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Teguh Soedarsono
Abstrak :
Efektivitas dan atau harmonisasi Hukum Lingkungan secara faktual masih perlu dioptimalisasi dan didinamisasikan, hal ini dirasakan sekali dalam penerapan berbagai aspek hukumnya yang belum dapat diwujudkan secara nyata dalam tata kehidupan masyarakat, keadaan tersebut bila dibiarkan terus akan menimbulkan citra negatif dan atau kondisi yang tidak diharapkan bagi kelangsungan Pembangunan Nasional.

Kajian dalam disertasi hukum ini bertujuan untuk upaya mengoptimalisasi dan mendinamisasikan penerapan aspek hukum Prinsip Tanggungjawab Mutlak dalam Hukum Lingkungan melalui aktivitas penaatan hukum dan pengelolaan lingkungan hidup menggunakan piranti Mekanisme Jasa Asuransi.

Disertasi hukum ini tertuju pada kajian ius operatum dalam tipologi penelitian eksploratori yang dilakukan menggunakan metoda kajian deskriptif berdasarkan berbagai asumsi, antara lain adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Bahwa penerapan aspek hukum Prinsip Tanggungjawab Mutlak dalam Hukum Lingkungan merupakan suatu kondisi hukum yang harus direalisasikan secara optimal dalam aktivitas penaatan hukum dan pengelolaan lingkungan;
2. Bahwa untuk mengoptimalisasi dan mendinamisasikan penerapan Prinsip Tanggungjawab Mutlak dalam aktivitas penaatan hukum dan pengelolaan lingkungan hidup perlu ditunjang dengan aneka piranti penaatan, antara lain adalah Mekanisme Jasa Asuransi;
3. Bahwa penggunaan Mekanisme Jasa Asuransi sebagai piranti dalam penerapan Prinsip Tanggungjawab Mutlak pada aktivitas penaatan hukum dan pengelolaan lingkungan hidup, selain untuk mewujudkan jaminan pemenuhan pertanggungan juga menyiapkan pendanaan untuk upaya pengelolaan risiko lingkungan;
4. Bahwa terwujudnya penerapan Prinsip Tanggungjawab Mutlak dalam aktivitas penaatan hukum dan pengelolaan lingkungan hidup, selain akan merealisasikan efektivitas dan harmonisasi Hukum Lingkungan dalam tata kehidupan masyarakat, juga dimungkinkan dapat mendorong terbentuknya kondisi dan potensi Ketahanan Nasional yang diperlukan bagi kelangsungan Pembangunan Nasional yang berkelanjutan; dan
5. Bahwa untuk merealisasikan konsep penggunaan Mekanisme Jasa Asuransi sebagai piranti dalam penerapan Prinsip Tanggungjawab Mutlak, perlu dilakukan berbagai penelitian, kajian, dan analisis hukum yang dilakukan secara komprehensif.

Mendasarkan asumsi tersebut di atas, maka permasalahan pokok dalam disertasi hukum ini ditentukan antara lain adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Bagaimana bentuk, isi, dan tata laku penerapan aspek hukum Prinsip Tanggungjawab Mutlak dalam Hukum Lingkungan?
2. Bagaimana wujud penerapan aspek hukum Prinsip Tanggungjawab Mutlak dalam Hukum Lingkungan pada Sistem Hukum Nasional?
3. Bagaimana asosiasi korelasi hukum antar aspek hukum Mekanisme Jasa Asuransi dengan Prinsip Tanggungjawab Mutlak dalam aktivitas penaatan hukum dan pengelolaan lingkungan hidup?
4. Apa dasar dan aspek hukum penggunaan Mekanisme Jasa Asuransi sebagai piranti dalam penerapan Prinsip Tanggungjawab Mutlak pada aktivitas penaatan hukum dan pengelolaan lingkungan hidup?
5. Bagaimana konsep strategi pelembagaan Jasa Asuransi Lingkungan sebagai lembaga yang mampu berperan untuk mengalihkan jaminan pemenuhan pertanggungan maupun menyiapkan pendanaan bagi pengelolaan risiko lingkungan hidup?
