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Clarissa Mirafraditya Puspita Anggraini
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui bahwa penipisan zona pelusida dengan Laser Assisted Hatching dapat membantu dalam perkembangan dan viabilitas kultur embrio pascavitrifikasi. Embrio uji yang digunakan dalam penelitian yaitu embrio blastokista awal pascavitrifikasi yang dibagi menjadi lima perlakuan KK 1, KK 2, KP 1, KP 2, dan KP 3 dengan lima kali ulangan. KK 1 merupakan kelompok kontrol normal yang divitrifikasi tanpa penipisan zona pelusida dan dikultur selama 72 jam, KK 2 merupakan kelompok kontrol perlakuan tanpa vitrifkasi dengan penipisan zona pelusida dan dikultur selama 72 jam, KP 1, KP 2, dan KP 3 merupakan kelompok perlakuan blastokista awal yang divitrifikasi dan diberikan perlakuan penipisan zona pelusida masing-masing dengan ukuran dari keliling zona pelusida, keliling zona pelusida dan 2/3 keliling zona pelusida secara berurutan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian persentase viabilitas, hatched embryo, dan degenerasi secara berturut KK 1 68,33 ;13,33 ;31,67 , KK 2 80,00 ;30,00 ;20,00 , KP 1 66,67 ;11,67 ;28,33 , KP 2 78,33 ;23,33 ;21,67 , dan KP 3 65,00 ; 6,67 ;35,00 . Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ukuran penipisan keliling zona pelusida KP 2 merupakan ukuran yang paling efektif untuk membantu meningkatkan perkembangan kultur dan viabilitas blastokista awal karena ukuran tersebut mendekati perkembangan embrio pada KK2.

The aim of this study was to find out that the zona thinning of embryo with Laser Assisted Hatching can assist in the development and viability of embryo culture post vitrification. The embryo test used in the study was early blastocyst post vitrification divided into five treatments KK 1, KK 2, KP 1, KP 2, and KP 3 with five replications. KK 1 is a normal control group that is vitrified without thinning of the zona pellucida and cultured for 72 hours, KK 2 is a treatment control group without vitrification with zona thinning of zona pellucida and cultured for 72 hours, KP 1, KP 2, and KP 3 are blastocyst treatment groups A vitrified and thinning of pellucida zone treatment of each of the of the pellucida zone, of the pellucida zone and 2 3 of the pellucida zone in succession. Based on the results of the research, the percentage of viability, hatched embryo, and degeneration are respectively KK 1 68,33 13,33 31,67 , KK 2 80,00 30,00 20,00 , KP 1 66.67 , 11.67 , 28.33 , KP 2 78.33 23.33 21.67 and KP 3 65.00 6, 67 35.00 . The results of this study indicate that the thinning of the zona pellucida KP 2 is the most effective measure to help improve the development of early blastocyst culture and viability as it approximates embryonic development in KK2. "
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yani Aryati
"Flavobacterium columnare D. adalah bakteri penyebab penyakit columnaris yang menyebabkan kerugian besar pada produksi budidaya ikan seperti ikan lele (Clarias batrachus L.). Vaksin adalah pendekatan pilihan untuk mengontrol masalah penyakit yang berdasar pada kekebalan (selular dan humoral). Vaksin anti F. columnare dibuat dengan inaktivasi formalin 0,2% skala invitro. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari potensi imunogenik vaksin anti Flavobacterium columnare dan menganalisis kekebalan selular dan humoral pada budidaya ikan lele (Clarias batrachus L.). Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa vaksin anti Flavobacterium columnare dapat meningkatkan sintasan (survival rate) dari ikan lele (Clarias batrachus L.) hingga 30% dan booster tidak memberikan pengaruh yang besar terhadap sintasan (survival rate) dan relative percent survival (RPS). Analisis kekebalan selular antara ikan lele (Clarias batrachus L.) berfluktuasi sesuai dengan antigen yang diberikan. Kekebalan humoral dari ikan lele yang dibooster lebih tinggi dibandingkan ikan lele yang tidak dibooster. Penelitian mengindikasikan bahwa vaksin anti F. columnare dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif solusi untuk mengendalikan penyakit penyakit columnaris.
