective: To determine compared between coronary angiography of acute coronary syndrome patients age ≤ 45 years with acute coronary syndrome patients age > 45 years. Methods: The severety of coronary stenosis was determined by Vessel score and Coronary score. Significant vessel score was defined as stenosis of angiography of more or equal to 70% lumen stenosis by eyeball examination Results :A total of 322 ACS patients who undergone coronary angiography in ICCU Cipto Mangunkusumo from January 2008 to December 2012. Patients were divided into two groups. One patient group is less or equal to the age of 45 years (72 cases) and the second group of patients over the age of 45 years (250 cases). Distribution of number of blood vessels disease 1 VD (single vessel diseases) highest in the age group ≤ 45 years (43.1 % vs 26.0 % ), while 3 VD (triple vessel diseases) highest in the age group > 45 years (31.6 % vs 18,1 %). stenosis score was lower at age ≤ 45 years to compare age > 45 years (median stenosis score 4 vs 8) with statistical significant difference (p < 0.001 ). The Left Anterior Descending Artery significant lesion was found high at the both age groups (65.3% and 74.0%). But the significant stenosis lesion was less found in Left Circumflex and Right Coronary Artery at the age ≤ 45 years (26,4% and 31,9% vs 46,4% and 57,2%, p=0,002 and 0,001). Conclusion :The number of coronary arteries diseases (Vessel score) and Stenosis score is lower at the age ≤ 45 years compared to patients age > 45 years.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Deka Larasati
Abstrak :
Latar belakang. Salah satu penentu manifestasi klinis dengue berat adalah kebocoran plasma. Limfosit dan monosit berperan dalam patogenesis kebocoran plasma infeksi dengue sehingga berpotensi sebagai prediktor kebocoran plasma. Tujuan. Menentukan kemampuan hitung jenis limfosit dan monosit demam hari kedua sebagai prediktor kebocoran plasma pada fase kritis infeksi dengue. Metode. Desain kohort retrospektif pasien rawat inap di RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo, RSUP Persahabatan dan RSPAD Gatot Soebroto dari tahun 2010 ̶ 2015, memenuhi kriteria inklusi: berusia > 15 tahun; didiagnosis dengue menurut WHO 1997; dikonfirmasi pemeriksaan NS-1/pemeriksaan serologis anti dengue; memiliki data darah perifer lengkap dan hitung jenis mulai demam hari ke-2; USG abdomen, dan/atau albumin pada fase kritis. Dilakukan analisis Reciever Operating Characteristic Curves (ROC curve) dengan interval kepercayaan (IK) 95% dan multivariat regresi logistik untuk memperoleh model prognostik. Hasil. Terdapat 63 subjek dianalisis. Insidens kebocoran plasma 49%. Nilai absolut limfosit dan nilai absolut monosit demam hari ke-2 berpotensi menjadi prediktor kebocoran plasma pada fase kritis dengan AUC 0,65 dan 0,64. Titik potong optimal nilai absolut limfosit dan nilai absolut monosit yang berpotensi sebagai prediktor kebocoran plasma sebesar 1323 dan 770. Nilai absolut limfosit memiliki sensitivitas 90%, spesifisitas 16%. Nilai absolut monosit memiliki sensitivitas 94%, spesifisitas 34%. Model prognostik nilai absolut monosit dan persentase limfosit meningkatkan AUC menjadi 0,723. Simpulan. Kemampuan prediksi kebocoran plasma nilai absolut limfosit dan nilai absolut monosit demam hari kedua lemah. Namun kemampuan tersebut ditingkatkan menjadi sedang oleh model prognostik yang melibatkan persentase limfosit dan nilai absolut monosit. ......Background. The severity of dengue infection was determined by plasma leakage. Lymphocytes and monocytes played an important role in the pathogenesis of plasma leakage in dengue infection so they potentially used as predictors for plasma leakage in a critical phase of dengue infection. Aim. Determined the percentage and absolute number of lymphocytes and monocytes measured on the second day of fever as a predictors for plasma leakage in a critical phase of