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Edvin Nur Febrianto
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh otonomi perempuan dalam rumah tangga terhadap kelahiran bayi BBLR di Indonesia dengan menggunakan data SDKI 2017. Unit analisis dalam penelitian ini adalah wanita usia subur yang dalam 5 tahun yang lalu melahirkan anak lahir hidup tunggal (kelahiran tunggal). Otonomi perempuan diukur menggunakan pertanyaan mengenai keterlibatan perempuan dalam penentuan keputusan dalam rumah tangga serta sikap perempuan terhadap pemukulan oleh suami/pasangan. Skor otonomi perempuan yang diperoleh menggunakan Principal Component Analysis (PCA) selanjutnya dikelompokkan menjadi kategori tinggi dan rendah. Data SDKI 2017 dianalisis menggunakan regresi logistik biner dengan Multiple Imputation karena cukup besarnya persentase sampel yang memiliki missing data, yaitu mencapai 15,37 persen dari total unit analisis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa otonomi perempuan dalam rumah tangga berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kelahiran bayi BBLR. Perempuan dengan otonomi rendah memiliki kecenderungan yang lebih tinggi untuk melahirkan bayi BBLR. Selain otonomi perempuan dalam rumah tangga, variabel yang secara statistik berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kelahiran bayi BBLR, yaitu umur ibu saat melahirkan, lama sekolah ibu, indeks kekayaan, daerah tempat tinggal, paritas, perawatan kesehatan antenatal, serta konsumsi pil zat besi selama kehamilan. Sedangkan variabel status kehamilan, status kerja ibu, interval kelahiran, dan perilaku merokok ibu tidak signifikan secara statistik memengaruhi kelahiran bayi BBLR.
This study aims to study the effect of womens autonomy on LBW births in Indonesia using the 2017 IDHS data. The unit analysis in this study is women in childbearing age (15-19 years old) who in the past 5 years gave birth to a single live born child (single birth). Womens autonomy is measured using questions about womens involvement in decision making in the household and womens atitudes toward beating by their husbands spouses. Womens autonomy scores obtained using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) are further grouped into 2 categories (high and low). The 2017 IDHS data were analyzed using binary logistic regression with Multiple Imputation because of the large percentage of samples that had missing data, which reached 15.37 percent. The results showed that womens autonomy had a significant effect on birth of LBW babies. Women with low autonomy have a higher tendency to give birth to LBW babies. Beside womens autonomy, variables that have a statistically significant effect on LBW babies, namely mothers age at birth, mothers years of schooling, wealth index, area of residence, parity, antenatal health care, and consumption of iron pills during pregnancy. While the variables of pregnancy status, mothers work status, birth intervals, and mothers smoking behavior did not have statistically significant effect to birth of LBW babies.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahma Rosalia Afirda
Abstrak :
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisa pengaruh bea keluar CPO terhadap volume ekspor CPO Indonesia ke sepuluh negara mitra dagang utamanya. Penelitian ini menggunakan periode observasi sepuluh tahun yaitu tahun 2002-2011 dan menggunakan model gravitasi. Analisa deskriptif menunjukkan bahwa ekspor CPO Indonesia lebih kompetitif dibandingkan dengan Malaysia sebagai kompetitor terberatnya. Hasil estimasi data panel menunjukkan bahwa kenaikan bea keluar CPO Indonesia akan menurunkan volume ekspor CPOnya.
