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I Ketut Suardana
Abstrak :
Isu ketenagaan menjadi perhatian rumah sakit terutama menyangkut produktifitas dan efisiensi. Permasalahan yang menonjol pada manajemen sumber daya manusia kesehatan di Indonesia (Ilyas, 1999) adalah: stagnasi tenaga kesehatan, distribusi & keahlian yang tidak merata serta menurunnya produktifitas dan kualitas kerja. Dalam dunia manajemen keperawatan salah satu upaya yang digunakan untuk meningkatkan produktifitas kerja adalah dengan menggunakan metode penugasan yang tepat. Metode penugasan adalah suatu pendekatan yang digunakan perawat untuk mengorganisasikan pekerjaan sehingga pelayanan yang komprehensif, holistik dan berkesinambungan dapat tercapai. Metode penugasan yang saat ini banyak digunakan di Indonesia adalah metode penugasan tim, fungsional, atau metode penugasan tim yang dimodifikasi dengan fungsional. Sampai saat ini belum diketahui metode penugasan mana yang lebih produktif terkait dengan upaya meningkatkan pendapatan asli daerah sejalan dengan digiatkannya status otonomi daerah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan tingkat produktifitas kerja perawat yang menggunakan metode penugasan tim-fungsional dengan metode penugasan fungsional di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Gianyar dan Tabanan Bali. Desain penelitian adalah deskriptif analitik model cross sectional yang membandingkan tingkat produktifitas kedua kelompok. Metode yang digunakan adalah work study melalui pengamatan di unit rawat imp anak, kebidanan, bedah dan interna terhadap 102 responden pada penugasan tim-fungsional dan 108 responden pads penugasan fungsional. Jumlah total pengamatan pada setiap kelompok adalah sebanyak 1728 pengamatan. Sampel dipilih secara proporsional dengan metode acak sederhana. Besar sampel dihitung berdasarkan estimasi perbedaan antar populasi. Pengolahan dan analisa data menggunakan komputer program SPSS versi 10 yang menyajikan data tentang basil analisa univariat meliputi karakteristik responden, jumlah dan jenis kegiatan serta tingkat produktifitas perawat. Analisa bivariat menggunakan uji t yang menyajikan informasi tentang perbedaan tingkat produktifitas kerja kedua kelompok. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aritara kedua kelompok memiliki selisih jumlah kegiatan pengkajian sebesar 0,16 kegiatan, perumusan diagnosa keperawatan 0,266 kegiatan, penyusunan rencana keperawatan 0,23 kegiatan, implementasi 0,41 kegiatan, evaluasi 0,38 kegiatan, kegiatan keperawatan tak langsung 0,24 kegiatan, kegiatan non keperawatan 0,03 kegiatan, kegiatan non produktif yang diperkenankan 0,63 kegiatan dan kegiatan non produktif yang diperkenankan 0,66 kegiatan. Tingkat produktifitas kelompok fungsional adalah sebesar 56,27% dan kelompok tim-fungsional sebesar 67,92%. Hasil uji beds dua mean variabel yang bersifat independen menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan ditemukan pada perumusan diagnosa, penyusunan rencana keperawatan, evaluasi, kegiatan keperawatan tak langsung, kegiatan non produktif yang diperkenankan dan tingkat produktifitas kerja secara total. Lemahnya pengawasan melalui supervisi dan belum optimalnya kegiatan konferens keperawatan merupakan faktor yang diasumsikan sebagai penyebab belum optimalnya tingkat produktifitas. Ditemukan ada beberapa faktor yang berhubungan dengan produktifitas kerja seperti beban kerja, pendidikan dan usia responder. Penelitian tidak meneliti lebih jauh tentang faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi produktifitas kerja. Direkomendasikan agar dilakukan supervisi, menggalakkan konferens dan mengintensipkan pelaksanaan proses keperawatan pada program pendidikan berkelanjutan. Disamping itu agar dilakukan penelitian lebih kompleks dengan desain quasi eksperimen dan melihat faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan produktifitas kerja.
