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Ditemukan 7 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Faraz Dion Akbar
Abstrak :
Pertumbuhan ekonomi yang pesat pasca Perang Dunia II, telah mendorong pertumbuhan dana pensiun swasta di Amerika Serikat. Namun pertumbuhan ini diiringi dengan permasalahan yang membuat banyak pekerja tidak bisa mendapatkan tunjangan pensiun yang dijanjikan oleh pemberi kerja. Untuk menyelidiki masalah tersebut, dibentuklah Committee on Corporate Pension Funds (Komite Kabinet) oleh pemerintah AS pada tahun 1962. Didorong dengan kasus bangkrutnya pabrik Studebaker di South Bend, Indiana pada tahun 1963 yang membuat banyak pekerjanya kehilangan tunjangan pensiun, akhirnya Komite Kabinet mempublikasikan laporan penyelidikannya pada tahun 1965 yang di dalamnya terdapat rekomendasi legislasi. Laporan ini menjadi dasar dari upaya mereformasi sistem dana pensiun swasta di AS. Pada tahun 1968, Senator partai Republik dari New York, Jacob Javits, membuat rancangan undang-undang yang didasari oleh laporan tersebut. Setelah melalui perdebatan panjang di Senat, akhirnya reformasi dana pensiun swasta dapat direalisasikan menjadi undang￾undang sebagai Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) pada tahun 1974. Satu dekade setelah diimplementasikan, ERISA ternyata menemui banyak permasalahan. Sebagai undang-undang reformasi dana pensiun yang bertujuan untuk memberikan kesejahteraan pekerja di hari tua, ternyata ERISA belum secara menyeluruh dapat mewujudkan tujuannya. Dinamika penetapan dan implementasi dari ERISA tersebut akan dijelaskan dengan menggunakan metode sejarah. Penelitian ini dibuat untuk melengkapi penelitian-penelitian sebelumnya yang belum menjelaskan dampak ERISA dari berbagai perspektif, sehingga diharapkan akan memberi pemahaman mengenai ERISA yang lebih komprehensif.
Rapid economic growth after World War II, has spurt the growth of private pension funds in the United States. But this growth was accompanied by problems that prevented many workers from getting their pension benefits promised by employers. To investigate these problems, the US government establish Committee on Corporate Pension Funds (Cabinet Committee) in 1962. Encouraged by shutdown of the Studebaker plant in South Bend, Indiana in 1963 which caused many of its workers to lose their pension benefits, the Cabinet Committee finally published its investigative report in 1965 which contain recommendations for legislation. This report forms the basis of movement to reform private pension system in the US. In 1968, Republican Senator from New York, Jacob Javits, drafted a bill based on the report. After a long debate in the Senate, private pension reform finally can be realized into law as the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) in 1974. A decade after it was implemented, ERISA apparently encountered many problems. As a private pension reform law that aims to provide workers' welfare in old age, it turns out that ERISA has not been able to fully realize this objective. These dynamics of the enactment and implementation of ERISA will be explained using historical methods. This research was made to complement previous studies that have not explained the impact of ERISA from various perspectives, hopefully this research will provide a more comprehensive understanding of ERISA
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zahra Nuha Afifah Jouhari
Abstrak :
In 19th century, the condition of subordinate women in America triggered them to fight for their equality. This movement has expanded to become an international movement along with the development of transportation and telecommunications in America-Europe. Starting from this, the Women International Non-Governmental Organization (WINGO) was formed as an association of the international women's movement. The International Council of Women (ICW) is the first WINGO in the world formed in 1888, Washington D.C. Throughout its history, ICW has worked for women`s equality in the international scope through League of Nations and the United Nations. One of them was in the making of the first women's international conference, which is International Women`s Year (IWY) Conference 1975 with `Equality, Development and Peace` as the theme of conference. Through a series of historical methods, this research aims to explain the progress of ICW in the terms of fighting for equality through the process of making the IWY agenda that was adopted in 1972 until the IWY Conference in 1975, also the impact of IWY Conference on the interests of ICW and international women's movement. There has been some research on the IWY Conference, but there is no research that has been made specifically discussing about the role of ICW in the conference. The results of this research indicate that ICW has an important role in shaping the equality agenda at the IWY Conference which was apparently supported by the Cold War political interests behind it.
