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Mohammad Fahrul Fauzan
Abstrak :
Studi ini bertujuan untuk menguji hubungan atara strategy perusahaan Manajemen Risiko Enterprise ERM dan tingkat keuntungan perusahaan Studi ini berfokus pada perusahan perusahaan public yang terdafftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia terutama yang masuk ke dalam daftar indeks LQ45 tahun 2013 Studi ini mengevaluasi klasifikasi strategy perusahan menggunakan The Five Generic Competitive Strategies Porter 1985 dan jenis jenis respon atas risiko Risk response sesuai dengan COSO ERM Framework 2004 serta tingkat profitabilitas perusahaan yang mencakup Profit Margin Return on Equity ROE dan Return on Asset ROA Data dan informasi diambil dari laporan tahunan perusahaan sample tahun 2013 dan analisi data bersifat kuantitatif dan kualitatif termasuk wawancara secara mendalam dengan para ahli dan para professional di bidang strategy dan manajemen risiko Studi ini mengindikasikan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara strategi perusahaan ERM dan tingkat profitabilitas Namun demikian lebih spesifik terkait hubungan antara kombinasi strategi perusahaan ndash jenis risk response menunjukkan tidak ada hubungan signifikan dengan angka profitabiilitas jika pengujian dilakukan secara kuantitatif Namun secara kualitatif berdasarkan interview mendalam yang dilakukan menunjukkan hubungan yang signifikan Oleh karena itu kesimpulan atas hubungan antara kombinasi tersebut dengan tingkat profitabilitas tidak konklusif Kata kunci Strategi Perusahaan Strategi Korporasi Manajemen Risiko Enterprise Risk Management ERM Tingkat keuntungan Porter rsquo s Generic Competitive Strategy pilihan strategi Srategic option respon terhadap risiko risk response.
This study aims to examine the relationship between Corporate Strategy Enterprise Risk Management ERM and company rsquo s profitability This study focuses on publicly listed companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange IDX with companies listed in the LQ45 market index year 2013 are selected as the sample companies This study assess the sample companies rsquo classification according to The Five Generic Competitive Strategies Porter 1985 and Generic Risk Response Treatment according to COSO ERM Framework 2004 as well as companies rsquo profitability limited to ratios of Profit Margin Return on Equity ROE and Return on Asset ROA Data is taken from company rsquo s annual report year 2013 and the analysis of data includes qualitative and quantitative analysis and also supported by in depth interview with experts and professionals in Strategic and Risk Management This study indicates that there rsquo s individual relationship between Corporate Strategy ERM and profitability However study of the relationship between combined strategic options and risk response options has different result between qualitative and quantitative methods. ;This study aims to examine the relationship between Corporate Strategy Enterprise Risk Management ERM and company rsquo s profitability This study focuses on publicly listed companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange IDX with companies listed in the LQ45 market index year 2013 are selected as the sample companies This study assess the sample companies rsquo classification according to The Five Generic Competitive Strategies Porter 1985 and Generic Risk Response Treatment according to COSO ERM Framework 2004 as well as companies rsquo profitability limited to ratios of Profit Margin Return on Equity ROE and Return on Asset ROA Data is taken from company rsquo s annual report year 2013 and the analysis of data includes qualitative and quantitative analysis and also supported by in depth interview with experts and professionals in Strategic and Risk Management This study indicates that there rsquo s individual relationship between Corporate Strategy ERM and profitability However study of the relationship between combined strategic options and risk response options has different result between qualitative and quantitative methods ;This study aims to examine the relationship between Corporate Strategy Enterprise Risk Management ERM and company rsquo s profitability This study focuses on publicly listed companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange IDX with companies listed in the LQ45 market index year 2013 are selected as the sample companies This study assess the sample companies rsquo classification according to The Five Generic Competitive Strategies Porter 1985 and Generic Risk Response Treatment according to COSO ERM Framework 2004 as well as companies rsquo