The objective of this study is to analyze the effect of CPO export duty on CPO volume export in Indonesia to 10 major trading partners. This study used ten years observation period from 2002 till 2011 and used gravity model. In the preliminary analysis, this study found that CPO export is more competitive than Malaysia. The panel data analysis showed that increasing the export duty will decrease the volume of CPO export in Indonesia.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Meta Eval Luberingsih
Abstrak :
Industri Pengolahan Karet dan Barang Karet di Indonesia mempunyai potensi yang besar untuk dikembangkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh ekspor terhadap pertumbuhan produktivitas industri pengolahan karet dan barang karet di Indonesia. Pertumbuhan Produktivitas dihitung dengan Data Envelopment Analysis dan didekomposisikan menjadi perubahan efisiensi serta perubahan teknis. Dari hasil estimasi didapat bahwa pertumbuhan produktivitas industri pengolahan karet dan barang karet di Indonesia masih relatif rendah. Fixed Effect Model digunakan untuk menganalisis pengaruh ekspor terhadap pertumbuhan produktivitas. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa perusahaan yang berorientsi ekspor mempunyai pertumbuhan produktivitas yang lebih tinggi. Perusahaan yang melakukan ekspor akan cenderung untuk berinovasi dan meningkatkan teknologi untuk bertahan di pasar internasional sehingga memiliki produktivitas yang relatif lebih tinggi dan stabil. ...... Rubber manufacturing industries in Indonesia has the opportunity to be world's leading producer. This research aims to investigate the effect of export on productivity growth. Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is use to compute Malmquist productivity Index as a measurement of productivity growth. Productivity growth decomposed into efficiency change and technical change. The estimation shows that productivity growth of rubber manufacturing industry is stil relatively low. Fixed Effect Model used to analyze the effect of export on productivity growth with 226 sample of firm. The result shows that a export oriented firms performed a significant role to productivity growth. Exporters tend to increase innovation and technology to improve their productivity.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agus Warsito
Abstrak :
Tingginya angka penduduk miskin menuntut dilakukannya langkah-langkah konkrit dan mendasar untuk menekan angka tersebut. Penelitian ini di fokuskan untuk mengevaluasi bagaimana efektifitas pelaksanaan program penanggulangan kemiskinan di Kabupaten Sragen yang dilakukan oleh Unit Pelayanan Terpadu Penanggulangan Kemiskinan (UPTPK) bidang sosial ekonomi. Evaluasi dilakukan dari sudut pandang pelayanan yang menganalisis kecepatan layanan, kemudahan persyaratan, dan tingkat kepesertaan di UPTPK dan dari sudut pandang koordinasi antar instansi terkait dengan membandingkan koordinasi program penanggulangan kemiskinan oleh SKPD sebelum dan setelah UPTPK berdiri. Penelitian ini mengunakan desain deskriptif kualitatif dengan metode wawancara mendalam dan Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Hasil penelitian menyarankan kepada pemerintah Kabupaten Sragen untuk melakukan perbaikan pelayanan bagi warga miskin dengan meningkatkan kecepatan layanan dan menambah tempat pelayanan bagi warga miskin sampai ditingkat kecamatan (UPTPK Kecamatan), meningkatkan jumlah penerima manfaat program perbaikan rumah dan program santunan uang duka, memperbaiki koordinasi antar SKPD dalam pelaksanaan program agar penerima program tepat sasaran dengan data tunggal, serta mempertegas dan memperjelas pembagian tugas antar SKPD. Perlu dilakukan kajian dan penelitian tentang pengembangan fungsi dan peran perangkat desa dalam mensukseskan program penanggulangan kemiskinan dan pengembangan struktur organisasi UPTPK menjadi Badan Pelayanan Terpadu Penanggulangan Kemiskinan.
The high number of poor people demanded concrete and fundamental steps to suppress that condition. This study focused on evaluating the effectiveness of poverty reduction programs implementation in the regency were conducted by the Poverty Reduction Integrated Services Unit (UPTPK) in socio-economic field wich is Sragen Regency. Evaluation is done from the point of view of service wich analyze the speed of service, ease of requirements, and the level of participation in UPTPK and by point of view coordination among relevant agencies wich compare poverty reduction programs coordination by SKPDs before and after UPTPK established. This research uses qualitative descriptive design with in-depth interviews and focus group discussions (FGD). The results of the study suggest to government to improve Sragen services for the poor by increasing service speed and add a service to the poor through the district level (UPTPK subdistrict), increase the number of beneficiaries of home improvement and mourning compensation programs, improve coordination between Local Government Offices in the implementation of program in order to achieve the target with a single data, and to make assertive and clear tasks division between Local Government Offices. Need to make study and research on the development of the functions and roles of the village officials to success poverty reduction programs and UPTPK organizational structures change to Poverty Reduction Integrated Service Agencies.
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ardiana Primastuti
Abstrak :
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh determinasi aksesibilitas terhadap pengeluaran perkapita dan menganalisis determinan aksesibilitas keuangan rumah tangga. Adanya pengaruh dua arah antara aksesibilitas dan pengeluaran perkapita rumah tangga, menyebabkan penelitian harus diestimasi dengan pendekatan simultan. Dari hasil estimasi dapat diketahui bahwa keinginan rumah tangga untuk meningkatkan pengeluaran perkapitanya mendorong mereka untuk mengakses kredit baik itu secara umum, perbankan maupun program bantuan pemerintah, disisi yang lain adanya keterlibatan rumah tangga dalam mengakses kredit mendorong peningkatan pengeluaran perkapita. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa antara pengeluaran perkapita dan aksesibilitas rumah tangga di pasar kredit memberikan pengaruh secara simultan. Determinan yang mempengaruhi keputusan rumah tangga berpartisipasi di pasar kredit, menunjukkan bahwa pendidikan masih menjadi kendala bagi rumah tangga untuk bisa berpartisipasi. Kendala ini juga yang menyebabkan rumah tangga pertanian enggan untuk mengakses kredit sekalipun itu adalah program bantuan dari pemerintah.