......Flavobacterium columnare D. is an agent of columnaris disease makes a loss in aquaculture product such as catfish (Clarias batrachus L.). Vaccine is choice approach to control the problem basic on cellular and humoral immunity. The vaccine is made by inactivation bacteria with 0,2% of formalin with invitro scale. The aims of this study to investigate immunogenic potential of anti F. columnare vaccine and to analyse cellular and humoral immune on catfish (Clarias batrachus L.). The result revealed that anti of F. columnare vaccine could increased the survival rate of catfish product up to 30% , and the booster not gave influence for survival rate and relative percent survival. Cellular immune of Clarias batrachus L. were fluntuative depend on the antigen. Humoral immune on catfish (Clarias batrachus L.) was increased by anti F. columnare vaccination with booster compared by without booster. This study indicated that anti F. columnare vaccination could be used as alternative solutions to control columnaris disease."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andrianto Setiawan
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adanya berbagai macam respons ikan karang yang berbeda terhadap Uji Antifeedant ekstrak kasar Stylissa massa dari Pulau Pramuka dan ekstrak kasar Stylissa massa Pulau Rambut. Menguji efektivitas Antifeedant dari masing-masing ekstrak kasar Stylissa massa. Uji Antifeedant dilakukan dengan menggunakan pakan perlakuan yang mengandung ekstrak kasar Stylissa massa serta pakan tanpa ekstrak kasar Stylissa massa sebagai kontrol, dalam bentuk kubus jeli 1 cm3 yang dikaitkan pada tali pancing. Pakan tersebut kemudian diujikan pada ikan di terumbu
karang dan diamati respons ikan karang terhadap ekstrak kasar Stylissa massa serta dihitung jumlah .pakan yang dimakan dan tidak. Hasil uji statistik Chi-square pada taraf signifikasi (α) 0,01 menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh pemberian pakan perlakuan pada ketidaksukaan makan ikan.Berdasarkan hal tersebut maka ekstrak kasar Stylissa
massa Pulau Pramuka dan Stylissa massa Pulau Rambut positif memiliki aktivitas Antifeedant terhadap ikan karang dan terdapat berbagai variasi respons ikan karang terhadap ekstrak kasar Stylissa massa Pulau Pramuka dan Stylissa massa Pulau Rambut.
Diketahui bahwa Pulau Rambut dan Pulau Pramuka tercemar akan logam berat. Hasil analisis uji logam berat terbukti ekstrak kasar Stylissa massa Pulau Pramuka dan Pulau Rambut tercemar logam berat. Kadar logam berat mempengaruhi respons ikan terhadap pakan perlakuan.
......This study aims to determine the various responses of different reef fishes to the
Antifeedant Test of Stylissa massa raw extract from Pramuka Island and Stylissa massa raw extract from Rambut Island. Test the Antifeedant effectiveness of each of the Stylissa massa raw extracts. The antifeedant test was carried out using treated feed containing
Stylissa massa raw extract and feed without Stylissa massa raw extract as a control, in
the form of 1 cm3 jelly cubes attached to a fishing line. The feed was then tested on fish on coral reefs and observed the response of reef fish to Stylissa massa raw extract and the amount of feed that was eaten and not counted. The results of the Chi-square statistical
test at the significance level (α) 0.01 showed that there was an effect of feeding treatment
on fish eating dislike. Based on this, the Stylissa massa raw extract from Pramuka Island and Stylissa massa raw extract of Rambut Island had positive antifeedant activity against reef fishes There were various variations in the response of reef fish to the Stylissa massa raw extract from Pramuka Island and Stylissa massa raw extract from Rambut island. It is known that Rambut Island and Pramuka Island are polluted with heavy metals. The result of heavy metal test analysis proved that the Stylissa massa raw extract of Pramuka Island and Stylissa massa raw extract of Rambut Island was contaminated with heavy metals. Heavy metal content affects fish responses to treated feed."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eko Pudji Widodo
Dumbo (Clarias gariepinus) is one of walking catfish species from
Africa. Dumbo was introduced to Indonesia in 1986. Sangkuriang (Clarias
gariepinus var. Sangkuriang) is one of dumbo variant that was launched by
Balai Budidaya Air Tawar Sukabumi.
The study about feeding behavior of sangkuriang is using juvenile of
clarias (Clarias gariepinus), common carp (Cyprinus carpio), tambaqui
(Collossoma macropomum) and tilapia (Tilapia mossambica) as preys.
