"Pengkajian resep merupakan salah satu bagian dari pelayanan farmasi klinik yang dilakukan apoteker mulai dari pengkajian administratif, farmasetik serta klinis sebelum diracik. Apoteker sebagai mitra kerja dokter harus memahami dan mengkaji resep yang berpotensi menimbulkan kesalahan pengobatan melalui kajian terhadap kejadian medication error sesuai yang tercantum pada Standar Pelayanan Kefarmasian. Tujuan dari pengkajian resep ini yakni untuk mengetahui kerasionalan penggunaan obat ditinjau dari indikator pola peresepan berdasarkan kelengkapan administrasi dan indikator potensi medication error resep polifarmasi di Apotek Kimia Farma 11 Bandung. Kajian ini dilakukan selama Bulan Agustus 2020 yang bertempat di Apotek Kimia Farma 11 Bandung, Jl. WR. Supratman No. 72, Bandung. Kajian dilakukan selama Bulan Agustus 2020 terhadap 50 lembar resep yang berasal dari Klinik Kimia Farma Supratman dan di luar klinik, dengan melihat kejelasan penulisan terkait obat, kelengkapan resep serta gambaran mengenai interaksi obat pada 2 resep (polifarmasi). Dari hasil pengamatan, ditemukan banyak kelengkapan penulisan resep yang rendah berupa informasi nomor izin praktek dokter/SIP (48%), usia (46%), berat badan (4%) dan alamat pasien (22%). Dari 2 kajian resep secara klinis, terdapat interaksi obat antara Clopidogrel dengan Curcumin/Piracetam (resiko pendarahan) juga dengan obat antikolesterol Simvastatin/Artovastatin (penurunan kadar Clopidogrel).
......Prescription assessment is one part of clinical pharmacy services performed by pharmacists, starting from administrative, pharmaceutical, and clinical assessments before formulation. Pharmacists as a doctor’s work partner must understand prescriptions that have the potential to cause medication errors through a review of its incidence as stated in the Pharmaceutical Service Standards. The purpose of this prescription review is to determine the rationality of drug use in terms of prescribing pattern indicators based on administrative completeness and potential indicators of polypharmacy prescription medication errors at Kimia Farma 11 Pharmacy in Bandung. This study was conducted during August 2020 at Kimia Farma 11 Bandung Pharmacy, JalanWR. Supratman No. 72, Bandung. The study was carried out during August 2020 on 50 prescription sheets originating from the Kimia Farma Supratman Clinic and outside the clinic, by looking at the clarity of writing related to drugs, completeness of prescriptions, and an overview of drug interactions on two polypharmacy prescriptions. From the observations, it was found that there were many low completeness in writing prescriptions in the form of information on the doctor’s practice license number (48%), age (46%), body weight (4%) and the patient’s address (22%). From two clinical prescription studies, there were drug interactions between Clopidogrel and Curcumin/Piracetam (risk of bleeding) as well as the anti-cholesterol drug Simvastatin/Artovastatin (decreased levels of Clopidogrel)."