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Eka Nurhayati
Abstrak :
Persepsi Ketidakcukupan ASI (PKA) adalah pikiran atau perasaan ibu terhadap kondisi ketiadaan atau berkurangnya produksi ASI sehingga ibu merasa bahwa ASI-nya tidak cukup untuk memenuhi kebutuhan bayinya. PKA menjadi alasan utama ibu berhenti menyusui secara dini dan alasan untuk memberikan makanan tambahan lebih awal pada bayinya. Prevalensi PKA belum diketahui secara pasti, diperkirakan antara 30-80% dari ibu yang menyusui mempunyai PKA. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan faktor ?faktor yang berhubungan dengan PKA pada ibu yang memiliki bayi usia 0-6 bulan di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Sewon Yogyakarta. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan Cross Sectional. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 71 sampel ibu yang memiliki bayi 0-6 bulan yang gagal menyusui secara eksklusif dikarenakan mengalami PKA. Hasil analisis didapatkan sebanyak 59 (83,1%) ibu memiliki PKA dengan ASI yang cukup. Ada hubungan yang bermakna konseling ASI saat Antenatal Care (ANC) dengan PKA yang mempunyai ASI cukup, ibu yang tidak mendapatkan konseling saat ANC berpeluang 19,7 kali mempunyai PKA, p=0,012; OR=19,746 (CI 95% 1,926-202,456). Konseling ASI pada saat ANC yang berkualitas merupakan hal yang sangat penting dilaksanakan oleh petugas kesehatan untuk persiapan menyusui. Pemanfaatan ?Temu wicara? dalam konsep 10 T dalam ANC perlu diefektifkan untuk membahas persiapan laktasi.
Insufficient perception ASI (PKA) is the mother's thoughts or feelings about the condition of the absence or reduction in milk production. She felt that her breast milk is not enough to satisfy the needs of the baby. PKA was the main reason mothers stop breastfeeding early and a reason to give extra food early on the baby. Prevalence of PKA is not certain, it is estimated between 30-80% of breastfeeding mothers has PKA. This study aims to prove the factors related to PKA in mothers whom had infants aged 0-6 months in Sewon Health Centre Yogyakarta. Design of this study using cross sectional. The numbers of samples in this study were 71 samples of mothers with babies? 0-6 months exclusive breastfeeding failure due to experiencing PKA. Found as many as 59 (83.1%) mothers had PKA with enough milk. There is a significant relationship counseling milk during Antenatal Care (ANC) by PKA that have enough milk, mothers who did not receive counseling when the ANC likely to have 19.7 times PKA, p = 0.012; OR = 19.746 (95% CI 1.926 to 202.456). Breastfeeding counseling during ANC quality do health personnel in preparation for breastfeeding implement a very important thing. Utilization of ?Gathering of speech? in the concept of 10 T in the ANC should be effected to discuss preparation for lactation.;Insufficient perception ASI (PKA) is the mother's thoughts or feelings about the condition of the absence or reduction in milk production. She felt that her breast milk is not enough to satisfy the needs of the baby. PKA was the main reason mothers stop breastfeeding early and a reason to give extra food early on the baby. Prevalence of PKA is not certain, it is estimated between 30-80% of breastfeeding mothers hasPKA. This study aims to prove the factors related to PKA in mothers whom had infants aged 0-6 months in Sewon Health Centre Yogyakarta. Design of this study using cross sectional. The numbers of samples in this study were 71 samples ofmothers with babies? 0-6 months exclusive breastfeeding failure due to experiencingPKA. Found as many as 59 (83.1%) mothers had PKA with enough milk. There is a significant relationship counseling milk during Antenatal Care (ANC) by PKA that have enough milk, mothers who did not receive counseling when the ANC likely to have 19.7 times PKA, p = 0.012; OR = 19.746 (95% CI 1.926 to 202.456). Breastfeeding counseling during ANC quality do health personnel in preparation forbreastfeeding implement a very important thing. Utilization of Gathering of speechin the concept of 10 T in the ANC should be effected to discuss preparation for lactation;Insufficient perception ASI (PKA) is the mother's thoughts or feelings about the condition of the absence or reduction in milk production. She felt that her breast milk is not enough to satisfy the needs of the baby. PKA was the main reason mothers stop breastfeeding early and a reason to give extra food early on the baby. Prevalence of PKA is not certain, it is estimated between 30-80% of breastfeeding mothers hasPKA. This study aims to prove the factors related to PKA in mothers whom had infants aged 0-6 months in Sewon Health Centre Yogyakarta. Design of this study using cross sectional. The numbers of samples in this study were 71 samples ofmothers with babies? 