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Dipdo Petrus Widjaya
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang : Pneumotoraks merupakan kasus kegawat daruratan yang harus ditatalaksana segera. Penilaian berbagai penyakit paru dan faktor-faktor penyebab secara tepat sangat penting diketahui sebagai panduan dalam kerjasama antardisiplin ilmu dan untuk meningkatkan penatalaksanaan pneumotoraks secara menyeluruh. Faktor risiko yang mempengaruhi kesintasan pasien pneumotoraks adalah usia dan infeksi HIV, namun data di Indonesia masih belum ada. Tujuan : Untuk mengetahui karakteristik pasien pneumotoraks dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kesintasannya selama perawatan di RSCM. Metode : Penelitian desain kohort retrospektif, dilakukan terhadap pasien pneumotoraks yang dirawat inap di RSCM pada kurun waktu Januari 2000 sampai Desember 2011. Kesintasan kumulatif selama 8 hari perawatan dan faktor yang mempengaruhi dianalisis secara bivariat dengan metode Kaplan Meier dan uji Log-rank serta analisis multivariat dengan Cox proportional hazard regression model untuk menghitung hazard ratio (HR) dan interval kepercayaan 95%. Hasil : Seratus empat pasien pneumotoraks yang memenuhi kriteria penelitian ditemukan lebih banyak pada laki-laki 78(73,1%) dengan rerata usia 39,7(simpang baku[SB],16,2) tahun. Keluhan respirasi terbanyak berupa sesak napas 103(99%) dan kelainan pada pemeriksaan fisik hipersonor 101(97,1%). Foto polos toraks menunjukkan hiperlusen avaskular 95(91,4%). Faktor penyebab kejadian yang didapatkan adalah merokok 43(41,3%), pneumonia 42(40,3%), tuberkulosis 37(35,5%), trauma dada 13(12,5%), kejadian iatrogenik 6(5,7%), keganasan paru 6(5,7%), PPOK 5(4,8%), asma bronkiale 5(4,8%) dan artritis reumatoid 1(1%). Jenis pneumotoraks terbanyak adalah pneumotoraks spontan sekunder 49(47,1%). Tatalaksana sebagian besar dengan pemasangan WSD 98(94,2%). Keluaran pasien pneumotoraks hidup 69(66,3%), meninggal 35(33,7%). Penyebab kematian terbanyak pada pasien pneumotoraks saat perawatan adalah gagal napas 16(45,8%). Faktor-faktor yang memperburuk kesintasan pasien pneumotoraks adalah trauma dada (HR=3,49 (IK 95% 1,52;8,04)) dan tuberkulosis paru (HR=3,33 (IK 95% 1,39;7,99)). Kesimpulan : Adanya tuberkulosis paru dan trauma dada memperburuk kesintasan pasien pneumotoraks selama perawatan di RSCM. ...... Background : Pneumothorax is an emergency case should be managed immediately. Assessment of lung diseases and the factors that cause pneumothorax is very important to know the proper guidelines in cooperation an interdisciplinary medical science and to improve the overall management of pneumothorax. Risk factors affecting the survival rate of pneumothorax patients are age and HIV infection, but there is no data in Indonesia. Objective : The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of pneumothorax patients and factors affecting survival during hospitalization in RSCM. Methods : Retrospective cohort study design conducted on pneumothorax patients who were admitted in RSCM in the period January 2000 to December 2011. Cumulative survival rate for 8 days of hospitalization and the factors affecting analyzed by bivariate with Kaplan Meier method and log-rank test and multivariate analysis by cox proportional hazard regression model to calculate hazard ratio (HR) and 95% confidence intervals. Results : A total of 104 pneumothorax patients were reviewed. Their mean age was 39.7 years (SD ± 16.2 years) with a male to female ratio of 3:1. Commonest symtoms was shortness of breath 103(99%) and abnormalities on physical examination was hypersonor 101(97.1%). Plain chest X-ray showed hyperlucent avascular 95(91.4%). Etiologic factors for the incidence of secondary pneumothorax were smoking 43(41.3%), pneumonia 42(40.3%), tuberculosis 37(35.5%), chest trauma 13(12.5%), iatrogenic 6(5.7%), lung malignancy 6(5.7%), COPD 5(4.8%), asthma 5(4.8%) and rheumatoid arthritis 1(1%). Commonest type of pneumothorax was secondary spontaneous pneumothorax 49(47.1%). Most of pneumothorax patients were successfully managed by chest thoracoscopy 98(94.2%). Outcome of pneumothorax patients were live 69(66.3%), died 35(33.7%). Causes of death in pneumothorax patients was respiratory failure 16(45.8%). Factors that worsen the survival rate of pneumothorax patients were chest trauma (HR = 3.49 (95% CI 1.52 to 8.04)) and pulmonary tuberculosis (HR = 3.33 (95% CI 1.39 to 7.99 )). Conclusions : Factors that worsen the survival rate of pneumothorax patients were pulmonary tuberculosis and chest trauma that hospitalized in RSCM.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang. Lansia merupakan kelompok yang berisiko tinggi untuk terjadinya malnutrisi. Selain merupakan akibat dari penyakit yang diderita, malnutrisi pada lansia juga menjadi penyebab tingginya angka kesakitan pada lansia. Mengingat hal tersebut diperlukan suatu instrumen yang sahih dan dapat diandalkan untuk menilai status gizi lansia yang tinggal di komunitas.Tujuan. Mendapatkan kuesioner MNA-SF berbahasa Indonesia yang sahih dan andal untuk digunakan oleh kader posbindu untuk menapis status gizi lansia di komunitas.Metodologi. Responden berusia ge;60 tahun yang datang ke posbindu menjalani wawancara oleh ahli gizi dan kader posbindu. Wawancara ulang oleh kader posbindu dilakukan satu sampai dua minggu kemudian. Selanjutnya dihitung korelasi antara skor total MNA dengan MNA-SF, skor total MNA-SF pemeriksaan pertama dan kedua, ICC intraclass correlation coefficient MNA-SF hasil penilaian ahli gizi dan penilaian kader serta cronbach rsquo;? MNA-SF.Hasil. Penelitian diikuti oleh 92 responden dengan median usia 67 tahun. Korelasi sedang didapatkan antara skor total MNA-SF IMT indeks massa tubuh penilaian kader dengan skor total MNA r=0,491;p
