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Japaries, Willie
"Di RS Harapan Bunda, Jakarta Timur telah beroperasi sejak Desember 2004 sebuah Unit TCM yaitu terapi komplementer kombinasi medis-TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) khususnya terhadap kanker. Unit tersebut adalah hasil kerja sama RS Harapan Bunda dan RS Yusheng di Guangzhou, China. Terapi yang diberikan merujuk ke pelayanan terhadap pasien kanker di RS di China pada umumnya, di RS Yusheng khususnya. Laporan ini merangkum kegiatan Unit TCM tersebut hingga akhir Juli 2005. Penelitian deskriptif atas dasar rekam medik terhadap semua pasien yang berkonsultasi ke Unit TCM RS Harapan Bunda antara periode Desember 2004 hinga 31 Juli 2005. Karakteristik pasien dan hasil terapi dipaparkan secara tekstular dan tabular. Dikemukakan pula satu kasus tipikal. Jumlah pasien yang berkonsultasi ke Unit TCM RS Harapan Bunda selama periode Desember 2004 hingga 31 Juli 2005 adalah 383 orang. Sebagian besar (68,41%) adalah wanita. Ratio wanita dibanding pria adalah 2,16. Kelompok usia yang terbanyak adalah antara 41-50 tahun yaitu 28,72%, disusul kelompok usia 51-60 tahun (23,23%), usia 61-70 tahun dan 31-40 tahun sama-sama menempati 13,57%. Berikutnya kelompok usia 71-80 tahun dan 21-30 tahun sama-sama menempati 8,09%. Dari 383 orang pasien tersebut, 338 orang (88,25%) menderita tumor (jinak maupun ganas), sisanya bukan penderita tumor (rematik, DM, stroke, dll.). Dari 338 orang penderita tumor, 92 orang (27,21%) menderita tumor jinak (FAM, ganglion, lipom, struma, miom, dll.). Sisanya 246 orang (162 wanita dan 84 pria) menderita tumor yang secara klinis atau secara patologik anatomik tergolong ganas. Ratio wanita terhadap pria yang menderita tumor ganas adalah 1,93. Dari tumor ganas yang terbanyak adalah karsinoma mamae yaitu 31,70%, disusul karsinoma paru, hepatoma, karsinoma ovari, karsinoma nasofaring, karsinoma kolon, karsinoma serviks uteri, tumor otak, karsinoma pankreas, limfoma, masing-masing 8,59%, 8,13%, 8,13%, 7,72%, 7,32%, 3,25%, 3,25%, 2,84%, 2,84%. Sebagian terbesar pasien kanker yang datang berada pada stadium III dan IV yaitu masing-masing 24,80% (61 dari 246 pasien) dan 37,80% (93 dari 246 pasien). Pada 81 orang (52 wanita dan 14 pria) atau 32,93% pasien tumor ganas tidak tersedia data untuk penentuan stadium. Efek terapi umumnya dinilai berdasarkan presentasi klinis (anamnesis dan pemeriksaan fisik). Dari 70 pasien (26 pria dan 44 wanita) yang telah menjalani terapi lebih dari 1 bulan di Unit TCM RS HB, 11,42% mengalami perbaikan mencolok, 40% perbaikan moderat, 41,4% kondisinya tak banyak berubah, dan 7,14% perburukan. Pelayanan Unit TCM RS Harapan Bunda cukup diminati masyarakat. Proporsi wanita hampir 2 kali pria. Kelompok usia pasien terbesar adalah 41-50 tahun yaitu 28,72%, disusul kelompok usia 51-60 tahun sebesar 23,23%. Jenis kanker terbanyak adalah karsinoma mamae, disusul karsinoma paru, hepatoma, karsinoma ovari, karsinoma nasofaring, karsinoma kolon, karsinoma serviks uteri. Respons terapi komplementer tersebut cukup baik, mengingat 51,43% pasien mengalami perbaikan nyata, 41,43% kondisinya relatif stabil selama mendapatkan terapi; sedangkan yang memburuk nyata hanya 7,14%. Dengan adanya Unit TCM, pasien yang semula menolak terapi medis umumnya dapat menerima terapi kombinasi medis dan TCM.