Comparative Study on Nursing Work Productivity of Team-Functional Nursing Care Delivery with Functional Nursing Care Delivery in General Hospital Region Tabanan and Gianyar BaliHuman resource issues at hospital has been long time concerned of hospital managers, especially their productivity and efficiency. According to Ilyas (1999), human resource management's main problems are the career development, mal distribution of man power and low productivity & quality of working life. Within nursing management, one solution to improve work productivity is to improve adequate nursing care delivery. Nursing care deliveries are approches that used to organize nurse's job so that it covers a comprehensive, holistic and continuous nursing care. The nursing care deliveries that have been used widely in Indonesia are team nursing, functional, or modified team-functional. There has been no research on which methode is more productive until now. Furthermore, this type of research is important in relation of to increase hospital revenues as part of local government income. The revenues issue is getting more important in decentralization in Indonesia. This study has objective to examine differences of nursing work productivity level of team-functional method in comparison to fuctional approach at Regional General Hospitals of Tabanan and Gianyar Province of Bali. The research design is cross sectional with a descriptive analytical approach in comparing the two methodes. In order to measure the work productivity, a work study was used, which were observing 102 nurses with team-functional methode at Regional General Hospital Gianyar and 108 nurses with functional methode at Regional General Hospital Tabanan. A total of 1728 observations was done in each group. Sampling of observation was selected using proportional random sampling. Total observations needed were calculated based on estimated difference between the two groups. Data management and analysis used computerized software SPSS program version 10, which present univariate ofrespondent characteristics, type and sum of activities of nurse productivity level. Bivariate analysis used t test which present information abaout differential productivity between two groups. The result of study showed that there are differences between the two groups in activities of 0,16 activity for assesment; formulating nursing diagnosis 0,266 activity; designing nursing care plan 0,24 activity; implementation 0,41 activity; evaluation 0, 38 activity; indirect care 0,24 activity; non nursing activities 0,03 activity; permissible non productive 0,03 and non permissible non productive 0,66 activity. Work productivity level of fuctional method is 56,27% and team-functional method is 67,92%. Two-tailed independent t test showed statistical differences (at p < 0,05) in formulating nursing diagnosis, designing nursing care plan, evaluation, indirect care, permissible non productive activity and total work productivity. From observation at both hospital the differences are related to weak supervision and non existence of periodic nursing conferences. This study also showed that work load, education and age of worker are significantly related to work productivity. It is recommended that hospital should improve supervision, establish periodic nursing conferences and further intensify nursing process in continnuing education program. For continnuing the study, it is recommended that a quasi experiment approach is used with more variables examined.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Saenab Dasong
Abstrak :
Kepala ruangan pada unit rawat inap RS merupakan penanggung jawab ruangan dan menjadi manajer di garis depan yang harus mampu menjadi urat nadi dari segala proses pendayagunaan sumber-sumber keperawatan di ruangan sehingga dapat menciptakan iklim kerja kondusif yang mampu memberi kesempatan dan kemudahan kepada staf keperawatan yang manjadi tanggung jawabnya untuk tumbuh, berkembang dan berprestasi dalam suasana iklim organisasi yang dinamis. RSUP Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Makassar, sebagai RS tipe A dan pusat rujukan kawasan timur Indonesia memiliki 15 ruang rawat inap dengan jenis pelayanan kesehatan yang kompleks, namun demikian tenaga perawat pelaksana yang bertugas di ruang rawat inap mayoritas tenaga non profesional (69,%) sehingga diharapkan para kepala ruangannya mampu menjadi seorang pemimpin yang efektif yang dapat menciptakan iklim organisasi ruang rawat inap yang kondusif. Berdasarkan hal tersebut rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana hubungan antara kepemimpinan efektif kepala ruangan dengan iklim organisasi di ruang rawat inap RSUP Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Makassar dengan asumsi ada hubungan kepemimpinan efektif kepala ruangan dengan iklim organisasi yang dipersepsikan oleh perawat pelaksana, dimana persepsi ini dapat dipengaruhi oleh beberapa karakteristik demografisnya seperti usia, jenis kelamin, pendidikan dan lama kerja. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan disain deskriptif korelasi yang bersifat "Cross Sectional" dengan tujuan untuk melihat hubungan antar variabel yakni kepemimpinan efektif, iklim organisasi dan karakteristik demografis perawat pelaksana. Berdasarkan analisis data univariat, bivariat dan multivariate hasil penelitian menggambarkan ada hubungan yang signifikan antara kepemimpinan efektif kepala ruangan dengan iklim organisasi_ Dari enam komponen kepemimpinan efektif maka empat diantaranya yakni komunikasi, energi, tujuan dan tindakan masing-masing berhubungan secara signifikan dengan iklim organisasi, sedangkan karakteristik responden, tidak ada satupun yang berhubungan secara signifikan dengan kepemimpinan efektif. Tetapi antara karakteristik responden dengan iklim organisasi mama umur dan lama kerja berhubungan secara signifikan. Dari model regresi ganda maka komponen komunikasi energi dan tindakan masing-masing memberikan kontribusi pengaruhnya terhadap iklim organisasi, diantara ketiganya komponen energi memberikan kontribusi terbesar. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut ada beberapa saran yang dapat disampaikan yakni : bahwa dalam proses rekruitmen, promosi jabatan kepala ruangan para pengambil kebijakan di RSUP Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo sangat penting mempertimbangkan aspek kemampuan energi, kemampuan komunikasi dan kemampuan bertindak yang dapat terjaring melalui wawancara dan observasi. Perawat yang berusia muda dan perawat yang mempunyai lama kerja kurang dari 10 tahun dapat didistribusikan merata pada 15 ruang rawat inap. Dalam meningkatkan kemampuan kepemimpinan maka kepala ruangan dapat melakukan learning by doing atau on the job training. Demikian juga agar senantiasa meningkatkan energi yang dimiliki, kemampuan berkomunikasi dan dapat bertindak sesuai batas kewenangan dengan mengaplikasikan komponen kepemimpinan efektif didalam kepemimpinannya. Daftar Pustaka 51 (1968 - 2000)