6. Apa target manfaat yang diharapkan dalam pelembagaan dan pengelolaan Jasa Asuransi Lingkungan?

Kajian dan analisis dalam disertasi hukum ini didasarkan pada kerangka acuan teori, yaitu adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Teori tentang Principles of Morals and Legislation of The Principle of Utility dari Jeremy Bentham (1823);
2. Teori tentang The Reason of The Validity of Legal Order dari Hans Kelsen (1967) ;
3. Teori tentang The Concept of Law dari H.L.A.Hart (1961);
4. Teori tentang Law in a Changing Society dari W. Friedmann (1959); dan
5. Teori tentang Theory or Concept of Justice dari John Rawls (1962).

Proses kajian dan analisis disertasi hukum ini menggunakan pendekatan legal sosio antropologi yang mengarah pada multi aplikasi penerapan aspek hukum Prinsip Tanggungjawab Mutlak dalam aktivitas penaatan hukum dan pengelolaan lingkungan hidup secara in abstracto maupun in concreto.

Dari hasil kajian dan analisis hukumnya dapat diketahui berbagai informasi hukum, antara lain adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Berbagai model pendekatan dan pola sikap yang perlu diwujudkan pada tata kehidupan masyarakat dalam aktivitas penaatan hukum dan pengelolaan lingkungan, khususnya untuk menciptakan kondisi dan potensi bagi kelangsungan Pembangunan Nasional yang berkelanjutan;
2. Bermacam aspek hukum yang dapat dijadikan acuan upaya untuk mewujudkan efektivitas dan harmonisasi unsur Hukum Nasional dalam proses Pembangunan Nasional, khususnya dalam memenuhi tuntutan atau Aspirasi Bangsa untuk dilakukan informasi politik, hukum, dan ekonomi;
3. Wawasan dan pola strategi untuk membuat berbagai konsep upaya mengoptimalisasi dan mendinamisasikan aktivitas penaatan hukum dan pengelolaan lingkungan hidup; dan
4.Bentuk upaya mewujudkan kondisi kepastian hukum, keadilan sosial, iklim demokratisasi, tegaknya hak asasi manusia, dan kemanfaatan pembangunan bagi kehidupan masyarakat melalui politik dan strategi pembangunan dalam sektor pengelolaan lingkungan hidup.
Mechanism of Insurance Services as Supporting Infrastructure For Application The Strict Liability Principle in Environmental LawEffectivity and or harmonization of Environmental Law in fact still need to be optimalisationized and dynamisationized, this matter seems to be needed in the application of many legal aspects which not being perform yet within community environmental living in reality, if this condition is remain it will give a negative impact and or an unexpected condition for the sustainability of National Development.

The law research and analysis in this dissertation is aim to optimalization and dynamization the application in legal aspect of Strict Liability Principle in environmental law system through the environmental law compliance and environmental management aspect using Insurance Service Mechanism tools.

Research of its law in this paper directed to ius operatum assessment uses exploratory research typology; through descriptive research method, which based on various assumptions as follows:
1. That the application of legal aspect of Strict Liability Principle in Environmental Law System is a law condition which must be applied in an optimal way in the environmental law compliance and environmental management;
2. That to optimalization and dynamization the application of Strict Liability Principle in environmental law compliance and environmental management need to be supported by several tools and or compliance policy which is one of the alternatives is Mechanism of Insurance Service;
3. That the application of Mechanism of Insurance Service as a tool to apply the Strict Liability Principle in the environmental law compliance and environmental management is not only the supporting for insure guarantee aspect but also the readiness of fund to manage the environmental risks;
4. That the perform of applying Strict Liability Principle in environmental law compliance and environmental management not only can perform the environmental law effectivity and or harmonization in community live system but also the possibility to create the condition and potential of National Resilience in continuity of National Development with sustainable pattern; and
5. That to perform the application concepts of Mechanism of Insurance Services as a tool in the application of Strict Liability Principle needs research, assessment, and comprehensive law analysis.

From the above assumption, therefore the problem formulation in this research of law dissertation is as follow:
1. How are the contours, content, and conduct of the application of Strict Liability Principle as legal aspect in Environmental Law System?
2. How is the performance of optimalizationing and dynamizationing for application of legal aspect of the Strict Liability Principle in Environmental Law as a Positive Law substance on the unity of National Law System?
3. How to associate the law correlation between legal aspect of the application of Mechanism of Insurance Service and the application of Strict Liability Principle in the environmental law compliance and environmental management activities?
4. What is the basic and legal aspect of application of Insurance Service Mechanism as tool in the application of Strict Liability Principle in environmental law compliance and environmental management?