Feeding behavior and prey preference of sangkuriang were compared with
dumbo (control). Parameters were observed in this study included:
aggressivity, time needed to recognize the prey, velocity to attack the prey,
and number of preys eating by two variant of catfish. The study was
conducted in aquarium (artificial environment).
Number of preys have been eaten by dumbo and sangkuriang were
recorded every 2 (two) hours along one day (24 hours). Data of each
parameter of dumbo and sangkuriang was compared. Data analysis was using mean difference comparison with t-test for independence variance and
one way ANOVA used SPSS program release 12.0.
In the feeding preference test, both of sangkuriang and dumbo were
prefer to attack juvenile of common carp and juveniles of clarias was second
preference. But in the feeding test, both of sangkuriang and dumbo
preferred to eat juvenile of clarias itself more than three other species.
Feeding preference of two variant of catfish were influenced by their prey
behavior. Juveniles of clarias were the weakest preys. When juveniles of
clarias needed oxygen, they would swim vertically to water surface. Its time,
both sangkuriang and dumbo attacked juveniles of clarias on the weakest
The time of sangkuriang ate maximum number of preys is between
02.00 ? 04.00 a.m. This result is match with many other research and studies
that say catfish is nocturnal fish. Dumbo ate preys maximum between 12.00
? 14.00. There are many previous studies describe that on the special case,
catfish can be active on daytime. Dumbo was more aggressive than sangkuriang. Time attacked its
preys by dumbo was faster than sangkuriang?s.. Dumbo was also more
cannibal than sangkuriang. Sangkuriang ate preys more than dumbo. Both
of dumbo and sangkuriang can be serious threat if they enter into natural
environment, because they will attack endemic fishes."
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eka Ayu Ambarwati
"Penelitian jumlah kromosom Asteraceae di lingkungan Kampus Universitas Indonesia (UI) Depok telah dilakukan sebelumnya pada tahun 2013. Dilaporkan bahwa jumlah kromosom 8 dari 21 spesies Asteraceae yang ada di lingkungan tersebut telah berhasil dihitung, dan 5 di antaranya memiliki variasi jumlah kromosom. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melengkapi data jumlah kromosom Asteraceae yang ada di lingkungan Kampus UI Depok. Telah dilakukan penghitungan jumlah kromosom ujung akar Porophyllum ruderale, Youngia japonica, Cosmos caudatus, Synedrella nodiflora, Ageratum conyzoides, Cyanthillium cinereum, dan Chromolaena odorata pada bulan April hingga Juni 2015. Jumlah kromosom 5 spesies Asteraceae yang berhasil ditentukan adalah Cosmos caudatus (2n=ca.22, 2n=ca.26, 2n=ca.32, 2n=ca.36, 2n=ca.38, 2n=ca.40, dan 2n=ca.44), Synedrella nodiflora (2n=ca.18, 2n=ca.26, 2n=ca.29, 2n=ca.34, 2n=ca.36, 2n=37, 2n=39, dan 2n=40), Ageratum conyzoides (2n=37 dan 2n=ca.42), Cyanthillium cinereum (2n=9, 2n=16, dan 2n=18), dan Chromolaena odorata (2n=ca.40, 2n=ca.44, 2n=57, dan 2n=60). Cosmos caudatus, Synedrella nodiflora, Cyanthillium cinereum, dan Chromolaena odorata bersifat mixoploid. Mixoploidi tidak dapat ditentukan pada spesies Ageratum conyzoides.
