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Irvan Adenin

Kontrasepsi Copper T (AKDR CuT) menggantikan kontrasepsi lippes loop (AKDR LL) disebabkan efektivitas yang lebih tinggi dan rendahnya angka ekspulsi. Kontrasepsi CuT diketahui mendukung kerusakan pada epitel endometrium dan menstimulasi produksi glikodelin A (GdA), yang memiliki peran bermakna dalam cara kerja kontrasepsi. Belum diketahui peran polietilen dalam meningkatkan GdA dan peran komponen inflamasi mengenai GdA.


Penelitian ini menggunalan desain penelitian eksplorasi yang dilakukan di Laboratorium Bagian Bedah Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan, Institut Pertanian Bogor pada November 2017–Maret 2018. Total 22 tikus sprague dawley yang dibagi menjadi kelompok polietilen + tembaga (AKDR CuT) dan kelompok polietilen tunggal (Kelompok LL AKDR). Darah dari arteri lakrimal dan jaringan dari kornua diperiksa dengan metode enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) dan imunohistokimia (IHK).


Sebagai hasilnya ditemukan kelompok kontrasepsi CuT menyebabkan perubahan lebih besar pada sel epitel permukaan endometrium dan sel-sel epitel kelenjar dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrasepsi LL. Terdapat peningkatan yang bermakna pasca-penyisipan polietilen pada ekspresi TNF-α (p = 0,037) dan EGR-2 + (p = 0,039). Ditemukan peningkatan yang bermakna pasca-penyisipan polietilen pada ekspresi GdA (p < 0,001). Ekspresi delta GdA lebih besar pada polietilen 43,67 ± 36,36 dibandingkan kelompok CuT 13,50 ± 10,34.


Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah ditemukan ekspresi GdA lebih besar dalam polietilen tunggal daripada kombinasi polietilen + tembaga (AKDR CuT). TNF-α dan makrofag CD38 + adalah komponen inflamasi terbesar yang menyebabkan peningkatan ekspresi GdA.


Kata kunci: glikodelin A, kerusakan epitel endometrium, komponen inflamasi, polietilen, polietielen+tembaga.


Copper T IUD (CuT IUD) contraception replaces lippes loop IUD (LL IUD) due to its effectiveness and rarely expulsion capability. The CuT IUD is known to promote endometrial epithelial damage and to stimulate the production of glycodelin A (GdA). GdA has significant role in the contraception mechanism of action. It has not yet known the role of polyethylene in increasing GdA and the role of the inflammatory components regarding GdA.


This study is an exploratory research design conducted at the Laboratory of Surgery of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Bogor Agricultural University on November 2017–March 2018. A Total of 22 sprague dawley rats were divided into polyethylene+copper  (CuT IUD) and single polyethylene (LL IUD groups). Blood from the lacrimal artery and tissue from the cornua were examined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and immunohistochemistry (IHC) methods.


It was found that CuT IUD group caused greater change to the endometrial surface epithelial cells and glandular epithelial cells compared to LL IUD group. There was a significant increase in post-insertion of polyethylene on the expression of TNF-α (p = 0.037) and EGR-2+ (p = 0.039). There was a significant increase in post-insertion of polyethylene on expression of GdA (p < 0,001). Delta expression of GdA was greater in the polyethylene 43.67 ± 36.36 than in the CuT IUD group 13.50 ± 10.34.


As a conclusion, the expression of GdA was found to be greater in the single polyethylene than combination of polyethylene+copper (CuT IUD). TNF-α and macrophages CD38+ are the biggest inflammatory components that cause an increase in GdA expression.


Keywords: endometrial epithelial damage, glycodelin A, inflammatory omponents, polyethylene, polyethylene+copper.


Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aditya Wardhana
"Konversi luka bakar merupakan perubahan zona kedalaman dari dangkal menjadi dalam pada 3–7 hari pasca luka bakar. Saat ini, proses autofagi, inflamasi, iskemia, infeksi, dan reactive oxygen species dianggap berperan dalam patogenesis konversi luka bakar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji faktor risiko terjadinya konversi luka bakar pada pasien dewasa dan mengembangkan sistem skor untuk memprediksi kejadian konversi luka bakar sebagai acuan tatalaksana konservatif dan operatif.
Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan metode nested case control pada pasien luka bakar dewasa yang dirawat di Unit Luka Bakar RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo dan RS Islam Jakarta Cempaka Putih. Subjek direkrut dengan metode consecutive sampling pada Februari 2019–Agustus 2020. Faktor risiko yang diteliti adalah karakteristik klinis, pemeriksaan klinis lokal, dan pemeriksaan klinis sistemik. Faktor risiko dianalisis secara bivariat dan multivariat regresi logistik.
Terdapat 40 subjek kelompok kasus dan 20 subjek kelompok kontrol. Luka bakar di regio trunkus (OR = 3,67; p = 0,028), regio tungkai (OR = 6,93; p = 0,001), luas luka bakar yang dihitung dengan ImageJ ³ 9,49 %TBSA (OR = 32,11 p < 0,001), suhu permukaan luka yang diukur dengan termografi FLIR ONE® ≤ -1,55 oC (OR = 13,78; p < 0,001), kadar prokalsitonin ≥ 0,075 ng/mL (OR = 12; p < 0,001), dan kadar laktat darah ≥ 1,75 mmol/L (OR = 7; p = 0,001) memiliki hubungan bermakna dengan konversi luka bakar. Dikembangkan 3 model konversi luka bakar dari variabel bermakna. Model 1 diterapkan di fasilitas kesehatan tersier dengan sensitivitas dan spesifisitas sebesar 92,5% dan 85% (IK95% 0,835–1,00; p < 0,001). Model 2 dan 3 dapat diterapkan di fasilitas kesehatan primer dan sekunder dengan model 2 memiliki sensitivitas dan spesifisitas sebesar 95% dan 70% (IK95% 0,830– 1,00; p < 0,001) dan model 3 memiliki sensitivitas dan spesifisitas sebesar 92,5% dan 85% (IK95% 0,832–1,00; p < 0,001).
Model skor yang dibuat dapat dipertimbangkan digunakan dalam praktek seharihari terutama sebagai acuan tatalaksana konservatif dan operatif.

