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Nanny Djaya
Abstrak :
Tujuan : untuk memperoleh data profil lipid dan kadar glukosa darah penderita SH, serta hubungannya dengan asupan makanan dan status gizi. Tempat : RS Sumber Waras, Jakarta Barat. Bahan dan Cara : Setelah mendapat izin dari Komite medik RS Somber Waras, maka dilakukan penelitian dengan desain cross sectional pada 140 penderita SH(100 laki-laki dan 40 perempuan) yang sesuai dengan kriteria penerimaan. Data yang dikumpulkan meliputi umur, jenis kelamin, analisis asupan makanan selama 3 hari di RS, antropometri (TLT&LLA), USG dan pemeriksaan laboratorium darah (profil lipid, kadar glukosa puasa & 2 jam PP). Uji statistik yang digunakan adalah t-test, Mann Whitney, Kolmogorov-Smimov dan uji korelasi Pearson /Spearman rank. Hasil : Subyek penelitian berjumlah 140 orang (100 laki-laki dan 40 perempuan), 59,3 % subyek memenuhi kriteria Child C, dengan menggunakan parameter AOLA menunjukkan 70,98% subyek Child B dan 75,90% subyek Child C memiliki status gizi muscle wasting. Pada pemeriksaan profit lipid didapatkan hasil kadar kolesterol total <200mg/dL,.LDL < 130 mg/dL, HDL < 40 mg/dL dan trigliserida < 200 mg/dL pada subyek Child B dan C. Profit lipid Child C lebih rendah dari Child B ( semakin luas kerusakan jaringan hati, terdapat gangguan sintesis lipid). Tidak terdapat hubungan bermakna antara profil lipid dengan status gizi, tidak terdapat hubungan bermakna antara status gizi dengan jumlah asupan makanan. Terdapat korelasi positif antara kadar trigliserida dengan jumlah asupan makanan subyek Child B dan korelasi positif antara kadar HDL dengan jumlah asupan makanan subyek Child C. Terdapat korelasi positif antara kadar glukosa darah puasa dengan kadar glukosa darah 2 jam post prandial. KES1MPULAN : Rendahnya profil lipid pada subyek Child B dan C diduga karena asupan makanan yang kurang dari kebutuhan dan status gizi muscle wasting, disamping kerusakan sel hati yang luas, menyebabkan defisiensi sejumlah enzim LCAT dan hepatic lipase. Ditemukannya peningkatan kadar glukosa darah 2 jam post prandial (>I44mg/dL) pada subyek Child B dan C.
Objective : to obtain data about the lipid profile and blood sugar level in patients with cirrhosis hepatic and its relation to the food intake and nutritional status. Place: Sumber Waras Hospital, West Jakarta Materials and methods: after receiving permission from the Medical committee of Sumber Waras hospital. Crosses sectional study was done with 140 cirrhosis hepatize patients (100 males and 40 females) as the subjects fulfilling the criteria set for the study. The data colleted consisted of age,sex,analysis of 3 days food consumption in the hospital, anthropometric measurements('[SF&MUAC), USG and blood laboratory examination (lipid profile, blood sugar fasting & 2 hours post prandial). The following tests were used for data analysis t -test, Mann whitney, Koimogorov-Smirnov and Pearson/Spearman rank. The results: Of the 140 subjects 59,3% fulfilled Child C critera who, based on MAMA parameter, were classified as Child B subjects (70,98 %) and Child C subjects (75,90) with muscle wasting. The lipid profile was as follows. Total cholesterol < 200mg/dL; LDL < 130 mgldL, HDL < 40 mg/dL and triglyceride <200 mg/dL in Child B and C subjects. The lipid profile of Child C subjects was lower than Child B(in extensive liver tissue damage synthesis is disturbed). There is no significant relation between the lipid profile and nutritional status, and between nutritional status with food intake. There is positive correlation between blood triglyceride level and food intake of Child 13 subjects and between blood HDL level with food intake of Child B subjects. There was also positive con-elation between fasting blood glucose level and 2 hours post prandial blood sugar. Conclusion: the low level of lipid profile of subject Child B and C subjects are assumed to be related insufficient food intake and muscle wasting besides extensive liver tissue damage which lead to a deficiency of a number of LCAT enzymes and hepatic lipase. The increase in the 2 hours post prandial blood glucose level (>140 mg/dL) of the Child B and C subjects.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eman Sumarna
Abstrak :
The purpose of the study was to compare the nutritional status of children receiving supplementary food from the high and low performing health centers in East Sumba District, Indonesia. Assessment of all 15 health centers was the first stage to determine the performance level using input output process approach, and 568 selected households from two performance categories was the second stage to investigate nutritional status. A Scoring system was used to determine the performance level, and anthropometry was used to assess nutritional status. SPSS 10.0 and Epilnfo 6.04b were used for data analyses. The study was conducted from February to March 2001. All input-process-output and personnel capability variables between the two performance levels were significantly different. The supplementary feeding package fulfilled optimally the standard requirement, but the method and frequency of distribution did not The prevalence of malnutrition was significantly different between the two performance levels. Lack of transportation and small number of personnel might have influenced the improper nutrition service management.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Son, Truong Hong
