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Ditemukan 13 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Tambunan, Atika Zairina
Abstrak :
Pendahuluan: Braket ortodonti merupakan komponen penting dalam piranti ortodonti cekat karena menghantarkan gaya dari kawat ke struktur gigi dan jaringan pendukungnya sehingga terjadi pergerakkan gigi. Komposisi logam dan proses manufaktur braket Stainless Steel mempengaruhi sifat fisik dan mekanis, salah satunya kekerasan dan kekuatan. Tetapi, beberapa pabrik mengurangi biaya produksi dengan mengabaikan proses manufaktur yang sesuai dengan standarisasi. Hal ini dapat menyebabkan deformasi slot braket khususnya saat diaplikasikan gaya torque. Deformasi slot braket dapat mengurangi besar gaya torque yang akan dihantarkan ke gigi dan jaringan pendukungnya sehingga hasil perawatan tidak efektif dan efisien. Beberapa braket Stainless Steel yang beredar dipasaran masih diragukan kualitasnya dalam perawatan ortodonti. Tujuan: Untuk membandingkan besar gaya torque akibat sudut puntir 300dan 450 kawat Stainless Steel serta deformasi slot permanen akibat gaya torque tersebut antara kelompok merk braket (3M, Biom, Versadent, Ormco dan Shinye). Metode Penelitiian: Lima puluh braket Stainless Steel edgewise dari 5 kelompok merk braket (n=10) di lem ke akrilik. Masing-masing braket dilakukan pengukuran tinggi slot dengan mikroskop stereoskopi, lalu diaplikasikan puntiran kawat melalui alat yang sudah dibuat pada penelitian ini sehingga diperoleh besar gaya torque. Setelah uji torque, dilakukan kembali pengukuran tinggi slot braket. Deformasi slot pemanen dihitung dari selisih dua tahapan pengukuran tinggi slot yaitu sebelum dan sesudah aplikasi gaya torque Hasil: Analisis statistik menunjukkan perbedaan bermakna besar gaya torque pada sudut puntir 300 dan 450 antara Biom dan Shinye dengan Omrco. Gaya torque paling besar yaitu pada merk braket 3M (300= 442,12 gmcm dan 450= 567,99 gmcm) , sedangkan yang terkecil adalah Biom (300= 285,50 gmcm, 450=361,38 gmcm). Perbedaan deformasi slot braket terjadi hampir pada semua kelompok merk braket. Deformasi slot braket hanya terjadi pada merk braket Biom (2,82 µm) dan Shinye (2,52 µm). Kesimpulan: Bentuk geometri slot, komposisi, proses manufaktur braket Stainless Steel dan sudut puntir kawat mempengaruhi besar gaya torque. Komposisi AISI 303 dan 17-4 PH serta proses manufaktur melalui MIM menghasilkan deformasi slot braket yang kecil dan secara klinis tidak signifikan.
Introduction: Orthodontic bracket is an important component in fixed orthodontic appliances for distributing force to the structure of the tooth and its supporting tissues, causing tooth movement. Alloy composition and manufacturing process Stainless Steel bracket affects the physical and mechanical properties, one of which hardness and strength. However, some manufacturers reduce costs at the manufacturing process in accordance with standards. This can cause deformation of the bracket slot especially when applied torque force. In addition, slot deformation can reduce the torque force that will be transmitted to the tooth and its supporting tissues so that the treatment is ineffective and inefficient. Therefore, some Stainless Steel brackets quality in the market is still questionable for orthodontic treatments. Objective: To determine the deformation of the bracket slot of five brands (3M, Biom, Versadent, Ormco and Shinye) due to the force Stainless Steel wire with torsional angle of 45° and the amount of torque force with torsional angle of 30° and 45°. Methods: Fifty Stainless Steel Edgewise brackets from five bracket groups brands (n = 10) is attached onto an acrylic. Each bracket slot height was measured with a microscope stereoscopy, then applied torsion wire through torque apparatus that has been made for this study to obtain the amount of torque force. Once the torque test has been done, then the width of bracket slot is re-measured. Deformation slot calculated from measurements of height difference between before and after the torque test. Results: Statistical analysis shows differences in slot bracket deformation in all group of bracket brands. But, clinically permanent slot deformation deformation occurs only on Biom (2.82 µm) and Shinye (2.52 µm). Repeated measure ANOVA comparison showed significant differences in the amount of torque at torsion angle of 300 and 450 between Biom and Shinye with Omrco. The 3M transmitted highest load (300 = 442,12 gmcm and 450 = 567,99 gmcm), while the lowest is Biom (300 = 285,50 gmcm and 450 = 361,38 gmcm). Conclusion: Stainless Steel bracket slot deformation is influenced by several factors specifically geometry bracket slot, the composition of the metal, manufacture and torsional angle wire. Alloy composition of AISI 303 and 17-4 PH and manufacture by the method of metal injection molding (MIM) has the smallest deformation.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anggia Tridianti
