ABSTRAKCidera hati yang di induksi obat atau drug induced liver injury DILI adalah kerusakan hati yang ditimbulkan oleh obat atau metabolitnya. Isoniazid INH dan Rifampisin RMP merupakan salah satu obat yang menimbulkan DILI. Terapi DILI hanya bersifat suportif. Deteksi dini dan penarikan obat yang di curigai merupakan langkah penting dalam pencegahan kegagalan hati yang lebih berat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat efek protektif dari tindakan akupunktur terutama antioksidan Glutathione pada tikus dengan DILI. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada 24 ekor tikus Sprague Dawley, yang di bagi 4 kelompok yaitu kelompok akupunktur, kelompok sham, kelompok kontrol dan kelompok kontrol sehat. Pada kelompok akupunktur dan sham dipasang press needle pyonex, selama 5 hari di stimulasi dan 2 hari dilepas, terapi dilanjutkan sampai 21 hari. Kelompok akupunktur dipasang press needle pada titik GB34 Yanglingquan, ST36 Zusanli dan BL18 Ganshu, kelompok sham pada daerah diluar titik akupunktur. Efek akupunktur pada DILI diperiksa melalui kadar serum glutamate pyruvate kinase SGPT , serum glutamate oxaloasetat transaminase SGOT , antioksidan glutathione GSH plasma dan jaringan. Hasil penelitian didapatkan penurunan kadar SGPT pada kelompok akupunktur dengan p
Drug-induced liver injury (DILI) is liver damaged caused by drugs or its metabolites. Isoniazid(INH) and Rifampicin (RMP)are among the drugs that caused DILI. The therapy for DILI is only supportive. Early recognition and prompt withdrawal of the drug is essential in preventing serious hepatic failure. This study aims to see the protective effects of acupuncture, through antioxidants Glutathione on liver injury. This study was conducted on 24 Sprague Dawley rats which were divided into 4 groups: acupuncture group, sham group, control group and healthy control group. In acupuncture and sham group was needling with press needle pyonex for 5 consecutive days and release needle for 2 days, the treatment continues for 21 days. Acupuncture effect for DILI was investigated from serum glutamate pyruvate kinase (SGPT), serum glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase (SGOT), plasma and tissue glutathione (GSH) antioxidant levels. The result showed significant decrease in SGPT levels in the acupuncture group (p <0.001) and no decrease in SGOT level with (p=0.321). There was no significant increase in GSH levels of tissue with (p=0.321). There was no significant increase in plasma GSH levels (p=0.021). Acupuncture have a protective effect on the liver with a significant decrease in SGPT levels, but antioxidant GSH plasma and GSH tissue did not showed a significant increase."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018