Burns are a global public health problem with high morbidity and mortality rates. Burn wound conversion describes the process by which superficial-partial thickness burns convert into deeper burns within 3–7 days after the burn. Currently, autophagy, inflammation, ischemia, infection, and reactive oxygen species are thought to play a role in the pathogenesis of burn wound conversion. This study aims to assess risk factors for burn wound conversion and develop a scoring system to predict burn conversion as a reference for burn wound management.
The study was conducted using the nested case control method, in adult burn patients who were treated at Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo and Jakarta Islamic Hospital Cempaka Putih. Subjects were recruited by consecutive sampling method in February 2019–August 2020. The role of clinical characteristics, local clinical examination, and systemic examination as predictors of burn wound conversion were assessed. The risk factors were analyzed using bivariate and logistic regression multivariate analysis.
There were 40 subjects in case group and 20 subjects in control group. Involvement of trunk (OR = 3.67; p = 0.028), limbs (OR = 6.93; p = 0.001), burn extent measured using ImageJ ³ 9.49 %TBSA (OR = 32.11 p < 0.001), wound surface temperature measured using FLIR ONE® thermography ≤ -1.55 oC (OR = 13.78; p < 0.001), procalsitonin level ≥ 0.075 ng/mL (OR = 12; p < 0.001), dan blood lactate level ≥ 1.75 mmol/L (OR = 7; p = 0.001) had significant relationship with burn wound conversion. Three scoring models were developed based on the significant variables with model 1 to be applied in tertiary health facilities and model 2 and 3 to be applied in primary and secondary health facilities with sensitivity and specificity of 92.5% and 85% (95% CI 0.835–1,00; p < 0.001)), 95% and 70% (95% CI 0.830–1.00; p < 0.001) and 92,5% and 85% (95% CI 0.832–1.00; p < 0.001), respectively).
The scoring models can be considered to be used in daily practice, especially as a reference for conservative and operative management.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Laksmi Maharani
"Preeklamsia merupakan kondisi spesifik pada kehamilan yang menjadi penyebab utama morbiditas dan mortalitas maternal-perinatal. Plasentasi abnormal menyebabkan hipoksia plasenta dan gangguan regulasi responss imun sehingga mengakibatkan perubahan mikroskopik struktur plasenta berupa penurunan syncytial bridge. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui toleransi imun dan nekrosis pada preeklamsia berdasarkan gambaran syncytial bridge, jumlah sel Treg, konsentrasi LDH serta profil vitamin 1,25(OH)2D3, dan seng.
Penelitian potong lintang ini dilakukan pada bulan Februari–Agustus 2019 di RS Budi Kemuliaan dan RSUD Koja, Jakarta. Subjek penelitian adalah ibu hamil normotensi dan preeklamsia yang memenuhi kriteria penerimaan dan tidak memenuhi kriteria penolakan. Subjek dibagi tiga kelompok yaitu: normotensi/NT (n = 20), preeklamsia tanpa komplikasi/PE (n = 21), dan preeklamsia dengan komplikasi/PEK (n = 20). Semua subjek dilakukan pengukuran. jumlah syncytial bridge plasenta (HE), jumlah sel Treg (flowcytometric dan IHK), konsentrasi LDH (enzymatic colorimetric dan ELISA), vitamin 1,25(OH)2D3 (LC-MS/MS) dan seng (ICP-MS) darah maternal dan plasenta. Data diolah menggunakan SPSS versi 2 dan dianalisis dengan uji test-tidak berpasangan dan Mann-Whitney.
Jumlah syncytial bridge pada kelompok PE (10,52/LPB) dan PEK (6,33/LPB) lebih rendah bermakna dibanding NT (14,71/LPB). Syncytial bridge PEK lebih rendah bermakna dibanding PE. Jumlah Treg plasenta kelompok PE (2,89/LPB) dan PEK (2,94/LPB) lebih rendah bermakna dibanding NT (4,11/LPB). Konsentrasi LDH maternal pada PEK (418U/L) lebih tinggi dibanding NT (167,5 U/L), dan PEK lebih tinggi dibanding PE (204 U/L) secara bermakna. Kkonsentrasi 1,25(OH)2D3 maternal kelompok PE (55 pg/mL) dan PEK (41,3 pg/mL) lebih rendah dibanding NT (63,5 pg/mL). Konsentrasi 1,25(OH)2D3 maternal PEK lebih rendah bermakna dibanding PE. Tidak ada perbedaan bermakna konsentrasi seng maternal dan plasenta pada ketiga kelompok.
Sel Treg plasenta kelompok syncytial bridge sangat rendah (SSR) 2,86/LPB dan syncytial bridge rendah (SR) 3,09/LPB lebih rendah secara bermakna dibanding syncytial bridge normal (SN) 3,87/LPB. Konsentrasi LDH maternal SSR (318 U/L) lebih tinggi bermakna dibanding SR (213 U/L) dan SN (168 U/L). Konsentrasi vitamin 1,25(OH)2D3 maternal pada SSR (39 pg/mL) lebih rendah dibandingkan SR (53,85 pg/mL) dan SN (58,10 pg/mL). Peningkatan konsentrasi LDH maternal, penurunan konsentrasi 1,25(OH)2D3 maternal dan sel Treg plasenta merupakan faktor risiko berkurangnya jumlah syncytial bridge. Disimpulkan berkurangnya jumlah syncytial bridge menggambarkan beratnya proses nekrosis yang berhubungan dengan penurunan toleransi imun dan konsentrasi 1,25(OH)2D3 maternal.

