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Ditemukan 5 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Shinta Puspitasari
"Propaganda sebagai bagian dari aktivitas intelijen biasa digunakan untuk tujuan penggalangan. Propaganda merupakan bentuk komunikasi terencana dengan menyampaikan pesan yang telah didisain untuk mempengaruhi sikap, perilaku, dan emosi target propaganda sesuai dengan yang diharapkan oleh propagandis dan tanpa disadari oleh target propaganda. Propaganda sangat diperlukan dalam mendukung kebijakan pemerintah, termasuk kebijakan perang. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisa efektivitas strategi propaganda yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah Amerika Serikat pada Operation Iraqi Freedom. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif. Pengumpulan data penelitian dilakukan dengan metode wawancara kepada 5 orang narasumber dan metode studi dokumen. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa tidak semua propaganda yang dilakukan oleh Amerika Serikat terhadap Irak berhasil mempengaruhi target propaganda. Berbagai tema yang digunakan dalam propaganda Amerika Serikat ditujukan untuk menggulingkan pemerintahan Saddam Hussein. Selain itu, kerjasama antara pemerintah, militer, dan media massa berperan penting dalam menyebarkan pesan propaganda dan mencegah penyebaran kontrapropaganda lawan.

Propaganda as part of intelligence activities is usually used for influencing purposes. Propaganda is a construction of well-planned communication in which conveying messages designed to influence target?s attitude, behavior and emotion according to propagandist? expectation without being realized by target. Propaganda is needed to support government policy, including war policy. Therefore, this research aims to perceive and analyze the effectiveness of propaganda strategy which had been done by United States at Operation Iraqi Freedom. This research is conducted with qualitative method. Research data are collected by interviewing five (5) informants and documentary studies. This research results in a conclusion that not all of propaganda which had been done by United States to Iraq succeed in influencing target. United States used various themes determined to overthrow Saddam Hussein. Other than that, cooperations between governments, military, and mass media have pivotal role in disseminating propaganda messages and preventing enemies? counter propaganda.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tony Wijayatmo
Tesis ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan suatu model keberhasilan operasi
intelijen DJBC dalam menghindari terjadinya kegagalan dalam operasi intelijen
DJBC dalam tugas dan fungsi DJBC sebagai Community Protector melalui
instrumen cukai. Peneliti ingin mengetahui faktor-faktor apa saja yang memberi
kontribusi dalam keberhasilan sebuah operasi Intelijen DJBC. Penelitian
menggunakan beberapa teori yang mengenai kegagalan intelijen sebagai
pedoman, dan peneliti menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif untuk
mempelajari dan menghasilkan kesimpulan yang faktual mengenai model
keberhasilan Intelijen DJBC.
Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat berguna untuk mengembangkan ilmu
intelijen khususnya tentang model keberhasilan dalam pencegahan dan
pengungkapan atas pelanggaran ketentuan perundang-undangan. Penelitian ini
dilakukan dengan mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor pendorong keberhasilan kerja
intelijen DJBC. Hasil penelitian akan menjelaskan bagaimana efektifitas sebuah
organisasi intelijen dalam merespon dan melakukan upaya pencegahan melalui
peningkatan kinerja intelijen.

