"Tujuan: Diketahuinya perbandingan efektiftas aplikasi silver diamine fluoride dengan propolis fluoride dalam menghambat karies gigi sulung.
Metode: 224 anak usia 4-5 tahun dengan karies dentin aktif dialokasikan secara random pada satu diantara 3 kelompok perlakuan untuk pengobatan lesi karies dentin gigi sulung: Kelompok 1- Aplikasi Silver Diamine Fluoride, Kelompok 2- Aplikasi Propolis Fluoride, dan Kelompok 3- Kontrol. Evaluasi pemeriksaan dilakukan setelah 7 hari, 1 bulan dan 3 bulan untuk menilai banyaknya lesi karies yang menjadi terhenti.
Hasil: Setelah 3 bulan, 163 (72,8%) anak menyelesaikan penelitian. Persentase karies yang menjadi terhenti adalah 88,68%, 55,78% dan 2,13% untuk Kelompok 1, Kelompok 2 dan Kelompok 3.
Kesimpulan: Aplikasi Silver Diamine Fluoride atau Propolis Fluoride efektif menghambat lesi karies gigi sulung. Silver Diamine Fluoride lebih efektif dalam menghambat lesi karies dibanding Propolis Fluoride, tetapi Propolis Fluoride memiliki keunggulan tidak membuat perubahan warna gigi menjadi hitam.
Objective: To compare the effectiveness of topical application of silver diamine fluoride (SDF) solution and topical application of propolis fluoride in arresting active dentine caries in primary teeth.
Methods: A total of 224 children, aged 3-4 years, were randomly allocated to one of three groups for treatment of carious dentine cavities in their primary teeth: group 1- application of SDF, group 2 ? application of Propolis Fluoride, group 3 ? control. Follow-up examinations were carried out 7 days, 1 month and 3 months to assess whether the treated caries lesions had become arrested.
Results: After 3 months follow up, 163 (72,8%) children remained in the study. The caries arrest rates were 88,68%, 55,78% dan 2,13% for group 1, group 2 and group 3.
Conclusion: Application of SDF solution or Propolis Fluoride solution can arrest active dentine caries. Topical application of SDF is more effective than Propolis Fluoride in inhibiting caries lesions progression, but Propolis Fluoride has the advantage that the arrested caries lesion will not turn black in colour like SDF."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2016