The relation between the effective leadership of the charge nurse and the organisational climate at the Central Public Hospital Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo in Makassar, 2001 The charge nurse of a hospital long ward stay department is a person in responsibility to a ward and a manager in front line, who must have capability to become a nerve root of all process in making efficient use of nursing sources in the ward. The charge nurse can create a conducive working climate, allowing nursing staffs as her subordinate to have an opportunity and ease to develop and gain their achievement on the dynamic organisational climate. The Central Public Hospital Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo in Makassar is a type A hospital having a role as a central reference in eastern Indonesia - posses 15 long ward stay departments with variety of complex health services. Nevertheless, the nurse staff in duty at long ward stay department is non-professional in majority or almost 69 %. Thus, the charge nurse is expected to have an effective leadership who is able to create a conducive long ward stay department. Based on those reasons above, the problem formulation at this research poses how the relationship between an effective leadership and the organisational climate at long ward stay department at Central Public Hospital Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo in Makassar, with the assumption that there is an effective leadership of the charge nurse with the organisational climate perceived by the nurse in duty, which this perception can be affected by some demographic character such as age, sex, education, and duration of working. This research is a quantitative study with correlation of descriptive design "Cross Sectional" in nature. This research aims at finding out the relation intervariable of effective leadership organisational climate and demographic character of nurses in duty. Based on the analytical data of univariate, bivariate, and multivariate, the research outcome shows that there is a significant relation between effective leadership of the charge nurse and organisational climate. Of these six components of effective leadership, four of them are communication, energy, purpose and action of each have interrelationship with organisational climate, while at the respondent characteristic, none of them has significantly relationship to effective leadership. However, the age and duration of working have a significant relationship between respondent characteristic and organisational climate. From multiple-regression linear model, the energy communication component and action on each give its influential contribution against organisational climate, energy component gives the greatest contribution in comparison with those three components. Lining with the outcome research, there are some suggestion being able to be conveyed That ; the decision maker of the Central Public Hospital Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo must consider the energy, communication, behaviour capacity in recruiting, promoting the post of the charge nurse that can be select through observation and interview. The young nurse and nurses who have duration of working less than 10 years can be distrubuted in flat into 15 long ward stay department. To improve the leadership capacity, the charge nurse is able to carry out "learning by doing or job training". So then to improve their owned energy, the ability to communicate, and act on in accordance with their own authority border by applying an effective leadership components in their leadership are very necessary. Bibliography = 51 (1968 - 2000)
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hajjul Kamil
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini betujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran tentang hubungan antara iklim kerja dengan peuerapan proses keperawatan di ruang lawat inap RSU Dr. Zainoel Abidin Banda Aceh. Penelitian ini mempakan descriprive correlarional yang pengumpulan datanya secara cross sectionaL Hipotesis yang dibuktikan dalam penelitian ini adalah adanya hubungan antara iklim kerja dengan penerapan proses keperawatan di wang rawat inap RSU Dr. Zainoel Abidlll Banda Aceh. Sampel penelitian adalah perawat pelaksana yang bekerja diruang rawat inap RSU Dr. Zainoel Abidin Banda Aceh, dihitung dengan pendugaan proporsi populasi, dengan jumlah 80 orang. Intrunen yang digunakan adalah instrumen pengukuran Iklim kerja (Litwin & Meyer, 1971) dan insuumen pengukuran dokumentasi proses keperawatan (Dep. Kes. RI., 1997). Kedua instrumen tersebut telah disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan penelitian. Instrumen iklim kerja terdiri dari iklim kelja yang dimsakan dan iklim kerja yang diharapkan oleh perawat Pelaksanaan serta instrumen penerapan proses keperawatan, masing-masing instrumen terdiri dari 24 butir pernyataan. Hasil uji coba validitas dan reabilitas instrumen ini menggunakan alpha cronbach dengan hasil baik. Hasil penelitian pada analisis univariat memmjukkan bahwa iklim kerja yang dirasakan oleh perawat peIaksana di ruang rawat inap RSU Dr.Zainoel Abidin Banda Aceh berada pada kategori sedang (43,75 %) dengan mengarah kepada kategori buruk (38,75 %), sedangkan penerapan proses keperawaran berada pada kategori buruk (57,50 %). Dari hasii bivariat diketahui bahwa iklim kerja secara keseluruhan mempmyai hublmgan yang signifikan secara statistlk dengan penerapan proses keperawatan., dengan nilai-p = 0,004, untuk masing- masing dimensi: dimensi tanggung jawab dengan nilai-p = 0,000, dimensi standar dengan nilai-p = 0,019, dimensi penghargaan dengn nilai-p = 0,026 dan dimensi semangat kelompok dengan nilai-p = 0,020. Sedangkan dimensi kesesuaian perasaan dengan nilai-p = 0,454 dan dimensi kejelasan organisasi dengan nilai-p = 0,294 lidak berhubungan secara statistik dengan penerapan proses keperawatan. Hasil analisis multivariat menunjukkan bahwa dimensi tanggumg jawab merupakan yang mempunyai hubungan paling signiikan secara statistic (Nilai-p = 0,0003) dengan penerapan proses keperawatan setelah dikontrno oleh dimensi semangat kelompok. Berdasarkan haSil penelitian ini, maka pihak manajemen RSU Dr.Zainoel Abidin Banda Aceh khususnya bidang keperawatan perlu memperhatikan dan memperbaiki semua dimensi iklim kerja di lingkup pelayanan keperawatan ke taraf yang lebih baik dengan harapan untuk meningkaikan penerapan proses keperawatan ke taraf yang lebih baik pula. Selain itu, untuk peneliiian lanjutan disarankan agar dilakukan dengan membandingkan iklim kerja dan penerapan proses keperawatan pada dua atau Iebih rumah sakit yang berbeda, peneliti juga menyarankan agar metode pengumpulan dara untuk variabel penerapan proses keperawatan dilakukan dengan cara observasi langsung, sehingga diperoleh data penerapan proses keperawaran yang lebih objektif.