Abstrak :
Pendahuluan : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan jumlah bakteri pada molar band pasca fitting band setelah sterilisasi dry heat oven dan steam autoclave yang sebelumnya telah dilakukan pre-sterilisasi alkohol dan ultrasonic cleaning bath. Material dan metode : Empat molar band yang telah melalui proses fitting band pada pasien, dua band yang sebelumnya telah dilakukan pre-sterilisasi alkohol, satu band disterilkan dengan dry heat oven dan satu band dengan steam autoclave. Dua band berikutnya dilakukan pre-sterilisasi ultrasonic cleaning bath, masing-masing dilanjutkan dengan sterilisasi dry heat oven dan steam autoclave. Molar band dimasukkan ke dalam phosphatebuffered saline, dengan micropipette cairan diambil dan dituangkan ke cawan petri yang berisi Brain Heart Infusion. Kemudian dimasukkan ke dalam inkubator selama 24 jam dan dihitung jumlah bakterinya. Hasil : Terdapat perbedaan jumlah bakteri yang bermakna antara beberapa kelompok metode sterilisasi dan terdapat satu kelompok dengan perbedaan tidak bermakna, yaitu kelompok alkohol-steam autoclave dengan ultrasonic cleaning bath-steam autoclave. Kesimpulan : Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa steam autoclave merupakan metode sterilisasi yang terbaik karena memberikan hasil dengan jumlah bakteri yang paling minimal pada molar band yang telah melalui proses fitting band. ......Introduction : This research objective is to determine the amount of bacteria in molar band post fitting band in patients, after undergone pre-sterilization by alcohol and ultrasonic cleaning bath followed with sterilization by dry heat oven and steam autoclave. Material and methods : Four molar bands which already fitted to patients then divided into two groups. The first group of two bands were pre-sterilized by alcohol. One of the band was, then, sterilized by dry heat oven. And, the other band was sterilized by steam autoclave. The second group of two bands were pre-sterilized by ultrasonic cleaning bath. One of the band was then sterilized by dry heat oven and the other was sterilized by steam autoclave. The next step was to immerse all of the bands in phosphate-buffered saline solution. With micropipette, the solution was retrieved and dropped upon a petri dish containing brain heart infusion. The dish was then stored in an incubator for 24 hours prior to account the number of bacteria available. Result : There is a profound difference in numbers of bacteria between methods of sterilization. And, there is a non significant difference between two groups which are alcoholsteam autoclave group and ultrasonic cleaning bath-steam autoclave. Conclusion : The result pf research reveals that steam autoclave is the best method of sterilization which has the minimal amount of bacteria in post fitted molar band.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sarah Andini
Abstrak :
Temporary anchorage device TAD yang akan digunakan kembali akibat kegagalan pemasangan reinsertion atau perubahan lokasi pemasangan relocation harus melalui proses sterilisasi ulang. Bakteri Porphyromonas gingivalis PG adalah salah satu bakteri yang ditemukan pada daerah peri ndash; implantitis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek antibakteri nanopartikel perak terhadap PG pada TAD yang disterilisasi ulang menggunakan larutan nanopartikel perak P1 dibandingkan teknik autoclave P2 . Sebanyak 10 buah sampel pada masing ndash; masing kelompok direndam dalam larutan plak buatan dengan dominasi koloni PG ATCC 33277 selama 24 jam dalam suasana anaerob. Sampel kemudian diusap dan dibiakkan pada brusella agar darah selama 24 jam dalam suasana anaerob. P1 disterilisasi ulang dengan direndam dalam larutan nanopartikel perak selama 180 menit, P2 disterilisasi ulang dengan autoclave selama 40 menit pada suhu 1210C 2500F . Setelah sterilisasi ulang, sampel diusap dan dibiakkan kembali dengan teknik yang sama. Koloni PG sebelum dan setelah perlakuan 103 CFU / mL dihitung menggunakan Electronic Colony Counter ECC . Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa larutan nanopartikel perak memiliki efek yang sama baiknya dengan autoclave terhadap PG. ......Objective The aim of this study was to evaluate the number of Porphyromonas gingivalis PG colonies in used Temporary Anchorage Device TAD ndash for relocating or reinserting as the antimicrobial effect of silver nanoparticles solution compared with autoclave re sterilization technique. Materials and Methods Samples were 20 new TADs which separated into 2 groups, P1 and P2. Before re ndash sterilized, samples were immersed in a plaque forming solution dominated with PG ATCC 33277 and cultured under anaerobic condition for 24 hours. The material was obtained from samples using sterile cotton pellet and cultured on Brusella agar plate for 24 hours under anaerobic condition. P1 was re sterilized by silver nanoparticle solution for 180 minutes and P2 was re sterilized using autoclave for 40 minutes in 1210C 2500F . The cultured steps above were repeated to get the number of surviving PG colonies after re sterilization. The number of PG colonies were counted using Electronic Colony Counter ECC . Their antimicrobial activity was evaluated by comparing the number of PG colonies 103 CFU mL before and after re sterilization. Results No surviving PG colony existed of Brusella agar plate on both group after re ndash sterilized. Conclusions Silver nanoparticle solution is as effective as autoclave to againts PG.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dinda Tegar Jelita
Abstrak :
Pendahuluan: Kebutuhan perawatan ortodonti seseorang dapat disebabkan oleh ketidak sesuaian gigi geligi, fungsi oral dan atau masalah psikososial. Sebelum melakukan perawatan ortodonti, perlu diketahui keinginan pasien. Kebutuhan perawatan ortodonti cukup tinggi pada usia remaja. Jakarta merupakan kota besar karena sebagai ibu kota negara, juga merupakan pusat pemerintahan. Jakarta berkembang sedemikian pesat sehingga terdapat pinggir kota Jakarta yang dikenal juga dengan kota penyangga. Selain faktor sosio-ekonomi maka kemungkinan terdapat perbedaan psiko-sosial antara remaja kota dan remaja pinggir kota yang dapat mempengaruhi pengetahuan terhadap masalah kesehatan gigi, khususnya tentang ortodonti. Tujuan: Mengetahui perbandingan kebutuhan perawatan ortodonti remaja perkotaan dan remaja pinggir kota. Metode: Dilakukan penelitian potong lintang pada siswa-siswi SMPN 11 Jakarta dan SMPN 2 Tangerang Selatan yang berusia 12-15 tahun. Diberikan kuesioner Indikator Kebutuhan Perawatan Ortodonti (IKPO). Hasil: Uji Mann Whitney nilai p>0.05 yang berarti tidak ada perbedaan bermakna secara statistik kebutuhan perawatan ortodonti antara remaja perkotaan dan remaja pinggir kota. Kesimpulan: Tidak terdapat perbedaan kebutuhan perawatan ortodonti antara remaja perkotaan dan remaja pinggir kota yang diukur Menggunakan Indikator Kebutuhan Perawatan Ortodonti (IKPO) Kata Kunci: Kebutuhan perawatan ortodonti, Indikator Kebutuhan Perawatan Ortodonti (IKPO), Remaja perkotaan, Remaja pinggir kota ......Introduction: A person's need for orthodontic treatment can be caused by dental malocclusion, oral function and / or psychosocial problems. Before orthodontic treatment, it is necessary to know what the patient wants. The need for orthodontic treatment is quite high in adolescence. Jakarta is a big city because as the capital city of the country, it is also the center of government. Jakarta grew rapidly so there is a suburb area of Jakarta. Beside socio-economic factors, it is possible that there are psycho-social differences between urban adolescents and suburban adolescents that can affect knowledge of dental health problems, especially regarding orthodontics. Objective: The aim of the study is to compare the orthodontic treatment needs of urban adolescents and suburban adolescents. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out on students of public Junior High School 11 Jakarta and public Junior High School 2 South Tangerang aged 12-15 years. Responden was given a questionnaire Indikator Kebutuhan Perawatan Ortodonti (IKPO). Result: Mann Whitney test p value> 0.05, which means there is no statistically significant difference in orthodontic treatment needs between urban adolescents and suburban adolescents. Conclusion: There is no difference in orthodontic treatment needs between urban adolescents and suburban adolescents. Keywords: Orthodontic treatment needs, Indikator Kebutuhan Perawatan Ortodonti (IKPO), urban adolescents, suburban adolescent
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nasytha Vikarina Siregar
Abstrak :