Preeclampsia is a specific condition in pregnancy as the main cause of maternal-perinatal morbidity and mortality. Abnormal placentation causes placental hypoxia and disturbances in the regulation of the immune response, thereby resulting in the microscopic structure of the placenta in the form of syncytial bridges. The present study aimed to determine the immune tolerance and necrosis in preeclampsia, on the basis of the syncytial bridge characteristic, Treg cell count, LDH concentration and vitamin 1,25(OH)2D3, and zinc profiles.
This cross-sectional study was carried out from February to August 2019 at RS Budi Kemuliaan and RSUD Koja, Jakarta. The subjects were pregnant women who met the inclusion criteria and did not meet the exclusion criteria. The subjects were divided into three groups, namely the normotensive (NT) group (n = 20), the uncomplicated preeclampsia (PE) group (n = 21), and the complicated preeclampsia (PEC) group (n = 20). All subjects underwent the following examinations: placental syncytial bridge count (HE), Treg cell count (flowcytometric and IHC), LDH (enzymatic colorimetric and ELISA), 1,25(OH)2D3 (LC-MS/MS) and zinc (ICP-MS) concentration in maternal blood and placenta. The data were processed using SPSS version 20 and analyzed by means of the unpaired t and Mann-Whitney tests.
The syncytial bridge count in groups PE (10.52/HPF) and PEC (6.33/HPF) was significantly lower compared with NT (14.71/HPF). PEC syncytial bridge count was significantly lower than PE. Placental Treg count in groups PE (2.89/HPF) and PEC (2.94/HPF) were significantly lower than that of the NT (4.11/HPF). Maternal LDH concentration in PEC (418U/L) was significantly higher than in NT (167.5 U/L), and PE (204 U/L). Maternal 1,25(OH)2D3 concentration in groups PE (55 pg/mL) and PEC (41.3 pg/mL) was lower compared with NT (63.5 pg/mL). Maternal 1,25(OH)2D3 concentration in group PEC was significantly lower than in PE. There were no significant differences in maternal blood and placental zinc concentration in the three groups. Placental Treg cell counts in the very low syncytial bridge count (VLSB) group (2.86/HPF) and the low syncytial bridge count (LSB) (3.09/HPF) were significantly lower than in the normal syncytial bridge count (NSB) (3.87/HPF). Maternal blood LDH in group VLSB (318 U/L) was higher than those in LSB (213 U/L) and NSB (168 U/L). Maternal 1,25(OH)2D3 concentration in group VLSB (39 pg/mL) was lower compared with LSB (53.85 pg/mL) and NSB (58.10 pg/mL). Increased maternal LDH concentration, decreased maternal 1,25(OH)2D3 concentration and placental Treg cell count were risk factors for decreased syncytial bridge count. It was concluded that the decrease in syncytial bridge count depicts the severity of the necrotic process that is associated with decreased immune tolerance and maternal 1,25(OH)2D3 concentration.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rebecca Noerjani Angka
"Pasien kanker kolorektal (KKR) dengan stadium yang sama dapat mengalami hasil luaran berbeda, yang disebabkan berbagai faktor antara lain faktor imunitas pasien (sel T-CD3 dan CD8) dan lingkungan mikrotumor (tumor budding). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis hubungan densitas sel T-CD3 dan CD8, status MMR, TB dengan gambaran klinikopatologi (usia, jenis kelamin, diferensiasi, lokasi, kedalaman invasi tumor, penyebaran kelenjar getah bening), metastasis dan kesintasan KKR. Penelitian observasional, kohort, retrospektif selama 36 bulan, menggunakan 68 blok parafin kasus KKR yang menjalani pengangkatan tumor sebagai pengobatan pertama. Pemeriksaan imunohistokimia digunakan untuk menentukan densitas sel T-CD3, CD8, MLH1, MSH6 dan TB. Pasien laki-laki lebih banyak dari perempuan, rerata usia 56,2 tahun. TB dengan kedalaman invasi tumor (pT), penyebaran kelenjar getah bening dan metastasis ditemukan hubungan bermakna. Selain itu ditemukan hubungan bermakna usia dengan status MMR, metastasis dengan TB, kesintasan dengan pT dan kesintasan dengan metastasis. Densitas sel T-CD8 dan metastasis dapat digunakan sebagai faktor prognostik kesintasan pasien KKR. Densitas sel T-CD8 tinggi dan metastasis organ dapat dipakai sebagai faktor prognosis kesintasan pada pasien KKR. TB tinggi sesuai dengan kedalaman invasi tumor, penyebaran kelenjar getah bening dan metastasis organ. Status MMR tidak berhubungan dengan gambaran klinikopatologi tapi dapat digunakan untuk menentukan jenis pengobatan.

Colorectal cancer (CRC) patients with the same stage produce different outcomes, which are caused by various factors including patient immunity factors (CD3 and CD8-T cells) and the microenvironment tumor (tumor budding). The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between CD3 and T-CD8 cell density, MMR status, TB with clinicopathological features, metastasis and CRC survival. This study is observational, cohort, 36 months retrospective on 68 Formalin-Fixed Paraffin-Embedded (FFPE) of CRC, who underwent tumor removal as the first treatment. Immunohistochemical examination was used to determine T-CD3 cells, CD8, MLH1, MSH6 and TB. There were more male patients than female patients, the average age was 56.2 years.TB with the depth of tumor invasion (pT), lymph node and metastasis were significantly related. There was a significant relationship between age and MMR status, metastasis with TB, survival with pT and survival with metastasis. T-CD8 cell density and metastasis used as prognostic factors for survival of CRC patients. High CD8 T-cell density and metastasis used as prognostic factors for survival in CRC patients. High TB in accordance with the depth of tumor invasion, lymph node and metastasis. MMR status is not related to clinicopathological features but used to determine the appropriate treatment."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2025
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library