0-6 months exclusive breastfeeding failure due to experiencingPKA. Found as many as 59 (83.1%) mothers had PKA with enough milk. There is a significant relationship counseling milk during Antenatal Care (ANC) by PKA that have enough milk, mothers who did not receive counseling when the ANC likely to have 19.7 times PKA, p = 0.012; OR = 19.746 (95% CI 1.926 to 202.456). Breastfeeding counseling during ANC quality do health personnel in preparation forbreastfeeding implement a very important thing. Utilization of Gathering of speechin the concept of 10 T in the ANC should be effected to discuss preparation for lactation;Insufficient perception ASI (PKA) is the mother's thoughts or feelings about the condition of the absence or reduction in milk production. She felt that her breast milk is not enough to satisfy the needs of the baby. PKA was the main reason mothers stop breastfeeding early and a reason to give extra food early on the baby. Prevalence of PKA is not certain, it is estimated between 30-80% of breastfeeding mothers hasPKA. This study aims to prove the factors related to PKA in mothers whom had infants aged 0-6 months in Sewon Health Centre Yogyakarta. Design of this study using cross sectional. The numbers of samples in this study were 71 samples ofmothers with babies? 0-6 months exclusive breastfeeding failure due to experiencingPKA. Found as many as 59 (83.1%) mothers had PKA with enough milk. There is a significant relationship counseling milk during Antenatal Care (ANC) by PKA that have enough milk, mothers who did not receive counseling when the ANC likely to have 19.7 times PKA, p = 0.012; OR = 19.746 (95% CI 1.926 to 202.456). Breastfeeding counseling during ANC quality do health personnel in preparation forbreastfeeding implement a very important thing. Utilization of Gathering of speechin the concept of 10 T in the ANC should be effected to discuss preparation for lactation;Insufficient perception ASI (PKA) is the mother's thoughts or feelings about the condition of the absence or reduction in milk production. She felt that her breast milk is not enough to satisfy the needs of the baby. PKA was the main reason mothers stop breastfeeding early and a reason to give extra food early on the baby. Prevalence of PKA is not certain, it is estimated between 30-80% of breastfeeding mothers hasPKA. This study aims to prove the factors related to PKA in mothers whom had infants aged 0-6 months in Sewon Health Centre Yogyakarta. Design of this study using cross sectional. The numbers of samples in this study were 71 samples ofmothers with babies? 0-6 months exclusive breastfeeding failure due to experiencingPKA. Found as many as 59 (83.1%) mothers had PKA with enough milk. There is a significant relationship counseling milk during Antenatal Care (ANC) by PKA that have enough milk, mothers who did not receive counseling when the ANC likely to have 19.7 times PKA, p = 0.012; OR = 19.746 (95% CI 1.926 to 202.456). Breastfeeding counseling during ANC quality do health personnel in preparation forbreastfeeding implement a very important thing. Utilization of Gathering of speechin the concept of 10 T in the ANC should be effected to discuss preparation for lactation, Insufficient perception ASI (PKA) is the mother's thoughts or feelings about the condition of the absence or reduction in milk production. She felt that her breast milk is not enough to satisfy the needs of the baby. PKA was the main reason mothers stop breastfeeding early and a reason to give extra food early on the baby. Prevalence of PKA is not certain, it is estimated between 30-80% of breastfeeding mothers hasPKA. This study aims to prove the factors related to PKA in mothers whom had infants aged 0-6 months in Sewon Health Centre Yogyakarta. Design of this study using cross sectional. The numbers of samples in this study were 71 samples ofmothers with babies’ 0-6 months exclusive breastfeeding failure due to experiencingPKA. Found as many as 59 (83.1%) mothers had PKA with enough milk. There is a significant relationship counseling milk during Antenatal Care (ANC) by PKA that have enough milk, mothers who did not receive counseling when the ANC likely to have 19.7 times PKA, p = 0.012; OR = 19.746 (95% CI 1.926 to 202.456). Breastfeeding counseling during ANC quality do health personnel in preparation forbreastfeeding implement a very important thing. Utilization of Gathering of speechin the concept of 10 T in the ANC should be effected to discuss preparation for lactation]
Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sihite, Devi Suryanti
Abstrak :
