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Afina Raida Vinci
Abstrak :
[ABSTRAKbr Selama ini pengaruh ideologi terhadap pemberian suara belum banyak diteliti pada konteks Indonesia. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat pengaruh dari ideologi konservatisme, anti-sekularisme, tradisionalisme, dan sikap terhadap penegakan khilafah-syariah, terhadap pemberian suara pada Pemilu Presiden 2014. Ideologi konservatisme dan anti-sekularisme masing-masing diukur menggunakan skala konservatisme dan anti-sekularisme yang disusun oleh peneliti. Ideologi tradisionalisme diukur menggunakan item-item skala tradisionalisme yang digunakan Asian Barometer Survey Gelombang 3. Sikap terhadap penegakan khilafah syariah diukur menggunakan skala dari Chusniyah (2012). Responden penelitian merupakan 268 mahasiswa UI muslim yang telah memberikan suara pada Pemilu Presiden 2014. Analisis dilakukan dengan menggunakan model persamaan struktural. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh signifikan dari ideologi konservatisme (t = 1,96, p < 0,05) dan sikap terhadap penegakan khilafah-syariah (t = 1,99, p < 0,05), terhadap pemberian suara. Sementara itu tidak ditemukan pengaruh yang signifikan dari ideologi anti-sekularisme dan tradisionalisme. ;The effect of ideology towards voting choice had not been studied widely in Indonesia context. This research was conducted to see the effect of conservatism, anti-secularism, traditionalism, and attitude towards caliphate-sharia to voting choice in Presidential Election 2014. Conservatism and anti- secularism ideology was measured using respectively conservatism scale and anti-secularism scale developed by the researcher. Traditionalism ideology was measured using traditionalism items from Asian Barometer Survey Wave 3. Attitude towards the establishment of caliphate-sharia was measured using scale developed by Chusniyah (2012). There were 268 muslim students of Universitas Indonesia who had given their vote in Presidential Election 2014 as respondents involved in this research. The data was analysed using structural equation modeling. The result showed that there are significant effect from conservatism (t = 1,96, p < 0,05) and attitude towards the establishment of caliphate-sharia (t = 1,99, p < 0,05) to vote choice. Meanwhile, there was no significant effect found from anti-secularism and traditionalism ideology. ;The effect of ideology towards voting choice had not been studied widely in Indonesia context. This research was conducted to see the effect of conservatism, anti-secularism, traditionalism, and attitude towards caliphate-sharia to voting choice in Presidential Election 2014. Conservatism and anti- secularism ideology was measured using respectively conservatism scale and anti-secularism scale developed by the researcher. Traditionalism ideology was measured using traditionalism items from Asian Barometer Survey Wave 3. Attitude towards the establishment of caliphate-sharia was measured using scale developed by Chusniyah (2012). There were 268 muslim students of Universitas Indonesia who had given their vote in Presidential Election 2014 as respondents involved in this research. The data was analysed using structural equation modeling. The result showed that there are significant effect from conservatism (t = 1,96, p < 0,05) and attitude towards the establishment of caliphate-sharia (t = 1,99, p < 0,05) to vote choice. Meanwhile, there was no significant effect found from anti-secularism and traditionalism ideology. , The effect of ideology towards voting choice had not been studied widely in Indonesia context. This research was conducted to see the effect of conservatism, anti-secularism, traditionalism, and attitude towards caliphate-sharia to voting choice in Presidential Election 2014. Conservatism and anti- secularism ideology was measured using respectively conservatism scale and anti-secularism scale developed by the researcher. Traditionalism ideology was measured using traditionalism items from Asian Barometer Survey Wave 3. Attitude towards the establishment of caliphate-sharia was measured using scale developed by Chusniyah (2012). There were 268 muslim students of Universitas Indonesia who had given their vote in Presidential Election 2014 as respondents involved in this research. The data was analysed using structural equation modeling. The result showed that there are significant effect from conservatism (t = 1,96, p < 0,05) and attitude towards the establishment of caliphate-sharia (t = 1,99, p < 0,05) to vote choice. Meanwhile, there was no significant effect found from anti-secularism and traditionalism ideology. ]
Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amanda Kristanti Permadi