Patient Characteristics and Performance of the TCM Unit of ?Harapan Bunda? Hospital In Jakarta, Indonesia. A TCM unit has been established and operating in Harapan Bunda hospital in Jakarta since December 2004. The Unit is practicing combined western and Chinese medicine in treating cancer patients, following the model practiced in oncology departments in China. It is established through a cooperation between Harapan Bunda hospital and Yusheng hospital from Guangzhou, China. This report compiles the performance of the Unit until July 2005; it is a descriptive study based on the medical records of all patients visiting the TCM Unit of Harapan Bunda hospital during the period of December 2004 to July 2005. The characteristics of patients and response to treatment are presented in text and tables. One typical case is also presented as an illustration of the combination practice. There were 383 patients visiting the TCM Unit during the periode of December 2004 to July 2005. Most of them (68,41%) were females. The female to male ratio was 2,16. The largest age group was between 41-50 years, ie. 28,72%, followed by age group 51-60 years (23,23%), 61-70 years and 31-40 years (13,57%) respectively. Then the age group 71-80 years and 21-30 years each occupying 8,09%. Of the 383 patients, 338 patients (88,25%) were with tumors (benign and malignant), the rest were with no tumors (suffering of rheumatism, diabetes, stroke, etc.). Of the 338 patients with tumors, 92 (27,21%) were with benign tumors (fibroadenoma, ganglion, lipoma, struma, myoma, etc.). The other 246 (162 females and 84 males) were with tumors that were either clinically or pathologically assessed as malignant. The females to males ratio of patients with malignant tumors was 1,93. The most prevalent tumors were mammary carcinoma ie. 31,70%, followed by pulmonary carcinoma, hepatoma, ovarian carcinoma, NPC, colonic carcinoma, uterine cervical carcinoma, brain cancers, pancreatic carcinoma, lymphoma, occupying respectively 8,59%, 8,13%, 8,13%, 7,72%, 7,32%, 3,25%, 3,25%, 2,84%, and 2,84%. Most patients were either in stadium III or IV, occupying 24,80% (61 of 246 patients) and 37,80% (93 of 246 patients), respectively. Of 81 patients (52 females and 14 males) or 32,93% there were no available data to assess their exact stadia. The therapeutic response was mostly evaluated on clinical grounds (anamnesis and physical examination). Of 70 patients (26 males and 44 females) receving treatment for more than 1 month at the TCM Unit, 11,42% had prominent improvement, 40% moderate improvement, 41,4% more or less stabilized condition, and 7,14% deteriorating condition. The TCM Unit of Harapan Bunda hospital had received quite a good attention from the public. The female visitors were nearly twice the male. The most prevalent age group was 41-50 years ie. 28,72%, followed by 51-60 years ie. 23,23%. The most prevalent cancer were mammary carcinoma (31,70%), followed by pulmonary, liver, ovary, nasopharyngeal, colonic, uterine cervical carcinomas. The therapeutic response was as follows, 51,43% patients either improving prominently or moderately, 41,43% with more or less stable condition; while only 7,14% deterioting during treatment. With the entry to TCM Unit, patients formerly rejecting western medical treatments became receptive to the combination of western and Chinese medical treatments."