......Study of chromosome number of Asteraceae at Universitas Indonesia (UI) Campus Depok has been conducted previously in 2013. Result has been reported on chromosome numbers of 8 from 21 Asteraceae species at Universitas Indonesia, and 5 of them have variation in chromosome number. This study was addressed to complete chromosome number data of Asteraceae at Universitas Indonesia Campus Depok. Root tips chromosome counting of Porophyllum ruderale, Youngia japonica, Cosmos caudatus, Synedrella nodiflora, Ageratum conyzoides, Cyanthillium cinereum, dan Chromolaena odorata has been done from April to June 2015. Result shows that 5 species chromosome numbers are Cosmos caudatus (2n=ca.22, 2n=ca.26, 2n=ca.32, 2n=ca.36, 2n=ca.38, 2n=ca.40, and 2n=ca.44), Synedrella nodiflora (2n=ca.18, 2n=ca.26, 2n=ca.29, 2n=ca.34, 2n=ca.36, 2n=37, 2n=39, and 2n=40), Ageratum conyzoides (2n=37 and 2n=ca.42), Cyanthillium cinereum (2n=9, 2n=16, and 2n=18), and Chromolaena odorata (2n=ca.40, 2n=ca.44, 2n=57, and 2n=60). Cosmos caudatus, Synedrella nodiflora, Cyanthillium cinereum, and Chromolaena odorata are mixoploid. Mixoploidy cannot be determined on Ageratum conyzoides."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Isnaenisa Rachma
"Penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh jenis pretreatment terhadap kromosom Hibiscus rosa-sinensis telah dilakukan sejak Agustus 2016 hingga Mei 2017. Penelitian menggunakan dua faktor yaitu faktor pretreatment air dingin, paradichlorobenzene PDB, hydroxyquinoline OQ dan PDB:OQ 1:1 dengan variasi lama perendaman 3 jam, 6 jam, 12 jam dan 24 jam. Pengaruh masing-masing pretreatment terhadap fase pembelahan sel dari pucuk batang dapat dilihat melalui persentase interfase, profase awal, profase akhir, metafase, anafase, dan telofase.
Morfologi kromosom dan jumlah kromosom juga diamati. Jumlah profase awal dan profase akhir yang tinggi, serta jumlah interfase, metafase, anafase, dan telofase yang rendah digunakan untuk penentuan Pretreatment yang bekerja optimal.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pretreatment air dingin dengan lama perendaman 3 jam merupakan pretreatment terbaik untuk observasi kromosom. Morfologi kromosom Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L. yang diperoleh berukuran kecil, dengan jumlah kromosom banyak 2n=ca 28 mdash;67 dan bersifat miksoploidi.
......Study to know the effect of pretreatment to Hibiscus rosa sinensis L. chromosome has been carried on since August 2016 to May 2017. There was 2 factors that used, the pretreatment factors cold water, paradichlorobenzene PDB, hydroxyquinoline OQ, and PDB combined with OQ 1 1 and the soaking time length factors 3 hours, 6 hours, 12 hours and 24 hours. The influence of each pretreatment to the phase of cell division of shoot tip could be seen through the percentage of interphase, early prophase, late prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase.
Chromosome morphology and chromosome number also could be observed. The high number of early and late prophase, as well as low number of interphase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase, indicate that the pretreatment was optimum.
The results showed that pretreatment with cold water in 3 hours was optimum condition for chromosome obervation. The chromosome of Hibiscus rosa sinensis L obtained in this study has small size with large amount in number 2n ca 28 mdash 67 and mixoploid."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Silvia Sani
Identifikasi forensik sangat penting dalam penanganan kasus kriminal, kecelakaan, maupun bencana alam. Identifikasi forensik dilakukan untuk membantu proses investigasi dan mengembalikan korban kepada keluarga yang benar. Salah satu metode yang dapat dilakukan untuk membantu proses identifikasi forensik ialah analisis DNA dari sampel tulang. Tulang dipilih karena merupakan bagian tubuh yang paling awet dari proses pembusukan dan pelapukan dibandingkan bagian tubuh lainnya. Namun, tulang yang ditemukan di tempat kejadian perkara memiliki jumlah yang terbatas, sehingga penggunaan tulang untuk ekstraksi DNA harus seminimal mungkin. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk mendapatkan berat sampel yang efisien sehingga tidak merusak bentuk tulang sebagai barang bukti, namun dapat menghasilkan kesimpulan yang kuat. Penelitian dilakukan dengan mengektraksi DNA dari sampel tulang femur yang telah dijadikan bubuk terlebih dahulu. Bubuk sampel tulang diekstraksi menggunakan metode ektraksi organik fenol-kloroform. Hasil ekstraksi DNA kemudian dikuantifikasi menggunakan Real-Time PCR (RT-PCR). Hasil kuantifikasi DNA sampel tulang dari berat 100 mg, 150 mg, 200 mg, 250 mg, dan 300 mg didapatkan persamaan regresi linear y = 0,032x + 0,417, dengan y = berat DNA dan x = berat sampel tulang. Berdasarkan perhitungan dari rumus persamaan tersebut, berat minimal sampel tulang adalah sebesar 18,22 mg untuk 1 ng DNA.