Objectives: (1) To assess the masticatory muscles activity in patients with Temporomandibular Disorder (TMD) before orthodontic treatment, (2) to determine the correlation between TMD and the masticatory muscles activity (masseter muscles and anterior temporalis muscles). Methods: Twenty-two patients with malocclusion before undergoing orthodontic treatment (8 males, 14 females; mean age of 26,78 ± 4.34 years) were enrolled in the study and were divided into two groups: 11 patients with TMD and 11 patients without TMD (Non- TMD). The masticatory muscles were evaluated using standardized electromyography during 5 seconds of maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) through cotton-roll biting. For statistical analysis, the root mean square (RMS) valueof masticatory muscles was calculated and compared between the two groups. Results: The TMD groups showed alower electromyographic activity than the non- TMD group during MVC, with no significant differences in the right and left masticatory muscles between these groups. A weak negative correlation and no statistically significant differences were found between TMD and the electromyography activity of masseter muscles. Conclusions: Patients with TMD had a lower electromyographic activity in the masticatory muscles than those without TMD. Thus, electromyography can be an objective parameter to assess muscles activity for TMDdiagnosis. ......Objectives: (1) To assess the masticatory muscles activity in patients with Temporomandibular Disorder (TMD) before orthodontic treatment, (2) to determine the correlation between TMD and the masticatory muscles activity (masseter muscles and anterior temporalis muscles). Methods: Twenty-two patients with malocclusion before undergoing orthodontic treatment (8 males, 14 females; mean age of 26,78 ± 4.34 years) were enrolled in the study and were divided into two groups: 11 patients with TMD and 11 patients without TMD (Non- TMD). The masticatory muscles were evaluated using standardized electromyography during 5 seconds of maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) through cotton-roll biting. For statistical analysis, the root mean square (RMS) valueof masticatory muscles was calculated and compared between the two groups. Results: The TMD groups showed alower electromyographic activity than the non- TMD group during MVC, with no significant differences in the right and left masticatory muscles between these groups. A weak negative correlation and no statistically significant differences were found between TMD and the electromyography activity of masseter muscles. Conclusions: Patients with TMD had a lower electromyographic activity in the masticatory muscles than those without TMD. Thus, electromyography can be an objective parameter to assess muscles activity for TMDdiagnosis.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vania Prima Amelinda
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Abstrak Berbahasa Indonesia/Berbahasa Lain (Selain Bahasa Inggris): Pendahuluan: Kalsifikasi sella turcica (sella turcica bridge) dan kalsifikasi tulang atlas (ponticulus posticus) dapat digunakan untuk memprediksi terjadinya impaksi kaninus di palatal dan hipodonsia. Hal ini dapat terjadi karena sella turcica, tulang skeletal kepala dan leher, serta sel epitel dental memiliki keterlibatan gen dan berasal dari sel embriologi yang sama.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat hubungan antara sella turcica bridge dengan ponticulus posticus serta hubungan kedua struktur anatomi tersebut dengan impaksi kaninus di palatal dan hipodonsia. Metode: Penelitian dilakukan secara potong lintang, dengan subjek sejumlah 51 foto sefalometri lateral pasien dari ras Deutro Malayid. Usia subjek diatas 14 tahun yang dibagi menjadi tiga kelompok, yaitu 17 foto sefalometri pada kelompok impaksi kaninus, 17 foto sefalometri pada kelompok hipodonsia dibandingkan dengan 17 foto sefalometri pada kelompok kontrol. Setiap foto sefalometri lateral dilihat klasifikasi sella turcica bridge dan ponticulus posticus (tidak ada kalsifikasi, kalsifikasi parsial, dan kalsifikasi lengkap). Hubungan antara sella turcica bridge dan ponticulus posticus dengan kelompok impaksi dan hipodonsia, serta antara sella turcica bridge dengan ponticulus posticus dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji independent chi square dan uji korelasi Kendall. Hasil: Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara sella turcica bridge dengan impaksi kaninus dan hipodonsia, serta antara ponticulus posticus dengan impaksi dan hipodonsia masing-masing, dengan kekuatan korelasi sedang, namun tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara sella turcica bridge dengan ponticulus posticus. Kesimpulan: Sella turcica bridge dan ponticulus posticus banyak ditemukan pada pasien dengan impaksi kaninus di palatal dan hipodonsia, sehingga adanya sella turcica bridge dan ponticulus posticus yang sudah terbentuk sejak awal dapat menjadi penanda adanya kemungkinan impaksi dan hipodonsia.