profitability limited to ratios of Profit Margin Return on Equity ROE and Return on Asset ROA Data is taken from company rsquo s annual report year 2013 and the analysis of data includes qualitative and quantitative analysis and also supported by in depth interview with experts and professionals in Strategic and Risk Management This study indicates that there rsquo s individual relationship between Corporate Strategy ERM and profitability However study of the relationship between combined strategic options and risk response options has different result between qualitative and quantitative methods ;This study aims to examine the relationship between Corporate Strategy Enterprise Risk Management ERM and company rsquo s profitability This study focuses on publicly listed companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange IDX with companies listed in the LQ45 market index year 2013 are selected as the sample companies This study assess the sample companies rsquo classification according to The Five Generic Competitive Strategies Porter 1985 and Generic Risk Response Treatment according to COSO ERM Framework 2004 as well as companies rsquo profitability limited to ratios of Profit Margin Return on Equity ROE and Return on Asset ROA Data is taken from company rsquo s annual report year 2013 and the analysis of data includes qualitative and quantitative analysis and also supported by in depth interview with experts and professionals in Strategic and Risk Management This study indicates that there rsquo s individual relationship between Corporate Strategy ERM and profitability However study of the relationship between combined strategic options and risk response options has different result between qualitative and quantitative methods ;This study aims to examine the relationship between Corporate Strategy Enterprise Risk Management ERM and company rsquo s profitability This study focuses on publicly listed companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange IDX with companies listed in the LQ45 market index year 2013 are selected as the sample companies This study assess the sample companies rsquo classification according to The Five Generic Competitive Strategies Porter 1985 and Generic Risk Response Treatment according to COSO ERM Framework 2004 as well as companies rsquo profitability limited to ratios of Profit Margin Return on Equity ROE and Return on Asset ROA Data is taken from company rsquo s annual report year 2013 and the analysis of data includes qualitative and quantitative analysis and also supported by in depth interview with experts and professionals in Strategic and Risk Management This study indicates that there rsquo s individual relationship between Corporate Strategy ERM and profitability However study of the relationship between combined strategic options and risk response options has different result between qualitative and quantitative methods , This study aims to examine the relationship between Corporate Strategy Enterprise Risk Management ERM and company rsquo s profitability This study focuses on publicly listed companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange IDX with companies listed in the LQ45 market index year 2013 are selected as the sample companies This study assess the sample companies rsquo classification according to The Five Generic Competitive Strategies Porter 1985 and Generic Risk Response Treatment according to COSO ERM Framework 2004 as well as companies rsquo profitability limited to ratios of Profit Margin Return on Equity ROE and Return on Asset ROA Data is taken from company rsquo s annual report year 2013 and the analysis of data includes qualitative and quantitative analysis and also supported by in depth interview with experts and professionals in Strategic and Risk Management This study indicates that there rsquo s individual relationship between Corporate Strategy ERM and profitability However study of the relationship between combined strategic options and risk response options has different result between qualitative and quantitative methods ]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bayu Mahendra Laksana S.P.
Abstrak :