5. How is the strategically concept for institutionalization of Environmental Insurance Service which is able to act stand as insurer and funding guarantor for environmental risks management?
6. What is the benefit target, which is expected in the Environmental Insurance Service institutionalization and management?

The law research and analysis in this dissertation is based on several term of reference theories as follow:
1. Theory of Principles of Morals and Legislation of The Principle of Utility from Jeremy Bentham (1823);
2. Theory of The Reason of The Validity of Legal Order from Hans Kelsen (1967);
3. Theory of The Concept of Law from H.L.A. Hart (1961);
4. Theory of Law in a Changing Society from W Friedmann (I959); and
5. Theory of Theory or Concept of Justice from ikon Rawls (1962).

The law research and analysis process used the legal socio anthropology approach, which directed to multi-application of the Strict Liability Principle and the environmental law compliance and environmental management aspect by in abstracto as well as in concreto.

From the law research can be known many juridical aspects as follow:
1. The approach models and attitude patterns which is need to be applied in community live system in environmental law compliance and environmental management particularly, in order to create condition and potential of continuity of National Sustainable Development;
2. The law information which can be a reference in various efforts to perform effectivity and harmonization of National Law System substance, especially to fulfill reformation demand in the field of politic, law and economic at once which is being aspiration of the nation on National Development process at this time;
3. The patterns of strategy and perception to build many concepts of optimalization effort and dynamization of environmental law compliance and environmental management; and
4.The types of effort to perform law assurance condition, social justice, democratization situation, enforce of human right, and development benefit in community live through the development activities within environmental management sector.
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Teguh Soedarsono
Abstrak :
Efektivitas dan atau harmonisasi hukum lingkungan secara faktual masih perlu dioptimalisasi dan didinamisasikan, hal ini dirasakan sekali dalam penerapan berbagai aspek hukumnya yang belum dapat diwujudkan secara nyata dalam tata kehidupan masyarakat, keadaan tersebut bila dibiarkan terus akan menimbulkan citra negatif dan atau kondisi yang tidak diharapkan bagi keberlangsungan pembangunan nasional. kajian dalam disertasi hukum ini bertujuan untuk upaya mengoptimalisasi dan mendinamisasikan penerapan aspek hukum prinsip tanggungjawab mutlak dalam hukum lingkungan melalui aktivitas penataan hukum dan pengelolaan lingkungan hidup menggunakan piranti mekanisme jasa asuransi. Disertasi hukum ini tertuju pada kajian ius operatum dalam tipologi penelitian eksploratori yang dilakukan menggunakan metoda kajian deskriptif berdasarkan berbagai asumsi, antara lain adalah sebagai berikut: 1. Bahwa penerapan aspek hukum prinsip tanggungjawab mutlak dalam hukum lingkungan merupakan suatu kondisi hukum yang harus direalisasikan secara optimaldalam aktivitas penataan hukum dan pengelolaan lingkungan. 2. Bahwa untuk mengoptimalisasi dan mendinamisasikan penerapanprinsip tanggungjawabmutlak dalam aktivitas penataan hukum dan pengelolaan lingkungan hidup perlu ditunjang dengan aneka piranti penataan, antara lain adalah mekanisme jasa asuransi. 3. Bahwa penggunaan mekanisme jasa asuransi sebagai piranti dalam penerapanprinsip tanggungjawab mutlak pada aktivitas penataan hukum dan pengelolaan lingkungan hidup, selain untuk mewujudkan jaminan pemenuhan pertanggungan juga menyiapkan pendanaan untuk upaya pengelolaan risiko lingkungan. 4. Bahwa terwujudnya penerapan prinsip tanggungjawab mutlak dalam aktivitas penataan hukum dan pengelolaan lingkungan hidup, selain akan merealisasikan efektivitas dan harmonisasi hukum lingkungan dalam tata kehidupan masyarakat, juga dimungkinkan dapat mendorong terbentuknya kondisi dan potensial ketahanan nasional yang diperlukan bagi kelangsungan pembangunan nasional yang berkelanjutan; dan 5. Bahwa untuk merealisasikan konsep penggunaan mekanisme jasa asuransi sebagai piranti dalam penerapan prinsip tanggungjawab mutlak, perlu dilakukan berbagai penelitian, kajian, dan analisis hukum yang dilakukan secara komprehensif. Mendasarkan asumsi tersebut di atas, maka permasalahan pokok dalam disertasi hukum ini ditentukan antara lain adalah sebagai berikut: 1. Bagaimana bentuk, isi, dan tata laku penerapan aspek hukum prinsip tanggungjawab mutlak dalam hukum lingkungan? 2. Bagaimana wujud penerapan aspek hukum prinsip tanggungjawab mutlak dalam hukum lingkungan pada sistem hukum nasional? 