Imam Kahfi Wibisono
Abstrak :
Dalam mengelola insiden TI, kontak pertama pelanggan ke penyedia layanan adalah service desk, selain itu service desk juga dapat mengelola insiden. XYZ merupakan perusahaan asal Jepang yang menyediakan layanan ICT Information and communications technology , untuk menjaga kualitas layanannya, XYZ memiliki service desk sebagai kontak tunggal dalam melayani pelanggan dan mengelola insiden yang terjadi. Dalam operasionalnya Service desk XYZ memiliki target KPI setiap bulannya sebesar 90 , akan tetapi pada bulan Januari sampai Juni 2017 KPI service desk tidak tercapai sehingga mengakibatkan ketersediaan SLA pelanggan tidak sesuai. Dari hal tersebut, maka kinerja service desk perlu diperbaiki atau ditingkatkan. Dalam mengevaluasi dan memperbaiki, best practice IT service management dapat digunakan, seperti pada penelitian ini menggunakan kerangka Kismet Keys to IT service management and effective transition of service sebagai tahapan dalam memberikan rekomendasi perbaikan sistem dan proses service desk, Selain itu dalam mengevaluasi sistem dan proses service desk, penelitian ini menggunakan ITIL self assessment. Dari hasil evaluasi tersebut terdapat beberapa aspek yang belum tercapai, di antaranya process cabability, quality control, management information, dan customer interface. Dari hal tersebut penulis memberikan rekomendasi berdasarkan tujuan perbaikan service desk dan best practice ITIL pada service operation. Rekomendasi tersebut di antaranya, memberikan informasi SLA ke dalam basis data pelanggan, membuat standar dan prosedur penanganan insiden berdasarkan SLA pelanggan, menganalisis tren insiden dalam mengategorikan dan menginvestigasi insiden, dan melakukan survei kepada pelanggan.
In managing IT incidents, first contact for customer to the service provider is a service desk, in addition the service desk can also manage incidents. XYZ is a Japanese company that provides ICT services Information and communications technology . To maintain the quality of its services, XYZ has a service desk as a single point of contact for customer in serve customers and manage incidents that occur. XYZ rsquo s Service desk has a target of KPI every month of 90 , but in January to June 2017, KPI service desk is not achieved so that the availability SLA customers are not appropriate. From that point, the performance of the service desk needs to be improved or upgraded. In improving the performance of the service desk can be done by evaluating and improving the process and system of the service desk itself. In evaluating and improving, best practice IT service management can be used, as in this study using Kismet Keys to IT service management and effective transition of service framework as a step in providing recommendation of service desc system and process, In evaluating system and service desk process, this research using ITIL self assessment. From the evaluation results there are several aspects that have not been achieved, including process cabability, quality control, management information, and customer interface. From this the authors provide recommendations based on the purpose of service desk improvement and best practice of ITIL on service operation. Such recommendations include providing SLA information into customer databases, establishing incident management standards and procedures based on customer SLAs, analyzing incident trends in categorizing and investigating incidents, and conducting surveys to customers.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tugas Akhir Universitas Indonesia Library