The purpose of this study to identify the effect of the determination of accessibility to expenditure per capita and analyze the determinants of household financial accessibility. The existence of two-way influence between accessibility and per capita household expenditure, causing research to be estimated with two-stage probit least squares approach. From the estimation results can be seen that the desire of households to increase expenditure per capita encourage them to access credit, either banking or government assistance programs. On the other hand the involvement of households in credit market, help them to increase their expenditure per capita. These results indicate that the per capita expenditure and accessibility of households in the credit markets provide simultaneous influence. While the analysis of the determinants showed that education is still an obstacle for households to access financial institutions. This constraint also causes agricultural households are reluctant to access credit even if it is a government assistance program.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Doni Wibowo
Abstrak :
Investasi human capital melalui sektor pendidikan menjadi pilihan negara berkembang untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonominya. Kemampuan kognitif merupakan output penting dalam proses pendidikan. Berbagai studi empiris telah banyak dilakukan dalam mengkaji pengaruh kemampuan kognitif terhadap penghasilan. Tujuan dari studi ini adalah mengkaji tentang pengaruh kemampuan kognitif terhadap besarnya penghasilan yang didapatkan oleh seorang individu di Indonesia. Metode two step Heckman digunakan sebagai dasar analisis studi ini. Studi ini memberikan kesimpulan bahwa dampak kemampuan kognitif terhadap penghasilan bersifat ambigu. Penghasilan individu dalam penelitian ini lebih dipengaruhi tempat tinggal, tingkat pendidikan, jenis pekerjaan dan sektor pekerjaan.
Human capital investment through education sector becoming the choice of many developing countries to promote economic sector. Cognitive ability is an important ouput of eductional process. Various emperical studies have been caried out to examine the effect of cognitive ability on earning. The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of cognitive ability on the amount of individual income in Indonesia. Heckman two steps method is used as the basis of analysis of this study. This study concludes that the impact of cognitive ability on earning is ambiguous. Earning in this study are influenced by place of residence, educational level, occupation and sector of employment.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ardiana Primastuti
Abstrak :
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh determinasi aksesibilitas terhadap pengeluaran perkapita dan menganalisis determinan aksesibilitas keuangan rumah tangga. Adanya pengaruh dua arah antara aksesibilitas dan pengeluaran perkapita rumah tangga, menyebabkan penelitian harus diestimasi dengan pendekatan simultan. Dari hasil estimasi dapat diketahui bahwa keinginan rumah tangga untuk meningkatkan pengeluaran perkapitanya mendorong mereka untuk mengakses kredit baik itu secara umum, perbankan maupun program bantuan pemerintah, disisi yang lain adanya keterlibatan rumah tangga dalam mengakses kredit mendorong peningkatan pengeluaran perkapita. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa antara pengeluaran perkapita dan aksesibilitas rumah tangga di pasar kredit memberikan pengaruh secara simultan. Determinan yang mempengaruhi keputusan rumah tangga berpartisipasi di pasar kredit, menunjukkan bahwa pendidikan masih menjadi kendala bagi rumah tangga untuk bisa berpartisipasi. Kendala ini juga yang menyebabkan rumah tangga pertanian enggan untuk mengakses kredit sekalipun itu adalah program bantuan dari pemerintah.
