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Hasil Pencarian

Ditemukan 7 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Risti Ana Malik Jani Jaleha
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini menganalisis faktor penentu keputusan individu untuk berpartisipasi dalam perdagangan lintas batas informal (ICBT) dan sejauh mana pendapatan rumah tangga dipengaruhi oleh partisipasi individu dalam ICBT. Dengan menerapkan metode pengambilan sampel melalui snowball method, peneliti melakukan survey kepada 77 individu yang melakukan ICBT dan 70 individu yang tidak melakukan ICBT yang menetap di daerah perbatasan Entikong, Indonesia. Kuesioner ICBT diadopsi dari Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) tahun 2008. ICBT tidak dikenakan pajak akan tetapi bersifat resmi sesuai Border Trade Agreement 1970. ICBT mengizinkan pedagangan untuk melakukan aktivitas jual beli barang-barang tertentu di daerah tertentu di bawah Rp. 2.025.900 (RM 600). Jumlah barang yang diperdagangkan setiap bulan juga terbatas. Untuk mengidentifikasi peran ICBT bagi daerah Entikong, peneliti menggunakan metode kuantitatif dan metode kualitatif. Pertama, sebuah model partisipasi dalam ICBT diestimasi menggunakan regresi multivariat logit. Hasil penunjukkan bahwa gender, lokasi, jarak, banyaknya jumlah pekerjaan yang dimiliki, posisi sebagai kepala rumah tangga dan kepemilikan asset mempengaruhi keputusan individu untuk berpartisipasi dalam ICBT. Kedua, sebuah model regresi OLS digunakan untuk menginvestigasi manfaat moneter bagi individual dari ICBT. Hasil mengindikasikan bahwa partisipasi dalam ICBT mendorong pendapatan dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan ekonomi rumah tangga, khususnya pendapatan sekunder di daerah. Ketiga, peneliti memeriksa karakteristik dari ICBT dan menunjukkan bahwa komoditas ekspor utama adalah terong dan lada. Sedangkan komoditas impor utama adalah gula dan minyak goreng. Profit yang dihasilkan dari ICBT ini sebagian besar digunakan sebagai modal untuk diinvestasikan kembali, membayar pinjaman, dan membayar biaya sekolah anak. Peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa ICBT diperlukan sebagai sumber pendapatan yang penting bagi individu di Entikong dan sebagai mekanisme individu untuk menyelesaikan suatu masalah. Ketiadaan ICBT akan membuat kondisi perekonomian rumah tangga semakin memburuk, sehingga pemerintah perlu langkah lebih lanjut untuk menyelesaikan situasi tersebut melalui program jaminan sosial yang mahal. Akan tetapi, masih dipertanyakan apakah pemerintah benar-benar mendapatkan manfaat dari formalisasi perdagangan skala kecil ini. ......This study analyzes the determinants of people's participation in informal cross-border trade (ICBT) and to what extent household income is affected by participation in informal trade. By applying a snowball sampling method, the author carried out a survey among 77 ICB traders and 70 non-ICB traders who live all in the Entikong border area of Indonesia. The ICBT questionnaire developed by the Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) in 2008 was adapted. ICBT is non-taxed but formalized in Indonesia since 1970 under The Border Trade Agreement. It allows traders within a certain area to exchange pre-specified goods below a value of Rp. 2,025,900 (RM 600). The numbers of monthly trades are also limited. To assess the role of ICBT for the Entikong region I make use of quantitative and qualitative methods. First, a model of ICBT participation is estimated using a multivariate logit regression. The findings illustrate that gender, location, distance, multiplicity of jobs, position in a household and asset ownership affect the decision to engage in ICBT. Second, an OLS regression model was employed to examine the individual monetary benefit from ICBT. The result indicates that ICBT participation boosts income and improves the household's economic prosperity, especially secondary income in the Entikong region results to a large extend from ICBT. Third, I assess the nature of trade and show that the major exported goods are sour eggplant and pepper. The major imported goods are sugar and cooking oil. Proceeds from ICBT are mainly used for reinvestment, for rental payments and to cover school fees. I conclude that ICBT is needed as an important source of income in Entikong and a coping mechanism. In the absence of ICBT, the economic conditions of the households would be worse suggesting that the government would need to step in with social programs that are costly. Therefore, it is questionable whether the government would really gain from formalizing this small-scale cross-border trade.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ayu Sinta Saputri
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dampak perdagangan internasional terhadap kesenjangan gender di sektor manufaktur di Indonesia berdasarkan teori Becker. Menurut teori ini, perdagangan internasional meningkatkan persaingan industri dan pada gilirannya menurunkan diskriminasi gender. Ini merupakan studi tingkat industri yang membandingkan efek dari perdagangan internasional pada kesenjangan upah gender dan lapangan kerja perempuan dalam industri yang kompetitif dan industri terkonsentrasi.

Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa perdagangan internasional menurunkan ketidaksetaraan gender dalam industri terkonsentrasi karena menurunkan kesenjangan upah gender dan meningkatkan lapangan kerja perempuan. Sementara itu, ketidaksetaraan gender memburuk dalam industri kompetitif karena perdagangan meningkatkan kesenjangan upah gender dan mengurangi tenaga kerja perempuan.;
This research aims to analyze the impact of international trade on gender inequality in Indonesian manufacturing sector based on Becker's theory. According to this theory, international trade boosts industry competition and in turn lowers gender discrimination. This is an industry-level study that compares the effects of international trade on gender wage gap and female employment in competitive industries and concentrated industries.

The results of the analysis indicate international trade alleviate gender inequality in concentrated industry because it lowers gender wage gap and increases female employment. Meanwhile, gender inequality worsened in competitive industry because trade increase gender wage gap and reduce female employment;This research aims to analyze the impact of international trade on gender inequality in Indonesian manufacturing sector based on Becker's theory. According to this theory, international trade boosts industry competition and in turn lowers gender discrimination. This is an industry-level study that compares the effects of international trade on gender wage gap and female employment in competitive industries and concentrated industries. The results of the analysis indicate international trade alleviate gender inequality in concentrated industry because it lowers gender wage gap and increases female employment. Meanwhile, gender inequality worsened in competitive industry because trade increase gender wage gap and reduce female employment;This research aims to analyze the impact of international trade on gender inequality in Indonesian manufacturing sector based on Becker's theory. According to this theory, international trade boosts industry competition and in turn lowers gender discrimination. This is an industry-level study that compares the effects of international trade on gender wage gap and female employment in competitive industries and concentrated industries. The results of the analysis indicate international trade alleviate gender inequality in concentrated industry because it lowers gender wage gap and increases female employment. Meanwhile, gender inequality worsened in competitive industry because trade increase gender wage gap and reduce female employment;This research aims to analyze the impact of international trade on gender inequality in Indonesian manufacturing sector based on Becker's theory. According to this theory, international trade boosts industry competition and in turn lowers gender discrimination. This is an industry-level study that compares the effects of international trade on gender wage gap and female employment in competitive industries and concentrated industries. The results of the analysis indicate international trade alleviate gender inequality in concentrated industry because it lowers gender wage gap and increases female employment. Meanwhile, gender inequality worsened in competitive industry because trade increase gender wage gap and reduce female employment, This research aims to analyze the impact of international trade on gender inequality in Indonesian manufacturing sector based on Becker's theory. According to this theory, international trade boosts industry competition and in turn lowers gender discrimination. This is an industry-level study that compares the effects of international trade on gender wage gap and female employment in competitive industries and concentrated industries. The results of the analysis indicate international trade alleviate gender inequality in concentrated industry because it lowers gender wage gap and increases female employment. Meanwhile, gender inequality worsened in competitive industry because trade increase gender wage gap and reduce female employment]
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hazil Kaharutman
Abstrak :