3. Bagaimana asosiasi kolerasi hukum antar aspek hukum mekanisme jasa asuransi dengan prinsip tanggungjawab mutlak dalam aktivitas penataan hukum dan pengelolaan lingkungan hidup? 4. Apa dasar dan aspek hukum penggunaan mekanisme jasa asuransi sebagai piranti dalam penerapan prinsip tanggungjawab mutlak pada aktivitas penataan hukum dan pengelolaan lingkungan hidup? 5. bagaimana konsep strategi pelembagaan jasa asuransi lingkugan sebagai lembaga yang mampu berperan untuk mengalihkan jaminan pemenuhan pertanggungan maupun menyiapkan pendanaan bagi pengelolaan risiko lingkungan hidup? 6. Apa target manfaat yang diharapkan dalam pelembagaan dan pengelolaan jasa asuransi lingkungan? Kajian dan analisis dalam disertasi hukum ini didasarkan pada kerangka acuan teori, yaitu adalah sebagai berikut: 1. teori tentang principles of morals and legislation of the principle of utility dari Jeremy Bentham (1823); 2. Teori tentang the reason of the validity of legal order dari Hana Kelsen(1967); 3. Teori tentang the concept of law dari H.L.A. Hart (1961); 4. Teori tentang Law in a changing society dari W. Friedmann (1959); dan 5. Teori tentang Theory or concept of justice dari John Rawls (1962). Proses kajian dan analisis disertasi hukum ini menggunakan pendekatan legal sosio antropologi yang mengarah pada multi aplikasi penerapan aspek hukum prinsip tanggungjawab mutlak dalam aktivitas penataan hukum dan pengelolaan lingkungan hidup secara in abstracto maupun in concreto. Dari hasil kajian dan analisis hukumnya dapat diketahui berbagai informasi hukum, antara lain adalah sebagai berikut: 1. Berbagai model pendekatan dalam aktivitas penataan hukum dan pengelolaan lingkungan, khususnya untuk menciptakan kondisi dan potensi bagi kelangsungan pembangunan nasional yang berkelanjutan; 2. Bermacam aspek hukum yang dapat dijadikan acuan upaya untuk mewujudkan efektivitas dan harmonisasi unsur hukum nasional dalam proses pembangunan nasional, khususnya dalam memenuhi tuntutan atau aspirasi bangsa untuk dilakukan reformasi politik, hukum dan ekonomi; 3. wawasan dan pola strategi untuk membuat berbagai konsep upaya mengoptimalisasi dan mendinamisasikan aktivitas penataan hukum dan pengelolaan lingkungan hidup; dan 4. bentuk upaya mewujudkan kondisi kepastian hukum, keadilan sosial, iklim demoktarisasi, tegaknya hak asasi manusia, dan kemanfaatan pembangunan bagi kehidupan masyarakat melalui politik dan strategi pembangunan dalam sektor pengelolaan lingkungan hidup.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 1999
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Paling tidak ada empat alasan penting bagi penelitian mengenai perlindungan lingkungan hidup dalam perdagangan internasional, khususnya berkaitan dengan ekspor Indonesia di bidang produk perikanan dan kehutanan. Pertama, ada kecenderungan bahwa penerapan hambatan non-tarif, terutama dari negara-negara maju, semakin meningkat, dan salah satu aspeknya terkait dengan masalah lingkungan hidup. Kedua, produk perikanan dan kehutanan merupakan komoditi unggulan perolehan devisa Indonesia , sehingga apabila komoditi tersebut mendapat hambatan ekspor, pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia dapat terganggu. Ketiga, produk perikanan dan kehutanan sangat rentan terhadap masalah lingkungan hidup karena produk tersebut berasal dari sumber daya alam (SDA). Keempat, banyak produk perikanan dan kehutanan diekspor ke negara-negara maju yang konsumennya peka terhadap masalah lingkungan hidup.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Harsanto Nursadi
Abstrak :
Pengelolaan B3 dan limbah B3 dilakukan oleh instausi yang bertanggung jawab , yaitu Menteri Negara Lingkungan Hidup. Instansi ini membentuk norma hukum urnum-kongkret berupa Peraturan Menteri Negara yang merupakan kewenangan atribusi dari UU Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup. Meneg LH juga membentuk norma hukum individual-kongkret berupa perizinan-perizinan yang berkaitan dengan B3 dan limbah B3. Instansi sektoral berwenang membentuk norma hukum umum kongkret berupa kewenangan , misalnya Undang-undang tentang Perindusirian, tentang Kesehatan, tentang Pertambangan atau Mineral dan Batubara, tentang Tenaga Kerja, tentang Tenaga Atom/Nuklir, tentang Lalu Lintas Jalan. Kewenangan tersebut diwujudkan dalam pembentukan norma hukum Peraturan Menteri mengenai hal-hal tenentu, misalnya Peraturan Menteri Perindustrian tenumg Impor Bahan Berbahan Beracun. Instansi sektoral tersebut juga melakukan pengurusan dalam bentuk pembuatan norma hukum individual-kongkret berupa perizinan yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan seperti Izin Impor B3; Izin Penggunaan B3 untuk Industri, Pertambangan, Kesehatan; Izin Pengangkutan B3 dan limbah B3. Perizinan yang dikeluarkan oleh instasni sektoral memerlukan rekomendasi dari instansi yang bertanggung