Rumah Sakit Harapan Bunda. Unit TCM/Onkologi Komplementer, 2005
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Japaries, Willie
"Tujuan penelitian untuk mendeskripsikan karakteristik pasien dan kinerja terapi di Unit Onkologi Komplementer Medis-TCM di RS Harapan Bunda, Jakarta Timur antara periode 1 Agustus-31 Desember 2005. Metode penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif retrospektif berdasarkan rekam medik dari semua pasien yang berkonsultasi ke Unit Onkologi TCM tersebut antara 1 Agustus-31 Desember 2005. Hasil penelitian terdapat 271 pasien yang berkonsultasi ke Unit Onkologi TCM RS Harapan Bunda antara 1 Agustus-31 Desember 2005, 58,30% adalah wanita. Kelompok usia terbanyak adalah 41-50 tahun dan 51-60 tahun yaitu masing-masing 23,62% dan 23,99%, disusul 61-70 tahun (17,71%), 31-40 tahun (13,28%) dan 71-80 tahun (12,18%). Dari keseluruhan pasien tersebut, 207 pasien menderita tumor yang secara klinis atau patologik anatomik bersifat ganas. Tumor ganas terbanyak adalah karsinoma mamae (31,88%), disusul paru (10,63%), hati (9,66%), usus besar (7,73%), limfoma (6,76%), ovarium (5,31%), nasofaring (4,83%), sebagian terbesar pada stadium III dan IV (26,57% dan 41,55%). Pada 54 pasien kanker (26,09%) tidak tersedia data untuk penentuan stadium. Efek terapi umumnya dinilai secara klinis. Dari 80 pasien yang telah diterapi 1 bulan atau lebih di Unit TCM, secara keseluruhan yang kondisinya membaik dan stabil masing-masing 29 orang (36,25%) dan 36 orang (45%), dan yang memburuk 15 orang (18,75%). Pada pasien kanker mamae yang membaik dan stabil adalah 38,71% dan 41,94%; pada kanker paru 30% dan 50%, pada kanker usus besar 25% dan 62,50%, pada kanker nasofaring 66,67% dan 16,67%, dan pada hepatoma 16,67% dan 50%. Kesimpulan: Pelayanan Unit TCM RS Harapan Bunda cukup diminati masyarakat. Proporsi wanita sedikit lebih besar dari pria. Kelompok usia terbesar adalah 41-50 tahun, disusul 51-60 tahun. Jenis kanker terbanyak adalah karsinoma mamae, disusul kanker paru. Respons terapi secara keseluruhan adalah 81,25% membaik atau stabil, 18,75% memburuk.

Patient Characteristics and Performance of the TCM Unit of ?Harapan Bunda? Hospital in Jakarta, Indonesia. This study describes the characteristics of patients and treatment results of The TCM Unit in Harapan Bunda hospital in Jakarta during August ? December 2005. The data were taken from medical records of all patients visiting the TCM Unit during the study periode. The results are presented in texts and tables. There were 271 patients registered during the periode, 58,30% were female. The dominant age groups were 41-50 years (23,62%) and 51-60 years (23,99%), followed by 61-70 years (17,71%), 31-40 years (13,28%) and 71-80 years (12,18%). Of the 271 patients, 207 were with tumors either clinically or pathologically assessed as malignant. Mammary carcinoma (31,88%) was most prevalent, then pulmonary (10,63%), liver (9,66%), large intestine (7,73%), lymphoma (6,76%), ovarian (5,31%), NPC (4,83%), mostly in stadium III or IV (26,57% and 41,55% respectively). For 54 patients (26,09%), no data to assess stadium. Therapeutic response was mostly evaluated clinically. Of 80 patients receiving at least 1 month treatment at TCM Unit, 29 pts (36,25%) showed improvement, 36 pts (45%) were relatively stable, 15 pts (18,75%) deteriorated. The improved and stabilized patients of mammary cancer were 38,71% and 41,94%, of lung cancer 30% and 50%, of colon cancer 25% and 62,50%, of NPC 66,67% and 16,67%, of hepatoma 16,67% and 50% respectively. It was concluded that the TCM Unit of Harapan Bunda hospital had received good attention from the public. Female visitors were more prevalent than male. Most prevalent age group was 41-50 years followed by 51-60 years. Mammary carcinoma was the most prevalent. Therapeutic response showed 81,25% either improved or stabilized, 18,75% deteriorated."