This research is to gain description on relation between work climate and implementation of musing process at inpatient care unit of Dr. Zainoel Abidin Public Hospital Banda Aceh. The design of this research was descriptive correlarional with cross sectional data collecting. The proven hipotesis in this research was relation between work climate and implementation of nursing process at inpatient care unit of Dr. Zainoel Abidin Public Hospital Banda Aceh. The sample of the research were 80 executing nurses at inpatient care unit of Dr- Zainoel Abidin Public Hospital Banda Aceh and were computed with population proportion appraising, The research used instrument of work measurement (Litwin & Meyer, 1971) and instrument of documentation gauging of musing process (Health Department of Republic of Indonesia, 1997). The both instruments were acliusted with the needs of research. The work climate instrument was consisted of could-be-felt work climate and work climate that was expected by executing nurses as well as instrument of implementation of nursing process, each instnunent broken down into 24 statements. Test of validity and reliability of these instruments utilized Amha Cronbach, and got good results. The results of the univariat analysis indicated that die work climate, which was felt by executing nurses at inpatient care unit of Dr. Zainoel Abidin Public Hospital Banda Aceh was at moderate category (43,75 %) and tend to go to poor category (38,75 %), meanwhile the implementation of nursing process was at poor category (5150 %). The bivariat analysis implied that the entire work climate statistically had significant connection with the implementation of nursing process with p-value = 0,004, each dimension: responsibility dimension with p-value = 0,000, dimension of standard with p-value = 0,019, reward dimension with p-value = 0,026 and team spirit dimension with p-value =- 0,020. And the conformity dimension with p-value = 0,454 and clarity dimension with p-value = 0,294 were statistically not related with implementation of nursing process. The results of multivariate analysis indicated that the responsibdity dimension possessed the most significant relation statistically (p = 0,0003) with implementation of nursing process after had controlled with team spirit dimension. Based on the research, the management of Dr. Zainoel Abidiu Public Hospital Banda Aceh particularly nursing care unit should pay attention and renew all dimension of work climate at nursing care service scope to be better than ever hoping that it could enhance the better implementation of nursing process. Further research is recommended to compare work climate and implementation of nursing process in two or more different hospitals. The research conductor suggests that the data collecting method of variables of the implementation of nursing process should be organized widi direct observation so that a more objective data of nursing process implementation could be obtained.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Asnet Leo Bunga
Abstrak :
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara karakteristik individu dan penerapan Metode Asuhan Keperawatan Primer dengan kemampuan perawat dalam pengambilan keputusan. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif korelasi dengan disain potong lintang (cross sectional) terhadap 124 perawat di Unit Penyakit Dalam dan Bedah PK Sint Carolus Jakarta pada tanggal 25 Juni - 4 Juli 2001.

Hasil penelitian secara signfikan menunjukkan bahwa 89,5% perawat primer mempunyai tingkat kemampuan pengambilan keputusan tinggi, dan 10,5% mempunyai kategori sedang 78,2% perawat primer mempunyai kategori baik dalam penerapan asuhan keperawatan primer dan 21,8% mempunyai kategori cukup. Variabel independen yang mempunyai hubungan signifikan dengan kemampuan perawat dalam pengambilan keputusan adalah umur, pengalaman kerja, tindakan keperawatan komprehensif, otonomi pengambilan keputusan, dan komunikasi antar perawat. Dari variabel dependen tersebut sebagai prediktor yang paling besar pengaruhnya terhadap kemampuan perawat dalam pengambilan keputusan adalah komunikasi antar perawat.
Daftar Pustaka 51 (1975-2001)
The Relationship Between Individual Characteristic And Implementation of Primary Nursing Care Method With Nurse's Capability to Make Decision at Medical and Surgical Unit of Sint Carolus Health Service Institution Jakarta.The main purpose of the research is going to acquire information about the relationship between individual characteristics and the implementation of primary nursing methods towards nurses ability to make decision. This descriptive correlation research with cross sectional designed was conducted toward 124 nurses at medical and surgical unit of Sint Carolus Hospital, Jakarta from June 25 until July 04, 2001.

Results indicated that significantly, 89.5% of primary nurses had a high level category of making decisions, and the rest (10.5%) had an intermediate one; 78.2% of primary nurses had a good category in implementing primary nursing methods and 21,8% were in sufficient category. Independent variables that had significant relationship with nurses ability to make decision were age, working experience, comprehensiveness 1 the depth of nursing intervention, autonomous decision making and communication among nurses. According to variables independent, the most influential predictor on nurses' ability to make decision was communication among nurses.