Background. Eldery is highly succeptible group to suffer from malnutrition. Malnutrition in elderly can be the result of disease that they suffered from. It also become the cause of high morbidity. Along with that matter, we need a valid and reliable instrument to assess nutritional status among community dwelling elderly.Objective. To a get valid and reliable Indonesian MNA SF to be used by social workers to screen nutritional status in community dwelling elderly.Methodology. Respondents aged ge 60 years old who came to ldquo posbindu rdquo were interviewed by nutritionist by using MNA. The interview then continued by social workers by using Indonesian MNA SF. Re interview by social workers was held 1 2 weeks later. After data were collected we calculate corellation between MNA and MNA SF total score, MNA SF total score in the first and second examination and cronbach rsquo s .Result. Ninety two respondents were included in this study. Median age was 67 years old. Moderate corellation was observed between BMI Body Mass Index MNA SF total score assessed by social workers and MNA total score r 0.491 p
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yaldiera Utami
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang. Depresi pasca SKA memiliki prevalensi sebesar 20-37 , yaitu sekitar tiga kali lipat lebih tinggi dibandingkan pada populasi umum. Pasien pasca SKA yang mengalami depresi dalam waktu 2 tahun pertama memiliki risiko mortalitas sebesar 2.5 kali lipat lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan pasien yang tidak mengalami depresi. Meskipun prevalensinya cukup tinggi, namun kondisi ini seringkali tidak terdeteksi sehingga sulit untuk ditatalaksana. Kuesioner CDS telah terbukti andal dan sahih untuk mendeteksi depresi pasca SKA di beberapa negara, namun belum ada penelitian yang menguji keandalan dan kesahihan kuesioner tersebut di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji keandalan dan kesahihan kuesioner CDS berbahasa Indonesia sebagai alat ukur untuk mendeteksi depresi pasca SKA di Indonesia. Metode. Penelitian ini merupakan studi potong lintang yang dilakukan dalam dua tahap, yaitu tahap adaptasi lintas bahasa dan budaya serta tahap uji keandalan dan kesahihan. Subjek penelitian terdiri atas pasien rawat jalan pasca SKA yang berobat di Polikilinik Kardiologi PJT RSCM pada bulan Juli-September 2017. Uji keandalan dilakukan dengan menilai Intraclass Correlation Coefficient ICC melalui metode test-retest dan menilai Cronbach-alpha untuk mengetahui konsistensi internal. Uji kesahihan dilakukan dengan menilai kesahihan konstruksi melalui multitrait multimethod analysis dan kesahihan eksternal dengan cara membandingkan CDS dengan kuesioner BDI-II sebagai alat ukur standar untuk menilai depresi. Hasil. Penelitian ini diikuti oleh 56 subjek dengan rerata usia 58.39 8.38 tahun. Sebagian besar subjek berjenis kelamin laki-laki 64.3 dan sudah menikah 80.4 . Uji keandalan memberikan hasil yang baik, terbukti dengan nilai ICC r 0.944; p ......Background. Prevalence of post Acute Coronary Syndrome ACS depression reached 20 37 which is three times higher than in general population. Depressed post ACS patients have 2.5 times higher risk of mortality within 2 years after ACS compared with non depressed patients. Despite the high prevalence, this condition often go unrecognized and untreated. Cardiac Depression Scale CDS has been demonstrated to be valid and reliable in detecting post ACS depression in other countries. However it has not been validated in Indonesian population. This study was designed to evaluate the validity and reliability of Indonesian version CDS as a screening tool for post ACS depression in Indonesia. Method. A cross sectional study was conducted in two phases a the language and cultural adaptation phase and b the validity and reliability test. The study participants were recruited from post ACS outpatients attending Cardiology Clinic in PJT RSCM between July September 2017. Reliability of the CDS was evaluated by calculating Intraclass Correlation Coefficient ICC using test retest method and by calculating Cronbach alpha to determine internal consistency.Validity of the CDS was evaluated by examining construct validity using multitrait multimethod analysis and by comparing CDS with BDI II as gold standard measurement to determine external validity. Result. Fifty six patients were included in this study. The mean age was 58.39 8.38 years. Of these patients, 64.3 were male and 80.4 were married. Indonesian CDS demonstrated good result for test retest reliability r 0.944 p
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Achmad Samjunanto
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Infeksi HIV/AIDS merupakan penyakit yang kronis dan tidak dapat disembuhkan namun gejalanya masih dapat dikendalikan. Oleh karena itu, kualitas hidup menjadi luaran terapi yang penting untuk diperhatikan. Berbagai faktor psikosial seperti stigma, citra diri, gangguan depresi, risiko bunuh diri dan mekanisme koping merupakan faktor yang diduga berpengaruh terhadap kualitas hidup pasien dengan HIV/AIDS dan dapat diintervensi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara stgima, citra diri, gangguan depresi, risiko bunuh diri dan mekanisme koping terhadap kualitas hidup pasien dengan HIV/AIDS. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain potong lintang. Subjek penelitian diambil dengan menggunakan consecutive sampling pada pasien dewasa yang berobat di poliklinik khusus HIV/AIDS di Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo pada bulan Juni 2023. Instrumen swaperiksa digunakan untuk menilai variabel kualitas hidup (WHOQOL-Bref), stigma (Berger HIV Stigma Scale), mekanisme koping (Brief-COPE) dan citra diri (RSES). Wawancara semi terstruktur juga dilakukan untuk menilai gangguan depresi (MINI-ICD) dan risiko bunuh diri (CSSRS). Analisis regresi liner multipel digunakan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara variabel bebas dengan luaran kualitas hidup. Hasil: Dari 207 subjek penelitian yang diteliti, didapatkan hubungan yang bermakna antara stigma diri dengan kualitas hidup pada ranah kesehatan fisik (B:-0.15; IK95%: -0.23– -0.07), hubungan sosial (B:-0.19, IK95%:0.27– -0.10) dan lingkungan (B:-0.12; IK95% -0.20– -0.04). Didapatkan hubungan yang bermakna antara citra diri dengan kualitas hidup pada ranah kesehatan fisik (B:1.12; IK95%:0.71– 