Depok: Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Indonesia, 2006
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Japaries, Willie
"Tujuan penelitian untuk mendeskripsikan karakteristik pasien dan kinerja terapi di Unit Onkologi Komplementer Medis-TCM di RS Harapan Bunda, Jakarta Timur antara periode 1 Agustus-31 Desember 2005. Metode penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif retrospektif berdasarkan rekam medik dari semua pasien yang berkonsultasi ke Unit Onkologi TCM tersebut antara 1 Agustus-31 Desember 2005. Hasil penelitian terdapat 271 pasien yang berkonsultasi ke Unit Onkologi TCM RS Harapan Bunda antara 1 Agustus-31 Desember 2005, 58,30% adalah wanita. Kelompok usia terbanyak adalah 41-50 tahun dan 51-60 tahun yaitu masing-masing 23,62% dan 23,99%, disusul 61-70 tahun (17,71%), 31-40 tahun (13,28%) dan 71-80 tahun (12,18%). Dari keseluruhan pasien tersebut, 207 pasien menderita tumor yang secara klinis atau patologik anatomik bersifat ganas. Tumor ganas terbanyak adalah karsinoma mamae (31,88%), disusul paru (10,63%), hati (9,66%), usus besar (7,73%), limfoma (6,76%), ovarium (5,31%), nasofaring (4,83%), sebagian terbesar pada stadium III dan IV (26,57% dan 41,55%). Pada 54 pasien kanker (26,09%) tidak tersedia data untuk penentuan stadium. Efek terapi umumnya dinilai secara klinis. Dari 80 pasien yang telah diterapi 1 bulan atau lebih di Unit TCM, secara keseluruhan yang kondisinya membaik dan stabil masing-masing 29 orang (36,25%) dan 36 orang (45%), dan yang memburuk 15 orang (18,75%). Pada pasien kanker mamae yang membaik dan stabil adalah 38,71% dan 41,94%; pada kanker paru 30% dan 50%, pada kanker usus besar 25% dan 62,50%, pada kanker nasofaring 66,67% dan 16,67%, dan pada hepatoma 16,67% dan 50%. Kesimpulan: Pelayanan Unit TCM RS Harapan Bunda cukup diminati masyarakat. Proporsi wanita sedikit lebih besar dari pria. Kelompok usia terbesar adalah 41-50 tahun, disusul 51-60 tahun. Jenis kanker terbanyak adalah karsinoma mamae, disusul kanker paru. Respons terapi secara keseluruhan adalah 81,25% membaik atau stabil, 18,75% memburuk.

Patient Characteristics and Performance of the TCM Unit of ?Harapan Bunda? Hospital in Jakarta, Indonesia. This study describes the characteristics of patients and treatment results of The TCM Unit in Harapan Bunda hospital in Jakarta during August - December 2005. The data were taken from medical records of all patients visiting the TCM Unit during the study periode. The results are presented in texts and tables. There were 271 patients registered during the periode, 58,30% were female. The dominant age groups were 41-50 years (23,62%) and 51-60 years (23,99%), followed by 61-70 years (17,71%), 31-40 years (13,28%) and 71-80 years (12,18%). Of the 271 patients, 207 were with tumors either clinically or pathologically assessed as malignant. Mammary carcinoma (31,88%) was most prevalent, then pulmonary (10,63%), liver (9,66%), large intestine (7,73%), lymphoma (6,76%), ovarian (5,31%), NPC (4,83%), mostly in stadium III or IV (26,57% and 41,55% respectively). For 54 patients (26,09%), no data to assess stadium. Therapeutic response was mostly evaluated clinically. Of 80 patients receiving at least 1 month treatment at TCM Unit, 29 pts (36,25%) showed improvement, 36 pts (45%) were relatively stable, 15 pts (18,75%) deteriorated. The improved and stabilized patients of mammary cancer were 38,71% and 41,94%, of lung cancer 30% and 50%, of colon cancer 25% and 62,50%, of NPC 66,67% and 16,67%, of hepatoma 16,67% and 50% respectively. It was concluded that the TCM Unit of Harapan Bunda hospital had received good attention from the public. Female visitors were more prevalent than male. Most prevalent age group was 41-50 years followed by 51-60 years. Mammary carcinoma was the most prevalent. Therapeutic response showed 81,25% either improved or stabilized, 18,75% deteriorated."
TCM RS Harapan Bunda. Unit Onkologi Komplementer, 2006
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library