Tujuan ke-6 dari Sustainable Development Goals adalah tersedianya akses air bersih dan sanitasi. Lebih dari separuh penduduk dunia yang tidak mempunyai akses air bersih berada di pedesaan. Kurangnya akses air bersih juga merupakan penyebab terbesar kematian akibat penyakir diare. Diperlukan usaha dari pemerintah dan masyarakat desa untuk dapat menyediakan air minum layak, sanitasi bersih, dan lingkungan yang sehat di pedesaan secara berkelanjutan. Penelitian ini mencoba untuk meneliti pengaruh program pemerintah berbasis masyarakat yang berkelanjutan terhadap waterborne diseases dengan studi kasus program PAMSIMAS. Dengan menggunakan metode Panel Fixed Effect dan agregasi analisis dari level desa ke level kabupaten, ditemukan bahwa program PAMSIMAS mempunyai dampak negatif dan signifikan terhadap jumlah kasus penyakit yang berkaitan dengan WASH. Variabel kontrol berupa jumlah sarana kesehatan turut mempengaruhi jumlah kasus secara signifikan. Sedangkan variabel kontrol berupa tingkat rasio penduduk usia sekolah, pendidikan, usia kematangan ibu, tingkat ekonomi masyarakat, dan jumlah populasi suatu daerah tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan dalam spesifikasi model penelitian ini. Dampak program ini lebih dirasakan manfaatnya di luar pulau Jawa dibandingkan dengan regional pulau Jawa. Hal ini disebabkan adanya perbedaan infrastruktur, tingkat pendidikan dan pemahaman masyarakat tentang pentingnya WASH dan imunisasi dini pada kedua regional tersebut. Program PAMSIMAS juga berdampak signifikan kepada daerah yang memiliki populasi balita diatas rata-rata kabupaten. ......The 6th goal of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is to provide access to clean water and sanitation. More than half of the world's population who do not have access to clean water live in rural areas. Lack of access to clean water is also the biggest cause of death from diarrheal diseases. Efforts are needed from the government and community empowerment to provide safe drinking water, clean sanitation, and a healthy environment in rural areas in a sustainable development. This study tries to examine the effect of sustainable community-based government programs on waterborne diseases with a case study of the PAMSIMAS program. Using the Fixed Effect Panel method and aggregating analysis from the village level to the district level, it was found that the PAMSIMAS program had a negative and significant impact on the number of cases of diseases related to WASH. The number of health facilities also significantly affected the number of cases. Ratio of the population of school age, education, maternal maturity age, economic level of the community, and the total population of an area have no significant effect on the specifications of this research model. The impact of the program is more beneficial for outside Java region rather than in Java. This difference occurs due to inequality in infrastructure, education levels and public understanding of the importance of WASH and early immunization between two regions. This program also has a significant impact on areas with a population of children under five above the district average.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lesika Suharita
Abstrak :
Pelayanan merupakan tugas utama sebuah organisasi pemerintahan tidak terkecuali dengan Departemen Komunikasi dan Informatika. Biro Kepegawaian dan Organisasi merupakan satuan kerja di bawah unit Sekretariat Jenderal Departemen Komunikasi dan Informatika. Berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika nomor 25/P/M.KOMINFO/7/2008 tentang Organisasi dan Tata Kerja Departemen Komunikasi dan Informatika, salah satu fungsi yang diselenggarakan oleh Biro Kepegawaian dan Organisasi yaitu penyelesaian masalah-masalah kepegawaian. Dalam menyelesaikan masalah kepegawaian, pengetahuan dan pengalaman seorang pegawai sangat dibutuhkan sehingga diperlukan sebuah knowledge management system untuk mengelola dan mendistribusikan pengetahuan serta pengalaman tersebut kepada pegawai lainnya agar pelayanan prima pun dapat terwujud. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan sebuah rancangan model knowledge management system yang sesuai dengan kondisi Biro Kepegawaian dan Organisasi dalam mewujudkan pelayanan prima melalui analisis dan perancangan prototipe dari model yang dikembangkan. Model knowledge management system dihasilkan dari analisis faktor-faktor kontingensi yang kemudian dipetakan ke dalam SECI model dari Nonaka dan Takeuchi. Model knowledge management system yang dikembangkan pada Biro Kepegawaian dan Organisasi sesuai dengan tugas pokok dan fungsinya termasuk ke dalam penangkapan pengetahuan yaitu melalui proses internalisasi dan eksternalisasi. Aplikasi dari model knowledge management system dapat digunakan untukmengevaluasi model tersebut serta diperlukan strategi dalam pengimplementasiannya. Database knowledge management system dapat.