jawab, karena instansi yang bertanggung jawab memang bertugas untuk menjaga dampak dari B3 dan limbah B3, sedangkan instansi yang berwenang lebih kepada perizinan dalam hal kegiatan di bidang masing-masing. Hasil penelitian nommatif menunjukkan bahwa Daerah memiliki kewenangan dan tanggung jawab kepada masyarakatnya dalam hal perlindungan lingkungan. Bentuk pertanggtuxgiawaban dari Daerah tersebut adalah melakukan pengaturan dan pengurusan terhadap urusan pemerintahan yang menjadi kewenangannya. Daerah membuat nonna hukum abstrak-umum dalam bentuk Peraturan Daerah bagi objek-objek tenentu yang langsung mengatur atau hanya berkaitan dengan lingkungan.Contoh Perda yang langsimg mengatur objek lingkungan, adalah Perda tentang Pengelolaan Kualitas Air dan Pengendaiian Pencemaran Air; tentang Pengambilan dan Pemanfaatan Air Permukaan; tentang Rehabilitasi Hutan dan Lahan Kritis; tentang Penertiban dan Pengendalian Hutan Produksi; tentang Pengelolaan Hutan; tentang Pengelolaan Air Bawah Tanah; dan Perda tentang Izin Hinder Ordommxie (Izin HO). Contoh Peraturan Daerah yang ?l1anya? berkaitan dengan pengaturan linglcungan diantaranya adalah Perda tentang Organisasi dan Tata Kerja Lembaga Teknis Daerah (salu di antaranya adalah pembentukan Badan Lingkungan Hidup Daerah) termasuk pembentukan Dinas-dinas Daerah tentang Pengelolaan Panas Bumi; tentang Irigasi; tentang Ketertiban Umum; tentang Pajak dan/atau Retribusi Daerah yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan; tentang Perikanan dan Usaha Kelautan; tentang RPJMD; teniang RTRW Provinsi/Kabupaten/Kota; tentang Pemberian izin yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan. Perda-perda tersebut disebut berkaitan, karena yang diatur sebenarnya adalah objek yang lain, tetapi dekatfberkaitan dengan lingkungan. Daerah juga mengeluarkan norma hukum yang umum-konkret, berupa Peraturan Kepala Daerah tentang hal tertentu, rnisalnya tentang Baku Mutu Lingkungan di Jawa Timur. Nomm hukum yang individual-kongkret mempakan bentuk perwujudan kewenangan dan tanggung jawab daerah yang paling banyak, yaitu keluamya perizinan yang berkaitan langsung dengan lingkungan. Pengaturan dan pengurusan mengenai B3 dan limbah B3 kemudian didesentralisasikan ke Daerah berdasarkan PP 38 Tahun 2007 tentang Pembagian Umsan Pemerintahan antara Pemerintah, Pemerintahan Daerah Provinsi dan Pemerintahan Daerah Kabupaten/Kota, khusus pada lampiran mengenai bidang Lingkungan Hidup. Urusan pemerintahan yang didesentralisasikan tersebut tergannmg pada Iuas daerah, lingkup Kabupaten/Kota diurus oleh pemerintahan Kabupatenfliota, sedangkan bila urusan pemerintahan sub-sub bidang B3 dan limbah B3 tersebut lintas Kabupaten/Kota diurus oleh pemerintahan Provinsi. Meskipun Daerah hanya memiliki kewenangan yang terbatas , tetapi Daerah tetap dapat melindungi daerahnya dalam bentuk pcngatumn dan pengurusan yang tidak langsung pada objek B3 dan Iimbah B3. Misalnya pengaturan lokasi khusus industri (yang mungkin menggunakan, menghasilkan dan mengolah limbah B3) dalam Perda tentang RTRW, pengaturan mengenai pengangkutan lintas batas daerah Provinsi-Kabupaten-Kota dengan tidak membebani retribusi tetapi pengaturan pengangkutannya, pengaturan bersama mengenai kemungkinan menyebar/mengalimya limbah B3 dari satu kabupaten/kota ke kabupaten/kota lain dalam satu provinsi atau bahkan amar provinsi. Selain itu, Daerah juga dapat melakukan pengurusan terhadap B3 dan limbah B3 yang menjadi kewenangannya dalam bentuk pengendalian perlzinan. Beberapa hal mengenai B3 dan lirnbah B3 saat ini sudah menjadi kewenangan Daerah, dan hal tersebut dilaksanakan dengan ketat dan konsekugn. Seperti misalnya, Daerah dapat menolak suatu lokasi Industri yang tidak sesuai dengan RTRW yang sudah ditetapkan, atau menolak berdasarkan tingkat bahaya dari indusrri B3 dan limbah B3 yang akan ditempatkan didaerahnya. Pada sisi lain, diluar kewenangan yang dimilild oleh Daerah yang berasal dari kewenangan atributif undang-lmdang, Daerah juga dapat memiliki pertimbangan dalam hal pengaturan dan pengurusan B3 dan limbah B3 dari sumber lain. Sumber lain yang dimaksud adalah prinsip-prinsip hukum lingkungan internasional. Prinsip-prinsip tersebut memang tidak mengikat secara langsung subyek hukum Daerah, karena Daerah bukan merupakan subyek hukum intemasional, tetapi prinsip-prinsipnya dapat dijadikan rujukan dalam hal pembentukan norma hukum di Daerah. ......The responsibility for hazardous substance and hazardous waste management lies with the State Minister of Environment. In this regard, the Minister has an attributive authority, being an authority directly attributed by the Indonesian Environmental Management Act, to establish general-concrete legal norms, in the form of ministerial regulations. In addition to establishing these norms, the Minister has also an authority to issue