The purpose of this study to identify the effect of the determination of accessibility to expenditure per capita and analyze the determinants of household financial accessibility. The existence of two-way influence between accessibility and per capita household expenditure, causing research to be estimated with two- stage probit least squares approach. From the estimation results can be seen that the desire of households to increase expenditure per capita encourage them to access credit, either banking or government assistance programs. On the other hand the involvement of households in credit market, help them to increase their expenditure per capita. These results indicate that the per capita expenditure and accessibility of households in the credit markets provide simultaneous influence. While the analysis of the determinants showed that education is still an obstacle for households to access financial institutions. This constraint also causes agricultural households are reluctant to access credit even if it is a government assistance program.;The purpose of this study to identify the effect of the determination of accessibility to expenditure per capita and analyze the determinants of household financial accessibility. The existence of two-way influence between accessibility and per capita household expenditure, causing research to be estimated with two- stage probit least squares approach. From the estimation results can be seen that the desire of households to increase expenditure per capita encourage them to access credit, either banking or government assistance programs. On the other hand the involvement of households in credit market, help them to increase their expenditure per capita. These results indicate that the per capita expenditure and accessibility of households in the credit markets provide simultaneous influence. While the analysis of the determinants showed that education is still an obstacle for households to access financial institutions. This constraint also causes agricultural households are reluctant to access credit even if it is a government assistance program.;The purpose of this study to identify the effect of the determination of accessibility to expenditure per capita and analyze the determinants of household financial accessibility. The existence of two-way influence between accessibility and per capita household expenditure, causing research to be estimated with two- stage probit least squares approach. From the estimation results can be seen that the desire of households to increase expenditure per capita encourage them to access credit, either banking or government assistance programs. On the other hand the involvement of households in credit market, help them to increase their expenditure per capita. These results indicate that the per capita expenditure and accessibility of households in the credit markets provide simultaneous influence. While the analysis of the determinants showed that education is still an obstacle for households to access financial institutions. This constraint also causes agricultural households are reluctant to access credit even if it is a government assistance program.;The purpose of this study to identify the effect of the determination of accessibility to expenditure per capita and analyze the determinants of household financial accessibility. The existence of two-way influence between accessibility and per capita household expenditure, causing research to be estimated with two- stage probit least squares approach. From the estimation results can be seen that the desire of households to increase expenditure per capita encourage them to access credit, either banking or government assistance programs. On the other hand the involvement of households in credit market, help them to increase their expenditure per capita. These results indicate that the per capita expenditure and accessibility of households in the credit markets provide simultaneous influence. While the analysis of the determinants showed that education is still an obstacle for households to access financial institutions. This constraint also causes agricultural households are reluctant to access credit even if it is a government assistance program.;The purpose of this study to identify the effect of the determination of accessibility to expenditure per capita and analyze the determinants of household financial accessibility. The existence of two-way influence between accessibility and per capita household expenditure, causing research to be estimated with two- stage probit least squares approach. From the estimation results can be seen that the desire of households to increase expenditure per capita encourage them to access credit, either banking or government assistance programs. On the other hand the involvement of households in credit market, help them to increase their expenditure per capita. These results indicate that the per capita expenditure and accessibility of households in the credit markets provide simultaneous influence. While the analysis of the determinants showed that education is still an obstacle for households to access financial institutions. This constraint also causes agricultural households are reluctant to access credit even if it is a government assistance program.;The purpose of this study to identify the effect of the determination of accessibility to expenditure per capita and analyze the determinants of household financial accessibility. The existence of two-way influence between accessibility and per capita household expenditure, causing research to be estimated with two- stage probit least squares approach. From the estimation results can be seen that the desire of households to increase expenditure per capita encourage them to access credit, either banking or government assistance programs. On the other hand the involvement of households in credit market, help them to increase their expenditure per capita. These results indicate that the per capita expenditure and accessibility of households in the credit markets provide simultaneous influence. While the analysis of the determinants showed that education is still an obstacle for households to access financial institutions. This constraint also causes agricultural households are reluctant to access credit even if it is a government assistance program., The purpose of this study to identify the effect of the determination of accessibility to expenditure per capita and analyze the determinants of household financial accessibility. The existence of two-way influence between accessibility and per capita household expenditure, causing research to be estimated with two- stage probit least squares approach. From the estimation results can be seen that the desire of households to increase expenditure per capita encourage them to access credit, either banking or government assistance programs. On the other hand the involvement of households in credit market, help them to increase their expenditure per capita. These results indicate that the per capita expenditure and accessibility of households in the credit markets provide simultaneous influence. While the analysis of the determinants showed that education is still an obstacle for households to access financial institutions. This constraint also causes agricultural households are reluctant to access credit even if it is a government assistance program.]
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh indeks gini di Indonesia yang terus meningkat, sehingga pertumbuhan ekonomi di Indonesia diduga tidak inklusif. Tujuan dari penelitian ini mengukur keinklusifan pertumbuhan ekonomi di Indonesia dan di provinsi dengan menggunakan pendekatan social mobility curve dan growth incidence curve, serta menganalisis determinannya. Model yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah fixed effect model dengan periode penelitian tahun 2008 sampai 2012. Jika menggunakan pengukuran social mobil curve pertumbuhan di Indonesia maupun provinsi rata-rata inklusif, sebaliknya jika menggunakan pengukuran growth incidence curve rata-rata tidak inklusif. Determinan pertumbuhan inklusif meliputi pendidikan, jaminan kesehatan, dan akses kredit. Pendidikan berdampak positif terhadap keinklusifan, sebaliknya jaminan kesehatan dan akses kredit berdampak negatif.