Forensic identification is very important step for handling criminal, accident, and natural disaster cases. Forensic identification was done to assist the process of investigation and return the victim’s body back to their family. One of many methods that can help forensic identification process is DNA analysis from bone sample. Bone chosen because it’s weathering and decaying is slower than other tissues. Bones, found at the crime scene in limited amount, should be used with precaution. The aims of this research is to determine the minimum quantity of bone sample without damaging the bone profile as an evidence. Research was carried out by extracting DNA from femur bone samples that had been powdered beforehand. Bone powder samples were extracted using organic phenol-chloroform extraction. Quantification of DNA was performed by using Real-Time PCR (RT-PCR). The result of DNA quantification from bone samples quantity of 100 mg, 150 mg, 200 mg, 250 mg, and 300 mg were plotted to obtain linear regression equation y = 0,032x + 0,417, with y = DNA quantity and x = bone sample quantity. Derived from the equation, the minimum quantity of bone sample is 18,22 mg for 1 ng DNA.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tegoeh Noegroho
"Penelitian dilakukan pada Februari-Desember 2012 di Kuandang, Kabupaten Gorontalo Utara. PPP Kuandang adalah pelabuhan baru yang masih membutuhkan data-data terkait sumberdaya ikan, salahsatunya adalah tenggiri. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui aspek penangkapan meliputi produksi, komposisi, laju tangkap dan daerah penangkapan; aspek biologi seperti frekuensi panjang, hubungan panjang berat, faktor kondisi, panjang pertama kali tertangkap, dan kebiasaan makan; aspek biologi reproduksi meliputi: Tingkat Kematangan Gonad, Index Kematangan Gonad, perbandingan jenis kelamin, musim pemijahan, panjang pertama kali matang gonad, diameter dan jumlah telur.
Metode pengukuran ikan tenggiri (Scomberomorus commerson) diambil secara acak dari hasil tangkapan purse seine dan handline. Frekuensi panjang diperoleh dengan mengelompokkan ukuran ikan dengan interval kelas 6 cm. Ikan tenggiridi Teluk Kuandang melimpah pada Mei-Juli. Distribusi frekuensi panjang pada kisaran 25-138 cm denganyang didominasi ikan tenggiri yuwana 61.2%, dan ikan dewasa 38.8%.Ukuran pertama kali tertangkap dari pajeko lampu dan pancing ulur masing-masing 64.7 cm dan 71.9 cm.
Hasil uji-t terhadap nilai b hubungan panjang berat diperoleh sifat pertumbuhan ikan tenggiri pada Februari-April, Juli, Agustus, Oktober adalah isometrik; Mei-Juni alometrik negatif, September alometrik positif; dan November-Desember alometrik negatif. Ikan tenggiri di Teluk Kuandang memijah pada Mei-Juli. Perbandingan kelamin rata-rata ikan jantan dan betina adalah1,3:1. Panjang pertama kali matang gonad ikan tenggiri adalah 80.4 cm, kisaran 79.3-81.6 cm. Jumlah telur ikan tenggiri berkisar 417.360-9.476.520 butir, rata-rata 3.419.663 butir pada kisaran panjang 65-103 cm. Diameter telur pada TKG IV ditemukan pada bulan Juni, Agustus, dan November.Kebiasaan makan ikan tenggiri adalah ikan layang, teri, lemuru, petek, dan cumi-cumi.
......The study was conducted in February-December 2012 at Kuandang, North Gorontalo regency. Kuandang fishing port is a new port that still require resource data related to fish, one of them is the spanish mackerel. The purpose of this study was to determine the fishing aspects include production, catch composition, catch rates and fishing ground; biological aspects such as length frequency, length weight relationship, condition factor, length at first capture, and food habits; and an aspects of reproductive biology include: gonad maturity stage, gonadosomatic index, sex ratio, spawning season, length at first maturity, diameter and number of eggs.
Methods to measurement of spanish mackerel was taken random from the catch of the purse seine and handline. Length frequencies was obtained by grouping fish by size class interval 6 cm.Spanish mackerel in the Kuandang Bay abundant in May-July. Length frequency distribution in the size range of 25-138 cm with predominantly immatureand mature 61.2% and 38.8% respectively.
