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Nurhayati Pratiwi Irmasika
"Rancangan Sistem Remunerasi Staf Medis di RSIA Buah Hati CiputatPada Era Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional Tahun 2017Perubahan kebijakan pemberian jasa medis RSIA Buah Hati Ciputat di era Jaminan KesehatanNasional menyebabkan keresahan di kalangan staf medis, oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuanmenyusun rancangan sistem remunerasi staf medis dengan menggunakan pedekatan kuantitatifdilanjutkan dengan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian jasa medis di RSIABuah Hati Ciputat sudah memenuhi prinsip remunerasi seperti yang diungkapkan oleh 79 stafmedis dan telah meningkatkan kenyamanan kerja bagi staf medis. Besaran gaji pokok staf medismasih lebih rendah daripada ketentuan pemerintah. Tunjangan jabatan belum diberikan kepadasemua jabatan struktural yang melibatkan staf medis. Pay for performance diberikan kepadasemua staf medis dengan menggunakan sistem persentase, menyebabkan peningkatan jumlahkunjungan laboratorium. Pay for people diberikan hanya pada saat tertentu misal saat barumemulai pelayanan JKN dan cukup efektif untuk meningkatkan jumlah kunjungan pasien JKNrata-rata sebesar 50 . Nilai pekerjaan staf medis spesialis ditentukan berdasarkan standar yanglazim berlaku di rumah sakit yang memiliki level yang sama. Kesimpulannya adalah penerapansistem remunerasi di RSIA Buah Hati Ciputat sudah memenuhi prinsip-prinsip remunerasi namunpemberian komponen remunerasi belum sesuai dengan ketentuan pemerintah. Penelitimenyarankan agar RSIA Buah Hati Ciputat dapat melakukan perbaikan sistem remunerasi stafmedis yang sesuai dengan peraturan pemerintah, memperbaharui formula penghitungan insentif,menyusun formula baku penghitungan bonus, melakukan survey gaji secara rutin dan melakukanpenentuan nilai pekerjaan dengan mengkombinasikan hasil analisis dan evaluasi pekerjaan dengansurvey gaji.Kata kunci : prinsip remunerasi, komponen remunerasi, analisis dan evaluasi pekerjaan, surveygaji, penentuan nilai pekerjaan.

The Design of Remuneration System of Medical Staff at RSIA Buah HatiCiputat In The Age Of National Health Assurance At 2017Changes in the policy of providing medical services RSIA Buah Hati Ciputat in the era ofNational Health Insurance caused anxiety among the medical staff, therefore this research aims todesign the system of remuneration of medical staff by using quantitative approaches followed byqualitative. The results showed that the provision of medical services at RSIA Buah Hati Ciputathas fulfilled the principle of remuneration as revealed by 79 of medical staff and has improvedthe working comfort for medical staff. The amount of basic medical staff salaries is still lowerthan the government requirement. Job allowances have not been granted to all structural positionsinvolving medical staff. Pay for performance is given to all medical staff using a percentagesystem, leading to an increase in the number of laboratory visits. Pay for people is given only atcertain times for example when just starting JKN services and effective enough to increase thenumber of visits JKN patients on average by 50 . The value of the work of a specialist medicalstaff is determined by standards that are common in hospitals of the same level. The conclusion isthat the application of remuneration system at RSIA Buah Hati Ciputat has fulfilled the principlesof remuneration but the remuneration component has not been in accordance with governmentregulation. The researcher suggested that RSIA Buah Hati Ciputat can repair the remunerationsystem of medical staff in accordance with the government regulation, update incentivecalculation formula, prepare the formula of bonus calculation, conduct salary survey routinely anddo the job value determination by combining the result of analysis and job evaluation with surveysalary.Keywords remuneration principle, remuneration component, job analysis and evaluation, salarysurvey, job value determination
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Peter Rusli
"Rumah sakit sebagai fasilitas kesehatan tingkat lanjut diharapkan dapat memberikan pelayanan paripurna. Dalam prosesnya itu sejalan dengan tujuan Akreditasi Rumah Sakit agar mendapatkan pengakuan mutu serta mengutamakan keselamatan pasien. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui kesiapan pemenuhan standar Pencegahan dan Pengendalian Infeksi (PPI) menurut Standar Nasional Akreditasi Rumah Sakit (SNARS) edisi 1 di rumah sakit Mitra dengan menggunakan langkah-langkah dalam problem solving cycle. Penelitian ini adalah riset operasional dengan metode kualitatif dimana pengumpulan datanya dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam dan telaah dokumen. Hasil penelitan menunjukkan bahwa dari sisi input terhadap sumber daya manusia, sarana dan prasarana, penganggaran dan instrumen sudah maksimal meski dengan berbagai keterbatasan dan kondisi rumah sakit yang masih baru beroperasional. Dalam sisi proses untu pemenuhan kualifikasi sumber daya manusia (SDM) sudah cukup meski pembekalan terhadap pelatihan masih minim dan terbatas pelatihan internal ataupun studi banding ke rumah sakit lain. Pengadaan sarana prasana juga masih menggunakan prioritas yang berhubungan langsung dengan pelayanan seperti pengadaan handrub dan hand soap program cuci tangan dan unit Central Sterile Supply Department (CSSD), londri dan gizi untuk peralatan dan ruangan yang sesuai standar PPI. Pembiayaan masih terkendala karena ketersediaan dana yang terbatas namun mampu dioptimalkan. Pelaksanaan instrumen yang meliputi monitoring evaluasi dinilai masih belum maksimal namun sudah berjalan dengan baik. Sebagai output capaian pemenuhan standar PPI melalui self assessment dari semua bagian input dinilai sudah cukup dan mampu untuk menghadapi porses akreditasi rumah sakit. Kesimpulannya kesiapan SDM, sarana prasarana, kebijakan/ regulasi, penganggaran serta instrumen Standar PPI sebagian besar sudah terpenuhi dan telah siap menghadapi survei akreditasi rumah sakit. Saran bagi Komite PPI dan Infection Prevention and Control Nurse (IPCN), Keperawatan, Manajemen Rumah Sakit serta Tim Akreditasi untuk dapat berkoordinasi secara berkesinambungan agar mendapat umpan balik, melakukan sosialisasi rutin terkait edukasi standar PPI baik kepada staf maupun pasien dan keluarga pasien sehingga mutu rumah sakit terhadap PPI dapat terus dipertahankan dan ditingkatkan.

