Salah satu insiden keselamatan pasien di rumah sakit adalah medication error. Institute of Medicine (IOM) memperkirakan 7000 kematian tiap tahun terjadi di Amerika Serikat berhubungan dengan Medication error. Alur yang menghubungkan keputusan dokter meresepkan obat dengan pasien benar-benar menerima obat terdiri dari beberapa langkah yaitu prescribing, transcribing, dispensing dan administration dimana pada tiap langkah ini dapat terjadi medication error. Resep elektronik direkomendasikan untuk mengurangi medication error pada tahap prescribing dan transcribing. RS Awal Bros Panam Pekanbaru pada tahun 2017 terdapat 1.118 insiden keselamatan pasien dan 1.091 (98%) merupakan medication error. Dari total 1.091 medication error, 1.075 medication error terjadi pada tahap prescribing yang melibatkan resep elektronik. Metode Penelitian yang dilakukan adalah dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Penelitian kuantitatif dilakukan terhadap seluruh prescribing error pada resep elektronik yang tercatat oleh petugas farmasi pada periode 1 Januari - 30 September 2018. Penelitian kualitatif dilakukan dengan telaah dokumen dan wawancara mendalam dengan peresep. Hasil penelitian kuantitatif yaitu insiden prescribing error 0,18%, dengan error paling sering terjadi pada tahapan penginputan dosis (26,64%), identitas obat (26,3%) dan identitas pasien (20,42%). Hasil uji statistik menunjukkan terdapat hubungan bermakna antara diagnosis (p value 0,03) dan penamaan obat (p value 0,021) dengan prescribing error pada resep elektronik. Analisis kualitatif dari wawancara mendalam didapatkan penyebab kesalahan adalah faktor design sistem resep elektronik dan alur pelayanan
Kata Kunci: medication error; prescribing error; resep elektronik,
One of patient safety incident in hospital is medication error. Institute of n (IOM) predicting 7000 death every year in United State of America associated with medication error. The pathway connecting clinician’s decision to prescribe a medication and the patient consists of several steps : ordering, transcribing, dispensing, administration, where areas each stage can make medication error. Electronic receipts is recomended to reduce medication error in prescribing and transcribing stages. RS Awal Bros Panam Pekanbaru in 2017 have 1.118 patient safety incident and 1.091 (98%) is medication error. From 1.091 medication error, there are 1.075 medication error occur at prescribing stage involving electronic receips.The method of research conducted with a quantitative and qualitative approach. Quantitative research conducted to all prescribing error in electronic receipt that collected by pharmacist in 1 January – 30 September 2018. Qualitative research conducted with document review and depth interview with precriber. The result of quantitative research are the incident of prescribing error 0,18% with the most errors at the dose input stage (26,64%), drug identity (26,3%) and patient identity (20,42%). The result of Statistical test show a significant correlation between diagnosis (p value 0,03) dan drug naming (p value 0,021) with prescribing error in electronic receipt. Qualitative analysis from depth interview show the cause of errors are electronic receipt design system factor and servis flow.
Keywords : medication error; prescribing error; electronic receipt,
Tujuan penelitian: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji hubungan lingkungan fisik dan dimensi-dimensinya terhadap persepsi kualitas layanan di rawat inap Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Prabumulih.
Metodologi penelitian: Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan desain cross sectional (potong lintang). Data primer diperoleh dari pengisian kuisoner sebanyak 200 orang. Lingkungan fisik dinilai dengan aspek kondisi lingkungan, tata letak fungsionalitas, tanda symbol, desain dan kebersihan, dan persepsi kualitas layanan dinilai dengan kualitas fungsional dan teknikal
Hasil penelitian : Hasil analisis menunjukan terdapat korelasi sedang antara lingkungan fisik dengan persepsi kualitas layanan, dimana aspek lingkungan fisik yang paling berhubungan dengan persepsi kualitas layanan adalah kondisi lingkungan. Sedangkan desain dan tanda symbol tidak terdapat hubungan.
Kesimpulan : Peningkatan lingkungan fisik melalui peningkatan kondisi lingkungan, tata letak ruang dan fungsionalitas dan kebersihan dapat membantu membangun hubungan yang kuat terhadap persepsi kualitas layanan, oleh karena itu perlu untuk meningkatkan lingkungan fisik melalui peningkatan pengelolaan fasilitas yang telah. ......Background: Achieving good service quality is crucial for the Prabumulih General Hospital. Apart from the treatment, another aspect that can influence the perception of service quality is the servicescape. Patients will assess the quality of intangible hospital services through the concrete physical environment. Therefore, attention to the dimensions of the servicescape is important, considering its influence on the formation of perceived service quality.
Objective: This study aims to examine the relationship between the servicescape and its dimensions on the perceived service quality in inpatient unit at the Prabumulih General Hospital.
Methods: This study uses a quantitative approach with a cross-sectional design. Primary data was collected from a questionnaire filled out by 200 individuals. The physical environment was assessed based on environmental conditions, functional layout, symbols, design and cleanliness, and the perception of service quality was evaluated in terms of functional and technical quality.
Results: Based on statistical tests, it was found that the servicescape had a significant correlation between the physical environment and the perception of service quality, with environmental conditions being the physical aspect most associated with the perception of service quality. Meanwhile, there is no correlation found between design and symbols and the perception of service quality.
Conclusion : Improving the physical environment through the enhancement of environmental conditions, spatial layout, functionality, and cleanliness can help build a strong relationship with the perception of service quality. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the physical environment by enhancing the management of existing facilities
Kata Kunci : Evaluasi Proses, Pengelolaan Limbah Cair, Rumah Sakit
......Waste management is a health management activity in a hospital. Environmental Health Management requires evaluation so that each activity runs in accordance with the intended purpose. In conducting wastewater treatment, "X" Hospital increase the level of indicators for measuring the quality of liquid waste. The purpose of this study was to research the process of managing wastewater in the K3KL unit of the "X" Hospital in 2019. The research method used was a descriptive-analytic study with qualitative research. The informants in this study were staff of the K3KL unit of the "X" Hospital. This research began from April - June 2019 in the K3KL unit "X" Hospital. Data sources are taken from secondary data and primary data. The data is then analyzed so that the results of waste management planning are seen in terms of human resources, financing, methods, facilities and infrastructure and materials, wastewater treatment processes, evaluation activities and follow-up carried out in the K3KL unit of the "X" Hospital in processing liquid waste. The conclusion of this study is that the human resources aspect of the K3KL unit still requires an increase in training and development related to WWTP and environmental health, improvement of SPOs, maintenance and repair of facilities and infrastructure for hospital wastewater treatment and there are still several indicators that are in accordance with the supplies provided.
Keyword : Process Evaluation, Wastewater Management, Hospital