In 19th century, the condition of subordinate women in America triggered them to fight for their equality. This movement has expanded to become an international movement along with the development of transportation and telecommunications in America-Europe. Starting from this, the Women International Non-Governmental Organization (WINGO) was formed as an association of the international women`s movement. The International Council of Women (ICW) is the first WINGO in the world formed in 1888, Washington D.C. Throughout its history, ICW has worked for women`s equality in the international scope through League of Nations and the United Nations. One of them was in the making of the first women`s international conference, which is International Women`s Year (IWY) Conference 1975 with `Equality, Development and Peace` as the theme of conference. Through a series of historical methods, this research aims to explain the progress of ICW in the terms of fighting for equality through the process of making the IWY agenda that was adopted in 1972 until the IWY Conference in 1975, also the impact of IWY Conference on the interests of ICW and international women`s movement. There has been some research on the IWY Conference, but there is no research that has been made specifically discussing about the role of ICW in the conference. The results of this research indicate that ICW has an important role in shaping the equality agenda at the IWY Conference which was apparently supported by the Cold War political interests behind it.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nadia Tifah Pramitrasari
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini membahas mengenai sejarah perjuangan kaum wanita Amerika untuk mendapatkan hak pilih dengan fokus pembahasan pada peran National Woman rsquo;s Party dan strategi yang diterapkan untuk memperjuangkan hak pilih wanita Amerika. Deklarasi kemerdekaan Amerika Serikat tahun 1776 nyatanya tidak mengubah keadaan wanita Amerika yang belum mendapatkan kesetaraan hak. Salah satu hak yang menjadi fokus utama perjuangan kaum wanita adalah hak pilih. Hak pilih menjadi sesuatu yang penting karena dianggap sebagai interpretasi dari kesetaraan hak sebagai warga negara. Dalam prakteknya National Woman rsquo;s Party menggunakan strategi yang berfokus pada pergerakan tingkat federal. Berbeda dengan organisasi lain yang hanya menggunakan petisi dan kampanye negara bagian, NWP mengadopsi pergerakan yang terinspirasi dari perjuangan hak pilih wanita di Inggris. Setelah melakukan perjuangan sejak tahun 1916, Amandemen ke-19 resmi di keluarkan oleh kongres pada Agustus 1920. Dengan dikeluarkannya amandemen 19, kaum wanita Amerika secara resmi memiliki hak pilih baik di tingkat federal maupun negara bagian. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam skripsi ini adalah metode sejarah.
This thesis discusess on the history of American women rsquo s struggle to gain voting rights, focusing the discussion on the role of the National woman 39 s Party and the strategies applied to fight for the American women 39 s suffrage. The Declaration of Independence 1776 in fact does not change the situation of American women who have not gained equal rights. One of the rights that are the main focus of women 39 s struggle is the right to vote. Voting rights is considered important because its interpret equality rights as citizens. In practice, the National Woman 39 s Party is using a strategy that focuses on the movement of the federal level. In contrast to other organizations that use only State campaign and petition, NWP do the movement inspired by the struggles of women 39 s suffrage in the United Kingdom. After doing a struggle since 1916, the 19th Amendment officially issued by Congress in August 1920. With the establishment of the 19th amendment, the American women officially have voting rights both at the federal level as well as the State. The research method used in this thesis is historical method.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nur Asiyah
Abstrak :
Hingga akhir abad ke-19, perempuan Indonesia masih mengalami ketertinggalan dan diskriminasi dalam kehidupan pernikahan maupun kehidupan keluarga. Saat Politis Etis diterapkan di Indonesia pada awal abad ke-20, para elit baru yang lahir sebagai dampak kebijakan tersebut mulai bergerak memperjuangkan kepentingan bangsanya. Munculnya organisasi terpelajar membuat kaum perempuan ikut mengembangkan pergerakannya melalui organisasi. Wanito Oetomo adalah salah satu organisasi perempuan di masa kebangkitan nasional yang berdiri tahun 1921 di Yogyakarta. Pada 22-25 Desember 1928, Wanito Oetomo bersama beberapa organisasi perempuan lainnya berhasil mengadakan Kongres Perempuan Indonesia I di Yogyakarta. Salah satu hasil kongres adalah pendirian organisasi fusi bernama Perikatan  Perempoean Indonesia (PPI). Melalui serangkaian metode sejarah, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan perkembangan organisasi Wanito Oetomo dalam pergerakan perempuan di Indonesia yang dilihat melalui perannya dalam penyelenggaraan Kongres Perempuan Indonesia I hingga berakhirnya masa kepemimpinan Ny. Soekonto sebagai Ketua PPI tahun 1930, serta dampak yang ditimbulkan kongres terhadap organisasi ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Wanito Oetomo berhasil memposisikan organisasinya untuk berperan penting saat penyelenggaraan kongres sehingga menguatkan partisipasinya dalam pergerakan perempuan saat itu. Namun, organisasi ini mulai meredup dalam pergerakan perempuan Indonesia karena tidak adanya regenerasi anggota muda, para anggota tidak hanya terfokus pada organisasi ini, serta ketidakinginan untuk mengikuti perubahan zaman.