Bibliography 51 (1975-2001
Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Peni Cahyati
Abstrak :
Dalam manajemen sumber daya manusia di rumah sakit, terdapat proses untuk mengevaluasi prestasi kerja karyawan yang dikenal dengan istilah penilaian kinerja. Beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan sistem penilaian kinerja diantaranya adalah faktor peran karyawan sebagai penilai maupun yang diniiai. Untuk mengevaluasi sejauh mana sistem tersebut diterima oleh karyawan, salah satu teknik evaluasinya adalah dengan survey pendapat karyawan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran tentang kepuasan perawat terhadap sistem penilaian kinerja. Desain yang digunakan deskriptif korelasi bersifat cross sectional, dengan metode kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Data kuantitatif diperoleh melalui instrumen pengukuran pemahaman dan kepuasan terhadap sistem penilaian kinerja, konsep yang digunakan merupakan modifikasi dari konsep-konsep penilaian kinerja dari Anderson (1993), Handoko (1995), Bernadine & Russet (1993), Steers (1985), Saydam (1996) dan Nawawi (2000) . Sampel penelitian adalah 117 orang perawat pelaksana yang bekerja di Rumah Sakit Metropolitan Medical Centre Jakarta dan pernah mendapatkan penilaian kinerja. Data kualitatif diperoleh melalui Focus Group Discussion (FGD) terhadap sembilan orang perawat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perawat di Rumah Sakit Metropolitan Medical Centre Jakarta menyatakan puas dengan sistem penilaian kinerja dan pemahaman tentang sistem penilaian kinerja baik. Dari analisis bivariat menunjukkan bahwa umur, masa kerja dan tingkat pemahaman berhubungan dengan kepuasan terhadap sistem penilaian kinerja. Analisis multivariat memperoleh hasil masa kerja dan tingkat pemahaman berhubungan dengan kepuasan terhadap sistem penilaian kinerja, adapun yang paling dominan hubungannya dengan kepuasan terhadap sistem penilaian kinerja adalah. tingkat pemahaman 0=0,0005). Analisis isi tentang kepuasan terhadap sistem penilaian kinerja, perawat menyatakan sistem penilaian kinerja dikaitkan dengan imbalan, syarat mengikuti pendidikan, syarat mendapatkan fasilitas lain, diumpanbalikkan dan dapat membedakan kinerja yang baik atau tidak baik. Sedangkan yang kurang memuaskan dan perlu ditingkatkan adalah penilai yang kurang obyektif dalam memberikan penilaian, umpan balik terlambat dan kurang arahan-arahan dari penilai. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini maka pihak manajemen Rumah Sakit Metropolitan Medical Centre disarankan perlu mempertahankan tingkat kepuasan dan evaluasi terhadap kepuasan hendaknya dilakukan secara berkala, karena kepuasan bukan hal yang menetap tetapi akan berubah setiap waktu sesuai dengan perubahan situasi. ......Analysis on Factors Related With Nurses Satisfaction Toward The System of Work Evaluation at Metropolitan Medical Centre Hospital JakartaDiscussing human resources at a hospital, there is a process to evaluate the work achievement of employee that is well known as work evaluation. Some factors effecting work evaluation success are employee's role either as appraiser or as the object of the evaluation. One of techniques to evaluate how far the system is well accepted by employee is survey of employee's opinion. This research is to obtain description on nurses' satisfaction on work evaluation system. The used design was descriptive correlation with cross sectional, and utilized methods were qualitative and quantitative. The quantitative data was attained through instrument of understanding measurement and satisfaction on the work evaluation system, the functioned concept constituted modification of several work evaluations of Anderson (1993), Handoko (1995), Bernadine & Russel (1993), Steers (1985), Saydam (1996) and Nawawi (2000. The sample research was 117 executing nurses who work at Metropolitan Medical Centre Hospital Jakarta. They once experienced work evaluation. The qualitative data was obtained through Focus discussion group on nine hospital attendants. The results indicated that the nurses of Metropolitan Medical Centre Hospital Jakarta were satisfied with the work evaluation system and the understanding of the work evaluation was good. The bivariat analysis implied that age, year of work, and understanding level were related with satisfaction on work evaluation system. The multivariat analysis got the results that the year of work and understanding level were connected with satisfaction on the work evaluation system, and the most dominant factor related with the satisfaction toward the system of work evaluation was the understanding level (p 0.0005). The content analysis of satisfaction work evaluation system and the nurses stated that the evaluation system connected with reward, requirement to join a training, and eligibility to get other facilities, were fed back and could differentiate which work is good or bad. Meanwhile something less satisfying and need to be enhanced was less objective grading, late feed back, and less direction of grader. Based on the research it is recommended that the Metropolitan Medical Centre Hospital Jakarta should keep the satisfaction level and the evaluation on the satisfaction should be carried out periodically since the satisfaction is not something constant but changeable anytime as the situation drag to change.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Masitoh
Abstrak :
