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Heru Nugraha
Abstrak :
Akne vulgaris (AV) merupakan kelainan kulit menahun folikel pilosebasea yang banyak dijumpai remaja dan dewasa muda. Beberapa penelitian melaporkan adanya hubungan antara seng dan AV. Penelitian dengan desain kasus kontrol ini bertujuan mencari hubungan kadar seng serum dengan derajat keparahan AV berdasarkan klasifikasi Lehmann dan dengan jumlah lesi inflamasi. Tujuh puluh subyek dengan AV, terdiri atas 35 AV ringan (AVR) [kelompok A] dan 35 AV sedang (AVS) dan AV berat (AVB) [kelompok B] berdasarkan klasifikasi Lehmann diperiksakan kadar seng serum yang diukur menggunakan Atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Hasil kadar seng serum kelompok A median (min-maks) 11,15 (10,23-14,21) μmol/L dan kelompok B median (min-maks) 9,93 (6,72-10,69) μmol/L. Kadar seng serum kelompok A lebih tinggi dibandingkan kelompok B (p<0,001). Terdapat korelasi negatif yang bermakna antara kadar seng serum dengan jumlah lesi inflamasi pada AV(r -0,488). Sebagai tambahan didapatkan korelasi negatif kadar seng serum dengan jumlah lesi non inflamasi (r-0,582) ataupun total lesi AV (r-0,662). Hasil penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa kadar seng serum berhubungan dengan derajat keparahan AV menurut klasifikasi Lehmann, yakni kadar seng serum lebih rendah pada AV derajat berat dan sedang dibandingkan derajat ringan, dan sejalan dengan hubungannya terhadap jumlah lesi, baik inflamasi, non inflamasi, dan total lesi.
Acne vulgaris (AV) is a chronic cutaneous disorder in pilosebaceous follicles affecting many of the adolescents and young adults. Several studies have reported an association between serum zinc level and acne vulgaris. This case-control study aimed to find the relationship between serum zinc level with severity of AV according on Lehmann?s classification and the number of inflamatory lesions. Seventy AV subjects, consisting of 35 subjects with mild AV (Group A) and 35 subjects with moderate and severe AV (Group B) based on Lehmann?s classification are measured their serum zinc levels with Atomic absorption spectrophotometry. In group A serum zinc level median (min-max) was 11,15 (10,23-14,21) μmol/L and in group B, median (min-max) was 9,93 (6,72-10,69) μmol/L. Serum zinc levels in group A were statistically significant higher than group B (𝑃𝑃<0,001). There was a negative correlation between serum zinc levels with the number of inflammatory lesions (r-0,488). Additional result obtained were negative correlation between serum zinc levels with number of non-inflammatory lesions (r-0,582) and total lesion of AV (r-0,662). The results of this study proved that serum zinc levels was associated with the severity of AV according to Lehmann?s classification,i.e. serum zinc levels were lower in severe and moderate acne compared with mild acne, and in line with its correlation to number of lesions, either inflammatory, non-inflammatory, and total lesions.;Acne vulgaris (AV) is a chronic cutaneous disorder in pilosebaceous follicles affecting many of the adolescents and young adults. Several studies have reported an association between serum zinc level and acne vulgaris. This case-control study aimed to find the relationship between serum zinc level with severity of AV according on Lehmann?s classification and the number of inflamatory lesions. Seventy AV subjects, consisting of 35 subjects with mild AV (Group A) and 35 subjects with moderate and severe AV (Group B) based on Lehmann?s classification are measured their serum zinc levels with Atomic absorption spectrophotometry. In group A serum zinc level median (min-max) was 11,15 (10,23-14,21) μmol/L and in group B, median (min-max) was 9,93 (6,72-10,69) μmol/L. Serum zinc levels in group A were statistically significant higher than group B (𝑃𝑃<0,001). There was a negative correlation between serum zinc levels with the number of inflammatory lesions (r-0,488). Additional result obtained were negative correlation between serum zinc levels with number of non-inflammatory lesions (r-0,582) and total lesion of AV (r-0,662). The results of this study proved that serum zinc levels was associated with the severity of AV according to Lehmann?s classification,i.e. serum zinc levels were lower in severe and moderate acne compared with mild acne, and in line with its correlation to number of lesions, either inflammatory, non-inflammatory, and total lesions., Acne vulgaris (AV) is a chronic cutaneous disorder in pilosebaceous follicles affecting many of the adolescents and young adults. Several studies have reported an association