The result of t-test on the b value fromlength weight relationshipwas obtained that spanish mackerel growth in February to April, July, August, October was isometric; May to June was allometric negative;September was allometric positive, and November-December was allometric negative.Relative condition factor in June was lowthey have spawned. Spanish mackerel in Kuandang Bay spanedinMay-July. The ratioof male and female was1,3:1. While length at first maturity was about 80.4 cm, size range 79.3-81.6 cm. The number of spanish mackerel eggs between417.360-9.476.520 grains, the average is 3.419.663 grain, with size range between 65-103 cm. An eggs diameter of stage IV of maturity was found in June, August, and November. Food habits of spanish mackerel are scads, anchovies, clupeids, ponyfish, and squid."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vilya Syafriana
Isolat Penicillium sp. ID10-T065 dimutasi menggunakan sinar Ultraviolet
(UV), Etil Metil Sulfonat (EMS), dan kombinasi UV-EMS. Hasil mutasi
menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas enzim β-glukosidase pada mutan lebih tinggi
dibandingkan wild-type (1,78 U/ml), kecuali pada mutan UM23. Mutan UV13
mengalami peningkatan aktivitas β-glukosidase tertinggi (1,88 U/ml pada
selobiosa 0,1% dan 5,53 U/ml pada selobiosa 1%), sedangkan mutan UM23
menunjukkan aktivitas terendah (1,80 U/ml pada selobiosa 0,1% dan 1,75 U/ml
pada selobiosa 1%). Aktivitas β-glukosidase pada mutan EM31 sebesar 1,86 U/ml
pada selobiosa 0,1% dan 4,26 U/ml pada selobiosa 1%. Hasil analisis sekuen gen
β-glukosidase 1 (bgl1) menunjukkan bahwa seluruh mutan mengalami mutasi
substitusi ketika dibandingkan dengan sekuen wild-type. Mutan UV13 mengalami
perubahan basa nukleotida paling banyak (7 basa) dibandingkan mutan EM31(5
basa) dan UM23 (2 basa). Perubahan basa juga mengakibatkan gen mengalami
missense mutation sehingga terjadi kesalahan dalam penerjemahan kode asam
amino, kecuali pada basa ke-2037 dari mutan UV13 dan basa ke-2034 serta 2037
mutan EM31. Perubahan basa pada posisi tersebut tidak mengubah translasi asam
amino (silent mutation). Hasil analisis sekuen gen bgl1 dan aktivitas enzim
menunjukkan bahwa sinar UV merupakan mutagen efektif untuk peningkatan
aktivitas β-glukosidase pada isolat Penicillium sp. ID10-T065. Hasil identifikasi
secara molekuler dan analisis pohon filogenetik, isolat Penicillium sp. ID10-T065
memiliki kemiripan dan kekerabatan terdekat dengan spesies Penicillium

The Penicillium sp. isolate ID10-T065 was mutated using Ultraviolet
irradiation (UV), Ethyl Methyl Sulfonate (EMS), and combination of UV -EMS.
The results showed that β-glucosidase activity in the mutant was higher than that
of wild-type (1,78 U/ml), except for the mutant UM23. The β-glucosidase activity
in mutant UV13 showed the highest activity (1,88 U/ml at cellobiose 0,1% and
5,53 U/ml at cellobiose 1%), while mutant UM23 showed the lowest activity (1,80
U/ml at cellobiose 0,1% and 1,75 U/ml at cellobiose 1%). The β-glucosidase
activity of EM31 was 1,86 U/ml at cellobiose 0,1% and 4,26 U/ml at cellobiose
1%. The results of the DNA sequence analysis of β-glucosidase 1 (bgl1) showed
that all mutants had substitution mutations when compared to the wild-type
sequences. Mutant UV13 had the most base alteration (7 bases) compared to the
mutant EM31 (5 bases) and UM23 (2 bases). The bases alteration was leading to
missense mutation, except for the sequence of mutant UV13 at position 2037 and
mutant EM31 at position 2034 and 2037. The base alteration of the sequence did
not change the amino acid translation (silent mutation). The results of the DNA
sequences analysis of bgl1 and enzyme activities showed that UV light is an
effective mutagen to increase β-glucosidase activity in Penicillium sp. ID10-T065.