dengue infection. Method. The research was retrospective cohort study of inpatients at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Persahabatan General Hospital and Gatot Subroto Military Hospital Jakarta from 2010 ̶ 2015. The inclusion criteria: age > 15 years, suffering from dengue infection according to the diagnostic criteria of WHO in 1997, confirmed by examination of NS-1 or serological anti-dengue, peripheral blood count and differential leucocyte count during treatment from second day of fever, abdominal ultrasound, and / or albumin in the critical phase. Analyses were performed using ROC curve. Multivariate analysis was performed to elicit prognostic models. Results. We determined 63 subjects. The incidence of plasma leakage was 49%. Absolute number of lymphocytes and monocytes on second day of fever were potentially useful as predictors for plasma leakage. The AUC was 0.65 and 0.644. The optimal cut-off point for absolute number of lymphocytes were 1323, the sensitivity was 90% and the specificity 16%. The cut-off for absolute number of monocytes was 770, the sensitivity was 94%, specificity 34%. We found optimal prognostic model which include percentage of lymphocytes and absolute number of monocytes. It could increase the AUC until 0,723. Conclusion. The absolute number of lymphocytes and monocytes on second day of fever in dengue infections were potentially useful as predictors for plasma leakage in a critical phase of dengue infection. Predictive capability could be increased by prognostic model which include percentage of lymphocytes and absolute number of monocytes as predictors.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andreas Pekey
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang : Infeksi malaria menyebabkan morbiditas dan mortalitas yang cukup signifikan pada semua usia terutama kelompok berisiko tinggi. Golongan darah ABO dikatakan dapat mempengaruhi berat ringannya malaria namun pada etnik dan geografis tertentu dapat berbeda. Meskipun beberapa penelitian terakhir mengatakan terdapat hubungan namun terdapat beberapa penelitian yang tidak menemukan hubungan tersebut termasuk di Papua New Guinea yang memiliki karakteristik etnik dan alam yang mirip dengan Papua. Selain itu pada beberapa studi sebelumnya jumlah sampel yang digunakan hanya sedikit, terdapat hasil statistik yang tidak bermakna, melibatkan sampel anak serta beberapa hanya dilakukan berbasis laboratorium Laboratory base . Pada penelitian ini kami menggunakan sampel yang lebih banyak, tidak melibatkan sampel anak dan penelitian dilakukan berbasis rumah sakit Hospital base . Metode : Penelitian ini merupakan studi potong lintang yang dilakukan di RSUD Dok II Jayapura Indonesia dari September hingga November 2016. Sebanyak 210 subjek malaria yang memenuhi kriteria dikategorikan menjadi golongan darah O dan Non O serta malaria berat dan malaria ringan berdasarkan kriteria WHO. Data yang diperoleh diolah menggunakan SPSS versi 17 dengan melakukan analisis statistik kai-kuadrat dan menghitung rasio prevalensi serta interval kepercayaan. Hasil Penelitian : Dari 210 pasien, golongan darah non-O 80 pasien 38,2 dan golongan darah O 130 pasien 61,9 . Malaria berat pada golongan darah Non O sebanyak 13 kasus 16,3 dan Golongan darah O sebanyak 9 kasus 6,9 . Terdapat perbedaan prevalensi kejadian malaria berat yang bermakna antara kedua golongan darah p = 0,032 dengan Prevalensi rasio PR 2,4 IK95 : 1,06-6,42 . Golongan darah B terbanyak mengalami malaria berat p = 0,038 dan IK95 1,06-6,42 . Prevalensi malaria berat golongan darah non O pada kedua etnik lebih tinggi terutama pada etnik non Papua non Papua, PR 3,8 IK95 0,84-17,9, p=0,143 dibandingkan Papua, PR 1,83 IK 95 0,56-5,9, p=0,356 . Kesimpulan : Terdapat hubungan bermakna golongan darah ABO dengan berat ringanya malaria. Malaria berat lebih banyak terjadi pada Golongan darah Non O terutama golongan darah B.