between serum zinc level and acne vulgaris. This case-control study aimed to find the relationship between serum zinc level with severity of AV according on Lehmann’s classification and the number of inflamatory lesions. Seventy AV subjects, consisting of 35 subjects with mild AV (Group A) and 35 subjects with moderate and severe AV (Group B) based on Lehmann’s classification are measured their serum zinc levels with Atomic absorption spectrophotometry. In group A serum zinc level median (min-max) was 11,15 (10,23-14,21) μmol/L and in group B, median (min-max) was 9,93 (6,72-10,69) μmol/L. Serum zinc levels in group A were statistically significant higher than group B (𝑃𝑃<0,001). There was a negative correlation between serum zinc levels with the number of inflammatory lesions (r-0,488). Additional result obtained were negative correlation between serum zinc levels with number of non-inflammatory lesions (r-0,582) and total lesion of AV (r-0,662). The results of this study proved that serum zinc levels was associated with the severity of AV according to Lehmann’s classification,i.e. serum zinc levels were lower in severe and moderate acne compared with mild acne, and in line with its correlation to number of lesions, either inflammatory, non-inflammatory, and total lesions.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Noer Kamila
Abstrak :
Berbagai molekul bioaktif yang terdapat dalam sekretom mayoritas merupakan molekul dengan ukuran >20 kDa sehingga sulit untuk melewati epidermis dan menimbulkan efek farmakologis. Metode aplikasi sekretom diduga memiliki peranan terhadap efektivitas sekretom sehingga perlu dilakukan suatu uji klinis untuk membandingkan efektivitas aplikasi sekretom terhadap fungsi sawar kulit yang didahului dengan metode microneedling dan laser fraksional CO2. Penelitian ini merupakan uji klinis acak terkontrol tersamar tunggal dengan metode split-face yang dilakukan pada wanita berusia 35-59 tahun di Poliklinik Madya, RSUPN dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo. Penilaian transepidermal water loss (TEWL), dan skin capacitance (SCap) dilakukan pada minggu ke-0, 2, dan 4. Pada minggu ke-0 dan ke-2 semua subjek dilakukan microneedling dan laser fraksional CO2 yang diikuti dengan aplikasi konsentrat sekretom. Sebanyak 12 SP mengikuti penelitian ini dengan rerata usia 46,2 ± 6,45 tahun. Terdapat penurunan kadar TEWL yang bermakna pada kelompok laser fraksional CO2 (p-value 0,002) dan microneedling (p-value 0,002). Pada analisis lebih lanjut penurunan TEWL bermakna terdapat pada minggu ke-4. Tidak terdapat perubahan kadar TEWL yang signifikan pada kelompok laser fraksional CO2 dibandingkan dengan microneedling. Terdapat peningkatan kadar SCap pada kelompok laser fraksional CO2 dan microneedling namun tidak bermakna secara statistik. Tidak terdapat perbedaan perubahan nilai SCap yang signifikan pada sisi laser fraksional CO2 dibandingkan dengan microneedling. Prosedur laser fraksional CO2 dan microneedling sebelum pemberian konsentrat sekretom memiliki efektivitas yang serupa dalam memperbaiki fungsi sawar kulit.  ......Most of the various bioactive molecules present in the secretome are molecules with a size of >20 kDa, making it difficult to pass through the epidermis and cause pharmacological effects. Secretome application method is thought to have an important role in the effectiveness of the secretome, so a clinical trial is needed to compare the effectiveness of the secretome application on the skin barrier function which is preceded by the microneedling method and fractional CO2 laser. A single-blind, randomized split-face was conducted on women aged 35-59 years at Madya Clinic, dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital. Transepidermal water loss (TEWL) and skin capacitance (SCap) assessments were carried out at weeks 0, 2, and 4. At weeks 0 and 2 all subjects underwent microneedling and fractional CO2 laser followed by application of secretome concentrate. Twelve participants took part in this study with an average age of 46.2 ± 6.45 years. There was a significant decrease in TEWL levels in the fractional CO2laser (p-value 0,002) and microneedling (p-value 0,002) groups. Significant decreases in TEWL were found at week 4. There was no significant change in TEWL levels in fractional CO2 laser group compared to microneedling. There was an increase in SCap levels in fractional CO2 laser and microneedling groups but it was not statistically significant. There was no significant difference in SCap value changes on the CO2 fractional laser side compared to microneedling. Fractional CO2 laser and microneedling procedures prior to administration of secretome concentrate have similar effectiveness in improving skin barrier function