Studi yang mempelajari faktor – faktor yang mempengaruhi performa ekspor di sektor manufaktur telah berkembang selama beberapa decade. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisi hubungan antara karateristik-karateristik industry dengan performa ekspor pada industry pengolahan hasil perikanan di Indonesia. Penelitian ini mengembangkan karateristik yang spesifik pada level perusahaab dan mencoba untuk menetukan karateristik yang mempengaruhi perilaku ekspor suatu perusahaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan data industry pengolahan hasil perikanan yang bersumber dari Badan Pusat Statistik Indonesia (BPS), dari tahun 2007 hingga 2011. Data karateristik perusahaan yang dugunakan adalah ukuran perusahaan, umur, produktivitas, stok kapital, status kepemilikan, teknologi dan lokasi perusahaan. Model yang digunakan untuk mengolah data tersebut adalah Logit dan Tobit. Hasil analisis kami menemukan bahwa dalam model Logit, produktivitas, stok kapital, ukuran perusahaan, status kepemilikan dan teknologi secara signifikan mempengaruhi performa ekspor industry pengolahan hasil perikanan. Sementara itu, di model Tobit, produktivitas menjadi tidak signifikan. Umur perusahaan tidak mempengaruhi performa ekspor dalam kedua model tersebut. Pada analisis lokasi perusahaan, perusahaan yang berlokasi di Pulau Sumatera, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, dan Maluku memiliki kecenderungan yang besar untuk melakukan ekspor dibandingkan dengan industri yang berlokasi di Pulau Jawa dan Nusa Tenggara.
The study to find out the determinants of export performance at firm level in manufacturing sectors has developed for decades. This paper aims to analyse the relation between firm characteristics and export performance of fish processing industries in Indonesia. The study explores the specific characteristics at firm level and determines which characteristics may influence export behaviour. For the purpose of the study, we employ the firm level data from BPS-Statistics Indonesia covering the period 2007-2011. Firm specific characteristics like firm size, firm age, productivity, capital stock, foreign ownership, technology, and firm location are identified and employed in the Logit and Tobit models that we use. Our analysis points that in the Logit model productivity, capital stock, firm size, foreign affiliation and technology significantly affect the export performance, while in the other model, productivity becomes not significant. Firm age is never significant in the both models. In terms of location effects, firms, which are located in Sumatera, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Papua and Maluku have greater propensities to export rather than those in Jawa, Bali and Nusa Tenggara. The paper also tries to analyse the relation between firm characteristics and export performance using fixed effect model. Nevertheless, the study has had the problem when it has tried to examine the relation. Some observations are dropped from the estimation, and this leads to the problem that lies in generalizing from a small number of observations to the larger set
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Riko Naldi
Abstrak :
Penelitian di negara berkembang yang menghubungkan produksi perikanan budidaya dengan pengentasan kemiskinan. Namun, hanya sedikit dari penelitian tersebut menyelidiki hubungan antara perikanan budidaya dengan tiga indikator kemiskinan yaitu; persentasi penduduk miskin, indeks kedalaman kemiskinan dan indeks keparahan kemiskinan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjawab pertanyaan tentang hubungan produksi perikanan budidaya dengan pengentasan kemiskinan di Indonesia. Secara khusus, penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk menganalisa seberapa besar dampak produksi perikanan budidaya dalam pengurangan kemiskinan lewat tiga indikator kemiskinan tersebut di atas. Berkaitan dengan metodologi, penelitian ini menggunakan fixed effect dan random effect model untuk mengestimasi hubungan antara produksi perikanan budidaya dengan ketiga indikator kemiskinan tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa produksi perikanan budidaya memiliki dampak positif dalam pengurangan kemiskinan berdasarkan tiga indikator kemiskinan yang digunakan tersebut. Namun, kekuatan sector ini dalam menekan angka kemiskinan berdasarkan ketiga indikator tersebut terlihat lemah. Dengan membandingkan hasil estimasi tingkat provinsi dan tingkat kabupaten/kota, dampak peningkatan produksi perikanan budidaya dalam mengentaskan kemiskinan hanaya kuat di tingkat provinsi. Dengan mengambil koefisien produksi pada masing-masing indikator kemiskinan, sector ini memberikan pengaruh yang positif dalam mengurangi persentase orang miskin dan indeks kedalaman kemiskinan pada tingkat provinsi. Sementara pada tingkat kabupaten/kota, peningkatan hasil produksi perikanan budidaya hanya membengaruhi persentase orang miskin. ......There are number of studies in developing countries which