The service was the main task of an organization of the government including with the Department of Communication and Informatics. The bureau of Employment and Organization is a part of Secretariat General in Department of Communication and Informatics. Based on Minister Communications and Informatics regulation number 25/P/M.KOMINFO/7/2008 about the Organization and managerial in Department of Communication and Informatics, one of the functions that was held by the Bureau of Employment and Organization that is solving the employment problems.In resolving the problem of the employment, knowledge and the experience of an employee really were needed so we needed Knowledge Management System to manage and distribute knowledge as well as this experience to the other employee so that the good service could be then realized. This research aim to getting model of Knowledge Management System according with condition at Bureau of Employment and Organization in realizing good service through analysis and develop prototype from developed model. Knowledge Management System Model is yielded from contingency factor analysis and then mapped into Nonaka and Takeuchi SECI model.Knowledge management system model what is developed at Bureau of Employment and Organization as according to fundamental duty and its function representing in knowledge capture that is internalization and externalization process. Knowledge management system application from model can be used to evaluated that model and also strategy needed for implementing that knowledge - management. Knowledge management system database can applicable to helpdesk employment application.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lia Anggraeni
Abstrak :
Hingga saat ini kebakaran masih sering terjadi terutama pada bangunan gedung bertingkat. Laboratorium merupakan bangunan yang perlu mendapatkan perhatian khusus mengenai sistem proteksi kebakaran. Penelitian ini membahas tentang evaluasi sistem proteksi kebakaran aktif berupa sprinkler, alarm kebakaran, detektor kebakaran, hidran, dan APAR, sistem proteksi kebakaran pasif berupa kompartemenisasi, sarana jalan keluar, pintu kebakaran, tangga kebakaran, pencahayaan darurat, tanda penunjuk arah, dan tempat berkumpul sementara. Dengan peraturan yang berlaku di Indonesia berupa Permen PU No.26/PRT/M/2008, Standar Nasional Indonesia SNI maupun peraturan yang berlaku di internasional berupa standar National Fire Protection Assosiation NFPA, serta membahas tentang kesesuaian laboratorium menggunakan bahan kimia terhadap standar National Fire Protection Assosiation 45 tentang Laboratories Using Chemicals. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian observasional dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Sistem Proteksi Kebakaran Aktif memenuhi peraturan sebesar 61, Sistem Proteksi Kebakaran Pasif memenuhi peraturan sebesar 57,5 dan Laboratories Using Chemicals memenuhi standar sebesar 75, namun masih diperlukan beberapa perbaikan serta peningkatan dari kelengkapan sarana pencegahan dan penanggulangan kebakaran yang telah tersedia.
Fires still occur mainly in high rise buildings. The laboratory is a building that needs to get special attention on fire protection system.This study discusses the evaluation of active fire protection system in the form of sprinkler, fire alarm, fire detector, hydrant, and fire extinguisher, and passive fire protection system in form compartment, exit facility, fire door, fire ladder, emergency lighting, signpost, and temporary gathering places. All this element is evaluated with regulations that applied in Indonesia. The regulation are Permen PU No.26 PRT M 2008, Indonesian National Standard SNI and international regulation that is National Fire Protection Association NFPA standard. This study also discusses the compatibility of laboratory using chemicals against National Fire Protection Association 45 standard about Laboratories Using Chemicals. The research design used was observational research with qualitative approach. The results showed that the Active Fire Protection System meets the regulation of 61, The Passive Fire Protection System meets the regulation of 57.5, and Laboratories Using Chemicals meets regulation of 75. However there are still needed some improvement and enhancement of the completeness of prevention and fire protection facilities.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kevin Parwatra Ramadhan
Abstrak :