1.67), psikologis (B:1.73; IK95%:1.21– 2.26), hubungan sosial (B:0.91, IK95%:0.35– 1.46) dan lingkungan (B:1.27; IK95%:0.77– 1.77). Didapatkan hubungan yang bermakna antara gangguan depresi dengan kualitas hidup pada ranah kesehatan fisik (B:-4.59; IK95%:-7.41– -1.77), psikologis (B:-5.64; IK95%:-8.72– -2.56),  dan hubungan sosial (B:-4.92, IK95%:-8.17– -1.66). Didapatkan hubungan yang bermakna antara mekanisme koping dengan kualitas hidup pada ranah kesehatan fisik (B:5.97; IK95%:1.71–10.24), psikologis (B:9.65; IK95%:4.99– 14.31), hubungan sosial (B:12.99, IK95%:8.07– 17.91) dan lingkungan (B:10.79; IK95%:6.39– 15.18) Koefisen determinasi pada penelitian ini sebesar 43.5-54.4%. Simpulan: Terdapat hubungan antara stigma, gangguan depresi, risiko bunuh diri, citra diri dan mekanisme koping terhadap tiap ranah kualitas hidup pada pasien dengan HIV/AIDS. Citra diri dan mekanisme koping yang berfokus pada masalah menjadi faktor protektif sedangkan stigma dan gangguan depresi menjadi faktor risiko. ......Background: HIS/AIDS is a chronic incurable yet controllable diseases. Thus, quality of life is a pivotal clinical outcame that must be evaluated other than its morbidity and mortality. Some psychosocial factors, such as  stigma, self-esteem, depressive disorder, sucidality, and coping mechanism, are prominent indicators that affect quality of life and could be intervened. This study aim to elaborate the relationship of stigma, self-esteem, depressive disorder, sucidality, and coping mechanism to the quality of life in patient with HIV/AIDS. Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted in June 2023 in outpatient HIV/AIDS clinic in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital. Consecutive sampling was used in adult patients. Self rating instrument was used to measure quality of life (WHOQOL-Bref), stigma (Berger HIV Stigma Scale), coping mechanism (Brief-COPE) and self esteem (RSES). Semi-structured interview was used to assess depressive disorder (MINI-ICD) and suicide risk (CSSRS). Multiple linear regression was used to explore the relationship between the independent variables and quality of life. Results: There are 207 respondents in this study. The results showed significant relationship between stigma and quality of life in physical health (B:-0.15; CI95%:-0.23– -0.07), social relationship (B:-0.19, CI95%:0.27– -0.10) and environment domains (B:-0.12; CI95% -0.20– -0.04) There was a significant relationship between self esteem and quality of life in physical health domain (B:1.12; CI95%:0.71– 1.67), psychological (B:1.73; CI95%:1.21– 2.26), social relationship (B:0.91, CI95%:0.35– 1.46) and environment domains (B:1.27; CI95%:0.77– 1.77). Significant relationships were found between depressive disorder and quality of life in physical health domain (B:-4.59; CI95%:-7.41– -1.77), (B:-5.64; CI95%:-8.72– -2.56), and social relationship domains (B:-4.92, CI95%:-8.17– -1.66). There was a significant relationship between coping mechanism and quality of life in physical health domain (B:5.97; CI95%:1.71–10.24), psychological (B:9.65; CI95%:4.99– 14.31), social relationship (B:12.99, CI95%:8.07– 17.91)  and environment domains (B:10.79; CI95%:6.39– 15.18). The determinant coefficient in this study were 43.5-54.4%. Conclusion: There is relationship relationship of stigma, self-esteem, depressive disorder, sucidality, and coping mechanism with the quality of life in patient with HIV/AIDS in each domains. Stigma and depressive disorder are risk factors while self-esteem and problem focused coping mechanism are the protective factors.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
LATAR BELAKANG. Progresifitas penurunan sekresi insulin sudah terjadi sebelum individu didiagnosis sebaai DM tipe-2 baru karena kelelahan sel beta pankreas untuk mengatasi resistensi insulin. Efek glukotoksisitas, Iipotoksisitas dan amiloidosis pada sel beta pankreas menyebabkan proses tersebut terus berlanjut walaupun pasien telah diterapi dengan baik. Berbagai penelitian memperlihatkan sebagian besar penyandang DM tipe-2 baru ditemukan dengan fungsi sel beta pankreas yang sudah rendah. Populasi tersebut lebih cepat mengalami kegagalan terapi dibandingkan populasi dengan fungsi sel beta pankreas yang masih baik akibat progresifitas penurunan sekresi insulin yang lebih cepat, sedangkan resistensi insulin dalam tingkatan yang sama. Akibatnya prevalensi kegagalan mencapai kontrol glukosa darah yang baik menjadi tinggi pada populasi tersebut, dan merupakan salah satu penyebab komplikasi makrovaskular maupun mikrovaskular yang semakin meningkat. Di poliklinik diabetes RSCM dan berbagai puskesrnas di Jakarta, sebagian besar penyandang DM tipe-2 sulit untuk mencapai kontrol glukosa darah yang baik dan tingginya prevalensi komplikasi makrovaskular maupun mikrovaskular. Apakah populasi tersebut sudah berada dalam fungsi sel beta pankreas yang rendah? Penelitian ¡ni bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran fungsi sel beta pankreas melalui perhitungan HOMA-B dan resistensi insulin melalui perhitungan HOMA-IR pada subyek penyandang DM tipe-2 baru yang berobat di poliklinik diabetes RSCM. METODOLOGI. Dirancang studi potong lintang dengan analisis deskriptif. Prosedur yang dilakukan adalah subyek dipuasakan selama 10 jam lalu diperiksa konsentrasi glukosa darah puasa dan insulin puasa. Dari hasil tersebut dilakukan penghitungan HOMA-B dan HOMA-IR. HASIL. Telah dilakukan pengambilan data terhadap 100 subyek. Nilai median usia 52 tahun. 51% dan subyek mempunyai riwayat keluarga DM dan sebagian besar subyek adalah obes sebanyak 54%. Sebagian besar subyek dalam kelompok nilai HOMA-B yang sangat rendah yaitu kurang dari 25 pmol/mmol sebanyak 55% dengan nilai median 17,14 pmol/mmol, dan dalam kelompok nilai HOMA-IR yang rendah yaitu kurang dari 3 pmol-mmol/l2 scbanyak 61% dengan niai median 245 pmol-mmol/l2. SIMPULAN. Sebagian besar penyandang DM tipe-2 baru di poliklinik diabetes RSCM adalah obes dan manpunyai riwayat keluarga DM. Sebagian besar subyek berada dalam kelompok fungsi sel beta pankreas dan resistensi insulin yang rendah.