This thesis aim to obtain a model of successful intelligence operations in the
DGCE avoid failure in intelligence operations DGCE in DGCE duties and
functions as the instrument through excise Community Protector. Researchers
want to know what are the factors that contribute to the success of an operation
DGCE Intelligence. Research using several theories about intelligence failures as
a guide, and researchers using qualitative research methods to study and produce
factual conclusions regarding efficacy models DGCE Intelligence.
This research is expected to be useful to develop a science of intelligence,
especially on a model of success in the prevention and disclosure of violations of
statutory provisions. This research was carried out by identifying the factors
driving success DGCE intelligence work. The results of the study will explain
how the effectiveness of an intelligence organization in response and prevention
efforts through increased intelligence performance.;This thesis aim to obtain a model of successful intelligence operations in the
DGCE avoid failure in intelligence operations DGCE in DGCE duties and
functions as the instrument through excise Community Protector. Researchers
want to know what are the factors that contribute to the success of an operation
DGCE Intelligence. Research using several theories about intelligence failures as
a guide, and researchers using qualitative research methods to study and produce
factual conclusions regarding efficacy models DGCE Intelligence.
This research is expected to be useful to develop a science of intelligence,
especially on a model of success in the prevention and disclosure of violations of
statutory provisions. This research was carried out by identifying the factors
driving success DGCE intelligence work. The results of the study will explain
how the effectiveness of an intelligence organization in response and prevention
efforts through increased intelligence performance., This thesis aim to obtain a model of successful intelligence operations in the
DGCE avoid failure in intelligence operations DGCE in DGCE duties and
functions as the instrument through excise Community Protector. Researchers
want to know what are the factors that contribute to the success of an operation
DGCE Intelligence. Research using several theories about intelligence failures as
a guide, and researchers using qualitative research methods to study and produce
factual conclusions regarding efficacy models DGCE Intelligence.
This research is expected to be useful to develop a science of intelligence,
especially on a model of success in the prevention and disclosure of violations of
statutory provisions. This research was carried out by identifying the factors
driving success DGCE intelligence work. The results of the study will explain
how the effectiveness of an intelligence organization in response and prevention
efforts through increased intelligence performance.]"
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Paska Perang Dingin telah membawa era keterbukaan yang mendorong intelijen untuk lebih beratensi terhadap eksploitasi sumber data terbuka. Meskipun sebelumya, eksploitasi sumber data terbukayang dikenal sebagai OSINT sering digunakan dalam proses intelijen, namun nilainya masih dipandang rendah oleh komunitas intelijen. OSINT hanya sebagai bahan sekunder dan pelengkap bagi sumber tertutup. Pandangan tersebut muncul, sebab sumber data terbuka dinilai bukan sumber yang terklasifikasi. Agar menjadi informasi intelijen maka diperlukan validasi dan analisis terlebih dahulu. Pada penelitian ini, teknologi informasi melalui prosestext mining digunakan sebagai alat bantu dalam proses eksploitasi sumber data terbuka. Sedangkan pada proses analisisnya mengunakan pendekatan timeline analisis dan social network analisis (SNA). Pendekatan timeline analisis dilakukan untuk mengambarkaninteraksi antar aktor terhadap urutan waktu. Sedangkan pendekatan SNA dilakukan untuk memetakan siapa aktor penting pada interaksi antar aktor. Hasil eksploitasi sumber data terbukayang telah diolah digunakan untuk mendeteksi ancaman atau sebagai early warning dalam mendukung proses analisa intelijen. Deteksi ancaman tersebutdijelaskan dalam tiga sinyal: weak signal (emerging issues), strong signal dan wildcard. Isu penyadapan Australia terhadap Indonesia diangkat sebagai studi kasus dalam penelitian ini untuk menjelaskan bagaimana melakukan eksploitasi sumber data terbuka untuk mendeteksi ancaman.

The end of the Cold War has brought about an era of openness that subsequently pushed intelligence to devote more attention to the exploitation of open data sources. Although previously, the exploitation of open source data known as OSINT, is often used in the intelligence process, but the value is still considered inferior by the intelligence community. OSINT is only considered as a secondary and supplementary materials for closed sources. The opinion comes up because open data sources is not considered classified sources. To become intelligence information it needs validation and analysis beforehand. In this study, information technology through text mining process is used as a tool in the process of exploitation of open data sources, while in the process of analysis it uses a analysis timeline approach and social network analysis (SNA). The analysis timeline approach is taken to see the interaction between the actors of the time sequence, while the SNA approach is to map out who is the important actor in the interaction between actors. The exploitation of open data sources that have been processed is used to detect a threat or as an early warning in supporting the intelligence analysis process. Detection of these threats are described in the three signals: weak signal (emerging issues), strong signals and wildcards. The issue of Australian wiretapping against Indonesia is taken as a case study in this research to explain how to exploit open data sources to detect threats.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tony Wijayatmo
"Tesis ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan suatu model keberhasilan operasi
intelijen DJBC dalam menghindari terjadinya kegagalan dalam operasi intelijen
DJBC dalam tugas dan fungsi DJBC sebagai Community Protector melalui
instrumen cukai. Peneliti ingin mengetahui faktor-faktor apa saja yang memberi
kontribusi dalam keberhasilan sebuah operasi Intelijen DJBC. Penelitian
menggunakan beberapa teori yang mengenai kegagalan intelijen sebagai
pedoman, dan peneliti menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif untuk
mempelajari dan menghasilkan kesimpulan yang faktual mengenai model
keberhasilan Intelijen DJBC.
Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat berguna untuk mengembangkan ilmu
intelijen khususnya tentang model keberhasilan dalam pencegahan dan
pengungkapan atas pelanggaran ketentuan perundang-undangan. Penelitian ini
dilakukan dengan mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor pendorong keberhasilan kerja
intelijen DJBC. Hasil penelitian akan menjelaskan bagaimana efektifitas sebuah
organisasi intelijen dalam merespon dan melakukan upaya pencegahan melalui
peningkatan kinerja intelijen