Gizi pada ibu menyusui sangat erat hubungannya dengan produksi ASI. Oleh karena itu, ibu yang sedang menyusui sangat membutuhkan makanan dengan gizi yang seimbang selama menyusui, terutama asupan energi selama 6 bulan pertama menyusui. Pada tahun 2012 pencapaian ASI eksklusif Kabupaten Tapanuli Tengah sebesar 0%. Salah satu penyebab rendahnya pemberian ASI eksklusif adalah gizi ibu menyusui terkait dengan rendahnya asupan energi ibu selama menyusui. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara asupan energi ibu menyusui dengan pemberian ASI predominan di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Kalangan, Kabupaten Tapanuli Tengah, Provinsi Sumatera Utara tahun 2015. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh ibu yang mempunyai bayi berumur >6-12 bulan, terdaftar di posyandu, dan tinggal di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Kalangan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan yang bermakna antara asupan energi bulan keenam ibu menyusui (p=0,003; OR=4,6; 95% CI: 1,75-12,2), pengetahuan (p=0,002; OR=5,2; 95% CI; 1,89- 14,35), dan dukungan tenaga kesehatan (p=0,012; OR=3,6; 95% CI;1,4-9,39) dengan pemberian ASI predominan di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Kalangan, Kabupaten Tapanuli Tengah, Provinsi Sumatera Utara tahun 2015. Variabel yang paling dominan berhubungan dengan pemberian ASI predominan di wilayah kerja puskesmas adalah asupan energi bulan keenam ibu menyusui (8,99; 2,17- 37,35) setelah dikontrol oleh dukungan suami, pekerjaan, dan dukungan tenaga kesehatan. Perlu adanya pemberian informasi dan edukasi akan pentingnya penambahan asupan energi selama 6 bulan pertama menyusui, khususnya trimester kedua menyusui.
Nutrient of breastfeeding mother is extremely related to production of ASI. Therefore, breastfeeding mother need to consume food with balance nutrient during breastfeeding, especially energy consumption in 6 early months of breastfeeding. In 2012, the achievement of exclusive ASI in Tapanuli Tengah is about 0%. Lack of exclusive ASI delivering by mother is caused by less nutrient of breastfeeding mother that is related also to lack of energy of mother during breastfeeding. This research aims to know about the relationship between consumption of energy by breastfeeding mother and predominant Breastfeeding at Puskesmas Kalangan, Tapanuli Tengah Regency, Sumatera Utara Province, 2015. This research is quantitative research with cross sectional design. Population of this research is all mothers who have above 6 until years old babies, registered at Posyandu, and live around Puskesmas Kalangan. The result shows that there is a significant relationship between consumption of energy at the sixth month of breastfeeding mother (p=0,003; OR=4,6; 95% CI: 1,75-12,2), knowledge (p=0,002; OR=5,2; 95% CI; 1,89-14,35), and support of health workers (p=0,012; OR=3,6; 95% CI;1,4-9,39) with delivering predominant ASI at Puskesmas Kalangan, Tapanuli Tengah regency, Sumatera Utara Province in 2015 most dominant variable related to delivering predominant ASI by breastfeeding mother around Puskesmas are consumption of energy at the sixth month of breastfeeding mother (8,99; 2,17-37,35) after having taken control by support of husband, job, health worker support. It?s really important delivering information and education, and support by health worker. It is important to share information and education related to extremely needed to add energy consumption during early 6 months of breastfeeding, especially in second three semester of breastfeeding mother.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Linda Lidya
Abstrak :
Tesis ini untuk mengtahui hubungan penambahan brat badan hamil (PBBH) dengan kejadian BBLR di Puskesmas Kecamatan Kembangan Jakarta Barat pada tahun 2008. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik dengan menggunakan desain kohort retrospektifif. Hasil penelitian menyarankan ibu hamil perlu dianjurkan untuk meningkatkan asupan makanan selama hamil agar PBBH memenuhi rekomendasi. Perlu juga pemberian makanan tambahan untuk ibu hamil kurang energi kronis (PMT-Bumil KEK). Ibu hamil perlu secara intensif dianjurkan untuk melakukan pemeriksaan kehamilan sesuai ketentuan pelayanan antenatal yang direkomendasikan Depkes RI. Follow-up PBBH ibu terutama pada pertengahan dan akhir kehamilan yang merupakan waktu yang kritikal untuk mengidentifikasi resiko teljadinya BBLR. ......The focus of this study is to know relation of pregnancy weight gain and low birth-weight in Kembangan District Community Health Center Jakarta Barat on 2008. This research is an analytic study that use cohort retrospective design. The data were collected by secondary data. The researcher suggest that pregnant women should have adequate dietary intake and a standard prenatal care. For pregnant women with chronic energy deficiency (CED) need supplement dietary intake. Pregnancy weight gain at secondary and third trimester was a critical period to identification of low birth-weight.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library