BACKGROUND. The declining of insulin secretion already happened before the patent diagnosed type 2 diabetic, caused by beta cell pancreas failure in order to compensate insulin resistance. The glucotoxicity and lipotoxicity effect combined with amyloidosis onì beta cell pancreas caused continuing declining process progessiveIy even though the patient has been treated. Most of the previous studies showed that many new type 2 diabetic patients have already had low beta cell finction. This population failed to achieve targeted therapy faster than population with good beta cell function, because faster the declining of insulin secretion. However, innsulin resistance was almost constant. Because of that, prevalence of failed to achieve good blood glucose control were high and one of the mechanisms cause micro and macro vascular complication will increase. Many type 2 diabetic who attended in endocrine metabolic clinic in Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital and Primary Health Care in Jakarta failed to achieve good blood glucose control and there were high incidence of macro and micro vascular complication We hypothesized that many new type 2 diabetIc patients in endocrine metabolic clinic in Cipto Mangunkusumo have already had low beta cells function. We investigated the profile of beta cells function by calculated IIOMA-13 and insulin resistance by calculated ROMA-IR in new type 2 diabetic patients who attenckxl in endocrine metabolic clinic ¡n Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital. METHOD. A descriptive-cross sectional study was conducted. After 10 hours fasting, new type 2 diabetic patients were checked for fasting blood glucose and fasting insulin concentration. Based on those numbei, The HOMA-B and HOMA-IR were calculated. RESULT. Based on the results of 100 patients. Median value of age was 52 years old. 51% of the subjects had family history of diabetic and most of them were obese in 54% subjects. Most of the subjects were in lower HOMA-B value less than 25 Pmol/mmol in 55% of the subiects with median NOMA-B vahe was 17,14 pmol/mmol and wese in lower HOMA-IR less than 3 pmol-mmol,I2 in 61% of the subjects with median HOMA-ER value was 2,45 pmol-mmol/12 groups. CONCLUSION. Many new type 2 diabetic patients, who attended in endocrine metabolic Clinic in Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital, were obese and have already had family history of diabetic. Most of the subjects were in low pancreas beta cell function and insulin resistance groups.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
R.M. Suryo Anggoro K. Wibowo
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang. Hemofilia selama ini diketahui menimbulkan komplikasi muskuloskeletal dan penurunan densitas tulang adalah salah satunya. Faktor risiko penurunan densitas tulang pada hemofilia belum diketahui secara pasti. Profil pasien hemofilia dengan penurunan densitas tulang di Indonesia juga belum diketahui. Tujuan. Mengetahui proporsi penurunan densitas tulang pada hemofilia dan karakteristik pasien hemofilia dengan penurunan densitas tulang. Metode. Studi ini merupakan studi deskriptif potong lintang yang dilakukan pada bulan Juni-November 2012. Subyek penelitian adalah pasien hemofilia dewasa berusia 19-50 tahun yang berobat ke Poliklinik Hematologi Onkologi Medik RS Cipto Mangunkusumo atau yang terdaftar di Tim Hemofilia Terpadu berdomisili di area Jabodetabek. Variabel yang dinilai adalah densitas massa tulang, usia, indeks massa tubuh, aktivitas fisik, artropati, penggunaan terapi substitusi, infeksi HIV dan HCV. Densitas tulang diukur dengan Lunar GE Scan. Penurunan densitas tulang didefinisikan sebagai Z-score -2 atau kurang. Aktivitas fisik dinilai dengan kuesioner Hemophilia Activities List. Artropati secara klinis dinilai dengan Hemophilia Joint Health Score. Artropati secara radiologis dinilai pada sendi lutut menggunakan Skor Arnold-Hilgartner. Data numerik dinyatakan dalam mean + SD atau median. Data kategorik dinyatakan dalam n dan persentase. Hasil. Sejumlah 63 subyek hemofilia dewasa berusia 19-46 tahun mengikuti studi ini dengan median usia 26 tahun. Proporsi penurunan densitas tulang pada hemofilia didapatkan sebesar 6,3%. Fraktur terjadi pada 14,3% subyek. Subyek dengan densitas tulang menurun memiliki usia lebih muda (19 tahun vs 26 tahun). Subyek dengan densitas tulang menurun memiliki IMT lebih rendah (18,6 + 2,8 kg/m2 vs 21,5 + 3,8 kg/m2). Subyek dengan densitas tulang menurun menggunakan terapi substitusi lebih banyak daripada subyek dengan densitas tulang normal (4047 IU/bulan vs 2000 IU/bulan). Infeksi HCV terjadi pada 25% subyek dengan densitas tulang menurun sedangkan pada densitas tulang normal sebesar 55,9%. Infeksi HIV hanya terjadi pada 1,6% subyek. Skor aktivitas ditemukan sama antara subyek dengan densitas tulang normal dan menurun. Skor artropati klinis ditemukan lebih baik pada subyek dengan densitas tulang menurun (18,7 + 4,4 vs 23,1 + 11,8). Simpulan. Penurunan densitas tulang pada subyek hemofilia ditemukan sebesar 6,3%. Subyek dengan densitas tulang menurun berusia lebih muda, memiliki IMT lebih rendah, skor sendi lebih baik, lebih sedikit mengalami infeksi transfusi, dan mengalami perdarahan lebih banyak dibandingkan subyek dengan densitas tulang normal.