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahma Evasari
Abstrak :
Sifilis merupakan penyakit infeksi yang disebabkan oleh Treponema pallidum subspesies pallidum (T. pallidum), merupakan penyakit kronis dan bersifat sistemik. Sifilis merupakan penyakit yang progresif dengan gambaran klinis aktif (stadium primer, sekunder, dan tersier) serta periode tidak bergejala (sifilis laten). Sifilis masih merupakan masalah kesehatan di seluruh dunia dengan 80-90% kasus baru terjadi di negara berkembang dengan sedikit atau tidak ada akses diagnostik. Sejumlah besar sifilis tidak bergejala. Akibatnya, sebagian sifilis tidak terdiagnosis dan tidak mendapatkan tatalaksana yang baik, sehingga berpotensi menimbulkan gejala sisa serius, manifestasi sifilis tersier, kardiovaskular, neurologik, oftalmologik, otologik, dan berlanjutnya rantai penularan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai kemampuan rapid Test STANDARD Q Syphilis Ab dengan menggunakan spesimen serum dan darah kapiler dibandingkan dengan TPHA dalam mendeteksi sifilis pada populasi risiko tinggi yang terdiri atas waria, lelaki yang berhubungan seksual dengan lelaki, dan wanita penjaja seks di Puskesmas Kecamatan Pasar Rebo, Jakarta Timur. Penelitian ini adalah uji diagnostik dengan dengan rancangan studi potong lintang. Hasil penelitian menggunakan spesimen serum memberikan hasil sensitivitas 91,30%, spesifisitas 97,53%, nilai duga positif 95,45%, nilai duga negatif 95,18%, dan akurasi 95,28% dibandingkan dengan TPHA sebagai baku emas. Hasil pengujian dengan spesimen darah kapiler memberikan hasil sensitivitas 84,78%, spesifisitas 98,77%, nilai duga positif 97,50%, nilai duga negatif 91,95%, dan akurasi 93,70% dibandingkan dengan TPHA sebagai baku emas. Kesesuaian hasil rapid test STANDARD Q Syphilis Ab antara spesimen serum dan darah kapiler sangat baik (κ = 0,8223). Rapid test STANDARD Q Syphilis Ab dapat dijadikan alternatif uji treponemal dalam menunjang diagnosis sifilis, baik sebagai penapisan rutin maupun konfirmasi hasil uji nontreponemal serta penggunaan spesimen darah kapiler dapat dijadikan alternatif uji treponemal yang lebih cepat dan mudah dilakukan.
Syphilis is a chronic and systemic disease caused by Treponema pallidum subspecies pallidum (T. pallidum). Syphilis is a progressive disease with active clinical features (primary, secondary, and tertiary syphilis) and asymptomatic periods (latent syphilis). Syphilis is still a worldwide health problem with 80-90% of new cases occurring in developing countries with little or no diagnostic access. A large number of syphilis are asymptomatic. As a result, some syphilis is undiagnosed and does not get good management, potentially causing serious sequelae, the manifestation of tertiary syphilis, cardiovascular, neurologic, ophthalmologic, otologic, and continuous chain of transmission. This study aimed to assess STANDARD Q Syphilis Ab's rapid test capability using serum and fingerprick whole blood specimens compared with TPHA in detecting syphilis in high-risk populations comprised of transgenders, men who have sex with men, and female sexual workers in Puskesmas Pasar Rebo. This study is a diagnostic test with a cross sectional study design. The results of this study using serum specimens were sensitivity of 91.30%, specificity of 97.53%, positive predictive value 95.45%, negative predictive value of 95.18%, and accuration 95.28%, compared to TPHA as the gold standard. Test results with fingerprick whole blood specimens gave sensitivity of 84.78%, specificity of 98.77%, positive predictive value of 97.50%, negative predictive value of 91.95%, and accuration 93.70%, compared to TPHA as the gold standard. Compatibility of rapid test STANDARD Q Syphilis Ab results between serum and fingerprick whole blood specimens was very good (κ = 0.8223). Rapid test STANDARD Q Syphilis Ab can be used as an alternative treponemal test in supporting syphilis diagnosis, either as routine screening or confirmation of nontreponemal test result and the use of fingerprick whole blood specimen can be used as treponemal test alternative which is faster and easier to do.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahmaniar Desianti Kuraga
Abstrak :