The molecular identification and phylogenetic analysis showed that Penicillium
sp. ID10-T065 was closely related with Penicillium oxalicum., The Penicillium sp. isolate ID10-T065 was mutated using Ultraviolet
irradiation (UV), Ethyl Methyl Sulfonate (EMS), and combination of UV -EMS.
The results showed that β-glucosidase activity in the mutant was higher than that
of wild-type (1,78 U/ml), except for the mutant UM23. The β-glucosidase activity
in mutant UV13 showed the highest activity (1,88 U/ml at cellobiose 0,1% and
5,53 U/ml at cellobiose 1%), while mutant UM23 showed the lowest activity (1,80
U/ml at cellobiose 0,1% and 1,75 U/ml at cellobiose 1%). The β-glucosidase
activity of EM31 was 1,86 U/ml at cellobiose 0,1% and 4,26 U/ml at cellobiose
1%. The results of the DNA sequence analysis of β-glucosidase 1 (bgl1) showed
that all mutants had substitution mutations when compared to the wild-type
sequences. Mutant UV13 had the most base alteration (7 bases) compared to the
mutant EM31 (5 bases) and UM23 (2 bases). The bases alteration was leading to
missense mutation, except for the sequence of mutant UV13 at position 2037 and
mutant EM31 at position 2034 and 2037. The base alteration of the sequence did
not change the amino acid translation (silent mutation). The results of the DNA
sequences analysis of bgl1 and enzyme activities showed that UV light is an
effective mutagen to increase β-glucosidase activity in Penicillium sp. ID10-T065.
The molecular identification and phylogenetic analysis showed that Penicillium
sp. ID10-T065 was closely related with Penicillium oxalicum.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nunung Iswatun Chasanah
"Indonesia adalah negara yang memiliki tingkat endemik tinggi terhadap demam tifoid, maka diperlukan vaksin tifoid yang paling aman, efektif dan efisien. Vaksin dari protein rekombinan lebih potensial dibandingkan dengan vaksin konvensional. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk melakukan uji standar mutu protein rekombinan native Fim-C Salmonella typhi meliputi, uji stabilitas fisik, kimia dan uji aktivitas serta uji keamanan protein pada hewan uji Mus musculus DDY. Analisis stabilitas fisik protein rekombinan native FIM-C S. typhi stabil pada semua parameter pengukuran tanpa mengalami perubahan yang berarti. Uji stabilitas warna menunjukan bahwa variasi suhu penyimpanan memiliki pengaruh dibandingkan lama penyimpanan p < 0,05. Uji stabilitas kimia menunjukkan protein rekombinan native Fim-C S. typhi mengalami degradasi terkecil pada suhu 4°C sebesar 6,7. Analisis Western Immunobloting bahwa protein rekombinan masih aktif setelah penyimpanan ditunjukkan dengan adanya interaksi antara protein dan antibodi primer anti Fim-C S. typhi. Hasil penelitian untuk uji keamanan menunjukkan bahwa parameter berat badan, hematologi, biokimia, setelah uji statistik menggunakan annova tidak berbeda nyata antara kelompok perlakuan dan kelompok kontrol P>0.05. Uji organ secara makroskopis berdasarkan berat organ hati, ginjal dan limpa dan morfologinya tidak ada kelainan, maka protein rekombinan native Fim-C S. typhi aman sebagai kandidat vaksin tipus.
Indonesia is a country with high endemic level of typhoid fever, for curative purposes needed the typhoid vaccine that most safety, effective and efficien. Vaccine produced from protein recombinant is more potential compare to the convensional one. Stability analysis of the recombinant protein was kept in room temperature 25-28°C, refrigerator 4°C and freezer 20°C, the parameter was monitored on the stability of the homogenicity, color, odor, pH for 10 days incubations showed that the recombinant native protein was stabil under assays condition without any changes as a native protein. Western Immunobloting also confirmed that the protein recombinant as a candidate vaccine indicated the interaction protein and primer antibody anti Fim C S. typhi. The results of safety test revealed that the parameters body weight, hematology, biochemistry, after statistical tests using Annova was not significantly different between the treatment group and control group P 0.05. Abnormality organs test based on the weight and morphology of organs liver, kidneys and spleen was normal. So that the native recombinant protein Fim C S. typhi is safe as typhoid vaccine candidate."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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