Background. Haemophilia can result in musculoskeletal complications and reduced bone density is one of the recently known musculoskeletal complications in haemophilia patients. Risk factors of reduced bone density in haemophilia have not been completely known yet. Moreover, profile of hemophilia patient with reduced bone density in Indonesia have not been studied. Objectives. To know the proportion of reduced bone density and characteristics of hemophilia patient with reduced bone density. Methods. A cross-sectional study on haemophilia patients aged 19-50 years old was conducted ini Haematology-Medical Oncology Clinic, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital from June-November 2012. Bone density, age, body mass index, physical activity, arthropathy, amount of replacement therapy, HIV and HCV infection are analyzed variables. Bone density was measured with GE Lunar Scan. Reduced bone density was defined as Z-score -2 or less. Physical activity was measured with Haemophilia Activities List questionnaire. Joint involvement was measured clinically with Haemophilia Joint Health Score. Joint involvement of the knee was measured radiologically with plain X-ray and graded according to Arnold-Hilgartner Score. Numerical data will be presented in mean + SD or median. Categorical data will be presented as n and percentage. Results. Sixty three haemophilia subjects aged 19-46 years old joined the study with median age 26 years old. Reduced bone density was found in 6,3% of the subjects. History of fractures was found in 14,3% patient. Subjects with reduced bone density have younger age (19 vs 26 years). Subjects with reduced bone density have lower BMI (18,6 + 2,8 kg/m2 vs 21,5 + 3,8 kg/m2). Subjects with reduced bone density used replacement therapy more than their normal counterparts (4047 IU/month vs 2000 IU/month). HCV infection happened in 25% of subjects with reduced bone density while only found in 55% of normal bone density subjects. HIV infection was only found in 1,6% patient. Activity score between normal and reduced bone density was about the same. Clinical arthropathy score was better in reduced bone density subjects (18,7 + 4,4 vs 23,1 + 11,8). Conclusion. Reduced bone density was found in 6,3% subjects. Subjects with reduced bone density have younger age, lower BMI, better joint score, less infection, and experienced more bleeding than subjects with normal bone density.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rio Zakaria
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Insiden dan case fatality rate pasien terinfeksi dengue di Indonesia masih tinggi. Penyebab kematian utama pada infeksi dengue adalah renjatan yang disebabkan oleh kebocoran plasma. Kejadian hiponatremia dan hipokalemia sering ditemukan pada pasien yang mengalami infeksi dengue, namun keduanya tidak termasuk penanda kebocoran plasma dalam kriteria DBD oleh WHO. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui rerata penurunan kadar natrium dan kalium serum pada pasien terinfeksi dengue dengan atau tanpa kebocoran plasma, dan mengonfirmasi penelitian sebelumnya apakah kadar natrium dan kalium bisa dipakai sebagai penanda kebocoran plasma. Metode: Studi kohort prospektif dilaksanakan pada pasien terinfeksi dengue ≥ 16 tahun dengan demam mendadak ≤ 3 hari yang dirawat di ruang rawat inap Penyakit Dalam RS Cipto Mangunkusumo dan RS Persahabatan Jakarta pada pada Agustus 2013-Juni 2014. Dilakukan pemeriksaan natrium serum, kalium serum, albumin, dan ultrasonografi untuk melihat adanya penebalan kandung empedu, asites dan efusi pleura pada pasien terinfeksi dengue pada hari pertama masuk perawatan dan hari kelima demam. Untuk mendapatkan rerata penurunan natrium dan kalium serum antara pasien terinfeksi dengue yang mengalami kebocoran plasma dan yang tidak, digunakan uji komparatif t-test tidak berpasangan. Hasil: Terdapat 35 orang subjek penelitian pasien terinfeksi dengue yang diambil secara konsekutif. Rerata kadar natrium serum pada pasien Demam Dengue (DD) pada saat masuk 134,66 ± 4,00 mEq/L dan pada hari kelima demam 130,95 ± 4,80 mEq/L. Sementara pada pasien Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) didapatkan kadar natrium pada saat masuk 132,469 ± 3,45 mEq/L dan pada saat hari kelima 129,35 ± 2,67 mEq/L. Perbedaan rerata penurunan kadar natrium antara pasien DBD dengan DD sebesar 0,43 mEq/L, IK 95% [-2,56; 3,42], p = 0,386. Rerata kadar kalium serum pada pasien DD pada saat masuk 3,48 ± 0,44 mEq/L dan pada hari kelima demam 3,39 ± 0,38 mEq/L. Sementara pada pasien DBD didapatkan rerata kadar kalium pada saat masuk 3,32 ± 0,25 mEq/L dan pada hari kelima demam 3,11 ± 0,30 mEq/L. Perbedaan rerata penurunan kadar kalium pasien DBD dengan DD sebesar 0,12 mEq/L, IK 95% [-0,34; 0,10], p = 0,145. Simpulan: Tidak didapatkan perbedaan rerata penurunan kadar natrium dan kalium serum pada pasien terinfeksi dengue dengan kebocoran plasma dibandingkan dengan tanpa kebocoran plasma.
Background: Incidence and case fatality rate of dengue-infected patients in Indonesia is still high. The main causes of death in dengue infection is shock caused by plasma leakage. The incidence of hyponatremia and hypokalemia often found in patients with dengue infection, but they do not include markers of plasma leakage in DHF criteria by WHO. This study aims to determine the average decrease of serum sodium and potassium levels in patients infected with dengue with or without plasma leakage, and confirm previous studies whether the levels of sodium and potassium can be used as a marker of plasma leakage. Method: A prospective cohort study conducted in patients infected with dengue ≥ 16 years old with sudden fever ≤ 3 days treated in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital and Persahabatan Hospital in Jakarta between August 2013 to June 2014. Checking serum sodium, potassium, albumin, and ultrasound to see the thickening of the gall bladder, ascites and pleural effusion in patients infected with dengue on the first day of treatment and the fifth day of fever. We used comparative unpaired t-test to obtain an average decrease in serum levels of sodium and potassium between dengue infected patients who undergo plasma leakage and are not. Results: There were 35 research subjects infected with dengue taken consecutively. The average of serum sodium levels in patients with Dengue Fever (DF) at the time of entry was 134,66 ± 4,00 mEq/L and on the fifth day of fever was 130,95 ± 4,80 mEq/L. While in patients with Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) obtained sodium levels at the time of entry was 132,469 ± 3,45 mEq/L and on the fifth day of fever was 129,35 ± 2,67 mEq/L. The difference of the average of decreased level of sodium between DHF and DF patients was 0,43 mEq/L, CI 95% [-2,56; 3,42], p = 0,386. The average of serum potassium levels in patients with DF at the time of entry was 3,48 ± 0,44 mEq/L and on the fifth day of fever was 3,39 ± 0,38 mEq/L. While in patients with DHF, obtained potassium levels at the time of entry was 3,32 ± 0,25 mEq/L and on the fifth day of fever was 3,11 ± 0,30 mEq/L. The difference of the average of decreased level of potassium between DHF and DF patients was 0,12 mEq/L, CI 95% [-0,34; 0,10], p = 0,145. Conclusion: There