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Ditemukan 3 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Imelda Wiradarma
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: mengetahui hubungan antara asupan makronutrien dan gaya hidup terhadap status HbA1c penyandang diabetes melitus (DM) tipe 2. Metode: penyandang DM tipe 2 dikategorikan ke dalam 2 kelompok, yaitu kontrol glikemik (KG) baik (HbA1c < 7,0) dan KG buruk (HbA1c > 7,0). Data karakteristik dasar seperti usia, jenis kelamin, status gizi, durasi menderita DM, jenis dan jumlah obat DM yang digunakan, serta ada/ tidaknya komplikasi DM yang diderita. Asupan makronutrien terdiri dari asupan energi total harian, asupan karbohidrat, protein, lemak dan serat. Faktor gaya hidup meliputi ketaatan mengikuti diet sesuai yang direkomendasikan, aktivitas fisik, ketaatan konsumsi obat, merokok dan minum alkohol. Data-data dari kedua kelompok kemudian dihubungkan dengan status HbA1c dengan uji Chi square. Hasil penelitian: usia penyandang DM yang lebih muda (< 55 tahun), asupan karbohidrat dan ketaatan mengikuti diet berhubungan bermakna secara statistik dengan status HbA1c (P < 0,05). Rasio asupan makronutrien (karbohidrat, protein, lemak) pada kelompok KG baik adalah 47: 18: 35 dan KG buruk 51: 16: 33. Kesimpulan : Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa status HbA1c berhubungan bermakna dengan faktor usia, asupan karbohidrat, dan ketaatan mengikuti diet. Edukasi sebaiknya diberikan kepada penyandang DM tipe 2 dengan KG buruk, terutama yang berusia < 55 tahun agar mengatur pola makannya sesuai dengan yang direkomendasikan dengan memperhatikan jenis, jumlah, dan jadwal.
Background: Determining the relationship between macronutrients intake and lifestyle factors and HbA1c status of diabetic type 2 patient in improving the effectiveness of patient?s nutrition therapy and preventing diabetes complications. Methods: Diabetic type 2 patients were categorized into 2 groups; patients with good glycemic control (GC) or HbA1c < 7.0 and patients with poor glycemic control (PC) or HbA1c > 7.0. Clinical characteristics were differentiated by age, gender, body mass index (BMI), duration of illness, type and amount of diabetic medication, and other diabetic complication. Macronutrient intake consisted of total daily calories and carbohydrate, protein, fat and fiber intakes. Lifestyle factors consisted of the adherence to dietary advice and medication, physical activities, smoking habit, and alcohol intake. The data were be used to determine their relationship with HbA1c status using Chi Square test. Results: Younger diabetic type 2 patients (< 55 years old), carbohydrate intake, and adherence to dietary advice were identified as statistically significant variables related to HbA1c status (P <0.05). Macronutrient intake ratio (carbohydrate : protein : fat) for GC was 47 : 18 : 35 and PC was 51 : 16 : 33. Conclusions: The results demonstrate that HbA1c status in diabetic type 2 patient are related to age, carbohydrate intake and adherence to dietary advice. Education to be provided to younger diabetic type 2 patients (<55 years old) to maintain good dietary pattern according to medical nutrition therapy, Background: Determining the relationship between macronutrients intake and lifestyle factors and HbA1c status of diabetic type 2 patient in improving the effectiveness of patient’s nutrition therapy and preventing diabetes complications. Methods: Diabetic type 2 patients were categorized into 2 groups; patients with good glycemic control (GC) or HbA1c < 7.0 and patients with poor glycemic control (PC) or HbA1c > 7.0. Clinical characteristics were differentiated by age, gender, body mass index (BMI), duration of illness, type and amount of diabetic medication, and other diabetic complication. Macronutrient intake consisted of total daily calories and carbohydrate, protein, fat and fiber intakes. Lifestyle factors consisted of the adherence to dietary advice and medication, physical activities, smoking habit, and alcohol intake. The data were be used to