individual-concrete legal norms in the fomis of various licenses related to hazardous substances and hazardous wastes. In addition to the Minister of Environment, other sectoral departments or agencies also share responsibility in managing hazardous substances and wastes. These departments or agencies have the responsibility to create general-concrete legal norms based on various sectoral acts, such as industrial, public health, mineral and coal, labour, nuclear energy, and road traffic acts. Although not focusing on environmental management, these sectoral acts may to some extent still be applicable to hazardous substance and waste management Hence, one could find various regulations issued by sectoral departments or agencies, which regulate hazardous substance and waste management within their relevant sector. One example of this type of sectoral regulation is the regulation of Minister of Industry concerning the Importation of Hazardous Substances. The sectoral departments or agencies have also the authority to create individual-concrete legal norms in form of various licenses, such as the license to import hazardous substances, the license to use hazardous substances in industry, mining, and public health sectors, and the license of hazardous substance and waste transportation. When issuing sectoral licenses, departments or agencies should base their decisions on the recommendation given by the Minister of Environment as the authority responsible for controlling the impacts of hazardous substances and wastes. Regional government has also responsibility and authority in environmental management. For this, autonomous local government may create general-abstract legal norms in the form of bylaws that directly or indirectly regulate environmental protection. Examples of environmental bylaws are bylaws concerning water quality management and water pollution control, bylaws concerning the utilization of surface water, bylaws concerning forest and critical land rehabilitation, bylaws concerning control on production forest, bylaws concerning forest management, bylaws concerning underground water, and bylaws concerning nuisance license (license derived from Hinder Ordonanrie -the nuisance ordinance). Meanwhile, examples of bylaws that indirectly relate to environmental management are bylaws on organization and management of regional agencies, including provincial and district agency for the environment, bylaws on geothermal energy, bylaws on public order, bylaws on regional environmental taxes and charges, bylaw on fisheries, bylaws concerning regional development planning, bylaws conceming regional spatial planning, bylaws on licenses or authorization related to the environment. Local Regional government has also the authority to create general-concrete legal norms, in the form of govemor or regent/mayor regulation related to certain environmental issues, such as environmental quality standards. Local government has also the authority to create individual~concrete legal norms in the form of various licenses that directly correspond to environmental management. The latter authority appears to be the most frequently exercised authority at the local level. According to Government Regulation No. 38 of 2007 concerning the Distribution of Government Affairs among Central Government, Province, and District government (in particular in its annex on environmental management), the responsibility and authority for hazardous substance and waste management are decentralized to local govemrnent. Decentralization of hazardous substance or waste management to regions applies only to the extent that [its impacts of] are confined to each region. If the scope of management of the substance or waste is considered to be limited to one district, it will become the responsibility and authority of the respective district. If the scope of management of the substance or waste is considered a cross-district issue, it will become the authority of the provincial government in which those districts are located. Although local government has a rather limited authority in regulating and managing hazardous substances and waste, it may nevertheless Provide protection by enacting bylaws which are not directly intended to regulate the substances and wastes. For example, the regional govemment has certainly the authority, in their spatial planning, to designate certain areas for industry that uses, produces, or treats hazardous Wastes. They could also enact bylaws that specify how hazardous substances and wastes are to be properly and safely transported. In another example, a group of regional governments might form a joint bylaw concerning the possibility of hazardous wastes to spread or flow trom one district to others within one province or even to districts in other provinces. Furthermore, regional government