Abstrak :
Anemia has long been recognized as a serious public health problem in many developing countries. WHO reported at an INACG meeting and estimated that 2 billion people were anemic. Based on the public health viewpoint, most cases of anemia are nutritional anemia and defined in the year 1968 WHO technical report as a condition in which the hemoglobin content of the blood is lower than normal as a result of a deficiency of one or more essential nutrients, regardless ofthe cause of such deficiency. The causal relationship between iron deficiency and physical work capacity is evaluated through a systematic review of research literature, including animal and human studies. The presumed mechanism for this effect is the reduced oxygen transport associated with anemia; tissue iron deficiency may also play a role through reduced cellular oxidative capacity. The effects of anemia on physical activities and work performance have been studied in several countries such as Indonesia and China. A study in Indonesia found a significantly lower output of anemic Indonesian rubber plantation workers than the non-anemic workers. The Vietnam national survey in anemia l995 revealed that the prevalence of anemia was 40.2 % among non-pregnant women; it was also high among males around 20 %), whereas the prevalence of iron deficiency among non pregnant women was not very high (33.3 %). Therefore, multivitamin supplementation may reduce the anemia prevalence among Vietnamese non pregnant workers. Some main problems of an anemia control program (in scale of 113 districts of Vietnam) were side effects and the unpleasant taste of iron tablets; it caused the low compliance of iron tablet consumption. On the other hand, multi vitamin tablets have no side effect and have a palatable taste, thus it may be well accepted.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
This study was done in order to obtain information about current breastfeeding behavior among resident and migrant lactating mothers in Hanoi Vietnam for the general purpose of breastfeeding promotion in Vietnam. The research hypothesis is that there is a different breastfeeding behavior of resident and migrant lactating mothers. A cross-sectional study was carried out between December 1994 and March 1995. The subjects consisting of 80 lactating mothers with 9 months old baby are divided into 2 groups. Those mothers have been living for at least 15 years in Hanoi (resident mothers) and the other mothers for between 5 months to 3 years (migrant mothers). Information of breastfeeding behavior and the socioeconomic status of mothers were obtained by using open-ended questionnaire. A second questionnaire was applied to 30 health professionals in maternity clinics where the mothers delivered. One hundred percent of mothers breastfed their child, 95% of the resident and 85% of the migrant mothers were still breastfeeding at the time of the study. Almost all of the residents (95%) and 87.5% of the migrants had positive attitude towards colostrum. About 42.5% of the resident mothers and 35% of the migrant ones started breastfeeding within 6 hours after birth. The rooming-in rate was 67.5% of the resident mothers and 52.5% of the migrant ones. The rate of early initiation of breastfeeding was significantly higher in the mothers group who had rooming-in than the others. The exclusive breastfeeding rate within the first 4 months of age was 35% of the residents and 30% of the migrants. All health professionals (100%) had positive attitude towards colostrum and breastfeeding. About 86.7% of doctors and 80% of midwives knew that 'mother' should start breastfeeding within the first 30 minutes after birth. Around 86.7% of doctors and 100% of midwives said that there was no need to give other liquid before starting breastfeeding. But their practices were not according to their knowledge: They gave wrong advises to the resident mothers (8.7%)., about 38.4% of babies from the resident mothers and 60.9% of babies from migrant ones were prelacteal fed by health professionals. Additional information on breastfeeding and child feeding were still expected by mothers especially by the migrant ones (71.4%). The results of the study suggest education on breastfeeding and proper feeding practices, especial early initiation, prolonged exclusive breastfeeding, and rooming-in.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Titi Sekarindah
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Ruang Lingkup dan Cara Penelitian : Penyakit tuberkulosis paru masih merupakan masalah di negara berkembang termasuk Indonesia. Tuberkulosis menduduki urutan ke 2 sebagai penyebab kematian menurut hasil survey nasional 1992. Dari kepustakaan diketahui bahwa pada penderita tuberkulosis didapati kelainan imunitas seluler, sehingga untuk penyembuhan penyakit tuberkulosis diperlukan pengaktifan sistem imun testa imunitas seluler. Vitamin A sudah lama dikenal sebagai imunomodulator. Dari penelitian terdahulu pemberian retinoid dapat meningkatkan respon imun seluler antara lain kenaikan sel T penolong dan T penolong/supresor. Pada penelitian ini diharapkan pemberian vitamin A sejumlah 2x 200000IU pada penderita TB paru dengan OAT dapat meningkatkan imunitas seluler. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menilai pengaruh pemberian vitamin A pada penderita tuberkulosis paru yang sedang mendapat OAT terhadap jumlah limfosit total, limfosit T total, sub populasi limfosit T, kadar retinol plasma, dan keadaan klink penderita. Vitamin A 200.000 IU diberikan pada awal penelitian dan setelah 4 minggu. Penelitan dilakukan secara uji klinik tersamar ganda pada 40 penderita TB paru. Penderita dibagi dalam 2 kelompok masing-masing 20 orang yang diberi vitamin A dan placebo. Pada akhir penelitian yaitu setelah 8 minggu, ada 5 orang drop out. Hasil dan kesimpulan : Dari 40 orang peserta penelitian 10% kadar retinol plasma rendah (<20pg/dl), 30%normal, rendah(20-30pg/d.l), 60% normal. Pada pemeriksaan imunitas seluler 53,85% ada gangguan dan 46,15% normal. Nilai rata rata hitung (X) retinal plasma kelompok placebo dan perlakuan sebelum pemberian vit. .A/placebo berturut-turut adalah 30,24 ± 7,51 µg/dl dan 30,82 ±7,31 µg/dl. Setelah pemberian adalah 36,85 ± 9,74 µg/dl dan 38,02 ± 8,29 µg/dl. Pada uji t berpasangan dari kelompok perbkkan kenaikannya bermakna (pABSTRACT Scope and Method of Study : Pulmonary tuberculosis is still a major health problem in the developing countries including Indonesia. Tuberculosis is number 2 as cause of death (National Survey's data, 1992). According to literature study tuberculosis patients are suffering from an immune defect. To recover from the disease the immune response especially the cellular immune response needs to be activated, because mycobacterium TB are living intracellular. Vitamin A is known as an immunomodulator. From earlier research it is known that retinoid could enhance cellular immune response, ie. increasing T helper cells and the ratio Thelperffsupresor. The hypothesis is that supplementation of vitamin A 2x2000001U to pulmonary TB patients could increase the cellular immunity. The aim of this study was to asses the vitamin A supplementation on the immune?s profile of pulmonary TB patient who are on oral anti tuberculosis treatment. Plasma retinot, nutrients intake, BMI, clinical findings were examined. Vitamin A 200.000M was given twice, in the beginning of the study and after 4 weeks. The design of the study was a randomized double blind clinical trial. Forty patients were selected and divided into 2 groups, a placebo and treatment (vitamin A) group. At the end of the study (after the 8th week), 5 patients dropped out. Findings and Conclusions : Among 40 patients 10% showed plasma ret noK20 p g/dl), 30% normal low (20-30pgldl) and 60% normal. (03011g041). The cellular immunity was 53,85% abnormal and 46,15% normal The means (X) of plasma retinol of the placebo and study group before supplementation were 30.24 ± 7,51 µg/dl and 30.82 ± 7.31µg/dl respectively; after supplementation 36.85±9.74µg/dl and 38.02 ± 8.29µgldl respectively. Statistical analysis using paired t test showed that the study group was increasing s' 0,05), however there was no Significant difference between the 2 groups. The mean (X) of total lymphocyte before supplementation of the placebo and study group were 22.61 ± 6.51% and 22.63 ± 8,62%; after supplementation 38.09 ± 19.91% and 35.20 + 10.71%. Both were increasing significant; however there was no significant difference between the 2 groups. The T lymphocyte, T helper and ratio Thelper CT supresor were decreasing. T helper more in the placebo group 5.75% 2.29% but there was no significant difference. This study concluded that although vitamin A supplementation 2 X 200.000 IU could increase the plasma retinol but could not yet improve the immune response and clinical status significantly.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 1996
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nella Fitri
Abstrak :
A cross-sectional study was carried out to investigate qualitatively the current breastfeeding behavior of mothers having the first baby about six months of age and the current behavior regarding breastfeeding of health professionals working in several health care facilities (HCF) in Jakarta. The samples of mothers and health professionals were selected from HCF representing two different socioeconomic strata (middle-high and middle-low group). The result of this study shows that mother's breastfeeding behavior (the time of breastfeeding initiation, frequency and duration of breastfeeding) was in favor for the mothers of the middle-low group. Better practice concerning the time of breastfeeding initiation was also found among the health professionals of the middle-low group. Giving prelatic feed in the HCF was still common especially in the middle-high HCF. The duration of exclusive breastfeeding practice was still inadequate among mothers regardless socioeconomic status, which was also revealed in the health professional's knowledge. This study suggests that mother's motivation regarding breastfeeding should be encouraged continuously through various channels. All health professionals should be well informed and well motivated to promote breastfeeding particularly regarding the time of breastfeeding initiation, giving prelatic feed in the health care facility and the recommended time of giving supplementary feeding.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Laurentia Konadi
Abstrak :
Di Indonesia prevalensi anemia defisiensi besi masih cukup tinggi terutama pada wanita hamil, wanita dewasa, anak usia sekolah dan pra sekolah. Penelitian pada anak dari golongan ekonomi rendah, yang berusia 6 bulan - 6 tahun dengan status gizi baik, menunjukkan prevalensi anemia defisiensi besi 37,9 - 73,0 %.