Kinerja perawat sangat penting untuk dikaji karena jumlah tenaga keperawatan pada umumnya merupakan jumlah tenaga terbesar di setiap rumah sakit. Menurut model teori perilaku dan kinerja oleh Gibson (1987 dalam Ilyas, 1999) bahwa ada tiga variabel yang mempengaruhi kinerja seseorang antara lain variabel individu diantaranya faktor demografis dan variabel organisasi. RSAB Harapan Kita Jakarta sebagai rumah sakit rujukan nasional khusus kasus anak dan ibu hamil/bersalin perlu mengetahui bagaimana kinerja perawat pelaksana di ruang rawat inap dan hubungannya dengan karakteristik demografis dan karakteristik organisasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross sectional dengan sampel 156 responden. Variabel independen yang diteliti adalah karakteristik demografis perawat meliputi umur, jenis kelamin, status perkawinan, pendidikan dan masa kerja. Karakterisatik organisasi mencakup kepemimpinan, struktur organisasi, imbalan dan desain pekerjaan. Variabel dependen yaitu kinerja perawat pelaksana di ruang rawat inap. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa semua variabel dari karakteristik demografis tidak ada hubungan dengan kinerja perawat, sedangkan ada dua variabel dari karakteristik organisasi yaitu kepemimpinan kepala ruangan (p = 0,023) dan struktur organisasi (p = 0,0001) berarti ada hubungan signifikan dengan kinerja perawat pelaksana di ruang rawat inap berdasarkan analisis bivariat dengan uji kai-kuadrat. Pada analisis multivariat dari dua variabel tersebut menunjukkan bahwa struktur organisasi merupakan variabel yang mempunyai hubungan paling bermakna dengan kinerja perawat pelaksana di ruang rawat inap dengan nilai p = 0,0021 dan odds rasio sebesar 3,15 dengan menggunakan uji regresi logistik. Mempertimbangkan hasil penelitian bahwa variabel struktur organisasi yang mempunyai hubungan paling signifikan dengan kinerja perawat, maka upaya peningkatan kinerja perawat pelaksana di ruang rawat inap tidak terlepas dari sosialisasi struktur organisasi yang ada disamping pengaruh berbagai faktor lainnya baik karakteristik demografis maupun karakteristik organisasi. ...... An Analysis on Executing Nurse's Work and Its Correlation with Demographic Characteristic and Organizational Characteristic at Inpatient Unit of Harapan Kita Maternal Hospital RSAB JakartaTo study executing nurse's work is very important because they commonly constitute the biggest personnel in number in every hospital. According to Gibson's behavior and work theory (1987 in Ilyas, 1999), there are three variables that influence someone's work. Among of them is individual variable that consists of demography and organizational variable. Harapan Kita Maternal Hospital RSAB Jakarta as national reference maternal hospital should understand executing nurse's work at inpatient unit and its relation with demography and organizational characteristic. This research used cross sectional design with 156 samples of respondents. The researched independent variable was demography characteristics of nurses covering age, sex, marital status, education and tenure. Organizational characteristic involved leadership, structure of organization, rewards and work design. And the dependent variable was executing nurses' work at inpatient unit of the hospital. The findings indicated that there was no relation between the entire variables of demography characteristics with nurses' work. Meanwhile there were two variables of organizational characteristic, that were unit manager's leadership (p = 0.023) and structure of organization (p 0.0001), indicated a significant relation with executing nurses' work at inpatient unit based on bivariat analysis with chi-square test. The multivariat analysis of the two variables implied that the structure of organization was the variable that had the most significant relation with their work at inpatient unit with p = 0.0021 and odds ratio as much 3,15 with logistic regression test. Considering the findings that structure of organization had the most significant relation with nurses' work, so the improvement of their work at inpatient unit could not be separated with socialization of organization structure and some influences of other factors either demography characteristic or organizational one.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Rumah sakit adalah bagian penting dari sistem pelayanan kesehatan, merupakan transfer pengetahuan dan teknologi di bidang kesehatan. Efesiensi dan efektifitas pencapaian tujuan organisasi tergantung kepada perilaku dan kemampuan manusia yang mengelola dalam organisasi tersebut. Kemampuan profesional yang dimiliki perawat dapat diperankan secara efektif baik sebagai pelaksana maupun pengelola. Seorang kepala ruangan adalah pengelola pada tingkat bawah yang menjadi penentu terhadap kuatitas pelayanan keperawatan di suatu rumah sakit. Setiap individu memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda, ketidaksamaan dalam fisik dan psikis menyebabkan pelaksana maupun pengelola organisasi berbeda satu sama lain, demikian pula terhadap gaya kepemimpinan kepala ruangan dalam memimpin bawahan. Berdasarkan hal tersebut maka penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan karakteristik individu perawat pelaksana dan situasi kepemimpinan dan persepsinya tentang gaya kepemimpinan kepala ruangan di RSPAD Gatot Soebroto. Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan desain deskriptif korelasi dengan pendekatan "cross sectional". Pada penelitian ini diambii sampel perawat pelaksana sebanyak 175 orang sebagai responden. Pengumpulan data dilakukan menggunakan kuesioner yang diisi oleh responden. Analisis data dilakukan dengan uji statistik analisis univariat untuk mengetahui distribusi frekuensi, analisis bivariat dilakukan dengan uji chi square untuk mencari hubungan variabel bebas dengan variabel terikat dan analisis multivariat dengan menggunakan uji regresi (ogistik untuk mengetahui variabel bebas yang paling berhubungan dengan variabel terikat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa gaya kepemimpinan yang digunakan oleh kepala ruangan- di RSPAD Gatot Soebroto bervariasi tidak hanya satu gaya kepemimpinan saja melainkan kombinasi ke tiga gaya kepemimpinan tergantung situasi. Kepala ruangan lebih banyak menggunakan kepemimpinan suportif. Dari hasil analisis bivariat dengan a = 0,05 diketahui bahwa pendidikan tambahan atau pelatihan dengan p value = 0,015, hubungan pemimpin - anggota dengan p value = 0,002, struktur tugas dengan p value = 0,000 , kekuasaan dengan p value = 0,000 mempunyai hubungan yang bermakna dengan gaya kepemimpinan kepala ruangan. Hasil analisis multivariat dengan regresi logistik menunjukkan bahwa struktur tugas paling berhubungan dengan gaya kepemirnpinan kepala ruangan dengan p value = 0,000. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut disarankan kepada pemimpin RSPAD Gatot Soebroto agar terns melanjutkan pengembangan kuatitas sumber daya manusia keperawatan melalui pendidikan berkelanjutan maupun mengupayakan program-program pelatihan bagi kepala ruangan untuk meningkatkan kinerjanya dalam mendukung tercapainya visi dan misi RSPAD Gatot Soebroto. Bagi kepala ruangan pertu menetapkan tujuan dan pedoman kerja untuk memudahkan pekerjaan bawahan dengan mempertahankan hubungan dan kerjasama yang balk dengan bawahan.