were no differences in average of decreased level of serum sodium and potassium in dengue-infected patients with plasma leakage compared to without plasma leakage;Background: Incidence and case fatality rate of dengue-infected patients in Indonesia is still high. The main causes of death in dengue infection is shock caused by plasma leakage. The incidence of hyponatremia and hypokalemia often found in patients with dengue infection, but they do not include markers of plasma leakage in DHF criteria by WHO. This study aims to determine the average decrease of serum sodium and potassium levels in patients infected with dengue with or without plasma leakage, and confirm previous studies whether the levels of sodium and potassium can be used as a marker of plasma leakage. Method: A prospective cohort study conducted in patients infected with dengue ≥ 16 years old with sudden fever ≤ 3 days treated in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital and Persahabatan Hospital in Jakarta between August 2013 to June 2014. Checking serum sodium, potassium, albumin, and ultrasound to see the thickening of the gall bladder, ascites and pleural effusion in patients infected with dengue on the first day of treatment and the fifth day of fever. We used comparative unpaired t-test to obtain an average decrease in serum levels of sodium and potassium between dengue infected patients who undergo plasma leakage and are not. Results: There were 35 research subjects infected with dengue taken consecutively. The average of serum sodium levels in patients with Dengue Fever (DF) at the time of entry was 134,66 ± 4,00 mEq/L and on the fifth day of fever was 130,95 ± 4,80 mEq/L. While in patients with Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) obtained sodium levels at the time of entry was 132,469 ± 3,45 mEq/L and on the fifth day of fever was 129,35 ± 2,67 mEq/L. The difference of the average of decreased level of sodium between DHF and DF patients was 0,43 mEq/L, CI 95% [-2,56; 3,42], p = 0,386. The average of serum potassium levels in patients with DF at the time of entry was 3,48 ± 0,44 mEq/L and on the fifth day of fever was 3,39 ± 0,38 mEq/L. While in patients with DHF, obtained potassium levels at the time of entry was 3,32 ± 0,25 mEq/L and on the fifth day of fever was 3,11 ± 0,30 mEq/L. The difference of the average of decreased level of potassium between DHF and DF patients was 0,12 mEq/L, CI 95% [-0,34; 0,10], p = 0,145. Conclusion: There were no differences in average of decreased level of serum sodium and potassium in dengue-infected patients with plasma leakage compared to without plasma leakage, Background: Incidence and case fatality rate of dengue-infected patients in Indonesia is still high. The main causes of death in dengue infection is shock caused by plasma leakage. The incidence of hyponatremia and hypokalemia often found in patients with dengue infection, but they do not include markers of plasma leakage in DHF criteria by WHO. This study aims to determine the average decrease of serum sodium and potassium levels in patients infected with dengue with or without plasma leakage, and confirm previous studies whether the levels of sodium and potassium can be used as a marker of plasma leakage. Method: A prospective cohort study conducted in patients infected with dengue ≥ 16 years old with sudden fever ≤ 3 days treated in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital and Persahabatan Hospital in Jakarta between August 2013 to June 2014. Checking serum sodium, potassium, albumin, and ultrasound to see the thickening of the gall bladder, ascites and pleural effusion in patients infected with dengue on the first day of treatment and the fifth day of fever. We used comparative unpaired t-test to obtain an average decrease in serum levels of sodium and potassium between dengue infected patients who undergo plasma leakage and are not. Results: There were 35 research subjects infected with dengue taken consecutively. The average of serum sodium levels in patients with Dengue Fever (DF) at the time of entry was 134,66 ± 4,00 mEq/L and on the fifth day of fever was 130,95 ± 4,80 mEq/L. While in patients with Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) obtained sodium levels at the time of entry was 132,469 ± 3,45 mEq/L and on the fifth day of fever was 129,35 ± 2,67 mEq/L. The difference of the average of decreased level of sodium between DHF and DF patients was 0,43 mEq/L, CI 95% [-2,56; 3,42], p = 0,386. The average of serum potassium levels in patients with DF at the time of entry was 3,48 ± 0,44 mEq/L and on the fifth day of fever was 3,39 ± 0,38 mEq/L. While in patients with DHF, obtained potassium levels at the time of entry was 3,32 ± 0,25 mEq/L and on the fifth day of fever was 3,11 ± 0,30 mEq/L. The difference of the average of decreased level of potassium between DHF and DF patients was 0,12 mEq/L, CI 95% [-0,34; 0,10], p = 0,145. Conclusion: There were no differences in average of decreased level of serum sodium and potassium in dengue-infected patients with plasma leakage compared to without plasma leakage]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dewi Mira Ratih
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Petugas kesehatan memiliki risiko terpajan darah atau jaringan tubuh saat bekerja. World Health Organization WHO memperkirakan adanya 3 juta pajanan setiap tahunnya pada 35 juta petugas kesehatan. Adanya profilaksis pascapajanan dapat menurunkan risiko penularan.Tujuan: Mengetahui pelaksanaan profilaksis pascapajanan terhadap terhadap HIV, hepatitis B dan hepatitis C pada petugas kesehatan di RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo RSCM .Metode: Penelitian potong lintang dilakukan pada petugas terpajan yang terdata melalui laporan IGD, poli pegawai dan UPT HIV pada tahun 2014-2016. Data dikumpulkan dan diolah melalui SPSS versi 20.Hasil Penelitian: Dari 196 pekerja yang melaporkan pajanan, sebagian besar merupakan perempuan 69,9 , bekerja sebagai perawat 38,3 dan dokter 38,3 , serta terpajan secara perkutan 93,4 . Anti-HIV reaktif ditemui pada 25 13 sumber pajanan, HBsAg reaktif pada 13 8 dan anti-HCV reaktif pada 12 6 sumber. Petugas dengan anti-HBs protektif adalah 55 28,1 petugas. Dari 183 pajanan berisiko, 45,9 81 petugas direkomendasikan pemberian ARV, 81,5 66 petugas melakukan profilaksis dengan ARV, 60 petugas minum ARV secara lengkap 28 hari . Follow-up anti-HIV bulan ke-3 dan 6 dilakukan oleh 44 24 dan 41 22,4 petugas. Terdapat 37 pekerja yang direkomendasikan menerima vaksinasi Hepatitis B dan/atau immunoglobulin HBIG . Dari 22 59 yang direkomendasikan vaksinasi hepatitis B, hanya 1 2,7 yang melakukan. Dari 15 41 yang direkomendasikan vaksinasi hepatitis B dan HBIG, hanya 2 5,4 yang melakukannya. Follow-up 3 dan 6 bulan HBsAg serta anti-HBs dilakukan oleh 41 31,1 , 38 28,8 dan 2 1,5 petugas. Dari 182 petugas yang melakukan follow-up anti-HCV bulan ke 3 dan ke 6 adalah 39 21,4 dan 37 20,3 petugas.Kesimpulan: Pelaksanaan profilaksis pasca pajanan terhadap HIV, hepatitis B dan hepatitis C masih rendah. Oleh karena itu, penanganan profilaksis secara komprehensif penting dilakukan termasuk peningkatan pengetahuan dan kesadaran pekerja, peninjauan kembali SOP, dan komunikasi yang efektif.