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat gambaran mengenai hubungan antara work values dan adaptabilitas karier pada siswa kelas 9. Hal tersebut karena siswa kelas 9 diharapkan sudah mengetahui dan mulai merencanakan kariernya di masa depan. Pengukuran work values dilakukan dengan alat ukur The Work Values Scale Ye, 2015. Sementara, adaptabilitas karier diukur menggunakan alat ukur Career Adapt-Abilites Scale CAAS Savickas Porfeli, 2012. Partisipan penelitian ini berjumlah 569 dari siswa kelas 9 SMP. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara work values dan adaptabilitas karier pada siswa kelas 9 R2 = 0.21, p < 0.01, sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa semakin berkembangnya work values pada siswa maka semakin baik kemampuan adaptabilitas karier pada siswa. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, penting bagi siswa kelas 9 untuk memiliki adaptabilitas karier yang baik dalam memilih jurusan di SMA, dan bagaimana work values dapat memberikan kontribusi pada adaptabilitas karier siswa kelas 9. ......This research aimed to find the relationship between work values and career adaptability among 9th grade students. The reason this research needs to be done is because 9th grade students are expected to be ready for their career in the future. Work values was measured using The Work Values Scale Ye, 2015 . Career adaptability was measured using Career Adapt Abilities Scales CAAS Savickas Porfeli, 2012. The participants of this research are 569 9th grade students. The result of this research show that work values have a significant relationship with 9th grades student rsquo s career adaptability R2 0.21, p 0.01. The result shows that the more developed the work values of the individual means the better the career adaptability of the students. Based on the results, it is important for 9th grade students to have a good career adaptability in order to prepares and choose majors in the next level of education, and work values can contribute towards the career adaptability of 9th grade students.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dinda Dian Citra Ramadhanty
Abstrak :
Parental stress yang ada pada orang tua di keluarga miskin terbukti menjadi faktor risiko kekerasan pada anak. Penelitian ini ingin melihat peran moderasi dari dukungan sosial yang dipercaya dapat menurunkan parental stress dan potensi kekerasan anak pada orang tua. Partisipan pada penelitian merupakan 100 ibu dari keluarga yang masuk dalam kategori miskin menurut Badan Pusat Statistika dan juga memiliki anak berusia 3-6 tahun, Hasil pengujian moderasi menunjukkan bahwa dukungan sosial tidak memiliki peran moderasi dalam hubungan potensi kekerasan (t = 3,72, p = 0,0003, LLCI = -0,0105 ULCI = 0,019; R2 = 0,23) dan parental stress di ibu pada keluarga miskin. Hasil penelitian ini memberikan penemuan baru mengenai konsekuensi negatif dari dukungan sosial pada keluarga miskin.Parental stress in poor families has been proved to be one of the risk factors to child abuse. This research aims to see the moderation role of social support that is believed to be able to lower parental stress and potential of child abuse in parents. One hundred mothers from households that were below the poverty line with kids from the age of 3 - 6 years old were the participants of this study. Results show that social support does not have a moderation role in the relationship between child abuse and parental stress in mothers from poor families (= 3.72, = .0003, LLCI = -.0105 ULCI = .019; R> = .23). This research gives a new founding about the negative consequences of social support in poor families. 
[, ]: 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ryan Eka Prasetya
Abstrak :
Career decision self-efficacy CDSE merupakan hal yang penting untuk dimiliki mahasiswa tingkat akhir dalam mempersiapkan diri memasuki dunia kerja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran peer support dan identitas etnis terhadap career decision self-efficacy. Alat ukur yang digunakan dalam penelitian yakni Career Decision Making Self Efficacy - Short Form CDSE- SF untuk mengukur CDSE; sementara pengukuran peer support menggunakan Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support; dan pengukuran identitas etnis menggunakan Multiple Ethnic Identity. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini merupakan 202 mahasiswa perantau tingkat akhir di Universitas Indonesia dengan metode pengambilan data secara daring. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hanya variabel peer support yang berperan terhadap tingkat CDSE R2= 0,075, p < 0,05 . Hasil penelitian ini dapat bermanfaat dalam menentukan kebijakan yang tepat untuk meningkatkan CDSE mahasiswa perantau UI. ...... Career decision self efficacy CDSE is important for final year undergraduates to make them ready to face the competition at work. The purpose of this study is to examine the role of peer support and ethnic identity on career decision self efficacy. The measurements that used in this study were Career Decision Making Self Efficacy Short Form to measure CDSE Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support to measure peer support and Multiple Ethnic Identity Measure Revised to measure ethnic identity. The participants in this study are 202 final year migrants undergraduates at Universitas Indonesia with online questionnaire method. Results of this study shows that peer support is the only variable that has a significant role towards CDSE R2 0,075, p 0,05 . The result of this study could help people to create policies and interventions related to migrants undergraduates at UI in order to increase their CDSE.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aulia Syafika Sarita Putri