may play a role in the management of hazardous substances and wastes by excersing its control over various licenses. Several aspects in the management of hazardous substances and wastes have indeed become the authority of local govemment. For example, regional government may retiise a proposal for an industrial use that it considers not in compliance with the previously determined regional spatial planning; or it may also refuse the proposal based on the magnitude of harms likely to result from the proposed industry. In addition to various attributive authorities, regional government may also resort to other sources of authority when it intends to play a role in the management of hazardous substances and wastes. These sources are intemational environmental principles. Although not directly binding for local government, since it is not part of multinational environmental agreements, these principles could nevertheless be used as references forthe formulation of legal norms at the local level.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Disertasi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erna Widjajati
Abstrak :
In its development of the last three years, there has been a new phenomenon in Indonesia jurisdiction; i.e. public claims made using a class action procedure. The utilization of such a procedure has been made so frequently and obtained legal forces because it has got us opportunity and justification in a variety of Indonesian legislations; among other things: law no. 23, 1997 concerning environmental management, law no. 8, 1999 regarding consumer protection and law no. 41 governing forestry followed up by a litigation procedure through the supreme court?s regulation no. 1, 2002. such a regulation has bridged the concept and legal theory which is subsequently used to execute .civil dalm procedures since there has been a shift from using an individual model to using a representative one. before the supreme court issued this regulation, courts had always' rejected collective claims on the ground that Indonesias civil law, especially section 123 of hir, a revised indonesia's law, stated that such claims could be brought up their claimants or by hiring Iavvyers. without a special authorization, however, lawyers could not represent class interest to be in session of court now, on the basis of article 4 of supreme court regulation to represent a ciass interest, the representative is not required to have this special authorization from the group he represents. social groups having the some case shoulclnot bring their case individually to prevent a recurrent case from happening. this oollective claim, class action, can be made at a lower cost so that the general public may bring their claims to court. in addition, to void mutually controversial verdicts, when each individual make his own claim, class action constitutes to be a more effident procedure. class action as a litigation procedure has its historical, social and cultural background in the common law system. therefore, class action as an effort of civil law reform in Indonesia has a tendency toward the civil law system; from legal comparison viewpoint, lt requires brillian thoughts on the part of judges in order to implement the existing laws actively; let alone, when we consider that the supreme court regulation no. 1, 2002 is but a way of transferring on America or Australian model. on the other hand, class action as a legal protection over Indonesian communities can be exercised as a social control; i.e. as social norms against deviant behaviours and their effects that include prohibitions, demands, condemnation and compensation. dispude resolution procedures with regard to compensation over unlawful deeds in class action should be prepared in detail, covering mechanism of its distribution for all members of a class including suggestions on court proving or panel to help distribute compensation more smoothly. when a compensation demand is approved, a judge isobliged to decide in detail the class grouping, compensation distribution mechanism`and steps to be taken by class representatives such as the obligation of notification. among the frequent cases are environmental function recovery, waste management improvement, pollution source eradication, compensation for the affected group and attitudinal changes among law breakers. Besides, class action as a tool of social engineering, that is, when a gap between law and social change appears, should find its solution whereas class action as a social emancipation means the equal right among various aspects of social life.based on the fact that court decision in class action is binding to all, any interest group using this procedure should help reduce administrative problems. this new phenomenon in Indonesia jurisdiction, public claims using a class action procedure, ls relevant to Frederick Calvert's theory. the people?s interest represented by a class action is in accordance with the theoiy of utilitarianism proposed by Jeremy Bentham. judges, accordingly, should make their decision on the basis of equilibrium principle between individual and collective interests as put forward by John Rawls In his theory of justice. rules are then needed to avoid a conflict of interests, between individual and collective ones. law as an umpire is indispensable.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erna Widjajati