ABSTRACT Introduction: Calcification of sella turcica known as sella turcica bridge and calcification of atlas vertebra known as ponticulus posticus might predict the occurance of palatally impacted canine and hypodontia. This might occur due to sella turcica, neck and shoulder skeletal development and dental epithelial cells share a common gene and embryologic origin. The purpose of this study was to investigate the association of sella turcica bridge and ponticulus posticus with palatally impacted canine and hypodontia and the association between sella turcica bridge and ponticulus posticus. Methods: This cross sectional study was performed using lateral cephalogram of 51 Deutro malayid patients, age above 14, and devided into 3 groups. First group consist of 17 cephalograms palatally impacted canine patient, second group consist of 17 cephalograms hypodontia patient, compared with 17 cephalograms control patient. The type of sella turcica bridge and ponticulus posticus (no calcification, partial calcification and complete calcification) were evaluated on every lateral cephalogram. The association between sella turcica bridge with palatally impacted canine and hypodontia, ponticulus posticus with palatally impacted canine and hypodontia and the association between sella turcica bridge with ponticulus posticus was analyzed using independent Chi-Square and Kendall correlation. Results: The calcification of sella turcica bridge and ponticulus posticus in palatally impacted canine and hypodontia patient is increased when compared to control patient. There is a significant association between sella turcica bridge with palatally impacted canine and hypodontia, ponticulus posticus with palatally impacted canine and hypodontia but there is no significant association between sella turcica bridge with ponticulus posticus. Conclusion: Calcification of sella turcica bridge and ponticulus posticus is frequently found in patients with palatally impacted canine and hypodontia. The very early appearance during development of sella turcica bridge and ponticulus posticus should alert clinicians to possible impacted canine and hypodontia in life later.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Deryana Marshadhianti
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Pendahuluan: Meningkatnya jumlah pasien dewasa dengan restorasi sewarna gigi, seperti resin komposit, menyebabkan perekatan braket pada permukaan artifisial gigi menjadi suatu tantangan tersendiri karena sering terjadi kegagalan rekat. Saat ini, belum ada riset yang dilakukan untuk melihat perbedaan nilai kekuatan rekat braket (baik nilai kuat geser maupun nilai kuat tarik braket) antara pada permukaan email gigi dan resin komposit nanohibrid. Metode: 32 gigi premolar bawah dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok: kelompok A1) spesimen email gigi (uji kuat rekat geser); kelompok A2) spesimen resin komposit nanohibrid (uji kuat rekat geser); kelompok B1) spesimen email gigi (uji kuat rekat tarik); kelompok B2) spesimen resin komposit nanohibrid (uji kuat rekat tarik). Braket direkatkan pada spesimen lalu diuji dengan menggunakan Universal Testing Machine Shimazu AG-5000 dalam waktu 24 jam setelah braket direkatkan. Hasil: Rerata nilai kuat rekat geser pada kelompok A1 sebesar 10.78 ± 0.13 MPa dan pada kelompok A2 sebesar 10.63 ± 0.18 MPa. Rerata nilai kuat rekat tarik pada kelompok B1 sebesar 10.74 ± 0.15 MPa dan pada kelompok B2 sebesar 10.65 ± 0.14 MPa. Pada uji statistik tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna secara pada nilai kuat rekat geser maupun nilai kuat rekat tarik braket metal antara pada permukaan email gigi dan resin komposit nanohibrid. Kesimpulan: Tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna secara statistik pada nilai kuat rekat geser maupun nilai kuat rekat tarik braket metal antara pada permukaan email gigi dan resin komposit nanohibrid. Seluruh kelompok memiliki nilai rerata kuat rekat geser dan nilai rerata kuat rekat tarik yang memadai untuk keperluan klinis perawatan ortodontik.