determine their relationship with HbA1c status using Chi Square test. Results: Younger diabetic type 2 patients (< 55 years old), carbohydrate intake, and adherence to dietary advice were identified as statistically significant variables related to HbA1c status (P <0.05). Macronutrient intake ratio (carbohydrate : protein : fat) for GC was 47 : 18 : 35 and PC was 51 : 16 : 33. Conclusions: The results demonstrate that HbA1c status in diabetic type 2 patient are related to age, carbohydrate intake and adherence to dietary advice. Education to be provided to younger diabetic type 2 patients (<55 years old) to maintain good dietary pattern according to medical nutrition therapy]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amirah Yusnidar
Abstrak :
Penderita penyakit neurodegeneratif masih tinggi seiring pertambahan populasi manusia, diakibatkan oleh beberapa faktor seperti faktor lingkungan, neuroinflamasi, stress metabolik, neurovascular coupling dan genetik. Propolis telah banyak digunakan sebagai obat karena berbagai manfaatnya. Pada penelitian ini diteliti pengaruh propolis lebah yang tidak bersengat (Tetragonula sapiens) dari Sulawesi Selatan terhadap neurogenesis pada kultur primer embrio korteks serebri tikus Wistar dengan usia gestasi 17-18 hari. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental yang dibagi menjadi kelompok Kontrol, Vehicle dan kelompok yang diberikan ekstrak propolis. Penelitian ini diawali dengan pengujian MTS assay didapatkan dosis optimal, 0,5μg/mL dan 1μg/mL, lalu dilanjutkan pemeriksaan immunostaining menggunakan antibodi primer MAP (Microtubule-Associated Protein) 2 dan pemeriksaan ekspresi mRNA BDNF melalui qRT-PCR. Pada penelitian ini menunjukkan, propolis dapat meningkatkan viabilitas sel, merangsang pertumbuhan dendrit dan menghasilkan ekspresi mRNA BDNF (Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor) yang signifikan dibandingkan kontrol. Hal ini menunjukkan propolis dapat menjadi kandidat penghambat pada penyakit neurodegeneratif. ......People with neurodegenerative disease is still high as the population increases, caused by several factors such as environmental factors, neuroinflammation, metabolic stress, neurovascular coupling and genetics. Propolis has been widely used as medicine due to its various benefits. This research investigated the effect of stingless bee propolis (Tetragonula sapiens) from South Sulawesi on neurogenesis in primary cultures of embryonic cerebral cortex of Wistar rats at 17-18 days of gestation. This research was an experimental study consisting of control group, vehicle group and propolis extract group. This research began with MTS assay testing to obtain the optimal dose, 0.5μg/mL and 1μg/mL, then continued with immunostaining examination using MAP (Microtubule-Associated Protein) 2 primary antibody and the examination of BDNF mRNA expression through qRT-PCR. The results showed that propolis can increase cell viability, stimulate dendrite growth and produce the expression of BDNF (Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor) mRNA significantly higher than control. It is shown that propolis can be a candidate inhibitor in neurodegenerative diseases.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Univesitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fikri Fahruroji
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: Salah satu mekanisme nyeri inilamasi adalah sensitisasi perifer yang dimediasi oleh prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) di terminal nosiseptor perifer. Konsekuensi sensitisasi adalah hiperalgesia yang menandai penurunan ambang nosiseptor atau modulasi aneka reseptor dan kanal ion nyeri. Hiperalgesia dapat diatasi oleh agen antinosiseptif inhibitor siklooksigenase~2 (COX-2) selektif, namun pada praktiknya analgesik tersebut dilaporkan masih memiliki kelemahan. Dalam hal ini, Morinda citrifolia L. dikategorikan etnomedika tropis yang diyakini memiliki efek antinosiseptif dalarn berbagai kasus nyeri kronis. Secara in virro jus Morinda citrofolia L. dilaporkan mampu menginhibisi aktivitas enzimatik COX-2 secara selektif, sehingga sangat potensial untuk mengatasi hiperalgesia. Tujuan: Membuktikan efek antinosiseptif Morinda cirrifolia L. dapat menurunkan beda laten hiperalgesia tennal, dan pola beda latennya dibandingkan cele-coxib, Serta pengaruh diet teratur Morfnda citryblfa L. terhadap hewan coba yang diinduksi carrageenan sesuai metode modyied ho! plaie (MHP). Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan studi eksperimental pada tikus Sprague- Dawley (SD) dengan model nyeri inflamasi menggunakan algogenik cm-rageenan. Parameter yang diteliti adalah beda laten reaksi menghindar antara telapak tungkai yang diinjeksi carrageenan secara intraplantar dengan telapak tungkai kontralateral melalui uji nyeri hot plate tesf. Nilaj beda laten ditentukan pada tahapan respon hiperalgesia menit ke-15, ke-60, ke-180, dan ke-300 setelah diinduksi nyeri inflamasi. Hasil: Diperoleh penurunan rerata beda laten pada tikus yang diberi minum Morinda citrofolia L. sebelurn diinjeksi carrageenan secara bermakna dibandingkan rerata beda masa laten tikus yang diberi minum salin. Nilai tersebutjuga tidak signifikan perbedaannya dengan rerata beda laten pada tikus yang diobati celecoxfb maupun tikus yang diberi rninum Morfnda citrwlfa L. selama I0 hari. Kesimpulan: Efek antinosiseptif Morinda citrffolfa L. dapat menurunkan beda laten hiperalgesia terrnal dengan model nyeri inflamasi pada tikus yang diinduksi algogenik carrageenan. Pola beda laten tersebut mirip dengan efek celecoxib, sehingga keduanya sama-sama terbukti dapat menginhibisi respon hiperalgesia termal. Sedangkan efek diet Morinda cfrrifolia L. secara teratur tidak signifikan mempengaruhi penurunan beda laten hiperalgesia termal. ......Background: One mechanism of inflammatory pain was peripheral sensitization that mediated by prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) at peripheral terminal nociceptor. Therefore hyperalgesia was occurred and indicated reduction of threshold nociceptor or modulation of many receptors and ion channels of pain. Antinociceptive agent that is used for the treatment of hyperalgesia is selective cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2) inhibitor, but practically it has several problems. Morinda citryblia L. was categorized as tropical ethnomedicine that was believed has antinociceptive effect, especially in many types of chronical pain. Based on in vitro research, Morinda ein-girlie L. was reported inhibited enzymatic activity of COX-2 selectively, thus it was potencial to relieve hyperalgesia. Objective: To proved that antinociceptive effect of Morinda citryblfa L. could decrease A latency of thermal hyperalgesia, and its value compare with celecoxib, and the effect of regular diet of Morfnda citrjfolia L. in rat-carrageenan induced based on modified hot plate test (MI-IP) method. Method: This was an experimental study in rat Sprague-Dawley (SD) with pain inflammatory model using algogenic carrageenan. The parameter was the A latency of withdrawal reaction between paw that was injected by carageenan ip! and contralateral paw through hot plate test. The A latency was measured at 15, 60, 180, and 300 minutes after inflammatory challenge. Result: The rat that treated with Morinda cirryolia L. an hour before carrageenan injection has A latency of thermal hyperalgesia that was significantly different from rat that was treated with saline. That value was not different significantly than the A latency of the rat that was treated with celecoxib or the rat that was regular treated with Morinda citrofolia L. for 10 days. Conclusion: Antinociceptive effect of Morinda citrofolia L. decreased A latency of thermal hyperlagesia with pain inflammatory model in rat carrageenan induced. This A latency was similar with the effect of celecoxib, thus both were inhibited thermal hyperalgesia response. While the effect of regular diet of Morinda Citrofolia L. was not significantly influence the decreasing of A latency of thermal hyperalgesia.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library