Abstrak :
ABSTRAKTesis ini membahas kaitan antara memori dan opresi gender yang dialami tokoh utama perempuan di dalam novel The Teardrop Story Woman (1998) karya Catherine Lim dengan menggunakan konsep seks/gender Kate Millett dan teori
memori Daniel Schacter. Analisis memperlihatkan bahwa memori berperan
sebagai sarana internalisasi konstruksi sosial yang bersifat gender-oppressive
yang menghalangi tokoh utama perempuan untuk keluar dari opresi gender.
Namun, di saat yang bersamaan, memori ? melalui proses seleksi ? juga dapat
digunakan sebagai strategi pertahanan tokoh utama perempuan dalam menghadapi
opresi gender ketika perlawanan secara nyata tidak mungkin dilakukan
ABSTRACTThis thesis is aimed at finding out the connection between memory and gender
oppression that is experienced by the female protagonist in Catherine Lim?s The
Teardrop Story Woman (1998). Using Kate Millett?s concept of sex/gender and
Daniel Schacter?s memory theory, the analysis shows that memory serves as a
means of internalizing gender-oppressive social constructions that eventually
prevent the female protagonist from rebelling against gender oppression.
However, at the same time, memory ? through selection process ? also serves as a
defense strategy that helps the female protagonist cope with gender oppression in
a situation where real resistance is not possible