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Endang Winiati Bachtiar
"Stomatitis Aftosa Rekuren (S AR) belum diketahui dengan pasti penyebabnya. Namun ada dugaan gangguan kekebalan melalui mekanisme infeksi dan mekanisme autoiniun dapat berperan dalam patogenesisnya. Ketidak-seimbangan jumlah dan proporsi pada subpopulasi limfosit, dapat menyebabkan kelainan kekebalan. Beberapa penelitian terhadap SAR dan hubungannya dengan subpopulasi limfosit tersebut telah dilaporkan, namun hasil yang ditemukam tidak saling mendukung. Keragaman hasil yang dilaporkan para peneliti tersebut, mungkin disebabkan karena para peneliti tidak menggolongkan penderita SAR berdasarkan tipe lesi, yaitu tipe minor dan tipe mayor. Keragaman hasil mungkin pula disebabkan oleh karena sebagian peneliti menggunakan darah lengkap sebagai bahan pemeriksaan.
Penelitian yang dilakukan ini bertujuan untuk menetapkan adanya kelainan kekebalan seluler yang ditemukan pada penderita SAR, dengan analisis jumlah dan proporsi subpopulasi limfosit, serta dikaitkan dengan tipe lesi SAR. Pada penelitian ini digunakan sediaan limfosit yang dimurnikan untuk menetapkan proporsi setiap subpopulasi dengan bantuan flow cytometr y. Selain proporsi, jumlah absolut setiap subpopulasi limfosit ditetapkan pula. Subjek penelitian terdiri dari 19 penderita SAR yang terdiri dari 12 penderita SAR tipe minor dan 7 penderita SAR tipe mayor, serta 8 orang normal sebagai kontrol. Hasil penelitian dianalisis secara statistik (uji Mann-Withney) dengan membandingkan. proporsi dan jumlah absolut antara kelompok normal dengan penderita SAR dan antara kelompok SAR tipe minor dengan tipe mayor.
Hasil dan kesimpulan: Pada kelompok pen.derita SAR ditemukan nilai yang lebih rendah daripada kelompok normal pada: jumlah absolut sel Th (P< 0.05), proporsi sal Th (P< 0.01) dan nisbah Th/Ts (P<0.01). Proporsi sel Ts pada kelompok penderita SAR lebih tinggi daripada kelompok normal (p< 0.01). Nisbah Th/Ts pada penderita SAR tipe mayor lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan penderita SAR tipe minor (P<0.01) dan proporsi sel Ts pada penderita SAR tipe mayor lebih tinggi daripada SAR tipe minor (P< 0.01). Dengan demikian, disimpulkan bahwa pada pendrita SAR ditemukan adanya tanda-tanda kelainan kekebalan seluler yang semakin nyata pada penderita SAR tipe mayor."
Depok: Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Indonesia, 1996
UI - Laporan Penelitian  Universitas Indonesia Library
Diah Rini Handjari
"Loss of adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) function is typically an early event in sporadic colorectal cancer (CRC) pathogenesis. The key tumor suppressor function of the APC protein lies in its ability to destabilize free cytoplasmic beta catenin. This lead to the accumulation of nuclear beta catenin, and together with the DNA binding protein Tcf-4, function as a transcriptional activator. Accumulation of stabilized free â-catenin is considered as an early event and perhaps initiating the process in intestinal tumorigenesis. Neoplastic transformation in the CRC associated chronic colitis is considered similar to the adenoma-carcinoma sequence in sporadic CRC. The distinguish feature from the CRC-related colitis is the difference in time and frequency changes. Loss of APC function, regarded as the beginning of a very common event in sporadic CRC, but the CRC associated chronic colitis generally occurs at the end of the dysplasia-carcinoma sequence. This research was conducted to determine the subcellular location of beta catenin expression in chronic colitis, colorectal adenomas and carcinomas that were evaluated by immunohistochemical staining. It can be concluded that beta-catenin is a component that plays a role in the development of the CRC and the subcellular location of beta-catenin can describe its oncogenic activity."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2011
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yayi Dwina Bilianti Susanto
Latar belakang: Interpretasi cairan peritoneum yang tepat secara sitopatologi sangat
mempengaruhi tatalaksana dan prognosis pasien, padahal pemeriksaan sitopatologi cairan
peritoneum masih memiliki nilai negatif palsu dan positif palsu yang cukup tinggi, dan
hingga saat ini penelitian tentang arsitektur sitopatologi maupun penanda sitomorfologi yang
mengarahkan pada adanya sel neoplasma di cairan peritoneum masih menunjukkan hasil
yang beragam.