ABSTRACT Introduction: The increasing number of adult patients with tooth-colored restorations, such as composite resins, causes the attachment of brackets on artificial surfaces of teeth to be a challenge because of frequent adhesive failures. At present, no research has been carried out to see the difference in bracket adhesive strength values (both shear bond strength and tensile bond strength) between the enamel surface and nanohybrid composite resins surface. Methods: 32 lower premolar were divided into 4 groups: group A1) dental enamel specimens for shear bond strength test; group A2) nanohybrid composite resins specimens for shear bond strength test; group B1) dental enamel specimens for tensile bond strength test; group B2) nanohybrid composite resins specimens for tensile bond strength test. The bracket was bonded to the specimens and tested using Universal Testing Machine Shimazu AG-5000 within 24 hours after the bracket was bonded to the specimens. Results: The mean value of shear bond strength in group A1 was 10.78 ± 0.13 MPa and in group A2 was 10.63 ± 0.18 MPa. The mean value of tensile bond strength in group B1 was 10.74 ± 0.15 MPa and in group B2 was 10.65 ± 0.14 MPa. In the statistical test there was no significant difference in the shear bond strength value or the tensile bond strength value between the metal bracket bonded to the enamel surfaces and to the nanohybrid composite resin surfaces. Conclusion: There was no significant difference in the shear bond strength and the tensile bonding strength value of the metal bracket bonded to the enamel surface and the nanohybrid composite resin surfaces. All groups have an adequate bond strength value for the clinical needs of orthodontic treatment.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Pendahuluan: Kemajuan teknologi digital untuk memenuhi kebutuhan akan efisiensi saat ini tidak terelakkan, termasuk di bidang ortodontik. Selain foto rontgen, model studi merupakan alat diagnostik yang diubah menjadi bentuk digital. Digitasi model studi dilakukan supaya pengukuran benda tiga dimensi dapat diukur dalam bentuk tiga dimensi. Walaupun demikian, ketidakakuratan bisa saja terjadi pada pengukuran dengan model studi digital tiga dimensi. Ketiadaan perangkat digitasi di Indonesia menyebabkan proses digitasi menjadi mahal dan sukar. Oleh karena itu, alat pemindai laser yang diciptakan oleh Institut Teknologi Bandung bekerjasama dengan Bagian Ortodonti Universitas Indonesia pada tahun 2011 diharapkan dapat mengatasi masalah-masalah tersebut. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menguji akurasi analisis ortodontik dengan menggunakan alat pemindai laser yang baru dibuat ini. Bahan dan Cara: Duabelas pasang model studi sebelum perawatan ortodontik disertai anterior crowding dengan skor indeks Little 1-6 digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Masing-masing model studi dipindai, dan dilakukan digitasi dan analisis Bolton dan indeks ketidakteraturan Little (LII) diukur pada model studi konvensional dan digital dengan kaliper yang memiliki ketelitian 0.01 mm. Pengukuran intraobserver dilakukan pada 20% total sampel yang dipilih secara acak (3 sampel) dan diuji secara statistik dengan uji-t berpasangan dan Wilcoxon untuk uji nonparametrik. Plot Bland-Altman digunakan untuk menguji level of agreement kedua metode pengukuran. Uji-t tidak berpasangan dan uji Mann-Whitney digunakan untuk uji statistik pada penelitian inti dengan 12 pasang model studi. Hasil: Uji intraobserver untuk analisis Bolton tidak memperlihatkan perbedaan bermakna (p = 0.859) sementara untuk pengukuran indeks ketidakteraturan Little, terlihat perbedaan yang bermakna secara statistik (p = 0.008). Plot Bland-Altman untuk indeks Little memperlihatkan tercapainya level of agreement kedua metode pengukuran. Pada pengukuran 12 pasang model studi, uji statistik untuk analisis Bolton dan indeks Little tidak memperlihatkan adanya perbedaan yang bermakna (p > 0.05), dengan nilai p berturut-turut adalah p = 0.509 and p = 0.101. Kesimpulan: Nilai pengukuran pada model studi digital disertai anterior crowding tidak berbeda bermakna secara statistik dengan nilai pengukuran yang dilakukan pada model studi konvensional dengan anterior crowding. ...... Introduction: The vastly growth of advanced technology to meet efficiency is currently inevitable, including in orthodontics. Radiographs