Artikel ini menjelaskan tentang upaya yang telah dilakukan oleh Hu Jintao dalam bidang politik-ekonomi setelah terjadinya inflasi ekonomi pada tahun 1998 hingga berakhirnya kepemimpinan Hu Jintao sebagai presiden RRT pada tahun 2013. Usaha politik Hu Jintao ini dijelaskan dengan tujuan untuk memberikan gambaran mengenai perjalanan politik RRT secara kronologis untuk mengetahui dampak politik luar negeri yang dianut oleh RRT dengan aktivitas ekonomi yang terjadi pada RRT sehingga dapat bertahan dan berkembang dalam waktu yang tidak lama. Metode penelitian yang digunakan pada artikel ini adalah metode penelitian sejarah yang terdiri dari proses heuristik, kritik, interpretasi dan historiografi. Artikel ini juga mencakup strategi yang dilakukan oleh Hu Jintao sebagai usaha Hu dalam menaikkan kesejahteraan rakyat RRT pasca adanya krisis ekonomi yang melanda dunia, juga menampilkan bagaimana respon dunia terhadap RRT atas tindakan politik yang pemerintah RRT lakukan. Artikel ini menampilkan usaha yang dilakukan oleh Hu Jintao yang dipercaya dapat meningkatkan daya ekonomi RRT dari keterpurukan, juga menjadi sebuah kebijakan yang memiliki pro kontra dalam hubungan luar negeri RRT. ......This article describes the efforts that have been made by Hu Jintao in the political-economic field after the economic inflation in 1998 until the end of Hu Jintao's leadership as president of China in 2013. Hu Jintao's political efforts are explained with the aim of providing an overview of the political journey of China. Chronologically to find out the impact of the foreign policy adopted by China on the economic activities that occur in China, so that it can survive and develop in the short period of time. The research method used in this article is a historical research method consisting of heuristics, criticism, interpretation and historiography processes. This article also covers the strategy taken by Hu Jintao as Hu's effort to improve the welfare of the Chinese people after the economic crisis that hit the world, and also shows how the world's response to China for the political actions the Chinese government has taken. This article presents the efforts made by Hu Jintao, which is believed to be able to increase China's economic power from adversity, as well as a policy that has pros and cons in China's foreign relations.                                                                  
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Luthfina Saraswati Adania
Abstrak :
Majalah Dabiq sebagai salah satu corong media propaganda ISIS diisi oleh berbagai konten propaganda baik berupa gambar maupun tulisan yang melukiskan ISIS sebagai pahlawan. Dalam kurun masa terbitnya yang singkat, Dabiq mencapai jangkauan yang luas karena telah diterjemahkan dalam berbagai bahasa dan disebarkan lewat internet. Riset ini bermaksud menambah studi mengenai teks-teks naratif dalam artikel Dabiq. Dengan pendekatan kualitatif, studi kepustakaan, dan metode penelusuran teks, tesis ini mengupas salah satu jenis artikel dalam Dabiq, yaitu artikel yang memuat profil martir ISIS yang tewas dalam pertempuran. Analisis tematik deduktif digunakan untuk melihat tema-tema hero's journey dalam dua belas artikel tentang anggota ISIS yang tewas, dan menempatkannya dalam konteks fandom sesuai dengan teori peperangan naratif. Temuan riset ini adalah banyaknya kemiripan antara isi artikel dengan tema-tema hero's journey dimaksudkan supaya pembaca dapat merasa beresonansi dengan pengalaman si anggota ISIS yang dituliskan sebagai seorang pahlawan sehingga beralih mendukung ideologi ISIS dengan harapan bahwa dirinya juga dapat meraih keagungan dan kejayaan yang serupa. Riset ini ditutup dengan saran untuk melakukan kontranarasi. Langkah awal yang dapat dilakukan pada seseorang yang teradikalisasi adalah menemukan pada tahapan hero's journey apa ia saat ini, lalu memutuskan pendekatan deradikalisasi yang cocok untuknya. ......Dabiq magazine as one of the media mouthpieces of ISIS propaganda is filled with various propaganda content in the form of both images and writings that painted ISIS as heroes. Within a short period of publication, Dabiq has achieved a wide reach as it has been translated into various languages and distributed via the internet. This research aims to add to the study of narrative texts in Dabiq articles. Using a qualitative approach, literature research, and textual analysis methods, this thesis examines one type of article in Dabiq, which features profiles of ISIS martyrs who died in battle. Deductive thematic analysis is used to find the hero's journey themes in twelve articles about deceased ISIS members, and place them in the context of fandom according to narrative warfare theory. The finding of this research is that the many similarities between the content of the articles and the hero's journey themes are intended to allow readers to resonate with the experience of the ISIS members who were written as heroes, and thus to support the ideology of ISIS in the hope that they too can achieve similar greatness and glory. The research concludes with a suggestion for counter-narratives. The first step that can be taken for someone who is radicalized is to find out what stage of the hero's journey they were currently in, and then decide which deradicalization approach is suitable for them.