are connecting aquaculture production and poverty reduction. However, only few of them have been conducted to investigate the relationship between aquaculture and poverty though three indicators namely, percentage of poor people, poverty gap and poverty severity. This paper aims to answer a question regarding relationship between aquaculture production and poverty reduction in Indonesia. Specifically, the paper is intended to analyze how big the impact of aquaculture production to reduce poverty in Indonesia through three indicators of poverty, namely, percentage of poor people, poverty gap and poverty severity. In term of methodology, the research applies fixed effect and random effect model to estimate the relationship between of them. Results show that aquaculture production has positive impact in reducing poverty based on three indicators of poverty namely, percentage of poor people, poverty gap and poverty severity. However, power of this sector seems to be weak. By comparing provincial level results and districts and municipalities results, increasing in aquaculture production is only stronger in level of provinces. Taking the coefficient of the production to each poverty indicators, this sector affects reducing poverty in percentage of poor people and poverty gap in provincial level. Meanwhile, the production only affects poverty at percentage of poor people in districts and municipalities level.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rian Puspita Sari
Abstrak :
Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kawasan perlindungan laut (KPL) di Indonesia terhadap kemiskinan. Panel data dari tahun 2006 – 2010 untuk tingkat kabupaten, dan dari tahun 2005-2010 untuk tingkat provinsi diestimasi dengan metode efek tetap. Indikator kemiskinan yang digunakan adalah P0, P1 dan P2. Selain KPL, digunakan juga pertumbuhan ekonomi dan pertumbuhan populasi sebagai variabel bebas untuk mengontrol karakteristik wilayah. Hasil estimasi menunjukkan hubungan negatif antara KPL dan kemiskinan untuk hampir semua indikator kemiskinan dan definisi KPL. Artinya KPL berkontribusi terhadap pengentasan kemiskinan. Studi ini juga menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan ekonomi dan pertumbuhan populasi merupakan determinan dari kemiskinan
The main purpose of this study is to examine whether marine protected areas (MPAs) in Indonesia have an impact on poverty alleviation. It takes municipality and province as unit of analysis, and employs a panel data set from 2006 to 2010 for municipality level and from 2005 to 2010 for province level. In the estimation, there are 294 municipalities and 33 provinces are involved. The fixed effect model is employed in order to control for regional and municipality characteristics. As outcome variables different measures of poverty are considered and compared such as the poverty headcount index, the poverty gap, and the poverty severity. The primary independent variable is MPAs, which is defined using different definitions such as the share of MPAs, an indicator for the presence of MPAs, and the absolute size of MPAs. Population growth and GRDP growth are the other independent variables which control for regional socioeconomic characteristics. The results show a significant impact of MPAs on poverty reduction. It is demonstrated by the negative relationship between MPAs and the poverty measures for almost all indicators of poverty and MPA definition. On average, protection of marine areas gives contribution on poverty alleviation. Beyond MPAs, this paper also confirms existing findings about poverty dynamics. Characteristics of the region, economic growth and population growth determine poverty considerably. Regarding economic growth, the poorer the area the more desirable the formation of an MPA.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Desy Maritha
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi dampak yang timbul dari penerapan Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Produktivitas perusahaan manufaktur yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia dengan periode penelitian dari 2004 sampai dengan 2013. Tanggung Jawab Sosial (CSR) dikenal sebagai salah satu elemen penting dari laporan keberlanjutan, menyampaikan informasi krusial yang menyangkut dengan aspek social, dampak lingkungan, keselamatan kerja, hak asasi manusia, dan pemanfaatan energi oleh perusahaan yang bersangkutan. Variable control yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah ukuran perusahaan, kesempatan pertumbuhan, tingkat pengembaian asset (ROA) dan rasio leverage.

Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah perusahaan manufaktur yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia pada periode 2004-2013. Data yang digunakan adalah laporan tahunan dan laporan keuanganndari setiap perusahaan yang di kumpulkan dari Bursa efek Indonesia dan Indonesia Capital Market Directory (ICMD).

Berdasarkan dari hasil statistik, hanya variable Tanggung Jawab Sosial (CSR) yang berpengaruh secara positif signifikan terhadap produktivitas yang dicapai perusahaan. Sementara itu, variabel kontrol lainnya berpengaruh secara bervariasi baik positif maupun negatif, tetapi tidak signifikan.
This study aims to investigate the impact of Corporate Social Responsibility CSR and Productivity of the manufacturing corporations that is listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2007 2013 Corporate Social Responsibility CSR known as the element of sustainability reporting provides crucial information relating social aspect environmental impact occupational safety human rights and energy utilization of the corporations The control variables are used in this study are size growth opportunity Return on Assets ROA and Leverage ratio The samples are manufacturing corporations which are listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange IDX period 2004 2013 The data are the Annual Report and Financial Report from each corporation and collected from Indonesia Stock Exchange and Indonesia Capital Market Directory ICMD Based on the statistical result of the study only CSR variable that significantly affects the productivity in positive sign However other control variables give various sign but not significantly influence ;This study aims to investigate the impact of Corporate Social Responsibility CSR and Productivity of the manufacturing corporations that is listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2007 2013 Corporate Social Responsibility CSR known as the element of sustainability reporting provides crucial information relating social aspect environmental impact occupational safety human rights and energy utilization of the corporations The control variables are used in this study are size growth opportunity Return on Assets ROA and Leverage ratio The samples are manufacturing corporations which are listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange IDX period 2004 2013 The data are the Annual Report and Financial Report from each corporation and collected from Indonesia Stock Exchange and Indonesia Capital Market Directory ICMD Based on the statistical result of the study only CSR variable that significantly affects the productivity in positive sign However other control variables give various sign but not significantly influence.;This study aims to investigate the impact of Corporate Social Responsibility CSR and Productivity of the manufacturing corporations that is listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2007 2013 Corporate Social Responsibility CSR known as the element of sustainability reporting provides crucial information relating social aspect environmental impact occupational safety human rights and energy utilization of the corporations The control variables are used in this study are size growth opportunity Return on Assets ROA and Leverage ratio The samples are manufacturing corporations which are listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange IDX period 2004 2013 The data are the Annual Report and Financial Report from each corporation and collected from Indonesia Stock Exchange and Indonesia Capital Market Directory ICMD Based on the statistical result of the study only CSR variable that significantly affects the productivity in positive sign However other control variables give various sign but not significantly influence ;This study aims to investigate the impact of Corporate Social Responsibility CSR and Productivity of the manufacturing corporations that is listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2007 2013 Corporate Social Responsibility CSR known as the element of sustainability reporting provides crucial information relating social aspect environmental impact occupational safety human rights and energy utilization of the corporations The control variables are used in this study are size growth opportunity Return on Assets ROA and Leverage ratio The samples are manufacturing corporations which are listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange IDX period 2004 2013 The data are the Annual Report and Financial Report from each corporation and collected from Indonesia Stock Exchange and Indonesia Capital Market Directory ICMD Based on the statistical result of the study only CSR variable that significantly affects the productivity in positive sign However other control variables give various sign but not significantly influence , This study aims to investigate the impact of Corporate Social Responsibility CSR and Productivity of the manufacturing corporations that is listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2007 