Pada anak yang lahir cukup bulan dengan cadangan besi yang cukup, defisiensi besi dapat berkembang mulai usia 6 bulan. Hal ini disebabkan karena meningkatnya kebutuhan besi akibat pertumbuhan yang cepat, yang tidak diimbangi dengana konsumsi yang adekuat. Terbatasnya zat besi yang didapat: dari makanan pada anak-anak yang berusia 4 bulan sampai 12 bulan menyebabkan terjadinya defisiensi besi. Jumlah zat besi yang diabsorpsi tergantung dari ketersediaan hayati (bioavailabilitas) zat besi yang dimakan. Besi heme lebih mudah diabsorpsi dari pada besi non heme.

Gejala defisiensi besi pada fase paling awal ditandai dengan penurunan cadangan besi secara berangsur-angsur. Faktor diet diduga memainkan peranan yang penting untuk meningkatkan cadangan besi.

Di Indonesia anak-anak yang berusia 1 tahun mulai diberi makanan biasa selain ASI dan susu formula. Pada golongan ekonomi rendah, makanan terdiri dari serelia dan kacang-kacangan yang mempunyai koefisien absorpsi besi yang rendah.

Ibu-ibu di daerah perkotaan karena kesibukan bekerja, lebih cenderung memberikan anaknya susu formula yang juga mempunyai koefisien absorpsi besi yang rendah.