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Mahdi Heaveny Noviansyah
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi dengan meningkatnya angka penyimpangan atau pelanggaran anggota Polri baik disiplin, kode etik maupun pidana pada tahun 2022. Jumlah anggota Polri yang melakukan pelanggaran pidana sebanyak 1.281 personel, pelanggaran kode etik sebanyak 1.903 personel dan pelanggaran disiplin sebanyak 3.090 personel. Hasil ini juga mengindikasikan bahwa peran Biro Paminal dalam pembinaan terhadap penyimpangan anggota begitu dominan dalam penegakan hukumnya. Berdasarkan persoalan tersebut, penelitian ini ditujukan untuk menganalisis bagai penguatan peran ideal dari Biro Paminal dalam pembinaan terhadap penyimpangan anggota di Mabes Polri. Pisau analisis dalam penelitian ini adalah teori peran, teori pembinaan, konsep pembinaan pengamanan internal Polri dan konsep Polri Presisi. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan dengan metode pendekatan penelitian lapangan (field research). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Biro Paminal memiliki peran yang besar dalam pembinaan terhadap penyimpangan anggota khususnya terkait dengan peran dalam artian kebijakan, strategi, dan terapi. Meskipun demikian, harus disadari, peran Biro Paminal tidak cukup kuat pada komunikasi dan penyelesaian sengketa. Penguatan peran ideal dari Biro Paminal dalam pembinaan terhadap penyimpangan anggota di Mabes Polri dapat ditempuh melalui Peningkatan kuantitas dan kualitas personel, Peningkatan manajemen media, Pengajuan peningkatan struktur kepangkatan, Implementasi Transformasi Pengawasan Polri Presisi yang berbasis teknologi informasi, Peningkatan sinergitas antar fungsi untuk melakukan akselerasi yang berbasis perubahan mind set dan culture set pada pembinaan penyimpangan anggota serta Menjalin kerjasama dengan Univesitas, Lembaga Sertifikasi, Lembaga NAC serta Lembaga sosial untuk meningkatkan kompetensi personel, membangun integritas moral serta komitmen personel dalam pembinaan terhadap penyimpangan anggota. ......This research is motivated by the increasing number of irregularities or violations of members of the National Police both discipline, code of ethics and criminal in 2022. The number of members of the National Police who committed criminal violations was 1,281 personnel, violations of the code of conduct were 1,903 personnel and disciplinary violations were 3,090 personnel. These results also indicate that the role of the Paminal Bureau in fostering member malfeasance is dominant in its law enforcement. Based on these problems, this study is intended to analyze how to strengthen the ideal role of the Paminal Bureau in coaching against member irregularities at the National Police Headquarters. The analysis knife in this study is role theory, coaching theory, the concept of fostering internal security of the National Police and the concept of Precision Police. This type of research is qualitative research with a field research approach method. The results of this study show that the Paminal Bureau has a large role in fostering member deviations, especially related to the role in the sense of policies, strategies, and therapies. However, it must be realized, the role of the Paminal Bureau is not strong enough in communication and dispute resolution. Strengthening the ideal role of the Paminal Bureau in coaching against member deviations at the National Police Headquarters can be achieved through increasing the quantity and quality of personnel, improving media management, proposing to improve the rank structure, implementing the transformation of precision police supervision based on information technology, increasing synergy between functions to accelerate based on changes in mind set and culture set in fostering member deviations and establishing cooperation with Universities, Certification Bodies, NAC Institutions and social institutions to improve personnel competence, build moral integrity and personnel commitment in coaching against member deviations.
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Briyan Costazolanitova