The Relationship between the Characteristic of Nursing Staff, the Leadership Situation, and Their Perception on the Leadership Style in the Army Gatot Subroto Hospital, Jakarta A hospital is an important part of health service system, and as an institution to transfer knowledge and technology. To achieve the objectives of the organization efficiency and effectively should based on the behavior and the ability of the manager in organizing all component involved. The professional capability of the nurses can be function effectively either as a nurse staff or a head nurse. A head nurse is a lower manager or a leader for nurse staff who function as a determinant in maintaining the quality of the nursing service in a hospital. Every nurse has different characteristic and different shape of physical and psychological situation. These can cause differences in nurse staff or leader behaviors in the organization and the leadership style. Based on the above, the research has been conducted to identify the relationship between the characteristic of the nurse staff, the leadership situation and the precision of the leader ship style in Gatot Soebroto Hospital. The design of the research was descriptive correlational. One hundred and seventy nurses were participated as respondents. Two questionnaires were administered to respondents, and univariate and bivariate analysis were employed to identify the distributions of the characteristic and the relationship between the independent and dependent variables. In addition, a multivariate analysis with logistic regression test is utilized to identify the relationship between the component of the independent variable and the dependent variable. The result showed that head nurses in Gatot Soebroto Hospital used more than one type of leadership style. They used the style according to the situation. Anyhow, they use supportive leadership more often. The result of bivariat analysis is p value = 0,015, cc = 0,005, for additional education or training, p value 0,002 for leader - member relationship, also p value = 0,0000 for task structure, p value = 0,0000 for authority. Those have significant relationship with head nurse leadership style. The result of multivariate analysis with logistic regression showed that the structure of the task has significant correlation with p value = 0,0000. Based on the above result, it was recommended to the director of Gatot Soebroto Hospital that it is important to continue the improvement of the qualities including human resources in nursing. It can be done through a continuing education ; and yet, a training program for each head nurse to improve their performance to support the mission and vision of the Gatot Subroto Hospital. In addition, recommendation also extended a head of nurse, that they need to determine goals and a standardized protocols for nurse staff in a simpler way to maintain a good relationship with the staff.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Manurung, Idawati
Abstrak :
Recent health service should ti-y to grant comprehensive service, in line with technology demand and society interest, clients have resumed to pay attention to profits of hospital providing qualified service, efficient cost and satisfaction to its clients. A hospital, if dose not pay attention to its client?s satisfaction, will diminish its clients and eventually will suffer a financial loss. One of many factors influencing client?s satisfaction is client-nurse communication. The survey at Karya Bhakti Hospital, Bogor indicated that its clients have felt satisfied, yet they still have complaint on that the communication between nurses and clients in inpatient unit has not been active. In consequence, this research was to prove that there was a relation between nurse-client communication and a level of client?s satisfaction with the nursing service. The used method was descriptive correlation and the data collecting utilized cross sectional. The sample of research was 100 people who were patients of inpatient unit of Karya Bhakti Hospital, Bogor. The research was conducted in June and July 2001. The instrument of this research broke down into three part, namely: first client?s characteristics; second, nurses? communication toward client; and third, client?s satisfaction. Characteristics of respondent were: age between 15-73 years old of age, mostly women educational level ranging from elementary to university, mostly from new patients who got service at first; and length of caring ranging from 3-12 days. The research was conducted at four inpatient units. The result of communication variable implied that the clients often got empathy, involved in planning and decision making lfl controlled caring process, entrusted and often got detail, systematic and transparent information as well as rewarding as an individu in nurse communication (Confirmation). The result finding at satisfaction level showed that the level of corespondent?s satisfaction was high enough. Their characteristic did not indicate a significant relation with the level of satisfaction There was a significant Connection between nurse-client COflhrfltiflication (confirmation) and client?s satisfaction on detail-systematic information granting (transparency) as well as attitude to appreciate client as an indivìdu (confirmation). Based on the research, it is recommended that policy makers of the hospital should remain this achievement. And ¡t should be enhanced so the entire staffs of the hospital could run communication well and it could be remained by rewarding to executing nurse whom has carried his/her communication well, emphasizing to all hospital to do so. And they should establish teamwork that handles matter of communication in a hospital and compose a program which focuses on information restructuring such as health education through discharged planning that is adjusted with individual needs. It is suggested that nurses should carry out nursing care using excellent communication. And create a program that control and facilitate communication program in environment of care. For further research, it is recommended that this result should be base of the following research using more complete method such as experiment equation or by direct-qualitative-interview on factors influencing clients? satisfaction. Due to the fact that this research had analyzed the content of communication, so the further research is recommended to ilivestigate some relations between nurse-client communication techniques and achievement of nursing service quality.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ira Kusumawaty
Abstrak :