2013 Corporate Social Responsibility CSR known as the element of sustainability reporting provides crucial information relating social aspect environmental impact occupational safety human rights and energy utilization of the corporations The control variables are used in this study are size growth opportunity Return on Assets ROA and Leverage ratio The samples are manufacturing corporations which are listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange IDX period 2004 2013 The data are the Annual Report and Financial Report from each corporation and collected from Indonesia Stock Exchange and Indonesia Capital Market Directory ICMD Based on the statistical result of the study only CSR variable that significantly affects the productivity in positive sign However other control variables give various sign but not significantly influence ]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lubis, Ika Hardina
Abstrak :
Tesis ini bertujuan untuk meneliti kaitan antara anggaran pemerintah khusunya dalam bidang pendidikan dan kesehatan dengan pembangunan manusia di 33 provinsi di Indonesia pada tahun 2002 sampai 2012 Pembangunan manusia diukur dengan Indeks Pembangunan Manusia IPM yaitu suatu indeks yang dikeluarkan oleh United Nation Development Program UNDP untuk mengukur dan membandingkan kemampuan manusia di tiap negara Model yang digunakan dalam tesis ini adalah model panel dan hasil akhirnya menunjukkan variasi antara hasil yang diharapkan dan yang tidak antara pengeluaran pemerintah dan indeks pembangunan manusia Anggaran kesehatan anggaran pertanian dan anggaran rumah tangga memiliki hubungan postitif dengan indeks pembangunan manusia sementara angggaran pendidikan dan infrastruktur tidak memiliki kaitan yang signifikan dengan IPM Pada sisi pendapatan pemerintah tesis ini menemukan bahwa pendapatan asli daerah memiliki efek positif yang paling kuat dengan IPM dibandingkan instrument instrumen lainnya yaitu Dana Alokasi Umum DAU Dana Alokasi Khusus DAK dan Dana Bagi Hasil DBH Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan sumber pendapatan maupun perbedaan strategi pembelanjaan memiliki peran dalam perbedaan nilai pembangunan manusia di tiap daerah Relevansi Dengan Studi PembangunanFokus pada pembangunan manusia telah menjadi satu bagian penting dalam ilmu ekonomi dimana para ahli berpendapat bahwa pembangunan tidak hanya mencakup indikator indikator ekonomi seperti pendapatan negara atau standard hidup saja Selain itu peningkatan pengeluaran pemerintah telah menjadi satu strategi untuk meningkatkan pembangunan terutama untuk hal yang berkaitan dengan penyediaan fasilitas publik Tesis ini juga mencakup analisa mengenai desentralisasi fiskal dimana pemerintah Indonesia telah mencoba memberi wewenang yang besar pada pemerintah daerah untuk mengatur daerahnya Kata KunciIndeks Pembangunan Manusia IPM Pengeluaran Publik Pendapatan Pemerintah Transfer Daerah Pembangunan Manusia. ......This research paper aims to examine the effect of government spending particularly in education and healthcare on human development outcomes in 33 provinces of Indonesia from 2002 until 2012 The Human Development Index HDI is used to indicate the level of human well being as it has been proposed by the United Nation Development Program UNDP to compare human capabilities across diverse localities The model built in this paper employs panel regression and shows a variety of expected and unexpected relationships between HDI and several dependent variables Health agriculture and household expenditures each had a positive effect on HDI while education and infrastructure expenditure were not significantly related On the revenue side of provincial budgets this paper finds that original income PAD had a much more position impact of HDI as all three forms of central government transfer general allocation funds DAU special allocation funds DAK and revenue sharing funds DAK The outcomes suggest that the significant variety of revenue sources and expenditure strategies among Indonesia rsquo s provincial governments also translated into strongly divergent human development outcomes Relevance to Development StudyA focus on human centred development has become a recurring strain of argumentation among development scholars wishing to capture outcomes of development beyond the grasp of economic indicators such as growth GDP and income Furthermore increasing public expenditures is widely proposed as a strategy to increase human capabilities through equal access public services In addition this study also evaluates the relation between centralized and decentralized conditional and unconditional revenue streams and HDI and in this manner indicated a tentative measure of the impact of fiscal decentralization on human well being from a macroeconomic perspective KeywordsHuman Development Index HDI Public expenditures Government income Central Government Transfers Decentralization Capabilities approach
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library