Until the end of the 19th century, Indonesian women still experienced lags and discrimination in married life and family life. When Ethical Politics was implemented in Indonesia at the beginning of the 20th century, new elites born as a result of the policy began to move to fight for the interests of their nation. The emergence of educated organizations makes women participate in developing their movements through organizations. Wanito Oetomo was one of the womens organizations in the national awakening period which was founded in 1921 in Yogyakarta. On December 22-25, 1928, Wanito Oetomo together with several other womens organizations succeeded in holding the first Indonesian Womens Congress in Yogyakarta. One of the results of the congress was the establishment of a fusion organization called Perikatan Perempoean Indonesia (PPI). Through a series of historical methods, this study aims to explain the development of the Wanito Oetomo organization in the womens movement in Indonesia which is seen through its role in organizing the first Indonesian Womens Congress until the end of Ny. Soekonto served as Chair of the PPI in 1930, and the impact of the congress on this organization. The results of the study showed that Wanito Oetomo succeeded in positioning their organization to play an important role during the congress which strengthened their participation in the womens movement at that time. However, this organization began to fade in the Indonesian womens movement because of the lack of regeneration of young members, the members were not only focused on this organization, and were unwilling to follow the changing times.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fauziah Ambarrini
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini membahas mengenai Tren pada dunia fesyen wanita di Indonesia. Tren Mix Up merupakan sebutan untuk tren fesyen pada dekade 1990-an karena banyaknya gaya berpakaian yang muncul. Perubahannya tema fesyen yang begitu cepat karena adanya perkembangan teknologi yang mempercapat arus informasi. Mulai dari tema fesyen yang gelap hingga tema fesyen yang glamor memiliki peminatnya masing-masing pada era tersebut. Salah satu tema fesyen pada tren Mix Up adalah street fashion yang dibawakan oleh perancang busana ke ranah high fashion. Tren Mix Up membuat keeksklusifan fesyen bukan lagi dilihat dari produksi haute couture tapi dilihat dari merek yang digunakan. Selain itu, tren Mix Up juga membuat fesyen dapat dinikmati tidak hanya dari kalangan atas tetapi juga menengah kebawah. Studi-studi penelitian sebelumnya lebih banyak membahas mengenai fesyen secara umum Terdapat studi yang membahas fesyen Indonesia namun lebih kepada membangkitkan rasa nasionalisme. Skripsi ini menggunakan metode sejarah dengan mengumpulkan sumber literature, data-data dari surat kabar maupun majalah sezaman, dan narasumber yang pernah meliput dan penikmat fesyen.
This thesis discusses about Mix Up trend on womens fashion in Indonesia. Mix Up trend is the designation for fashion trends in the 1990s because of many styles of clothing that emerged. The change in fashion themes was so fast because of technology developments which gained information flow. Ranging from dark fashion themes to glamorous fashion themes that have their respective interests in that era. One of the fashion themes in the Mix Up trend is street fashion that was brought by fashion designers to the realm of high fashion. The Mix Up trend makes the exclusivity of fashion no longer seen from haute couture production but seen from the brand used. Besides that, the Mix Up trend also makes fashion can be enjoyed not only from the upper class but also from the middle to lower classes. Previous research studies discussed more about fashion in general and there were studies that discussed Indonesian fashion more to arouse a sense of nationalism. This thesis uses historical methods by collecting literature sources, data from contemporary newspapers and magazines, fashion expert and fashion lovers.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eri Tri Anggini
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini membahas mengenai perubahan sikap politik harian Pedoman pada pemilihan umum tahun 1955. Harian Pedoman adalah surat kabar yang menyatakan dirinya tidak memiliki keterikatan dengan partai politik. Fakta tersebut kemudian dipatahkan oleh harian Pedoman menjelang hari pemilihan. Keterikatannya pada PSI mulai terlihat sampai akhirnya harian Pedoman mengeluarkan tajuk rencana yang isinya mendukung PSI pada pemilihan umum tahun 1955. Studi sebelumnya membahas posisi dan orientasi harian Pedoman pada masa demokrasi parlementer. Studi tersebut mengungkapkan bahwa berafiliasinya pers dengan partai politik tergantung pada hidup atau matinya partai politik yang menyokongnya. Adapun studi lain membahas pembredelan harian Pedoman. Studi tersebut turut menyatakan Pedoman berafiliasi dengan dicantumkannya lambang PSI dalam terbitan-terbitan harian Pedoman di tahun 1955. Selain itu, studi lainnya menyatakan harian Pedoman sebagai party directed, maknanya adalah surat kabar yang mengarahkan politiknya kepada satu partai. Penelitian ini menggunakan tahapan-tahapan yang ada dalam metode sejarah. Data-data yang digunakan berupa surat kabar harian Pedoman dari tahun 1950 ?? 1955.