This thesis aim to obtain a model of successful intelligence operations in the
DGCE avoid failure in intelligence operations DGCE in DGCE duties and
functions as the instrument through excise Community Protector. Researchers
want to know what are the factors that contribute to the success of an operation
DGCE Intelligence. Research using several theories about intelligence failures as
a guide, and researchers using qualitative research methods to study and produce
factual conclusions regarding efficacy models DGCE Intelligence.
This research is expected to be useful to develop a science of intelligence,
especially on a model of success in the prevention and disclosure of violations of
statutory provisions. This research was carried out by identifying the factors
driving success DGCE intelligence work. The results of the study will explain
how the effectiveness of an intelligence organization in response and prevention
efforts through increased intelligence performance
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wahyuanda Suryadarmanto
Penelitian ini berjudul: Perspektif Intelijen Dalam Rangka Pembentukan Komisi
Pemberantasan Korupsi. Hal yang melatarbelakangi penelitian ini adalah sedang
menghangatnya upaya pemberantasan korupsi di Indonesia yang dipicu dari
dibentuknya suatu lembaga anti korupsi dengan sepak terjang yang luar biasa.
Darisinilah muncul pertanyaan terkait dengan apa yang menjadi tujuan
pembentukan KPK yang sebenarnya, mengapa lembaga yang secara khusus
dirancang untuk melakukan pemberantasan korupsi tidak sanggup meningkatkan
peringkat IPK Indonesia secara signifikan
Dalam penelitian ini digunakan Teori Intelijen khususnya Teori Organisasi
Intelijen khususnya alur rasionalitas produksi intelijen yang kemudian dibalik
proses alur pembentukkannya sehingga memungkinkan dijadikan Perangkat
Analisa Organisasi Intelijen. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Jakarta yakni di Komisi
Pemberantasan Korupsi. Metode Penelitian yang dipakai adalah metode analisa
dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Sumber data diperoleh melalui studi pustaka dan
studi lapangan berupa wawancara narasumber. Penentuan narasumber ditentukan
dari seberapa jauh narasumber terlibat dalam proses awal pembentukan KPK.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan beberapa ketidak selarasan antara perangkat
organisasi KPK dengan kebutuhan KPK untuk mendorong pemberantasan
korupsi. Terlalu beratnya perangkat organisasi KPK kepada upaya penindakan
tindak pidana korupsi, menyebabkan timpangnya upaya pemberantasan korupsi
yang bertumpu pada keseimbangan upaya penindakan dan pencegahan. Terlihat
tujuan sebenarnya pembentukan KPK adalah untuk penindakan korupsi
Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan kajian lebih lanjut untuk menyesuaikan kembali
perangkat-perangkat organisasi didalam KPK apabila tujuan dari pembentukan
KPK merupakan untuk mendorong pemberantasan korupsi. Dan apabila tidak ada
penyesuaian, KPK harus mengakui bahwa tujuan dari pembentukan KPK adalah
hanya untuk menindak korupsi

This study entitled: Intelligence Perspectives in the Establishment of Corruption
Eradication Commission. The background of this research is being warming
efforts to eradicate corruption in Indonesia that triggered the establishment of an
anti-corruption agency with tremendous result. But unfortunately the international
transparency of data shows that the level of corruption in Indonesia is still quite
high , which in the 10 years since the establishment of the Commission, the value
of Indonesian corruption CPI increased only gradually . In addition, when
compared with neighboring countries that also seeks to eradicate corruption in
Indonesia's rating is still far below them . from here on appeared questions related
to what the actual purpose of establishing the Commission , why institutions that
are specifically designed to combat corruption cannot significantly increase
Indonesian GPA rank. This research use intelligence theory, especially
Intelligence Organization Theory who then Modified to serve the needs of
Organization Analysis Tool.
This research was conducted in Jakarta, which is in the KPK . The research
method used in this research is a qualitative approach . Source of data obtained
through library research and field studies in the form of informant interviews .
Speakers is determined by how much resource is involved in the process of
establishment of the Corruption Eradication Commission.
The results showed some lack of harmony between the organization devices of the
Commission with the Commission needs to combat corruption. organization
devices of the Commission tense to attempt enforcement of corruption rather than
prevent it. causing the gap in efforts to combat corruption , which is based on the
balance of enforcement and prevention efforts . Looks like the real goal of the
establishment of the Commission is to crack down corruption
Therefore, further studies are needed to readjust organization devices in the
Corruption Eradication Commission , if the purpose of the establishment of the
Commission is to promote the eradication of corruption . And if there is no
adjustment applied, the Commission must recognize that the purpose of the
establishment of the Commission is only to crack down on corruption"
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library