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini membahasan bagaimana analisis dampak keberadaan kelompok terorisme di cilacap terhadap radikalisme dalam menghadapi kondisi dimana terdapat Lapas Nusakambangan yang menjadi tempat narapidana terorisme ditahan. adanya tahanan narapidana terorisme dan keluarga serta organisasi yang terafiliasi terorisme di wilayah hukum Polresta Cilacap tersebut. berdasarkan latar belakang didapatkan dua permasalahan utama yang melatarbelakangi judul ini yakni 1) Bagaimana pola penyebaran paham radikalisme dan terorisme di Cilacap? 2) Apa strategi intelijen Polresta Cilacap dalam pencegahan radikalisme dan terorisme? Teori yang melandasi penelitian adalah teori stratejik intelijen dan ketahanan nasional. Desain metode penelitian yang digunakan untuk menganalisa penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif, teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan ialah wawancara. kemudian dimana data yang terkumpul kemudian dianalisa dengan teori-teori yang berkaitan dengan stratejik intelijen dan ketahanan nasional. Hasil penelitian ini diketahui bahwa masyarakat di wilayah Cilacap, yang mengikuti kegiatan keagamaan atau pengajian di yayasan atau organisasi keagamaan yang terindikasi radikal, secara individu masyarakat tidak mengalami radikalisasi atau saat ni masih tidak memiliki paham yang radikal ini didasari dari hasil analisa yang menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat tidak melewati lantai dasar dari tangga menuju terorisme. Yang jika dibandingkan dengan narapidana terorisme yang di Tahan di Lapas Nusakambangan, yang menunjukkan bahwa ketika mereka melakukan aksi terorisme, pada saat itu mereka telah mencapai lantai 5 dalam karakterisasi lantai menuju terorisme. Stratejik intelijen yang dilakukan oleh polresta Cilacap dalam pencegahan penyebaran paham radikalisme dan terorisme melalui tahapan berikut, Perencanaan dan pengarahan (planning and direction), Menargetkan penggalangan ke daerah yang masih berstatus merah (belum hijau). Pengumpulan (collection) Informasi dikumpulkan dari sumber yang dapat dipercaya. Pemrosesan/ penyusunan (processing / collation) dan Analisis (analysis). Pengolahan data dilakuakn agar lebih mudah laporan kepada pimpinan, Laporan Informasi intelijen diterima oleh pimpinan, sehingga pimpinan dapat memberikan arahan langsung untuk bisa ditindaklanjut. Evaluasi ulang (reevaluation) Evaluasi efektivitas dilakukan dengan kerjasama lintas sectoral maupun fungsi terkait. ......This research discusses the analysis of the impact of the presence of terrorist groups in Cilacap on radicalism in dealing with conditions where there is a Nusakambangan prison which is a place where criminals are detained. there is an understanding of intelligence and families and organizations affiliated with terrorism in the jurisdiction of the Cilacap Police. Based on the background, two main problems are found behind this title, namely 1) What is the pattern of the spread of radicalism and hatred in Cilacap? 2) What is the Cilacap Police intelligence strategy in preventing radicalism and terrorism? The theory underlying the research is the theory of intelligence strategy and national resilience. The research method design used to analyze this research is descriptive qualitative, the data collection technique used is interviews. then where the collected data is then analyzed using theories related to intelligence strategy and national resilience. The results of this research show that people in the Cilacap area, who take part in religious activities or study at foundations or religious organizations that are indicated as radical, individually do not experience radicalization or currently still do not have a radical understanding. This is based on the results of the analysis which shows that the community does not past the ground floor of the stairs to terrorism. Which, when compared with the fights held in Nusakambangan Prison, shows that when they committed acts of terrorism, at that time they had reached the 5th floor in the characterization of the floor leading to terrorism. The intelligence strategy carried out by the Cilacap Police to prevent the spread of radicalism and terrorism is through the following stages, planning and directing, targeting outreach to areas that still have red (not yet green) status. Collection (collection) Information is collected from reliable sources. Processing/compilation (processing/examination) and Analysis (analysis). Data processing is carried out to make it easier to report to leadership. Intelligence information reports are received by leadership, so that leadership can provide direct directions that can be followed up. Re-evaluation (re-evaluation) Evaluation of effectiveness is carried out with cross-sectoral collaboration and related functions.
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Albert Bobby Prasetya
Abstrak :