This thesis discusses about the changing attitude of political newspaper Pedoman in general election year 1955. Pedoman daily is a newspaper which declare herself have no attachment to political party. The fact is then broken by the Pedoman newspaper ahead of election s day. His attachment to the PSI began to show up until finally the Pedoman newspaper released an editorial in support of the PSI in the 1955 general election. Previous studies discussed the position and orientation of the Pedoman newspaper in the period of parliamentary democracy. The study revealed that press affiliation with political parties depends on the life or death of the political parties that support it. As for another study that discusses the banning of the Pedoman newspaper. The study also stated that Pedoman was affiliated with the inclusion of the PSI symbol in the publications of the Pedoman newspaper in 1955. In addition, another study stated that Pedoman newspaper as a party directed, its meaning is as a newspaper directing its politics to one party. This study uses the steps that exist in the method of history. The data used in the form of Pedoman newspaper from 1950 1955.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Diskriminasi kerap memunculkan perlakuan tidak adil yang terjadi pada kaum minoritas. Seperti halnya imigran Jepang di California. Kesuksesan yang mereka capai memunculkan kekhawatiran dari kulit putih, selain itu budaya mereka yang kuat serta kecenderungan mereka menutup diri dengan kelompok lain membuat imigran Jepang kerap mengalami pengucilan, sehingga mereka menjadi sasaran dalam berbagai tindakan diskriminatif diberbagai aspek kehidupan baik politik, ekonomi, maupun pendidikan dan puncak diskriminasi yang diterima imigran Jepang adalah saat Perang Dunia II. Merasa diperlakukan tidak adil, imigran Jepang maupun pemerintah Jepang merespon diskriminasi tersebut dengan berbagai tindakan guna menegakan keadilan. Bedasarkan penjelasan tersebut penelitian ini ingin melihat bagaimana bentuk diskriminasi yang diterima imigran Jepang dan juga reaksi imigran Jepang dan Pemerintah Jepang terhadap diskriminasi tersebut. Terdapat penelitian sebelumnya yang membahas mengenai diskriminasi imigran Jepang, namun belum ada yang membahas aspek diskriminasi secara keseluruhan. Argumentasi penelitian ini adalah tindakan diskriminasi yang ditujukan kepada imigran Jepang merupakan ketidakadilan yang harus diperjuangkan, terlebih proses kedatangan mereka yang bersifat resmi membuat mereka berbeda dengan imigran lainnya di Amerika, sehingga dalam perjuangannya melawan diskriminasi mereka memperjuangkannya dengan cara yang juga bersifat resmi dengan melibatkan pemerintah. Metode yang penulis gunakan adalah metode sejarah. Penulis mengumpulkan data yang terdapat dari buku, jurnal dan website kemudian penulis melakukan proses kritik dan menginterpretasi data tersebut kemudian melakukan penulisan sejarah. ...... Discrimination often raises unjustly acts, which is often the case with minorities in a region. Just like Japanese Immigrant in California. The success they had achieved in agriculture was considered a threat by the whites. Besides their strong traditional culture and their tendency to not blend with another groups has raised discrimination acts to Japanese immigrants in various aspect such as politics, economy, and education. The climax of the discrimination occured in the World War II. Feeling threatened and being treated unjustly causes Japanese immigrant and Japanese government to begin fighting to regain their rights and fight the injustices. Based on the explanation above this study would like to discover the various discrimination acts that adressed to Japanese Immigrants and also the responses from both Japanese immigrants and Japanese the government. Several previous studies discussed about Japanese Immigrant but no research has yet examined about all discrimination acts in various aspect. Discrimination creates unjustly acts that violate human rights so that Japanese immigrants struggle to regain their rights, especially their arrival process into United States which is officially under the government control, has made them different from other immigrant in the United States, so in their struggle to regain their rights against the California Alien Land Act, they are also fighting for it with an officialy and organized efforts. This study uses historical methods that include heuristic stages, criticism, interpretation and historiography.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library