Bahan dan cara kerja: Penelitian potong lintang dengan data sekunder berupa slaid
dan formulir sediaan sitopatologi cairan peritoneum yang memiliki data berpasangan dengan
diagnosis histopatologi. Diagnosis klinis berupa neoplasma epitelial ovarium. Slaid dan
formulir diambil dari arsip Departemen Patologi Anatomik FKUI/RSCM tahun 2011 ? 2012,
dilakukan pembacaan ulang semua slaid sitopatologi dengan diagnosis akhir dikategorikan
sebagai positif atau negatif, peneliti membaca pula sediaan histopatologi untuk mengetahui
morfologi sel pada lesi, kemudiaan dilakukan penilaian terhadap arsitektur sitopatologi
berupa: selularitas, sel berkelompok, struktur papiler, intercelular windows, group contours,
jisim psamoma, dan penanda sitomorfologi berupa: atipia inti, inti bertumpuk, anak inti,
rasio inti:sitoplasma, ukuran inti, dan ukuran sel.
Hasil penelitian: Sampel penelitian sejumlah 47 sediaan sitopatologi dengan
diagnosis sitopatologi akhir 34 kasus (72.3%) negatif, 13 kasus (27.7%) positif. Terdapat
perbedaan bermakna arsitektur sitopatologi berupa: selularitas (p = 0.017), sel berkelompok
(p = 0.001), intercellular windows (p = 0.00), group contours (p = 0.00), dan gambaran
sitomorfologi berupa: atipia inti (p = 0.00), inti bertumpuk (p = 0.001), anak inti (p = 0.001),
rasio inti:sitoplasma (p = 0.00), ukuran inti (p = 0.00), ukuran sel (p = 0.00) antara cairan
peritoneum positif dan negatif. Melalui uji multivariat didapatkan penanda yang paling
berpengaruh terhadap diagnosis sitopatologi positif atau negatif yaitu: intercellular windows,
atipia inti, dan selularitas.
Kesimpulan: Terdapat tiga penanda yang paling berpengaruh terhadap diagnosis
positif ditemukannya sel neoplasma ganas dalam cairan peritoneum pada kasus dengan lesi
ovarium, secara berturut - turut yaitu: tidak ditemukannya intercellular windows pada
kelompokan sel, sel memiliki atipia inti sedang hingga berat, dan selularitas lebih dari 20
kelompok dari keseluruhan sediaan apus.

Background : Peritoneal fluid cytopathology interpretation profoundly influences patients
management and prognosis, however this practice still has high false positive and false
negative value, and until now research concerning the architectural and cytomorphology
features for detecting malignant cells in peritoneal fluid still has various result.
Materials and Methods : Cross sectional study using secondary data of peritoneal fluid
cytopathology and histopathology slides and form, from patients with clinical diagnosis of
ovarian epithelial neoplasm. The data was taken from the archive of Anatomical Pathology
Department Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital 2011 ? 2012. The researchers examined the
cytopathology slides and also examined the histopatology slide for morphology comparison,
and then make a final cytopathological diagnosis of positive peritoneal fluid containing
neoplastic cells or negative. Architectural features including: cellularity, cells grouping,
papillary structure, intercellular windows, group contours, psamoma bodies, and
cytomorphology features including: nuclear atypia, overlapping nuclei, nucleoli, nuclei :
cytoplasm ratio, the dimension of the nuclei and cells were also examined.
Result : There were 47 samples with final cytopathology diagnosis: 34 cases (72.3%)
negative for neoplastic cells in the peritoneal fluid and 13 cases (27.7%) positive. There were
significant differences in cytopathology architectural including cellularity (p = 0.017), cells
grouping (p = 0.001), intercellular windows (p = 0.00), group contours (p = 0.00) and
cytomorphology features including nuclear atypia (p = 0.00), overlapping nuclei (p = 0.001),
nucleoli (p =0.001), nuclei : cytoplasm ratio (p = 0.00), the dimension of nuclei (p = 0.00),
the dimension of cell (p = 0.00) between the positive and negative peritoneal fluid
cytopathology. Using multivariate analysis there were 3 cytological features that have the
strongest association with positive or negative peritoneal cytopathology diagnosis, they were:
intercellular windows, nuclear atypia, and cellularity.
Conclusion: In peritoneal fluid cytopathology for examining ovarian lesion there were 3
cytological features that have the strongest association with finding neoplastic cells in
peritoneal fluid, they were: the absent of intercellular windows, moderate to severe
cytological atypia, and cellularity more than 20 groups in all smear preparation, Background : Peritoneal fluid cytopathology interpretation profoundly influences patients
management and prognosis, however this practice still has high false positive and false
negative value, and until now research concerning the architectural and cytomorphology
features for detecting malignant cells in peritoneal fluid still has various result.