The hospital as an advanced health facility is expected to provide complete services. In the process it is in line with the objectives of Hospital Accreditation in order to get quality recognition and prioritize Patient Safety. The purpose of this study was to determine the readiness to fulfill Infection Prevention and Control standards according to SNARS first edition in Mitra Jambi Hospital in terms of problem solving cycle. The research method used is qualitative research where the data collection is done by indepth interviews and document review. The research results show that in terms of input to human resources, facilities and infrastructure, budgeting and instruments have been maximized despite various limitations and conditions of hospitals that are still operating. In terms of the process for fulfilling human resources qualifications, it is sufficient even though training on training is still minimal and limited to internal training or comparative studies to other hospitals. Procurement of infrastructure is also still using priority directly related to services such as the procurement of hand rubs and hand soap hand washing programs and Central Sterile Supply Department (CSSD) units, laundry and nutrition for equipment and rooms that comply with Infection Prevention and Control standards. Financing is still constrained due to the limited availability of funds but can be optimized. The implementation of the instrument which includes monitoring evaluation is considered to be still not maximal but has gone well. As an output, the achievement of meeting Infection Prevention and Control standards through self-assessment from all parts of the input is considered sufficient and able to deal with the hospital accreditation process. In conclusion, the readiness of human resources, infrastructure, policies/regulations, budgeting as well as the PPI Standard instruments have been largely fulfilled and are ready to face hospital accreditation surveys. Suggestion to Infection Prevention and Control Committee and Infection Prevention and Control Nurse (IPCN), Nurse Department, Hospital Management and also Accreditation Team to continuous coordination each other to achieve feedback, regularly socialization for educational of Infection Prevention and Control standard to staff and also patient with their family, goals to maintain and increasing hospital quality thorough Infection Prevention and Control."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ritonga, Eka Purnama Dewi
Rekam medis elektronik (RME) telah diimplementasikan di poliklinik rawat jalan Rumah Sakit
AN-NISA Tangerang sejak Februari 2019 yaitu di poliklinik rawat jalan. Hingga saat ini belum
pernah dilakukan evaluasi terhadap RME. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kombinasi
kuantitatif dan kualitatif (mixed methods) dengan desain sequential explanatory untuk
menganalisis pengaruh persepsi pengguna tentang aspek presentation, information,
economics, control, efficiency dan service terhadap penerapan RME. Penelitian kuantitatif
dilakukan terlebih dahulu dengan menyebarkan kuesioner kepada seluruh pengguna RME
yaitu dokter, perawat, administrator, staf radiologi, staf farmasi, dan staf laboratorium
sebanyak 206 responden, sedangkan penelitian kualitatif dilakukan dengan wawancara,
observasi, dan dokumentasi Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah metode regresi linier. Pada
penelitian ini, dari hasil analisis deskriptif, 67.0 % responden menyatakan bahwa aspek
presentation pada penerapan RME adalah baik, pada aspek information 60,2 % responden
menyatakan baik, pada aspek economics 47,6% responden menyatakan baik, pada aspek
control 55,8 % responden menyatakan cukup, pada aspek efficiency 82,5% responden
menyatakan baik, dan pada aspek service 85,4% responden menyatakan baik. Seluruh variabel
penelitian yaitu aspek Presentation, Information, Economics, Control, Efficiency dan Service
berpengaruh terhadap penerapan RME. Hasil analisis kuantitatif sejalan dengan analisis
kualitatif dimana masih dijumpai beberapa variabel yang belum optimal pelaksanaannya di
poliklinik rawat jalan RS AN-NISA Tangerang dikarenakan dalam aplikasi RME masih ada
yang harus dilengkapi.

Electronic Medical Records (EMR) have been implemented in the outpatient clinic of ANNISA Hospital, Tangerang since February 2019. Until now there has never been an evaluation of the EMR. This research is a combination of quantitative and qualitative (mixed methods)
research with sequential explanatory design to analyze the influence of user perceptions about
aspects of presentation, information, economics, control, efficiency and service on the
application of EMR. Quantitative research was conducted in advance by distributing
questionnaires to all EMR users, namely doctors, nurses, administrators, radiology staff,
pharmacy staff, and laboratory staff totaling 206 respondents, while qualitative research was
conducted by interviews, observations, and documentation. The analytical method used was
the regression method linear. In this study, from the results of a descriptive analysis, 67.0% of
respondents stated that the presentation aspect in the application of EMR was well, in the
information aspect 60.2% of the respondents stated well, in the economics aspect 47.6% of the
respondents stated well, in the control aspect 55.8 % of respondents said that it was enough, in
the aspect of efficiency 82.5% of respondents stated well, and in the aspect of service 85.4%
of respondents stated well. All research variables, namely aspects of Presentation, Information,
Economics, Control, Efficiency and Service affect the application of RME. The results of the
quantitative analysis are in line with the qualitative analysis where there are still several
variables that have not been optimally implemented in the outpatient clinic of AN-NISA
Hospital in Tangerang because there are still EMR applications that must be completed."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library