Abstrak :
Mahasiswa baru Universitas Indonesia seringkali dihadapkan dengan berbagai tuntutan dan perubahan di lingkungan barunya sehingga berpotensi menimbulkan distres psikologis. Self-compassion merupakan sumber kekuatan yang dapat digunakan untuk mengatasi berbagai permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh mahasiswa baru. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara self-compassion dan distres psikologis pada mahasiswa baru program sarjana Universitas Indonesia dan penelitian ini merupakan bagian dari payung penelitian distres psikologis, dengan desain penelitian korelasional. Partisipan penelitian terdiri dari 393 mahasiswa baru Universitas Indonesia berusia 18-24 tahun. Variabel distres psikologis diukur dengan menggunakan Self Report Questionnaire 20 (SRQ-20), sedangkan variabel self-compassion diukur dengan menggunakan Self-Compassion Scale Short Form (SCS-SF). Hasil pengujian statistik menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan negatif yang signifikan antara self-compassion dan distres psikologispada mahasiswa baru program sarjana Universitas Indonesia r(393) = -.391, p < 0,01, one-tailed. Hal ini menunjukkan ketika self-compassion tinggi, maka tingkat distres psikologis yang dialami individu rendah. Hasil dari penelitian ini diharapkan mampu meningkatkan kesadaran individu untuk menggunakan pendekatan self-compassion ketika dirinya memiliki kecenderungan untuk mengalami distres psikologis.
First-year student of University of Indonesia faced with various demands and transformation in their new environment, so that they can potentially raises psychological distress. Self-compassion is a source of strength that can be used to overcome various problems faced by first-year student. This research aims to determine the relationship between self-compassion and psychological distress in first-year undergraduate student of University of Indonesia and part of psychological distress research with correlational study design. The research participants consisted of 393 first-year undergraduate student of University of Indonesia aged 18-24 years. Psychological distress variables are measured using Self Report Questionnaire 20 (SRQ-20), while the self-compassion variable is measured using the Self-Compassion Scale Short Form (SCS-SF). The results of statistical tests show that there is a significant negative relationship between self-compassion and psychological distress among first-year student of University of Indonesia r (393) = -.391, p <0.01, one-tailed, means that as self-compassion level increased, psychological distress may decreased. The results of this study are expected to increase individual awareness to use the self-compassion approach when they tend to experience psychological distress.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mardiana Trisnia Aditya
Abstrak :
Konflik antar orang tua yang terjadi terus menerus akan dapat diinterpretasikan oleh anak dan memiliki dampak pada anak. Pengalaman paparan konflik ini akan memengaruhi anak dalam ekspektasi mengenai hubungan romantis yang bersifat negatif. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat hubungan antara konflik antar orang tua dan optimisme dalam hubungan romantis pada emerging adulthood di Jakarta. Partisipan penelitian ini berusia 18-25 tahun, berjumlah 172 orang, saat ini masih tinggal dengan kedua orang tua, dan berdomisili di Jakarta. Child Perception of Interparental Conflict (CPIC) yang dikembangkan oleh Grych, Seid, dan Fincham tahun 1992 digunakan untuk mengukur persepsi anak mengenai konflik orang tua yang dilihatnya dan Optimism about Future Relationship Scale yang dikembangkan oleh Carnelley dan Janoff-Bulman tahun 1992 digunakan untuk mengukur optimisme dalam hubungan romantis pada emerging adulthood. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan negatif yang signifikan antara konflik antar orang tua dan optimisme dalam hubungan romantis pada emerging adulthood di Jakarta. Maka, untuk meningkatkan optimisme dalam hubungan romantis dalam diri perlu memperhatikan dinamika konflik orang tua yang terjadi dan meminimalkan dampaknya. ...... Continuous conflicts between parents will be able to be interpreted by the children and have an impact on them. The experiences of conflict exposure will affect children in forming an expectation toward romantic relationship that tend to negative. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between interparental conflict and optimism toward romantic relationship on emerging adulthood in Jakarta. Participants in this study were 172 participants, aged 18-25 years old, currently living with parents, and have domicile in Jakarta. Child Perception of Interparental Conflict (CPIC) developed by Grych, Seid, and Fincham in 1992 was used to measure children’s perceptions of interparental conflict that they saw. Optimism about Future Relationship Scale developed by Carnelley and Janoff-Bulman in 1992 was used to measure optimism toward romantic relationship on emerging adulthood. The results of this study indicate that there is a significant negative correlation between interparental conflict and optimism toward romantic relationship on emerging adulthood in Jakarta. Therefore, to increase optimism toward romantic relationship within oneself it is necessary to pay attention to the dynamics of interparental conflict that occurs and minimize its impact.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Suci Ramadhanty Setiawan
Abstrak :

Kecurangan akademik merupakan fenomena yang sering terjadi di lingkungan akademik. Fenomena tersebut merupakan perilaku yang biasa dilakukan oleh peserta didik Sekolah Menengah Atas (McCabe, 1999). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah kecurangan akademik memiliki hubungan dengan efikasi diri akademik dan hubungan tersebut apakah dimoderasi oleh dukungan guru. Sebanyak 136 peserta didik Sekolah Menengah Atas (106 perempuan dan 30 laki-laki) ikut berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini. Analisis korelasional pada penelitian ini dilakukan dengan teknik analisis Pearson’s correlation dan analisis regresi linear berganda dilakukan menggunakan program PROCESS v3.5 untuk melihat efek moderasi dukungan guru pada hubungan efikasi diri akademik dengan kecurangan akademik. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa terdapat hubungan negatif yang signifikan antara efikasi diri akademik dengan kecurangan akademik, dan tidak terdapat hubungan antara dukungan guru dengan kecurangan akademik. Lebih lanjut, dukungan guru tidak dapat memperkuat atau memperlemah hubungan efikasi diri akademik dengan kecurangan akademik pada peserta didik Sekolah Menengah Atas. Hasil penelitian ini dapat bermanfaat bagi praktisi sekolah untuk membuat program-program pendidikan yang dapat mengurangi kecurangan akademik di Indonesia.


Academic dishonesty is a phenomenon that often occurs in the academic environment. This phenomenon is a behavior commonly practiced by high school students (McCabe, 1999). This study aims to determine whether academic dishonesty has a relationship with academic self-efficacy and whether the relationship is moderated by teacher support. A total of 136 high school students (106 girls and 30 boys) participated in this study. Correlational analysis in this study conducted with Pearson's correlation analysis technique and multiple linear regression analysis performed using PROCESS v3.5 to see the effect of teacher support moderation on the relationship of academic self-efficacy with academic dishonesty. This study found that there was a significant negative relationship between academic self-efficacy and academic cheating, and there was no relationship between teacher support and academic cheating. Furthermore, teacher support cannot strengthen or weaken the relationship between academic self-efficacy and academic dishonesty on high school students. This results can be useful for school practitioners to create educational programs that can reduce academic dishonesty in Indonesia.

Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia , 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Salma Hanifaa
Abstrak :
Perkembangan teknologi secara cepat pada saat ini, memunculkan banyak perusahaan startup di Indonesia. Budaya kerja pada perusahaan startup dapat menyebabkan karyawan mengalami stres kerja. Ketika karyawan mengalami stres kerja dapat berdampak pada kualitas tidur yang dialaminya. Salah satu hal yang dapat membantu menjaga dampak stres kerja terhadap kualitas tidur adalah kontrol diri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara stres kerja dengan kualitas tidur, dan peran kontrol diri sebagai moderator pada karyawan perusahaan startup di Jabodetabek. Partisipan penelitian ini berjumlah 150 karyawan. Alat ukur yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), Job Stres Survey (JSS), dan Self Control Scale (SCS). Berdasarkan analisis statistik moderasi, hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa model statistik signifikan (p<.05) dengan 16.18% skor kualitas tidur dijelaskan oleh stres kerja dan kontrol diri. Stres kerja (β=.1691, t(146)=4.4491, p<.05) dan kontrol diri (β=-.0633, t(146)=-2.6081, p<.05) berhubungan dengan kualitas tidur karyawan secara signifikan. Hasil analisis moderator menunjukkan, kontrol diri tidak ditemukan memoderatori hubungan stres kerja dengan kualitas tidur karyawan (β=.0047, t(146)=1.1392, p>.05). Hasil temuan dari penelitian menjelaskan kualitas tidur dapat dipengaruhi oleh stres kerja dan kontrol diri.