Nama                           : Albert Bobby Prasetya

Program Studi             : Kajian Terorisme

Judul                           : Strategi Penanggulangan Terorisme Narkoba di Indonesia

Pembimbing                : Muhamad Syauqillah,S.H.I., M.Si., Ph.D

                                      Sapto Priyanto,A.Mi., S.H., M.Si



Tesis ini menjelaskan tentang Terorisme Narkoba yang terjadi di Indonesia. Terorisme Narkoba di Indonesia berbeda dengan yang terjadi di luar negeri karena baru satu kasus yang diajukan ke Pengadilan dan terbukti, yaitu kasus Fadli Sadama. Fadli merupakan anggota kelompok teror Jamaah Islamiyah (JI). JI adalah organisasi teror pecahan dari jamaah Darul Islam (DI) yang memperjuangkan Negara Islam Indonesia.  Karir kriminal Fadli Sadama dalam Terorisme Narkoba tidak lepas dari peran “School of Crime” selama menjalani hukuman di Lapas Kelas I Tanjung Gusta Medan, Sumatera Utara. Terdapat simbiosis mutualisme antara kelompok narkoba jaringan Aceh dengan Fadli Sadama. Konsep terorisme, narkoba, terorisme narkoba, criminal career dan Differential Association Theory digunakan untuk menjelaskan fenomena terorisme narkoba yang terjadi di Indonesia. Tesis ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah studi dokumen, studi literatur dan wawancara terhadap narasumber. Wawancara mendalam terhadap Fadli Sadama akan menjelaskan proses Fadli Sadama berhubungan dengan penjahat narkoba di Lapas kelas I Tanjung Gusta Medan Sumatera Utara. Fadli Sadama menjadikan kriminal sebagai karirnya. Kurang efektifnya pembinaan dan pengawasan terhadap narapidana terorisme dan narapidana narkoba yang berada dalam satu lembaga pemasyarakatan menjadi catatan untuk penyusunan kebijakan pelaksanaan pembinaan dan pengawasan terhadap narapidana terorisme dan narapidana narkoba di Indonesia.


Kata kunci: Narcoterrorism, Lembaga Pemasyarakatan, Karir Kriminal, Indonesia.




Name                           : Albert Bobby Prasetya

Study Programme       : Terrorism Studies

Title                             : Narcoterrorism prevention strategy in Indonesia

Counsellor                   : Muhamad Syauqillah,S.H.I., M.Si., Ph.D

  Sapto Priyanto,A.Mi., S.H., M.Si


This thesis explain about Narcoterrorism that happened in Indonesia. Narcoterrorism in Indonesia is different from what happened abroad because only one case was submitted to the court and proven, namely the case of Fadli Sadama. Fadli is a member of the Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) terror group. JI is a fractional terror organization from the Darul Islam (DI) congregation which fights for the Islamic State of Indonesia.. Fadli Sadama's criminal career in Narcoterrorism cannot be separated from the role of the "School of Crime" during his sentence in Class I Tanjung Gusta Medan, North Sumatra. There is a symbiosis of mutualism between the Acehnese drug network group and Fadli Sadama. Criminal career concepts and differential associations theory are used to explain the phenomenon of drug terrorism in Indonesia. This thesis is carried out by qualitative methods. Data collection techniques used are document studies, literature studies and interviews with resource persons. An in-depth interview with Fadli Sadama will explain the process of Fadli Sadama in relation to drug staining in Tanjung Gusta Medan Class I prison in North Sumatra. Fadli Sadama makes crime a career. The lack of effective guidance and supervision of terrorism inmates and drug prisoners in one penitentiary is a record for the formulation of policies for the implementation and supervision of terrorism prisoners and drug prisoners in Indonesia.


Keywords: Narcoterrorism, Correctional Institution, Criminal Career,  Indonesia


UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas jejaring pendanaan Mujahidin Indonesia Timur (MIT), kelompok teroris yang berbasis di Poso, Sulawesi Tengah. Tujuannya, menjelaskan alasan tetap eksisnya kelompok itu kendati kini hanya terdiri atas beberapa orang. Analisis dalam tesis ini menggunakan teori jaringan Albert-Laszlo Barabasi dan kerangka konsep sosiologi terorisme Stephen Vertigans.Tesis ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan data primer berupa hasil wawancara mantan anggota MIT, beberapa dokumen putusan pengadilan, dan dokumen This thesis discusses the funding network of the East Indonesia Mujahideen/Mujahidin of Eastern Indonesia (MIT), a terrorist group based in Poso, Central Sulawesi. The purpose of this thesis is to explain the reason for the existence of the group even though it now consisted of only a few people. The analysis in this thesis uses Albert-Laszlo Barabasi's network theory and the conceptual framework of the sociology of terrorism by Stephen Vertigans. This thesis is qualitative research with primary data in the form of interviews with former MIT members, several court decision documents, and White Paper documents of the National Counter Terrorism Agency (BNPT). The study in this thesis shows that MIT funding comes from a number of sources. The results of the study concluded that repressive efforts by law enforcement officers were not enough to stop MIT`s terror activities. It needs a comprehensive step from law enforcement officials and a number of relevant agencies to turn off MIT`s funding network. Efforts to turn off funding networks should also be applied to stop the activities of other terrorist groups in Indonesia.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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