Introduction Health care workers HCW have exposure risk of blood or body tissue at work. World Health Organization WHO estimates there is 3 millions exposure to 35 millions workers annually. The existance of post exposure prophylaxis could reduce the transmission risk.Goal To identify the implementation of post exposure prophylaxis of HIV, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C among HCW in RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo RSCM .Method A cross sectional study was conducted to exposured workers who had been recorded in emergency ward, employee ward, and UPT HIV on 2014 2016. Data was collected and analyzed with SPSS 20.Result Among 196 HCW who reported the exposure, most of them were female 69.9 , worked as nurse 38.3 and doctor 38.3 , and exposed percutaneously 93.4 . Positive anti HIV was found in 25 13 people of exposure sources, positive HBsAg in 13 8 people and positive HCV in 12 6 people. Workers with protective anti HBs were 55 28.1 people. In 183 reports, 81 45,9 workers were recommended to receive ARV, 66 81.5 workers did receive it, and 40 60 workers took complete ARV 28 days . Follow up 3 and 6 months was done by 44 24 and 41 22,4 workers. There were 37 workers recommended to receive Hepatitis B vaccination and or immunoglobulin HBIG . In 22 59 recommended to receive Hepatitis B vaccination, only 1 2,7 who took that. In 15 41 recommended to receive both Hepatitis B vaccination and immunoglobulin, only 2 5,4 who took both. Follow up of HBsAg and anti HBs on 3rd and 6th months were done by 41 31,1 , 38 28,8 and 2 1,5 workers who were recommended to receive prophylaxis. In 182 workers recommended to do follow up of anti HCV, 39 21,4 and 37 20,3 workers did the follow up on 3rd and 6th month.Conclusion The implementation of post exposure propyhlaxis of HIV, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C was still low. Thus, it was important to do the management of prophylaxis comprehensively. It was also included the increasing of worker rsquo s knowledge and awareness, reconsidering the operational standard, and communicating effectively.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jimmy Tesiman
Abstrak :
Pendahuluan: Infeksi HIV menyerang pusat kontrol dari sistem imun yang mengakibatkan terjadinya infeksi oportunistik, keganasan dan kematian. Disregulasi dari sistem imun memegang peranan penting dalam progresifitas penyakit HIV. Beberapa penelitian melaporkan bahwa pada pasien-pasien HIV mempunyai kecendrungan untuk menderita penyakit alergi seperti sinusitis, asma dan dermatitis atopik. Juga dilaporkan terjadinya peningkatan kadar serum imunoglobulin E dan peningkatan prevalensi atopi. Tujuan Penelitian: 1. Diketahuinya angka kejadian atopi pada pasien HIV dan non HIV. 2.Diketahuinya hubungan antara jenis kelamin, penggunaan obat intravena, riwayat alergi di keluarga dan jurnlah limfosit CD4 dengan kejadian atopi. 3. Diketahuinya korelasi antara jumlah limfosit CD4 dengan kadar IgE total Metode Penelitian: Dilakukan penelitian potong lintang terhadap 92 orang dengan infeksi HIV / AIDS dan 90 orang non HIV. Adanya atopi dinyatakan berdasarkan pemeriksaan uji tusuk kulit dengan menggunakan enam macam aeroalergen yang umurn di lingkungan. Terhadap pasien-pasien dengan HIV/AIDS yang sebelumnya telah dilakukan pemeriksaan konfirmasi dengan ELISA 3 kali ataupun pemeriksaan Western Blot dilakukan pemeriksaan kadar imnuoglobulin E total, jumlah limfosit CD4 serta dilakukan pengambilan anamnesis. Hasil Penelitian: Dari sembilan puluh dua pasien dengan infeksi mv dan sembilan puluh orang non HIV yang diteliti, didapatkan terdiri atas 65 laki-laki (70.7%) dan 27 perempuan (29.3%) pada kelompok HIV, sedangkan pada kelompok non HIV terdiri atas 40 laki-laki (44.4%) dan 50 wanita ( 55.6%). Umur subjek penelitian berkisar antara 20 sampai dengan 55 tahun dengan rerata 29.325.7 tahun pada kelompok HIV, sedangkan rerata umur kelompok kontrol adalah 27.9 ± 4.5 tahun. Berdasarkan rute transmisi HIV didapatkan sebanyak 52 orang adalah pengguna obat-obatan intravena (56.5%), 35 orang melalui transmisi seksual (38%) sedang sisanya 5 orang (5.5%) mempunyai risiko keduanya. Jumlah limfosit CD4 berkisar 2 sampai 674 selluL dengan median 160 selluL. Kadar imunoglobulin E total berkisar dari 3 sampai dengan 20.000 IU/mL dengan median 283.5 ID/mL. Lima puluh orang dengan HIV dinyatakan atopi lebih tinggi bila dibandingkan dengan kelompok non HIV (54.3% vs 30%, p= 0.001) Aeroalergen tersering yang menimbulkan sensitasi adalah D farinae sebanyak 50% dan D pteronyssinus (30%). Kami juga mendapatkan adanya korelasi negatif yang bermakna antara jumlah limfosit CD4 dengan kadar imunoglobulin E total. Kami tidak mendapatkan hubungan yang bermakna antara jenis kelamin, rute transmisi, riwayat alergi di keluarga serta jumlahlimfosit CD4 dengan kejadian atopi. Kesimpulan: Terjadi peningkatan prevalensi atopi pada pasien-pasien dengan HIV/AIDS serta terdapat korelasi negatif yang bermakna antara jumlah limfosit CD4 dengan kadar imunogobulin E total. Oleh karena itu merupakan hal yang penting untuk melakukan evaluasi status atopi pasienHIV I AIDS untuk mencegah timbulnya penyakit alergi pada pasien terse but yang dapat mempercepat progresifitas penyakitnya melalui disregulasi dari sistem imun. ......Background: HIV infection attacks the centre of immune control system resulting opportunistic infection, malignancy and death. Dysregulation immune system plays the central role in the progression of the disease. Some studies have reported HIV -infected patient prone to have allergic disease such as sinusitis, asthma and atopic dermatitis. Elevated serum immunoglobulin E (Ig E) and increased prevalence of atopy also had been reported in HIV infected patient Objective: I.To determine and compare the prevalence of atopy among HIV infected/AIDS patient with non HIV patients and investigate its predictors. 