The rapid development of technology at this time, gave rise to many startup companies in Indonesia. Work culture at startup companies can cause employees to experience work stress. When employees experience job stress can have an impact on the quality of sleep they experience. One of the things that can help maintain the impact of job stress on sleep quality is self control. This study aims to determine the relationship between job stress and sleep quality, and the role of self-control as a moderator in startup company employees in Jabodetabek. The number of participants in this research was 150 employees. Measuring instruments used in this study were the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), Job Stress Survey (JSS), and Self Control Scale (SCS). The results found that the statistically significant model (p <.05) with 16.18% sleep quality score was explained by job stress and self control. Job stress (β=.1691,t(146)=4.4491, p<.05) and self-control (β=-.0633,t(146)=-2.6081,p<.05) correlate significantly with employee sleep quality. The results of the moderator's analysis showed that self control was not found to moderate the relationship of job stress with the sleep quality of employees (β=.0047,t(146)=1.1392,p<.05). The findings of the study explain the quality of sleep can be influenced by work stress and self control.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Astari Meidina
Abstrak :
Prevalensi perokok yang berhasil berhenti merokok di Indonesia diketahui menunjukkan angka yang rendah. Mahasiswa merupakan sekelompok individu yang mengonsumsi rokok. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh smoking abstinence self-efficacy (SASE) dan frekuensi perilaku merokok terhadap perilaku sehat mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia yang memiliki keinginan berhenti merokok. Perilaku sehat yang diukur dalam penelitian ini meliputi sarapan, kudapan, aktivitas fisik, konsumsi alkohol, konsumsi rokok, dan menimbang berat badan. Penelitian korelasional ini melibatkan 153 partisipan yang terdiri dari 102 laki-laki, dan 51 perempuan dengan usia 18-25 tahun. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa SASE adalah prediktor yang lebih kuat memengaruhi perilaku sehat dibandingkan dengan frekuensi perilaku merokok. Pengukuran yang lebih mendalam terkait faktor-faktor yang dapat memengaruhi perilaku sehat pada perokok yang ingin berhenti dapat dieksplor lebih jauh.
Prevalence of smokers who succeed in their quit attempt in Indonesia is decreasing. Undergraduate students are a group of people who consume cigarettes. This study aims to investigate the effect of smoking abstinence self-efficacy (SASE) and cigarette smoking frequency on health behavior among undergraduate students of Universitas Indonesia who willing to quit smoking. The aspect of health behavior that are measured in this study are breakfast, snacking, physical activity, consumption of alcohol, consumption of cigarettes, and keep in healthy weight. The correlational study took a participants totally 153 students, 102 male, and 51 female in 18-25 years old. Results indicated that SASE was the strongest predictor of health behavior rather than cigarette smoking frequency. Further measurements related to factors that can influence health behavior in smokers who willing to quit can be explored further.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nadia Fourina Surya
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Berdasarkan data Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN), talasemia sudah ditetapkan sebagai penyakit katastropik kelima setelah jantung, kanker, strok, dan gagal ginjal Tujuan: Mengetahui biaya perawatan peserta JKN penderita talasemia di Indonesia dalam satu tahun dan faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan biaya perawatan tersebut. Metode: penelitian ini menggunakan desain studi potong lintang (cross-sectional) dengan analisis univariat, bivariate, dan multivariate. Sampel penelitan ini ialah pasien talasemia yang terdaftar sebagai peserta JKN berdasarkan data BPJS Kesehatan 2019-2020. Hasil: BPJS Kesehatan menghabiskan anggaran sebesar Rp. 564,780,608,657 untuk pengobatan pasien talasemia dalam satu tahun. Faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan biaya perawatan talasemia pada peserta JKN adalah jenis kelamin, umur, kelas rawat, tingkat kunjungan RJTL, tingkat kunjungan RITL, tingkat keparahan kasus, jenis talasemia dan obat kelasi besi (p-value<0,05). Kesimpulan: Pengobatan talasemia membutuhkan biaya yang besar dengan prediktor utama biaya perawatan talasemia adalah obat kelasi besi. ......Background: Based on data from the National Health Insurance (JKN), talasemia has been designated as the fifth catastrophic disease following heart disease, cancer, stroke and kidney failure. Objective: To find out the cost of treating JKN participants with talasemia in Indonesia in one year period and the factors associated with the cost of the treatment. Methods: a cross-sectional study design using univariate, bivariate, and multivariate analysis. The study sample is talasemia patients who are registered as JKN participants based on BPJS Health data for 2019-2020. Result: BPJS Health spends a budget of Rp. 564,780,608,657 for the treatment of talasemia patients in one year. Factors relating to the cost of treating thalassemia in JKN participants are gender, age, class category, outpatient visit, inpatient visit, case severity, type of thalassemia, and iron chelation drugs (p-value<0,05). Conclusion: Treatment of talasemia requires a large amount of money and the main predictor of talasemia treatment costs is the use of iron chelation drugs.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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