and study models are diagnostic tools that often digitized and measured three-dimensionally. However, inacurracy might still be found in the three-dimension measurements. The customized laser scanner was then built in 2011 by Bandung Institute of Technology in conjunction with Department of Orthodontic University of Indonesia. The primary aims were to overcome the study models storing problems and the scanning cost, if the study models have to be digitized overseas. In this research, the study models digitizing were performed using the newly built laser scanner and the accuracy of the measurements were analyzed. Material and Methods: Twelve pairs of pre-orthodontic treatment study models were used in this research with mild to moderate anterior crowding (Little Irregularity Index score 1-6). Each models were scanned and the mesiodistal width was measured before Bolton analysis was determined. For Little Irregularity Index, each measurements were done in the anterior of lower study models. The measurement of conventional study models were then compared with the digital study models measurement. Each measurement were made with digital calliper to the nearest of 0.01 mm. Intraobserver test was done by taking 20% from the total amount of the samples (3 samples) randomly and were tested by paired t-test and Wilcoxon for nonparametric test. The level of agreement were done with Bland- Altman plot. After getting valid intraobserver test value and good level of agreement, the main test was done by paired t-test and Mann-Whitney test. Results: Intraobserver test for Bolton analysis showed no significant difference (p = 0.859) while significant difference (p = 0.008) was detected between measurement method for Little Irregularity Index. Bland-Altman plot for Little Irregularity Index intraobserver test showed good level of agreement. The Bolton analysis and Little Irregularity Index statistic test for twelve pairs of study models showed no significant difference (p > 0.05), respectively p = 0.509 and p = 0.101. Conclusion: The measurements made in digital study models with anterior crowding were as accurate as the measurements made in conventional study models with anterior crowding, and therefore, the study models measurement can be done in the digital form.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hanny Kurnia
Abstrak :
Model studi digital 3D diperkenalkan seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi digital. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menilai keandalan model studi digital yang dipindai dengan menggunakan perangkat pemindai laser yang dikembangkan oleh STEI ITB. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membandingkan model studi digital 3D dengan model studi konvensional. Dua belas subyek dengan geligi berjejal ringan sampai sedang dicetak sebanyak dua kali dengan menggunakan alginat dan polyvinylsiloxane. Cetakan alginat dicor untuk menghasilkan model studi konvensional dan cetakan polyvinylsiloxane dipindai untuk menghasilkan model studi digital. Kemudian dilakukan pengukuran lebar mesiodistal gigi dan indeks ketidakteraturan Little (LII) pada model studi konvensional secara manual dengan kaliper digital dan pada model studi digital secara digital. Lalu analisa Bolton dilakukan pada masing-masing studi model menggunakan data pengukuran lebar gigi. Setiap pengukuran dilakukan dua kali untuk menguji variasi antar pengukuran (uji intra-observer). Pengukuran pada model studi konvensional dan digital dibandingkan dengan menggunakan uji t tidak berpasangan. Ditemukan tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara pengukuran lebar mesiodistal gigi pada model studi konvensional dengan model studi digital (p>0.05). Uji t tidak berpasangan juga tidak menemukan perbedaan bermakna antara model studi konvensional dan digital pada analisa Bolton (p=0.603) dan LII (p=0.894). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengukuran pada model studi digital sama akurat dengan model studi konvensional. ...... Three-dimensional digital study models were introduced following advances in digital technology. This study was carried out to assess the reliability of digital study models scanned by laser scanning device assembled by STEI ITB. The aim of this study was to compare digital study models and conventional models. Twelve sets of dental impressions were taken from patients with mild to moderate crowding. The impressions were taken twice, one with alginate and the other with polyvinylsiloxane. The alginate impressions were made into conventional models and the polyvinylsiloxane impressions were scanned to produce digital models. Mesiodistal tooth width and Little?s irregularity index (LII) were measured manually with digital callipers on the conventional models and digitally on digital study models. The Bolton analysis was performed on each study models. Each method was carried out twice in order to check for intra-observer variability. The reproducibility (comparison of the methods) was assessed by using independent samples t test. Mesiodistal tooth width between conventional and digital models were not significantly different (p>0.05). Independent samples t test did not identify statistically significant differences for Bolton analysis and LII (p=0.603 for Bolton and p=0.894 for LII). The measurements on digital study models are as accurate as the measurements on conventional study models.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Riko Nofrizal, athor
Abstrak :
Persepsi merupakan suatu proses menyeleksi, mengatur dan menginterpretasikan berbagai masukan informasi sensorik untuk memperoleh pemahaman mengenai lingkungan. Beberapa penelitian telah dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi perbandingan persepsi estetika dental antara orang awam dengan ortodontis berdasarkan Aesthetic Component dari IOTN. Terdapatnya hasil yang masih berbeda-beda dari beberapa penelitian sebelumnya serta belum adanyapenelitian sejenis di Indonesia dengan latar belakang kultural yang berbeda menjadi alasan dilakukan penelitian ini.

Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif crosssectional. Masing-masing kelompok terdiri dari 42 responden.Setiap responden diminta untuk membandingkan enam foto intra oral pada lembar kuesioner terhadap foto dari Aesthetic Component.Enam foto intra oral pada lembar kuesioner tersebut diambil dari enam pasien, dengan keadaan tiap foto intra oral tersebut mewakili salah satu foto dari Aesthetic Component.

Dari keenam foto intra oral pada lembar kuesioner yang dibandingkan terhadap keseluruhan foto dari Aesthetic Component, ditemukan satu foto yang memiliki perbedaan persepsi estetika dental antara orang awam dengan ortodontis, yaitu foto dengan keadaan deepbite. Sedangkan pada lima foto lainnya tidak terdapat perbedaan persepsi estetika dental antara orang awam dengan ortodontis.

Hasil penelitian secara keseluruhan menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan persepsi estetika dental antara orang awam dengan ortodontis pada hampir semua foto, kecuali satu foto dengan keadaan deepbite, yang dinilai berdasarkan Aesthetic Component dari IOTN.
Perception is a process of selecting, organizing and interpreting the input of sensory information to gain acomprehensionabout environment. Several studies had been conducted to evaluate comparation of dental aesthetic perceptions between the lay personsand orthodontists based on the Aesthetic Component of IOTN. The results of those studies still had differenceswith some previous studies. Because of the differences in results and yet no studies had been done in Indonesia with a different cultural background, the author found it interesting to study the topic more deeply.

The study was a descriptive cross-sectional study. Each group consisted of 42 respondents whereas each respondent was asked to compare six intra oralimages on a questionnaire sheet to the photos of Aesthetic Component. The six intra oral images were taken from six patients that represented the Aesthetic Componentimages.

From six intra-oral images on a questionnaire that had been compared to the overall pictures of Aesthetic Component, there wasan imagewhich hadgiven a different perception of dental aesthetics between the lay personsand orthodontists. It was animage with deepbite condition. Meanwhile, the rest ofimageshad no different perception of dental aesthetics between lay personand orthodontists.

The overall results showed that there was no different perception of dental aesthetics between the lay personsand orthodontists, exceptone image with deepbite condition, which was assessed based on the Aesthetic Component of IOTN.
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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