Materials and Methods : Cross sectional study using secondary data of peritoneal fluid
cytopathology and histopathology slides and form, from patients with clinical diagnosis of
ovarian epithelial neoplasm. The data was taken from the archive of Anatomical Pathology
Department Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital 2011 – 2012. The researchers examined the
cytopathology slides and also examined the histopatology slide for morphology comparison,
and then make a final cytopathological diagnosis of positive peritoneal fluid containing
neoplastic cells or negative. Architectural features including: cellularity, cells grouping,
papillary structure, intercellular windows, group contours, psamoma bodies, and
cytomorphology features including: nuclear atypia, overlapping nuclei, nucleoli, nuclei :
cytoplasm ratio, the dimension of the nuclei and cells were also examined.
Result : There were 47 samples with final cytopathology diagnosis: 34 cases (72.3%)
negative for neoplastic cells in the peritoneal fluid and 13 cases (27.7%) positive. There were
significant differences in cytopathology architectural including cellularity (p = 0.017), cells
grouping (p = 0.001), intercellular windows (p = 0.00), group contours (p = 0.00) and
cytomorphology features including nuclear atypia (p = 0.00), overlapping nuclei (p = 0.001),
nucleoli (p =0.001), nuclei : cytoplasm ratio (p = 0.00), the dimension of nuclei (p = 0.00),
the dimension of cell (p = 0.00) between the positive and negative peritoneal fluid
cytopathology. Using multivariate analysis there were 3 cytological features that have the
strongest association with positive or negative peritoneal cytopathology diagnosis, they were:
intercellular windows, nuclear atypia, and cellularity.
Conclusion: In peritoneal fluid cytopathology for examining ovarian lesion there were 3
cytological features that have the strongest association with finding neoplastic cells in
peritoneal fluid, they were: the absent of intercellular windows, moderate to severe
cytological atypia, and cellularity more than 20 groups in all smear preparation]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mohamad Farid Aziz, supervisor
"Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi faktor prediktor metastasis kelenjar getah bening (KGB) pada pasien dengan kanker serviks stadium IB dan IIA. Penelitian dilakukan dari bulan Mei 1996 sampai bulan Desember 2001. Ada 183 pasien kanker serviks dengan stadium menurut FIGO IB dan IIA menjalani operasi histerektomi radikal dan limfadenektomi. Dari pasien tersebut 158 pasien yang dapat dinilai, terdiri dari 43 pasien dengan metastasis KGB dan 115 tanpa metastasis KGB. Rancangan penelitian adalah kasus-kontrol. Kasus adalah pasien dengan metastasis KGB dan kontrol pasien tanpa metastasis KGB. Analisis multivariat dilakukan setelah analisis bivariat. Pada analisis bivariat umur < 39 tahun, diameter lesi >4 cm, stadium IIA > 4 cm, histopatologi dengan diferensiasi sedang dan buruk, invasi ke pembuluh darah dan limfa merupakan variabel yang independen terjadinya metastasis KGB dengan nilai p ≤ 0,05. Tetapi pada analisis multivariat yang muncul sebagai variabel independen adalah umur muda, paritas > 4, diameter lesi, histopatologi adenoskuamosa, dan invasi limfo-vaskular dengan nilai p ≤ 0,05. Kesimpulan: Usia muda, paritas > 4, stadium IIA > 4 cm, diameter lesi, histopatologi adenoskuamosa, invasi limfa-vaskular merupakan faktor risiko terjadinya metastasis dan dapat dipergunakan sebagai faktor prediktor metastasis KGB. (Med J Indones 2004; 13: 113-8)

The aim of this study was to identify possible predictor factors of lymph node metastases in patients with cervical cancer stage IB and IIA. Study was conducted between May 1996 and December 2001. There were 183 patients of cervical cancer with FIGO Stage IB and IIA who were underwent radical hysterectomy and lymphadenectomy. From those 158 patients could be evaluated, consisting 43 patients with node metastases 115 patients without metastases. Research design was case control study. Case was patients with node metastases and control was those without node metastases. Multivariate analysis was made after bivariate analysis. On bivariate analysis age < 39 years, diameter of lesion > 4 cm, stage IIA > 4 cm, histopathology moderate and poor differentiation, blood and lymphatic vessel invasion were independent variables for node metastases with p value ≤ 0.05. However, on multivariate analysis younger age, parity ≥ 4, diameter of lesion, histopathology adenosquamous, and lymph vascular invasion (+) as independent factors for node metastases with p value ≤ 0.05. Conclusion: Younger age, parity ≥ 4, stage IIA > 4 cm, diameter of lesion, histopathology adenosquamous, and lymph vascular invasion (+) were risk factors for node metastases and can be used as predictors. (Med J Indones 2004; 13: 113-8)"
Medical Journal of Indonesia, 2004
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library