Skabies merupakan infestasi dari tungau Sarcoptes scabiei varian homini. Pengobatan skabies di Indonesia adalah menggunakan krim permetrin 5% yang dioleskan seluruh tubuh dan didiamkan selama 8 - 12 jam lalu dibersihkan menggunakan sabun. Cara pengolesan krim permetrin 5% tersebut memiliki efek samping berupa rasa nyeri dan sensasi terbakar. Metode Pemakaian krim permetrin 5% hanya pada lesi telah dikembangkan untuk mengurangi efek samping permetrin dengan angka kesembuhan yang sama baiknya dengan pengolesan seluruh tubuh. Terkait manifestasi klinis skabies dapat timbul 4 minggu pasca infestasi tungau pertama di kulit, perlu dilakukan penelitian konfirmasi untuk menilai kekambuhan pasca pengolesan krim permetrin 5% hanya pada lesi dan pengolesan krim permetrin 5% seluruh tubuh. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan angka kekambuhan skabies dengan krim permetrin 5% yang dioleskan hanya pada lesi dengan pengolesan krim permetrin 5% yang dioleskan seluruh tubuh serta untuk mengetahui faktor yang memengaruhi kekambuhan skabies. Studi ini adalah studi kohort yang merupakan bagian dari penelitian induk berupa perbandingan efektivitas krim permetrin 5% sebagai terapi skabies dengan pengolesan hanya pada lesi dan pengolesan seluruh tubuh. Studi ini melibatkan santri pada pesantren Al-islami, Bogor serta pesantren Tapak Sunan dan Darul Ishlah, Jakarta yang telah sembuh dari pengobatan skabies menggunakan krim permetrin 5% pada bulan September 2018 sampai Agustus 2019. Terdapat 157 santri yang memenuhi kriteria penelitian, namun hanya 148 subjek penelitian (SP) yang menyelesaikan penelitian. Subjek penelitian di follow up pada minggu keempat untuk menilai kekambuhan serta faktor yang memengaruhi kekambuhan. Angka kekambuhan pada kelompok dengan riwayat pengolesan krim permetrin 5% hanya pada lesi pada 4 minggu pasca sembuh lebih rendah dibandingkan kelompok dengan riwayat pengolesan krim permetrin 5% seluruh tubuh (10,7% vs 12,3%). Tidak terdapat perbedaan kekambuhan skabies pada kedua kelompok (p = 0,751). Faktor yang memengaruhi kekambuhan adalah perilaku tidak menjemur matras tidur secara reguler dengan odd ratio 4,219. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah tidak terdapat perbedaan angka kekambuhan pada riwayat pengolesan krim permetrin 5% hanya pada lesi dengan riwayat pengolesan krim permetrin 5% seluruh tubuh setelah empat minggu sembuh dari penyakit skabies. ......Scabies is a skin disease due to the infestation of Sarcoptes scabiei var hominis. permethrin is the drug of choice for scabies in Indonesia. It is applied to the whole body and left on the skin for 8-12 hours before being cleansed. This method of application has various side effects, such as pain and burning sensations. Modification to this method by applying 5% permethrin cream only on scabies lesion has been developed to reduce the side effects and reported to have recovery rate equal to the standard method. Scabies can manifest clinically up to 4 weeks after the first mite infestation of the skin. Further investigation is required to assess the recurrence of scabies after the application of the modified 5% permethrin and standard cream. The aim of this study is to compare the recurrence rate of scabies treated with 5% permethrin cream applied only to the lesion vs the standard 5% permethrin cream applied to the whole body while determining the factors that influence the recurrence of scabies. This is a cohort study, part of a main research aiming to compare the efficacy of the only lesion 5% permethrin cream application method vs the whole body 5% permethrin cream application method as scabies therapy. The students of the Al-Islami boarding school in Bogor, Tapak Sunan and Darul Ishlah Islamic boarding school in Jakarta who had previously recovered from scabies after being treated with 5% permethrin cream between September 2018 to August 2019 were recruited into this study. 157 students met the inclusion criteria, but only 148 participants completed the whole study protocol. They were followed 4 weeks after recovery to assess their recurrency and other factors associated with recurrence. At the 4th weeks after recovery, the recurrence rate of the only lesion 5% permethrin cream application method group was lower than the whole body 5% permethrin cream application method group (10.7% vs 12.3%). There were no differences in the recurrence of scabies among the two groups (p = 0.751). One influencing factor of scabies recurrence is the specific behavior of not regularly drying sleep mattresses, with an odds ratio of 4.219. The study concludes that there was no difference in the recurrence rate among subjects who applied 5% permethrin cream using only lesion 5% permethrin cream application method compared to whole body 5% permethrin cream application method at four weeks after recovery.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library