Background Malaria infection has caused a significant morbidity and mortality in all ages, especially in high risk groups. Various factors, including ABO blood type, can influence the severity of malaria to certain ethnic group and location. In terms of ABO blood types, several studies showed their relationship with severity of malaria. Others, such as study on Papua New Guinea which has the same characteristic with Papua Province in Indonesia, showed a contrary result. However, these studies were considered invalid due to the usage of smaller samples, with no statistical differences results, only included children and laboratory based studies. In our study, we included more samples, not involving children and did a hospital based studies. Methods This was a cross sectional study in Dok II Jayapura Hospital, Indonesia, from September to November 2016. 210 subjects were diagnosed with malaria, clinically classified according to WHO criteria and underwent ABO blood type examination. Blood type was categorized into O and Non O groups. Malaria severity was classified into severe and mild malaria. Results Out of 210 patients, 80 38.2 and 130 61.9 were Non O and O blood types respectively. Severe malaria was commonly found in Non O compare to O blood type 16.3 vs 6.9 prevalence ratio PR 2.4 95 CI 1.06 6.42 p 0.032 . Moreover, group B blood type had the highest incidence of severe malaria p 0.038 95 CI 1.06 6.42 . In addition, Non O blood group in both Papuan and Non Papuan races had a greater prevalence of severe malaria Papuan, PR 1.83, 95 CI 0.56 5.9 p 0.356, compared with Non Papuan, PR 3.8, 95 CI 0.84 17.9, p 0.143 .Conclusion There is a significant relationship between ABO blood group and the severity of malaria in Papua. Severe malaria was more common in Non O, especially type B blood group.
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rido Prama Eled
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang. Sepsis merupakan masalah besar yang menyumbang tingkat mortalitas tinggi. Hal ini diperparah dengan adanya komorbid keganasan. Dalam salah satu penelitian menyebutkan pasien sepsis dengan komorbid keganasan mempunyai resiko 2,32 kali lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan pasien tanpa komorbid keganasan. Untuk itu diperlukan data faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi mortalitas pasien sepsis dengan komorbid keganasan agar dapat memberikan terapi yang efektif dan efisien dan menurunkan angka mortalitas. Tujuan Penelitian. Mengetahui faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi mortalitas pada pasien sepsis dengan komorbid keganasan. Metode. Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan desain kohort retrospektif . Data diambil dari rekam medis pasien sepsis dengan komorbid keganasan yang dirawat di RS Ciptomangunkusumo dan memenuhi kriteria inklusi dari tahun 2020 sampai 2022. Dilakukan uji kategorik dan dilanjutkan dengan Uji regresi log pada variabel-variabel yang memenuhi syarat. Hasil. Dari 350 subjek sepsis dengan komorbid keganasan yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi didapatkan mortalitas sebanyak 287 (82%) subjek. Pada ujia kategorik bivariat didapatkan 2 variabel yang mempunyai kemaknaan secara statistik yaitu skor SOFA dan performa status dengan nilai P masing-masing <0,001 dan <0,001. Setelah dilakukan uji log regresi didapatkan Odds Ratio 5.833 IK (3,214-10,587) untuk variabel skor SOFA dan Odds Ratio3,490 IK (1,690-7,208) untuk variabel performa status. Kesimpulan. Variabel skor SOFA dan performa status mempunyai hubungan yang bermakna terhadap mortalitas pasien sepsis dengan komorbid keganasan ......Background. Sepsis is a major problem that contributes to a high mortality rate. This is exacerbated by the presence of malignancy. In one study, sepsis patients with malignancy had a 2.32 times higher risk compared to patients without malignancy. For this reason, factors that influence mortality in sepsis patients with malignancy are needed in order to provide effective and efficient therapy and reduce mortality. Research purposes. Knowing the factors that influence mortality in sepsis patients with  malignancy. Method. The study was conducted with a retrospective cohort design. Data were taken from the medical records of sepsis patients with comorbid malignancy who were treated at Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital and met the inclusion criteria from year 2020 to 2022. A categorical test was carried out and followed by a log regression test on eligible variables. Results.  Of the 350 sepsis subjects with comorbid malignancy who met the inclusion criteria, 287 (82%) subjects had a mortality. In the bivariate categorical test, there were 2 variables that had statistical significance, namely the SOFA score and status performance with P values ​​of <0.001 and <0.001respectively. After doing the log regression test is obtained Odds Ratio 5.833 CI (3.214-1.587) for SOFA score variables and Odds Ratio 3.490 CI (1.690-7.208) for status performance variables. Conclusion. SOFA score and performance status variables have a significant relationship to the mortality of sepsis patients with comorbid malignancy.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
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