Pada percobaan binatang (anjing) terjadi penurunan enzim sitokrom oksidase dan laktase mukosa uses pada keadaan defisiensi besi. Penurunan ini menyebabkan terjadinya fenomena malabsorpsi sekunder. Enzim laktase berfungsi untuk menghidrolisis laktosa menjadi glukosa dan galaktosa sebelum diabsorpsi. Laktosa (gala susu) hanya terdapat di dalam susu. Aktivitas enzim laktase tinggi pada waktu lahir dan periode neonatal pada seluruh mamalia. Aktivitas akan menurun sesudah periode disapih, umumnya kurang dari 1/10 puncak aktivitas, kecuali pada manusia kadar tertinggi bertahan sampai usia 5 tahun (Eropa) Sesudah periode ini aktivitas laktase dapat berlanjut terus atau mungkin menurun. Pada bangsa Afrika dan Asia laktase menurun pada usia 3 - 6 tahun (7,8).
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Regina M. Pagaspas
Abstrak :
The study was carried out among 40 low-income households in East Jakarta. It generally aimed at examining the contribution of intra-household food distribution practices to the differences in nutritional status of individual members within and between urban poor households with underfive year old children. Two groups represented the study households. One group with malnourished (<-2 Z-scores for weight for age indicator) 18-60 months old children and the other group with well-nourished (>:-2 Z-scores) of the same age. A three day household and individual food intake were collected through the use of a combined food weighing and 24-hour food recall method. Results revealed that.malnourished underfive year old children were given less adequate diets in terms of nutrient requirement while parents? diet were sufficiently adequate. In contrast, the well-nourished children were adequately fed while their parents got less. The children's intake were found to have a marginal relationship with their nutritional status while significant associations were seen with parent's energy intake and household's total income. On the whole, findings indicated inequality in the food distribution patterns among urban poor households and these patterns somehow influences the nutritional status of household members particularly the pre-school age children
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 1994
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
A cross-sectional study was conducted to investigate the problem of nutritional status and intestinal helminthiasis among underfive children in three selected refugee centers in Kupang District, East Nusa Tenggara and to identify possible relationship between intestinal helminthiasis and nutritional status. A number of 188 children 12-59 months of age were involved in this study. All three refugee centers showed that Ascaris lumbricoides was most common (29.0% in Naibonat, 28.8% in Noelbaki and 23.4% in Tuapukan), followed by hookworm (25.8% in Naibonat, 10.0% in Noelbaki and 3.9% in Tuapukan) and the least common was Trichuris trichiura (6.3% in Noelbaki, 3.2% in Noelbaki and 0% in Tuapukan). Based on the WHO?s criteria the intensity of intestinal helminthiasis in all three refugee centers were low. Nutritional status was characterized by high of prevalence of underweight, stunting and wasting in all three refugee centers. The prevalence of underweight was 28.6% in Tuapukan, 25.8% in Naibonat, and 18.8% in Noelbaki. The prevalence of stunting was 29.0% in Naibonat, 20% in Noelbaki and 23.4% in Tuapukan. While the prevalence of wasting was 8.8% in Noelbaki, 6.5% in Naibonat and 3.9% in Tuapukan. For anemia, 75% of children in Noelbaki, 71.4% in Tuapukan and 45.2% in Naibonat had haemoglobin level less than 11 g/dl. There was no significant association between the prevalence of Ascaris lumbricoides and nutritional status of children also between the intensity of Ascaris Iumbricoides and nutritional status.
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tirta Prawita Sari
Abstrak :
Diarrhea contributes to about 17.5% of under-five children's death in the world and about 15.2% in developing countries. These figures were much lower compared to previous years, which show a reduction in death due to diarrhea among under-five children since 1990. In Indonesia, child deaths due to diarrhea among under-five children decreased from 15.3% in 1995 to 13.2% in 2001.

Up to 70% of diarrhea in childhood was due to pathogen transmitted through food. Although this route of transmission already well recognized, the role of food hygiene in the development of diarrhea, especially in under-five children who live in urban poor areas, is sometimes overlooked.

This study is aimed to assess the contribution of nutritional status and food hygiene practice to the occurrence of diarrhea among children aged 12 - 59 months who live in selected urban poor area in Jatinegara sub district, East Jakarta. A cross sectional study was conducted in 274 randomly selected children aged 12-59 months using interview on food hygiene practices and observation on housing and environmental condition in one day of the period of recording the child?s stool. Seven days record on frequency and consistency of the child?s stool was done to obtain the stool of diarrhea children. Diarrhea prevalence was calculated based on percentage of children who diagnosed as diarrhea during the seven days record. At the end of recording period all the children were measured their weight and height to obtain their nutritional status data.

All collected feces were analyzed using serology test for the presence of EPFC and ELISA for Rotavims. None ofthe feces showed the presence of EPEC and Rotavirus. There was a significant association between poor food hygiene, wasting and diarrhea among children aged 12 - 59 months, particularly in age 12 - 24 months (p-value < 0.05, X2 test).

Diarrhea prevalence was higher in wasted children who had poor food hygiene practices (29.4%) compare to those with good food hygiene practices (7.7%). After stratification for age, wasted children aged 12 - 24 months with poor food hygiene practices had higher diarrhea prevalence (55.6%) compare to those who aged more than 24 months with the same food hygiene practices.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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