Pendokumentasian proses keperawatan merupakan suatu kegiatan yang sangat krusial, karena dapat menjadi bukti bahwa segala tindakan perawat telah dilaksanakan secara profesional dan legal sehingga dapat melindungi klien selaku penerima jasa pelayanan dan perawat selaku pemberi jasa pelayanan keperawatan. Kualitas pendokumentasian ini sangat tergantung pada kompetensi perawat pelaksana sebagai tenaga inti dan dapat dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor, yaitu dari perawat bersangkutan maupun supervisi kepala ruangan sebagai salah satu bentuk kegiatan manajerial. Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, maka penelitian berupaya mengidentifikasi hubungan antara pemahaman perawat pelaksana tentang proses keperawatan dan persepsinya terhadap fungsi supervisi kepala ruangan, dengan tetap mempertimbangkan variabel karakteristik perawat pelaksana yang dapat mempengaruhi pemahaman dan persepsi yang terjadi. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di RS. Karya Bhakti Bogor dan merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dan kualitatif dengan rancangan deskriptif korelasi dan bersifat cross sectional. Pada penelitian kuantitatif dilaksanakan dengan cara menyebarkan kuesioner kepada 91 responden perawat pelaksana yang bekerja di ruang rawat inap serta tidak memberikan perawatan intensif. Sedangkan penelitian kualitatif dilaksanakan melalui pelaksanaan diskusi kelompok terarah, dengan mengajukan empat pertanyaan terbuka kepada 10 responder. Hasil penelitian kuantitatif dianalisis secara univariat, bivariat dan multivariat. Berdasarkan analisis univariat diketahui bahwa secara rata-rata pemahaman perawat pelaksana terhadap proses keperawatan dan kompetensi mendokumentasikan proses keperawatan sudah cukup baik. Pemahaman ini tidak dipengaruhi oleh latar belakang pendidikan, jumlah pelatihan yang telah diikuti dan masa kerja. Terungkap pula bahwa perawat rata-rata mempersepsikan kepala ruangan masih belum cukup optimal dalam melaksanakan supervisi terhadap pendokumentasian proses keperawatan. Selanjutnya analisis bivariat memperlihatkan pertama, adanya hubungan bermakna yang sedang dan berpola positif antara pemahaman terhadap pendokumentasian proses keperawatan dengan kompetensi mendokumentasikan proses keperawatan. Kedua, adanya hubungan bermakna yang sedang dan berpola positif antara persepsi terhadap pengarahan sebagai salah satu fungsi supervisi dengan kompetensi mendokumentasikan proses keperawatan. Kemudian berdasarkan analisis multivariat diketahui bahwa variabel babas yang berhubungan paling erat dengan variabel terikat adalah variabel pemahaman terhadap proses keperawatan dan bimbingan sebagai salah satu bentuk fungsi supervisi. Namun diantara kedua variabel tersebut, variabel bimbingan memiliki kemampuan lebih besar dalam memprediksi kompetensi perawat dalam mendokumentasikan proses keperawatan, jika variabel lain dalam keadaan konstan. Sedangkan hasil penelitian kualitatif yang diperoleh melalui diskusi kelompok terarah menyimpulkan bahwa perawat pelaksana merasakan kompetensinya masih belum optimal, memerlukan tambahan pengetahuan baik melalui pendidikan formal maupun non formal. Selain itu supervisi kepala ruangan sangat diperlukan guna meningkatkan kompetensi perawat pelaksana dalam mendokumentasikan proses keperawatan. Adapun saran yang peneliti ajukan kepada kepala ruangan adalah mengoptimalkan pelaksanaan bimbingan kepada perawat pelaksana dan perawat pelaksana diharapkan meningkatkan pemahamannya terhadap proses keperawatan. Sub bidang keperawatan disarankan melakukan upaya-upaya yang dapat meningkatkan pemahaman proses keperawatan dan fungsi supervisi. Direktur rumah sakit dianjurkan untuk menyusun kebijakan yang berkaitan dengan sistem penghargaan terhadap kegiatan pendokumentasian dan supervisi serta pengaruhnya terhadap jenjang karir perawat. Selanjutnya kepada pihak pendidikan diharapkan agar lebih banyak memberikan latihan kasus. Peneliti lain seyogyanya memperdalam penelitian kualitatif jika ingin meneliti bidang yang sama.
Relationship between Understanding on Nursing Process and Function of Supervision with Competency to Document Nursing Process at Karya Bhakti Hospital BogorNursing process documenting is a crucial activity because it could be a proof that all nurses' actions have been done professionally and legally so it could protect client as service receiver and nurses as nursing service grantor. The quality of this documentation depends on executing nurses' competency as core personnel and could be influenced by same factors, namely the nurses themselves, or unit manager's supervisory as a managerial activity. Pertaining to the case above, the conductor of this research tried to identify relation between executing nurse's understanding on the nursing process and their perception to unit manager's supervisory function, yet the conductor still consider executing nurses' characteristic variable that could effect an understanding and perception that occurred. This research was carried out at Karya Bhakti Hospital Bogor and constitutes qualitative and quantitative research with descriptive correlation design and had cross sectional nature, The quantitative research was run by distributing questioner to 91 respondents of executing nurses who work at inpatient unit and they do not serve intensive nursing. Meanwhile the qualitative one was carried out through focused group discussion by presenting four open questions to 10 respondents. The quantitative research was analyzed in univariat, bivariat and multivariat way. Based on the univariat analysis, it was known that in average, executing nurses' understanding on nursing process and competency to document nursing process was good enough. This understanding was not influenced with educational background, number attaining that has been attended and tenure. And it was also disclosed that they percept unit manager less- enough-optimal in handling supervisory toward nursing process documentation. Further, bivariat analysis indicated first, there was a moderate and positive significant relation between understanding on nursing process documentation and competency to document nursing process. Second, there was a moderate and positive significant relation between perception on direction as one of supervisory function and competency to document nursing process. And then, based on multivariate analysis, it was comprehended that the independent variable most related with dependent variable understood of nursing process and guiding, as one of supervisory functions. Yet among the two variables, guiding variables had bigger ability in forecasting nurses' competency in documenting nursing process provided that the other variables were in constant situation. In the same time. the qualitative research that gained through focused group discussion concluded that executing nurses felt that the competency had not been optimal. It still needed extended knowledge either through formal education or non-formal one. Besides, the unit manager's supervisory was badly needed to improve executing nurses' competency in documenting nursing process. The researcher recommended that unit manager should optimize guiding implementation to the executing nurses, the executing nurses is expected to enhance their understanding on the nursing process. Sub nursing division should carry out some efforts to increase : understanding on nursing process and supervisory function. The director of the hospital is suggested to compose some policies in line with rewarding system to documentation and supervisory activities as well as their influence to nurses' career stage. And finally the education and training division in learning process should grant more cases training. And the further researcher should utilize and deepen qualitative research when they wish to conduct the same research.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library