Abstrak :
in its development of the last three years, there has been a new phenomenon in Indonesia jurisdiction; i.e. public claims made using a class action procedure. The utilization of such a procedure has been made so frequently and obtained legal forces because it has got us opportunity and justification in a variety of Indonesian legislations; among other things: law no. 23, 1997 concerning environmental management, law no. 8, 1999 regarding consumer protection and law no. 41 governing forestry followed up by a litigation procedure through the supreme court?s regulation no. 1, 2002. such a regulation has bridged the concept and legal theory which is subsequently used to execute .civil dalm procedures since there has been a shift from using an individual model to using a representative one. before the supreme court issued this regulation, courts had always' rejected collective claims on the ground that Indonesias civil law, especially section 123 of hir, a revised indonesia's law, stated that such claims could be brought up their claimants or by hiring Iavvyers. without a special authorization, however, lawyers could not represent class interest to be in session of court now, on the basis of article 4 of supreme court regulation to represent a ciass interest, the representative is not required to have this special authorization from the group he represents. social groups having the some case shoulclnot bring their case individually to prevent a recurrent case from happening. this oollective claim, class action, can be made at a lower cost so that the general public may bring their claims to court. in addition, to void mutually controversial verdicts, when each individual make his own claim, class action constitutes to be a more effident procedure. class action as a litigation procedure has its historical, social and cultural background in the common law system. therefore, class action as an effort of civil law reform in Indonesia has a tendency toward the civil law system; from legal comparison viewpoint, lt requires brillian thoughts on the part of judges in order to implement the existing laws actively; let alone, when we consider that the supreme court regulation no. 1, 2002 is but a way of transferring on America or Australian model. on the other hand, class action as a legal protection over Indonesian communities can be exercised as a social control; i.e. as social norms against deviant behaviours and their effects that include prohibitions, demands, condemnation and compensation. dispude resolution procedures with regard to compensation over unlawful deeds in class action should be prepared in detail, covering mechanism of its distribution for all members of a class including suggestions on court proving or panel to help distribute compensation more smoothly. when a compensation demand is approved, a judge isobliged to decide in detail the class grouping, compensation distribution mechanism`and steps to be taken by class representatives such as the obligation of notification. among the frequent cases are environmental function recovery, waste management improvement, pollution source eradication, compensation for the affected group and attitudinal changes among law breakers. besides, class action as a tool of social engineering, that is, when a gap between law and social change appears, should find its solution whereas class action as a social emancipation means the equal right among various aspects of social life.based on the fact that court decision in class action is binding to all, any interest group using this procedure should help reduce administrative problems. this new phenomenon in Indonesia jurisdiction, public claims using a class action procedure, ls relevant to Frederick Calvert's theory. the people?s interest represented by a class action is in accordance with the theoiy of utilitarianism proposed by Jeremy Bentham. judges, accordingly, should make their decision on the basis of equilibrium principle between individual and collective interests as put forward by John Rawls In his theory of justice. rules are then needed to avoid a conflict of interests, between individual and collective ones. law as an umpire is indispensable.
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library