2. To investigate the relationship between CD4 cell count, Ig E level and atopy Methods: A cross sectional method study was performed to 92 HIV infected/AIDS patient and 90 non HIV patients. They were studied for the presence of atopy based on the immediate hypersensitivity to six common aeroallergens by skin prick test. CD 4 cell count, total serum immunoglobulin level and medical history were taken. The HIV infected patients had been confirmed by the presence of antibody determined by ELISA method done three times or by western blot methods. Result: Ninety-two HIV infected patients and ninety non HIV patients had been studied, they were 65 males (70.7%) and 27 female (29.3%) in HIV arm and 40 males (44.4%), 50 females (55.6%) in non mv group. Subject's age between 20 to 55 years old. (mean: 29.3±5.7years) in HIV ann and 27.9 ± 4.5 years old in control group. Belonging to HIV route transmission: 52 intravenous drug users (56.5%), 35 heterosexual partners of HIV infected patients (38%) and 5 subjects who have both risks (5.5%). CD4 cell count of the subjects range from 2 to 674 cells, median 160 cellslmm3 . The total of immunoglobulin E level range from 3 to 20,000 IU/mL with median 283.5 IU/mL. 50 subjects with HIV + were identified as atopic higher than in non HIV (54.3% vs 30%, p= 0.001). The most common aeroallergen is D farinae (50% subjects of atopy shown positive result) and D pteronyssinus (30%). We also found a significant negative correlation between CD4 count and Total immunoglobulin E level (r= -0.544, p=O.OOO), but there is no relationship between gender, allergic history in family, route of transmission, and CD4 count with atopy. Conclusion: There is an increase prevalence of atopy among HIV I AIDS patients and negative correlationship between CD4 count and total Imunnoglobulin E level. It is important to evaluate the atopic state in HIV patient to prevent the patients from allergic diseases which could accelerate HIV infection by dysregulation of immune system.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sari Dewi Rosady
Abstrak :
Infeksi HIV menghasilkan radikal bebas yang merusak sel dan berbagai organ tubuh. Antioksidan berperan penting untuk mengatasi kerusakan akibat radikal bebas. Penelitian dengan desain potong lintang ini merupakan bagian dari penelitian bersama untuk mengetahui korelasi kadar antioksidan (beta karoten, vitamin C, E dan seng) dengan kadar SOD pada penderita HIV/AIDS di Pokdisus AIDS FKUI/RSUPNCM, Jakarta. Pengumpulan data dilakukan sejak akhir bulan Februari 2013 sampai Maret 2013 dengan metode consecutive sampling, didapatkan 52 orang subyek memenuhi kriteria penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan median usia subyek 33 (24-40) tahun dengan 51,9% laki-laki. Sebanyak 94,2% subyek mendapatkan terapi anti retrovirus. Nilai median jumlah limfosit T CD4+ adalah 245 (50-861) sel/µL dan 63,5% subyek berada pada kelompok CDC II. Status gizi 84,6% subyek normal dan lebih dengan nilai median 21,4 (14,4-32,4) kg/m2. Nilai rerata asupan energi subyek 1850,8±454,6 kkal/hari, 76,9% subyek memiliki asupan energi kurang dari kebutuhan total harian. Nilai Median asupan lemak subyek 51,4 (22-129,4) gram/hari dan 63,5% subyek memiliki asupan lemak kurang dari energi total. Semua subyek memiliki asupan serat yang kurang dari angka kecukupan serat, nilai rerata asupan serat subyek adalah 8,6±3,6 gram. Nilai rerata asupan beta karoten subyek 10,92±4,37 mg/hari, 88,5% memiliki asupan beta karoten cukup. Nilai median kadar beta karoten subyek 0,21 (0,01-0,72) µmol/L dan 76,9% subyek memiliki kadar beta karoten rendah. Rerata kadar SOD subyek sebesar 1542,1±281 U/gHb dan 53,8% subyek memiliki kadar SOD normal. Tidak didapatkan korelasi bermakna antara kadar beta karoten dengan SOD pada penderita HIV/AIDS (r=-0,174, p=0,217). ......Free radicals formed on the course of HIV infection can cause cellular and multiple organ damage. Antioxidants play an important role to minimize damage caused by these free radicals. This research is done using cross sectional design and is part of a joint study to assess the correlation between antioxidants (beta-carotene, vitamin C, E, and zinc) and SOD levels in HIV/AIDS patients at Pokdisus AIDS FKUI/RSUPNCM, Jakarta. The study is done from late February 2013 to March 2013 using consecutive sampling method, 52 subjects matched the study’s criteria. Study shows the age median value is 33 (24-40) years old, with 51.9% male. As much as 94.2% subjects were receiving anti retroviral therapy. Median value of CD4+ T lymphocyte count is 245 (50-861) cell/µL, 63.5% subjects belong in the CDC II category. Nutritional status for 84.6% subjects was normal and overweight with median value of 21.4 (14.4-32.4) kg/m2. Mean score for energy intake is 1850.8±454.6 kcal/day and as much as 76.9% subjects have energy intake less than total daily requirement. Median value of fat intake is 51.4 (22-129.4) grams/day and 63.5% subjects have fat intake less than total energy. All subjects were found to have fiber intake less than individual fiber requirement with mean score of 8.6±3.6 grams. Subjects’ mean score for beta-carotene is 10.92±4.37 mg/day and 88.5% of the subjects have adequate beta-carotene intake. Median value of beta-carotene level is 0.21 (0.01-0.72) µmol/L and 76.9% subjects have low beta-carotene level. SOD level mean score is 1542.1±281 U/gHb, 53.8% subjects had normal SOD level. This study found no significant correlation between beta-carotene and SOD levels in HIV/AIDS patients (r=-0.174, p=0.217).
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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