ABSTRACT This research is motivated by the Gini index in Indonesia continues to increase, so that economic growth in Indonesia was allegedly not inclusive. The purpose of this research to measure the inclusiveness of economic growth in Indonesia and at the province by using the approach of social mobility curve and growth incidence curve, after that analyze the determinant. The model used in this research is the fixed effect model with research period from 2008 to 2012. If using social mobility curve measurement growth in Indonesia and the province relative inclusive, otherwise if using growth incidence curve measurement relative not inclusive. Determinants of inclusive growth include education, health insurance, and access to credit. Education have positive impact to inclusiveness, otherwise health insurance and access to credit have negative impact.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tri Ramadhany
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk  mengidentifikasi hubungan perilaku mengkonsumsi ikan terhadap kemampuan kognitif anak berusia 7-14 tahun dengan data yang diperoleh dari Survei Aspek Kehidupan Rumah Tangga Indonesia (SAKERTI) tahun 2014. Hasil uji regresi logistik biner menunjukkan bahwa perilaku mengkonsumsi ikan mempunyai hubungan yang signifikan terhadap kemampuan kognitif. Begitu juga dengan variabel kontrolnya, yaitu stunting, pendidikan prasekolah, status bersekolah, pendidikan Ibu, dan daerah tempat tinggal, sedangkan pengeluaran per kapita tidak memiliki hubungan terhadap kemampuan kognitif. Hasil serupa ditunjukkan ketika dilakukan uji regresi logistik berdasar subgroup kelompok usia 7-12 tahun. Namun hasil berbeda terjadi pada kelompok usia 13-14 tahun, dimana variabel stunting, dan daerah tempat tinggal tidak mempunyai hubungan terhadap kemampuan kognitif. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa semakin sering anak mengkonsumsi ikan, maka peluang untuk mempunyai kemampuan kognitif tinggi semakin meningkat.
This study aims to identify the relationship of fish consumption behavior and its effect on cognitive abilities of children aged 7-14 years with data obtained from the 2014 Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS). The results of binary logistic regression tests indicate that fish consumption behavior has a significant relationship to cognitive ability. Also the control variables, namely stunting, early childhood education, schooling status, mother's education, and residential area, while per capita expenditure has no relationship to cognitive abilities. Similar results were shown when a logistic regression test was based on a subgroup of 7-12 years age group. However, different results occur in the age group 13-14 years, stunting and residential area does not have a relationship to cognitive abilities. The results of this study indicate that the more often children consume fish, the more opportunities to have high cognitive abilities.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Billy Thandy Tulungen
Abstrak :

Pada penelitian ini, kami menginvestigasi pengaruh jumlah peserta pemilihan pada tahap evaluasi terakhir sebelum penetapan pemenang terhadap rasio harga penawaran pemenang dan HPS pada paket tender dan seleksi di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan 526,453 data cross-section paket tender dan seleksi yang diperoleh dengan menggunakan teknik website scraping pada 402 website LPSE (Layanan Pengadaan Secara Elektronik) seluruh Indonesia pada tahun 2010 sampai dengan September 2019. Untuk mengetahui pengaruh tersebut kami menggunakan metode OLS dan metode IV-2SLS untuk mengurangi potensi bias akibat endogeneity. Penelitian ini menemukan adanya pengaruh dari jumlah peserta pemilihan tahap evaluasi terakhir terhadap rasio harga penawaran pemenang dan HPS, yang mana akan mengurangi rasio sebesar 0.02412 satuan atau menghemat belanja pengadaan melalui tender atau seleksi sebesar 2.41% terhadap nilai HPS. Selain itu, kami juga menemukan adanya pengaruh tidak langsung dari nilai paket pengadaan, metode prakualifikasi dan pola evaluasi terhadap jumlah peserta pemilihan pada tahap evaluasi terakhir sebelum penetapan pemenang

In this study, we investigated the number of bidder in the final evaluation before determining the winner on the ratio of winner's bid price and HPS in the tender and selection package in Indonesia. This study used 526,453 tender and selection cross-section data packages obtained using website scraping techniques on 402 LPSE (Electronic Procurement Services) websites throughout Indonesia in 2010 to September 2019. To find the effect number of bidder in final evaluation stage on  the ratio of winning bid and estimate price, we used OLS and IV-2SLS methods. to reduce the potential bias due to endogeneity. Increasing number of bidder in final evaluation stage which will reduce the ratio by 0.02412 units or save procurement expenditure by 2.41% of the estimate price. In addition, we also find indirect effect in the size of the procurement package, the method of pre-qualification and the pattern of assessment of the number of participants in the final evaluation before the determination of the winner.

UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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